Ngahere Manaaki | Jobs for Nature
Te Waihora Restoration short
Multi Day Hike Gear List
10 ай бұрын
Regulations for whitebaiting
A surprise visit from some orca
@ragehead2009 19 күн бұрын
you forgot to mention that there is a advanced base full of people with camera heads and sometimes singing toilets show up to it
@خورشیدشاه 21 күн бұрын
زندگی دیدن یک باغچه از شیشه مسدود هواپیماست . زندگی بعد درخت است به چشم حشره . زندگی حس غریبی است که یک مرغ مهاجر دارد .
@theunknownunknowns256 21 күн бұрын
Wooh 70's adverts had such go resolution!
@courtneeeey21 29 күн бұрын
I feel like this should be a tv show
@KittenWhoSmellsLikeAmmonia Ай бұрын
So diverse and ancient I love it
@RedRobot101 Ай бұрын
hi this is disabled for viewing on external platforms we can't watch it together so how can I convince the squad to go for a 3 day hike?
@docgovtnz Ай бұрын
Hi, that is not a setting we control but is likely a KZbin issue. If you are using an ad-blocker you may need to turn that off.
@Kiwi-t8o Ай бұрын
@liznm-natur-channel Ай бұрын
just beautiful 😍
@jefforum Ай бұрын
I did this in 2020 right before the pandemic hit. It was fantastic then, and now that it is a Great Walk, probably even better. Well done to both the Trust and DOC.
@anothermintiesplease2021 Ай бұрын
James Hensley Bromley Birth: 9th March 1852. Port Ross, Enderby Settlement, in the Auckland Islands, an archipelago of New Zealand Death: 14th December 1892 (aged 40) Scott's Ferry, Rangitikei District, Manawatū-Whanganui, New Zealand Burial: Parewanui Presbyterian Cemetery, Parewanui, Rangitikei District, Manawatū-Whanganui, New Zealand Hi parents were James Hindsley Bromley 1820-1878 and Charlotte Pringle Bower Scott 1832-1893 His wife was Emily Jane (n.Lewis) Bromley 1855-1902 (m. 1875)
@mackenziecahill3156 Ай бұрын
What’s the name of the main biologist in this, did he introduce himself?
@CoopMauKona Ай бұрын
This is the Rowi creche island....
@MG-fr3tn Ай бұрын
To paracitic to have a week in the middle of season to boost numbers, you know cows sheep etc. A real commercal ptoduct isent pretensous greed. It has augumentation input knowledge etc. A joke to the food chain and potentail for what, indulgance in poor poor economic thinking.
@isgcaasesil1921 Ай бұрын
Hello, this may seem strange but I will try to explain it in the best way possible: I live in Puebla, Mexico and I have been seeing some very curious little animals for a couple of years. I recently discovered a "nest" and was able to take some photographs. I have always liked animals in general and I like to investigate them... I am not an expert, you could say I am just an amateur, but I find it interesting to investigate animals and their behavior, and unless I am mistaken the animal I found is a native species from New Zealand... Could you help me confirm this? I think what I have here could be a member of the family Anostostomatidae. I can send you photos and videos... But I wonder how these little animals could have gotten so far...
@FreeQuinncy 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙌
@bucky737 2 ай бұрын
They got that cartoon character thing where you only see them from the side profile, and from the front they look creepy
@DS.proudkiwi 2 ай бұрын
Would love to know if theres any in the bush by our place
@centiandmice 2 ай бұрын
omg i cant wait for this to be my job....only four years of high school + uni left :(
@wallnut1972 2 ай бұрын
"When you gaze into kiwi, kiwi also gazes into you" -Pēwhairangi Nietzsche
@jozz2248 2 ай бұрын
Friendly neighborhood? The residents seem very talkative.
@hayeonkim7838 2 ай бұрын
@sandramaxwell7575 3 ай бұрын
And who r u?
@williamwang5575 3 ай бұрын
It’s shaped like a tank
@williamwang5575 3 ай бұрын
Kiwi is a great fighter
@cryptoKR 3 ай бұрын
Can we keep whitebait in tanks as pets?
@docgovtnz 3 ай бұрын
This would disrupt their natural lifecycle and they likely wouldn't survive.
@cryptoKR 3 ай бұрын
@docgovtnz my local doc office has 2 Giant Kokopu. They look neat
@terrymcclure303 3 ай бұрын
Loved the book Island of the Lost. Those guys could have lived there forever
@jerrybow8779 3 ай бұрын
Would be good if they actually had people out in forcing the rules.
@Ani_Malier01 3 ай бұрын
So wonderful to so many together and interacting - they are such lovely social creatures! 🧡
@philnewcomers9170 3 ай бұрын
bakground rakett
@geriatricpenguin 3 ай бұрын
I had no idea that my beloved keas were potential kiwi killers. This was a very informative episode thank you.
@QueenCeleste2 4 ай бұрын
I live for these albie parties! Hope all of them are doing well.
@МаксимФедоров-щ5м 4 ай бұрын
Несколько видов чёрных панцерьных жуков-амфибий, Легко мигрируют по стратосфере🤫 Вероятно подымаясь туда от торнадо🤷‍♀️ Чёрное- прослабевает Солнечное излучение🙏 Панцерь-зазищает от летящего тамже песка🙏 Пусть плачет НовоЗеландская незаселяемость, От других форм ЖИЗНИ, да😂
@whisk938 4 ай бұрын
Beautifuĺ thank you doc
@nikiTricoteuse 4 ай бұрын
Wonderful to see this. Thank you for sharing. Loved the aerial shot of Jerusalem as, l've heard so much about it but, have never been. A huge thank you to whoever did the subtitles too. I loved that they left the Māori words in and just put the English translation in parentheses.
@خورشیدشاه 4 ай бұрын
و در هنوزه ای صوت ناصوت که خشکی خار بیابان ز دهان اشتران است با چشم ها ر حیرت این گویایتان ، الان چه وقت است اخر در سرزمینمان درب خانمان و صبح نابجای را !؟ شخصی خندید و گفت اری درست گویید سند نامه اش ز دفتر خانه سقف چندین سطرح بر اوارقی ز اوراق ها بسیار است و عنوان کتاب چه باشد بهتر است به عقیدتان و هنوز میدانید که برای کتاب نام و عنوانی انتخاب نشده شما اینجا واس شماست و مالک سندنامه اش هم که ز بدان کتاب ز دفتر خانه سقف قفس با چندی دگر از دوباره های این دوباره ها صوت و اصوات بر حال بشارت گریان و چنان در غم ز یکدیگر در اآغوش و گریان که دل و شانه هایشان تکان میخورد . مینگریید !!!! و در اتاق هایی تعجب ز حیرت 🤯 این صبح نا بجای مهمان ناخوانده !!!! ! ! ! که خورشید میکوبد بر خشکیده بسته دریچه های چهار طاقی بر تارک ذهن که پتک میکو بید در ضمیر درون ذهن کوره آهنگری اهنگ که برخیزید که آبستن دوران را سپیده روز پآ به زآست !!!! ! ! ! ! دستان بسته ذهن را آزاد کردن از زنجیرهای خواب الود که که رودخانه ها فریاد دآد بر آوردن که خوابشان سخت خفناک است تو اگر در تپش باغ دیدیدی ماهیان ز عنوان و نام ز چرخه ستارگان عنوان و نماد ماهیت و معنا آزاد کنید زنجیر خواب را فریاد بر کشید اینک چرآغ معجزه مردمآن رآ بدآن که میوه آرآئه دهد هر لحظه بی پآیآن درخشنده درخشنآنتر رآ !!!! ! ! ! و اما نیمه دوم شعر بگذشته ؟! اما نیم سطر نخست چه بود به ترجمه تحلیل محتوایش !؟ عاشق شو ور نه روزی کار جهان سر اید ؟!!!! ! ! ! ! وقت تمام معنایش آنکه تا بدآن موقع که روز حساب و کتاب بود رپز لاین و تایم لاینی چنین که مدام و مداومت اعلام نمودنم نموده ر ا در نمودگاه که تا ز کیسه تان نرفته بجنبید و خوب تماشا کنید در آسمان شب آفتاب و سوئی به سویی و رد پای تندر و کاشفان معدن صبح در کاشفان چشمه که در ماهیت قله ها جوشیده ا و کاشفان چشمه کاشفان فروتن شوکران جویندگان شادمانی در مجراها ز پنهانی رگ رنگها و ز دگر آابستن حوادث فرزند متواد شده حیات وحش گاهی ز کار شعبده لبخند اما با تنی مجروح و شبکلاه پر درد اما جا پآیش و رد پآایش ژرفتر ز شعف بود که خرم تر ز بآغی در گذرگاآه پرندگاآن غافلان ناسازند تنها طوفان کودکآن ناآ همگون می زآید . و کودک متولد شده که چون سایه نیل ۴ری بر مرداب پرنده پروآز رآ که کنون عنواان کلید ز دفتر خانه سقف و سقف اشک میریزد و دل اش میسوزد ز نجواآ و ناآله های نفس و تنفس و سقف و قفس و تنی چند دگر که هم فر خویش و بیشترش حدودا 9999 هزارم بر بشاآرت و هم ز بندی هاآیش
@dylanmartin9190 5 ай бұрын
A morepork landed on a branch near me while I was on the phone to my dad. I didn't know what a morepork was back then. Amazing that you have so many owls in NZ. It's very rare to see an owl in the wild in Europe
@crwydryn 5 ай бұрын
👍 I do hope you succeed.
@Zaryn10 5 ай бұрын
That's so sad. Thanks for keeping them going.
@Pinkfloydforever1 5 ай бұрын
@Bryankirshon 5 ай бұрын
beautiful waterway.
@Aeiiiiiiiii 5 ай бұрын
I want to eat
@uggali 5 ай бұрын
@kevinjpluck 5 ай бұрын
Ka pai! So great to see the huge mahi being done. So much more to go! Tax well spent!
@nikiTricoteuse 5 ай бұрын
Nice to see this work being done. I hope they "unstraighten" some of those waterways and get some wetlands back as soon as possible. There's an Australian man doing amazing work in previously drought vulnerable land by undoing the straightening that was done by early European settlers who were ignorant of land management outside Europe. Stunning to realise how important the natural course of streams and rivers are to the environment. Very interesting doco on KZbin by the ABC - Natural sequence farming: How Peter Andrews rejuvenates drought- struck land | Australian Story