Introduction to Buddhism
3 ай бұрын
Plato's last words
4 ай бұрын
Was Meister Eckhart Christian?
@Zenjohnny 4 күн бұрын
Attachment is the root of all suffering.
@SeekingTheLogos 7 күн бұрын
I’m sure he would be “rolling in his grave” (not that he’s in there) to hear people are characterizing his beliefs in this way. Any genuine Christian would that’s for sure. There is no such thing as a Christian who disbelieves in the historical Christ. It’s a contradiction of terms
@matthewrodgers740 12 күн бұрын
All ideas come from the brain and all these stories came from Mesopotamia that proves without a shadow over doubt it’s all man-made stories
@TheWayofFairness 14 күн бұрын
Sounds like intuition or revelation.
@PerryWidhalm 16 күн бұрын
The origin of all religion derives from fear coupled to ignorance.
@ultrasignificantfootnote3378 19 күн бұрын
How can something that is detached be one with something else ? , Religious claims are usualy very illogical to me.
@liradorfeu 18 күн бұрын
It's only illogical because you lack the theological basis in which to understand the terms employed. The paradoxical nature of that affirmation stems from a duality-based understanding. From a non-dual perspective (The One), all paradoxes may be reconciled. The point Eckhart tries to make must be understood in Neoplatonic terms, as much of Christian Theology. There's no real separation and therefore no real detachment from the One, as everything there Is, is of the One. The perception of detachment arises from one's own sense of individuality, which naturally conditions oneself to perceive oneself as separated from everything else (The One). When Evil is mentioned, it refers to this individual sense of separation. If there's no separation from the One, nothing is lacking from oneself, therefore there's nothing to be asked from It. To be grateful is enough of a prayer, as to be as the One is to be Complete. Much of the metaphysical/philosophical basis of Christian Theology was borrowed from Neoplatonism, which in turn borrowed from the ancient oriental non-dual schools of thought like Advaita-Vedanta. Cheers
@ultrasignificantfootnote3378 18 күн бұрын
@@liradorfeu Thankyou for this explanation ,but I dont think I see the purpose , is being detached or attached a mental state that we can be aware of ?
@liradorfeu 18 күн бұрын
​@@ultrasignificantfootnote3378 To try to put it simply, what's being proposed by Echkart is the Non-Dual nature of reality i.e God/The One.Everything is one, there's no separation at all. There's only apparent separation or perceived separation by the individual. The individual perceives to be separated from everything else but that separation is only apparent, not real. This non-dual understanding of reality is transcendental to our individuality, so in order to be realized, one needs to transcend that individuality. There are mystical or extatic states that can lead us to the direct experience of such realization but it can also be achieved by logical and rational means. Imagine various clay pots and vases, they all posess their own identity in a way, some are cups, others vases, etc... But what are they all made of? What is their substance? What's their nature? Clay. Clay is their nature. Even though there is an apparent diversity of shapes and forms, they're all made of the same substance, they're all of one nature. This is in the most reduced and simplistic way what Eckhart is trying to convey. So how can something that is detached be one with something else? The answer is, there was never anythig detached to begin with... If you're not so inclined to the Christian clothing of Eckhart's thought do some research on the eastern tradition of Advaita-Vedanta. Cheers
@Raymond-d2l7n 13 күн бұрын
I suppose the key to it is, God is not something else.
@ultrasignificantfootnote3378 12 күн бұрын
@@Raymond-d2l7n Is it possible you are just imagining God ?
@halcyon2864 21 күн бұрын
🙏 I just discovered your beautiful channel, thank you. I'm a student in Advaita Vedanta, a follower of Ramana Maharshi and believe that Eckhart was an Advaitist as well 😊 So many different paths bringing us to the same Reality or Oneness. Also as Carl Jung said:"Who looks outside dreams; Who looks inside awake". With loving kindness 💜 🙏 🕉️ Tat twam asi
@goodtothinkwith 21 күн бұрын
I’m glad you are enjoying the content! Tat tvam asi indeed 😄
@emmaluciaev1938 24 күн бұрын
How beautiful
@michadubinski9402 25 күн бұрын
Elaborate contradictory dogmatism was seed of future destruction for Christianity. List of dogmas and legalistic restrictions got so long that eventually there will be only fundamentalists left willing to turn their brains off and some heretical mystics who will dont even attend church, just medite with bible in hand in their homes.
@selleroffog5660 27 күн бұрын
👍🏿....its been a while....nice to hear You 😉
@goodtothinkwith 27 күн бұрын
Thank you, my friend. 😊
@SaintJermania 29 күн бұрын
Sympathetic atheist here -- I think the problem, is that Christian mysticism is at odds with what might be thought of as modern "Industrial Christianity" or "Commercial Christianity", that is, the hyper-authoritarian, ironically materialistic version of Christianity of the kind proferred by say, American prosperity gospel or worse, political evangelicalism. One look at transparent tv con-men like Joel Osteen or other, more Right-wing bigots I won't even name sends any thinking person running in the opposite direction. It's not atheists Christianity needs saving from, it's those guys. On the other hand, even as an atheist, I find ideas like "The Cloud of Unknowing" and Whitehead's Process Theology fascinating. I grew up reading C.S. Lewis and I still love him, I find his best arguments not in his apologetics, but in his fiction, it's there where you find the feeling of what Christians say Christianity is all about. Just my two cents!
@goodtothinkwith 27 күн бұрын
That’s a great point. There’s always been a tension between popular religion and mysticism. I’m thinking of the situation described in Black Elk Speaks in particular, where the shaman tolerates superstition and knows he has to appease those who have never seen for themselves with parlor tricks. I’m still working with the ideas, but it’s almost as though people are naturally inclined to take whatever level of understanding they have deadly seriously. It’s rather like academics who always have an explanation for why their particular discipline is the most important one. People seem to need closure and to think that they “have it,” whatever “it” is. Understanding lay religion has always been a challenge since I could never identify with it even when I was younger. It’s a hard psychology to study though since everyone has an axe to grind…
@shastasilverchairsg 29 күн бұрын
Yeah, once you learn more about Eastern spirituality, mainstream Christianity seems like spirituality for babies tbh.
@alexflorescu88 Ай бұрын
Great video!
@goodtothinkwith Ай бұрын
@shpetimimeri1444 Ай бұрын
Wow now i understand the peigenism in christianety fully. You gone astray.
@csabakatai5095 Ай бұрын
I think he was almost burnt at the stake. He simply died just before they could do that to him.
@rogeraraujo4900 Ай бұрын
LMAO. Christianity without Christianity. What a trash is the modern world. 🎉
@eazymethod01 Ай бұрын
Catholic Church is not the church. Protestant sects are not the church. Now you can go and look up what the real Church is, the one that is actually 2,000 years old.
@elektrotehnik94 Ай бұрын
"Every-thing is a tool" makes sense in a proper context, once there is a recognition about what "not this not that"/ no-thing-ness/ non-duality is 🙃❤️ Much more could be said... 😁❤️
@Beverly-b8r Ай бұрын
I guess what hes saying here is that when you cannot see where your going , its nice to know if someone is kind enough to show us the way!
@tgrogan6049 Ай бұрын
How does it make sense to say, "Truth is posterior to God". Posterior meaning prior? Posterior meaning behind? Why not say "Truth is to the left of God" or "Truth is North of God"? This language just leads to agnosticism.
@tgrogan6049 Ай бұрын
The goal of our instruction is the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith. Some have strayed from these ways and turned aside to EMPTY TALK 1 Timothy 1:5.
@elektrotehnik94 Ай бұрын
Hey Tgtogan, great seeing you here! ❤️
@badthomist5232 Ай бұрын
Which St. Gregory? There were a lot of them and many were mystics?
@goodtothinkwith Ай бұрын
Those people are all good to think with, nice choices. I like the suggestion of Girard. I haven’t read him in a long time… may be time to revisit. I need to go through the twentieth century French intellectuals again sometime… may be useful for this project
@Febr7 Ай бұрын
You didn't define what "works" means. But if you mean increasing membership, based on current trends of growth in Prosperity Gospel, NAR, and NIFB/Greg Locke style churches, what "works" is greed, desire of power, and hate.
@YouTube_MusicStyle Ай бұрын
God had meant for you to be perfect in all your ways and a friend to him throughout all of eternity... You are not your body, you are not your mind, you are a spirit that uses both these things. But your vision is blurry and you choose to know only through your physical senses, that is why God can't find you... You were never meant to be a mortal... You are the only animal in existence that God would want to have a conversation with... God created you in his image to live forever and rejoice, but you have chosen the temporary and have lost your way, this is why you live in vain only choosing that in which you are familiar and comfortable in the physical sense. That is why you choose, money, social validation, material wealth, and quick thrills, because you know deep down you'd have to bring yourself to a more profound form of humility in order to face your God who made you and confess that you were wrong... but no matter... whatever sins, whatever burdens, whatever feelings you may have... What happens on earth is forgotten yesterday and is forgiven for tomorrow. God loves you and wants to be with you, don't choose ego and pride over happiness. If you believe in God, no matter what, whether you are wrong or right, you have nothing to lose... as opposed to the alternative... God is waiting for you! He's been waiting since the beginning and will continue to do so... You think it's "too good to be true" but that is what you project from your heart which has been molded by the iniquities of this world by men like yourself, men who would take the word of the Lord and twist it to sound right in their own minds or believe half-heartedly and expect reward. God wants to be with you but can't because you've turned from him.... You are like a fish out of water thinking their is nothing beyond matter but their is a spiritual realm, YOU are living proof of this! Seek God in the scripture, find humility, find truth, reject ego, reject arrogance. If God is real and created you, why call him evil if you are not the same? I say to you, their is so much you have chosen to forget... Those with ears let them hear, for it is the sight that truly blinds a man! ... 1 Corinthians 2:11-16 Isaiah 5:20-21 Romans 1:18-32 Romans 2:1-29
@YouTube_MusicStyle Ай бұрын
​@weirdwilliam8500 It appears you've fallen victim to KZbin cencership as I cannot provide you with anymore truth than what I've already given... sorry.... seek and ye shall find! Luke 17:21
@jeshus_deus_est Ай бұрын
I am the way the TRUTH and the life
@EduardoRodriguez-du2vd Ай бұрын
This is because the idea of ​​the existence of a god in Christian terms is completely irrational. Any defense of Christianity will necessarily be irrational and so, only a defense that responds to emotional needs.
@Azathoth2980 Ай бұрын
Monotheism purged mythic a long time ago, the only thing kept their institution going is through violence, the real decline of Christianity is they lost the right to direct law enforcement. While Islam and Zionist can spill guts and burn book in the name of righteousness. That is why they are the only growing faith in a rapidly secularized world. You are in the wrong game boddy.
@Justin_Beaver564 Ай бұрын
The problem with Christianity is that it's based on Judaism and Judaism isn't a religion as much as it is a national identity.
@eazymethod01 Ай бұрын
Jesus died to release others from a contract, through himself. Judeo-Christianity is nonsense.
@hansfiedeldeij-vx5jl Ай бұрын
So well done, thank you from the bottom of my heart
@francescocarlini7613 Ай бұрын
Freud already debunked mysticism.
@goodtothinkwith Ай бұрын
Since mysticism as I’m using the term doesn’t and can’t make particular claims, it doesn’t make sense to “debunk” it because there’s nothing to debunk. Freud was skeptical about what people call “mystical” experiences of miraculous things that resulted in particular claims, which isn’t mysticism… It’s more like magic and ritual. His “oceanic” feeling is closer, but he didn’t follow it to the end.
@francescocarlini7613 Ай бұрын
@@goodtothinkwith Not making any claims at all? Now that's just convenient. And pointless.
@byrondickens Ай бұрын
Citing Freud proves that you are out of touch. Nobody takes Freud seriously any more. Least of all on these matters.
@francescocarlini7613 Ай бұрын
@@byrondickens No intelligent people takes Christianity seriously, and yet you morons believe regardless.
@SolveEtCoagula93 Ай бұрын
I'm no theologian Clint - I'm a simple physicist (these days, far more simple than used to be) but I have a question about something which I think lies at the heart of the 'moving away' from Christianity. It concerns the basic premise that I am a sinner. I 100% reject the notion that Adam and Eve existed as real human beings. I can accept they are symbolic - but that's another issue. If I don't accept the reality of Original Sin, it seems to me that the whole edifice of Christianity comes tumbling down. Am I correct? The reason for asking is that although I know very few people who claim to be Christians, but those who do, accept Original Sin, at least in some form. Most people I know reject this concept, and therefore also reject the whole Christian saga. However, many of this group also accept that there is something which could be referred to as the Absolute, or even the Creator. This, as I see it, is the problem for the Church, or indeed for any Christian denomination. (Just for info, weekly church attendance in the UK runs at less than 2% of the population. Although around 65% claim to believe in some type of 'higher power' but not the God of the Bible.)
@goodtothinkwith Ай бұрын
I appreciate the question! Original sin traces back to Augustine circa 400 AD. So it’s not essential or even original (ironically), arguably. The “higher power” statistic is interesting. That’s part of the problem I have with how Pew research words their questions… many people here in the US are also “spiritual” and not avowedly atheist, but don’t belong to an organized religion anymore.. the so-called “nons”.. hardline atheists are actually pretty uncommon. I don’t think the literal interpretation of the Adam and Eve story is very useful to most modern people. As you might imagine, I would side with the way Eckhart uses Scripture 😅
@SolveEtCoagula93 Ай бұрын
@@goodtothinkwith Thank you so much for replying Clint - I really do appreciate it. After your comment, I did look at the Wiki (yeh, I know - hardly definitive) article about Original Sin and was, frankly, shocked at what I read. I had no idea of the origin and complexity of the concept, let alone how much controversy it has caused - and still does I think. My ignorance of Christianity is far deeper than I realised. I probably don't need to enter the Cloud of Unknowing, since it seems as though I'm already inside! I am reading your Paradox at Play. At chapter 3 I started to underline expressions and ideas which were causing me to stop, think about what you had written - most of which I found very inspirational. After a while though I stopped the practise because I was underlining far more of the text than I was leaving alone! I'm enjoying the text a great deal. Anyway, thanks again.
@HisMessenger-wf5qd Ай бұрын
Christianity is the voice and body of Jesus Christ.
@Nico-Tine Ай бұрын
This touches on a lot of things I've learned throughout the years. I had originally left turned my back on Christianity from around the age of 13 to 20 because, being in the Southern US, I only understood Christianity from a rather fundamentalist perspective. Two major turning points for me was in taking a university class on Biblical literature wherein I learned that Christian interpretation was/is more diverse than I had understood, and in reading from or about the saints/mystics alongside Kierkegaard, Simone Weil, Emil Cioran, and, eventually, Meister Eckhart. If it were not for these two points, I probably would not have been interested in Christianity and I probably would not have joined the Religious Society of Friends. I have just recently read Paul F. Knitter's "Without Buddha I Could not be a Christian" wherein he quotes someone (I forget who) who explicitly says that Christianity needs to turn to mysticism in order to survive and he touched on how the average Christian's understanding of theology never surpasses a childish understanding, so when confronted with pressing issues, most simply fall out of the faith and that does match my experience in New Atheist circles. What sucks is that you can explain a mystical, alternative, or simply a non-literal/hermeneutical approach to Christianity to either a Christian or atheist and be met with the accusation that these approaches are not actually Christian. As was said, people likely would not consider Eckhart as Christian. In any case, I do hope to see change for the better in the future.
@skylinefever Ай бұрын
My whole distaste and repulsion was because I was Pascal's Wagered by the SBC. That event of God showing up to the "God shaped hole" never showed up. I never had a single day I wasn't paranoid. If it was so great, every personality trait set would get it. Everybody would have suitable belief in God circuitry in their brains. Nobody would have to dupe kids to get them in.
@Nico-Tine Ай бұрын
@@skylinefever I can't quite relate with being Pascal Wagered and expecting God to show up in such a way, but I can understand the following distaste and repulsion. Personally, I would not measure greatness by whether every personality could get it. I can think that reading and keeping up with academia is great, but I know most people really don't care to read to learn, for example. That is to say, I don't think great things have to appeal to everyone, nor do I feel as if everyone ought to be Christian. One of Kierkegaard's critiques is that Christianity effectively went wrong, in a sense, to try to make Christianity appealing and easy to everyone (though this critique is partially directed toward the fact that one's Danish citizenship was tied to being baptized - he thinks this is a grave mistake and un-Christian among other things). Doing such a thing promotes, well, duping kids and a superficial or childish understanding of Christianity.
@goodtothinkwith Ай бұрын
I very much sympathize. That’s my primary misgiving with recommending something mystical. Most people just aren’t up for it and won’t be. That’s why I think a more Buddhist approach of instrumentality may be the only option, and one that has theological precedent and history supporting it. It does mean discarding a lot of the harsh rhetoric we hear today though. That said, we don’t burn witches anymore so big change is possible. I understand the frustration with Pascal’s wager. It’s really not a good argument. When I cover Pascal in class, I mention the wager as part of history, but I talk more about his impact on statistics which is arguably more important. By the way, the “God-shaped hole” is a simplified version of what Eckhart was doing with synderesis. I talk about that in the Kierkegaard video. As you might imagine, Eckhart’s version is probably a lot more interesting than what you probably got from the SBC
@skylinefever Ай бұрын
@@Nico-Tine That is one thing that made me hate the SBC. Such Biblical literalists saw some passage that says everyone must do it. Since they can't question that, the concept of someone who can't or shouldn't convert is beyond them.
@eazymethod01 Ай бұрын
If you turn back from a false Church, you did the right thing. There’s only one Church that’s 2,000 years old.
@jokswot4759 Ай бұрын
Thats the point. It works.
@surlycycler2213 Ай бұрын
I left largely because of christian bullying. No freedom of thought, control control control, the lies we were forced to believe. I don't think the modern world should have a place for a bronze age religion.
@Arven8 Ай бұрын
I don't think Christianity will shift to a mystic position. A mystical philosophy is simply too difficult for most people to wrap their heads around. Most people are average intelligence and their lives are focused on work, family, social media, and TV. They find something like Meister Eckhart abstruse, incomprehensible, sand through their fingers. They *need* concretized images, a clear story, and defined theological beliefs to hang on to. Mysticism is too esoteric for them. I don't believe the shift you're describing will happen. .... I've had what I consider spiritual or transpersonal experiences in my life. They have fed me spiritually and let me know what is important and what is not. They seem quite personal to me, though, and not about the sort of Unity Consciousness or Oneness that mystics describe over and over. I am not a mystic. I like individuality too much. I suppose you could say I'm more interested in Differentiation Consciousness than Unity Consciousness. I also tend to be verbally precise, so the intentional obfuscation and contradiction of mystical language annoys me. I think, "Stop trying to be clever and just say it plainly." Perhaps I'm asking too much. But most mystical language seems like an abstraction that I can't do much with. If that's true for me, I'm sure it's true for the vast majority of Christians. .... Anyhow, if Christianity survives, I don't think it will be by becoming a diffuse, universal mysticism. That's my opinion, anyhow. Thanks for the thought-provoking video.
@skylinefever Ай бұрын
I have argued that there is one way there may be a way to get that to the masses. Maybe letting shrooms, DMT, and LSD would give the masses the spiritual experience they usually do not get.
@hyperfluous4751 Ай бұрын
I love your interest in differentiation consciousness, your distaste for contradictory mystical/unity language, and your emphasis on verbal precision. I'm the same way. Yet, as I see it, the same fundamental positive psychological structures of consciousness are present within all of us, and Unity consciousness is just the experience of that. But yeah, the language mystics use sure can be gross when co-opted by too much new age babble.
@datalore8270 Ай бұрын
Good afternoon. I have to respectfully disagree. I think the problem is quite other than - as you present - that the philosophical framing no longer works for people. I think the problem is multi-faceted, but in order to be brief: 1. The arguments presented in favor of Christianity are generally poor, even though better ones exist. Most people - in America at least - think Christianity boils down to "I believe it because the Bible says so." Even a lot of the Christians seem to think that. 2. The better arguments are philosophical and complicated. Most people simply can't be bothered; they're too busy scrolling Facebook. 3. Those that do look into it are convinced by easy-to-understand - but shallow and silly - catchphrases, such as "there is no evidence for god." Take Christopher Hitchens. While admittedly a wonderful orator and someone who was extremely enjoyable to listen to, when you get down to it, his philosophical arguments were quite weak. He persuaded with wit, charm, and humor, not good argumentation. This is very similar to something like the Daily Show, where strong analysis gives way to mocking quips and goofy faces. The general populace isn't looking for a great philosophical argument, they're looking to be entertained. And THAT is why Christianity is declining. In our self-centered, hedonistic society, Christianity is not only a road block, it's just plain BORING. Thanks - a former atheist.
@danieltempas6062 Ай бұрын
So you imagine that you have evidence for god? I have yet to see any, and I have been searching for 40 years. Hitchens arguments were not weak, they were spot on. Yes, he was humorous, but he posts out problems that are insurmountable for christianity. A former atheist? I don't see how that is possible without intellectual dishonesty.
@hyperfluous4751 Ай бұрын
Way of the world, we only search for deeper meaning/truths to ground us, when we are in crisis, And when the normal numbing opiates, which in this day and age are extremely strong w social media, stop working. But nothing is more satisfying/entertaining than truth, by its very nature. But its obvious that very few people in modern society have found it and have been willing to serve as positive examples publicly, so now most believe it just doesn't exists or isn't attainable. So intellectual laziness will lead most towards the nihilistic deconstructionist atheist examples, because they sound better/wiser than the out of date bible/quran/torah etc, which they often do. Until more positive examples show up, we'll likely continue along our current atheistic trajectories. But imo the positive examples will show, nihilism creates a vacuum for them, demand creates the supply. Laws of nature will continue.
@wet-read Ай бұрын
Yeah, Hitchens ain't the best at dismantling Christianity and other stuff like it.
@cubearthx Ай бұрын
As an atheist I have had mystical experiences. Especially when seeing the beauty of nature. The stars, sunset etc. Mysticism is an internal state that is accessible to everyone in all walks of life. It says nothing about if there is a specific God despite how you may feel internally. Secondly apologetics is like a battle plan. It sounds all great and fine in the war room but put it out on the field (a debate/discussion) and they quickly fall apart due to blatantly obvious counter points apologetics fail to consider.
@lordvoldamort4606 Ай бұрын
I think we are forgetting to ask. Should Christianity survive?
@feedthewhale4266 Ай бұрын
@@lordvoldamort4606 What are you replacing it with? Woke liberalism?
@lordvoldamort4606 Ай бұрын
@@feedthewhale4266 Good god no. Or at least not the lunacy kind. Was hoping to replace it with untied mysticism.
@feedthewhale4266 Ай бұрын
@@lordvoldamort4606 Everybody does what they want and believes in everything and anything?
@lordvoldamort4606 Ай бұрын
@@feedthewhale4266 Kinda
@feedthewhale4266 Ай бұрын
@lordvoldamort4606 Problem there is that woke liberalism is going to win out in practice. It has a clear metaphysics, an eschatology, a calendar of holy days, martyrs, ethics, a hierarchy of grievance, a devil and a great holy and a way for it's adherents to rid themselves of the original sin of privilege
@weirdwilliam8500 Ай бұрын
Christianity has become synonymous with corruption, hypocrisy, cruelty, and hatred. And also, overthrowing democracy. It’s so unappealing.
@KRGruner Ай бұрын
Well, LOL, if Truth is posterior to God, then you are assuming the conclusion before you even start. Not even worth addressing seriously. Have a good day. You don't care about what is true or false, only about your contingently-held irrational beliefs. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
@rosenamdensuden Ай бұрын
"You can stop right there, your majesty, it's turtles all the way down"
@goodtothinkwith Ай бұрын
@squeakhawk01 Ай бұрын
I discount mysticism because these mystics only seem to be able to access visions of other realms when they have put themselves through extreme mental duress (or they have mental conditions like schizophrenia.) Why should I believe these are genuine experiences with a higher power when it is impossible to differentiate between a hallucination and a divine vision? If you have a vision of a saint you are a mystic. If you can't tell who your family is and curse uncontrollably then you are possessed of devils. Seriously, hijacking mental illness for its own purposes is just another in the long list of manipulations that religion foists on the unsuspecting.
@rosashanina84 Ай бұрын
Conservative Catholics will say your perspective here is heresy, whilst protestants will say it is a path to agnosticism or neo paganism.
@floptaxie68 Ай бұрын
Same thing
@GGTutor1 Ай бұрын
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." Matthew 23:27 I always felt this to mean the kind of religious practice that is devoid of the mystical. I have never been able to find a way into the church due its lack of focus on the mysticism in the teachings. It is vital for the church to recover this if it is to survive.
@Ub3rSk1llz Ай бұрын
99% of the things that dawkins, hitchens and harris (never heard of dennett) talk about boil down to "god's not real". most christians, no matter how well put the argument of an atheist is, will not stop believing in god because of an atheist. that would defeat the purpose of faith. they just do not care about your opinion. more like, it is irrelevant. religion makes them comfortable. religion is a support system. religion is a community. religion is history. atheism the lack of all of these things.
@Sanguillen39ify Ай бұрын
I am an atheist/agnostic and your acknowledgement of Bruno and Nietzsche in this video is highly pertinent. I have been reading Simone Weil's "On the Abolition of All Political Parties" and in that book there is an essay written by Czeslaw Milosz. He mentions "Man will become a God for man." This mirrors what you are saying at the 5:00 mark. In addition, Nietzsche even mentions - " Man is God in miniature." Interesting stuff indeed. Have you read anything by Rene Girard ? He and Weil have helped me see Christianity and its relationship to man in a far more compelling light.
@BrghtScorpio Ай бұрын
I appreciate your points, I have my disagreements but I want to inquire is why should your definition of Truth be a priority?, was it demonstrated? I love the Prince of Egypt, but that doesn't mean I'm observing some "truth", aesthetics are not truth values. Not everything that is true is useful. Again I appreciate the discussion but I remain unconvinced.
@pytime8621 Ай бұрын
Experience is key. Don’t take anyone’s word for it. Demand it. Everything is a pointer. Those pointers aimed at the shadows of truth being cast against the wall. Truth cannot be discussed, it can only be experienced. That truth is within you. It is not anywhere else.
@squeakhawk01 Ай бұрын
I take issue with your statement "Not everything that is true is useful." I was raised Mormon. There was an apostle of the LDS church, a real hardliner, that spoke to church education and seminary teachers. Speaking about facts that had recently come out that cast doubt on the accepted history of the Mormon church, he told these teachers not to pursue these facts, even if they were true. And he used that exact phrase. "Not everything that is true is useful." Well let me tell you something, I would rather have the truth in all it's splendid ugliness and horror than an aesthetically pleasing lie. Because ultimately that lie will only benefit the liar who manufactured it. And once you know the truth you can start to do something about it.
@BrghtScorpio Ай бұрын
@@pytime8621 a few problems with that, experience is subjective. Projections and the mind filling the gaps is why we have to be able to test our assumptions, so I disagree with the "Everything is a pointer" argument. I have no way of conceptualizing how every pointer is in the shadow of the truth.
@BrghtScorpio Ай бұрын
@@squeakhawk01 I think you have misunderstood me, it is true that "not everything that's true is useful", the difference between me and the Apostle is that I want to know true things regardless and he uses it as a rhetoric to keep dogma.