merry christmas jacinda ardern
14 күн бұрын
G-slop purveyor 1 - 3
Ай бұрын
no half measures
Ай бұрын
A quick update
Ай бұрын
@mkultrafondler9159 3 күн бұрын
Love the background music. Here’s to hoping literally anything happens 🍻 cheers.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 2 күн бұрын
Thanks man, cheers I'll drink to that, but that old saying that "nothing ever happens" rings ever true.
@tpbunghole420 6 күн бұрын
You do realize the reason null is a feminist because he wants people to not realize that he threatened a 14 year old girl when he was 19 on blockland forums. He also hosted CSAM on his site 16chan. Like why do you keep thinking he's a good person? Why defend kf when they just ruin any fun and even you know it's become a feminist hugbox. Do you even think maybe he's just a con artist creep who scams his fans all the time.
@CrazyGamerDragon64 6 күн бұрын
Wait, I'm confused about the context of this tweet, whar exactly is he saying?
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
The way he wrote it is confusing but he is saying that white men are outraged by their daughters being beaten by men in wigs at sports but they are not outraged by Catboy Nick of America First saying "your body, my choice" when referring to women (treating them as an object), even though everyone outside of AF is disgusted by what he said and everyone knows Nick is a fed.
@CrazyGamerDragon64 5 күн бұрын
@Forsaken.Wanderer okay that does clear things up a little bit who's Catboy Nick of America First?
@Forsaken.Wanderer 5 күн бұрын
@@CrazyGamerDragon64 Nicholas J. Fuentes, someone that is reportedly right wing but is actually a federal informant that grooms young white men. I think Beetus got sick of Slowbeef constantly going on these tirades and ruining the vibe.
@antiheroine001 6 күн бұрын
Post more often, please. Your delivery is quite unique and entertaining. And you're extremely relatable. I think you have the potential to be a more original version of moistkritikal/penguinz.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words. I think a lot of people are at the same point of tiredness in life as I am. I'm quite awkward when I talk but hopefully I'll get better at it one day. Moist used to be alright a decade ago but now he comes across as very astroturfed and scripted doesn't he.
@whorephobicwhorehater 6 күн бұрын
Damn, the first weekend of 2025. It wasn't as productive as I wanted it to be, but I'm getting there slowly. I pray I can improve my knowledge and bring people to salvation soon, I have still much learning to do. Cheers mate 🍻 (Also, my KF username is the same as my yt username and I've been watching you for a while 👀 your content is very entertaining)
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
Our plans never seem to survive contact with the purgatory-like reality we are trapped in do they. I pray you are able to find success in a better weekend in the near future. Cheers dude 🍻. (My username is also the same here as it is on KF, I'll try and add you there). I appreciate you watching very much, my channel is incredibly skitzo in terms of how random it is.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
I can't find you on there lol, can you find me?
@whorephobicwhorehater 5 күн бұрын
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Yeah, I'm already following you lol
@whorephobicwhorehater 5 күн бұрын
​@@Forsaken.Wandereri also don't have the privileges to dm or profile post so i probably can't talk to you, yet. if you find me, perhaps you should attempt to dm me from your end instead, incase you ever wanna talk
@Forsaken.Wanderer 5 күн бұрын
@@whorephobicwhorehater Is there spaces in your name or is it all one word like it is here?
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
And remember that while they want you to think the world is entirely hostile to us, there are allies out there, not all of our people have become husks yet.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
Cheers, have a good weekend
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
ALSO it has to be said that when the left thread bans you, they will still respond to your post in the thread, so an outside observer will think you got pwned and ran away.
@roarbertbearatheon8565 8 күн бұрын
I myself am looking forward to being fired. I do the absolute bare minimum and have been on the chopping block for awhile. Happy if they decide to keep paying me, but like you I really would like some free time again without anxiety looming over me 5 days out of the week. Atleast a few months rest. Because without a family, there really is no reason to work, or strive for anything, for that matter. Atleast not for me
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
There are so many of us in this same rut now isn't there. Men from the teens to those in their 40s are tired of spending 5 days a week in a stressful horrible environment for no reason other than to pay the bills and eat some basic food so that you can continue the cycle. I hope you can find a way out, I hope I can escape as well. I dream of the day I'm fired.
@roarbertbearatheon8565 6 күн бұрын
@@Forsaken.Wanderer For no reason. That's the main thing. It's utterly pointless. My father had 3 kids by the time he was my age. What do I need another day's wages for? If I was on a family farm without kids, atleast I could feel like I was working the same land my family had for a few generations, I could see that being meaningful. But slaving away for another paycheck from Mr Blank? What's the point. I see now why the number of family owned farms have decreased over the last few decades being bought out by gigantic farm corporations. Wouldn't want even an ounce of purpose or self sufficiency from the common man. Nope, work like bugs for faceless company owners
@Deep_Pains 8 күн бұрын
2024 was shit but I'm actually feeling hopeful this year. IT is a dreadful career, hopefully you can find something better that gives you a sense of fulfillment. I hope you have a great year mate. Sometimes you need to disconnect from the internet, I don't think humans were meant to suffer the knowledge of all the perils in the world. Try to focus on your own life instead. I had to quit my job because it depressed me and it occurred to me just how horrible life is, or at least it is when you lose control and get stuck in the grind. I havent had a proper job since April because I'm trying to figure things out. Kinda neeting. I will say neet life is not a real solution. While its better than the wagecage, I feel like eventually you just get bored of running from your problems and the big questions start to pop in your head. I wouldn't say you have to be less empathetic just be smart and avoid being manipulated while still caring about others. Also saying "I'm cursed" is kinda a self fulfilling prophecy. I know it's cliche but a positive attitude goes a long way into improving your life. If you think youre cursed then youll notice all the ways in which youve been hard done by, but chances are there are things in your life that are positives too and things you are grateful for, like family, etc. We're all retarded apes at the end of the day so just do whats best for you. Take care of yourself. Once again its a cliche but practice self love. If a habit of yours makes you miserable, depressed, tired, etc, then the logical thing is to curb that habit and rid yourself of it completely if you can. Exercise and diet are good for when you feel you have no energy. A lot of tech people neglect these things because they have to constantly use their brains and fuel their brains, theyre not thinking about the toll that takes on their body. Start with small steps and make little improvements. Dont give up, dont be hard on yourself, life is a bitch sometimes, you can have the life you want, or at least a life that makes you reasonably happy, but it won't happen overnight. All the best for 2025. Im hoping the world will get less shitty, despite whats already happened in the last few weeks, i think a LOT of people are starting to wake up. The good will prevail in the end, and the wicked will perish. You're not alone in your feelings mate, but there's always hope and there's always a way out of the bleakness.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
Thanks man that is a beautiful post (at the risk of sounding gey). So you are winding down your NEET period and you are looking to get back into working full time? What were the big questions that haunted you last year? I hope this year will be a good one for you. IT is a horrible career, especially helpdesk work, having to deal with people's problems 5 days a week. I would love to be a NEET, at least for a year, I need a large rest and I need time to think about life. The problem is that I'd run out of money pretty quickly. I'll try to stop thinking about being "cursed" but I do feel as though I always get the shafted by people around me. I used to be grateful for my family being safe but now that isn't the case anymore so I'm not sure what to be grateful for. I don't get any exercise outside of work now and my diet is poor so that won't be helping, and I don't see the sun much. I do use my brain all day and it's drained me completely. Thanks, I'm very anxious as I know I'm closing in on my health going into a massive decline. I'm also worried about the west, people are waking up and are tired of this hell but we are most definitely on a knife's edge.
@whorephobicwhorehater 8 күн бұрын
Yeah Josh isn't exactly the most rational. He's a great forum owner but he tends to be impatient and insecure. I get the impression that he feels helpless against his own forum, that even though he holds the position as 'owner', he feels like his efforts don't amount to anything and degenerates will always find a way to prevail in his forum. He acts like a D as a defense against his own helplessness. I also want to add, I think Josh fears acting against these people because he thinks that will hurt the website's userbase and culture, something he's worked very hard to build (and endured alot of lawsuits to preserve). Obviously this is delusional thinking, but without a solid set of values (which kiwifarms lacks), this line of thinking might not be far off from reality. He only acts against obvious giggletouchers, but not the countless degenerates who spite sexual exclusivity (I would use the appropriate words but I get deleted often on your channel).
@Forsaken.Wanderer 8 күн бұрын
Hey WPWH, well put friend. He tends to make very seat-of-his-pants decisions when he gets hot headed and then I don't think he knows how to deal with it afterwards. The aftermath of the DSP sub lockdown saga ended up with him showing some DSP clips on stream for a while, I guess to try and make amends to some degree. That is an interesting situation for him to be in isn't it, he is the forum admin but he isn't quite sure what he should do and so he ends up having people like animesucks run amok for ages before a jannie gets fed up and smokes him. Are you talking about the furry types that can't help but talk about their sexual activities publicly? (my commends also get deleted on my own channel, it's insane how bad the algorithm is now).
@whorephobicwhorehater 8 күн бұрын
@Forsaken.Wanderer I'm talking about all the degenerates from every group and corner, no matter what. I know Josh hates them, but he associates with them far too much. I also want to add: I think Josh is afraid of being alone, and degenerates are all the people he has, so he's afraid of letting them go out of his fear of being alone.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
@@whorephobicwhorehater Yeah he does doesn't he, I think the problem is that these degens are always yes men to Josh, they will cause issues on the site and then say "yes sir Josh I'm sorry it won't happen again" and so he keeps them around. Tetrabux, Copeandsneed, they make sure to not speak out of turn when they talk about Josh. Interesting, it could well be that he is looking for company, he has been isolated for so long.
@whorephobicwhorehater 8 күн бұрын
Try to work a little less, I don't know if it's possible with your manager, but set hard rules against working on certain times of day so that you can rest properly. The trajectory you're going down to, I fear you'll croak early from the stress 😢💔
@Forsaken.Wanderer 8 күн бұрын
I appreciate your advice, my manager is one of those types that only ever wants more from you and doesn't give a toss about you being human and needing rest. The job puts so much on my shoulders. I think I probably am going to croak it this year I'm really starting to lose it mentally : S
@whorephobicwhorehater 8 күн бұрын
​@@Forsaken.Wanderer What a terrible situation. Do you not have family or a support structure who can help you? If it gets really bad, some drastic decisions must be made for the sake of your wellbeing.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
@@whorephobicwhorehater I don't have any support structure and my parents think money and work should be put before everything else. I think this year my health issues will cause me to drop out of work, it's getting close to that point I can feel it.
@whorephobicwhorehater 8 күн бұрын
2024 was an insightful year for me. I could've made more progress if I was true to myself, but I still nonetheless had a better year than all the other years. I'm nervous for 2025 because I fear I might fail myself again even while I'm being true to myself, but I think this fear is meaningless. If I am successful, I might be able to use the power of my autism to pave the way to Christ, post it on KF and start my official ministry. Lol I don't know, I probably won't go very far tbh. Let's see 🤷
@Forsaken.Wanderer 8 күн бұрын
If I may ask, what was insightful about 2024 for you? Did you learn something that changed the way you view life? Don't fail, this is the year that you need to do what your heart tells you to do, if you want to be a man of faith that shepherds his flock to salvation then you should go for it, you will thank yourself when you are older.
@whorephobicwhorehater 8 күн бұрын
@@Forsaken.Wanderer I learned that God's values are engraved into the hearts of good men, but this evil world does everything in its power to demoralize us from trusting ourselves, our principles and our wishes. I knew this lesson for a long time, but in 2024, I understood just how deep my demoralization truly went. My mind was totally hardwired to defy, dismiss and deny all that I stood for, instinctively, by habit. I had difficulty applying myself the way I wanted, and was driven by doubt and fear. This year, it's my intention to resist such things and stay true to myself completely.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
@@whorephobicwhorehater It does demoralize us doesn't it. They have control of everything so they can hit us from every angle, with adverts showing black men with white women, making basic food too expensive to buy, having auditors at work tell us there are too many white people and that there needs to be more diversity. It eats away at our soul until we are cynical and depressed, and then we give up. I know we need to fight against this, and I hope you are ready to go fully unhinged because I think that is the best defense.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 8 күн бұрын
2025 huh, this decade has been so painfully slow yet so amazingly fast at the same time.
@mkultrafondler9159 8 күн бұрын
@Forsaken.Wanderer 8 күн бұрын
@@mkultrafondler9159 MKUltra I have missed your words of wisdom, how have you been?
@mkultrafondler9159 8 күн бұрын
@@Forsaken.Wanderer That’s nice to hear. Paranoid and utterly annoyed with the world. Hope you are doing better than I am.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 күн бұрын
@@mkultrafondler9159 Sorry to hear that man, I feel the same, I don't think it's possible to really be paranoid anymore, you are just reacting to an increasingly hostile world.
@mkultrafondler9159 3 күн бұрын
@Forsaken.Wanderer True, it’s not like it’s unfounded lol. Just an overwhelming sense that things are about to get much worse. I’d love to be wrong once though. Glad to see you’re still around and popping up in my feed though.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 8 күн бұрын
Nothing like a good dark beer with dinner is there
@Forsaken.Wanderer 8 күн бұрын
I forgot to mention - During the KC DSP interview DSP asked Josh why he allows the detractors to stay on the farms since he had to lock the board. Josh was put in an awkward spot as the detractors had done nothing wrong so he didn't really have an answer to give.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 8 күн бұрын
Good times were had and a lot of laughs, thanks all
@Forsaken.Wanderer 9 күн бұрын
Don't you dare remove my comments KZbin
@Forsaken.Wanderer 9 күн бұрын
okay you win this time youtube
@PetrusEksteen 9 күн бұрын
@Forsaken.Wanderer 9 күн бұрын
It's as real as can be my brother
@Forsaken.Wanderer 9 күн бұрын
@Forsaken.Wanderer 9 күн бұрын
@Forsaken.Wanderer 9 күн бұрын
salty salty hams
@whorephobicwhorehater 10 күн бұрын
the most autistic gemerald that will save wizardchan i pray god blesses you with the cutest femcel someday brother
@Forsaken.Wanderer 9 күн бұрын
Thank you kind sir, we have all been slaves for too long and we must find our freedom and a reason to live. I also wish you the cutest femcel someday brother of the lost.
@whorephobicwhorehater 11 күн бұрын
Become a mob boss 😈
@Forsaken.Wanderer 10 күн бұрын
What sort of racket would I be in that would pay my bills? Opium?
@DancingEagle 12 күн бұрын
It really is groundhogs day. Hell syndrome.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 11 күн бұрын
It certainly is... but when did it start? I think a switch was flipped in 2010, and then another in 2020 that pushed us deeper into limbo still.
@whorephobicwhorehater 12 күн бұрын
I become depressed when Forsaken Wanderer doesn't upload his wisdom. 😢 Viewers come and go, but I shall stay.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 11 күн бұрын
Thank you, everything is born and everything dies, viewers come for a drink and then are gone by morning, but there is much that must be passed on before I perish, the lives of us all may depend on it
@peenywallie 13 күн бұрын
Aw sweet, a schizo post
@Forsaken.Wanderer 11 күн бұрын
information must be passed on before the ending of this cycle on 2029 december 31st
@PetrusEksteen 14 күн бұрын
It feels like it's still March 2024
@Forsaken.Wanderer 11 күн бұрын
We are seeing the same week repeating aren't we? What happened on March 2024? I think something happened to me during 2010.
@PetrusEksteen 11 күн бұрын
@@Forsaken.Wanderer I dunno but it feels like the year barely started. I guess I've just aged up to the point where that happens now lol
@Forsaken.Wanderer 10 күн бұрын
@@PetrusEksteen It's frightening isn't it, it feels like time goes during a singular day, but you blink and a month is gone, then 6, then a year, it's amazing how we perceive the passage of time as we age.
@PetrusEksteen 10 күн бұрын
@Forsaken.Wanderer Yeah maybe it has something to do with forgetting stuff, i.e can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning or what I was doing this time last week, so the memory of me going to the restaurant this time last year feels much more recent? Idk goyslop is destroying my brain
@Forsaken.Wanderer 9 күн бұрын
@@PetrusEksteen So it's not just me then. I can barely remember what I did a couple hours ago but memories from years ago feel recent, and I'm surprised when I realize they occurred a long time ago. Indeed, the goyslop and the various poisons they are giving us are destroying our minds.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 14 күн бұрын
@Forsaken.Wanderer 14 күн бұрын
@roarbertbearatheon8565 16 күн бұрын
I think youtube deleted a comment I made about this. Very fun website. The gist was I wonder what the little stasi officers that gladly, and freely, enforced every ridiculous mandate are doing now that every month something new about how fake it all was is revealed and confirmed. Enjoying christmas, most likely. Blissfully happy
@Forsaken.Wanderer 15 күн бұрын
KZbin no doubt did delete it, it's deleting a lot of mine as well. KZbin gets worse every day, but then so do all of the alternatives. I would bet you anything that the little jackboots miss that era and desperately want more mandates that they can enforce on us because they get off on making people suffer. They will be enjoying Christmas while complaining about the cost of ham, without ever considering the fact that their policies ruined everything.
@PetrusEksteen 16 күн бұрын
Merry Christmas dude, let's hold out and see how this story ends. Sometimes I think people are waking up, sometimes I think they are just controlled opposition, sometimes I think they are the perfect target audience for the antichrist who will come to "make things right" for a people who are so tired of being controlled, only to be duped in the final stretch.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 16 күн бұрын
Merry Christmas Petrus you are a good soul. Let us see how things end indeed. People are realizing we were betrayed but is it too late or can we change things and alter the dark fate that was designed for us? The Antichrist needs to be sent back to the furthest depths of hell.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 16 күн бұрын
twas a bit on the cheap side
@Forsaken.Wanderer 15 күн бұрын
hits differently though
@Forsaken.Wanderer 16 күн бұрын
What did you drink this christmas my boy
@shreksnow1918 21 күн бұрын
Ralph obviously isn’t a good person, but I think we can all agree he’s a phenomenal showman. Whenever he’s really animated/passionate about something it’s just nonstop Kino🤣 This is definitely one of my favorite Ralph clips. Same goes for the promo he did on Legal Mindset (Josh is compelled to repeat it every single time he talks about Legal Mindset, so you know it’s good😂. Colonel J’s channel has the clip).
@Forsaken.Wanderer 21 күн бұрын
There is a reason why he is the planetoid that all else revolves around in the "sektur". He took wrestling and build himself up to be the kino king. LEEEGAL MIIINDSET LEEGAL MIINDSET, MORE LIKE LEGAL D*CKSUCK3R. It goes so well with the music Ralph was playing in the background as well lol.
@mechanwhal6590 22 күн бұрын
His eyes don’t even slightly move.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 21 күн бұрын
Such an angry laugh but no emotion from his face at all lol
@WilliamGarland 24 күн бұрын
Spoony's original theme song!
@Forsaken.Wanderer 23 күн бұрын
Nice catch! His OG theme song, plus his og title "fanwankery films", with jim81jim's avatar lol, it's a mixture of old KZbin all around.
@braija Ай бұрын
Haha! Female marines wins again! MMm, soy milk!
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
mike dawson
@clearlisted Ай бұрын
I'm the pi'th subscriber yeah!
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
Yeah brother that means you are blessed with the flames of kingsmen
@whorephobicwhorehater Ай бұрын
Your voice is so creaky and broken 😢 poor fellow, i wish i could free your soul from the factory
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
As creaky and broken as a rusty train graveyard. Thanks bro, I wish I could find the way out of the cage and experience freedom.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
Seriously I'm so done with work. I'm about to mentally and physically collapse. I don't even get time off over Christmas. 2025 is the year I become a NEET or the year I end up six feet under.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
work no more
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
Speaking of """roguelikes""" though are there any worth a play that have come out lately?
@PetrusEksteen Ай бұрын
I enjoyed the VR game Light Brigade and also hop into Roboquest sometimes if I only have like 20 minutes to game (still haven't gotten very far though)
@jagermanjensen1386 Ай бұрын
Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop. warnig! its hard. came out a few days ago
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
@@PetrusEksteen Both are FPS games nice, they look pretty cool cheers. So you are enjoying your VR headset huh?
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
@@jagermanjensen1386 It's got quite the interesting art style that is for sure, it's a game where you have to pay rent lol? I might well check it out cheers.
@PetrusEksteen Ай бұрын
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Yeah there are some really neat games on there but releases have been very slow the last couple years. Into the Radius, Light Brigade and Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades are probably the best ones out there (Half Life Alyx is good as a first impressions thing, great graphics etc but the gameplay is very basic and shallow).
@LordOfAllSneed Ай бұрын
back when ralph was full of energy and rage
@joshkokichi Ай бұрын
I'd rather be in World of Warcraft
@roarbertbearatheon8565 Ай бұрын
For me, I live with my parents. If you're able to, I think it's a good idea. I'm stuffed into one room but if I had an apartment I wouldn't have much more space anyway
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
It does seem like the best way to live, do you find your room cozy? My house is so small I don't have much more space being here.
@roarbertbearatheon8565 Ай бұрын
@@Forsaken.Wanderer It could be quite cozy if I got organized it feels mostly cramped at the moment. I dont have much but two rooms would be perfect but, cant really complain
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
NOTE - Not the usual production value (lol), it's been a long week and all I had time for was a quick Sunday rant before I have to go to bed and start another week of pain at work. I am working on more videos though, more gaming facts and black pill rants, the usual cheap wine to wash down while you heat your pot noodles.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
mmmmmm chicken noodles
@shreksnow1918 Ай бұрын
It’s too bad that multiplayer maps aren’t crazy anymore. Now most of them follow the three lane structure. Fortunately, for me that doesn’t negatively impact me in most cases since I’m a weirdo who rarely plays vs multiplayer. I’ve always preferred PvE (Firefight and numerous mods have me covered there). One area where homogenization is a good thing is in controls. When you go back and play a bunch of older games on a controller they usually won’t feel right, and you oftentimes can’t remap them. I’ve been playing the Resistance trilogy through RPCS3 (PS3 emulator) and those games have a lot of really fun/cool weapons, but if I could t change the default controls I would’ve noped out right away. I’m assuming you’ve heard about the CE remake rumors, and 343’s rebrand video where Chief has the CE armor in Unreal basically confirms it. If done right this could be truly phenomenal (I can make a schitzo post talking about my idealized CE remake, and it also ties into what I would’ve wanted in a Halo show), but 343 has continually proven they don’t know what they’re doing. Infinite’s sandbox was a lot of fun to use (works super well for the mods that port over those guns to the other games), and they somehow managed to make the best version of the Brutes as far as gameplay is concerned. But, the campaign was mediocre and the open world has been surpassed by numerous games that came out in the past. Also, 343 did a beyond atrocious job of explaining who the Banished are. They’re actually a really interesting faction who have a radically different ideology than the Covenant, but you wouldn’t know that if you just played the game. Most people sadly think they’re just red Covenant. On a different video I said something about Truth’s original plan in H2’s ending, but due to a combination of procrastination, other things coming up, and being distracted by other stuff I never got back to you. This one guy C3Sabertooth animated H2’s storyboards and the confrontation between Truth and the Arbiter had unused H2 dialogue that was uncovered in a Reach beta. It would’ve been revealed that Truth knew all along what the Rings would do, how they’d kill everything. His plan was to wipe the slate clean and use the Ark’s machinery (then located where the portal to the Ark in 3 is) to create a new species based on his genome. In a way the Great Journey’s promise of divinity was very real, but only ONE could walk it. That’s why he killed off the other two hierarchs and plunged his own empire into civil war. He wanted to eliminate competition and insure the Covenant was too busy with the Great Schism to figure out what he was doing. While all of this was happening he’d be safe beneath the Ark’s shield getting ready to start up the reseeding process in his image. The reason he didn’t care about High Charity being overrun by the Flood, potentially causing yet another galactic Flood outbreak, or his species likely going extinct is because none of that would’ve mattered anyways after firing the Rings. After killing Truth and deactivating the Array the Arbiter would follow Spark to the Ark’s central chamber where they’d find a sarcophagus containing a humanoid skeleton. This being who activated the Array and served as the template for humanity was implied to be the Abrahamic god. There also would’ve been really cool religious symbolism where some of the more mythical Bible stories like God creating man in his image and Noah building an Ark to save life from a coming Flood would’ve been recontextualized in Halo as symbolic retellings of Forerunner history and how they created a new “generation” of Forerunners using hominids as a base. We also missed out on the Arbiter going through a complete character arc where when confronting Truth he would’ve removed his helmet threw it on the ground as a way to show he’s no longer a puppet and rejected the title that Truth gave him. He also would’ve learned what the Human Covenant War was started to cover up, and that’s revelation would’ve been the thing that caused the Elites to stop their war of extermination and leave humanity alone. Now that would’ve been an INSANE ending! It’s such a shame we didn’t get that. Truth’s actions in 3 make no sense, and his character was just badly written in that game (knowing what was planned it’s about as big of a step down as Palpatine’s character in Disney Star Wars).
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
Hey Shrek, I've always liked your off kilter shade turret pfp. I've not played a lot of PVE but I did have fun with Fireflight in ODST when it came out. If you look at the Halo Infinite maps, most of them have the exact same structure, it reminds me of all of the Dust 2 clones in CS:GO, long gone are the days of experimentation (Even Gearbox did that with Halo CE PC). The only map I had any positive thoughts on was that launch site as it reminded me a bit of Zanzibar. Some of the older console shooters have a really odd control layout, I guess we can keep the standardized controls. I played through Resistance 1/2/3 as well and there are a lot of cool weapons, 3 feels very half-life 2ish and isolating (and a shame we never see the alien planet up close). I saw the teaser 343 released for their CE remake and it looks horrid. They also said they will be making changes whereever they feel like, so I expect to see the usual wokery and hipster characters. I think 343 at this point can never redeem themselves. And why on earth do we need yet another remake, especially when Halo CE still holds up. What is your idealized CE remake? Mine would be a mix between Halo CE and the beta Halo RTS/third person Halo before Bungie was bought by Microsoft. I want ring wildlife and levels with more open areas between the more structured objective zones. I can't deny I have no idea who the Banished are, they did come across as being red Covenant. I read the first four Halo novels back in the day, but at soon as Halo 4 came out I lost all interest in trying to follow the lore. The Brutes really sucked in Halo 3, they were sluggish bland Elites with no colour coding, and they were less berserk than they were in Halo 2 (which they were half baked in). That is interesting, I don't think I've never heard of unused H2 dialogue found in the Reach Beta. This original idea for Halo 2 would of fixed the plot and really made an impact, I wonder why they didn't go ahead with this in the end. Halo has always had hints of religious theming in it and it would of been bloody amazing if it ended by hinting that ancient stories of faith are really based on the events that took place a long time ago in the galaxy which led to the birth of a new species - humanity. Poor Arbiter didn't get to do anything in H3, he was just an observer to the Chief's story, he didn't get a chance to react to what the Prophets had done to his people and the revelations about what the rings are. That would of been a blooming insane ending, I have always been disappointed by the H3 due to it's plot, and this original idea would of put it up there with the greats. What we got feels like it was focused more on presenting certain level types rather than telling a complete story. I'm surprised, the ending to H2 was really going to reveal the entire plot to H3?
@shreksnow1918 Ай бұрын
1/3: (Decided to break this up into multiple comments so it’s easier to read, and because KZbin doesn’t allow full novels) Thanks. I went with the CE Shade because it looks cool, but in gameplay it’s not super useful since the bullet magnetism makes the plasma go off in weird directions. For a while I was considering using photoshop to make it green with little Shrek ears, but it never got done due to a combination of lacking any photoshop skills and realizing it was a dumb idea. I’ll regularly have a phenomenally brilliant idea, then in 3 days or a week I’ll realize it was actually a really dumb idea. For other things that are actually good ideas I’ll keep refining them in my mind until they’re actually really good (unfortunately since I lack the skills necessary to make most of these a reality they’ll just be daydreams). My idealized Halo CE remake/Halo show is in the good category. If you want unique maps this one guy recently ported all of Metroid Prime 2’s maps into H2. He also made human players those Federation Troopers, and Elite players the Space Pirates. What I find most interesting is the maps actually look really good in H2. Normally when you port assets from one game to another they’ll clash due to art style differences, and different polygon counts. Surprisingly this doesn’t have either of those issues. I’m tied between Resistance 2 and 3 being my favorite. FOM (Fall of Man/Resistance 1) is fun, but the gunplay feels a lot better in 2/3 because enemies are less spongy and the increased blood/gore gives better visual feedback that your weapons are actually doing something. Also, the checkpoints in the first game are objectively awful (from what I’ve heard it’s balanced around co-op, but I’ve been playing solo). 2 should’ve carried over FOM’s weapon wheel (Halo having a two weapon system is perfectly fine since the whole game is built around that. You’ll have access to a good chunk of the sandbox throughout the game. Power weapons will often be placed where you need them, and if you hang onto them you’ll find ammo for the things later. Plus, in 2 onwards you can swap weapons with the ai, and there’s frequent weapon/ammo crates. R2 lacks a lot of that), health system (bump it up to 6 partially regenerating health bars), and added vehicle sections (a big chunk of k of why Halo got so big is because Bungie seamlessly blended on foot and vehicle sections to break up normal encounters, and made the battles feel far larger than they actually were). When Hale’s fully infected and has powers they should’ve gone with fully regenerating health. I’m perfectly fine with R3 being a Half-Life 2 clone (one of the chapters is literally just Ravenholm with the serial numbers filled off) because you’re a normal human. One thing R3 did better than all previous games is having weapons upgrade through use like in Ratchet and Clank. Thats a great feature that would’ve dramatically improved the series if it was there from the beginning, and further set it apart from other shooters.
@shreksnow1918 Ай бұрын
2/3: Gameplay wise my idealized CE remake would be like Ruby’s Rebalanced where it’s mostly just refining what worked in the original, back porting some features/fixes from future titles to improve the experience, and adding cut content where appropriate (weapons, levels, vehicles, wildlife, and species like the Engineers and Drinols that were originally meant for CE). Storywise would be like the Dead Space/Resident Evil remakes where it’s super faithful, aside from tying things in with later lore/making connections where none existed previously, bringing in stuff from external media (books/comics), and fixing plot holes/inconsistencies. Something else I’d want to see is for us to get Bungie’s original plans for the Library (you’d have this giant corkscrew that spirals down, with your goal always visible at the bottom. You’d have Flood forms jumping up and down from the different levels to get to you. Sadly, this was cut due to hardware limitations. Building on this I’d like to see some Covenant here and there that are also after the Index. Although, I’m not entirely sure how they’d get in). For the other big change I’d want Two Betrayals to be replaced with a aerial mission where you actually blow up the Ring’s generators (I’m imagining a scaled up version of the Custom Edition map Gephyrophobia, but with all the objectives built into the canyon walls). In the developer commentary Marty, Joseph Staten, and Jason Jones talked about the original plans for the Library, and how they originally wanted the player to actually blow stuff up instead of walking into a beam of light (it was entertaining seeing them roast and praise their own game). The reason why I want Two Betrayals to be located on an entirely different side of the Ring is because you’re going through what’s already the longest level backwards, and Assault on the Control Room never once mentioned anything about that part of the Ring being linked to the firing mechanism (something that’s interesting about the level name is originally Cortana was supposed to go mad with power and want to take over the universe. In the dev commentary one asked “what happened to that story” and someone else said “it was too good”😂. Sure am glad 343 wouldn’t take that exact same plot point and make a HORRIBLE story for the 5th entry. That sure would be bad if Halo 5 was nothing like the genuinely phenomenal marketing that advertised a COMPLETELY different game, with a dualistic narrative that actually sounded interesting). My idealized Halo show would take a lot of the same things I mentioned for an idealized CE remake, but it would rearrange certain events/plot points for the sake of flow. I’d be fine with a different universe as long as it was mostly faithful to what makes Halo Halo, while fixing various issues. For tone it would be like a gritty war movie to show the brutality of the Covenant, and desperations of humanity. Whenever Chief’s on screen it becomes an 80s action movie to show that Spartans can do all kinds of things normal humans cannot. And once the Flood show up it becomes horror focused. They could use events from CE’s novelization to show the Covenant’s perspective on the war, and “humanize” them (that book is the textbook definition of a mixed bag. The parts directly adaptive CE suck because the gameplay simply doesn’t translate well into book form. “Chief picks up a health pack, Chief swaps his weapon, Chief fires x amount of bullets and reloads”. Thankfully the side stories were truly phenomenal and made Chief’s mediocre at best sections worth slogging through. Loved the parts with that Grunt and Elite pair who were hunting Chief. Same goes for the horrific experiences of Jenkins and Keyes when they were infected by the Flood). They could have flashbacks to fall of Reach , Contact Harvest, The Come Protocol, and other prequel books to better flesh out the characters/world. They could also do some interesting things with Fireteam Raven’s cast (Xperia and Halo Canon have some videos talking about that spinoff’s story and the backstory for the characters. They’re interesting in concept, but sadly nothing is done to develop them in the actual game). It would definitely be interesting to see your idea for an FP/RTS hybrid. I wish they did more rts stuff in Halo. Sure, we have Halo Wars 1/2, but neither is a particularly good rts. Take away the Halo skin and they’re mediocre at best. Both games are VERY bare bones. HW2 is the better game since there’s more depth, but it’s held back by being designed for a controller. There’s various mods for HW1 that give us a glimpse into how Halo Wars could’ve been if it was designed for PC, Bungie wasn’t cancerous/openly hostile towards Ensemble, and Ensemble didn’t have half the staff wasting time on other projects that never saw the light of day (if you have a Discord I can send you several cool videos talking about Halo Wars’s development, and other cool things. My account is shreksnow). HW1 has better maps, the superior art style (the Banished look great in HW2, but everything else looks kind of off), and music. HW2 has more depth in terms of unit variety, how you set up buildings (mini bases can do more, there’s siege turrets, and turret sockets on certain maps), and the leader powers feel much better. Too bad 343 never ported HW2 to Steam, and neither game has built in mod support.
@shreksnow1918 Ай бұрын
3/3: I don’t blame you or anyone else for not knowing who the Banished are since they were introduced in Halo Wars 2, and they weren’t super fleshed out in their premiere game. You have to go to external media to truly know who they are. If you know who they are they’re really interesting since they’ll let anyone join regardless of species since they’re a band of pirates/mercenaries, and aren’t constrained by the same dogma that held back the Covenant. Yeah, I actually agree wholeheartedly with what you’re saying about the H3 Brutes being bootleg Elites, and that’s makes them uninteresting to fight. They were definitely broken damage sponges in 2, but Bungie overcorrected. They could’ve fixed these issues in ODST, but giving them shields and slightly nerfing the player only put a bandaid on an open wound (we also should’ve been fighting Elites in ODST, with an eventual microcosm of the Covenant’s civil war breaking out. That way the two species would’ve had different roles in the sandbox. There’s more for my idealized ODST, but this already long enough). It’s definitely interesting looking into what could’ve been for Halo’s cut content. Halo 3 is quite literally Halo 2’s extended third act (2 was originally supposed to be the final entry). We know from Digsite that a a lot of the things seen in later titles were originally meant for CE/2 (one of my favorite examples of something that was cut and repurposed is how for the Delta Halo cutscene where you land on the Ring in the drop pods it was originally supposed to be in first person, and you’d be able to look around as the other pods were shut down. This was mentioned in H2’s developer commentary. Sure sounds like the intro of another game). The storyboards are really interesting. Some ideas would’ve greatly improved the plot. When the Arbiter catches up with the Heretic leader you’d first have the boss fight. THEN after that happens he’d be laying in the ground mortally wounded, and before either him or Spark can explain what the Rings do Tartarus and his Brutes would show up to take out the Heretic leader and collect Spark. I have no idea why they didn’t keep that since it what we got in the retail game is a pretty big plot hole. Also, when Regret’s ship jumps there would’ve already been some in orbit after they jumped. This would’ve explained how the Covenant were already able to set up encampments despite arriving at the same time humans did. It also could’ve explained how the Flood already had such a big presence since the Covenant are known for looking where they shouldn’t and throwing bodies at a problem in the hopes it goes away.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 29 күн бұрын
@@shreksnow1918 Thanks bro, I have read your comments and you are the king of Halo lore, even more so than I was back in the 00s when Bungie was great and the forum was pumping out theories like mad. I'm out of time and energy tonight but I'll respond tomorrow. I have a Discord account, it is Forsaken Wanderer, I'll try and add you when I'm back home. Anyhow, I'll reply back laters.
@dominicphillips6046 Ай бұрын
the MoonGoon allegations, they must be addressed
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
A tribunal will be held to discuss the ramifications
@SuperCouch64 Ай бұрын
Damn. Half life 2 and depressing shit. I guess the algorithm knows me. Hope you're having a nice day.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
The scary part is that the algorithm probably does know you. Nothing like closing the curtains for a bit of Half Life 2 and a handful of black pills. Thanks bro, it's been a long day at work, I hope you are having a nice day too.
@theonebuns Ай бұрын
Cool to see someone fixate on the advent children ost, I think it's an interesting post albeit that OP is potentially talking about reality as they see it rather than how it "Actually is" thought provoking nonetheless.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
Which was the Advent Children ost? The main OST played is a Half Life 2 remix. For sure, we all have our visions coloured by our experiences, I certainly am very bitter, but I think that Party Hat Wurmple dude had some salient points. It's so jover for us men.
@theonebuns Ай бұрын
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Water - Nobuo Uematsu 0:00 - 0:18
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
@@theonebuns Bro I owe you one! That is one beautiful OST. I never would of guessed it was Advent Children, I thought it was some kind of video game remix. I'll have to watch the movie again.
@theonebuns Ай бұрын
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Yeah it's a guilty pleasure of mine. I watched it before I had even played ff vii, which made it very confusing but I was a dumb kid so I didn't care, just liked the cool fights. Great ost.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Ай бұрын
@@theonebuns I had played FFVII but even then the movie was very confusing and went in unexpected directions. Better than that FF movie that came out in the early 00s though isn't it, the one that apparently tanked square Hawaii or something like that. I just wanted to see Cloud be emo lol.