How to revive dead batteries
Grape hyacinth time lapse
7 жыл бұрын
10 жыл бұрын
Nixie clocks on 11-12-13.     HD
11 жыл бұрын
Mist Maker
11 жыл бұрын
@illusionmanager 10 күн бұрын
I have the same one, but can't find the power supply. Could you tell me the voltage
@AJApper 10 күн бұрын
@@illusionmanager It uses a 15 V power supply, 1 A. Regards, Alfred
@АлександрЗолотов-д6ю 11 күн бұрын
Напишите пожалуйста Как называеться и где можно купить Зажим которым Вы держите вентилятор спасибо Напишите его модель жду очень Вам за это буду благодарен Мне это очень нужно а то вентилятор режет очень пальцы руки спасибо жду от Вас ответа
@AJApper 10 күн бұрын
@@АлександрЗолотов-д6ю Да, я понимаю. Края вентилятора очень острые. Я использую ленточный ключ, по-английски он называется ленточный ключ, от марки BAHCO, тип BE66152A. Но есть много разных брендов, и это не имеет большого значения, главное, чтобы у них была прочная резинка и ручка. Я купил свой в DIY-центре Hornbach, но здесь, в Нидерландах, они продаются во многих местах. Я не знаю, как обстоят дела в России.
@АлександрЗолотов-д6ю 10 күн бұрын
Спасибо Вам огромное за Ваш ответ постараюсь теперь по модели которую Вы мне написали найти этот ключ А Вам еще раз спасибо пока Да и еще я увидел в Вашем видео то что Вы проверяете работу мотора не подключая его в пылесос Тоесть как я понял Вы подаете на него постоянное напряжение и его постепенно увеличиваете да ? Тоесть я так понимаю что так можно узнать работает двигатель или нет да ? И если это так то пожалуйста напишите мне к каким контактам Вы подключаете лабораторный блок питания и куда плюс и куда минус спасибо Вам большое за Вашу помощь в моих вопросах пока здоровья и хороших Вам видео
@AJApper 10 күн бұрын
@ Спасибо за ваше сообщение. Мой двигатель действительно работал при низком напряжении постоянного тока. Это должно было заставить меня задуматься. Если бы симистор остался целым, это было бы невозможно, поскольку симистор не будет проводить ток при таком низком напряжении постоянного тока. Итак, именно из-за поломки симистора двигатель работал на низком постоянном напряжении. Проверить двигатель можно вне пылесоса, но тогда его необходимо подключить к регулируемому переменному напряжению, например через Variac. Удачи!
@АлександрЗолотов-д6ю 10 күн бұрын
Да я Вас понял но пожалуйста напишите к каким клемам в фишке мотора подсоединять 220 вольт Чтобы не получилось двигатель сгорел а то он сейчас в России очень дорого стал стоить жду от Вас ответа спасибо пока
@АлександрЗолотов-д6ю 10 күн бұрын
Еще очень жалко что Ваше видео нельзя перевести автоматичиским переводом на Русский только Английский обидно
@BorneoCrocodile Ай бұрын
Hi, I'm 11 years from your future ... and can confirm this tech is very common now in my timeline
@modestforest Ай бұрын
Bedankt voor dit filmpje , mijn Miele C3 maakte hetzelfde lawaai, dankzij jouw filmpje heb ik het ding net zoals jij uit elkaar gehaald en proper gemaakt , hij doet het weer zoals voorheen 👍🏻
@AJApper Ай бұрын
@@modestforest Leuk om te horen ! Mooi dat je het hebt kunnen oplossen !
@LoekP 2 ай бұрын
Heel helder beschreven! In mijn c3 blijkt inderdaad ook een defecte triac. Heb je er nog eentje die ik kan overnemen?
@AJApper 2 ай бұрын
@@LoekP Ik heb er nog een paar. Ik reken €5 inclusief verzendkosten. Laat maar weten via alfreddotapperlooatgmaildotcom
@pompeyjim 2 ай бұрын
Just done it. Can confirm, this works perfectly 👌
@DerekBurrell-w7e Ай бұрын
Does it matter which red cable you cut into? It’s not clear on the video which cable is cut? Did you put a switch in ? There’s a comment on here that’s states that the switch is not necessary
@pompeyjim Ай бұрын
​@@DerekBurrell-w7eThat's weird. I replied to your comment and it's disappeared. With the clip still connected, as you look at it, cut the right hand cable. The switch is only necessary to read the actual temperature. The display will show 3° whatever you set the knob (resistor) to. The switch just bypasses it so you can read the actual temperature but this kicks the cooling system back in.
@DerekBurrell-w7e Ай бұрын
Thanks for your help
@pompeyjim 2 ай бұрын
Nice video. I'm going to try this myself. I'm no electrical engineer so I have one question. Is it worth grounding the potentiometer from the 3rd pin? Cheers 🍻
@AJApper 2 ай бұрын
@@pompeyjim Thx. Not necessary. Only 2 pins or connected 3rd pin doesn’t matter.
@pompeyjim 2 ай бұрын
Thanks. What gauge wire did you use?
@AJApper 2 ай бұрын
@@pompeyjim I don't remember. The video does give an indication. Just a fairly thin wire that I found in my hobby closet. It's not critical of course. I estimate about 0.5 mm diameter. Here in Europe we don't work with gauge as a measurement for wire diameter
@pompeyjim 2 ай бұрын
@@AJApper Thanks. That's what I was thinking but I can't be bothered to open it up in advance. I'd rather do it all at once as I'm lazy 😂
@mimmorigillo9447 3 ай бұрын
Ciao, mi puoi leggere la sigla del diode che si trova vicino ai tre condesatori. Grazie
@AJApper 3 ай бұрын
@@mimmorigillo9447 So you want me to dismantle the unit just to read the type of diode used ? You first need to explain why you need it. It is probably a normal non-critical diode which can be replaced by usual types.
@mikehankins4513 3 ай бұрын
2 ft of dirt stop radition
@AJApper 3 ай бұрын
Yes, indeed. Could be useful on Mars
@Ephesians617 3 ай бұрын
Hey Alfred, I've just touched the dials on mine "before I had actually researched the piece' it's from the 1940's and the radium paint looks to be almost fully in tact. Should I wash my hands thoroughly, take some iodine tablets or what?? I don't want to spread it around or become sick. Any feedback is highly appreciated!!
@AJApper 3 ай бұрын
@@Ephesians617 Don't worry. It won't hurt to wash your hands but no further action is necessary. If the paint is completely intact, nothing can happen. The only risk is the release of small particles of radium-containing paint when you mess with the hands (sanding, scraping etc.) and then inhaling those particles. Radium is an alpha emitter and the alpha particles can damage your lungs and possibly lead to lung cancer in the long term. Iodine tablets are of course nonsense. They only protect your thyroid gland if radioactive iodine has been released during an accident at a nuclear power plant.
@Ephesians617 3 ай бұрын
@@AJApper you have been a blessing and such a wealth of knowledge in this matter. Thank you so much!!!
@giuseppeciotto2793 4 ай бұрын
@advanlaarhoven4299 4 ай бұрын
ik heb een c2 miele stofzuiger deze draait heel langzaam ik krijg wel 220 op de motor zou dit dan ook de triac kunnen zijn soms met aan en uit zetten draait hij soms even heel snel en valt dan terug op hele langzaam draaien.graag een reactie bvb dank
@AJApper 4 ай бұрын
Hoe reageert de motor op draaien aan de knop van de motorregelaar ? Heb je hem ook al eens rechtstreeks zonder regelaar op 230 V aangesloten? Het heel even snel draaien zou nog op een gammele verbinding of printbaan kunnen duiden. Ik denk niet zozeer aan de triac want bij een kapotte triac draait hij op vol vermogen. Het zou nog wel het regelcircuit voor de triac kunnen zijn of de potmeter van de draaiknop. Maar ga niet teveel af op mijn opmerkingen, ik ben medicus en hobbyist, geen vakman op stofzuigergebied ;)
@advanlaarhoven4299 4 ай бұрын
@@AJApper dank je wel inmiddels gevonden condesator van 220 uf 25 volt vervangen op bestuurings print en het werkt weer.
@AJApper 4 ай бұрын
@@advanlaarhoven4299 ha, dus toch de regelprint. Mooi dat je het gevonden hebt !
@roelvangompel500 5 ай бұрын
Heel helder verhaal. Heb je nog triacs over? Ik wil er wel een.
@AJApper 5 ай бұрын
Ja, ik heb ze nog. Is goed.
@teflon_ptfe 6 ай бұрын
Good video! It's worth noting that pancake GM tubes are calibrated to 662 keV gammas, and will over respond to sub 200 keV gammas including the 60 keV gammas emitted by am241. So the device is still probably over responding a fair bit, but it does give you a reasonable rough idea of the correct does rate. It's also a bit weird to measure dose rate on contact, measuring it from a couple feet away with additional calculations to correct for the over response would give you an accurate risk assessment of the external gamma rate (which is almost zero). Of course special precaution should still be taken for Am241 foils, as the internal dose is extremely high, so not messing around with the foil and preventing contamination is the biggest concern.
@AJApper 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment. I was not aware that GM counters are even capable of distinguishing between different gamma energy levels. I always use a scintillator and MCA when I want to determine gamma energies.
@HansRoelofs-di3fn 7 ай бұрын
Is er een uitleg hoe de motor te testen buiten de regelaar om? Ik denk dat ik ook een defecte Triac heb, maar ziet er aan de buitenkant nog goed uit.
@AJApper 5 ай бұрын
Als de triac kapot is blijft hij in geleiding en werkt de motor dus op maximaal vermogen. Bij mij bleek de motor met de triac in positie al te draaien op 10 V gelijkspanning, wat mij onmiddellijk had moeten leren dat de triac kapot was. Een triac hoort niet te geleiden bij zo’n lage gelijkspanning. Hoe de triac er van buiten uitziet zegt niets over zijn functioneren. Als je de triac unit verwijdert kun je de motor aansluiten op een lage DC of AC spanning en kijken of ie goed is.
@DanieldeKraker 7 ай бұрын
Mooie uitleg van demontage in deze video. Het probleem van mijn C3 is niet alleen de triac maar ook de thermosensor. Kan echter geen leverancier vinden voor een complete stekker (triac en sensor). Enig idee?
@AJApper 7 ай бұрын
Misschien is een losse clixon wel te vinden. De triac’s die ik heb zullen ook wel in de C3 passen, ik kan je er eentje sturen 😉
@DanieldeKraker 6 ай бұрын
@@AJApper Mede door uw uitleg om de triac te testen bleek det het niet aan de triac lag maar aan de thermosensor waarvan één aansluiting was afgebroken. Met wat soldeerwerk de verbinding weer herstelt. Alles weer gemonteerd en hij doet het weer als ervoor. Nog dank voor het aanbod van de triac
@AJApper 6 ай бұрын
@@DanieldeKraker Mooi dat het gelukt is !
@DrBest-dm1vc 7 ай бұрын
@denifnaf5874 7 ай бұрын
"Shit wrong lever"
@jwb6583 7 ай бұрын
Zelf heb ik een Miele complete c3 (black diamond ecoline) op FB marketplaats gekocht. Hij vindt echter dat die oververhit raakt(terwijl dit niet zo is) en gaat dan lager toeren en stopt zelfs na een minuut of 10 met stofzuigen. Weet u waar dat aan zou kunnen liggen? Kan zo'n triac vervangen dit misschien verhelpen?
@AJApper 7 ай бұрын
Lastig. Je zou erachter moeten komen of er een temperatuursensor is die het systeem gebruikt om die ' oververhitting' vast te stellen. Vlak bij de motor bevindt zich alleen de triac die gekoeld wordt door de luchtstroom. Ik heb bij de mijne geen sensor aangetroffen. Ik weet niet of de regelprint kan vaststellen of de triac te heet zou worden. Het is eenvoudig om de triac te vervangen, maar ik weet niet of dat de oplossing is.. ik ben hobbyist en medicus, maar hoogstens ervaringsdeskundige op stofzuigergebied.
@jwb6583 7 ай бұрын
@@AJApper Ok, bedankt. Ja haha herkenbaar. Ik heb ook een KZbin hobby en techniek kanaal en mensen denken gelijk dat ik een cvketel monteur of een loodgieter ben, maar ik ben een ict-er.
@hansvandermade6045 7 ай бұрын
@@AJApper Bij een Miele C3 zit er in de module in de motor een triac en een temperatuurschakelaar (klixon/sensata 3MP, een klein bimetaaltje in feite). De module in deze video heeft ook zo'n platte klixon naast de triac. Als de motor smerig is, zorgt de extra trilling (onbalans) soms voor afgebroken pootjes bij de triac of de klixon, heb ik gemerkt.
@AJApper 7 ай бұрын
@hansvandermade6045 Bedankt voor je commentaar, Hans. Mij was die klixon niet opgevallen. Nuttige aanvulling !
@hansvandermade6045 7 ай бұрын
@@AJApper Het is ook een erg klein ding! :-)
@hermanngerhold7572 8 ай бұрын
nice thx
@cornenho 8 ай бұрын
Hoi leuke video! Ik heb een spit ac1630p. Die gaat aan en dan loopt ie terug in toeren en gaat daarna haperen en valt dan helemaal uit. Na een seconde of 20 kan ik hem weer starten en dan weer hetzelfde riedeltje. Wat zou dit kunnen zijn?
@AJApper 8 ай бұрын
Ik weet het niet goed. Misschien is het de motorregel-elektronica. Om na te gaan of de motor zelf intact is zou je hem kunnen aansluiten buiten de regelaar om.
@craigrushforth2967 8 ай бұрын
I just bought a ‘broken’ C3. I removed the motor and cleaned out the fan (filthy). Reassembled and the motor runs, but speed is variable and strong smell. Time for new motor or faulty triac do you think ?
@AJApper 8 ай бұрын
I don't think it's the triac. Did you remove the block brushes ? The variable speed and smell might be a brush problem or a bearing problem. Does the motor armature rotate smoothly in its bearing when turned by hand ?
@guyeshel9316 8 ай бұрын
You just solved my problems in life
@konstruct11 8 ай бұрын
Cesium 137 use the main byproduct of a nuclear explosion that’s harmful to humans. It releases gamma rays 5 cm of concrete will drop the gamma radiation by half I think 20 feet is deep enough unless you’re right underneath the explosion.
@AJApper 9 ай бұрын
@mikevandoesburg7346, ik neem aan dat je een triac bedoelt voor de Miele stofzuiger ? Je reactie staat namelijk niet bij het filmpje 😉. Die heb ik nog wel liggen.
@mikevandoesburg7346 9 ай бұрын
Heb je nog zo,n onderdeel over? Die van mij is ook defect. Mvg Mike
@anthonyshort3437 9 ай бұрын
Does this work if my temperature is running at room temperature
@basvanriel1806 9 ай бұрын
What do you mean? Your beer is not getting cold? Or do you want your beer to be at room temperature? Because this adjustment makes your machine think your beer is at 3°c when its actually not that cold (the temperature depents on how high your resistance is). So you can controle the temperature (3°c-10°c) If you want your beer at room temperature. Just turn your machine off after getting a beer. But this is not good for your beer so your beer will taste like shit within a couple days. If your machine isn't cooling your beer. Call Philips and hope they fix it for you
@yaykruser 10 ай бұрын
Iridium has twice the density of lead, does that mean that 1cm of Iridium offers the same protection as 2cm of lead or more? for lets say cobalt 60.
@AJApper 10 ай бұрын
Yes, linear attenuation coefficient (µ) for Iridium is lower than for lead, but its mass attenuation coefficient (µ/rho, in cm^2/g) which corrects for density is only slightly less than for Pb. So, indeed, for 1.25 MeV gamma rays, a 1 cm Iridium layer would be as effective as a 2 cm layer of Pb.
@bentleybrabec 10 ай бұрын
4:04 4:27 amazing view of the Alaskan mountains
@bentleybrabec 10 ай бұрын
6:17 nice landing
@bentleybrabec 10 ай бұрын
2:59 fantastic view of the other 747s
@philipmcnally39 11 ай бұрын
Great video ,very good graphic on the Triac .
@AJApper 11 ай бұрын
@lkm1999 Жыл бұрын
how much is that device cost? r they for commercial or consummer ?thanks
@AJApper 11 ай бұрын
RadAlert Inspector $200 on Ebay, NE Tech electra ratemeter $250 on Ebay, Bicron NaI scintillator $120 on Ebay.
@The-One-and-Only100 Жыл бұрын
Does the same principle happen with radium
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
Yes, it does. However, Ra-226 decay is more complicated than Cs-137 and Co-60, generating lots of peaks in its gamma spectrum. Apart from the famous Pb-214 peaks at 242, 295 and 352 keV there are also Bi-214 peaks. They all will generate their own backscatter peaks, Compton continuum and Compton edges, making it difficult to interpret the spectrum. Nevertheless, a higher than usual backscatter peak due to gamma ray reflection in the aluminum block might occur, but it might be obscured due to the many other peaks. I did not test this. I thought it would be better to look at simple isotopes with clear photo peaks.
@The-One-and-Only100 Жыл бұрын
@AJApper I tested it myself with a radium source and a cast iron skillet (I don't have an aluminum block lying around), and the source was point blank on the skillet with a radiacode 102 an inch away and let it run for 90 minutes Results were inconclusive
@AJApper 11 ай бұрын
@@The-One-and-Only100 Could you identify a backscatter peak ? To enhance the backscatter peak a very massive block is needed, I assume the cast iron skillet is not thick enough.
@The-One-and-Only100 11 ай бұрын
@AJApper the only blocks I have are lead, but I don't want to get false readings from bremsstrahlung
@peterbuntinx6140 Жыл бұрын
Deze video heeft mij zeer goed geholpen. Dank U. Groeten peter Buntinx repair-cafe Zonhoven.
@f0lzen Жыл бұрын
hi! do u think a secret stash made from lead and attached to a car/suv can manipulate x-ray machines and scanners at borders (in the stash there will be cigarettes lots of packs like 2000 which is rougly 40 thousand cigarettes) is it possible bro?
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
@bibilapetite. I just cleaned the metal fan as shown. I did not replace any parts. You could try. It’s rather simple.
@Pedro-rh4jp Жыл бұрын
The last 26 seconds show nothing :(
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
That is to let the acquired information sink in so that it stays with you better 😉
@Telyron Жыл бұрын
Hello I tried to replicate your experiment using radium watch dials as a source and I obtained an average factor of 0.63, which sound far off the 10 you wrote for 200keV gamma rays (radium has a peak of 182 I’m told), do you have any idea of why my coefficient is so far away from literature?
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
Hi Lorenzo, a Radium-226 source not only emits 186 keV but a lot of higher energy peaks also, the famous 241, 295 and 352 keV from Pb-214, than Bi-214 at 609 and 768 keV and Pa-234m at 1001. That is why you measured a low factor. Ra-226 is a component of the U-238 decay chain. Radium-226 is a difficult source to use in this experiment because its decay involves so many different gamma energies. It is easier to use an isotope with one prominent photopeak.
@Telyron Жыл бұрын
@@AJApper but the average of the peaks you described (relative to how intense each peak is) shouldn’t be around 600KeV? So about the attenuation factor for shielding cesium which is 5.5… Mine is still too far off right? I know that radium is not ideal, but it’s what I have (in large quantity) and I need to shield it to at least 1/8 of original activity… Should I use the factor I found or it’s wiser to use a higher factor? (To save expensive lead)
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
@@Telyron Mean value is not useful since µ value declines sharply with increasing gamma levels. Thus the effect of the higher gamma energies contributes more to the measured attenuation value. Besides, I forgot to mention their are a lot of peaks in the gamma spectrum of Radium-226 above 1000 keV arising from Bismuth-214 : 1120, 1238, 1377, 1407, 1729, 1764, 1847, 2118, 2204, 2293, 2447 and 3053 keV. Your value is probably a reasonable approximation. The relative contribution of the different energy peaks to the total spectrum also plays a role of course.
@Telyron Жыл бұрын
@@AJApper thank you you have been of great help, that tells me I need to spend a lot of money on lead sadly
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
@@Telyron Or keep a safe distance. Radiation level quadratically declines with distance.
@TrainwaySons Жыл бұрын
Great cello techniques
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
I did not realize. My daughter practicing, 12 yrs ago. Now she is a professional cellist
@jeroentabor4760 Жыл бұрын
Volgende keer originele zakken gebruiken word beger gefilterd en blijft je machine schoon
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
Klopt wel Jeroen. De originele zakken sluiten waarschijnlijk beter aan. Bij niet-origineel, verleidelijk want 4x zo goedkoop, moet je goed opletten of de slang goed aansluit. En als dan ook het motor filter wat gaten heeft …. . Hoe dan ook, dit probleem zou niet ontstaan zijn met originele zakken en origineel motor filter. Maar het was ook wel weer aardig, hoewel time consuming, om dit op te lossen.
@bibilapetite Жыл бұрын
I just got a vacuum on the street that seems to have this problem. Would you recommend that I try? Did you just clean the metal part as shown? After you cleaned it I saw that you got another part out but did not understand if you changed it, cleaned it or just replaced it.
@MarstonBoii 6 ай бұрын
@@bibilapetite Hi there,I'm in the same situation. Just found it on the street, the same problem. Did you managed to clean it that way? did it helped?
@AJApper Ай бұрын
@@bibilapetite I just cleaned the fan. Thereafter it worked perfectly.Sorry I did not see your comment earlier.
@marcokohler7709 Жыл бұрын
Hello, I wanted to know if I can also use a 10k potentiometer with a built-in switch for this or does the switch have to be separate
@marcokohler7709 Жыл бұрын
Hi 1 question I have built the porous one in between but the temperature cannot be adjusted
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
No, you need a separate switch to short the potentiometer in order to restore original settings and to read true beer temperature. A pot with a built-in switch if switched off interrupts the circuit.
@arthurmead5341 Жыл бұрын
So glad to see you posting videos again!
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Arthur !
@tnwnl Жыл бұрын
Love it. How much do these cost at Scionix?
@AJApper Жыл бұрын
@marcokohler7709 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, I think the idea is great, I would like to install the parts exactly like you did, can you send me the links to the parts, thank you
@AJApper 2 жыл бұрын
It is only a 10 K potentiometer and a switch. You can buy them everywhere.
@KarbineKyle 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video! I finally got a 1" NaI:Tl GammaSpectacular spectrometer kit, and I use the PRA software with it! It works great, even though the efficiency is lower, since I'm using a smaller crystal. I'd love to try CeBr3, from Berkley Nucleonics, but it's so expensive! HPGe would be the best of the best! I was able to identify Kr-85 (514 keV) from some old Western Electric electron tubes, ca. 11/1973, 15 μCi, which both only give me about 500 CPM on my Inspector USB Geiger-Müller counter, now that the activity is only about 0.637 μCi, 49 years later. I'm going to try Pu-239 next (17.1 μCi, total) from old Soviet smoke detectors, to see if I get any of the low-energy gamma energies, like Am-241 and _maybe_ U-237 from Pu-241, which undergoes β- decay, which emits very low-energy-about 20 keV β- particles, and on occasion, α decay to U-237. The problem is that plutonium isotopes have low branching ratios for gamma rays. It's easily detectable up close, with my Inspector USB Geiger-Müller counter, however, a sheet of paper blocks _almost_ all of the radiation, being mostly α particles. Even my CD V-700 on "X1" only goes up to about 100 CPM (β and gamma) per source. I was able to detect some gamma energies from my trinitite, but at a lower efficiency, since your NaI(Tl) crystal is twice the diameter of my detector. Anyways, _excellent_ video on my favorite hobby! I'm glad to see when you post a new video, as they're very well done! You're a smart man, and your methodical approach is paramount! Very well done! Thank you for making this! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 👍
@AJApper 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your nice and detailed message and your compliment. Enjoy this exiting hobby. Happy New Year !
@LKDesign 2 жыл бұрын
Does the machine control the speed of rotation? Can you make it spin way slower?
@AJApper 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, it is a rotating magnetic field. Perhaps lowering the voltage will slow the rotational speed, but I did not try. Depends on the circuitry. Realistic speed will be difficult ;)
@JohnDuraSSB 2 жыл бұрын
@MalcolmJames-sg3zg 2 жыл бұрын
Well i wouldn't have thought it was the switch 🤨 thanks
@AJApper 2 жыл бұрын
I remember suspecting the switch because smoke was coming from the vicinity of the switch.
@RobertNesius 2 жыл бұрын
Wondering if you still have the schematics to share... if so my email is my last name at gmail...
@AJApper 2 жыл бұрын
It is only a simple drawing. I will send it to you. Regards, Alfred