Coding Minecraft Live
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The Tyrannical Mods of Stack Overflow
References | C++ For Java Devs Ep. 10
@Enzah Күн бұрын
From what I can tell, stack overflow is not meant for research questions. The questions should be somewhat specific to you and your problem. There is a good and bad way to tell someone this. For some reason, I always see the bad way. It's so easy just to point someone in the right direction or let them know nicely that their question is outside the scope of the website.
@JoemcFlo 2 күн бұрын
Hey Gabe, this series so far has been excellent but somewhere during the process of making the Batch Render and abstracting a lot of the code in the LevelEditorScene class I lost the ability to display the shader onto the screen and only am displaying a small white box that is a few pixels big onto the window. My window posts and I have absolutely no errors in the output console. I have watched the video several times and my code is exactly the same as yours. The default.glsl file is also completely fine. When I check for FPS that is good as well. The only problem is that I cannot post the shader to the screen besides a small colorless box. So im not really sure what the issue is.
@UrAvgUserBrowse 5 күн бұрын
This game is great, but remove cave sounds please I used to get so scared I would leave the word if one of them plays
@brixomatic 6 күн бұрын
Basically you've already shown why it happens. And the same used to happen on Usenet newsgroups long before Stack Overflow was even invented. The common theme is not newbie questions, but that these questions often scream a complete lack of effort on the side of the person who asked the question. Have you ever learned something, studying the available material, doing your research and then, during the exam, someone just copied your answers and though he did not understand a thing, got rewarded anyway? Have you ever had this one friend who would just have other people do his homework, got all the praise, having spent no effort for it? Did it feel bad? If you're asking a question that you could've answered yourself doing a quick Google search, you're not asking others for help, you're trying to use others to do your work and this is what is infuriating some people. Sure, some things can be borderline, but the string.split answer for example was spot on. I can totally understand that some people, who have a hard time reading or getting to grips with regular expressions, like me, are seeking advice by some people who know more than you, but a question like how you can split a string at a simple delimiter has none of the complexity that you need to seek expert advice for, if there are no escapes or other special cases involved that might need advanced techniques like lookahead. If you're too damn lazy to type your question on Google and click through a bunch of simple examples, you deserve no answer on Stack Overflow. This is not hostile, it's the way of others to educate yourself to be self reliant to a minimum degree. "We're not here to do your homework" was a sentence that stood out for me. You don't learn, if you just copy-paste solutions from the internet that you've asked others to provide, every time you have a problem. As a newbie it's a good advice to describe what you tried or what you think, so people can see you've spent some effort on solving the problem yourself. This helps getting an answer. And the Stack Overflow site itself asks you to do some research first before asking a question. It even offers answers to past questions that seem similar to your question. But for some reason some people even seem to be too lazy to follow or even read that advice first.
@albion03 8 күн бұрын
The primary reason I am not pissed off that OpenAI gobbled up all their data.
@AzizHe01 8 күн бұрын
You are a legend.
@soyaleye 9 күн бұрын
That’s why I’m so happy LLMs like ChatGPT have disrupted websites like stack overflow. You can ask these chat bots the dumbest questions and you’ll get a more dignifying response than asking humans on stack overflow a well thought out question.
@The-Cat 10 күн бұрын
Hi, We recently received your request to delete your Stack Overflow profile and it is currently scheduled for deletion. We're sorry to see you go. If you change your mind or didn't request the deletion, you can cancel this request by logging into your profile and clicking the banner shown there. Otherwise, your profile will be automatically deleted within 24 hours. If you need anything else, please visit our contact form and select 'Other' for additional help. Thanks, The Stack Exchange Team
@FunWithBits 12 күн бұрын
My primary site was stackoverflow and now my primary site is ChatGPT. The main reason is ChatGPT has NEVER made me rude to me. It is always friendly. It's a loss for stackoverflow as I used to answer questions but now I don't want to contribute to the platform until they cleanup the rudeness(especially the moderators).
@chaslington 14 күн бұрын
Easy questions get loads of answers from reputation hungry losers. Difficult questions get no answers. ChatGPT is way better.
@MoolsDogTwoOfficial 15 күн бұрын
So called “experts” who shun beginners trying to learn don’t deserve any praise whatsoever.
@w.t.2905 19 күн бұрын
WHOOOOOW!!! 2:19 mario can go inside a tube!!! Amazing!
@OrbitalBrain 21 күн бұрын
StackOvferflow is the real proof us dev are socially inapts
@vijaykonam9358 23 күн бұрын
Lol before this i literally download all presets except Steamworks 🤣
@user-rm6wz8ki5r 28 күн бұрын
Dude - you are awesome. Great thank you for your tutorial! Very simple according you and very powerful. Thanks!
@draft_fusion 29 күн бұрын
unsure how to set this up for visual studio code
@mohamedsadokjomaa5579 29 күн бұрын
fuucking thank you dude
@ratchet1freak Ай бұрын
there is a definite optimization possible if you keep a list of boundary pixels as you iterate over the image, on each next pixel you iterate over the boundary pixels, discard the ones now outside the range and additionally check the pixels now inside the range if the current pixels changes state it's a bit trickier but you can reuse the previous boundaries to quickly find all the new boundary pixels
@Ice_2192 Ай бұрын
At least ChatGPT doesn't complain about repetitive questions like ToxicOverflow. Those people remind me of a handful of teachers in high school and in college. First day, they say "If you dont understand something, raise your hand and I'll repeat it". When the time comes i didn't catch the teacher the first time they covered it, the teacher says "What? Why? Were you not paying attention? I just covered that." Like why say you're open to student to ask questions for clarity if you're gonna get angry why they do?
@user-cl5wn9fz7f Ай бұрын
Part 2 please🙏
@migats2160 Ай бұрын
4:29 you are wrong. Static variables are initialized at class loading time which happens when the application interacts with one of it's methods or constructors.
@TinyTaronja Ай бұрын
how do you install the minecraft clone?
@TrickyTimeTree Ай бұрын
What's the terms of service vor this video editor? or is it not for sale? haha
@TheJafjaf07 Ай бұрын
Gabe first of all thank you for the great tutorials they are very good and helpful. I have one question about the uid(s). Shouldn't the uid be final. I mean if we assign id to one Component or GameObject we should not be able to change this id ?
@craftycadence3685 Ай бұрын
The cave gen had to be completely overhauled that and the height maps both had to be changed. This is why 1.17-1.20 took so long.
@Yier_M Ай бұрын
Thanks a lot, Gabe! 非常感谢! :)
@Brick_Eater_ Ай бұрын
7:39 he copy and pasted the title card from the perlin noise section and forgot to change the text lmao
@gooficat Ай бұрын
Much better to use glDrawElements with 12 vertices (to correspond with an unwrapped cube) than to have gldrawarrays
@DragonDrum-vi6df Ай бұрын
At the end of the video you say we have to do a logger. I'm sorry but I don't know what a logger is. Can somebody explain me ?
@DragonDrum-vi6df Ай бұрын
I really don't understand why you only have 70 something likes on this video, it's extremely easy to understand. Even if I have spent weeks on c++ I couldn't have found out how to do all this.
@milvilleromain57 Ай бұрын
This video is two years old. As in 2024, trafic on stackoverflow is down 70% from its peak. People can now ask a LLM that will answer politely to their question. SO shit their own foot as you can have as much resource you want without needing it. I remember prefering searching myself for an answer instead of asking on SO dueing my end of study internship because I didn't want to get roasted. It was about some low level interaction with a embedded system so nothing trivial. As for the answers like "buy a book"... what if you're a student with no money or are on time constraint. It is as if those SO admin have nothing else to do. SO gives the same vibe as the Arch forum. A bunch of gate keepers that want to continue to enjoy their superiority complex. After that they wonder why people prefer endeavourOS and manjaro forum and OS
@Kiwi2703 Ай бұрын
2 years later, 10k likes :D
@nobirthday Ай бұрын
Much love for the engineers here 🖤😂 the neverending debates are what keep the universe expanding, maybe someday we can all understand how it all works
@truemajner Ай бұрын
*For those whose framerate jumps from infinity to 30* I had the same problem and I fixed it a day ago. In, make timeStarted type long not a float. I have a 240 hertz monitor and, probably, the precision of floating point calculations in this case is not enough. You don't need to change others usages of float in your code.
@brinklebros7136 Ай бұрын
im not even a 4th of the way through tis course and already my mind is blown. it would have taken me years to just do these 9 vids. it takes me about 2 days to wrap my head around just one. anyway finished number 9 with no hiccups this time.
@lemonsmc_48 Ай бұрын
add the jenny mod PLEASE
@davidnicolson4325 Ай бұрын
Nice videos, up until video 6 going into video 6a then you completely lost me and now the entire program fell apart i.e. program dose not work at all. my question is should i by pass video 6a and continue on as though video 6a is not there in the same way it was in the beginning and then go back and put 6a in. Please advise.
@brinklebros7136 2 ай бұрын
dang you make this stuff like your on speed lol one day i want to be able to write like you.
@rangerwill7241 2 ай бұрын
Watching this two years later and it's hugely helpful. Most of the tutorials out there are way too basic for people with programming experience.
@barhamamerican8003 2 ай бұрын
thanks! good vidio do more!
@crazychicken8290 2 ай бұрын
can someone please explain to me how this works and how to make it? 5:52 also how do seeds work? I want to make seeds so my mean filter / blur noise can produce the same results using seeds but i dont know how to implement it.
@taim39 2 ай бұрын
ive never hated c# till now, iam trying to follow this tutorial in c# but the font class in c# has nothing to work with
@eXtremeElectronics 2 ай бұрын
Very helpful
@unaigonzalezsanchez5945 2 ай бұрын
Hey Gabe, I'm worried about what you said about Java and the C++ advantages, the game engines made for Java like Libgdx or Jmonkey are not good?
@GamesWithGabe Ай бұрын
I wouldn’t worry too much about that :) C++ definitely has some advantages because of the way you can manipulate memory, but the game engines for Java should provide enough abstraction that you don’t have to worry about that stuff.
@brinklebros7136 2 ай бұрын
ANYONE STILL NOT GETTING THE SQUARE HERES SOME TIPS 1st use the git hub for the project to see if it even works. i did this and found that i screwed up my vertexshaderssrc I also found out that my math for int vertexSizeBytes = positionSize + colorSize * floatSizeBytes; should have been int vertexSizeBytes = (positionSize + colorSize) * floatSizeBytes; check everything over!!
@brinklebros7136 2 ай бұрын
finished school work then had time to knock out this video 3 tonight WOO! i feel like im making so much progress.
@brinklebros7136 2 ай бұрын
ill admit that gradle thing gave me many hiccups but aside from that, this tutorial is very nice!
@TheFutureIsLow 2 ай бұрын
impressing, but, I added "Hobby Horsing" to Minecraft - just saying :D
@Eevneon 2 ай бұрын
We really need more videos like this but on subjects other than the terrain generations