The Problem with Overwatch 2...
2 сағат бұрын
FragPunk LANCER GUIDE - Serket
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@camera-is-me2606 3 сағат бұрын
Game development takes time. If we got new content every month, it’s not going to be good content. Its a balance of quantity and quality. I have my issues with the game but i still think its fun, and that the new content they have each season is good.
@tethu1740 5 сағат бұрын
they literally gave us a map this season???
@JojoEditor1970 7 сағат бұрын
20 minute queue? It takes 4 minutes tops for dps on quickplay.
@mahmoudsalem9796 8 сағат бұрын
i main tank and my queue is 10 sec to 30 sec ! this is alone can tell you how many problems tank role has ! the hyper focus we got every cd and every ult is going on tank btw tank pickrate this season is 10% this is why you have long queue in dps or supports roles
@Nemo.404 3 сағат бұрын
That's why I believe tank should have resistances against all cc, that won't make them a raid boss, it won't raise their strength, but if we're gonna have 5v5, then tanks should have those resistances and I believe it will make it way better without breaking the role
@dylanvela9477 9 сағат бұрын
No the problem is the game has been out for 8 years and every game gets old after a while
@2cool4Upanther 8 сағат бұрын
it has been out for 1 year
@Nemo.404 3 сағат бұрын
​@@2cool4Upanther it's basically the same as overwatch 1, so that's why they're saying 8 years. And this one is almost 2 years old
@extol1290 9 сағат бұрын
This guy is really angry and it’s over a lot of make-believe issues. Yes the game has problems but the content they deliver is never the issue. Overwatch content itself is fantastic, the maps, heroes and skins are always a hit. The way they choose ti implement balance changes and new gamemodes are what make it frustrating.
@ChrisLudovici 2 сағат бұрын
Not even angry over it just sad how the game I used to enjoy a lot went down hill, played since early beta of OW1, not a single professional player can actually say that they enjoy this game and where it's been since release of OW2. The content they deliver is only good for maps, but since the maps take so long to come out it makes the game stale, the skins are literally color reskins for 10-20$ and if they are not a color reskin they are $20+ with no different ability chances as in animations other than the ones that cost $40+. I have not said one make-believe issue lol, I've spoken with former OWL players and they all agree with me on these statements, balance changes are also awful almost every season and new game modes basically don't matter unless it's in competitive, if this game didn't have ranked it wouldn't be alive today. The content they deliver has always been half baked for Overwatch 2 that's why so many people called the game a 0.1 of OW1 since OW2 launched, if you played OW1 since beta around all these changes you'll realize how the updates are pretty bad. The game is in a negative for profit margins as well making my point stand that the skins are getting bad. oh also one new map and one new gamemode after months of waiting isn't gonna hype me up about the video game when these other companies push updates out non stop lol
@yalpus 10 сағат бұрын
@itsmejamesss 12 сағат бұрын
definitely a west taiwan game
@TigerBlood-m4b 22 сағат бұрын
They just added a new map for the latest gamemode in the update youre playing lmao They also have added like 2 or 3 gamemodes since the launch of ow2, and multiple maps, they just showcased a new gamemode called clash last season thatll frop next season... youre kinda out of line on this one pal. As for the toxicity, thats always existed in overwatch because the game is so dam uneven, you got heros like moira who are the equivalent of stunting out at 5"5 and being perpetually upset youre short because they cant climb out of low ranks, while the other side is just sweating their asses off to compete with cassidy and other heros who just have multiple live buttons and sustain, which is why they gotta smooth the skill curve of heros if they ever wanna being that down, so when you die you cant just blame the sombra whos sitting invis in the corner ready to auto aim crowd control your ass every team fight because thats the major driving force for this games toxicity over other games as every game has a base level of it. But i get what you mean, i think the main issue is the heros have mostly been lame, like illari is just ashe with an even more boring ability cause its a turret, mauga is just roadhogs playstyle but somehow less mechanical and less brain power needed to survive as you dont even have to use an ability to sustain youself, venture is fun but like most mobile heros shes absolutely dumspered by any cc in the game like Cassidy or sombra which will always make this game less fun, kiri is just watered down genji as a support with to many auto live button's, and queen is if you were to put hog onna diet and gave him an axe instead of his old alt fire, soj is your generic shooter sliding character like the evolved version of soldier, so the only one i find myself grinding is venture, the rest feel as thought they came preinstalled in my brain with how to play them because theyre all so generic, and thats what keeps people playing is needing to master something like genji, echo or doomfist, or even stuff like sym or mei were unique without being ridiculously high demand but illari and mauga killed the hype for alot of people as they really are about as basic as it gets. Like wheres the new creative designs? I hope spaceranger is better but these boring ass heros are not what this game needs, also while theyre adding more maps, i think the reason you dont care much is because we just all like payload, they gotra drop more payload maps as theyre just what allow overwatch to express all its best attributes. But hope you goodluck in fragpunk, perosnally i think that game looks lame asf, most the characters got the same ability you slap on the ground to deal dmg, it only has like 8 heros on launch and somehow they all share similar abilities like one chick turns into a scorpion and another goes invis, and am i wrong to feel those are two similar to each other for a cast of 8 characters? Also the games not fresh its based of a game called friends vs friends which honestly had more personality to it so i rather go back and play that than this valorant version.
@ChrisLudovici 20 сағат бұрын
I didn't see the new added map until now, I'm not gonna congratulate them on that since it took them MONTHS to come out with another map and the new modes you are talking about are never gonna get played unless it's in competitive idk if clash is or not, I truly don't think I am out of line with this one pal. I just can't wrap my brain around how anyone can be excited about new modes and 1 new map after months and months of waiting for something new the same seasons over and over while the game is literally a RESKIN of OW1, I think my point stands lmao. Toxicity will always be in the game, with all the terrible balances that the company does it'll never leave. The hero's got decent abilities I feel, just they release them so slow so the game stays stale same thing with everything blizzard does they are KNOWN for releasing updates like a turtle with OW. Yeah they don't ever do anything really innovative anymore, they lost so much money with this game and will continue to lose money because the company has shifted so many developers from this game onto others since they got sued by all the competitive orgs over OWL in the past ( I even talked to some former OWL players since I've been playing since beta so I know some of them personally, they same the same thing, the game is a reskin, hasn't been the same since OW1, it's always been on a decline and feels like a cash grab, and the community is so gullible to accept ANY updates to a reskin game, everyone is hoping to get that OW1 feeling back unless you are new and never experience those feelings ) That's just some comments from the former OWL players I stoke with before about this subject, the new maps have been awful, everyone literally likes maybe 1 or two maps then the rest no one likes lol, yeah they could drop more payload maps but idk if it'll even bring me back to this game, there is so much wrong with it, I mean honestly changing a DPS hero into a tank hero randomly just shows how the company doesn't know what to do. Thanks for the comment, ehh everyone has their own opinion so I won't argue with you about that, I think FragPunk overall has a unique twist to the FPS genre with the card system and just how the game looks, it feels good, the art direction is great, as for the characters there were 10 characters in the beta and no one knows how many will be at launch so possibly more, I'm guessing you didn't play the beta but the abilities were pretty different actually, wasn't just damage abilities, I can argue how basically every ability is dmg focused in OW lol, every game is gonna have similar abilities if it's a team shooter with them, you can't really do that much to change it up, it's based on the characters in game lore and that changes the direction with the abilities plus everything has been done at least once already but they are trying, I think the game is pretty fresh friends vs friends just had a card system with no lore random animal characters and wasn't a true competitive shooter type game, I wouldn't even put that on the same radar as FragPunk or any other AAA game, only thing they had similar was using cards that's it, same thing how valorant and CS has a search and destroy mode, same as COD, Overwatch has control point mode same as domination in COD you can keep going on and on about that lol, yeah it's going by Valorant but it's a better version of Valorant IMO, feels more arcady tho like COD plus with abilities like OW and Val, I truly think once FRagPunk and these other new titles release, Overwatch will be at it's all time low of concurrent players and it'll slowly die out unless they drastically change the game, but they won't be doing that anytime soon. Overwatch is in a all time LOSS stated by Blizzard, I doubt it has much longer to survive, only thing keeping it alive is because there isn't any other games out right now to play and enjoy plus it's free to play, but once those games come out like Black Ops 6, FragPunk, Condor ect, this game will be struggling, which is sad because I used to love Overwatch 1. Also I'ma just throw this in there as well, I'm NOT the only one thinking about how bad OW is right now, I mean if you go on steam and read the Overwhelmingly Negative reviews you'll find out how it's literally like a Overwatch 0.1 nothing has changed since this number 2 game came out, same stale game over and over.
@extol1290 9 сағат бұрын
@@ChrisLudoviciWhat do you mean it took months for a new map? Is that supposed to be a complaint? The release window for content is far from a problem in overwatch. We just got a new hero last season along and this month we got runasapi. Before venture we got samoa and mauga at the same time. Not to mention we got *2* maps for a new mode flashpoint at the same time. *You actually are a bit out of line I hate to say.* Hope you enjoy your other games!
@extol1290 9 сағат бұрын
@@ChrisLudoviciActually it’s not overwhelmingly negative steam reviews anymore. If you look at the recent ones they’re positive! TF2 is going through a bigger crisis than overwatch.
@paulnyarko3057 3 сағат бұрын
​@@extol1290 stop meat riding overwatch damn
@sparquisdesade Күн бұрын
Yeah, I'm in mid Bronze an even my QP games queue times are around 10 minutes with every other game being backfill right into a loss. I jus can't do it anymore. If we apparently got 100mil players, then why are queue times so bad
@sparquisdesade Күн бұрын
Oh also a point I don't see brought up at all when it comes to 6v6 and having two tanks vs now. Switching to one tank ruined more than game mechanics an balancing, it ruined the community. Before on a team no matter how you did, you had someone else in your role who you could learn from, teach stuff to, co-op with, kinships were formed, teams felt like...teams. Now it's all a blame game. Anyways, if you haven't yet tried out The Finals you should give it a shot. It's a class shooter a lot like OW but you build and customize your class. Season 3 jus came out an they added in a bunch of weapons/abilities OW players will recognize. Like Roadhog hook, genji deflect an hanzo bow/arrow. But it's actually not oppressive, plus it's fun to run a healer/support using genji deflect and bunch of landmines. Not to glaze it too hard, but it says somethin about the game when they manage to make their version of OW's Push mode so fun I've spent 30 hours on just that mode this week.
@extol1290 10 сағат бұрын
@@sparquisdesadeIf you actually played Overwatch 1 you’d know people have been blaming their teammates forever. I don’t think i’ve ever learned from the other dps or support on my team. All your learning is from self reflecting or vod review.
@kiro-fo9qg Күн бұрын
Because its more party shooter than hero, i hope it doesnt have skill based matchmaking.
@jeanpaulgouacide5445 Күн бұрын
I've only hop on play two matches then play something else lol there are better games than overwatch
@butonmov Күн бұрын
the most awesome part of the game was the ambiance. earphones on it really makes you feel like ur there
@TeachmeGin Күн бұрын
Clickbait, the game blows
@gumcard3863 Күн бұрын
i am verry sure that this is NDA bro..but maybe not
@Stark707. Күн бұрын
I love this game
@Raxus001 Күн бұрын
Awesome, made me really come to an understanding of what the devs were thinking with Serket.
@Unitxry Күн бұрын
Love this game man
@chillindylan9828 Күн бұрын
The end for me came when I saw the reset password bug
@roomfive5 2 күн бұрын
I just one tricked her to diamond and decided she’s my main now. If you are on the fence don’t be, just commit 10 hours and you are hooked.
@Xuzio 2 күн бұрын
Teleport + Tornado combo could be good. Send the tornado out and while in teleport ball, stay inside and follow the path it’s going. Use the minimap to see what enemies are nearby. If nun are near, come out of tp while inside of tornado.
@Waynside 2 күн бұрын
I have over 2k hours in BF4. It was genuinely a high light in my gaming experience. I still go back to it on PS4 from time to time. Until they release a Battlefield worth its salt like 4,3, and 1 they have no business removing these fan favorites.
@ChrisLudovici 2 күн бұрын
Here is a playlist for my LANCER Guides for FragPunk!
@ChrisLudovici 2 күн бұрын
Here is a playlist for my LANCER Guides for FragPunk!
@davidcagle920 2 күн бұрын
people will set up there own servers. i was playing shadowrun last night with a full lobby. but i do wish they would go back to bf3/4 playstyle
@reylovo97 2 күн бұрын
Once these games are shutdown for good the newer generations will never know how BF took the throne from COD for a little while. All they’ll have to see what it was like is old clips, very sad.
@gamist8166 2 күн бұрын
I dunno, never saw cod and valorant fanbases mixing. One community hates anything that removes "tactical gunplay" i hear enough of people hating neon in that game. But probs the last thing ive ever wanted for cod was for it to.. slow down closer to val's pacing. Not saying its ass, i probably just gotta try it. But idk how anyone would react positively to a description of val x cod. I just dunno who would want that mix
@arnoldhagen8577 2 күн бұрын
I've seen this game quite a while back and it seemed cool, though I've never actually played it. And the reason for that is that they have guns. Like, they are vampires. If they would all have all kinds of creative vampire related damage systems I'd probably play it. It's quite a niche thing, cause vampires do have special abilities, so just going bonkers with that in mind would've made this game actually unique. This way, it seems like another multiplayer shooter, where it just so happens that your characters are vampires. They could've went for example vampires vs humans. Vampires have special abilities, humans have guns, light, crosses (maybe even garlic for the fun of it). Or vampires against werewolves, or vampires vs vampires. No trashing though. I do think that they've put quite a lot into this game, it's also free to play which is really nice.
@vator_rs 2 күн бұрын
got this in recommended, good thumbnail and title for a click, i will give you that. I think they will shutdown PC battlefield 3 next year, but battlefield 4 still has decent playerbase, so it should extend another couple of years. Otherwise there will be pretty big outcry from the community. But yeah no reason to do this other than to save every cent on server rent and developers needed to fix any issues if they come up. The day battlelog goes down, will be a sad day. I feel like bigger problem will be for these newer battlefields where you couldn't host private community servers, but instead its all rentals from EA and dogshit controls for admins. So once they shut down those servers, i am not sure how possible it will be to join private server hosted on some guy's PC. My favourite battlefields are definitely between 4 and 1. Both of those games really make you feel the warfare and it "feels" real, as much as battlefield is arcade shooter. In BF5 and 2042 with all the gadgets, skins, operators and other crap, i feel like you lose that authenticity. Not to begin with terrible vehicle controls which feel straight out of Warzone 😭 Lets hope next battlefield actually goes back to the roots, so we have a game that can come close to replacing these classics.
@swatboy763 2 күн бұрын
dosent battlefield have private community servers?
@davidcagle920 2 күн бұрын
yes. hell shadowrun on the 360 has community ran servers and people still play that. battlefield 4 aint going anywhere anytime soon
@uwulover23 2 күн бұрын
that's why they did not brang search and destroy in bloodstrike and this fragpunk is made by netease
@Tobs0610 2 күн бұрын
How to Download it?
@ayrebhalsabe7404 2 күн бұрын
Battlefield 4 goes crazy i still play it for a bit every few months
@ChrisLudovici 2 күн бұрын
Yeahh it's really fun!
@pou5938 2 күн бұрын
same, its the best bf game.
@Henchmen1 3 күн бұрын
The take i would of went with is valorant with cod gun play and friends vs friends on steam mechanics ... I love this game already though so maybe im biased
@AgentBurgers 3 күн бұрын
Is ADS mandatory or can you hip fire like in CS/Valorant
@buzzin010 3 күн бұрын
i think part of the reason this game has stayed great is that the devs haven't constantly tweaked the game and ruined it they've just left it alone
@rezen1983 3 күн бұрын
UBI Soft is making a huge dent in the FPS Genre.
@rezen1983 3 күн бұрын
UBI Soft is making a huge dent in the FPS Genre.
@luismauriciocastromontequi9819 3 күн бұрын
Until 2025..
@Tomas91709 4 күн бұрын
Very good gunplay unlike in Valorant
@hot-_-fries1254 4 күн бұрын
I tried this game and the movement is not for me it’s like it’s constantly trying to hold your hand with every jump or climb. If people like that that’s great, more power to you, but I expected this game to be very movement, strategic based
@PoppaBear8583 4 күн бұрын
Game of what year? 😂😂😂
@Siouxnami 4 күн бұрын
I wonder if since it comes out in 2025 there maybe more characters. For a 5v5 to have only 10 chars is kinda barebones
@KILLA7162 4 күн бұрын
Im about to get an Xbox just for this
@itsmesid1878 4 күн бұрын
Any of y'all got connection problem? I checked their Twitter and they said it was a problem with the connection to the servers but want to ask in case it was just me
@Lyoko42o 4 күн бұрын
I would praise that Capcom isn't pulling a Ubislop and charging $70 for base game and $130 for the ultimate Deluxe Edition with OG Frank skin and BGM.
@jayizzultimate273 4 күн бұрын
This will be amazing. IMO dead rising 3 was kinda the best one. Gameplay wise. Pt. 1 was the best story wise. And pt2 was the best story wise as well. And the terror is reality was fun.
@okene 4 күн бұрын
I love this game so far but in like 1 years time, everything in this video is gonna get nerfed and balanced into the ground 😂😂
@Destroy_yee 5 күн бұрын
for second point midtown how would u fight it i always stage right and die even when frontline are trading thx