Welcome to Soothing Breeze
Here is the channel with Non Stop Music for relax, sleep, zen practice, meditation, concentration, mind focus, inner balance, massage, Spa, studying, resting, background music, Feng Shui adjustment, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and Yoga, Sound Therapy, Relaxing Piano and Sounds of Nature.
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歡迎來到 Soothing Breeze - Relaxing Music BGM Channel 頻道,在這裡我們提供輕音樂無限暢聽的服務,不論是放鬆、睡眠、冥想、禪修、靜心、功夫、太極、風水、瑜珈、讀書、陪伴、節日等時刻請盡情來享用這些美好的音樂。
※ For any questions or cooperation please contact :
[email protected] ウインドミュージック Soothing Breezeチャネルへようこそ!
[email protected]