@sharkieboi0920 4 күн бұрын
good research very good!
@eyaymae6892 5 күн бұрын
How does sound can enhance this experience? Any research in that direction? I've been in Ayahuasca rite with a Q`Eros Altomisayok. I been into Bufos (toat) medicine and Rape and Sananga. I am investigating the deep relationship between Nature medicine and human biofield. I will be glad to give you feedback with gdvcamera (BioWell device to measure the Biofield) 😊❤
@user-zo5um2vu1z 3 ай бұрын
Virtualy all Europes Es are Cambodian deforistation Extacy. They arnt stopping it iether. Please do your research. Before you hug a tree. ❤
@user-zo5um2vu1z 3 ай бұрын
The great Cambodian rainforest massacre. Most E in Europe is made from a 1 step precursor made by boiling the trees down in Cambodia and se asian rainforest. Its massive ...it leaves mayhem in its wake. 1 litre of raw tree oil sells for thousands of euros in Amsterdam. Its happening now. Its basically tree hugging..ive seen them hugging lamposts.. by burning down rainforest on a massive scale. Its rampant. If you are using E.. please research this crazy massive problem..and search your conscience. If you are using European E..it starts by burning up rainforest....go hug a tree
@starlightpancake 4 ай бұрын
Ketamine therapy saved my life
@J.greazy 4 ай бұрын
Top 5 yapper of all time
@J.greazy 4 ай бұрын
This mf said nothing but we need more data and understanding for 30 min
@Bigmikey78 4 ай бұрын
Very helpful video and information. Thank you for taking the time to create it. I'm interested in this type of therapy but on the other side o Canada :)
@LeahBensonTherapyTampa 5 ай бұрын
So good Matthew! Dead-on on every point. Thank you. Everyone involved in the field should listen to this talk.
@LeahBensonTherapyTampa 5 ай бұрын
Amazing! I've been hoping to find this kind of thinking.
@thezzach 6 ай бұрын
21:55 if the dendritic spines are restored, why do the depressive symptoms return?
@thezzach 6 ай бұрын
I am a Veteran with severe PTSD & chronic depression. I’m watching this 1 hour after taking 100mg of ketamine + 6 hits of cannabis. They complement each other by recalibrating my brain for 1-3 hours at a time. 14:00 21:00 return to baseline ~10 days post ketamine treatment. My return to baseline after 300mg 3 hour ketamine infusion is around 3 days but the VA will only give me the infusions once every 6 weeks. 22:30 Crucial importance of Sleep after ketamine 👌 24:30 Sleep is the price of plasticity
@jesse00077 7 ай бұрын
At first I thought laukkonen is in beautiful room...
@johnchase2148 8 ай бұрын
Good study, so will you choose the red pill or the blue one .
@god5535 8 ай бұрын
Can shrooms activate endogenous dmt?
@nondescriptbeing5944 8 ай бұрын
lol this totally white background and weird angle of just his head is absolutely perfect for him
@vernonchelski7385 8 ай бұрын
The first time I took LSD I jumped out of a window (in the early 1970s). It wasn't because I thought I could fly. I was sneaking out of the house late at night.
@LucasHenry7551 Ай бұрын
Wow! Wonderful experience
@pheresy1367 8 ай бұрын
The STUDENTS "that stared at the sun and went blind" WAS NOT A REAL STORY. I'm not saying it couldn't happen but the incidents we heard about in the 60s ALL turned out to be apocryphal. I even looked it up on Snopes and it was deemed "false"... Even though it was repeated on a 1967 episode of Dragnet. Joe Friday lamented the Santa Barbara students who went blind staring at the sun. But it IS true that people HAVE done crazy stuff on ACID. It's usually on a case-by-case basis, meaning the ONE PERSON in the group who has a psychotic break with reality COMPLETELY. Hamilton, I know you are considerably younger than all of us who grew up in the '60s, but those of us who did mostly know the "sun gazer story" is false. But your point is well taken.
@atiqrahman6865 8 ай бұрын
Why nobody explains first that D M T-----what the word-letter DMT stands for.
@eolandesandino1776 8 ай бұрын
P r o m o S M
@DepravityWriting 9 ай бұрын
It is a religious experience, particularly the collective consciousness/collective love that you feel. That is actually God, which is essentially everywhere at once like an omnipresence. This is also why you can feel the antithesis at times when you experience said omnipresent love.
@alevator606 9 ай бұрын
Hamilton looks like a toad whose venom he smokes
@Eflodur 9 ай бұрын
Interesting that I found this vid on ketamin so late. One of the best videos out there.
@Mylove_94 9 ай бұрын
I would like to join your trials
@gud3742 10 ай бұрын
@apex_bane 10 ай бұрын
Impeccable logic Hamilton. Thank you.
@rik-keymusic160 11 ай бұрын
People use it at raves because many are traumatized by their upbringing and at such party’s, in a brief moment you can experience love and connection…
@duckstone79 Жыл бұрын
Onkos tutkijalla omakohtainen käytännön kokemus psykedeeleistä?
@artworkbysteve1 Жыл бұрын
His brain exploded after he took the last newest drug. End of story.
@colleenfritz1772 Жыл бұрын
I live in Williamsport Pennsylvania. These experiences that you speak of are illegal in the US. I started a meditation practice in 2010 simply to reduce stress from my very busy anesthesia practice. I quickly became very devoted to meditation. My practice moved into deep trance hypnogogia and OOB experiences which caused profound changes in my life. Having had only a scientific view of life, I was not prepared in any way to incorporate the experiences I was having and continue to have presently. I have never experienced hallucinogenic drugs external to my body, but clearly my brain chemistry was offering me what was needed to cross over. The worlds and beings that you speak of are real. These experiences completely changed my life. I started a hypnosis practice because of it. My world view now includes a spiritual life. Nothing is linear anymore. The layers are infinite. It would be easy to disengage from the physical world. There was a period of time that I was doing that for many hours per day, sitting upright in a chair that did not offer head support. Eventually I found my balance between the physical world and the world of expanded consciousness. Thank you for your work. Freedom of mind is worth the effort. Sincerely, Colleen Fritz
@smithz749 10 ай бұрын
@eensio Жыл бұрын
Olen aikanaan hoitanut itsetuhoisia potilaita. Eräänä hoitomuotona nukutettiin potilas ECT-hoitoa varten eli epileptistä kohtausta simuloitiin. Vaikutelmaksi jäi, että myös nukutuksella oli tilannetta katkaiseva vaikutus. Itsetuhoisuus siis syntyy itseinhon yllykkeen pääsystä hallitsevaksi päätelmäkehäksi.
@bjoe74fm Жыл бұрын
I think this topic is interesting, the how ever the compounds being discussed actually occur naturally, in a near death experience I had, the A2 receptor did its job when I was near death, the experience was the warmth I had never felt, my assumption was something perhaps like a mothers womb, a sense of undefinable confidence as there was no materialism, completely void of tangiability, the dmt compound should be used for some people who are in transition to death, I believe it would help family, but most importantly the person who is on the voyage or transition to death,,, a wonderfully compound for many purposes,,, the stigma of these compounds that can help all people of the world was created through the Nixon administration,, a sad blindness created by stupidity and arrogance
@MikeSalazar-ty8so Жыл бұрын
I'm wondering if this is the same is this the same guy or boros of the people that run the multi-disciplinary psychedelic studies in Santa Cruz if so that would be fantastic when they group
@MikeSalazar-ty8so Жыл бұрын
All the things that can be said about about psychedelics when's the actual psychedelic experience is what so profound
@MikeSalazar-ty8so Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah skipping through the Lily Fields I came across an empty space I made love to an invisible woman In a sea of tie dye I nearly drowned in the perception of color only to find myself swallowed by microphone and cable knowing there's no way I can live through this forced to become amongst all these spinning wheels
@MikeSalazar-ty8so Жыл бұрын
I believe it would be good to yourself being better to others and making good decisions is the clear path to illuminate our lives and others in a positive manner elevating the global consciousness.
@creamydistortion Жыл бұрын
This guy is a hero and he must be protected at any cost.
@bellebelle7532 Жыл бұрын
Love, admire and appreciate this brilliant man and his phenomenal mind. Limitless positive power to you Mr.Hamilton; Thank you for all your outstanding work, shared wisdom, curiosity, understanding, bravery and integrity ❤ Bellè~ AUSTRALIA xxx
@bluemyhigh Жыл бұрын
world treasure
@alekseironik Жыл бұрын
Venäläiset tarvitsevat joukkopsykedeelistä psykoterapiaa parantaakseen heidät aggressiivisuudestaan ​​ja heikkouksistaan ​​valitakseen omat autoritaariset hallitsijansa. Niin kauan kuin ihmiset Venäjällä juovat vodkaa ja katsovat aggressiivista hypnoosia televisiosta, se on aina uhka naapurimaille sen sijaan, että ne kehittäisivät itseään ja kehittäisivät taloutta. Olen vakuuttunut siitä, että Suomessa on tarpeen antaa mahdollisimman pian sallivat lait ja tehdä laajamittaista psykedeelistä tutkimusta, kehittää parannuskäytäntöjä kertyneen kokemuksen pohjalta. Eikä siten pelkästään auta masennusta, itsemurhaa, huumeiden väärinkäyttäjiä, parantumattomasti sairaita syöpäpotilaita, sotilaita ja posttraumaattisesta stressistä kärsiviä pakolaisia ​​- itse Suomessa, vaan niillä on myös transsendenttinen vaikutus idästä tulevaan uhkaan.
@Toastman0071 Жыл бұрын
Great interview
@iamzuckerburger Жыл бұрын
@Chelseabell112085 Жыл бұрын
Dmt can change the world. You're a hero. Thank you for your work. I'm the perfect test person for many many reasons! Lol I'm not the average human. Dmt changed my life. So did the near death experience I had from being really sick and meditating out of my body somehow. It's been a while, and I always wonder if dmt came back to me, if it would be the same. I think dmt can create world peace.
@garrybeynon3233 Жыл бұрын
You haven't attempted to source dmt since your amazing results and experience?
@Lucas_Edward Жыл бұрын
@Lucas_Edward Жыл бұрын
They are on Instagram and Telegram
@C.J.Enholm Жыл бұрын
Anne Wagner is one of the most eloquent researcher in the field. Thank you for this high quality interview.
@teromartikainen9315 Жыл бұрын
Realismii ei vaikuta mikää.
@strawsofftheneurodivergent4221 Жыл бұрын
YES, thank you for saying this about Re-Traumatizing..due to the lack of Trauma INFORMED NERVOUS SYSTEM BASED Therapists... what still is so widely used, namely COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY can do so much more harm than good, Trauma is NOT about BEHAVIOUR, Trauma is stored IN THE BODY..and thus your body REACTS to A TRIGGER, BEFORE you are even cognizant about it.... This example - I had a direct comparison how it felt in my body: I had to wait for 5 min in the Cranio Therapists waiting room. One lady came in: she had a very strong perfume, and she was constantly making hrmpf hrmpf noises in her throat.. I felt nauseous instantly, and got stressed. Then I thought, darn it is 5min, so I tried to ignore it, feeling more and more nauseous, stressed and getting angry (fight) When the Cranio Therapist called me in, I said, I felt nauseous (and I did so for the next 30min during the cranio session, you can't just shake that off so easily), and thus the cranio therapist checked the waiting room herself, and said, oh yes the smell IS indeed BAD. She fully ACKNOWLEDGED my experience, did not try to talk me out of it, NOR did she say, oh it was not so bad..SHe FULLY ACKNOWLEDGED IT. Very important for me. My Nervous system felt such relief for this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. She said in case of a next time, just go outside..don't force yourself to bear it. SOME TIME LATER, I went to a Psychotherapist who asked $180.-- (10x paid by health insurance..) claimed to be an expert on cults. So I wanted to explain to him, how important ACKNOWLEDGMENT was. (because cults, you know what they do, they will gaslight you, dismiss and invalidate you, and if you dare to ask critical questions, they shun you, silent treatment you or right out bully you and stuff) But this self-proclaimed cult expert actually thought, he had to make me more agreeable: he said, I should chose a power animal (i chose a cat) and in above situation (when I felt nauseous from the bloody SMELL) imagine this cat purring. I could not believe my ears!! He actually literally told me TO GASLIGHT MYSELF, NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I FELT NAUSEOUS, but rather FORCE MYSELF TO BEAR THIS STENCH - goddammit. How idiotic is THAT??? Makes me angry all over again. I told this self-proclaimed cult expert, I would RATHER BE IMAGINING A HISSING GROWLING CAT, and then STORM THE HELL OUT OF THE ROOM, so the nausea would not linger 30min after that. I SHOULD HAVE LEFT THE WAITING ROOM, and him telling me to ignore the nausea, that was INVALIDATING MYSELF all over again. I stopped going to this "therapy" it did not do one good thing. Problem was, this dude did not even realize WHAT he was doing. And many such psychotherapists, they are so full of themselves and saying you to your face, that THEY are the expert, or even health insurances: then when you specifically ask for SOMATIC EXPERIENCING but they recommend you Mindfulness, which is totally different - because they also are not informed. That is like ordering a steak in a restaurant but then being served an apple instead. I gave up finding a trauma informed therapist after that. I have been doing my own thing since then.
@jaymiegill9506 Жыл бұрын
Underground therapy destoryed my life. Literally. Completely destroyed my life.
@theDreaming Жыл бұрын
Would love to hear more if you’re open to sharing, hoping things have gotten better for you since then
@harryharefoot3058 8 ай бұрын
I would also like to hear more. It would be nice if you could write a bit more.
@Meadowwing Жыл бұрын
Trying to find MDMA therapist in Dallas Texas... At end of my rope..... accident at birth causes daily pain, trauma, domestic abuse up till 6 years old...then emotional/ sex abuse stepfather...then a bunch more stuff...need help not much time I am 70 years old would like to live
@ptadisbander7959 Жыл бұрын
Peter is the maddest mofo hahah. Such a good outline of the insane amount of fertile terrain for interesting thought to be worked through.
@tarjakerttula6311 Жыл бұрын
Tätä katsoessa nousi jostain syystä mieleen Martha Freudin toteamus psykoanalyysistä: "älyllistä pornografiaa". Tai jotain sinnepäin...
@emiliatrasmontes6250 Жыл бұрын
Muito interessante
@latensi 2 жыл бұрын
Tärleä aihe. Kiitos PSYTY !