@AlexandreWarners 6 сағат бұрын
In the middle of writing my philosophy of mind term paper, this was a great help, thanks mate!
@ThomasOrtlaufpg Күн бұрын
People who smoke, who hold on to a pipe or a cigar (Freud), are generally not that smart, or let's say "savy", "wise" ("who understands himself, is wise," Laozi).
@teezza Күн бұрын
I followed your examples of the rule following paradox but not the point of them or indeed what exactly is paradoxical. Other commentators seem to have understood so I guess it’s my lack of understanding that is the problem (but I may not be alone in my confusion). A appeared to follow the common sense rule and B understood what was happening. A then appeared to stop following the common sense rule and applied a new rule which B was unaware of. At this stage we don’t know whether the new rule works or not (it could turn out to be a quicker way to the destination which A had learned by experience [or by satnav]). How is that a paradox? Once A explained her new rule to B she understood what was going on even if she didn’t understand why. Was W simply trying to say that people who are communicating must first agree on the “meaning” of their words for effective communication? I’ve watched two of your videos now and enjoyed them both but this one has left me a bit stumped - sorry!
@glevaler6944 2 күн бұрын
Exist something like a 'philosophism'?
@estant5129 3 күн бұрын
Why oh why did you write the text in illegible cursive script??? I had to give up...
@Aristoteles73 4 күн бұрын
Bibliography please.
@Aristoteles73 4 күн бұрын
It will be perfect if you could indicate the bibliography of each topic that you explain in each video. Or further readings
@ratfuk9340 4 күн бұрын
I don't get it. If I go to a doctor and say "my knee hurts", they will likely understand it as something like "rät is having a painful sensation localized in their knee". They're of course familiar with the type of sensation through personal and professional experience even though they don't exactly know what it's like for me. The doctor would likely inquire more about the pain like it's intensity, and other qualities e.g. throbbing, aching, sharp etc and relate it to their own experiences of pain as well as their professional knowledge. Based on a few of these supposedly meaningless exchanges, the doctor would then take appropriate action. I don't think in this scenario I just went to the doctor to moan and whine, and then the doctor just extralinguistically diagnosed the problem; meaningful information was exchanged via language as dictated by my needs and the doctor's inquiry. The doctor might also believe I'm lying (for sick leave or pills etc) so they're implicitly assigning a truth value to "rät's knee hurts". Although I guess if they subscribed to W's view they could believe my "whining" is subterfuge to that end without having to deal with truth values. I guess I don't understand what is the issue with having "seeming right" as the criterion of correctness for sensations? Either I'm experiencing a particular sensation or I'm not, and I could lie about it or tell the truth (or just stay silent ofc). The beetle doesn't have to be exactly the same for everyone and in everyday life the epistemological question is superfluous; and if we're considering the nature of language, then I suspect ignoring how it's used normally is counterproductive. Also doesn't this have implications for art? It's not language per se but suppose someone paints something with personally meaningful symbolism that's inaccessible for other people. But if I'm understanding correctly, W would say that these symbols can't take on the private constellation of meanings that the artist had in mind when painting? Perhaps this is out of scope since "meaning" in this context isn't really tied to truth values and it might be too much of a strech of the metaphor of language.
@Joshs8707 5 күн бұрын
Hello, professor, you just earned a new subscriber, kudos to all the videos of yours that I've thus far seen, quality content, I wish your channel be noticed by more learners!
@jcshultis 8 күн бұрын
Two comments. First, the law of excluded middle should be expressed using an exclusive or, not an inclusive or. That is, either a or b, but not both. Second, it would help to connect up front the rejection of the law of excluded middle to the lack of completeness and decidability in mathematics, Basically, "true or false" gets replaced by "provably true, provably false, undecidable"
@AtticPhilosophy 7 күн бұрын
No, intuitionists explicitly reject LEM with inclusive or. Rejecting the exclusive version is compatible with accepting the inclusive version, which intuitionists don’t do. LP, for example, accepts LEM but rejects the exclusive or version.
@jcshultis 7 күн бұрын
I just want to observe that poof by contradiction is invalid if LEM is expressed using inclusive or, because it allows for both p and not p to be true. So, intuitionists and classicists alike will reject that formulation. I am questioning the (acknowledged, long-standing) tradition of expressing LEM using the inclusive or, not your very fine and accurate presentation. LEM is always rendered in English using "either...or" which typically signals an exclusive or.
@AtticPhilosophy 3 күн бұрын
@@jcshultis OK I see what you're trying to say, but it's mistaken: proof by contradiction is classically valid however LEM is expressed. Even if you drop LEM completely proof by contradiction (from assuming p & inferring a contradiction to ~p) is valid, as it is in intuitionistic logic (which lacks LEM). Here's what's going on. LEM rules out 1 option for p: neither T nor F. *Other* laws rule out the option of both T and F for p. So the fact that LEM (on its own, expressed inclusively) seems to allow both T,F isn't the crucial point, given what the other laws do. So in that sense, in the classical setting, the inclusive and exclusive expressions of LEM are equivalent. But they're not equivalent in some non-classical settings, e.g. in LP, where the inclusive but not the exclusive version is valid.
@AtticPhilosophy 3 күн бұрын
​@@jcshultis I see what you're trying to say, but it's mistaken: proof by contradiction (from assuming A, inferring a contradiction, to ~A) is classically valid however LEM is formulated, or even without it, as in intuitionistic logic. LEM rules out 1 option: neither T nor F. Other rules rule out the other option: both T and F. It's not the job of LEM to rule out both T and F, other rules do that. That's how we can drop LEM but keep things consistent (as in K3) or keep LEM but allow inconsistency (as in LP).
@brewcoffeebox8471 9 күн бұрын
This commonly misunderstood paradox exposes the catastrophic problem of self-reference which forms the sand-like foundation upon which the entire apparent universe rests. That is, the inherent presupposition (or assumption) of truth. Take any self-referential statement and it is bound to have an unfounded assumption of truth baked into its premise (“this sentence is…”) which depending on what is ultimately asserted (“this sentence is false”) creates a paradox. Self-reference assumes the truth because it has to, there is no other option, and so it is unable to judge its own reliability without first presupposing it. A prime example of this is the incomplete system of mathematics which hides its fatal (self-referential) flaw behind smokescreens of technical jargon it uses in order to “proof” itself true by itself which from the get go is assumed to be true (ie the “self-evident truths” or axioms of math). No amount of math however will change the fact that it is down-right impossible to prove the validity of 2 without first making the unreasoned assumption that 2 exists. Rather than dismissing the notion of truth altogether, the incoherence of this paradox appears to place truth outside the reference of “self”. In other words, truth is not (nor can be) self-evident. What exactly does this mean? Firstly, it means that so-called objective knowledge (in and of itself) is an enigma - analogous to subjectivity (because some self said so). While objective knowledge is assumed to have a one-to-one correspondence with reality, the truth of it can only be judged from a standpoint outside of itself - that is, independent of the mediating mind. Is that even possible? Yes, because you are NOT your “self”. There is a self reading these words that “I” call “you” and “you” call “me”. It is a caused fact existing in three dimensional space and passing through time, manifested as perception and conception. Its purpose is to generate the world-for-me (a massive collection of apparently isolated objects it calls “things”) from the “thing-in-itself” or that which representations are of. It is bound in experience to self-reference, forced to rely on tools (sense, language, thought) to describe, understand and manage the apparent world of “things”. The truth of what anything is, however, is ultimately a complete mystery, with one exception. Beyond the self-generated world (the insatiable, thinking, wanting, not wanting self) exists the one thing-in-itself that I have direct inward access to, that I can be, that I am - consciousness - the ultimately ineffable experience in which exists no separate facts, no space, no time and, ultimately, no difference between me and the rest of the universe - the state of being ‘I’ call ‘I’. In being conscious, I experience truth independent and free of self-reference.
@joecotter6803 9 күн бұрын
Every sane person is a realist when they go down the shops. They use perception effectively, stop for the traffic and get home safely. They use formal, inductive logic and abductive logic where applicable. In the shop, they often use heuristics to locate difficult to find products. Only when some people enter the philosophy seminar room do some people start acting strangely: denying the existence of roads, shops, and products. When the fist hits the jaw is the moment anti-realists go to the police and complain. If the police officer said, 'Did the fist really hit your jaw?', the antirealist would be mightily hacked off. I thought all this nonsense ended years ago.
@AtticPhilosophy 9 күн бұрын
Sure, at the shops, (nearly) everyone thinks the pack of 20 biscuits is real. But Is biscuitness real? Is 20 real? That’s the debate.
@joecotter6803 9 күн бұрын
I'll ignore buscuitness as this was adjudicate partially at the trial when Jaffa Cakes were determined to be cakes not biscuits. As for numbers, you have chosen a bad example. 20 is a member of the set of Natural numbers. There is an equivalence class for 20. If you don't believe it exists, then alll of mathematics is false. Can you live with that. If you can, then don't use a bridge or tunnel or computer because all the calculations used in their construction are based on mathematics. Anti-realists have to come up with better examples than biscuits and numbers.
@artlessons1 10 күн бұрын
Thanks. I understand Wittensteins words are self-explanatory, and you identify with Kripke inflates the waters, making it murky. Then again, that is a modern form of philosophy.
@kharnakcrux2650 10 күн бұрын
I expected... Better from Wittgenstein. The meaning of meaning is more than just use, and it's absolutely necessary to have precise and unambiguous definitions, in order to do any useful philosophy... Value, love, beauty, identity, consciousness... etc.
@Mhproductionsvideos 12 күн бұрын
It's not gonna close😂
@Dan-jh3qf 16 күн бұрын
Like if David Chalmers: The Conscious Mind brought you here… 😭😭😭
@bassafarside6071 16 күн бұрын
I have long thought the quote " ... must be silent" is some of the worst Philosophy out there. It is the kind of argument a US Trumputin Republican would say. WHAT is it allegedly that we cannot speak about? WHY can we not speak of it? I think good Philosophy should be able to speak about anything and everything, if only to show how absurdly wrong it is. Wittgenstein comes up short in the Tractatus (yes, I have read it).
@AtticPhilosophy 15 күн бұрын
According to Wittgenstein, certain topics aren’t meaningful - metaphysics, theology, aesthetics. So we can’t meaningfully say anything in those areas. Nothing to do with Trump (thankfully)! I’m not saying W is right, but it’s bizarre to think it isn’t serious philosophy.
@bassafarside6071 12 күн бұрын
@@AtticPhilosophy it's a serious thought, yes, but itself engages in mystification by sweeping asserting s "don't talk about it" prohibition without talking clearly about why such things "cannot" beyalked about. "BECAUSE THEY ARE NONSENSICAL". but why, WHY arete
@bassafarside6071 12 күн бұрын
Why are they nonsensical? That is the thesis. I would like more explanation why the thesis Is true...
@AtticPhilosophy 11 күн бұрын
@@bassafarside6071 That's basically what the Tractates is about. It's a theory of meaning, a consequence of which is that certain sentences aren't meaningful. Very roughly, meaning arises through correspondence with worldly facts in logical space. They are roughly the empirical facts. Logical truths are the limits of meaning. Beyond that, eg metaphysics, is meaninglessness.
@bassafarside6071 11 күн бұрын
@@AtticPhilosophy I agree with you that that is the thesis. It is also good enough for dealing with the MAGA followers. But the thesis was already advanced by Kant and he attempts to explain when something is a "fact", which certainly is anything but clear. Kant's explantation may very well be inadequate, but he takes up Hume, Berkeley and Locke in his attempt. What is Wittgenstein's? Does it collapse into the British empiricists? As for logic, Kant accepted it as a given but I think it has become clear that logic inheres in the linguistic model and always requires "interpretation" to permit statements about the "world out there" (Gesellschaft, Esther, Ba h and my first year logic Prof in 1980. Finally, do logic and mathematics maje statements about what "is out there" or are they meaningful statements in construction of a tool for modelling? Those are the questions thar are open, I think. Wittgenstein made a contribution no doubt to getting us to the current forefront but his famous final words are just too programmatic and I think can be misused. Thus my reaction.
@noeditbookreviews 17 күн бұрын
Reading a few books on the brain, it's pretty difficult to take dualism seriously in this age.
@AtticPhilosophy 15 күн бұрын
Maybe, but it’s not as if contemporary dualists haven’t read those books too!
@aisthpaoitht 17 күн бұрын
Truth is God.
@AtticPhilosophy 15 күн бұрын
He can’t be all the truths! Which one did you have in mind?
@aisthpaoitht 15 күн бұрын
@@AtticPhilosophy what does that even mean, he can't be all the truths?
@AtticPhilosophy 15 күн бұрын
@@aisthpaoitht You said "truth is god". But that's clearly nonsense. Here's a truth: grass is green. Here's another one: the sky is blue. God can't be both those truths, else he'd be 2 things, not one.
@aisthpaoitht 15 күн бұрын
@@AtticPhilosophy those are statements. The only truth is reality. And the only justification we can have for knowing any truth (through our limited knowledge) is through God. You can't even justify "grass is green" without presupposing objective, eternal truth (God).
@johnpreuss5796 18 күн бұрын
@KerryGore-r5m 21 күн бұрын
Could you prepare a video on Russell and Whitehead's axiomatic system as it relates to propositional logic, and a separate video about how that relates to their account of predicate logic? Really enjoy your channel Mark. Thank you so much.
@oniowolabiezekiel1668 24 күн бұрын
Please, Can you explain what scope of an assumption means in a layman terms? And what does it mean when we call an assumption "open assumption"?
@AtticPhilosophy 15 күн бұрын
Think of it like this. Assuming it will rain, I might take an umbrella. But on cancelling (or discharging) the assumption, I might not take an umbrella.
@user-cl5wn9fz7f 25 күн бұрын
Just get to the point please🙏
@Kimbie 27 күн бұрын
Thank you, philosophy-David Tennant!
@MatthewMartinDean 27 күн бұрын
My thought listening to this is that the argument could take a hint from epistemology in science. Falsehood exists and we can make the infinite lists of falsehoods. Possible Truth is everything not on that list, so a two value logic of False and Maybe and it is just a list of sentences of the chalkboard again. Paradoxes can go in the maybe column.
@AtticPhilosophy 15 күн бұрын
Maybe, but that won’t help with the liar paradox, now formulated as “this sentence is not maybe”.
@omar_bayazeed 28 күн бұрын
Thanks , keep up the great work
@AtticPhilosophy 15 күн бұрын
Thanks! I’ll try.
@mathcritic 29 күн бұрын
Is this semantic tableaux (like in the Kelly book)?
@AtticPhilosophy 29 күн бұрын
Yes, same thing.
@mathcritic 29 күн бұрын
So why the double negation of q at 6:26? I was expecting q,r,~p.
@AtticPhilosophy 29 күн бұрын
It’s the negated conclusion. q&r->p is a premise - don’t negate that.
@mathcritic 29 күн бұрын
@@AtticPhilosophy Thanks! I was confused about what you were doing. I thought you were somehow trying to prove q&r->p by assuming q and r and applying impl-intro. Now I see you were actually proving ~q from q&r->p, r, and ~p. Makes complete sense!
@user-zs1dk7lk1r 29 күн бұрын
How about undecidable?
@AtticPhilosophy 29 күн бұрын
That’s not a good contrast term to true/false, since some sentences are true/false but also undecidable. “Undetermined” would be better.
@ericbrelsford9309 29 күн бұрын
Music is distracting. It's like having music over the PA while in class or a band playing in the next classroom while the teach is speaking. Some people might like that. I pose you could get more views by having a music/no music option.
@AtticPhilosophy 29 күн бұрын
There’s no music in recent videos - have a look there.
@jonc6463 29 күн бұрын
Dialetheism is an important response to this issue - & works well.
@jonc6463 29 күн бұрын
Limits of incompleteness would be helpful as a contextual & philosophical limit to these smaller statements.
@jonc6463 29 күн бұрын
Nominalism’s antithetical is Platonism rather than realism.
@AtticPhilosophy 29 күн бұрын
There are intermediate positions - neither nominalist nor platonist.
@ASMRChess Ай бұрын
I have a question regarding this great video. Can you help me understand this a bit better? (¬B → ¬ A) → ((¬B → A) → B) I’ve tried substituting in some sentences for the variables, but it didn’t make sense so I must have messed up. This is what I tried B = I have a chessboard A = I can play chess From that I seem to get: If it is the case, that if (“if I don’t have a chessboard, then I can’t play chess”) → (“if I don’t have a chessboard then I can play chess”) → (“I can play chess.”) If it was (¬B → ¬ A) → ((¬B ∧ A) → B) Then I think I could get it to make sense. I know this is a lot to ask, but I would appreciate it very much if you could point out what I have misunderstood or misinterpreted. Thank you for a great video!
@AtticPhilosophy 29 күн бұрын
Think of it as saying: if ~B leads to a contradiction (A and ~A), then B is true. Written as a rule, it’s easier to understand: ~B -> ~A ~B -> A ________ B That’s one way to write the Reductio ad absurdum natural deduction rule, btw. So that’s basically what this axiom is doing.
@ASMRChess Ай бұрын
Great video
@AtticPhilosophy 29 күн бұрын
@JoshKings-tr2vc Ай бұрын
I know this is old, but I just face a bit of curiosity enticing me. It seems that these modal symbols have to do with the relational states instead of the state itself, (ie. Describes something about the states around it that are accessible).
@AtticPhilosophy Ай бұрын
The symbols [] and <> aren’t really about states at all - they’re about the status of propositions, necessary or possible. They’re interpreted as quantifiers over related states. Not sure that was what you were asking tho!
@JoshKings-tr2vc 25 күн бұрын
@@AtticPhilosophy OH! Yes, that makes it much clearer and makes more sense that way. Thank you!
@creativityhub1350 Ай бұрын
How is the Liar paradox not a problem for any of the other theories? Assuming all these theories abide by binary (true vs false) logic.
@AtticPhilosophy Ай бұрын
It is, but (to me) the problem may be avoidable. For example, coherence or correspondence or whatever may allow exceptions to the t-scheme, whereas for deflationism, the t-scheme is built in to the definition of truth.
@truthtellerable2713 Ай бұрын
Jesus stayed out of human politics. His main theme in the gospel account was the kingdom of God. Which is separate from human governments and politics. Stop trying to conflate the two. He stayed out of the Jewish rebellion against the Roman empire. He fled to the mountains when the Jews tried to make him king. He commanded his followers to pay taxes and to be good citizens but never encouraged them to get involved in human politics. He told us to pray for the Kingdom to come.... So until the Kingdom of God comes his followers should be imitating the example he set. Jesus was neither socialist or capitalist. He viewed himself as a citizen of Gods Kingdom and his true followers would do the same.
@AtticPhilosophy Ай бұрын
Here’s a different way of asking the question: given the moral principles Jesus espoused, which political system best represents them?
@lalitthapa101 Ай бұрын
The thing is Socialism isnt only bound to Marxism and every other ideology which forwarded it. Theres so many schools of socialist thought which arent marxist at all like Gandhian socialism. So Jesus was definitely a socialist. Just not a marxist. Hope that makes sense lol
@luyombojonathan6688 Ай бұрын
I really appreciate your work especially your logic series
@AtticPhilosophy Ай бұрын