@SummersideDiver 25 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience. I saved several rhizomes and seeds from our cannas this year. I can’t wait to see what happens when I germinate and wake them up! Your video will help me to get them started.
@Garden-Oasis 18 күн бұрын
You’re very welcome! 😊 I’m so glad you found the video useful. Good luck with your canna germination!
@drtanyanandkeoliar 26 күн бұрын
This trick is amazing. I tried it and it just revived my plant. So thankful for uploading this video. Xoxo
@Garden-Oasis 18 күн бұрын
You’re very welcome! 😊 I’m so glad it helped you
@mistyclesi4665 Ай бұрын
I’m confused I’ll keep my flowers in the vase for as long as possible and my hydrangeas never root it in the flower vase I wonder why
@Garden-Oasis 29 күн бұрын
@@mistyclesi4665 notice that I cut off the flower, then put it in a vase. When the flower is on there, all the energy will be used up by those flowers. You either want to pick a branch that hasn’t flowered yet or cut off the flower the second you take the branch from the main bush. This is because once you cut it from the bush, it won’t be getting any more nutrients from the roots of the main bush. It only has what’s in the stem, so you want the cutting to use that energy to make roots rather than support flowers
@DanielFix-b1b Ай бұрын
Bonjour, merci d avance M FIX Daniel
@Garden-Oasis Ай бұрын
You’re very welcome! 😊 I hope you found it useful. Good luck!
@llamawizard Ай бұрын
I thought these were supposed to be evergreen
@Garden-Oasis Ай бұрын
@@llamawizard oh, they are evergreen. They don’t lose their leaves in winter. The leaves stay on there, which gives them the classification of “evergreen”. But the color of the leaves fades a bit in the cold. Still green somewhat, but muted. Then they become a brighter green in spring, as they wake up.
@JaRule6 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this video! One of my friends in my Facebook Garden group gave me a bowl full of variegated ice plant cuttings. I thought they would root in water but now I realize they have to go and soil. I'm glad I realized that before it gets much colder. By the way I recommend using chopsticks to help with planting small items.
@Garden-Oasis Ай бұрын
@@JaRule6 my pleasure! Depending on if you guys get harsh winters, you may need to root your cuttings inside, under a lamp. Delosperma is a desert plant so thrives in heat. Right now, mine (in zone 7) are dormant. So if I took cuttings, they wouldn’t root outside.. you can bring them inside, in a pot, under a lamp, in a warm spot. Treat it like the succulent it is, and don’t water too much. They hate to be wet all the time. I’ve never rooted them inside so that’s just what I would do if I were giving it a go. Good luck 👍 And yes! I love making a hole with chopsticks if the stem is soft. The ones in the video were stiff, so I could just push them down.
@gianna7256 2 ай бұрын
Hello great video thank you. I have been growing Canna Lilies for the 2 years it's all new to me but I was surprised with the beautiful colors I got for the first time. I grow mine in big pots I dug out the rhisomes but lost lots of them they were dry they looked dead & I threw them.This year I dug them up put the in a paper bag and will keep them in the cupboard you think they will survive?
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@gianna7256 if the cupboard is in a cool place, like a basement, they will survive but not inside your house. Inside your house they will want to wake up and start growing. They need to stay cool, but not freezing, to stay dormant. The basement is a perfect place to store them as it stays a consistent 50 degrees down there. Not too hot to wake them and not too cold to damage them. If you don’t have a basement, I’d keep them in the garage in a protected spot for most of the time, but as soon as the temp in the garage gets close to dropping to freezing, bring them inside till the temps rise back up, to above freezing and take them back out… if you have an extra fridge, you can keep them in there the whole winter (in the fridge section, not the freezer). So your basic mission is to keep them cool but not freezing.
@saraswatkin9226 2 ай бұрын
I did just what you did and it died.
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@saraswatkin9226 I have so many questions. There are many reasons it could have died. Did you do it in summer or just now in fall? Begonias love hot weather and root best when done in temps above 70. If you want to root it now, you’ll have to do the rooting inside with a heat mat. Also, begonias are succulents so they need to be in dryer soil as they will rot when they stay wet for too long. This is not much of a concern during summer (like in the video) as the heat dries out soil very fast, but in fall, soil stays wet for a long time after watering. There are other things that could go wrong like for example the weather is getting dangerously close to freezing temp (which will kill the begonia). But even if it doesn’t freeze like say at 37 degrees Fahrenheit or thereabouts, the stems and leaves begin to wilt from cold damage. So now is not the best time to be rooting them.
@saraswatkin9226 2 ай бұрын
@@Garden-Oasis early September when the weather was still warm. Its a hanging basket still outside with flowers under a canopy. Wondering how I can save it.
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@saraswatkin9226 you can bring it inside and place it near a south facing window. It won’t absolutely love that, because they prefer being outside, so some of the leaves may fall off, but it will survive the winter and you’ll be able to take it back outside in spring. I’ve done this and it works 👍. Just make sure you let the soil dry out before watering (just like you would any other succulent) so they don’t rot on you. Also, if it’s a tuberous type in the basket, you can dig up the tuber to save it (like you’d save a dahlia tuber) and replant later in spring, but honestly they take a long time to grow in from tubers, so I feel like I personally like the bringing the whole plant in method better. Be sure to bring it in as soon as possible to avoid further cold damage. I have done both and both ways work 👍 good luck!
@shirley4726 2 ай бұрын
This video was SO helpful! I just wanted to say thanks for posting it. I got a canna for Mother's Day this past spring and I love it. Had no idea what the funny little green bulb was that formed on the flower stalk 😂I've now harvested the seeds, which look nice and dark just like you showed in your video. I'll be trying to germinate them early next spring. Thanks again! 👍💖✌
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@shirley4726 you’re very welcome! 😊 I’m so glad you found the video useful. Good luck on your germinating adventure! What fun, to germinate the seeds of something that has sentimental value. It will add a specialness to the little emerging baby plants. 🌱
@conkodo 2 ай бұрын
What is the native range of this plant?
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@conkodo I believe it’s native to eastern north America. Google says it’s even native up in eastern Canada, which i didn’t know, but am happy to add that little tidbit to the memory banks
@sc3858 2 ай бұрын
How many bulbs did you plant there?
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@sc3858 I can’t remember. Might have been 6? Maybe 🤷‍♀️. They came in a package from Costco.
@CybertruckNick 2 ай бұрын
Can I start it now (Oct) and let it grow indoor thru the winter and plant them outside by spring?
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@CybertruckNick I’m not sure what zone you’re in but in zone 7, where I am, the hydrangeas have already started to lose their leaves and go dormant. Once the plant goes dormant, most hardwood cuttings don’t like to sit in water. But if they are still green (and the leaves haven’t started to turn yellow) then yes! 😊 I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. However, I’ve personally never tried hydrangeas in water over the winter, so I’m just guessing here. But what a fun project for you to do! Why not, right? If it works, great!and if it doesn’t, it then you can try again in spring 😊 Just be aware that the hydrangeas have already set their flower buds for next year so every cutting you take is one less flower next year. So take them strategically, from like the back or some place their absence won’t be noticeable
@CybertruckNick 2 ай бұрын
@@Garden-Oasis Awesome! I'm in NYC, borderline zone 7. Pretty warm this week. Leaves still mostly green with reddish hue, so about to go. There were new wood growing out of the old wood, so I cut off the new wood. Hopefully that will work and will be happy to share the result. Yikes! You're right, I see the budlings, but I think their sacrifice will be worth it. 🙂. I do noticed when it gets too tall (1 foot of new wood on top of 2 foot old wood) the branch starts to limp over when the flower gets too big. Thanks for the video and reply!
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@CybertruckNick good luck!👍 keep us posted. It would be great to know if it works in water over winter… also, just to be safe, I’d get a small quart sized pot and put a few in there (in potting soil) and keep it by the window as a safety. Just in case the semi hard wood doesn’t like being in water and rots on you. You still have the cuttings in soil method going on the side.
@CybertruckNick 2 ай бұрын
@@Garden-Oasis I want to report that all 7 of the stem are dying. The top is turning black and the bottom never developed roots. Will try again in the spring/summer. thanks again.
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@CybertruckNick oh man, that’s a shame. But, at least we know now that they don’t like the water method when they’re going dormant. Thanks for sharing the knowledge 👍
@socalmingtowatchandsuchawe4281 2 ай бұрын
I collected seed last year (from the council’s display), germinated them this year (chipping the seed and putting on damp paper in plastic in warm cupboard) and plants grew well but not old enough to flower this year. One mature plant in the garden I left in last winter, covering it, after cutback, with a large upturned plastic bucket to deter some of the rain, and it survived. I do this with dahlias too. But, what to do with the youngsters this winter? I’m in Kent UK
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@socalmingtowatchandsuchawe4281 if the older ones survived the winter, I don’t see why the younger ones wouldn’t too, with the same protections. But if you’re worried about them, you can dig up the roots, put them in a box and store them in a place that stays cold but doesn’t freeze, like a basement or a cellar. You won’t need to brush off all the soil like most people do, I never have. I just chuck the whole clump, compost and all, into a cardboard box and put them in the garage. The soil around them actually acts as an insulator both from the cold and from drying out.
@DanielleFraser-z7u 2 ай бұрын
Great comparison thank you!
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
@@DanielleFraser-z7u thanks for taking the time to comment 😊
@nancyspruiell347 3 ай бұрын
I didnt know this..Ive thrown away alotnof broken stems. wow! Thanks!
@Garden-Oasis 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad you found it helpful! You can propagate so many plants this way. 🙂
@albertareid8258 3 ай бұрын
How you get the color purple on your hydrogen
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
@@albertareid8258 this particular variety called La Dreamin’ naturally has multicolored flowers. So that’s why this one has purple as well as pink and blue, but normally, I get pink flowers The color of the flowers depends on the acidity of your soil. The more acidic your soil, the more blue tones you’ll get in the flowers. If you have basic soil (meaning your hydrangeas always turn pink) then you can add soil acidifier to the soil. They sell bags of it in Home Depot or Lowe’s. It will take about a year or so, but the soil will get more acidic and next year, your flower color will start going towards blue. It will take time, so be patient and trust the process but it will eventually happen… I’ve found sprinkling your used coffee grounds around the base of your plant also helps (coffee grounds are acidic) 👍
@ibuderek6698 3 ай бұрын
Plant so beautiful.it’s easy to grow on any soil ?.thanks
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
Any soil except very wet soil. It doesn’t like wet areas. It’s more of a drought tolerant plant, so requires less water and more sun. It’s also cold hardy and heat tolerant, so someone in Texas can grow it and someone in Canada can also grow it. Hope that helped 😊
@divinelove1273 3 ай бұрын
How to revive a flower plant that been kind of dried out or sun burned ??
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
@@divinelove1273 same as in the video. If it can come back, it will.
@divinelove1273 3 ай бұрын
​@Garden-Oasis thank you soo much, I have dried out zinnias would I have to cut the buds off? I'm unsure i just took the petals off and the dried sunburned leaves
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
@@divinelove1273 I’m not sure about zinnias. I would imagine they would need the same as any other plant, but I don’t have much experience with them.
@scarletheart1932 3 ай бұрын
Hydrangea has stomata all over and hence it has strong ability to rejuvenate When soaked in water, It can accelerate plasma wall recovery and rejuvenate. You know what, The beautiful thing is.. the flower language of Hydrangea is Hope.
@angeladaviasmith6922 3 ай бұрын
😊 I am a new subscriber. I would like to replace my lawn with this plant. How do I start?? I am new to gardening.
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
You have to first make sure the part of your lawn you want to grow this in, doesn’t get much foot traffic. Like in the examples I showed on a sloped front yard or in the field of a church or the display gardens with paths around it to walk on. If you have kids and they run around on your lawn, unfortunately it won’t work with this plant. The older branches on this plant get woody and will snap when walked on. But if you have such an area, I’d buy a few plants and clear a small area and plant them about a foot away from each other. Leave the rest of your lawn as is for now. Once these grow out, you can take cuttings and do the same the next year. Clear out some of the grass and plant your rooted cuttings a foot from each other. Then do it again the next year. It will go faster and faster as time passes because you have more and more plants to take cuttings from. So you have more and more rooted cuttings to plant and will be clearing out larger and larger sections of your lawn to replace it with phlox. Always keep the newly planted plants well watered and you should do great 👍
@angeladaviasmith6922 3 ай бұрын
@@Garden-Oasis Thank you. I have no small kids. It is my front lawn which is pretty small. I'm thinking of just having rock paths with this plant in between. Thank you so much for replying 🙂
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
@@angeladaviasmith6922 you’re very welcome. I love to help 😊 good luck! 👍
@gruntergullyfishingtribe2185 3 ай бұрын
What plant is this
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
The one in my hand is creeping phlox. There are two different ones in the pot. On one side is creeping phlox and on the other (with the slightly larger leaves) is woodland phlox
@sonayozden4814 3 ай бұрын
Kanalınızda görüp satın aldım. Türkiye 8b'deyim. Sıcaklık hoşuna gitmeyecek. Devasa bir meşe ağacım var. Onun altında, oldukça aydınlık bir yerde tutacağım. Hava biraz serinledi ve mutlu görünüyor. Harika bahçenizi görmek çok güzel. Malesef sıcaklık yüzünden artık ortanca büyütmek, korumak zorlaştı. Canna ve yucca sipariş edeceğim. Bu arada birde Cornus kousa Chinensis satın aldım. Umarım sorunsuz büyürler. Muhteşem bahçenizi izlemek çok iyi hissettiriyor.
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. I feel honored that you are watching my videos all the way from across the ocean. I’m so glad you enjoy my channel. 😊
@sonayozden4814 3 ай бұрын
​@@Garden-Oasisevet çok güzeller. Çok teşekkür ederim
@soraiaisabela 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing, this video was really helpful as you gave so much educational information! My hydrangeas are dropping, but their leaves are shinny and looking happy. Any idea what can be the issue? 😭
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
That’s how dehydration starts. That’s the first sign. Then the leaves look worse and worse over time. Just give it a good deep watering and see if that helps. You might know this already but just in case you don’t, deep watering is different from regular watering. With deep watering you stand there for a good few minutes and really soak the soil around it. Put the hose head on “flood” instead of “shower”
@sammysworld5485 3 ай бұрын
This was a valuable tutorial. I never knew how easy it was to propagate creeping phlox. I usually just divide it with a shovel while in the ground. No need to dig them up. Easy peasy.
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
@@sammysworld5485 yes, you can definitely do it that way but I find that it leaves a bare spot and affects the rounded shape of the original plant. Leaving it looking like a bite has been taken out of it lol. And you only end up getting one additional plant. Taking cuttings solves all those issues. And I end up with many more plants in the end. This year, I ended up with about 20 new phlox. I’m giving some to my father and mother in law and maybe my brother (he’s always down for free plants lol).. but yes, like I say in the video, there are other ways to propagate it for sure 👍
@babskara3911 3 ай бұрын
Hi fab video. Can you please tell me what month you did this pruning please. I planted my willow ealy this year it has grown well with very long branches now. Leaves are only just started to go little green When is it best time to prune back. Am in the uk. Thank you.
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
As far as I know, UK and the US are in the same hemisphere so experience the seasons at the same time. And I’m on the upper east coast so my seasons happen pretty much almost exactly the same time as yours. Typically, once your willow matures, you will need to trim it twice because of its vigorous growth habit. I usually trim in mid to late July, depending on how fast it grew that particular year (more rain that season usually means more growth. And less rain that season, less growth).. but anyway, I’m rambling. lol. So currently you can go ahead and trim it now. But later, you’ll probably be doing it in July and again some time after it’s lost all its leaves during winter (because by then the branches will have grown again). Doesn’t matter when during winter. You could cut it as soon as it loses its leaves or wait till just before spring. It will be asleep so it won’t know the difference either way.
@SimplyGardenRoses 4 ай бұрын
I love Florentina too. Beautiful blooms.
@Garden-Oasis 4 ай бұрын
And I see, by your profile pic, that we are both fans of Eden too 👍 wonderful rose. You have great taste
@julissavillanueva4751 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this break down!! I was wondering how the two were different! ❤ gonna get both LOL
@Garden-Oasis 4 ай бұрын
lol I don’t blame you. I had the same thought 😄
@magentamagenta1274 4 ай бұрын
Beautiful love that presentation 👏
@Garden-Oasis 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much 🤗
@kuma-rin4039 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much 😭 my hydrangea was drooping a little in her pot no matter how much I watered her so I worried she wasn't getting enough sun. So I moved her to a spot where I knew there'd be direct morning sun and afternoon shade, but I guess that spot was way too hot because she fully wilted 💀💀💀 I moved her back to her original spot and gave her the treatment, and she's pretty much recovered after 12 hours. This is my first time gardening and hydrangeas are my favourite plant so I would be so gutted if I killed her 😢 Thank you so so much!!!
@Garden-Oasis 4 ай бұрын
@@kuma-rin4039 my pleasure! So glad the video helped you 😊 and hydrangeas are my favorite plant too! 🤗
@x0vioriginal633 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! So helpful 😊
@Garden-Oasis 4 ай бұрын
You're so welcome! 😊 glad you found it useful
@yvesvirginie2852 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate the great video and detailed explanations. Thank you.👍 Now I know what to do.
@Garden-Oasis 4 ай бұрын
You’re very welcome! So glad you found it useful 😊 good luck! 👍
@pnw6324 4 ай бұрын
Three days??? Lies
@Garden-Oasis 4 ай бұрын
@@pnw6324 lol what possible reason would I have to lie? 😄 I’m guessing you fast forwarded it and ended up at the part where I said “it’s been 3 days” but that was 3 days since the last check in, so actually 14 days from the start of the propagation process.
@Realsaladcat 4 ай бұрын
I know this is unrelated but repent to Christ ((just checking on everyone's souls))
@Stellasbaby724 4 ай бұрын
I just picked up the hydrangea eclipse for 50% off. Thank you!
@Garden-Oasis 4 ай бұрын
You’re very welcome! So glad I could help! 😊 good luck 👍
@gigi2k326 5 ай бұрын
Question, I live in nc, & have Ice plants in planters. Should I take them indoors in the winter? Or what do you suggest?
@Garden-Oasis 4 ай бұрын
No, not at all. Ice plants are hardy down to zone 5. You don’t have to do anything where you are. It will survive your winter just fine, even if you have it in a pot. I have some in a pot and some in the ground, both ways work. It will go dormant just like all the other plants and wake up in the spring.
@johnfreeman1623 5 ай бұрын
My seeds are in the water for more than 2 weeks and no change.😕just like day 1☹
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
I’m sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, your seeds may be nonviable. If you scratched them like I show in the video and soaked them, then you did all you could do. I’d try buying another batch and try again. However, I’d try it in spring, it’s pretty late in the season for canna seeds. You’ll have enough time to get them to maybe a foot tall at most before they slow down in the cool fall weather. Cannas need heat to thrive.. Unless you’re in a tropical area, then of course, go for it 👍 good luck! 😊
@lilyzbeads 5 ай бұрын
❤ ty for using my sound
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
😊 my pleasure. You have good taste 👍
@Blahcvgfg 5 ай бұрын
Beautiful. Is this a miniature rose?
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
No, it’s a full sized floribunda. The flowers are about the size of my palm. 😊 I highly recommend 👍
@gro16 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the informative video. I could have watched it over and over if weren't for the music. Thank you.
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
lol I don’t blame you. That was from when I first started making videos/shorts. I didn’t really think about it, just chose a random song to cover the terrible scratching sounds from the poor sound quality. 😅 I think this was one of the few songs that actually covered it. I like to think I’m getting better at shorts, but honestly, the current ones are probably just as awful in some other way 😆
@lindale17 3 ай бұрын
​@@Garden-Oasis another option is to mute the video entirely and add a voice over! How long does it take to grow roots?
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
@@lindale17 I figured out voice overs much later 😄
@Garden-Oasis 3 ай бұрын
@@lindale17 and since it’s a tropical plant, it needs heat to thrive. So the answer is, it depends. When it’s hot, the roots come faster, when it’s cooler, like now, the roots come very slowly. They will come either way, the only difference is the time you wait. Your summers might be hotter or colder than mine so the time will differ and different cultivars differ in their ability to put out roots fast. Try it with one you like and see how it goes 👍 I feel like that’s where the fun is 😊
@lindale17 3 ай бұрын
​@@Garden-Oasis thank you I will try it! Only it is fall where I am and was going to see if I could still propagate them indoors
@kmanmott6162 5 ай бұрын
One question I have, when you are planting the seeds that have the white embryo exposed, are you planting the white tip UP or white tip DOWN in the soil? Thanks so much.
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
@@kmanmott6162 it doesn’t matter what direction it points. It could be facing straight down and it will still grow upwards, or vice versa. In nature, when they fall to the ground, no one turns them and faces them in a certain direction. They’ve evolved over millions of years to be able to find up for their leaves and down for their roots. Just drop it in the hole and cover with soil. It will take care of the rest on its own 😊👍 don’t worry about it, you got this 👍
@GardenGaloreParadise 5 ай бұрын
So pretty ❤
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
@@GardenGaloreParadise thank you!🙏 😊
@GardenGaloreParadise 5 ай бұрын
Stay connected with me.
@The_GreenMachine 5 ай бұрын
tried this with my wilted hydrangea, next day it was definitely dead :(
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
Can’t see why it would die from this, unless it was already dead. This process just makes it so the plant can have maximum hydration. It can’t hurt the plant, unless you leave the bag in the sun, like I explain in the video…maybe you’re mistaken and it just looks dead. Did you do the scratch test? Maybe the branches are still alive. I’ve brought back many hydrangeas that looked completely dead with this method (hydrangeas lowes had thrown out). Try scratching it to see if it’s still green inside.
@keishac9 5 ай бұрын
Love it ❤
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
@@keishac9 thank you Keisha! 😊
@nazneentonse6768 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Your video, though longish, was worth every minute .. clear visuals, simple explanation, soothing voice and spoken clear and slow enough. Really appreciate your sharing, and will check out more of your videos. I'm here in Bangalore, India, by the way! No idea what zone! Tropical mostly pleasant weather here, and we're in our monsoon season at the moment. Looking forward to trying out my canna seeds now, what fun! Thanks again, Sue!
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
Oh thank you so much for the kind compliments. 😊 I got curious as to what zone Bangalore would be equivalent to and it looks like you guys would be a zone 12. Good luck with your seeds! I hope you germinate some interesting ones 👍😊
@jfred1924 5 ай бұрын
Just purchased a Stawberry Vanilla hydrangea tree. The colors are just now changing for the Vanilla to the mixed Strawberry Vanilla colors. My wife loves the colors, and your gardens.
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
@@jfred1924 thank you so much 😊 and yes I love the colors too 👍 might I recommend a hydrangea for your wife? My favorites currently are the pinky winky (pollinator magnet) and strawberry sundae (beautiful color as well. I have a short on it) 👍 it has white, light and dark pink, and lime. Don’t tell the plant police but I’ve propagated the bageezes out of it 🤣 I want it everywhere in my garden eventually lol
@jfred1924 5 ай бұрын
Looking for a new one hydrangea along side of the shed, I will look into your suggestions, Thanks
@jfred1924 5 ай бұрын
Is your pinky winky a tree or a bush. Curious how big the bush or tree would get when full grown I wood have to make sure to plant in correct space
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
@@jfred1924 pinky winky gets pretty big. When it’s mature, it gets as big as limelight at 8 feet and each panicle can be 13 inches long. The strawberry sundae is more compact, getting at most 4 feet.
@jfred1924 5 ай бұрын
How long would/does it take you to water everything. Hopefully you have a watering system.
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
@@jfred1924 I do have the plants on drip. But I still have to water the things in pots that I have scattered around the garden and I do a lot of propagation so those need to be watered. I find it peaceful. I go out there with hose in one hand and coffee in the other and just spray. It also gives me a chance to keep an eye on everything. I can catch when something is suffering much faster that way.
@sandyc9379 5 ай бұрын
Complete plant newbie here. What’s the best potting soil to buy? And how big before it goes in the ground? Zone 6-7 here if that helps
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
I use miracle grow potting mix. They come in different kinds like “moisture control” ect. but it really doesn’t matter which one you use. Honestly any potting mix, from any company, will work. The whole point of it is to have good drainage. If you water your plants and it runs right through and doesn’t sit on top, that’s a good potting mix. And for planting in the ground, Autumn/Fall weather is really good. The scorching heat of summer has passed by then and the baby plants go through minimal transplant shock. And they get a few months to root in before winter 👍
@sandyc9379 5 ай бұрын
@@Garden-Oasis thank you so much!!
@CookNComedy 5 ай бұрын
Where do I find the seeds
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
You can buy them on eBay for very cheap. People collect them from their plants and sell them. You can also buy them from online plant stores that sell seeds. I think I’ve even seen them being sold in amazon. I’d just google “canna lily seeds” and go with the best option. You’ll only have to buy them once. Then you can collect your own seeds and store them for the next year 👍
@CookNComedy 5 ай бұрын
@@Garden-Oasis thank you I found some, you gained a subscriber
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
@@CookNComedy you’re very welcome 😊
@lisacimarik7315 5 ай бұрын
I have a Tropicana Black in a container and it blooms beautifully BUT they tend to break off? My husband slid the container a little for room and a new flush of partially opened blooms on one stalk just very cleanly snapped off. It looked as if I cut it, it was so clean. Does anyone know why this happens?
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
The Tropicana series are hybrids so maybe it’s just something that happens with that variety. It’s probably something the breeders had to accept with that particular cultivar, in order to have a canna with such dark leaves.
@JoseMartinez-df2db 5 ай бұрын
They are backs, not flowers.
@Garden-Oasis 5 ай бұрын
@@JoseMartinez-df2db actually if you want to get technical, they are “panicles”. That’s where the name panicle hydrangea comes from. The panicles are composed of both flowers and bracts. But most people don’t know what a bract is, so I used the word “flower”, so people would understand. The point of the video wasn’t flower anatomy 😅