Ill sit back and relax like sir instruction but how long madam and sir im wait so long
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
I choose virgin white
@SanjidSadik-t5v3 ай бұрын
Yes you are 3,and my 3rd wife.It's selected.
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Pihak dari virgin companynya sajah yg hubungi sayah yah klu saya siap dan sudah berusaha semampu sayah 👍💎
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Tdk ada rule mafia im king of erope dont need any mafia rule i Okay jadi kan segera tanpa sarat mau 1 minggu atau 1 hari silahkan jgn mundur karena mafia lagi itu urusan msalah manusia kelas bawah...di asgaridian tdk ada urusan masalah manusia yg diurus masalah surgawi
@RudiPurwana-719 күн бұрын
Sir lets forget mafia rule im Gpilot absolute i have super right to stop any mafia rule when in my private ......they like or not im Gpilot has super want must agree with my rule ......i dont bring any mafia in private life job or individual works or bussines its to privacy not good ,.....beside that im not Gpilot for crime or mafia i have been choose in side of government and deprtment defense non mafia ever restriction was real genuine
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Or the song is about flight attnedand...singe by my self with rock song and cteate lyric by virgin team he cute blonde flight attendant would be the models clips
@RudiPurwana-7Ай бұрын
Where is the deal 1 millions usa $ with contrac first its ice breaker to make good realtionship between Glilot plus king zeus with eropean ...this first like it must so we can go