Teacher's Guide To Divorce Success!
Avoid Costly Alimony Mistakes!
Be Glad You’re In Georgia!
@magicbyspaz 13 сағат бұрын
Child support has already been deemed unconstitutional by several states because it's a racket. The other thing, if judges are really wise then a child's needs are never over $300 a month want more prove it was needed. This bullshit going by income is the problem. I don't care who you are, the amount owed is supposed to go to support the child's needs, your income level has no place determining the amount. Bring paper receipts to show how much is actually being used every month and that is the base amount. Any parent purposely doing things to try to get the amount raised needs to have their support payments forfeited that month, continued abuse forfeits them permantley Example of the above abuse one parent enrolled their children into daycare without the consent of the other parent. All expenses need to be kept track of,this bullshit of one person getting $500+ each month is bullshit. Parents found to be withholding visitation on purpose FOR ANY REASON forfeit their child support permanently
@brendanokeefe5918 3 күн бұрын
If u need child support you shouldn’t have the child
@Mastermechanicman 3 күн бұрын
Child support is a scam and approve that just look at the judge’s retirement plan, which is find a dollar for dollar by child support
@charlespoteracke2896 3 күн бұрын
S you’re the enemy of men? You chose poorly?
@Kevin-Valentin 3 күн бұрын
Thank you Sir!
@TheRennDawg 4 күн бұрын
That is how it's supposed to work in theory.
@micmousebg 4 күн бұрын
The best interest of the divorce industry. Why are you implying the names of Donald Trump and J. D. Vance in a stupid, lying video promoting extortion through child support?
@humboldthomestead-zm4kg 4 күн бұрын
Literally the 1 man on the planet who believes what he's saying.
@abandonedxship 4 күн бұрын
Our CS division will impute income for unemployment and underemployment
@holleybooth1180 5 күн бұрын
I filed a " no fault" divorce. We didn't have any assets and custody of our daughter was already established, so I got to walk away clean. We didn't even have to go to court. I got lucky. I feel so bad for anyone that has to fight a divorce battle with these nasty people.
@sotonin 8 күн бұрын
That's cool and all but no job = no money = end result no child support. Argue all you want but that's reality A made up number you have to pay doesn't mean anything if you have $0 If you QUIT your job that's one thing, that's a choice. But if you got fired, that's beyond your control and the job market sucks ass today
@davidsingh6944 16 күн бұрын
Family Court is Child Abuse
@seameology 17 күн бұрын
I moved 1600 miles away from my soon to be ex narc. He filed so it should be okay. He was adamant that I sign and mail the papers the same day. I'm assuming he has another supply in the wings. No kids involved, thankfully. I don't care if he's hiding assets. I just want out with my life.
@blackgriffinxx 20 күн бұрын
So how much do truckers make.
@w8what575 20 күн бұрын
Yeah right it’s used as a tool to punish the parent who is not hurting the child…give me a break!
@Spammflavor 20 күн бұрын
It's always the father who has to be flexible. Idc what they say all judges are biased towards men. Very rare men benefit from going to court. I've seen horrible mothers get custody. When dad was a better choice.
@neilcampbell2222 21 күн бұрын
The 'best interest of the child' and 'equality in the eyes of the law' should be argued on all legal points. Any professional who recommends something that is not equal should be made to justify their position eg CPS, GAL, counsellor. You should argue for backdated visitation the same as backdated support. Parental alienation should be considered if visitation has been refused of fathers parenthood denied Maternal employment and 50/50 custody should be the courts starting point in all cases.
@bobechs7234 22 күн бұрын
A short verbal road to nowhere.
@hechtfamilylaw 20 күн бұрын
Your name is Bob Echs 😂🙏🙏😭😭😭
@bobechs7234 20 күн бұрын
@@hechtfamilylaw Subject-verb-object; You're making progress!
@freudianslip2192 23 күн бұрын
It's sad that men need strategies to get custody.
@abusedfatty7240 25 күн бұрын
I need help‼️ I live in the state of georgia and i currently have "50/50" rights amd custody every week with alternating weekends. My HCBM suffers from mental illness and substance abuse amd she drops my child off to her grandmother at least 2 nights a week. My child is very aware of her mothers toxic traits and her instability. We've suffered numbered traumatic, public humiliations and harrassment. Ive already spent $13k on legal fees and my.lawyer layed down on me and just didnt present and evidence, make any arguments or present anything i handed to her. I feel hopeless amd ribbed of justice, sanity,peace, time and memories with my child as her mom withheld her from me for 7 months. We went to court, she made more than i did at the time but i still have to pay her $400 a month. I need help, she is am unfit parent amd a cold narcissistic human being. If anything venting this was cathartic and if someone reads it all and has resources or advice, help, im all ears. Thanks for the soapbox.
@AmramEL-oo1jm 26 күн бұрын
Translation Georgia only cares about women and it hates men!!! Attorneys get rich men get broke!! Judges get a fat retirement at the expense of the father!! If there is another war let the favored fight... those that thiis flawed system supports!! Women and LGBTQ!! FATHERS SIT IT OUT BECAUSE YOU DON'T MATTER!! F ..K THEIR COURTS SYSTEM LAWYERS AND JUDGES
@BuzzlightBeer893 27 күн бұрын
Can you give an example of a case where the dad was awarded primary physical custody at the interlocutory hearing? The father lives an hour away and mother was not unfit and had the child in a fantastic school district. I’m curious if you’ve seen a a judge make this ruling as a way to have the child see if the grass is really greener, so to speak.
@ericnewman6523 Ай бұрын
Should be 50/50 by DEFAULT
@docdat3468 Ай бұрын
-.- My young mother lost her first child because of this third party crap. A childless very rich older couple in a small town that took a liking to my mum's child had a private investigator trailing my mum and document all "errors" nothing major ever happened but the judge agreed that the rich couple that made generous donations to the town with the expensive lawyer and private investigator and a mansion are the better parents
@serahloeffelroberts9901 Ай бұрын
That's just evil.
@docdat3468 Ай бұрын
@@serahloeffelroberts9901 more evil is that my mum and her then partner had to also pay child support to them
@ammiecarlson9106 Ай бұрын
There are a lot of grandparents that don't like the mother or father that do a lot of damage. Children should be with their parents. It's not ok to severe the parent bond at such a psychological important moment for safety and trust. This is abused by the system, is also necessary in many situations. Not vetted enough, not enough oversight
@elissaann-ij3tb Ай бұрын
3rd party would hold a full-time job and dealing with children or just stealing money to raise child that aren't there's ??
@shannonobrien9922 Ай бұрын
My husband and I had custody of my daughters friends baby! She dropped her off and didnt drop off so much as a diaper for 5 months: too busy running around using drugs! We r in Iowa
@ChristieTaylor-e9k Ай бұрын
My mother would never be a good fit. Look how she treated me
@alfadee45 Ай бұрын
Best advice for anyone I can give!! You must gather evidence against them and I mean everything
@okiecouple Ай бұрын
There are millions of us grandparents raising grandkids. Sometimes parents are just horrible people.
@MissaPality Ай бұрын
Please don't take this the wrong way, your comment made me wonder about the theory of whether it is nature or nurture comes into play. If a grandparent is raising a grandchild due to both parents are "horrible people", how much is that related to how they were raised? All, some, no part of their upbringing leads to them being "horrible" people. If any part was due to their upbringing then won't the grandchild be subjected to the same environment? Should that influence the best interest of the child? Just curious of your thoughts
@DonaldHarrington-uw9ct Ай бұрын
Everyday they abuse and prevent me from participating
@johnbell5613 Ай бұрын
BULL$HIT!!!!!! The only factor that’s considered in a divorce is which one has the vagina. These lawyers always like to confuse by saying holders over 70 different factors nothing Trump’s having a vagina.
@charleshardesty1828 Ай бұрын
Financial stability isn't a point in his column, sure he is more financially stable than she is, but not after the judge orders you to pay well over what it'll cost for the kids' monthly expenses PLUS your ex-wife's monthly expenses & although the money is supposed to be for the kids you ex will pay her stuff first, including nonsense like hair & nails, & then the kids will need something, let's say $50 for a school feild trip & she'll say NO because she don't have it/she blew it & the kids will suffer for the system & how it works, which is VERY different from how it's supposed to work & how they pretend it works...
@FATTDADDY093 Ай бұрын
But y'all the only state to were men pay child support but can't see the child that's not helping nobody the parents or child that's why you have a mom and dad to balance yo ass out
@CurtisGlasscock Ай бұрын
Honestly just give them the loney and then let them send it back. Boom. No child support
@Emotional-Support-Demon-Sarica Ай бұрын
@TheNewSoda Ай бұрын
But there's this concept that feminists haven't discovered yet Best buy falsely claiming to to be on independent woman get a f****** job alimony and child support only exist because that was reasonably believed at that time a woman wasn't capable of getting a job without help from Men feminists if she actually tried could actually get a stable job on her own what's all the assistance of a man really feminist should be excluded from child support because child support and alimony 9 times out of 10 not really what's in the best interest of the parent explain the best interest of the child but in 2024 is not in the best interest of the child two fronts and like this is still 1920 if a woman gets off her ass and work for a living then yes she could get any jobs she wants some men should not be obligated to fund her independence
@BlasterRiv Ай бұрын
If you dont trust your partner, dont get married
@thomasbryant9002 Ай бұрын
"If you have to ask, then no".
@mikec6347 Ай бұрын
I ignored that. Now I’m regretting that decision.
@danielsiegel8619 Ай бұрын
If 2 young adults who met in highschool, get married, should not have a prenatal agreement... If 2 older mature couples who has value, been married a few time they should get one.. prenatal agreements are not for every couple.
@IM2MERS Ай бұрын
Marriage is such an antiquated ritual if anything, the only part of value is the declaration of love, not the contract. People should be able to survive on their own these days. Only place it should apply is if one party plans on staying home with kids and not working. If you both have jobs keep your finances separate and you will be much happier.
@danielsiegel8619 Ай бұрын
Prenups are stupid... My dad had one, he set it up, she was kinda forced her to sign it but it was his in his words and terms. She divorced him. He took the prenatal agreement to court. And he won..
@jakebyrd1453 Ай бұрын
Focusing on the wrong thing my dude. The red flag is the unwillingness to discuss finances, not the reluctance to sign a pre-nuptial agreement. Theres many reasons to not want to sign one, many of which are reasonable.
@hechtfamilylaw Ай бұрын
Reluctance/refusing to discuss either one shows a lack of trust in your partner, with a plan to fail from the beginning. That is the main red flag. Since I am a divorce attorney and not a financial advisor or marriage counselor, I decided to use the prenuptial agreement example :)
@curtisimhof7738 Ай бұрын
Prenups only protect women. Any prenup signed by a woman can be automatically determined to be signed in distress. Men do not have that same luxury
@danielsiegel8619 Ай бұрын
Not true.. my dad won his.
@1LLog1K Ай бұрын
Parasite of a human
@jtixtlan Ай бұрын
More difficult than ever for young people. If one has $100-200K in student debt because they “followed their dreams” and lived at campus and got a brand-name degree and the other did community college and live with their parents and worked during college, they one who is debt free because of their sacrifices is going to take on the debt of the one who did the borrowing. If there’s a divorce a few years later, the frugal one will walk away with half of their ex-spouse’s student debt.
@geok9984 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this video I wish you were in NC
@stevemcdonald6001 Ай бұрын
Can a trophy wife be melted down into gold coins?
@petervaczovsky9211 Ай бұрын
Counselor, let's be realistic. Pre-nups are thrown out by judges EVERY DAY. They're worthless on that basis alone. When "pre-nup" starts being mentioned, man or woman, LEAVE! The juice just ain't worth the squeeze.
@PeterSlater69 Ай бұрын
I agree 100%.
@andrewhemphill8999 Ай бұрын
I agree but disagree. They should still be done. Mainly because it makes a financial conversation happen. Most people will start the financial conversation with their significant other but never truly go all the way through it because it's a hard discussion. A prenup is a structured way to go through the conversation and open things up and let both sides understand where the other side is coming from. It lets both sides understand what will or won't happen to certain things (such as the title to a house), or if there is going to be alimony at the end of a divorce. if the two sides can't come to an agreement before the marriage the don't get married until both are seeing eye to eye. You need to both be on the same page before you say I do. Are they worth a lot less because judges throw them out? yes they are worth a lot less, but they still have value because of the financial discussion that happens because of them. on a side note : the U.S. Congress needs to get off their butts and make a law that says "if you have a prenup it is GOING to be enforced and to bad if you don't like it being enforced. You both signed it and you both got married on the basis of what is in that contract. You both entered the contract of getting married based on the contract of the prenup." They should NOT be able to be contested. Sorry that's just my opinion on how they should be handled.
@SuperChad1313 2 ай бұрын
alimony is such a joke.