Laura moane dan hannah dodd itu inggris yg saya pilih virgin adalah kepercayaan saya karena pilot inggris yg saya pilih ......yah wajar ada hal yg kadang kurang pas karena proses adaptasi ......inggris saya bawa karena banyak kecocokan dan sudah saya cleansing proses nya tergantung hasil dari laura moane
@mdarifhossain85534 күн бұрын
Hello nice videos
@RudiPurwana-74 күн бұрын
Never used purple or b and w before my command to risk cause im in mode off Gpilot im not concern to Gpilot
@RudiPurwana-75 күн бұрын
Nanti sya mesti ambil cash dahulu recover my payment the return will be better that i can promise ....before this everything is just a dream okay trust my way u found the true origin zeus line and kal el line the first with ability super ceo
@RudiPurwana-77 күн бұрын
Klu berjalan baik artinya sudah kehendak Allah insyallah
@RudiPurwana-77 күн бұрын
Duta inggris di nkri saya pilih yg baik yg bagus yg bisa mewakili inggris bersama sayah yah laura utk skrg semoga berjalan baik sajah
@SANDIPPAWAR-x9d8 күн бұрын
@RudiPurwana-710 күн бұрын
Cd rawan sensitif di bajak dan perawatanya aga beda.....mestinya kaset sekulitas cd awet kaset itu dan laku nya lebih bnyak ketimbang cd rawan di bajak dan bikin pasar music turun drastis kadang terlalu modern malah kurang di kenal malah kaset yg konvesional itu bikin banyak penyayin meroket ..lihat skrg hampir jarang penayanyi sekelas legend sperti legen jaman kaset yg banyak sold out .....harga lebih terjangkau itu sebabnya juga
@RudiPurwana-714 күн бұрын
Indonesia is center probelm cause Gpilot stop isnt .....dont corp witu them before all is done
@RudiPurwana-715 күн бұрын
😁 holy and sir is my pilot i cant anger to u
@RudiPurwana-717 күн бұрын
Skil nanti sajah banyak gangguan saya ga bisa kerja ga bisa bisnis ...nikah dulu bayarkan sajah dulu modalin saya mau nikah sama hera
@RudiPurwana-717 күн бұрын
Holy and sir im so tierd im hungry and wanna have ingrid to go dateing for married
@th729719 күн бұрын
At school, I was bad at Math. My parents said I could never be a Computer Scientist. I became one. I dropped out of University while studying Computer Science because I got the chance to code for BMW. Then, I became Entrepreneur and own two IT Consulting companies. Without a degree and neither teachers nor parents having believed in me. I was molested as a kid by my father. My doctor said most people gone through this would not be able to lead a successful life. I have a wonderful life and two wonderful kids. Yes, you should always believe that everything is possible. No matter where you have gone tnrough or where you come from. 🎉🚀👍🏻🦅😎
@officialsebvon20 күн бұрын
Wow! Who edited this?
@jonashermannfounkeu25 күн бұрын
maestro. great interviewer!
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Klu virgin kan tanggung udh saya offreing kerja cuman hanya ke virgin saya tawarkan gini sajah 5 iklan produc virgin dan 2 model product virgin utk majalah itu tdk ada dialoge nya kan klu mau non dialoge atau di campur 2 video clip lagu 2 iklan product virgin 2model majalah utk virgin dan 1 tambahan baru apa sajah sehari 1 kerjaan kelar .....kejar tayang 7 hari kerja utk 1 juta euro €.....sir saya beneran butuh uang utk modal banyak keperluan pribadi saya hanya minta bantuan ke org org pilihan sayah sajah
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Sir lets forget mafia rule im Gpilot absolute i have super right to stop any mafia rule when in my private ......they like or not im Gpilot has super want must agree with my rule ......i dont bring any mafia in private life job or individual works or bussines its to privacy not good ,.....beside that im not Gpilot for crime or mafia i have been choose in side of government and deprtment defense non mafia ever restriction was real genuine
@dophilduplessisАй бұрын
Yaaaaaaa right. Till you want to cancel. Waiting for 18 months for a refund which is now running up to more than R34000 and they cant event give a date when it will be done.
@YepYoutubeIsGreatАй бұрын
Accepted✅ - Increasing your rate of failure as soon as you can is important. However, as a person who is still currently on the early stages of his journey (year 4), I'd like to point out that this doesn't mean you have to minimize the preparation(reading/other forms of learning) stage so that you more quickly arrive at the testing/failing stage. I learned that the more I tried jumping into the practical work (testing and failing) before achieving good levels in the preparation, the more likely I was to be shit at whatever I was doing. Failing is good - but not all failing leads to good. These days I think about it kind of like when we would all do math at school... When we wrote an exam, it was based on several topics that had already been covered. If you tried to write the exam before you knew at least half those topics well-enough, you would be pretty much applying for failure. If you wanted to pass the exam(test), you had to be prepared in enough topics. If you wanted to ACE the exam, you had to be well-prepared in most of the topics. In the same way, it's important not to downplay preparedness when you're trying something all on your own. When you're better prepared, you're more likely to learn better from testing and from failure. But, I must admit that some fields require far less preparedness than others when it comes to testing and failing (I just happen to be playing within something where you need a decent amount of technical knowledge before you can begin testing and failing at things).
@Nguyen80HoangАй бұрын
Hello early afternoon Chào buổi trưa😊
@BalvinderBhogalАй бұрын
I enjoyed the pacing and the fact Steven gave such in depth answers
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Menurut sir gimana karena ini sindikat udh parah saya bukan tdk mau atasi sudah diatasi juga pihak yg saya beri komand nya kurang sigap ......
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Sekali bermasslah dgn Gpilot seperti kaum mafia ungu maka seluruh teamya kena restriksi karena mereka membawa misi kriminal sindikat kasus tgl 14 itu jadi mereka 100% kena restriksi Gpilot tdk bisa membantu tdk bisa juga jahat karena akan berputar kesitu lagi terus.....
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Gpilot saya sudha terkontaminasi kriminal.sindikat mafia puji dan iksna jadi ga akan bisa di lanjutkan karena sudah diketahui mudah di kriminalisasi klu saya Gpilotnya ...makanya saya jual dalam kondisi kritis utk di sehatkan harus pembeli baru jadi 0% crime kontaminasi karena pakai cara pembeli baru atau stdrt kebijakan proteksi buyer baru, utk putih Gpilotnya tinggal di lanjutkan sajah karena sudah luas jangakaunya seluruh dunia hanya saya beri saran utk pembeli harus gunakan proteksi supaya aman .....klu mau 1 billions usa $.......saya lelang utk perorangan klu negara 200 billions usa $......tinggal di lanjutkan sajah udh sangat mudah tinggal beri tiket dan arahkan sudah langsung jadi ....tapi legalisasinya harus resmi melalui interpol dan UN karena saya titipkan kemanan Gpilot saya pada mereka nanti disertai formulir legalitas resmi dgn kelengkapan lain lain dari interpol dan UN sebagi pendukung legal Gpilot individua dan negara
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Where is the deal 1 millions usa $ with contrac first its ice breaker to make good realtionship between Glilot plus king zeus with eropean ...this first like it must so we can go
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Pgn cepet di jual Gpilotnya itu sajah
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Tdk ada rule mafia im king of erope dont need any mafia rule i Okay jadi kan segera tanpa sarat mau 1 minggu atau 1 hari silahkan jgn mundur karena mafia lagi itu urusan msalah manusia kelas bawah...di asgaridian tdk ada urusan masalah manusia yg diurus masalah surgawi
@jerryyoung807Ай бұрын
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Hannah dodd i like her
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Its a gift from Gpilot for ur dady and u holly entire ur family and virgin 💎 u get good life all the time
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
For UK i like ur jobs 👍 exellence
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Pihak dari virgin companynya sajah yg hubungi sayah yah klu saya siap dan sudah berusaha semampu sayah 👍💎
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Ill sit back and relax like sir instruction but how long madam and sir im wait so long
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
I choose virgin white
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Contrac first i do the best after
@Goodtime711Ай бұрын
This is fantastic
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Thats some i can tells still i need managemnet virgin team to resmooth the rest is virgin managemnet handling cause my ticket protection has been came and i have been explan generaly the detail i gift trust to virgin pro team.
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
I dont bring problem to personal duty or mafia...cause privacy protection Gpilot its secret virgin will be my stake holders to pure it from any unwanted
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Or the song is about flight attnedand...singe by my self with rock song and cteate lyric by virgin team he cute blonde flight attendant would be the models clips
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Being nice to costumers that all
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Alot woman market buy my vocals type rock....that what i belive is
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Di putih artinya interpol sudah sigap di awal dgn prosedure tertulis bahawa mafia dilarang ikut serta di virgin itu saringan awal jadi jgn khawatir tdk akan sampai ada hal bahaya karena sudha di riject di awal
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Om saya dulu di kontrak baru yg lain lain program Gpilot banyak di umum klu presonal saya baru jadi butuh dukungan $ hanya seminggu black red tapi just white core 100%
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Lets play risk white core 100% non mafia at all non crime non rule syndicate no netehrland non usa non israel non illuminati non black and white non purple non russian ....okay play white core pure 100% safe as base to grow quality became good ,im not to good enough that why i learn talent and quality but i brave to be star sun for a week as long virgin support me 100% dont worry ur market will be support by my Gpilot
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
The saint meet holly virgin😁 so good coincidence
@RudiPurwana-72 ай бұрын
Jaminan saya bukan yg lain lain selain Gpilot saya nanti klu program saya tdk menguntungkan steelah om keluar 1 juat dollars utk saya maka saya akan aktifkan Gpilot utk virgin masih rahasia karen in plan b...plan A saya utamakan taelnt dan skill sayah sajah jika menguntungkan pihak virgin saya tdk akan buka jalur plan b sayah artinya saya cukup baik.....tapi ini ice breaker tiket utk UK bersama Gpilot banyak hal yg akan baik kedepannya jadi jgn khawatir Gpilot nama terjamin di dunia ceo dan ekonomi juga perthanan dan kemanan semua legal aman dan terpercaya juga terlindungi
@RudiPurwana-72 ай бұрын
Kapan bisa di mulai scepatnya om rhicards supaya cepet kerja seminggu
@neilburns88692 ай бұрын
What strikes me about the new office is just how happy people are in their jobs, without a doubt this is the best way of getting the best out of your staff.