How to Hope in Hard Times
16 сағат бұрын
How To Help Prevent Pastoral Abuse
Hold Onto Faith Amid Doubts
21 күн бұрын
Can We Go to Church in the Metaverse?
Hopeful Living in a Weary World
The Case for In-Person Church
@Duckytattz 26 минут бұрын
I guess the question that I have is … Pre deconstruction, what was Rhett’s foundation? And truly. I guess only God and Rhett can truly know that and in some sense, that goes for every single person on this earth.
@felixquintana5784 50 минут бұрын
This is the problem when you have to stick to your tradition instead of go off on what the word of God says. If a person rapes a child, murders their parents, robs a bank at gunpoint, commits adultery with someone else's spouse, curses God to his face, and lies about all of it before committing suicide, are they still saved because they confessed Christ and said they believed in him with all their heart? This one saved always saved Doctrine it's just as deceiving and damming as the one of purgatory whete you can live your life however you want to and then get it all burned off in the afterlife before you meet God.
@chl0514 55 минут бұрын
“There’s always a goodness in the withholdings of God.” 🤧💯
@felixquintana5784 56 минут бұрын
This is such a contradiction! It's murder and yet without the opportunity to repent and turn back to God you're still saved? So if someone goes out there and murders another human being and does not repent are they saved?
@andreaarhelger8622 2 сағат бұрын
@RenierVanGreunen-sg9vc 10 сағат бұрын
@ronaldsamain9297 15 сағат бұрын
Well apparently Christians who commit suicide go to heaven too look at Jesus he committed suicide God asked him to take his life that was Sue and he didn't die for your sins you can't just walk in there so that was a lie apart in the Bible that was a lie and I say God himself broke his own commandment Thou shalt not kill he asked his son to take his life that was murder
@NomosCharis 16 сағат бұрын
Actually really liked this. Keep it simple. The only missing part was the clarification that each person is also fully 100% God-that God’s essence is one and not divided into three parts.
@JerkStoreCalled 18 сағат бұрын
Praise the Lord for answering my prayer and leading me to this here video. He is so good and faithful. 🥹❤️‍🔥
@Steve-mo6wo 21 сағат бұрын
The dude with the man bun is a sign that we're right at the end.
@Sofia79899 22 сағат бұрын
Guys I’m 10…IM 10 and think about this. I love life and my family, I think about this because of my dumb ocd, anxiety, adhd if it has to do with this. It scares me so much. I cry every second when I think about this. It’s weird, I love life and my family I just have something in me that doesn’t care. But at the same time when I know what I’m doing to my self I do care. I had tried several attempts of suicde. As a Christian I know I am in control of my self and I know that Jesus is beginning for me to live, and as me I will. its just scary but I will live as a 10 year old. I have a lot more to live. I’m to young for this but I got this! Amen ❤
@Steve-mo6wo 23 сағат бұрын
Peter wrote that He predestined His children in love before the foundation of the world. His children were conceived in His great love. Others He called children of the devil, such as the Pharisees, right to their faces. Some are of God but most are of the devil, which is why the world is as messed up as it is.
@DeconTheMonkey Күн бұрын
Thanks for talking about this. I spoke the truth and paying the price. I knew this was going to happen but to hear it said here affirms im not crazy.
@edhughs4436 Күн бұрын
When I first watched this video, I commented on the story about the man who never considered divorce but often considered murder saying that only a Pharisee would (1) laugh at this and (2) think that that man was a covenant keeper. My comment was deleted. How about some honest interaction with viewers, especially women, about this video?
@johnrideout7124 Күн бұрын
The Apostle Paul was chosen by Jesus himself.! Acts 9v15. And although he said that Women were to keep silent in the congregation. 1 Cor. 14v34. Outside, doing what Jesus Ordered his Christian followers to do, at Matt. 28v19-20. Paul has been quite vociferous as to the excellent work the Women have been doing.! In Romans. 16v1-15. And at 1 Cor. 9v5. He tells of the Apostles being accompanied by their Wives on the Preaching work. This included the Apostle Peter, who, it is not generally known, was married.! (Mark 1v29-31). Tellsus that Jesus, healed his Mother-in-Law). So, the Bible shows that Christian Women have Contributed Enormously to the teaching of the Good News of the Kingdom, and the better conditions to come for those who listen to them.! Read Acts . 15v14-17. To identify them.!......
@sanctifiedandsaved5298 Күн бұрын
I'm glad these men are clarifying the issues and distinguishing the differences between biblical theology and political ideology - I love the description that are churches are becoming "Fox" churches or "CNN" churches 😄
@eekamouse-js8lr Күн бұрын
Hundreds of years ago, a Zen Master & his student are meditating together at a strictly-enclosed Tibetan monastery that is known for its supreme excellence in teaching spiritual matters. After a couple of hours sitting together, the novice asks the Master: "Master, what happens to us when we die?" After a long, dramatic pause, while stroking his long, white beard, the Zen Master replies, "I don't know, my son." The novice asks, "How can you not know? You are a *Zen Master* ! The Master's laconic reply was, "Yes, but I'm not a dead one."
@jasonoliver7881 Күн бұрын
It's a contentious argument from a world that hates to be told what to do. If the Bible upsets you, because it takes a bold stance on culture, gender, morality, etc then perhaps the problem is not with the Bible, it's with you.
@drzaius844 Күн бұрын
No one should be shamed for their sacred beliefs. No one should be shamed for rejecting those who proselytize their sacred beliefs. The reality is, there is likely no threat to your immortal soul, and you never had anything to fear to begin with. Christianity creates a threat so they can save you from the threat. It is the classic “nice business you got here. Sure would be a shame if it burned down” kind of mafia threat. And it is a total invention. But if you insist on believing it, peace to you, as much peace as you might gain when thinking that half the human population and many of your family members will be tortured for all eternity. As for me and my family. Imagine threatening your family with such a fate if they defied you. Crazy. But… peace if you can find it.
@nancejack56 Күн бұрын
The Word of Promise® NKJV Audio Bible 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 1 Corinthians 6:9 NKJV
@sv60 2 күн бұрын
I dont wamt to die. I just don't want to live anymore. I just exist. I hate this world and how weird and stupid it is as well. Everyone stealing and scamming from all angles.White is black black is white. My gf just said she doesn't believe me. Im not in pain but i have hiccups for hrs and days on end. Talking sounds like i have terrets syndrome. I have no friends all i do is lift weights. Im surving on amino acids cause they don't have to be digested. I have plenty of a variety of food but if i mess up and eat, ill pay dearly for it. Drs have been no help. I seldom sleep. I hate the day light. I hate this existence. I wish i could just never wake up no heaven or hell. Just go to sleep and be forever left alone like i never was. I hate drs so bad. Theyre so worthless. They don't listen. Now im even more angry because she said i wouldn't do it. I said you think its a threat for attention or compliance? Ive made all the arrangements so she and her little girl will be ok financially. Ive started to a 100 times. I just keep losing the courage cause of fear of hell forever. But now i don't have that atm. Im angry and insulted she thinks im playing a game. Ive told her how and why this becoming and shadow of my former self just existing cant handle. Now i want to prove her how wrong she was while im not fearing the after life. This world is not for me.And does anyone else feel hell/the punishment doesn't fit the crime? Man is supposed to be unjust and evil(and we are) but we don't get a life sentence with no chance of parole for a parking ticket!!! And that can't even compare in an analogy to hell. Why can't we just be left alone to sleep forever?????????
@Emanuel-uh1uo 2 күн бұрын
She said it all @1:18 if only straight Christians understood that part there wouldnt be too much confusion...its like theyre asking us to be miserable and back to the same place we've rebelled against
@stevencordlesletusstudytog4565 2 күн бұрын
I never even heard of Christian nationalism until about 2 months ago, maybe 3. Most of the people talking about it are on the left and are anti-Christian, America last advocates. I think this is largely a media driven issue that liberal media have taken a few obscure right wing writers who are extreme and are trying to make them look like mainstream Christians.
@katielee4892 2 күн бұрын
Without love you are annoying and irritating just like a clanging cymbal. I think the problem arises when pastors lecture/preach at people without first showing love. Jesus went to the people and had compassion first. He fed them and He healed them and then He told them to go and sin no more. With most preachers it is the opposite.
@jacobkoder4903 2 күн бұрын
I have to say... at this point (two months later) it's pathetic that there hasn't been a legitimate response to the cascade of issues people have taken up with TGC's discussion on this topic. You've proactively created your own echo chamber.
@PatienceNoelle 2 күн бұрын
Abba Father.
@sanctifiedandsaved5298 2 күн бұрын
Excellent distinctives both biblically and historically.
@josephbrooks2862 2 күн бұрын
With the exception of the VERY rare jerk or uncomfortable comment, I've had the exact same experience ever since I came to faith (about 4 years ago).
@owensnell4606 2 күн бұрын
If you think it’s okay to smoke but you’re Christian, try to imagine what it would be like if Jesus raptured you at the peak of your high and what his reaction would be.
@gaagsl 3 күн бұрын
Any religión that teaches anyone is going to be tortured forever, only because that person didn't believe in what they believe, Regardles if that person was a responsible and a kind human being, is an evil religion. What is interesting is that people who tell others this nonsense, never take responsibility for what they say. They hide behind Bible passages because they know that this is inmoral. A god who sets rules like that, is unworthy of devotion.
@bonkybonkster969 3 күн бұрын
No one said following Christ is SAFE 😂 if anything he says PICK UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW ME, THE WORLD HATED HIM FIRST THEY WILL HATE US TOO. There is a difference between being a friend and accepting YOUR poor choices, as a Christian if you don’t care about that homosexual person OF COURSE YOU ARENT GOING TO TELL THEM THEY ARE WRONG. And what a surprise they don’t want to hear it, they are so deceived they can’t realize it’s REAL love that is calling them to the Lord, that is why we preach against it, If you love the Lord you follow his commandments. NOT find ways to justify our sins and continue to do them, when Jesus stopped the woman from being stoned he told her “Go, and SIN NO MORE” that doesn’t mean that as a prostitute she had the right to continue to be a prostitute if she genuinely wanted the forgiveness. SIN NO MORE means do not fall back into that comfortable lifestyle, the Devil wants comfort, he wants us to be deceived in any way possible, if this means not following God true words then this is the case. I understand and respect someone even homosexuals who TRY to work with us as Christian’s, but the same way you feel about your sexuality, we feel an even STRONGER way about our Lord and Savior, and I will not go against my Lord to have a conversation about someone’s sinful lifestyle if they are only going to justify and ignore their own repentance, REPENTANCE ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY, BUT THIS BRAINWASHED GENERATION DOESNT REALIZE . I was molested as a kid, I dealt with those feelings, and with the help of the Lord it’s been years since I’ve acted on those DESIRES OF THE HEART, AND I AM HAPPIER NOW AND SO MUCH LESS CONFUSED, IT WAS SATAN!!! IM MY OWN LIFE, and the moment I gave it to Christ he freed me. I’ve died from drugs, I’ve seen the light, there wasn’t 5+ Gods, ONLY ONE MAN I SAW🙏
@gregmiell3037 3 күн бұрын
So....Ezekiel 40-48 means what?...
@danielmora271 3 күн бұрын
How is this teaching biblical I ask? That the dead believer goes straight to heaven? Can you please provide biblical evidence for this teaching? The video has no evidence of Scripture in what is said. Enoch, Moses and Elijah are special cases and does not apply to every believer over time. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 is just one of many Scripture passages that disproves that dead believers in Christ go straight to heaven. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up TOGETHER WITH THEM in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. Did you catch that? The dead in Christ will rise first. When will that be? When we die? No! The Dead in Christ don't go to heaven when they die straightaway. It will all happen at the 2nd Coming of our Lord. Don't downplay the 2nd Coming of the Lord my friends. It is a big deal! Christ’s Second Coming will be bright, loud and glorious. This event cannot be hidden, every human on planet earth will see Jesus. He will come back personally and literally. Revelation 1:7 says, “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him.” There will not be a person on earth who will be unaware of Jesus’ return. Jesus Himself describes the manner of His coming. Matthew 24:27 states that the return of Christ will be like the brightness of lightning illuminating the entire sky from the east to the west. Verses 30 and 31 of the same chapter describe Jesus coming with power and great glory and with the sound of a great trumpet, that awakens the righteous dead who are then gathered from the ends of the earth. The dead in Christ will rise at the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God, as Jesus comes back for a Second Time. Us who are living and have surrendered our lives to our Lord Jesus will then be caught up together with the dead in Christ who have risen, and we will be transformed from our mortal bodies into immortal bodies. 1 Corinthians 15:52-53 says, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.” We will then return with Jesus and all the angels back to heaven. All together as Believers in Christ!
@lawrencenannes4260 3 күн бұрын
@sandrew255 3 күн бұрын
Why would God choose circumcision as a sign when only men can have it done? Wouldn’t it make more sense to cut off something everyone has?
@Krxy_Dimensional 3 күн бұрын
God mentioned “sexual immorality”. Whether it is incest, fornication, homosexuality, rape, and detestable acts. God indeed mentioned homosexuality in genesis TWICE, and over 10 times more across both testaments. God destroyed Sodom, and abolished Gomorrah for their homosexual and abominable behavior. And he flooded the entire earth because of it too (mainly hate acts and crime-but a majority of sexual immorality). God mentions it a whole bunch.
@timmyp34 3 күн бұрын
Leave when you find they are connected to John Lindell and refuse to rebuke him
@mithjohnson351 3 күн бұрын
Seems God has turned his eyes away from my problems. I have no reason to remain here on this earth.
@woodwork_music 4 күн бұрын
Never let your feelings interpret Scripture. It’s not about your feelings, it’s about listening to the Lord and in that he will care for you.