Swap the Gym for Nature
Ай бұрын
Kayaking Can Be Dangerous
Remember Your Sunscreen
Ай бұрын
Clean With Me | Daily Vlog | 109
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself 5 күн бұрын
Quite interesting. Just proves the fact that we need a well rounded diet! Thanks for doing this experiment
@michewi 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching! I was honestly surprised how quickly and severely taking out everything from my balanced diet affected me. Never doing that again but I am glad I was able to create an enjoyable video that hopefully will warn others away from this.
@Sara_is_Strong 8 күн бұрын
I am stunned you stuck with the experiment given the side effects you experienced. And speaking of which, I wonder if your extreme thirst was a symptom of hyperglycemia. I could never have stuck with it as long as you did. I cannot believe anyone would do it for a month or longer. That sounds absolutely miserable and life is too short, ya know? I totally agree with your conclusion. Any quick fix is bound to backfire. I'm glad this experiment reassured you that you're on the right track with your normal balanced approach. Sustainable is the way to go. Great video!
@michewi 7 күн бұрын
lol, it was rough. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! I really appreciate your support and insights. I hadn't considered hyperglycemia as a potential cause for the thirst, which is surprising since at one point I thought I was experiencing everything under the sun. I definitely want to study the causes/effects of hyperglycemia further. Sticking with the experiment was definitely too challenging for me. Life is indeed too short to put ourselves through unnecessary discomfort, especially when it comes to health and diet. I'm glad to hear that you resonated with my conclusion. Sustainable and balanced eating is definitely the best approach in the long run. Thanks again for watching and sharing your thoughts!
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself 9 күн бұрын
I'm with you...let me go to the class, learn and take the test! I call that other stuff forced friendliness!!!
@michewi 9 күн бұрын
Lol, I've been stealing some of your phrases and forced friendliness is definitely going into my vocabulary
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself 10 күн бұрын
Love the new room!!! YOu have so many options there! It looks like it is perfect for what you do!
@michewi 9 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! 🥰 I'm thrilled to hear you love the new room! It's been so much fun transforming it, and I'm excited about all the possibilities it offers. Can't wait to share more content from this space! 🎥🐶✨
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself 18 күн бұрын
You are so right...some of these channels that are being pains in the behind about copy rights are the ones taht have made it because people have done commentaries and helped fuel the flames!
@michewi 17 күн бұрын
I totally agree. It's interesting how the dynamic works-many channels owe their success to the community engaging with their content through commentaries and discussions. It's all about collaboration and helping each other grow. Thanks for watching and supporting the channel!
@ElizabethStanishevska 21 күн бұрын
You worked so hard on this video, and it shows! As someone has already commented, I hope you grow your audience! I think I’ve never watched ‘Mean Girls’ in full, just some parts of it 🤔 And I love your makeup! It once again demonstrates how much effort you put into making this video 💜
@michewi 18 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words! 😊 I really appreciate the support and encouragement. If you ever get the chance, I definitely recommend watching 'Mean Girls' in full - it’s such a classic! And I'm so glad you liked the makeup; I had a lot of fun creating it for this video. Your comment truly made my day! 💜
@MindyGail 22 күн бұрын
Great video! I can’t believe you only have 100ish subs. You will def grow quickly. Good luck with your weight loss. I’m also on a weight loss journey! New sub btw 😊
@michewi 22 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your support and for subscribing! 😊 Your encouragement really means a lot to me. I truly appreciate your confidence in my channel growing-I hope you're right! I'm excited to have you here and to hear about your weight loss journey-it's genuinely encouraging to see others pursuing their health goals. Best of luck, and keep up the great work! 💪✨
@curtismatsune3147 25 күн бұрын
A "fat-phobic misogynist"? You have waaay too much time on your hands.
@michewi 25 күн бұрын
Made you click though 😉🤭
@curtismatsune3147 25 күн бұрын
​@@michewiI suppose you think the downvote accrues to your advantage, huh?
@chloeo230 25 күн бұрын
I’m confused by you saying “what is this” for the infographic at 6:06…. It’s correct?
@michewi 25 күн бұрын
I should've added more context for sure. It is correct that these are factors that effect weight loss but as a pie chart, it's a joke. In the context they are presented, they're just words haphazardly thrown next to a graph. There's no indication of what percentage these factors affect weight loss, offer no sources or where this information is coming from and is, to me, an obvious sign of virtue signaling rather than understanding and consideration of the factors themselves. It's the pretense of understanding without putting in the work that is offensive.
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself 25 күн бұрын
Good message! It is difficult. There is such a fine line to walk. Body acceptance is important, but body health is too! Our society makes it soooo difficult!
@michewi 25 күн бұрын
Thank u 😁 I'm glad you resonated with the message of the video. It's encouraging to know that there are others who share similar views on the intricate balance between body acceptance and health awareness. The importance of these discussions are sometimes swept under the rug in fear of unintentionally hurting someone, making it even harder to navigate a balanced point of view. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and chiming in on a hard discussion. Here's to fostering a culture where both body acceptance and health consciousness thrive. 💜
@Antigone10 20 күн бұрын
God give me the strength to change the things I can and accept the things I cannot. Be positive about your loose skin. Be hard on yourself for building fat instead of muscle. Dementia, alzhiemers, diabetes, pcos, osteoporosis, cancer, the list goes on for diseases caused by high bodyfat and low muscle. Easy peasy to fix those 2 things and prevent a host of diseases.
@ElizabethStanishevska 29 күн бұрын
As someone who doesn’t have a lot of free time, but still wants to catch up with you on youtube, I have a suggestion - break your weekly vlogs into separate videos. Like: what I eat, my workouts, apps I find helpful, other weight loss vlogers, mental aspect of weight loss + why you should avoid better help, fit checks. Everything you put into this one video, but divided into smaller ones. Anyways, you’re still doing great both with weight loss and editing!
@michewi 28 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your thoughtful feedback and kind words! I really appreciate your support and your suggestion. Breaking the weekly vlogs into shorter, themed videos is a great idea, especially for viewers with busy schedules. I'll definitely consider creating separate videos for topics like what I eat, my workouts, helpful apps, other vloggers, the mental aspect of weight loss, and fit checks. This way, you and others can easily catch up on specific content without having to watch a longer video all at once. Thank you again for watching and for your input-I'm always looking for ways to improve and make my content more accessible for everyone! Stay tuned for more updates and shorter videos. 😊
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself Ай бұрын
I do a guestimate also....it's working for you....I might need to buckle down a bit more!
@michewi Ай бұрын
😊 Guestimating can definitely be helpful, especially when crunched for time. I think the way you are doing it is exactly like I do, where I give myself a lower amount that basically accounts for 200 more I could take in and still be in a deficit. I am also feeling the need to buckle down lately. We'll just take it one step at a time, and find what works best for us. 😉
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself Ай бұрын
Agreed 100% The best exercise is out in nature! It's good for us mentally also! Ahhh puppy drool! I have some of that here too!
@michewi Ай бұрын
There's definitely something special about exercising in nature. And yes, there's nothing quite like the joy of clothes covered in puppy drool, right? 🐶🌿 Enjoy your outdoor time with Zoey!
@Baptized_in_Fire. Ай бұрын
Or eat a species appropriate, species specific diet. Fiber is contraindicated in the human diet, as well as glucose and fructose.
@michewi Ай бұрын
I plan on making a video about the hormone, glucagon soon
@Baptized_in_Fire. Ай бұрын
@@michewi excellent
@DianeCorsaro Ай бұрын
Good teaching!
@michewi Ай бұрын
Thank you so much! This topic was so interesting to me so I'm really glad you enjoyed it 🩷
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself Ай бұрын
Safety comes first! Good job for recognizing your limits and calling it when you knew it wasn't wise to continue!
@michewi Ай бұрын
So true! Safety is our top priority when we're out on the water. It's easy to make mistakes when you're new at things and we're trying to minimize costly ones as much as we can. It does discourage me in a way that I couldn't handle it, but your encouragement that it was the right choice helps me feel better about my decision 😁
@slory17 Ай бұрын
Better to nope out rather than get yourself into a situation you cannot get yourself out of, or break stuff. Good choice for you to head back. Do you have a gauge for your shroud tension, it sounds like it might be a little loose. 12-15 knots is where i question even going out. I think my wife and i did something very similar our first year. You guys are great!
@michewi Ай бұрын
Heading back was definitely the right call 😂, we were way out of our comfort zone. I don't currently have a gauge for shroud tension, but your suggestion has sparked my interest-I'll definitely look into getting one now. It's comforting to know others have gone through similar situations. Cheers to safe sailing adventures ahead! And thanks for the encouragement! 😊
@slory17 Ай бұрын
@@michewi what happened to the mast at the end of your other video? Maybe make a video describing it?
@michewi Ай бұрын
Oh it was so sad. We spent hours getting the boat hauled and setting up only to drive under a tree 😭 The ship is a PY23 from the 70's and we tried finding a new mast from a boat salvage yard. Apparently you can replace a mast with with compatible boats but there was nothing. We ended up taking the boat to the dump and the workers had a blast crushing it, so at least there's that. I love the idea of making a video because I learned a lot about parts replacement but I lack video footage. I'll have to think on how to do it because I really do love the idea
@tracygarner5487 Ай бұрын
ALWAYS close the companion way when ANYONE is on the deck. I have know professional sailors fall in and get injured from falling in because someone left the companion way opened.
@michewi Ай бұрын
Totally agree. It may not be the best angle to see it, but we had it closed while I was up there
@adrianblunt4310 Ай бұрын
You need to wear good foul weather gear, including boots - a big help for mobility & safety. Also consider a pfd with a tether to help build your confidence on the foredeck. Why were you not at the mast to hoist the jib? Were the jib sheets already attached?
@michewi Ай бұрын
Thanks for the suggestions! I appreciate your concern for safety.
@cetterus Ай бұрын
What's the vessel?
@michewi Ай бұрын
PY23 Paceship
@cetterus Ай бұрын
@@michewi Thank you. More research for me...
@TimothyE-ye1kx Ай бұрын
I love the dry rack above the sink. I have seen those before and forgot about them. I am going to head to Amazon after this.
@michewi Ай бұрын
I love mine. It freed up so much counter space for cooking. I will say, I forgot to measure the faucet handle area so I have to move the drying rack back and forth when turning on water. 😅
@TimothyE-ye1kx Ай бұрын
@@michewi there is always something.
@ElizabethStanishevska Ай бұрын
When the opening crawl was about to end I thought it would be cool if she wiped the dust from the scales, and you almost did just that! 🥂 to your creativity!
@michewi Ай бұрын
You're spot on. That was completely the plan but I couldn't get the pacing right. It just seemed too off. I also had plans to have all the kitchen flat surfaces like walls, fridge doors and cupboards be a "green screen" and have images do a synopsis of the trilogy but couldn't figure out how. I'm a little disappointed that my skill level isn't there yet but I had a lot of fun trying and I did accomplish a few things I tried. I'm taking your advice to heart and just trying to enjoy the learning journey as well. There will be another May 4th next year so I think it will be really fun to see if I can do better next year. Thank you for all the encouragement you consistently send my way. Much love ❤ 👐
@ElizabethStanishevska Ай бұрын
I am finally losing weight at a steady pace, but keep comparing myself to others 😞 We'll get to our goal weight eventually 💪
@michewi Ай бұрын
Congrats on your progress! I feel like it's completely normal to compare ourselves to others, but remembering everyone's journey is unique is the tricky part. You're doing great, and I fully believe we'll reach our goals in our own time. Here's to keeping up the work and getting results eventually! 💪🥂
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself Ай бұрын
Sailing looks so fun! Although I would be freaked by being so tilted too...until I got used to it! This video is so educational! Thank you!
@michewi Ай бұрын
Thank you! Sailing definitely has its moments, especially when the boat tilts, but it's all part of the adventure. I'm glad you found the video educational! If you ever decide to give sailing a try, just remember, the tilt becomes the thrill once you get used to it!
@riverboy1481 Ай бұрын
Good video. I had fun watching it....
@michewi Ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@southernmarsh4234 Ай бұрын
Good times. I like to raise the main first So you stay clear of luffing foresail.
@michewi Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your tip! We'll try that next time. I've still got a lot to learn so all tips are appreciated ♥
@ElizabethStanishevska Ай бұрын
Aw, you look so happy at 21:55 💜 That seagull probably wanted a beer too 😉
@michewi Ай бұрын
I was having so much fun until things got too much for me to feel comfortable. The beer helped to calm my nerves so the seagulls get none 😉
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself Ай бұрын
Ok, the song is now stuck in my head! And the seagull following you cracked me up! We were at a hotel at the beach a few years back and we were on our balcony. We were feeing the seagulls (yeah, I know..bad) and we ran out of food and were just sitting ou tthere. The neighbor came out and was eating a sandwich...the seagull came up and took the sandwich out of his hand. We laughed and laughed!
@michewi Ай бұрын
It's an earworm for sure 🎵 Seagulls can be quite the characters and I definitely would've feed those two if we had been on shore, but you're story has me rethinking that. Thanks for sharing your hilarious beachside adventure. ♥😂
@2-old-Forthischet Ай бұрын
I had a two seat Hobie before (14 feet). Usually, with two of us in it, it was easy enough. One day I went out solo, sitting in the rear position. When the afternoon winds kicked up, it was a chore to paddle back in. I ended up going around in circles!
@michewi Ай бұрын
Oh my gosh, yes! I hadn't even touched on this but thank you for commenting about this! I've experienced this too. The circles are so frustrating and happens easily when the balance is out of whack. My kayak is a solo and it still happens to me. Thank you for mentioning the trails of a two seater and sharing your experience ❤
@Kayaking_to_escape_family Ай бұрын
Its the wrong buoyancy aid for you. Look for a BALTIC CANOE - ONE SIZE FITS ALL 50N PADDLE BOARD BUOYANCY AID. It will fit you better. Upgrade those paddles too. Aluminium paddles snap when you need them most. Look for a Ainsworth paddle or something like it. There cheap and you cant snap them.
@michewi Ай бұрын
Thanks for your input and recommendations! I'll definitely look into the Baltic Canoe buoyancy aid and Ainsworth paddle you suggested. Safety gear is crucial, and finding the right fit and quality equipment is key. I appreciate you taking the time to share your expertise! 🚣‍♂️
@ElizabethStanishevska Ай бұрын
Such a breathtaking view and the seal encounter was funny! Could relate so much to the extra boobage part - it's my biggest insecurity. I don't remember if I told you, but I'm also on a weight loss journey. Sadly, even if I lose all the extra weight, it won't fix the boob problem 😞 Wish I could afford a breast reduction one day! Love how you and your partner share fun hobbies and get to spend quality time together 💜
@michewi Ай бұрын
Ah, the seal will forever be my shame. I looked up Harbor Seals and they're basically the puppy dogs of the sea so I feel pretty silly. The big boobage is by far my least favorite part about being bigger. Nothing ever fits right and I hate how I always have to wear some form of a bra just to be mildly comfortable. You haven't mentioned that you're also on a journey yet, I think, but you have given really good advice on recipes and checking the TSH so I figured you knew a thing or two about checking in on a healthy lifestyle. I think without my extra weight I'm sitting at a C cup, if I remember correctly, it's been a few years 😅. It's insane how much it can vary from person to person and that once all the extra fat is gone, there's still so much left. Here's to be big breasted and on a weight loss journey 🥂🌰
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself Ай бұрын
Good advice for kayaking against the waves on the way out. I always prefer my hikes to be uphill at the beginning so that I am downhill on the way back! Thank you for the information about kayaking! Jason and I are so interested and have talked about getting kayaks!
@michewi Ай бұрын
I thought all hills were uphill both ways 😉 That's how they all seem to me anyway. Hiking is so hard and I'm always in awe when someone says that they like it. I hope the information was helpful. I really love kayaking so much that I think everyone should try as long as they have some water nearby...and have a lifejacket. I think you would love it. Did you mention if you've done it before and are just waiting to buy the kayaks? I have a couple places to check out to possibly get some good deals if you're ever interested. Here's to happy summer days ahead 🥂🌞
@ElizabethStanishevska Ай бұрын
Such an amazing idea to have a stepper facing the ocean
@michewi Ай бұрын
We're lucky it came that way. When I first saw it, I also mentioned how nifty it was. Funny how small things seem so amazing sometimes 😄
@TimothyE-ye1kx Ай бұрын
I am glad you did the sunscreen reminder. Made sure I lathered my kids up before a walk. Would have cooked them otherwise.❤
@michewi Ай бұрын
Glad I could help 😁 Your hike looked beautiful and it was so adorable hearing your kid say hello to the bugs. Here's to many more enjoyable and sun-safe outings! ☀️😊
@TimothyE-ye1kx Ай бұрын
@@michewi absolutely!!! I was glad that I put sunscreen on them and was able to show my wife that I remembered. Scored points that way, so thank you.
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself Ай бұрын
Yay! She is in the water! Let the boating season begin! And yes, taking care of skin is as important as eating healthy!
@michewi Ай бұрын
Definitely, thank goodness, no more stress about it and now let the good times begin, with some sunscreen 😉
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself 2 ай бұрын
looks good to me! super tasty also!
@michewi Ай бұрын
My favorite was the 5 Guys burger 😉
@ElizabethStanishevska 2 ай бұрын
I think your week of eating looked great. I love shrimp, but I only have them when I make pasta as a treat. Would eat them every day if they weren't so expensive. And don't feel bad about enjoying that burger with your partner! 🙂
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
Oh I love shrimp and pasta, especially with an Alfredo Sauce made with Miracle Whip. Shrimp can be a splurge but I've been really lucky on the prices for the big bags lately, for some reason they've been on sale around here. And that burger was so dang good, it was hard to feel bad about it. I like to think that the calories were worth it in this case, not only for the taste but the time with my partner 🥰
@ElizabethStanishevska 2 ай бұрын
Don't be hard on yourself for gaining a bit of weight! And love the purple hair 💜
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 💜 I trying to be more understanding to myself while working on my goals. It's a tricky balance I haven't figured out yet, but it's definitely something worth working on. Also, thank you for the compliment on the hair. I loved it too! It was weird, it was from my red hair fading super fast and it only stayed that color for a couple days lol but I really liked it while it lasted. 😂
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself 2 ай бұрын
Well dang! I don't drik coffee....but I want to now!!! Glad you are feeling better!
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate your kind words! Coffee may not be your cup of tea, but I'm glad you enjoyed the video 😉 Feeling much better, thanks for the well wishes! ☕️😊
@noexcuses_beliefinmyself 2 ай бұрын
It is a LOT to post daily. Crazy that you posted this because I talked about this in my post what went live yesterday! I am also cutting down my posts....it's a youtube life balance! This way I can better my production!!!!
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
I actually saw that and thought to myself, "She gets it." The balance became out of whack so time to readjust 😉
@TimothyE-ye1kx 2 ай бұрын
Good job making decisions that work best for you. I liked a lot of your content that didn’t just have to do with weight-loss, was really fun to watch. You seem like a fun, passionate person, and I look forward to seeing more of what you have to show. Excited to see what comes next.
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words and support! I'm glad you enjoyed the variety of content beyond just weight-loss topics. I'm passionate about sharing different aspects of my life and interests, and it means a lot to hear that you found it enjoyable to watch. I'm excited too about what the future holds and can't wait to share more with you. Stay tuned for more exciting content ahead!
@ElizabethStanishevska 2 ай бұрын
That's what I wanted to suggest to you the moment I discovered your channel, but felt like I'm not in a position to advise you on anything. For the past I'd say 10 videos, you looked really burnt out from daily vlogging (at least that's what I thought from looking at you). I also think that you might have gotten a bit discouraged by the lack of engagement on your channel, but don't be! You have the whole journey ahead of you! Take all the time you need to rest, learn new editing styles, and come up with good ideas. Rooting for you 💜
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
As a subscriber and viewer you have every right to comment on what you're seeing. I am vlogging and putting my life out there so it is an unspoken rule that once that happens, I am opening myself up opinions. Also, your opinion would be correct 😉 I was looking super tired and it was pretty much exactly for the last 10 videos that I had started considering stopping the daily thing so your intuition is spot on. The discouraged part was also there. I was so upset with myself for never being able to put out what I envisioned and the things that I didn't really put any time or much effort into and I thought turned out horribly were doing the best, so that was a whole brain boggler there. I really appreciate the support ♥ and you have been consistently supportive, thank you so much. I'm looking forward to coming back soon and executing it the way I envision. Much love.
@sassygrilledcheese 2 ай бұрын
Love this for you! Its like a weight lifted off your shoulders. You're going to be able to do so much more with the extra time.
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
LOL, that's literally what I texted Steven when I told him I was done with daily's. 😆
@spicychai 2 ай бұрын
So exciting! I’ve been enjoying all of your videos. That sounds like a much needed change
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! I'm so happy that I'm getting the feedback from everyone saying it's a good plan. I think I was digging my heels in too deep and I'm glad everyone is like "Yep, let go of that rope already." 🤣
@TimothyE-ye1kx 2 ай бұрын
Very sorry to hear you’re in pain. I hope everything gets better. You seem like a very strong person. I hope you get a chance to rest and recover.
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much ❤
@expensivepink7 2 ай бұрын
glad i found your channel ❤
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
I'm thrilled to hear that you found my channel! Thank you for taking the time to check it out. I hope you enjoy the content and find it entertaining or informative. If there's anything specific you'd like to see or any feedback you have, feel free to let me know. Welcome aboard, and I hope you stick around for more!
@TimothyE-ye1kx 2 ай бұрын
If you get a chance, I posted a video inspired my your cleaning. It is my most recent video and not shorts. It is about pull ups.
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
I'm going leave comments as I watch your video, not here, but there, because it helps the algorithm 😉
@TimothyE-ye1kx 2 ай бұрын
@@michewi thank you. I appreciate your support. Your videos have given me a lot of ideas for content. I appreciate it.
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
How do I message you? I'm not seeing my thumbs up or any comments I leave.
@TimothyE-ye1kx 2 ай бұрын
@@michewi weird, let me check if something is wrong. I don’t have any message set up besides email.
@michewi 2 ай бұрын
I've had a few failed messages this week, it might have something to do with my connection. I'll try again