@JeffStAndre 28 күн бұрын
Finally got a copy of lyra and tried it on BGA. i get the basics of play, but with still learning what does what ive only managed to get no closer that 2 spaces away on tumult.
@syntheater4867 29 күн бұрын
went to a local in Montreal yesterday and we were 10
@Violet_Erin Ай бұрын
I hope it releases in SEA
@verdueloy Ай бұрын
One question please: better 36 ks boosters for 220€ or 55 Gate boosters for the same price?? I have the ks hero and promos. I’m searching rares and uniques
@miguelsobarzo6222 Ай бұрын
more fast please, good video
@mitchellsmith2443 Ай бұрын
I am excited to printing the cards.. my decks have too many cards I’ve bought that I don’t want to pay to have physically shipped to me haha. Think it’ll help a lot when I can have them printed then bring it to locals! Have a locals here in MN that gets 4ish people every week and hope it grows even more!
@inkibusss Ай бұрын
Guess this podcast is dead, eh?
@phogmography Ай бұрын
Is it?
@tundranocaps Ай бұрын
Pronounced "Lie-rah." Look up "lyre." "Yzmir" is probably "Izmir." (Finally, Sun Wukong is "Soon.")
@rapalborde5211 Ай бұрын
I knew alex from marvel snap so i will look into this tcg looks interesting
@redreflect1318 Ай бұрын
I just pulled two robin hoods from a beyond the gates booster box and I read the text and just laughed to myself cause he's now the OG robin hood
@redreflect1318 2 ай бұрын
Bro im such a noob. I be using my landmarks as mana cause i feel like i have to have a character in play at all times 😂 appreciate the overview! Thanks a ton
@redreflect1318 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad I found this podcast. I'm new to the game and y'all's insight is much appreciated
@GhostlyNomad130 2 ай бұрын
Just heard of the game, looked into it after seeing it at my Friendly Local Game Store! Honestly the more i hear about it and look into it the more convinced i am this game was made specifically for me!
@Parker-4203 2 ай бұрын
Robin Hood definitely still has value. It's nowhere near the original power, but it may be for the best in the long run. I don't go into tcg's thinking that every card will be perfect out of the gate; I expect erratas/changes.
@DraXCore 2 ай бұрын
The closest event to me is like 2 1/2 hour drive away and my local stores have said they want to try it but it doesn't seem like there are players. I have tried to convince them to at least set up a couple and try them so they show up on the event app for people to find. Boise go tell your stores you want to play it lol
@foyoGames 2 ай бұрын
Nice Cast!
@Qaotl 2 ай бұрын
Full unique cube sounds /incredible/
@FMD-FullMetalDragon 2 ай бұрын
This kind of nerf trashing is too soon in the game's life cycle. I have been playing TCG's since Magic 3rd edition and there has never been this kind of over reaction to a card like this this early after the games initial release. TCGs need time to develop and we needed more sets of cards and player adaptation and game evolution to happen before trashing a card like this. Robin Hood is completely useless now. It is. It's garbage. This kind of over reaction would be like if WotC had banned Black Lotus two months after Beta came out, or editing Necropotence two months after that card came out. It's just too soon. But they could have done this way better. Just increase both his costs to 5. Drop the Bureaucrat subtype. Lower his three stats by one each. Make it so his ability affected all players and not just opponents.
@yogapantsyogurtpants3365 2 ай бұрын
This game can't be sustained.
@luckystars7948 2 ай бұрын
I’m very curious about official format of competition now. If they take the B03 path I think Robin can totally be playable as a sideboard staple for the Izmir matchup for exemple
@Stellfoy 2 ай бұрын
There are just some effects that are too strong, mostly stuff that is only on very specific cards - mostly expensive spells - and suddenly that effect is on a cheap unit. Drawing 3 cards while also playing a unit is beyond broken. I have seen a uniques that let you put your top 2 cards into your mana while also dropping a unit for like 3-4 mana.... Or getting a brassbug token for boost or similar effects...how is that fair? you can win the whole game with just one or two uniques.
@simontrustrameve4965 2 ай бұрын
Gameplay should always come first and that means that cards that need to be changed should be changed regardless of the cost of the card. If this was a CCG and gameplay wasn't relevant to the marketing of the game, then it would be different, but players absolutely shouldn't have over payed for obviously broken cards. The benefit of this is that in the future, this will act as a soft cap on the cost of cards because of the fear of the errata/ban hammer on other cards as Equinox has shown that they will act.
@gavkenny 2 ай бұрын
Robin knew what he did, though the nerf was a bit further than I though Equinox would go
@ShaneGifford12 2 ай бұрын
One advantage of the new Robin Hood that I haven't seen many bring up yet: it is extremely effective against discount effects which reduce things to 1 or 0, in fact those effects don't do anything as long as Robin is out. There are only a few examples right now, mostly support abilities, for reducing cost, but I expect as more cards are printed in the future there could be a deck that makes a lot of use of cheap cards and discount effects which this Robin would punish even harder than the old Robin could have. So new Robin is obviously less powerful than the original but could be a strong hate piece against a particular kind of deck in the future.
@RarecuisineSaucegod-ig8bc 2 ай бұрын
yep. stronger against lyra and yzmir now. smh.
@chinoscorner3727 2 ай бұрын
This is like MTG banning jeweled lotus from commander
@chinoscorner3727 2 ай бұрын
Glad I bought 3 robin hoods last week for crazy money and now people will be giving them away
@cabinato9550 2 ай бұрын
I'm still waiting for the bravos haven nerf
@TricksterCG 2 ай бұрын
I am curious if we will see other decks get powerful cards in future expansions fast enough that this doesn't have to happen.
@ericfaulwell1362 2 ай бұрын
Sort by A-Z, they're side by side
@jasontubbs4975 2 ай бұрын
While I applaud Equinox for actively managing their player experience, I don’t agree with how Robin Hood was handled. Stax effects like Robin Hood are known to promote a negative player experience. Either embrace that stax is a viable way to play the game and give game pieces to support this or never print them at all. I think a functional errata is going to lead to issues long term for the game as players can no longer play the cards as written. This is a common way to update digital only games, but Altered is played with physical cards as well. I would have much rather seen a restriction for the amount of rare copies played in Waru and Mac specifically, since that is where the issue is. No one was concerned that Lyra Robin Hood was too OP.
@devynmounteer6696 2 ай бұрын
I agree here, erratas are annoying if everyone isn't on the same page, or when new players join, it creates some awkward moments. Had they changed a game rule or a keyword ability that really only requires a change to the rulebook then that would have been better. But a full ban of all tax effects would also create problems for all of those who spent that crazy money to get those quetzl and council uniques.
@barbercat1542 2 ай бұрын
A set switching icon on the card that switches it from one set to the other on the single listing of the card in the search list.
@Kale_Myself 2 ай бұрын
Sort by alphabet in your collection
@Psientologist 2 ай бұрын
Really happy with how Equinox have tackled the Robin Hood nerf and their communication has been so clear I simply can't pick holes in it. Regarding if Robin Hood is terrible now, I don't think so. Obviously it is a nerf and stacking Robins does nothing extra but simply making no cards cost 1 is a big hit, 1 costs being that poking, surprise last plays or cheap triggers is really strong. Perhaps because of the decks I run I feel this is stronger than it is, but either way Hood is definitely far from dead to me.
@GTheWhiteBean 2 ай бұрын
Nice change. Still loving the game.
@bIeaq 2 ай бұрын
robin hood was so toxic
@jasontubbs4975 2 ай бұрын
Why was it toxic? It was a difficult card to play around, but it was known. If decks planned removal, then it shouldn’t have been a massive issue.
@cabinato9550 2 ай бұрын
​@@jasontubbs4975 Bro never played competitive 💀
@jasontubbs4975 2 ай бұрын
@@cabinato9550 there has only been one competitive tournament in the US, so you are correct. However, in my experience most players don’t play any sort of removal, which is a consistent issue in other games such as Magic as well. If the community is just going to call any card that makes the game slightly more difficult to play toxic, then Altered will never get the exposure it needs to succeed.
@ShaneGifford12 2 ай бұрын
​​@@jasontubbs4975 Robin hood taxed the removal as well so the only card which cleanly answered it with no downsides was cloth cocoon, and even that only trades equally with it. Most factions had to play cards which are bad in many other matchups and bad against every other card in the Waru deck just in case of Robin hood. The other problem is, now you have put your anti-Hood tech card in. For it to be effective, you have to draw it, and your opponent has to draw and play Robin Hood. Some number of games you don't draw your tech card, some number of games you draw it but they never play a Robin Hood and you lose because you're -1 card into a deck that's still quite efficient without playing Hood. These reasons are why I don't think an argument like "just remove him" are that compelling.
@jasontubbs4975 2 ай бұрын
@@ShaneGifford12 totally understood. However, paying one more isn’t much different than playing against The Spindle or against any cards with Tough.
@Ryuuk00 2 ай бұрын
Nerfs in physical card games? Interesting.
@limo_was_here 2 ай бұрын
it makes a bit more sense for altered, since you have the print on demand feature possibly as a way to refund or help redact cards in the future.
@bIeaq 2 ай бұрын
the 2 nearest locals to me are nearly 2 hours away
@eduardoaac88 2 ай бұрын
Part of the issue I see in my locals (Campinas, Brazil) is the struggle to get a proper deck together for many folks. The collection is huge and with such a small community playing locally, pretty much everyone going for the same staples, a lot of folks are just losing the hype after not being able to purchase singles locally or get good trades on our discord/whatsapp groups. I believe this will eventually get better with the marketplace and print on demand, but it's definitely holding the game back here as folks are cautious to jump in until these things are live.
@WhiskeyjackZA 2 ай бұрын
It was a bit like this in South Africa with SWU until set 2 and stores started doing singles. With the set 1 reprint coming (still have the most staple cards for key meta decks), hopefully we will increase the numbers. But long run singles will be crucial since probably like in Brazil it is not cost effective to buy random boosters or order singles from EU/US (still beter than blind boosters). But...stores want at least to see some good booster sales and enough supply (set 1's problem) to make opening boosters for singles worth it. So the community bought lots of booster at start. With Altered only launching a week ago, everyone is very excited - 12 people first dedicated night at local store (For SWU we pull 12-15 every week for comparison) - but I see lack of singles being a big problem going forward...once people get tired of starters / known value of trades / run out of trades and don't wanna spend almost a 1000 of your money on booster (about R3400 or R3000 with SWU now). My wife Brazilian and if ever going to live in Brazil it is good to see TCGs being played outside the mega cities...hopefully also some English is spoken at game nights as well ;)
@leonardooliveira-pk8xg 2 ай бұрын
thks very much
@Monkey_D._Elliott 2 ай бұрын
I'm in AZ and Gamers Guild is the only major presence running Altered. Sadly not in my area. For me I have about 4 people at my LGS who will play a game. I have a box of all common decks to give away and have been offering learn to play after One Piece when I go. Going to bring a box in to have some packs to giveaway too. Really a fan and the people who have played all seem to like it, just need to hit a big enough critical mass to get people playing regularly.
@gizmoduck8979 2 ай бұрын
Speaking on opening packs and getting uniques. The lgs I play at weekly, we all agree that there aren't as many good uniquea for certain factions as there are for others. Example, collectively, four of us (not Kickstarter backers) have pulled more Ordis uniques from boxes we've purchased than any other faction...
@ericfaulwell1362 2 ай бұрын
The promo packs are awesome. The adventure pass is awesome. I've been to 13 events and always walked away with at least 1 new unique. I feel well-rewarded for simply playing the game, which I didn't feel from other card games.
@AlteredAcademy 2 ай бұрын
I absolutely agree! Adventure pass is a huge win
@jasontubbs4975 2 ай бұрын
I talked to one of my LGSes and they are making a conscious decision not to support Altered until the marketplace is available. They want to see Equinox make good on their promises because they have been burned by other hyped kickstarter games in the past. Perhaps other LGSes in N.A. are wary because Altered in a kickstarter funded game too.
@kevinsayers5985 2 ай бұрын
I'm in fort Wayne, Indiana which is a fairly big city in Indiana and there's literally nothing here and there's pretty much a scene for every single other competitive card game. I have to drive over 2 hours to get down to Indianapolis if I want to play
@amadshade6276 2 ай бұрын
I think another issue in the USA is/was the lack of support from Equinox. While it seems to be getting better now, it's really clear that the experience in general is not quite up to snuff in the Americas compared to the E.U. The local game stores in the US also seem really hesitant to get into the game but maybe that will change as it gains popularity. It's been a lot of fun at my LGS (I've been one of the lucky few with a store about an hour away that I can play at)
@anthonybrigante9087 2 ай бұрын
So far, Philadelphia’s scene seems to at least be growing. Have two stores nearby that sell, one of which is going to be running games soon with another shop thats a bit farther (40min+ drive) that’s starting to do locals with about ~6ish players.
@Jacksuhn 2 ай бұрын
We have a local Discord and had a lot of hype going into release which fizzled out so quickly. We have three, maybe four stores that carry product. It mostly sits on the shelves. I believe the one store where I help organize is the only one that sees semi-regular play, which isn't even once a week. Draft tends to pull in the most people at six. Woo! And I think that points to one of the biggest issues with the game: We don't have a good secondary market. More importantly, we don't have the official Altered market. What my locals keep expressing frustration around is not being able to have a playset of the rares they need for the deck they want to play. And that's totally fair! Opening the product is a pretty awful gamble when you just want to complete one or two decks. Or want to build to one faction but don't open any of those rares (me with Bravos after four boxes). I am hopeful that once the official market is online our scene will pick back up, assuming folks haven't just given up and moved on by then.
@AndyKirby-y2i 2 ай бұрын
In kalamazoo Michigan USA we have about 15 players we have an average of 8 10 every week we have found lots of couples playing together maybe that's a gate way
@Zeyben 2 ай бұрын
I am from Germany Cologne its a very big town and not a single store runs it hers. There like 3 stores in 1h30min reach and then alot more beyond that. But its like you guys said its like the same 4-8 people rotating these stores with like 2-3 different people depending which you go to.
@Psientologist 2 ай бұрын
It's definitely really strange to see Altered doing SO well in France and doing, ok, elsewhere. It makes sense being a French game but I was sad to see after the 1000 player plus tournament the one in US the following week wasn't even 10% of that. Equinox definitely has an uphill battle with "the big 3" as Trickster put it and more recent games with massive IPs that are a pull on their own. I don't know how they tackle that, it's a big positive to see them at the events though and that will help build some grassroots but I'm not sure how I would sell someone on the game without just sitting them down to play it. BGA can definitely be a part of that but I think digital card games is not something they want to get into a big fight with as that opens up a whole other can of worms. The game itself is fantastic though, I'm yet to play any limited formats but am excited for that too. The OP packs are great but you need to understand the game to see their value first. I will always do my part at the low level, be up for showing people, bust out starter decks for a balanced first experience etc. I just hope anyone watching this that is ever in that position does the same but Equinox definitely need to think of something else. Perhaps store championships, perhaps some more launch style events with fairly low entry fees and potential high winnings to show **value**.
@matthewcamacho380 2 ай бұрын
Along with NA market getting into the Asian market is huge been seeing more Thai players these days. That may become a hot spot hopefully