Godot 4: Importing 3D Models
Godot 4: Character Animation
Godot Recipe: 3D Rolling Cube
3 жыл бұрын
Godot Recipe: 3D Kinematic Car
3 жыл бұрын
Godot Recipe: Multitarget Camera2D
Godot Recipe: Minimap UI
4 жыл бұрын
Godot 3.1: 3D Camera Gimbal
4 жыл бұрын
Godot Recipes: Homing Missiles
4 жыл бұрын
Godot Recipes: Car Steering
5 жыл бұрын
@m0nsterchief 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@Grayham14 4 күн бұрын
Will there be a new one for godot 4 / will anything here have to be changed for godot 4?
@Darkest_matter 7 күн бұрын
'unexpected identifier' :-( makes me wanna switch to unreal.
@Factos-Daily. 9 күн бұрын
nooooo bro this is out dated?? :( I wanted to make this so bad
@moothankpew 10 күн бұрын
does anybody have the complete scene file for the knight? for some reason mine isnt working, and i cant figure out where the problem is.
@parkerstroh6586 11 күн бұрын
He says he talked about click-to-move in another recipe but I can't find it anywhere! Does anyone know which video he is talking about?
@Taylorabruce 12 күн бұрын
Hey! Thanks so much for the great tutorial. I noticed that when you combined the roll to the yaw, and used that stick, the ship was also pitching, hence why it was moving down and away from the camera. Is there a way to fix this?
@anzhel3268 13 күн бұрын
@Raw_9 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video lesson, is there a sequel on KZbin or somewhere else, or is this lesson frozen?
@jordan4longshaw 14 күн бұрын
Getting an error. The error is "Invalid get index 'transform' (on base: 'null instance')." It has a problem with a line of code under the function "func get_move_input(delta):" it doesn't like the line "var vl = velocity * model.transform.basis". Any ideas why?
@James-pr5kt 14 күн бұрын
Is there any clean way to set the animation speed on a per animation basis in the animation tree? It seems once the animation tree is controlling the animation player, the speed_scale property for animation player has no effect at runtime (plus it's global for all animations in the player). I've been struggling to figure out how to do this for over an hour, even broke down to asking chatGPT which generated some useless imaginary nonsense to waste my time. For tinkering with animation speed I can't be hand editing each animation's keyframing to speed it up or slow it down, that would take forever.
@James-pr5kt 15 күн бұрын
Very nice. I love videos that cover these kinds of nuances & the different options & blends between them. Most 'tutorial' content is just a crash course straight-shot showing one path to the goal of your code without exploring any of the options or tradeoffs. Sure it's useful for quickly getting something working, but it's a thin and brittle understanding that snaps when you try to build too high with it. You need a very dense and wide base to provide the stability to climb high.
@vast3394 16 күн бұрын
thanks all the other videos i tried to watch on this made the whole process really complicated, when i just needed to make area2s a child of the sprite. i really appreciate this vide.
@ThisDudesTutsAndGaming_0 16 күн бұрын
ok now how about tiles.
@REJister2009 17 күн бұрын
linear_interpolate() was changed to lerp() for any Godot4 users
@kiliandrilltzsch8272 18 күн бұрын
i tried to modify it a bit and added basically full control to my aircraft. thanks for making such a easy to understand tutorial
@user-ez5go1lz6d 18 күн бұрын
thank you
@gabrielsiemon4237 19 күн бұрын
This is a great tutorial however if you give a tutorial on how to convert the files into a .exe to send to friends would be great.
@bioman1hazard607 21 күн бұрын
So I've found an updated version of this tutorial but when I try to add my own vehicle model, the game breaks, is there any way you can update this tutorial to 4 and make it modifiable
@celsladroma8048 22 күн бұрын
6 years still this video can help me alot.. Thanks you for help my game can survive, otherwise my game would end up in garbage..
@littlebitsworld5038 24 күн бұрын
Everything is working except sometimes I have to click the left mouse button a couple of times before it performs the attack animation. How would I fix that?
@SummV81 28 күн бұрын
Legendary.thank you
@stone_pilot Ай бұрын
Thank you, I couldn't find the answer to this anywhere
@littlebitsworld5038 Ай бұрын
@retrorimos5841 Ай бұрын
Totally outdated for Godot 4.
@Kidscancode Ай бұрын
Only minor changes required. You can see an updated script and explanation here: kidscancode.org/godot_recipes/4.x/3d/simple_airplane/
@retrorimos5841 28 күн бұрын
@@Kidscancode Thank you !
@CitrusThings Ай бұрын
This is great! Someone got fed up with me not understanding why another guide resulted in no collision, told me I should learn from the internet before asking questions on an open discord. Felt bad. But it worked! I just gotta figure out how to make it return to reset rotation when buttons aren't being pressed
@_mlktea Ай бұрын
Thank you so much!! For some reason my Godot wasn't able to reliably grab the default gravity variable, so I added 9.8 to fall back on: var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3D/default_gravity", 9.8) I have a lot to learn, your videos are really helpful!
@drduck-mv8lp Ай бұрын
underrated channel
@inigodot Ай бұрын
Thanks for the tutorial it was awesome! I have one question, wouldn't it be easier to use Input.get_axis() to get the Inputs? Thanks!
@abubakrkhodzhaev8618 Ай бұрын
Make a tutorial for a star wars game
@abubakrkhodzhaev8618 Ай бұрын
Can you make a new version the new godot does not have kineticbody 3d
@Kidscancode Ай бұрын
@mortysio4435 Ай бұрын
Thanks you saved me
@peeli2 Ай бұрын
incase anybody else is having trouble with adding hills, i did it by storing the players x position as a global variable doing this: func _process(delta): if terrain[-1].x < Global.position + screensize.x: add_hills() im sure theres a better way, but this is what got it working for me. good luck!
@drduck-mv8lp Ай бұрын
worked a charm thanks just cant get it to work with my sprite all controls are from the side
@Kidscancode Ай бұрын
What does "from the side" mean?
@drduck-mv8lp Ай бұрын
@@Kidscancode no worries it was a problem with my sprite fixed it thanks for the reply anyway
@bxxxxxxxxxxxx Ай бұрын
Why not use a RigidBody as a Player instead?
@Kidscancode Ай бұрын
Sure that's an option, but it introduces a whole different set of challenges. Character body is the most often used for controllable characters, so it's useful to know how it interacts with rigids.
@littlebitsworld5038 Ай бұрын
thank you
@THEGIGOLO05 Ай бұрын
Thaks men
@Pekoteko Ай бұрын
Hey! I loved your video :) I know I am a bit late to ask questions (3 years from posting it) but... I was wondering of adding simple physics and what could would happen if you add gravity here? Could setting up a "gliding" statys = to gravity* some delta to reduce it, and applying whenever you're not speeding up / throtling? Thanks a lot for the video :) very clear. I am kind of new to godot and I am getting to know fliying mechanics, but there are not a lot for 3D flying out there.
@R5Rich Ай бұрын
has anyone been able to get this to work on Godot4? the getcellv and set_cell functions no longer exist and for the life of me I cannot work out how to do it
@GrahamBessellieu Ай бұрын
For 4.2 learners, after reimporting you have to right click the Crate and click "New Inherited Scene" else it will return to previous window.
@GrahamBessellieu Ай бұрын
This was helpful for 4.2 as well! One notable difference though was the "play scene" resulted in a grey world and dark grey box. Update: when I added the Directional Light in the next lesson this was fixed.
@lutiyoffnik8661 Ай бұрын
needed in version 4 godot
@brendanyoon5745 Ай бұрын
Everything works great except my bullet doesnt move when its instanced. Any thoughts on why this would happen? I can post code if needed. Thanks!
im having a small problem and i dont know what it is the system wants on the if velocity.lenght() > 1.0: if i have 1 indent on the if statement and 2 indents on the next code with “model” i get this error: cannot find property “lenght” on base “Vector3” when i have 1 indent on the if statement and 1 indent on the model code i get an error saying i need an indent??? even though i already have one💀 but when i have no indent on the if statement and 1 indent on the model code i get 3 errors 1. unexpected if statement in class body 2.unexpected indent in class body 3. expected end of file like bru i already tried 15 hundred ways and idk what it wants any help
@redelixir9384 20 күн бұрын
Hi there, hope this helps. It's a spelling error of the word 'lenght' . I know this because I made the same error :') It's spelled 'length' , the 'th' like you'd say 'the sixth' for example. Good luck! :)
@THEDEVBOIS 20 күн бұрын
@@redelixir9384 i figured it out awhile back now uh days im trying to figure out how a shooting mechanism works and for some reason its actually hard😂😂 its harder than figuring out how to make my player crouch.
@redelixir9384 20 күн бұрын
@@THEDEVBOIS Oh shoot, came in late. Oops! Maybe it will help others in the future xD Oh. Man.... I haven't even started on the shooting part... Oh well. One step at a day! Good luck to you though. I'm dreading that part now :') *sigh* more programming :(((((
@redelixir9384 20 күн бұрын
@@THEDEVBOIS Btw, did you happen to have a problem with the animations not triggering, more specifically the 'Jump_Idle' one? I mean, the jumping animation works at about 10% of the time..
@THEDEVBOIS 20 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠@@redelixir9384lmao ur all good😂 and the jumping was working for me perfectly if your having issues with the jumping double check the arrows that go into the next animation. because i faced an issue where i jumped once and it worked but when i jumped again it was in a constant jump loop. i fixed it by double checking the arrows that go into the next animations and i also looped the jump animations which i shouldnt have. the only thing that should be looped is the jump idle.
@mleitejunior Ай бұрын
I know the focus of the video it is the AnimationTree (an Animation State Machine), but would not be perfect to align it with a player state machine, instead of all ifs in process? Something like a node/script and subnodes/subscripts to handle all the logic and attributes of the player in each state. You can par it with the animation state machine and everything would be organized and easy to grow with no big problems.
@diegoh473 Ай бұрын
thanks this is what I was looking for!
@SovereignVis Ай бұрын
And what if we want to make a space game with realistic Newtonian physics? 😅
@MicahT Ай бұрын
This is by far the best explanation of RigidBody2D I've found. Makes so much more sense now. I'm hoping enough of this translates to Godot 4. Thanks!
@Kidscancode Ай бұрын
There are some minor changes in the syntax, but the concepts remain the same.
@FatDevGames Ай бұрын
I am following this in godot 4, have been able to convert most of this but I am having a problem at 4:13 I am getting the error “Error at (32,31): Too many arguments for “move_and_slide()” call. Expected at most 0 but received 2.” Just wondering if anyone had any idea of how to fix this
@Kidscancode Ай бұрын
move_and_slide() is used differently in Godot 4. See docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/physics/using_character_body_2d.html
@creadordejuegounity Ай бұрын
Thanks for the tutorial it help alot !!