@timothyferebee6768 6 күн бұрын
Another theory is that the bald time traveler dude is an alternate version of Morty
@JesseyMarchlewski 7 күн бұрын
1.Life isn't always so black and white. More often than not it's gray. 2..Good is a perspective.
@Ani8900 10 күн бұрын
Pink diamond never wanted to hurt anyone and there's a big reason why she left spinel on the planet that a lot of people forget One: spinel being spotted with rose quartz, would've tipped them off that rose, quartz and pink, diamond or one in the same. Considering they were able to remember her despite her… Dark transformation. And two: I doubt spinel in her happy, go lucky goofy state would've been able to handle seeing gems shattering. I doubt she wanted Stephen to deal with any of this, but what was she to do after seeing that earth was filled with life and if the colonization continued all that life with disappear, if she hadn't done what she did, Connie nor anyone not even Greg would be alive Steven wouldn't be alive . Not to mention the fact that she gave up her very life even though it's her consciousness to give birth to a child. What could be a more symbolic gesture of motherly love could top that? Steven like any child is the representation of the love of two people.; people from two different worlds showing that they can coexist. Alien gems and organic life can coexist the ultimate fusion in its own right. Everyone's focusing on the problems she left behind for Stephen when she knew the consequences and were willing to face them, but she never counted on falling in love nor having a child. Plus if She didn't we wouldn't have the show in the first place. So I ask everyone what do you think should've been different that would result in Steven still existing? And if you were pink diamond, what would you have done that could've avoided all of this? Think long , hard, and extremely carefully for the answer. Because the moment you do, other people will be able to spot any weakness in your claim. As for me, I say pink diamond is the best mother that she could be and I blame some of the writers for not including that fact
@giantsr1eva 13 күн бұрын
I thought that the reboot was better than the original series.
@HeyHeyChey 20 күн бұрын
Do they still kiss everybody in the mouth?
@marvelgirlfan0119 29 күн бұрын
I absolutely love Catra. She is one of my top favorite characters. Catra deserves redemption but it was trash. All happened to fast and to forgiving, people suffered hell because of her. Catra was given multi chances to leave the Horde and came back with Adora but she declined every single time. Not to mention, she is responsible for Angella’s death and no one points that out, not even Glimmer. She tries to kill Adora multiple times and causes her hella trauma. I get not every redemption can be a Zuko redemption but come on, do better.
@rodnel2 Ай бұрын
The theory of bill controlling dipper while sleeping is debunked due to at the finale when dipper gets to their home town they're asleep And dipper disease is not correct due to the fact that he gets injured by the anomalies
@marcosceles2789 Ай бұрын
The thing is: Catra is cool, and is a cat. That forgives most of her evil deeds
@DRichards500 Ай бұрын
Stan and Bill say the same thing!
@Simon-A.-Tan Ай бұрын
Mabel's perceived unlikability as a character is - in actuality - basically due to 3 things: 1. The fact that the show occasionally states or implies that she's a "sweet, selfless" character, without actually showing us this. A good example is Wendy and Ford describing her as such in "The Last Mabelcorn", but also the constant conflation of her "cuteness" with "kindness" implies this. It makes her come off as somebody who constantly gets unearned recognition. 2. The fact that Dipper is held against a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay higher standard then Mabel pisses people off. Par example: in "Roadside Attraction" Dipper just happens to give Candy an offhand compliment, which she wrongfully interpretates as him hitting on her. It also makes her interested in Dipper in the most shallow way possible. Which is fine.... These kids are 12. They're supposed to fuck up like that. Normally at the end, Candy would apologize to Dipper for pressuring him into a date which he was clearly not interested in, while Dipper would apologize for not having been honest and direct with her from the moment that he had read her intentions. Neither of them did something really wrong: Candy just happened to only read the signals which she wanted to read, which is a normal reaction for a pubescent child, while Dipper was clearly too intimidated and weirded out to be clear to her. As was Mabel with Gideon, just one season earlier.... Yet, she wasn't depicted as a terrible person for continuing to say "yes" to his pressuring (and rightfully so). But for some reason, Dipper was supposedly a "jerk" for having been too nervous to explicitly say "no" to Candy's advances. And about Dipper's other - more intentional - social interactions with girls in that episode: those actually weren't really as problematic as stated by the show either. He just talked to them and exchanged contact info, likely allowing him to better get to know them later on. Did the episode imply that Dipper is only allowed to be on speaking terms with one cute girl at the time? Since they've never showed us him EXPLICITLY romancing them, promising them some sort of relationship, making out with them or whatever it is that would have implied some sort of commitment.... You know, the sort of things Stan was suggesting.... We just saw him chatting with them and exchanging e-mailadresses. Nope, Dipper HAD to be the one - and unfortunately the only one - person to learn a lesson. Just as in "The Time Traveller's Pig", in which both him and Mabel were being equally self-centered. I am all in favor of picking "Mabel-Waddles" as superior to "Dipper-Wendy" since the latter was never really going to happen anyway, but you could have just focused on Dipper misreading his chances and accidently destroying Mabel's happiness by doing so, teaching him that it is an illusion to have that one perfect moment. And allowing him to reset the timeline in Mabel's favor afterwards, even getting him to apologize for only having been focused on his own needs earlier. The way they wrote it, just made it come off as if "Dipper has to give up everything for Mabel and not the opposite". It's not even that he has to be the only one who gets the moral lessons, he's also depicted as the only one who needs to make sacrifices.... 3. Not only does Dipper HAVE to be the only one to learn "lessons", he's also the only one who RECEIVES THE RIGHT to learn lessons.... at least the important ones.... Granted, Mabel gets some of them, like in "Boyz Crazy" or "Sock Opera", the latter feeling like a little bit of fan service in response to the criticism. Or even tiny, little implied/shared lessons, like in "The Legend of the Gobblewonker" in which she and Dipper ditched Stan, or "The Haunting of the Northwest Mansion", when she and Candy backstabbed Grenda. She didn't get rewarded for either and her decision is implied to have been the wrong one. But she didn't get any big growth. The WORST example is the "Mabelland"-episode.... This episode would have been perfect development for Mabel. Her issue was that she refused to grow up and was too focused on her own feelings of abandonment. Even though the show had occasionally implied that she does care about people. They could have made it about her realizing that "Mabelland" wasn't real and that in the real world.... people were suffering.... people like Stan, Candy, Grenda and everybody else whom she cared about. That it was up to her to go back and fight for them. That she shouldn't abandon THEM the way she didn't want to be abandoned herself. It would have solidified Mabel's presumed qualities as a caring person deep down, have given her some growth by displaying them in difficult circumstances and rounded up her arc by allowing her to embrace the most important aspect of maturing, of becoming an adult: realizing that the world isn't always about you.... This was supposed to be Mabel's episode, her big moment.... but they GAVE it to Dipper: it was him deciding not to stay with Ford that changed Mabel's mind, not her own growth. They could have given Dipper that decision in it's own part of the story, but instead, it was used to hijack Mabel's tale. It's kinda frustrating. She started off as such a delightfull character and I was like "protect her at all costs", but in the end I was like "will somebody just lecture that child?"....
@Yourbloodissweet Ай бұрын
Had Dipper slaughtered her, he would have become Ford's apprentice
@lilshadowgaming2075 Ай бұрын
And. Ignorance is bliss 😂
@user-rb9fy4hm5w Ай бұрын
Rose character was so much destroyed because plot.😢😢😢 Like spinel introduction for just a movie 😢
@Hornet-Spider-Official 11 күн бұрын
YESS! Like I don't have a problem with Spinel, but I hate how much the fandom makes a goddes out of her and hate pink cuz of her, like yeah rose is flawed, she was annoying, unmature and easily put in anger, but she grew, she changed just like Spinel! Both of them were hurt and both of them hurt others because they were hurt!
@pingulino09 2 ай бұрын
1:47 Bro. Everyones talk about Mabel in Dipper and Mabel V the future, but put your self in the place. You are an 12 year old that is facing that summer is comming to an end, just to realize that you brother, that were with you for your whole life, just will leave you behind. Dipper says “Summer ends”, what is the most hypocritical thing he ever said. For him to talk it’s easy, he will be for years with ford, hunting adventures, not facing high school, while mabel, with have to face it all, but worse, alone. How do you want Mabel to just accept it?
@wicked_person Ай бұрын
How is Dipper telling Mabel the truth are hypocritical are you out of your mind?
@Yourbloodissweet Ай бұрын
@@wicked_person That kid is pathetic
@sourov3122 2 ай бұрын
Their relationship do not work there that avatar every every single avatar relationship need a development with all the respect this is the avatars biggest with weakness in of the day I really don't care who get shipped with who longest ship is compelling relationship I am ok with that
@_TheCartoonist_ 2 ай бұрын
I think we all got to remember she's 12, now it isn't to justify the shit she did, it was messed up af, no doubt, replacing dipper anx putting the world at stake but yet, she's 12, at like the turning point of a being a teen, know puberty at its hight and while she looks immune to any backlash ppl give her, she ain't, so her trying to create a better dipper makes sense, TO HER remember we all do messed up shut and we have our own ways to justify it even if it was wrong, and even if u deny it, its there, to HER it makes sense, TO HER, of it makes sense to her that she wants a more supportive brother, tbh even though dipper is VERY supportive to her, he doesn't understand all the social cues, and mabel doesn't either but he isn't sociable at all so sometimes he is self absorbed in all of this reading of the books that mabel certainly doesn't get, so for her to want to stay young and have a brother like her in a way is definitely justified to her. Other tings aside she is a douchbag at times and that just can't be denied but just keep in mind the stuff I said. Lol ( also i acknoledge that technically she was more controlling but uet again shes 12, and yes it was very shitty that the dipper she had she was more bossing around, but boy the angst from all of this shit is wow *sailorleo is a great gravity falls artist for the angst ) And yes i also get they are twins but like, thats kinda of the reason why she be doin this shit, if they were like a year diff siblings it wouldnt have that much impact on her and dipper wouldnt matter to her as uch so there would rlly be no need for all the things the show maks her do to him Also yall, ik its a three month span when all this shit happens Im not saying she shouldn't be held accountable, because ofc she should but just understand her
@Yourbloodissweet 10 күн бұрын
"She is only 12" The same old pathetic excuse like your face
@Yourbloodissweet 2 ай бұрын
Alternative title of the video : Top 10 times your mother ever treat you well and had s*x with you during your childhood
@Yourbloodissweet 2 ай бұрын
Fuck this show
@Suicideboys3 2 ай бұрын
The 2nd theory IS WRONG ASF in the Society of The Blind Eye episode when they’re looking through the memories of you read the bottles one of them says “Mrs.Gleeful”
@2ndpersonshooter713 2 ай бұрын
Aaravos is voiced by Erik Dellums, who did KOH THE FACE STEALER
@Mr_tuber 2 ай бұрын
Dipper x pacifica
@rossrooney4891 2 ай бұрын
@MrMilo-64 2 ай бұрын
While robbie is a symmetrical character
@MrMilo-64 2 ай бұрын
Number 7 is wrong wendy and the other girl are asymmetrical characters meaning wendy always has her hair swoop on one side while the other girl has a pink streak in her hair they are always on the same side
@KiiBon 2 ай бұрын
It wouldn't be a popular show without the "the main character is sick/in a coma" theory
@jazmineszlari414 3 ай бұрын
I don't hate Mai but its a bit unpleasant the way she speaks Like yes its all written on her expression that she wants to do something else but no need to make snarky comments And then sometimes the stuff she says feels a bit random and out of place like she was sitting with Zuko watching a sunset and out of the blue she says "Orange is an ugly colour"
@furkan.3 3 ай бұрын
@furkan.3 3 ай бұрын
No wonder the series could have been so much better🙄🙄🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@BADTIME98980 3 ай бұрын
??? Explain 6:27
@dapandabfftoo6415 3 ай бұрын
@mr.wilson9941 3 ай бұрын
Mai when she banged Zuko: Ohh Zuko, i so dont care and am 100% apathetic to this experience
@echoblackkatva 3 ай бұрын
Okay this list is Bull. Mabel has done way worse Dipper did look funny and the love potion was hardly an issue. But she 5.) Got Dipper fired from his first job to help a merman she knew for 5 minutes where there were so many other alternatives. But Mabel always goes to the extreme. 4.) She made Dipper give up his shot with Wendy and while I agree it's impossible that they get together. She cried for a WHOLE YEAR! Over a Pig! (I do love Waddles tho) But she always guilt trips her brother. 3.) Mabel has a right to be upset about Dipper leaving. What she does not have a right to do is trade away the rift for infinite summer. Even if she didn't know how important it was or that Blendan was Bill, she knew it was in Dipper's backpack. She knew it was his. 2.) Similar to 3, She almost gave Bill the journal in Sock Opera. It was in his hands! She only yanked it back at the last second because she realized that Dipper gives up everything for her. BUT THE FACT THAT SHE ALMOST GAVE UP THE MOST IMPORTANT THING DIPPER HAS TO THE UNIVERSE'S MOST POWERFUL BEING FOR A BOY SHE BARELY KNOWS IS INSANE!!! 1.) Replacing Dipper in the fantasy world and calling that Dipper supportive. She showed in that moment that she didn't want support, she wanted someone to boss around. Honorable Mentions: The whole Boy band incident and nearly letting the fantasy creatures throw Dipper into the apocalypse
@Yourbloodissweet 2 ай бұрын
Hirsch is a moron
@wicked_person 2 ай бұрын
​@@YourbloodissweetWomp Womp
@wicked_person 2 ай бұрын
Okay, listen up 4)Dipper here is the one who's wrong, Mabel got her pig fair and Dipper stole a time machine to spend one damn day with Wendy and forced Mabel to help him. Let me do your job for you 𝙏𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙈𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙡 𝙙𝙞𝙙: 1)She brushed Waddels with Dipper's toothbrush without his permission, that's disgusting. 2)She always bullies Dipper, along with Stanley, and not only in physiological way, but physically too. 3)She drowned a whole truck, just to recycle a bottle (S2 EP 15 deleted scenes) 4)he vandalized Gravity Falls fonder's memorial (S2 EP 15) 5)She broke up in night into pool, even though that's considered a crime, she also destroyed pool's one and only skimmer and steal pool. 6)S1 EP 10 She discovered that Stan has a fear of heights, instead of giving him time and not mention it, she decides it would be a great idea to drag him up a huge water tower, and that idea almost caused 2 deaths, including her own. 7)She made Stan stop lying by force, even though that was good intentional. 8)Mabel also made several offensive jokes in episode 15 season 1. 9)She broke the window in her gruncle's house TWICE, and didn't even apologized. 10)In the episode where Mabel and Dipper switched bodies, Mabel used Dipper's body as a doll, As soon as she got into his body, she said that she could finally release the accumulated aggression and punch some walls, she also was ready to burn Dipper's clothes because they stink. 11)Don't forget animal abuse And after "sock opera" in fact, she not just almost gave Bill the journal, but she also said that Bill is way better than Dipper with girls and has better posture😂 Yeah, she's a bully, still like her tho
@Yourbloodissweet 2 ай бұрын
@@wicked_person Someone constantly builles you, you must get rid of them regardless.
@wicked_person 2 ай бұрын
@@Yourbloodissweet I agree, but not when it's Mabel, if we were friends she wouldn't be able to bully me, because I'm not a nerd.
@chrisxxx12 3 ай бұрын
These theories all suck
@Dalia280 3 ай бұрын
For the Bill twin one, it’s not true. The totem pole is from the Mystery Shack (which probably meant that STAN had a twin, and he did) and Bill was only holding it because he ripped it off of the shacktron and hit the shacktron with it!
@athenalillylove3952 3 ай бұрын
As a fan, i love mai as a character, and zuko and mai relationship could use more work. If mai could could see what fire nation was really doing to the world. (Like when she got into prison for betrayal alzue), she could've listened to prisoners storys how they were locked up in there, like water bendeders and earthbenders. She might feel guilty and shame for helping the fire nation that wanted to conquer the world instead of bringing peace to the fire nations eye). She could've seen what zuko was talking about it, maybe be able to rescue the prisoners and herself and ty Lee. I even met up with zuko before the major episodes and apologized to him for being wrong and even helping alzue.
@kballerina 3 ай бұрын
i love the theories, but these characters they play are really annoying..? i personally dont like them. not trying to spread hate, just my opinion
@PotatoSoup.official 3 ай бұрын
The book of bill incoming
@wanderingyoutuber2055 3 ай бұрын
I don't blame the people saying that Mabel is selfish, because I agree wholeheartedly. But at the end of the day, you have to understand she's still a child who has her whole life ahead of her. So, who knows? Maybe Mabel will mature into a more selfless, independent person and will let Dipper expand his horizons instead of being her emotional crutch.
@Yourbloodissweet 3 ай бұрын
Soos : Dipper, you ready to grab Mabel by her hair and smash her head against her head several timez? 🙂 Dipper : *AM I???!* 😀😀😀 Mabel : *NO DIPPER, LET GO OF ME!, HELP SOMEONE HELP ME!!! I DON'T DESER....* 😨😨😨 *Dipper grabs her hair and smash her head against a wall until her forehead bursts of blood leaving her dead or unconscious* *Later* Stan : and here it is, ladies and gentlemen, this is the corpse of my great niece who got her smashed by her own brother and a useless fat man. The idiotic tourists (while some of them taking pictures) : ohh wow
@_TheCartoonist_ 2 ай бұрын
@_TheCartoonist_ 2 ай бұрын
​@@Yourbloodissweet wha-
@DenshaOtoko2 3 ай бұрын
Spoiler alert that ending happens in End of Evangelion.
@petritmorina2672 3 ай бұрын
1:35 The square from Flatland would be Kryptos, so I'd think Bill spared him too.
@virdrae 3 ай бұрын
The 5th (dipper and pacifica) isn't dark. It is heartwarming :3
@Yourbloodissweet 3 ай бұрын
Mabel?! A pure of heart? Don't make me laugh! Mabel... Have you forgotten how many times you messed things up? Have you forgotten how many times your brother has sacrificed for your pathetic wims and you hadn't truly shown any kind of respect, gratitude or even a f**king meaningful thank you? Have you forgotten how many times you took away people's will for your own selfish gain? Do you honestly think you are a pure of heart or even a good person? If you really think Dipper protects you because he loves you, he does not love you actually. Deep inside he hates you so much since you are the favorite child of the parents and Stanley leading you to become a disrespectful brat who expects everything to go exactly your way. He just wanted to keep you alive so his parents wouldn't likely throw him out like an animal if they found out that you are dead. When you grow up, you will know what I told you is true that he hates you. You are the most hateful person ever!
@godawgs4536 4 ай бұрын
A few more things. 1 in the episod with the fair when diaper got his way with Wendy she guil tried him into undoing it for a pig. 2 she made fun of diaper for being 1 millimeter shorter. 3 she made him lose his job as a lifegard because she stole a megaphone.
@Alemations_OSC 4 ай бұрын
Dipper has sacrificed so much for her like, loosing wendy in the carnival episode, or his apprenticeship with ford, and mabel only returend the favor like once during sock-opera
@Yourbloodissweet 3 ай бұрын
That wasn't a sacrifice
@Alemations_OSC 3 ай бұрын
@@Yourbloodissweet yes it was
@Yourbloodissweet 3 ай бұрын
@@Alemations_OSC how tf it was when that wh**e admitted that she dodged a bullet?
@wicked_person 2 ай бұрын
​@@Alemations_OSCNo, it wasn't, Dipper wanted to force his relationship with Wendy, but Mabel got her pig fair, that is very shitty example.
@wicked_person 2 ай бұрын
​@@YourbloodissweetShe saved his fucking life, sacrificing her long time work, yeah she really did save his life because Bill planned to get rid of Dipper's body after he done.
@nekin_9936 4 ай бұрын
I love the excuse that Mabel is still a kid and being self-centered is normal. But then I bring this life-changing fact: They are TWINS
@wicked_person 2 ай бұрын
And she's even older😂
@Yourbloodissweet 2 ай бұрын
@@wicked_person What a pathetic excuse
@user-mv1fn2oj8s 4 ай бұрын
Aaravos was in the mirrior thingy for like 300 years or something. How the heck is he Callum's dad?
@aislah2987 4 ай бұрын
Mai on her own is a solid character, I enjoy her storyline with azula and ty lee in s2. But I think in s3 and the comics her character is condensed into her relationship with zuko. Also zuko doesnt seem to like mai at all until the writers decided so out of the blue in s3 (i am not a zutara shipper at all either) he doesnt even mention mai in s1 or 2 at all. I just think its odd that zuko, who is (after aang) the most pivotal character in ATLA is suddenly having girl problems when he still is struggiling with his identity and destiny. Zuko feels so watered down around Mai. I honestly think they were written into a relationship just so Mai would have a reason to betray Azula and her [azulas] downfall could begin.
@mistah3687 4 ай бұрын
Ultimately, I think the she-ra and catra relationship worked overall, but people are right to point out some of the issues that get either ignored or not properly addressed by the show itself. Heck, I can even see a hypothetical version of the ending where she ra has to distance from catra until she addresses her flaws and/or redeems herself as a person. But, maybe the show didn’t have the run time or didn’t have the budget to pursue those plot lines, we’ll never know. I still want He-man and She-Ra to team up at some point. That would be amazing.
@Floridabudlight 4 ай бұрын
Why did you have to narrate like this i can't watch it like this
@jannikfederyszyn7949 4 ай бұрын
I think the idea with Catras redemption was suppos to be that as long as people like adora and scorpia kept reaching out to her dispite everytihing she did she could convins herself that her actions weren`t that bad, then when adora finaly cut her off her dellusion began to crack and when scorpia left it finally sunk in for her how horrible of a person she had been wich is why when dobuel trouble who she hadent known that long could get trhou to her even thou adora couldent because at that point her biased perseption of her actions had alredy been broken wich is a iteresting idea for a redemtion arc but the problem is that they spent 3 seasons on catra comming to the relaisation that she was the one in the wrong (i know its technicly 4 seasons but lets be real even thouhe i havent looked it up its pretty easy to tell that seasons 2 and 3 were originally planned to be one season) and then only had the final season to focus on her actual redemtion and getting her and adora together now that could have worked after all they still had 13 episodes and while i dont remember the exact episode count zuko joining team avatar and gaining aangs sokkas and kataras trust and forgivnes techniclly took less time than that but the diffrence there is that by that time zuko left the fire nation he had allready pretty much fully come to terms with the realisation that his past actions had been wrong so after they could dedicate pretty much the entire time betwen his joining episode and the finaly on him reconciling with team avatar wich included toph who never really had any meaningfull interactions with zuko before he joined and aang who is literally a monk meanig the only ones were he had to put in majore effored to gaine forgivnes were sokka and katara (and lets be honest it was made pretty aparrent that after he helped them with the assasin no one besides katara had any real resovations about him joining the team) while with the final season of shera tcatra only had the initial realaisation that she was wrong at that point meaning they still have to have her fully come to terms with that before they could do the actuale redemption stuff (joining the group, reconciling with adora erning the forgivness of glimmer, bow, scorpia, entrapta and the other princesses) but they also had to focuse on establishing hord prime as the new main antagonist, adora deling with the sword being destroyed and lerning how to use her powers with out it, adressing the tesion betwenn adora, bow and glimmer from the previus season, showing how entrapta scorpia and micah fit into the rebellion, estaplishing how hord primes take over effects ephiria, give some sort of resolotion to catra and adoras relationship with shadowweaver, have adora and catra get togeher and have adora defeat horde prime (also for some reason despite everything they already had to deal with they also decided to put foucs on netossa trying to save spinerella eventhou all of the past seasons pretty much ignored them and it was clearly too little to late to put more focus on them atleast in my opnion) wich was definatly just to much to cram into 13 episodes and honastly while i wish the story would have been given more time i am kinde off impressed that they managed to pull off a pretty desont ending despite everything atleast in my opinion thou to be fair i will admite that while i do like to put some critical thout into some shows after i watch them i can pretty much enjoy any show aslong as it has a half way decent sense of procresion ( the only shows if ever troped are the flash, legends of tomorrow, the wlaking dead and miracolus the fist two because the writing and carecters got so annoying and boring that even i couldent take it anymore eventhou usually i can enjoy even shows that i know are objectivly pretty bad by laugthing at how bad it is or just turning my brain of an focusing mostly on the action scenes so being so bland that even i get to bored to keep watching is honestly kind off impressive, with the walking dead it felt like the story just draged its feet and stopped going anywhere after season 6 and with miracolus it was pretty much both) also while i understand the critisisums i personally never had an issue withe adore and catra getting togeher simply because when i watche a show i can normaly ignore when things dont make sense from a real world point of view as long as they can convinse me that it works in the world of the show do i konw that adora and catra getting together in real life would be a bad idea absolutly but i dont really care when watching the show becaus i know that they try too show a world were forgivnes and love are closer to the idealised versions off themselves than the reality (ps: english is not my first laguage so i apolicise for any grammaticel errors)
@fionatait2896 4 ай бұрын
There's actually an AU somewhat based on the third theory. It's called Transcendence Falls, and involves Bill taking advantage of his open-ended deal with Dipper to try and posses him again, leading him to die in Dipper's mindscape. This turns Dipper into a demon. It's actually really expansive and very interesting, probably one of my favourite Gravity Falls AUs.