8th Edition Saved Games Workshop
@ColonelMetus Күн бұрын
They are just worse bladeguard
@pabloalonsolasagabaster658 2 күн бұрын
i am really looking forward to playing combat missions, planet strike, urban warfare... those books with 5th ed cool missions
@jonlueckenotte1673 4 күн бұрын
i was about it till it had to be Black templars. sad. cool trick just sucks it has to be BT only
@dylanray5960 4 күн бұрын
I like the list except for the problem that Farsight cannot be taken with Ethereals. I’m not sure what I’d swap out but the Ethereal seems like the most likely to go.
@Elazul.Lapislazuli 4 күн бұрын
I skipped 9th and I play only on a casual level nowadays. My friends and I are still playing the rules out of the book and only take new points values as we build our lists with the GW app. we mostly ignore the balance patches as we are all playing for fun. 80% of our games end with around 5-15 VP difference. we are fine.
@Kursor777 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, it's a strong combo, but we are talking about a 485 point unit with T4 and 3+ armor save with no invulns. And you have to dump strategms into the thing. I feel like it's one of those combos that can very well punch above it's points, but it is a large investment and if the other player knows that- he will wipe them off the board.
@SystemAbominant 4 күн бұрын
To be fair meltas are kinda meh when it comes to wounding anything that isn’t infantry
@Elazul.Lapislazuli 4 күн бұрын
Taudar were disgusting
@danielk3832 4 күн бұрын
I get the spirit of the video but comparing them to killing units that cost significantly less points seems a tad misleading. Yeah, it's a big ass durable brick but it's also a quarter of your army. I would hope it kills 200 point units...
@malekith13 4 күн бұрын
You seems to say that axes are better against terminators but both weapons kills 5 models so it's mostly a draw... i mean if we had to checks all the results you made : -Land raider : Spears win -IK : think your calculation is wrong, there is too many failed saves with the axes, without bonus AP knights will have a 4+ save against you axes, which means it will fail half not 2/3, so the 14.6 becames 7.3 and the 15.4 became 7.7, with 3 damage it became 21.9 and 23.1. And with the aditionnal AP they will fail 2/3 not 5/6 against the axes, so 12.8 became 8.5 ( so 25.6 ) and 13.2 became 8.8 ( so 26.4 ). In short, against IK a small win for spears but not by much. -Against magnus and everything with 4++ and no armour of contempt : axe can shine and wins. -Terminators : well it's a draw, both can kill 5 terminators. ( which is quite bad for a 390 points unit ^^ a nob squad under whaagh with a boss can kill around 6 of them for 275 points ) -Guardsmen and every cheap models : spears win -Space marines : spears win -Against véhicule with T10 save 3+ and amour of comptent or save 2+ without AoC : spears wins, at best axes will do 19.8 damages against 22 for spears. -Against T8 véhicules/monster thing are great for axes. So you got : -5 wins for spears ( land raider and all T10+ véhicule with 2+ save and AoC, IK, guardsmen, space marines, T10 save 3+ with AoC or 2+ without AoC ) -2 wins for axes ( units with T8 and units monster/véhicules with hard invul save ), i'd had also units with -1 damage, so 3 wins. -1 draw ( terminator equivalent ). So yeah... most of the time it's better to go with the spears, T8 units are really rare ( except if you fight grey knights very often ^^ ) and minus 1 damage aren't as common as they used to be, but having like one unit with axes just in case could be useful sometimes. I think they really need to give axes S10 at least to be a really great alternative to spears.
@KampferNL Күн бұрын
Taken with the context that the rest of your army will likely have spears allready i think a unjt of axes would be useful enough as different tool
@malekith13 4 күн бұрын
oh, the weaker nightbringer, costier, less resilient with less punch :/ yeah it tanks really well with a farseer but that's 405 points for the beast, which limits a lot what you can do elsewhere :/ and having nothing to fight against mortal wounds ( unlike the nightbringer with it's 5+ FNP and the ability to regain wound every necron turn... ) makes it way to costy for what it bring :/ If GW really thinks the nightbringer is worth 295 points, then the avatar should be at like 280 ^^
@guilhermeissaRbbr 4 күн бұрын
Hey an interesting video I would like to see is the Loadouts for the Thunderkyn, yes Graviton is almost always better, but I was wondering how the Ancestral Sentence Strat synergized with the Conversion Beamer
@aureldergoldene7429 5 күн бұрын
Helbrecht with a maxed crusader squad has like 90 attacks with lethal hits on a 5+. The last eldar player i faced didnt enjoy that
@TubeTAG 5 күн бұрын
Is tar-pitting it with chaff still an option? I haven't played in forever.
@josephvaccariello4181 5 күн бұрын
If the eldar player is stupid maybe. Eldar have loads of shuriken fire still that will just cut your hoard down to the point you cant tar pit
@stephenkotyk399 5 күн бұрын
Just found the channel, big fan of the math of the game! For the terminators and infantry, it would have been cool to also include rerolls if they had a character attached. Keep it up my man
@jjadned 5 күн бұрын
Meltas actually get around half damage. Because of the order of operators, the [MELTA X] rule adds damage after you half the damage. So like a brigand dealing d6+4 would be 1d3+4. That being said an avatar with -1 to wound is still a bitch to bring down lol
@Elazul.Lapislazuli 5 күн бұрын
Two "fun" things I was on the receiving end of in 7th. were tripple Helldrake and a Ravenwing/Thunderwolf spam army.
@simoneengelleitner947 5 күн бұрын
Time to send Draigo in 😁
@josephvaccariello4181 5 күн бұрын
if you are willing to also give him dev wounds for 2 command points that would work but without that driago will do like 5 wounds while everything else in his squad bounces even with like 40 attacks barely scratching it
@bloodfest8510 5 күн бұрын
oh, "its impossible to kill" IS IT NOW? have you done a video on Ctan? if not you definatly should.
@igap7707 5 күн бұрын
5 Allarus custodians with Guardian Spears in Shield Host that are worth 325 points will kill him in one turn. Use Rendax stance for lethal hits. Use ciritical hits on 5s. Slay the tyrant! But if I wasn't playing Custodes I'd be shitting my pants.
@bloodfest8510 5 күн бұрын
they still dont, saves and half damage keep him alive quite easily
@igap7707 5 күн бұрын
@@bloodfest8510 You are correct sir, I forgot to mark the half damage part in the profile. They only will deal around 10 damage out of 14.
@bloodfest8510 5 күн бұрын
@@igap7707 now imagine a ctan less points, does all of that, has a feel no pain 5+ on top of it, regenerates D3 wounds a turn minimum and the worst part? they can take 6 of them in an army
@igap7707 4 күн бұрын
@@bloodfest8510 Actually I crunched some more numbers, and axe Allarus can kill it ☺Just go with -1 AP over crits on 5s
@bloodfest8510 4 күн бұрын
@@igap7707 invul save of 4 ignores ap
@dimagoloborodko6106_va 6 күн бұрын
Solution to avatar of khaine: use huge anti big single target units (like acastus knights, cerastus knight atrapos) or snipe the farseer with an assasin(or any precision weapon) and kill the avatar using your anti tank that you have
@bloodfest8510 5 күн бұрын
so dedicate your army to taking it down? thats sort of a given, no offence.
@dimagoloborodko6106_va 5 күн бұрын
@@bloodfest8510 no, assasins (especially the sniper one) the are useful for other purposes (like doing side objectives) and the cerastus knight atrapos is a good general purpose ranged vehicle that is pretty good in melee, the acastus knights are kinda mid against eldar tho(eldar dont have much vehicles or other tough stuff)
@bloodfest8510 5 күн бұрын
@@dimagoloborodko6106_va you do realise that dedicating one knight to it wont kill it 9/10 times right? and a sniper doesnt do anything other than take out one buffer of the already busted 315 point unit. not to mention, one fate dice and he tables your night off the bored with a ranged attack.
@dimagoloborodko6106_va 5 күн бұрын
@@bloodfest8510 wait you are right, that thing is busted, but you can always avoid it or outrange it with the guns of the knight
@bloodfest8510 5 күн бұрын
@@dimagoloborodko6106_va deepstrike, advance, move of 10 inches, range of 24 inches, no you cant lol. including the fact he can hide behind terrain which is a HUGE factor, brother is getting to your night, possibly popping it with ranged shots, and then charging if he hasnt already. thats like saying you can outrun a helbane with a knight, the helbane is 100% getting to that knight.
@marjohnbuncio2782 6 күн бұрын
Takes one Stompa to evaporate the dang thing lol
@Taphosthewarlock 6 күн бұрын
So what you're saying is throw a load of hormagaunts or termagants at it and rely on exploding 6's etc.
@josephvaccariello4181 5 күн бұрын
Useless. The eldar tend to have a lot of shuriken fire which is great at killing that sorta stuff or cutting it down to the point a sweep will finish the horde off
@christopherpittman1256 6 күн бұрын
Your brick would only wound gray knight paladins on 4. They would have a shot. Not that paladins are as durable as this but 11 on 11 paladins would have a shot at stopping your resource heavy brick.
@ledavibody9950 6 күн бұрын
in conclusion: throw grots at it and ignore it
@myktis 6 күн бұрын
I play the assault firestorm with marines as a salamander i usualy have a hestan withm me i use 6 eradicators in a raider with a biologis with the auto 6 on hit or 6 to save enchanment usualy with the rerolls from oath and hestans for meltas and flamers i can kill him in 1 round if im veeeeery lucky(it happend) ooor 2 rounds of shooting with/or overwatch given you have lethal..
@josephvaccariello4181 5 күн бұрын
its a dice game anything is possible with being lucky the dudes talking about averages
@darkworldsrpg3711 6 күн бұрын
Chaos Terminators with Hellbrute assistance and a Sorcerer in Terminator armor. Sorcerer gives an additional AP against him, Hellbrute with dark pact will give Terms sustain and lethal on 5's, Terms with dark pact can reroll all hit rolls, and they fire everything. Hitting on 3's (4's if lightning fast reflexes), crit on 5, then wounding on 6's (with lots of lethal stacked on). With all their shots, that's going to be around 20+ wounds with a save of 3. Avatar will likely fail a little under half....so lets say close to 10 dmg. It has 4ish wounds left. If Terms are in charge range, they charge and do it again but now crit on 6's for sustain and lethal with ap -3 (sorcerer term op). That avatar is freaken dead. I built this terminator block to kill gods and knights. If Khaine somehow survived 1 turn against the Terms, he would have just a couple wounds left. I had fun killing c'tan, ycarne, and once a khaine in one turn in some of my games. Term block is ridiculously good.
@78darrenj 6 күн бұрын
Your missing the point, if you threw all that at him I would be happy because that is a lot of points you have committed to take him down and then I can counter while he’s doing his job at getting your attention
@darkworldsrpg3711 6 күн бұрын
@@78darrenj @78darrenj the video was emphasizing how seemingly "impossible" it was to kill him in one turn and how many big gun shots it takes. Which he is very difficult to kill but he can still fall in one turn the same way as other gods, huge volume of fire. Point wise...Khaine is 335, farseer (to give that -1 to wound) is 80 to equal 415 and the term/sorcerer/hellbrute is 590. That is a lot of points to dedicate to kill one dude (but only 175 more) when that unit could be dedicated to kill multiple other things. I guess to determine if it's worth it, you'd have to look at your use of Khaine. If he is the dedicated front line, definitely take him out with all you can. But if he's being used as a means to distract fire, then it may be best to put shots in the real threats that will gather points. That being said, I just love killing gods in one turn. People think they can tank the world then I pop in with my death ball and watch it explode. It makes me happy.
@bloodfest8510 5 күн бұрын
easier solution, forgefiend, hit on 2, wound on 4, dev wound, sustained hits. can obliterate the model turn one
@josephvaccariello4181 5 күн бұрын
@@bloodfest8510 with -1 to be hit and wound wont that become 3s and 5s. Does that math out to enough wounds to kill?
@josephvaccariello4181 5 күн бұрын
it can also overwatch this block of 10 dudes and kill 2 of them cutting your block firepower down by 1/5 meaning you do more like 8. If you deepstrike it you wont have the hellbrute to help buff the dmg. With 10 inches of movement its prob going to be the one making the charge unless ya get a lucky deepstrike charge. If it charges ya you prob just lost half the squad between shooting and combat
@Klierowski 7 күн бұрын
Game just suck nowdays, GW uses AI to make rules :/
@dimadoro3035 7 күн бұрын
But thank you for advice interesting way to play by eldar!
@dimadoro3035 7 күн бұрын
I think probably dethwing knights can deal some damage to it because of nice AP and anti monster 4+ with some stratagems to mortal wounds and re-roll to wound
@josephvaccariello4181 5 күн бұрын
unless they get a 9 inch charge from deep strike the avatar is prob going to be the one to charge them due to just being a lot faster then them considering 10 inch move to 5 inch. Adding in overwatch cheese you prob just lost 1 or 2 deathwing knights before you even get into combat with it even with deepstrike. Trying to fight it in melee with termies is going to be tricky even with -1 dmg since on average 6d+2 still kills your 4 wound models. Due to eldar rr its going to hit and wound with all 6 of its attacks meaning you will fail 3 on average. This means you will lose the whole squad or be left with 1 dude who does not have the output to kill the avatar
@tristankeech4070 7 күн бұрын
I like it when someone does the crunchy crunch of warhammer for me.
@SpriteAndSmite 7 күн бұрын
They did the melta so dirty this edition lol. I have more success taking down a land raider with 10 incubi and an archon going ungabunga on it than I have with a squad of retributors carrying a multi-melta each.
@josephvaccariello4181 5 күн бұрын
true the are just short range vastly weaker lascanons these days. i remember when melta killed everything when it got close
@christophertidwell2422 5 күн бұрын
Made a csm list with veterans of the long war and decided fuck it 9 lascannons
@dan-4401 10 күн бұрын
Basilisk says hi
@SystemAbominant 11 күн бұрын
A brick of sword brethren are pretty similar. It’s horrible, you’ll want to pull your eyelids out
@sgthunt118 10 күн бұрын
Sword bros do way more damage but plenty easy to kill, especially easy to do with a fights first unit. I like putting Tbones Lt with Helbrecht and tow to give them the 5+ fnp to help them stay alive a tiny bit longer, and Sigi's seal goes to whoever attached to the termies
@gozolve 11 күн бұрын
You forgot helbrecht's auto mortal wounds he does every combat
@sgthunt118 11 күн бұрын
Last match I played, Helbrecht's mortal wounds tabled jain zarr when she charged him 😁
@theoryhammernerds 9 күн бұрын
Lol, I totally did XD. So add like 2 extra wounds to all my math lol.
@delta35thereal 11 күн бұрын
Do you do chaos space marines?
@rambo9691 12 күн бұрын
I was hoping GW would let the sanguinary priest attach to blade guard vets in the new codex but since it dont happen I figures its ok sonce ot might be too op. Seeing this, im feeling like getting it would have been good to have a similar invun and fnp unit too. :/
@davidl2409 12 күн бұрын
They are tougher than what you mentioned. If running a BT detachment you can pick a 6+++ army wide rule. Then the LT can take an enhancement that turns it into a 5+++.
@kirklemmen2494 12 күн бұрын
Unfortunately the enhancement checks not what Vows are on the unit but your army therefore you can only have one of the enhancements getting their second bullet point.
@jessec.4947 12 күн бұрын
Even though you can't get the full benefit from both enhancements, go with tbones and spend a cp to get sustained on 6s. They are still plenty killy, and just don't die. Having a term chap lead a unit for the +1 to wound and 4+fnp against mortals makes them even more punchy and impossible to kill since dev wounds are back to doing mortals. You ignore half the damage you take that ignores your great saves.
@chrissipple1866 12 күн бұрын
It still works you start in sustained and the strategem says your unit counts as the army vow in addition to active one
@malekith13 12 күн бұрын
This unit need new models like the regular terminators ^^
@cauldinkyle6359 12 күн бұрын
Haven't run the math on this, but I feel like the Great Unclean One is tankier
@WendellOG 12 күн бұрын
Can’t take sustained army wide if you want 5up FNP…..
@MRTHECOLONEL10000 12 күн бұрын
Unfortunately you can't stack the sigs seal and tanhausers bones, to get the full benefit of each enhancement your whole army has to be in said vow, sadly the stratagem only effects 1 unit not the whole army so you don't get the whole benefit. Great video tho dude ,👍
@chrissipple1866 12 күн бұрын
You pick one of the vows for your army and pay the cp for a unit to give them the other vow
@sgthunt118 11 күн бұрын
It's in the black templar index
@briangerber4715 12 күн бұрын
Unfortunately Templar enhancements do not trigger from the unit being in vows like Gladius. The enhancements say when the army is X. That being said I never thought of using an ancient to get them hitting on 2s.
@xBeasTBeaR 12 күн бұрын
Helbrick + Castellan with Champion of Humanity just pick up DWK and Avatar, Ctan like its candy.
@Alphacast_fr 13 күн бұрын
Its actuelly even better against ctan and avatars because their "halve damage rule" happens before adding the +1 damage from sword brethren rule. So your power sword still do 2 damage against ctan and avatar. (Its not the case with -1 damage rules though. So bullgryn will negate the +1 damage from sword brethren for exemple.)
@nonlinear3084 11 күн бұрын
where can I find resources for the way damage modifiers stack?
@theoryhammernerds 9 күн бұрын
@StorytellerCharm 13 күн бұрын
My favorite SM unit in the game.
@Powaup 13 күн бұрын
I thought aggressors with fire discipline was strong…
@Klierowski 13 күн бұрын
Sword brethren s Deserve nerf.
@xBeasTBeaR 12 күн бұрын
Your clearly not playing alot of 40k. def do not need a nerf at all. They die instantly if u wanna kill them
@CanuttoXXL 12 күн бұрын
@@xBeasTBeaR Thats right, no invu save
@xBeasTBeaR 12 күн бұрын
@@CanuttoXXL indeed. But will murder god with Oath thats for sure