The Disastrous Fall of EA!!
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How Can You Hate These GAMES?!
The Disastrous FALL of BLIZZARD!!
The Best 5 RPGs Coming August 2021
What is Starfield Supposed to Be?
@TheVisitorSNAFU Минут бұрын
So just like Fable?
@Jwallsmedia 5 сағат бұрын
I liked fable a lot growing up
@flouserschird 5 сағат бұрын
This game is a great example of a bunch of good ideas on paper that translates poorly into the game
@filmskoolfulci9183 8 сағат бұрын
Really informative video. Thanks!
@GameStudioLore 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you for watching! Glad you like itt!
@PaulKMF1 9 сағат бұрын
One of the best games of all time. Then they started changing it. I found 3 unplayable. Oh my god, he must be a trader! He's got a trader mustache.
@GameStudioLore 7 сағат бұрын
lolol. trader stache. Thanks for watchinG!
@Sevatar_VIIIth 9 сағат бұрын
I guarantee the next Splinter Cell will be a massive upset for the players/fans of not just Sam Fisher and the IP but of gaming im general. And I sincerely hope it flops so hard that Ubisoft will finally be forced to sell off all assets and shut down for good. That or the investors vote to have the CEO and executives fired and the leadership restructured to focus further development on quality games. At that point have new management go from top to bottom removing every single political/social ideological employee even down to the damn janitor and guy who picks up coffee for everyone. At that point I'd trust Ubisoft to make a Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon game, but not until that happens.
@shinnou1 10 сағат бұрын
Honest truth, I hated Fable and was a huge Bullfrog/Lionhead/Moleneux fan prior to it. It marked the demise of a legendary company for me. Sorry to those that liked it.
@GameStudioLore 7 сағат бұрын
All good. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same stuffs. Thanks for watching!
@SqualidsargeStudios 13 сағат бұрын
Strange how corporate meddling is ALWAYS a detriment to franchises, just look at the sickness that is disney and EA
@Colosseum2149-xi4tc 22 сағат бұрын
9:50 guys came up with procedural generation 20 years before Unreal Engine did.
@GameStudioLore 7 сағат бұрын
they were pretty smart lolol
@Aceimus1066 Күн бұрын
I enjoy Blacklist but i have to say, Chaos Theory is where the series was at its best.
@kevinscrb Күн бұрын
While I totally agree that Fable 2 regressed a lot from the first in terms of the features that I would have rather seen fleshed out instead of dumbed down, when I booted this up again after a decade, I absolutely adored fully immersing myself again. Rose tinted glasses hard. Maybe just even though my older self knows I objectively don't like the changes from the first, I remember my younger self being so excited about this and absolutely loving every second of it. And it holds nostalgia even now.
@dessertstorm7476 Күн бұрын
I might not work in a nucular power plant but I think I know how to pronounce "foilage"
@GameStudioLore Күн бұрын
That's awesome
@dessertstorm7476 Күн бұрын
is it actually called "brotherhood of the WOOF"?
@GameStudioLore Күн бұрын
Might be
@smoke-o-time3913 Күн бұрын
The only way ubisoft will bring it back is by making it an open world game, with rpg elements and loot mechanics, enemy health bars, gear and weapon stats, etc. 🤦‍♂️
@DaoistYeashikAli Күн бұрын
Comment for the Algorithm
@GameStudioLore Күн бұрын
Appreciate it🙃
@taylorworthington9394 Күн бұрын
This game was amazing, but primarily as a simple game concept made better - not this total opposite. It ended up being more like an arcade RPG. Fun, fun, fun, and still magic. Also, you have to look at just how bad other character models, animations, and music were before and even after this time in Console and PC games. 1998 - 2006.
@GetBased Күн бұрын
You deserve way more subscribers.
@GameStudioLore Күн бұрын
Appreciate it!
@GetBased Күн бұрын
Ok, loved both the fable videos.. But... Are you hopefull for fable 3?
@GameStudioLore Күн бұрын
Thank you! Like I'm a hopeful of making the third video? That's a yes! I'm in the midst of recording the next video and then I already have the notes to start the script on the 3rd fable! Been slow slow on my part, been getting ready for second kiddo and he was just Born 3 days ago!
@GetBased Күн бұрын
@@GameStudioLore Oh brother, yeah. Must be busy with you. Congratulations to your family!! Great news! Not a father myself but the fun uncle to 4 neices and 3 nephews.. I get it. Sorry, I meant are you hopeful for the 4th fable game.. My fingers are cant keep up with my mind sometimes. haha. I never played the 2nd or 3rd games. WoW was released around that time and I lost several years of my life. Haha
@GameStudioLore Күн бұрын
@@GetBased oh yeah wow took over mine as well lol. I'm usually on a positive side lolol so I try to remain hopeful. Besides the disservice to the chicks looks, everything looks good so far. The magic is back, the humor seems on point. Just gotta wait for some gameplay honestly
@mpo48 Күн бұрын
Are you delusional? Fable has always been shallow garbage it was never good.
@GameStudioLore Күн бұрын
Cool opinion.
@mpo48 Күн бұрын
@@GameStudioLore I'm objectively correct because i actually played the game
@Lucifronz 2 күн бұрын
Small nitpick, but you showed chewablethunder's video for the morality/purity body morphing, but don't seem to have credited them in the description. I recognized it immediately because it's like the *only* video on KZbin that shows the four wildly different appearances in one quick go for each gender and for that effort it feels like something worth crediting.
@GameStudioLore 2 күн бұрын
Oh dang thanks! If I didn't, it wasn't intentional and I missed it
@Lucifronz 2 күн бұрын
I actually think the Breadcrumb Trail does exactly what Molyneux claims. I was better able to look around Fable 2 without worrying I was going in the right direction (and forcing myself into the next part of a story quest or something; which is common in more narrative-heavy linear games, not really this genre, but still worth mentioning) and always knowing that even though I was exploring in the "wrong" direction, I could easily find my way out without having to pop open a map all the time. In many ways I am probably a "casual" gamer because while I do enjoy depth and can play games that are punishing towards the player (I love Kenshi, for example; as well as the souls genre), I don't fall in love with those features when playing the game, so much as I tolerate and learn to survive or outright subvert them (in Kenshi, it's save scumming; in souls games it's using player or AI summons to back me up most of the time). I do not think a game designed around using the map all the time is good design, it's a crutch that distracts from the world exactly the way Molyneux says it does, but I do believe you can find a better way by making the world feel memorable and easy to navigate. I didn't have that problem with Fable 1, but Fable 1's areas were shorter and it had teleportation as an option (and sometimes as a requirement). Fable 2 is noticeably larger with its areas, so having something to guide you can be argued as a good thing. People often complain about "casualization" of their favorite games, and I won't deny it goes too far sometimes (I hated how Mass Effect simplified your abilities; every point I earned and spent in ME1 felt like I was personally-tailoring my character to my liking and optimizing my favorite weapons and abilities based on how much I liked them over others), but overall it is a good thing to make it so more people can enjoy your game and I genuinely think it's only really elitists that bitch about it all the time. Hell, they use these features themselves while complaining about them. Like Elden Ring's summons system and how you can call for aid practically wherever you are. If the Mimic Tear is such a horribly overpowered summon and you think it ruins the boss experience, then _don't use it._ Don't bitch and moan and demand it be nerfed because casual players use it to get through extremely difficult and frankly unfair boss fights. But we live in a world where it's not enough for people to hate something. They have to tell *everyone* that they hate it and convince those people to hate it, too. Unsuccessfully, of course, because those people are sad, empty and extremely irritating to listen to. I will always love Fable 1 more than its sequel, but hell... even _Fable 3_ had some decent qualities. I see nothing wrong with Fable 2. Even if I no longer really play it, I got many years of enjoyment out of it. It was a pretty good game. Still wish they hadn't done the time jump, though, or at least didn't introduce technological advancements. Have a cataclysm of some sort set humanity back if you want to change the world without moving it along with reality. You don't need that, lots of fantasy settings work just fine going thousands of years into the future without adding things like guns to them, but I think they just wanted to do that to make the game feel different and while it's not what I would have done, I do think it worked well enough for what they intended. 37:17 Well at least Molyneux and I agree on a few things, with the time jump being included. That's exactly my fear with Fable. That even if the series continues, one day they may be jumping in time too far, because now they've convinced us that time and technology do indeed progress in a somewhat realistic and brisk fashion. So not moving along at all will seem strange in each sequel.
@Lucifronz 2 күн бұрын
I also find it very odd that Fable 2 never lets you kill Reaver. Not even in 3. For a franchise that originally let you kill pretty much every important NPC in its first title (with the expansion content), it's bizarre to me that the sequel tries to prevent you from doing so, especially for such a reprehensible asshole as Reaver.
@Lucifronz 2 күн бұрын
Fable 1 was better and I liked the time period it was set in, before all of the industrialist stuff that 2 and 3 started moving towards. But I do enjoy Fable 2. I've played it so much that I can't seem to get into it anymore, but maybe I'm just not quite in the mood for it right now. Not to mention the game's resolution is quite dated, whereas with Fable 1, since it's available on PC, you can sort of get around that kind of limitation. Fable 2 is purely on 360 and has not yet been ported to modern consoles. Though there are backwards compatibility patches and I think it works on Xbox One, no one owns or wants a modern Xbox console.
@gatorhoy0420 2 күн бұрын
Fable was the last time I'll ever put money on something with Peter Molyneux's name on it.
@Lucifronz 2 күн бұрын
I recognized them immediately. They're the models for the two brothers in Fable 2 who get into a shitload of trouble, if I recall. I've always given Peter Molyneux too much credit when referring to Fable. I know no development team is a one-man project (well, not true; Kenshi started off that way, Stardew Valley did too and ultimately a lot of indie titles are solo passion projects, but those aren't the norm and require _really_ dedicated people with a clear vision and raw talent), and there are tons of talented developers responsible for most games out there, but because Peter Molyneux has soaked up so much of the spotlight, I guess I just defaulted to giving him credit for all of his early successes. Even if he were solely responsible for all of these games I loved, Dungeon Keeper 1 + 2, Fable 1 + 2, Black & White 1 + 2, or any other plethora of games I'm probably forgetting... I would rather Peter Molyneux never made another game again, because clearly whatever sense the man had has dissolved into greed. All he does is scam people these days. Nothing he says is ever worth hearing. I mean it, not a single thing he's done since has been worthwhile for anyone but Peter Molyneux. I genuinely hope he gets sued straight to bankruptcy and gives up on trying to steal the spotlight. Kudos to every one of the developers on those games I mentioned, too. They are fantastic games, all of them. The sequels always lost something that the original had (except maybe Dungeon Keeper 2, I remember that mostly being an improvement, but it's been a long time since I've played the first and I played 2 before it so maybe I'm biased; not that it affected how I viewed Black & White 1), but they were still great games that could have been even better had whatever bullshit industry interference occurred *hadn't.*
@raptorskilltor4554 2 күн бұрын
I’m happy that Den Carter was able to make a wonderful free game called moonring
@Dark_Jay7991 2 күн бұрын
Fable: The Lost Chapters is probably my favorite video game ever so Im grateful to finally know the full story. It’s sad that the new one has none of the OGs involved
@silverfoxx18 3 күн бұрын
Fable lost chapters was the best fable ever and as it look so far will remain in that spot forever in my opinion.
@nickf8268 3 күн бұрын
How do you not have more subscribers or views. These videos are great and interesting. Good job man and good luck
@GameStudioLore 3 күн бұрын
Hey thank you! I really appreciate that. Great and interesting are two of the words I aim for when writing these scripts lol.
@SanTM 3 күн бұрын
Molyneux was notorious for over-promising. Some of the shit he wanted in Fable 2 you still don't see in games today. I think Fable and Lost Chapters might be the only game they delivered a polished product on. Fable 2 and 3 were buggy shitty messes they never bothered to fix the issues
@George_the_gun_walker 4 күн бұрын
this channel is ai no fking way 👎🏿
@GameStudioLore 3 күн бұрын
If you think this is an ai channel, then you have no idea what an ai channel is
@KCUFyoufordoxingme 4 күн бұрын
If was impossible for a LoK come in the sjw environment of post 2013, but maybe now finally it COULD exist if it COULD exist.
@KCUFyoufordoxingme 4 күн бұрын
In soul reaver 2 I am one of the players that were punished for making the crows fly away too early because I thought I could search around in a legacy of kain game. So, no, not a big fan of that game.
@badstylecherry7255 4 күн бұрын
Yo nice videos nice channel. Subbed
@-CriminalCupcake 4 күн бұрын
20 years later and I'm still quoting Fable with "What foul creature crawled up you and died?!" One of my favorite games as a teen.
@terabitez3374 4 күн бұрын
I absolutely love this series especially how Raziel and Kain’s destiny’s are connected one of the best stories ever
@RingerDaClown 4 күн бұрын
I followed Fable via gamer magazines for over a year before release. When it finally did, I ran out, bought an Xbox and the game. It was the only game I ever owned for my Xbox. I still play Fable on stream from time to time.
@person042 4 күн бұрын
Didn't follow the hype for fable 1 at all and I discovered it pretty young so I was just getting into RPGs so it was a good starting point and I loved it. Unfortunately I followed all of the hype for fable 2 so i was pretty disappointed when it wasn't not only 'the best rpg ever made' but inferior to most rpgs that came before it. Also molyneaux may not have lied about as many features but he 100% overstated the depth those features would have.
@EricMoreno-yd7xf 4 күн бұрын
@kenno99999 4 күн бұрын
I had it on pc years later but I remember the release and all the false promises he made and the disappointment of the final product we received.... But I always enjoyed it for what it was but not as much as black and white
@tulilintu 4 күн бұрын
It frustrates me to think about what the later gamer could've been if Eidos hadn't put so much pressure on the shoulders of the developers and had just let them work in peace for even some months more. Especially AoD could've been one of the best TR's in the franchise, had it been worked on longer and bugs and horrible controls fixed before release.
@No-One.321 5 күн бұрын
I played it through multiple times growing up and I love it.
@NDferro 5 күн бұрын
So many dead Publishers and Dead great games
@TheVulturegamer 5 күн бұрын
Well benefit of hindsight here... the game looks like a ubislop game like I thought it was going to
@meherenow793 5 күн бұрын
if they ruin this game, I'm done with xbox
@KR-si3dx 5 күн бұрын
I remember when a preview for Fable played on X-Play (I believe that's what it was called on TechTV) and as Adam Sessler was describing it, it was the coolest thing I ever heard of. Even with all the compromises, Fable and Fable 2 remain two of my favorite games ever.
@Karalexia 6 күн бұрын
A very Bullfrog game? Multiplayer first!? Yeeeeeeeeeeah, nah... Games I remember from Bullfrog had solid single player. Had some multiplayer components, but were certainly not 'multiplayer first'. XD
@reyshakquit 6 күн бұрын
@Helmutlozzi 6 күн бұрын
Nobody ever thought the Fable games were hardcore. They were made around the time where games got dumbed down/consolized for the erupting audiences on 360 and ps3.