@credittome2732 15 күн бұрын
Why so little views?
@_PiCode 16 күн бұрын
It's kind of hard to see. Maybe zoom the camera a bit for these shorts.
@kylecanfield1405 17 күн бұрын
Keep up the pressure! The over under mechanic wigs me out though XD!
@TooMuchFoxs 19 күн бұрын
If I could wishlist twice on one account I would lol
@James09892 20 күн бұрын
Anytime I see that you posted something I get really excited. I can’t wait for the next devlog
@KSMetamorph 20 күн бұрын
And nice, good work, but what happens if they go to fast ? are they able to dodge or they start the pathfinding before the obstacle ?
@Germanunkol 20 күн бұрын
At the moment, they can switch directions fast enough so that they dodge the obstacle. I could make them "collide" with the obstacles and loose speed if they run into them in the future, that shouldn't be too hard and might be a cool mechanic!
@KSMetamorph 20 күн бұрын
@@Germanunkol yah that seems nice
@KSMetamorph 20 күн бұрын
Why is the camera so.... top-down ?
@Germanunkol 20 күн бұрын
It's rotatable at the moment. Not sure yet how much freedom I'll give players here, maybe I'll fix it at some point.
@Harbinger_VII 21 күн бұрын
@thomaselvidge 21 күн бұрын
cool, also first
@DavidGonzalezArias-rj5vj 25 күн бұрын
This looks great, though maybe you should make it look like they’re rolling so it doesn’t appear to janky
@Germanunkol 25 күн бұрын
Thank! That's a good idea. We're replacing the character models soon, and then hopefully we can add some new animations as well.
@Germanunkol 21 күн бұрын
Thought about this some more - the reason I don't like rolling too much is that they have so much gear with them. I might stick to a dash/jump after all... :/
@DavidGonzalezArias-rj5vj 21 күн бұрын
@@Germanunkol cool, can’t wait to see the finished game
@Bakubakuba 27 күн бұрын
Evolution happens between each run. How much time passes between runs? Does this rapid evolution happen after a one human generation/ year/ month/ day?
@Bakubakuba 27 күн бұрын
Single player controling 3 characters in real time quick battles seem very difficult. 1 - You have 3 characters. At every moment you pick which one you control directly and the other two follow the instruction/ behaviour given to them. 2 - Characters become mobile traps but reskined as people - which might make it feel different. 3 - Flanking and changeing positions is often acomplished by dashes and/or rolls and/or teleport spells (like "change position with a turret). It might be harder but giving the option to play ranged or melee would be cool - but of course there are pure ranged games as well so this can be that.
@Bakubakuba 28 күн бұрын
I think the third options is the best - but mix will be probably even better. One player don't influence evolution as it's a bigger species than those they fought. The evolution happens cause of all the players. In downsides there were nothing about time or resource consumpiton or difficulty of implementing. Only problem it requires to be online to work.
@bobbic3011 Ай бұрын
I love seeing progress in this game. Honestly can't wait to see what happens next with it
@someone7996 Ай бұрын
If you want to stick with the controlling multiple characters idea you can have it where you can swap between all three of them while the ones that you aren't playing are controlled by AI similar to the game enlisted.
@Dodanon Ай бұрын
Are those new classes?
@Germanunkol Ай бұрын
Placeholders for new classes, yes! A tank and a damage/mage class....
@artcrtc5028 Ай бұрын
honestly this music and sound design feels pretty cheap and not fitting for the theme
@James09892 Ай бұрын
I can't get enough of this project, I love biology and evolution.
@BlueSaber2875 Ай бұрын
Very nice, cant wait to try it out, and when will be the testing of the game I really want to try it out
@kylecanfield1405 Ай бұрын
My spells are evolving.... They're alive.... I am scared, but so excited?
@islandmaster5064 Ай бұрын
Personally I would think that every once in a while the music each types changes so you rhink your fighting A but really C
@elisabethelistratova6574 Ай бұрын
Keep up the development looks amazing
@Wez_wolf Ай бұрын
As a dev I'm super impressed with the progress. Excited to play this. Keep going!
@MultiCasse Ай бұрын
you could build a party system with 3 distinct character playstyle and give the player the possibilty to use ability through the other members like taunt or aoe attacks or some sort of special attack with the possibility like in league of legends to aim your ability, also the player during the various step can choose to level up one of the 3 and unlock other abilities or stats boost in full rogue lite vibe (WASD + 1 2 3 for the abilities and mouse to aim the direction of the player character and mouse click to , if needed , place the companion skill.
@dsmith-vt7lp Ай бұрын
The opening piano tune sounds good for an opening or maybe resting point. But overall, would be expecting more dark and gritty. I want to be scared just as much from the OST as I would be of the creatures.
@dsmith-vt7lp Ай бұрын
Combat system suggestions. If going with multi heroes, perhaps a "slow down" or "pause" would help allow time to give effective commands. But maybe this "ability" has its limits so needs to be saved for certain situations, avoids spamming. Maybe tie it to a stamina meter? Dragon Age 1 i feel did an excellent job with pause tactical. Some of the mechanics would depend on if you're able to controll the other characters or simple gove commands. I forget qhich FF it was, but allowed the player to set a hierarchy of commands. Casting certain spells or healing when health below x.
@alixnicolai-dashwood1266 Ай бұрын
Love it, keep it up 🔥
@Harbinger_VII Ай бұрын
@RRKS Ай бұрын
One way to "solve" the multiple characters could be the ability of changing character with a button, with those not currently in command either being fully autonomous "Doing what they think is best", or following simple commands "Try to keep creature attention/Keep distance/etc". More AI certainly needs more advanced programming, but i feel like it would be the coolest option for the singleplayer aspect of it. RTS and tactical pause do have their own strengths, but i feel like none of those would be a good option for what i see here (First time i see this game. I really like the idea). If you'd go with the approach i suggested it would open up pre-planning as in a battleplan you give your guys which could be cool, but also not limit yourself to having to do it. Just charging all in with no planning can be fun too. Depending on the player, either case can be favored. I do think that traps have their usage in the game too though. Perhaps make them limited or costly to use. I'm not sure about story/motivation/etc, but let's just picture an imaginary scenario, assume that you gain 10 gold from a beast, but the traps cost 4 gold to make. You'd be much better off not using the traps.. IF you can make it without them. Risk vs Reward is always a good thing to keep around, especially for those players who like challenging themselves by doing everything the hard way.
@Germanunkol Ай бұрын
Totally agree with all of this. In fact, that's exactly the type of gameplay I'm currently trying to implement! Character switching is already done and I'm now working on simple commands ("charge in", "stay back") to control the other characters...
@RRKS Ай бұрын
@@Germanunkol haha cool :D
@TITAN0402 2 ай бұрын
This will be great I’m sure
@notnormaldude3069 2 ай бұрын
Not fitting music, and gameplay still looks boring for me Maybe focus on making the gameplay fun instead of other things
@beardbird8 2 ай бұрын
You should add a mechanic where you can place the tilted wall/barricades so you can make a more defended spot and then lure them there!
@JoshuaMelton-u9i 2 ай бұрын
One of the coolest projects I've seen in a while
@gdragonlord749 2 ай бұрын
I have two ideas. First, look at monster hunter for how they texture creatures. It will take some time but could pay off. Second, for a progression system, you could have tasks generate small amounts of xp and use it to level (granting skill points) or use the xp directly to purchase abilities. I don't expect a full Mutants and Masterminds variety if skills but something more akin to small abilities that can work well together.
@Zawazuki 2 ай бұрын
This is amazing. Keep it up, hope to play it one day!
@jaakkopentinsaari5560 2 ай бұрын
I suspect that if you got into blender geometry nodes you could bring the appearance of the creatures to another level
@BlueSaber2875 2 ай бұрын
Every day we stray into crabhood
@LaPtaVerdad 2 ай бұрын
You are 100% insane And this is 100% fcuking amazing man!!!
@Germanunkol 2 ай бұрын
Haha, I agree on the first part... :D Thanks!
@LaPtaVerdad 2 ай бұрын
@@Germanunkol implement a gene for particle shooting from the creatures and maybe a flying and a burrowing gene too so you go completely and absolutely insane xD Out of all jokes sounds pretty interesting man hope you keep it up!
@tylerwhaley599 2 ай бұрын
what about destroyable appendages, certain monsters have different reactions to such, aggression, caution, ect, or the appendages being destroyed effects movement speed or types of movement the creature can take allowing for openings. destroying and heavy leg can speed the creature up bc it isn't moving as much weight. breaking a horn or spike makes it mad and recklessly charges you but cant really control the speed it turns. tracking the player could be related to the eyes, how big location on the body ect. this game looks like alot of work but defiantly a promising one. GOOD LUCK!
@LabTech41 2 ай бұрын
The problem with games that use procedural mechanics with creatures is that the creatures look... procedural. It's fine at first, but it doesn't take that long before the player's seen enough creatures to notice the fact that it's not so much a creature, as it is a constellation of segments that have been stuck together to make something technically new, but composed almost like Lego blocks. It breaks immersion when the player can see how the creature is "built" and doesn't look as "natural" as a pre-made creature.
@Germanunkol 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, it'll be hard to continue surprising the player and I'm fully aware of the issue... but I do hope that I can keep it interesting for a while. Only time will tell. I don't really agree with your example with Legos, though, I think they're a perfect example of where combining predefined rules and pieces in different ways actually works extremely well...
@M3taPhy5ical 2 ай бұрын
I personally am not a fan of tactical pausing, it breaks immersion and intensity in my opinion. I can see this game being a great couch co-op like experience. Twin stick shooter type controls are also very intuitive and smooth (think Gauntlet, Crimsonland). You can also consider mechanics like teleporting/blinking, radial/ground targeting spells/effects etc in order to flank a creature, or projectiles that arc (like you said). Anyways, your game looks great and I will be wishlisting it shortly, cheers
@AC-fi8ge 2 ай бұрын
Amazing concept! Really appreciate the dev log. A few thoughts on the music ... In some cases, it would sound less busy/overcrowded to cross-fade anticipation loop with the action loop when the gameplay transition occurs, either fully (100 to 0 % volume) or even secondary/complimentary (15 to 30 %). A full cross-fade could open up the option of having the anticipation rhythm be very different from the action rhythm, playing on top of a rhythm-agnostic ambient layer.
@AC-fi8ge 2 ай бұрын
You can "buff" the melee combat viability by incorporating mobility. A few ideas: - Passive: constant speed multiplier; direction-based (eg. 1x running away, 1.5x toward monster); items (like boots, potions) with bigger stat bonuses for melee weapons ... - Player-activated: abilities to buff speed; dashing; jumping/leaping; rolling/evading; speed boost after parrying/blocking or even a stacking speed buff from consecutive hits; tools like grappling hook, teleportation potion/device ... - Environmental: impeding movement speed going up-hill except when using melee focused weapon; melee ignores water/mud/muck impediments ...
@Sherlockrogers1 2 ай бұрын
i like the idea of having simple commands for the other characters like ''move here'' using cursor and a bound key, 1,2,3 for example, and they automatically act after that or something
@yurytynyanskiy2370 2 ай бұрын
wow, sounds really interesting, good luck. I personally worked on prototype of similar concept but for 2d. But i am too lazy and abandoned my project
@TommyLikeTom 2 ай бұрын
You have very cool tech but your problem is making it into a game. I would suggest a colony simulator over a fighting game. My biggest suggestion is to make less youtube videos and do more coding, but I see you have already broken the seal on that, so this may be destined to be a youtube game
@spectronaut420 2 ай бұрын
make sure the logo works in black and white
@misterdayne2792 2 ай бұрын
I have no idea how far away multiplayer would be, but a horror-esque multiplayer hunting game, with different and unique enemies in every scenario sounds like a great play to me. And the SHADOW in 3:35 is just terrible and fantastic at the same time.
@doomakarn 2 ай бұрын
I think what should happen is that all of these ideas on the way the player can interact with the game should be implemented, giving players the freedom to choose how they want to play & also creating massive variation in creatures.
@nunyabiznes7446 2 ай бұрын
Hmm. RTSs *really* aren't popular, even at a small scale. If you're really set on having multiple equal party members, then I would really suggest giving them AIs instead of giving the players granular control. Look at things games like Republic Commando, when you could order you squad to autonomously do a task, or set them to have a particular combat stance. I think it would be best to give people the option of having multiple allies but not force it to be the only playstyle. Maybe in the form of summons, where you can summon a tanky golem or a ranged skeleton or a crowd of distracting imps. But some people are always gonna prefer doing a sick dark souls roll or a monster hunter counter move.