@PaulineKoniuch Күн бұрын
Oh I totally relate to the "bed reading", if you have the possibility I'd recommend getting an ebook reader with a backlight display, it's perfect for that. I have an old Pocketbook and I've been using it for years, especially in the evenings or at night.
@PaulineKoniuch Күн бұрын
Hi! I just found your channel and immediately loved the vibes. That's a great idea for a video, would love to see more of those! Also some of the books went straight to my tbr :) Btw the doggo always should get the best place on the couch, so I totally understand. What's their name?
@hannahlosttheplot Күн бұрын
@@PaulineKoniuch oh welcome! His name is Llewyn ♥️ what's gone on your tbr?
@PaulineKoniuch Күн бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot I added "Mild Vertigo" as I love many works of Japanese authors, as well as "Peter Darling" and "Jonny Appleseed" because I'm always interested in any queer and indigenous voices :)
@MercysBookishMusings 2 күн бұрын
Commenting before I watch the rest of the video and forget this. I used to get frustrated with everand for temporarily making books unavailable that I wanted to read but I found a way round it! Im not sure if this is the same for ebooks but for audiobooks you can download them and then you always have access to them. So I always have my top 10 books I want to listen to downloaded so they cant be blocked. It does mean you need to have an idea of what you want to read next though.
@hannahlosttheplot 2 күн бұрын
@@MercysBookishMusings ohh good tip, thank you! 🙏
@bethmw28 2 күн бұрын
I adored Hex...the first time i read it, it tore my heart out and i picked it up and read it again straightaway 😂 but i entirely get why people wouldn't like it!
@SkillSpencer 2 күн бұрын
Hannah it's me. Can I have some advice on making my own channel please? 🙏
@ameliareads589 3 күн бұрын
The Everand algorithm is an easy one. It makes books unavailable on your saved list to stop you from canceling your subscription for the next month. It goes for saved books, very often particularly for ones you only saved recently. It usually almost never goes for books, you've already started. So if you are planning to read a certain book next month, open it and pretend you are in the middle of it. That usually works for me.
@hannahlosttheplot 2 күн бұрын
@@ameliareads589 this is an unbelievable hack, thank you! It was the randomness of the books that were unavailable that annoyed me - I knew they wanted me to renew but I wished there was a rationale for what was picked 😅
@ameliareads589 2 күн бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot hope it works out the way you want it too! 🤗
@jillybeanh67 3 күн бұрын
For bread the devil knead - I listened to the audio book and recommend it.
@hannahlosttheplot 3 күн бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 yes I think if I can find it that's the way forward!
@jillybeanh67 3 күн бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot pretty sure I listened on everand, it may still be on there
@jillybeanh67 3 күн бұрын
Not all of the lucy barton ones are novels. I think that the 2nd or 3rd on is short stories of the people we met before in lucyd stories from where she was from and mention things about lucy barton and her family, some in passing some more involved. I've just started reading lucy by the sea which is the pandemic one, because plans went out of the window when library books became available 🤦 August top book. Ti amo i think, written beautifully and a heartbreaking book. Enjoyed anatomy of a scandal. nd alteady shared throughtd on headshot. Currently also reading (with my ears) and loving speak, Okinawa
@hannahlosttheplot 3 күн бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 oh that's good to know! Maybe Elizabeth Strout is the woman to change my mind about short stories. Ooh adding Ti Amo to the tbr - Speak, Okinawa is on my radar but I have to work out how I'm going to get my mitts on it!
@thebookmagpie 3 күн бұрын
I did really like Hex but I think its shortness and the pace that Fagan chose works against it and I definitely think it was one of her weaker stories - I actually think the confines of it being about a Real Thing harmed it too. If you wanted to pick up any Jenni Fagan I reckon The Panopticon or Sunlight Pilgrims would work much better for you (they're also my two favourites so I'm a wee bit biased). She also has a memoir which is brilliant but is a very difficult read about a plethora of potentially really triggering stuff.
@hannahlosttheplot 3 күн бұрын
@@thebookmagpie ohhh thank you that's really good to know! The theory of the panopticon is a former special interest so that sounds right up my street.
@thebookmagpie 3 күн бұрын
​@@hannahlosttheplot ooh definitely worth a look then - it's centred on a teenager in care (somewhat based on Fagan's own experience) so it does get quite grim but I also found it funny and delightfully weird!
@bethmw28 2 күн бұрын
I bought the panopticon after loving Hex and this comment has just bumped it up my list ❤
@jillybeanh67 10 күн бұрын
Oddly enough I recently read headshot, really liked.it, devoured it in fact, but it hasn't stayed with me as much as I expected, still remember bits of it if I think about it but it doesn't appear/pop into my head. I also recently read ti amo, which is beautifully written, the first page, the writing 💔 Because I'm behind on KZbin but been commenting on insta, I have a feeling I have already told you that tin man is a wonderful book that I really enjoyed and loved, not read any other winman yet though. Currently reading mirror and the light I have it in paperback, but still too chunky for reading easily so.....reading the ebook. I've been reading the trilogy this year and not in time with the mantle crawlalong on footnotes and tangents, but determined to read by the end of the year. I also listened to true grit this year, donna tart did do a great job of narrating and getting the feel for Mattie's personality BUT i think for me it needs to be an eyeball read first or not and ear one as i kept drifting and not listening, might have just been wrong time for me to listen though.
@hannahlosttheplot 10 күн бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 oh that's interesting re True Grit because I often find that with some audiobooks but I really didn't struggle with this one. Maybe my 19year old Donna Tartt fangirl took over and made sure I wouldn't miss anything?? I did Simon's war and peace re-read last year and loved that because it was a re-read but I don't think I can go that slowly when I'm reading for the first time. I read Wolf Hall about three years ago and loved it but I think I'm going to have to re-read before I dig into book 2. I've considered the audiobook of it but I just don't think I'll pick up what I need to pick up from it. So maybe a christmas Wolf Hall re-read is on the cards.. You did tell me about Tin Man but you can't tell me stuff too many times, I have an actual colander for a brain!
@jillybeanh67 10 күн бұрын
Well ..... I have a mess of a tbr, so can't offer any advice, I can make you feel better though, that at least you haven't bought a load of them because of the 99p ebook deals and they are all waiting on your ereader mocking you as you borrow more books to read and not read the ones you own, and that's just ebooks 🤦that doesn't include the piles of physical. Soooo many books and I get through far fewer than you do in a year. I do wish I had the time and space to organise them though, I have a note book for ones from booktube but then that gave way to the Amazon wishlist as a tbr reminder and as I'm now moving away from kindle to kobo I have gone through the kindle one and only recreated the ones I know I definitely still want on the kobo one. I don't have everand at the moment so at least I have one less I'm keeping up with 🤦
@hannahlosttheplot 10 күн бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 I am seriously considering suspending my Everand account periodically just to make sure I am getting to my Actual TBR. Let me know how you get on with your Kobo - I am very interested. I have a kindle fire that I bought mostly to watch KZbin on while I cook (my laptop is Not allowed in the kitchen) and I've started reading ebooks on there over the last year or so, but it's obviously a tablet not a proper ereader and the eyestrain is real.
@jillybeanh67 10 күн бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot I definitely need to ease up on the library books a bit (but mainly on the buying buying) I'm hoping to go back to everand as I do miss the range of audio books, instead I'm listening to lots more audio podcasts in the kitchen and on commute/school run, so less books but same amount of listening. I do really love ereaders, I had my first kindle for about 8-9 years until it started having issues, I got an amazing deal for a new one about the same time so I got that instead of moving to kobo then. I finally made the switch to kobo when I got a second hand one for my birthday and I've not gone back to Amazon apart from for one book I couldn't get on kobo. Still need to figure out getting other non-kindle ebooks I have onto it but that's just been lack of a chance to try it out. Once set up it was easy to get used to and there's parts of it I prefer for kindle. I got the kobo Libra 2 it had backlighting and buttons (you can adjust warmth and brightness) so I find it works similar to reading on a phone in bed (I used to for library ebooks before kobo) but I found the kobo, like the kindle easier on my.eyes and good for late night reading (plus with buttons if you're cold you can hide your hands under a blanket and still turn the page.)
@hannahlosttheplot 10 күн бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 thank you for mentioning the need to keep the fingers warm, this is my main gripe with having to do a screen swipe 😂
@jillybeanh67 10 күн бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot I was finding not reading as much in the winter for this reason because I would get too cold, but then I'm 'nesh' as the locals say (feel the cold easily). Only downside on the kobo is the smart cover makes it go to sleep when closed, but it activates if you turn the cover back on itself too when it's open, so I have to put my finger between kobo and front of cover when flipped to stop it from going into sleep mode. But that's my only gripe
@anneroy4560 12 күн бұрын
Not sure if you familiar with the Ikea Billy bookcase ... I have 4 of them, all with the addition on the top ... all are full / double stacked so all kinds of books I cannot see. Do I cease to make purchases? I do not! I do my best in this as other financial undertakings to support independent retailers ... shall I be reading them all? I dunno know long I am going to live & shall not be fretting about the volumes unread when I am dead ... could be a goth song ... volumes unread when you are read ... laughing like mad here ... as always splendid to see one of your fine posts.
@hannahlosttheplot 12 күн бұрын
@@anneroy4560 welcome, Anne! I have seen your comments and feel bad that I've not been able to reply to them all - mad work week! You've really gone through the vaults on this channel 😅 I know those book cases well, I have the same ones!
@jillybeanh67 13 күн бұрын
Can you tell im catching up on videos (summer hoks are over! I have time!) I didn't know that zamyatin spent time in newcastle, i have it and do need to get around to reading it. The dystopic imagery from nirthern industries remined me of something i know but aren't sure how true it is, ridley scott based the imagery for blade runner on the views if the industrial areas of hartlepool and seaton carew. We was already on my tbr, have added the extinction of ireena ..... It sounds right up my alley.
@hannahlosttheplot 13 күн бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 😂 you're the opposite of me, I'm back to term time madness now so barely any time to watch anything! I did hear that about Bladerunner too and I totally see it. We've got some amazing prints of the shipyards where the ships are just towering over these tiny houses - it must have been a hell of a vibe growing up in the shadow of that.
@jillybeanh67 13 күн бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot even before a small person needed looking after during the summer, it's the busiest time where I work ... A university (in the Library). To be honest all the industry around teesside bad hartlepool (to me anyway) is stunning at night, I have loads of memories of seeing them that way on the way home from places in the back of the car and later as the designated driver coming back from gigs and parties along that route.
@jillybeanh67 13 күн бұрын
😮 I got a mention 😮 I think...feeling honoured 😳. It is weird how the books that are best but not favourites means having more to say about them. Means that there's more there to pick apart and because you can see how good it is, you can also see why it wasn't a love too. Not read any Benjamin Myers yet, but after visiting the farne islands (well going around them in a boat) but I think I might start with cuddy (although I still have a different one somewhere, the one about the young man and then old woman on the north east coast....)
@hannahlosttheplot 13 күн бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 you did!! Yes, that's absolutely it. I also think with favourites there's sometimes an alchemy that happens that is quite hard to explain - it's why I can never talk about Ali Smith coherently 😅 That sounds like The Offing - I haven't got to that one yet!
@jillybeanh67 8 күн бұрын
I've just realised something. The best and favourite thing didn't originate with me .... Well not entirely, so to give full credit to @jenniferlovesbooks(another northern based booktuber, this time in the north west) mentioned something a while ago in a tag or mid-year/end year video that'll there is a difference between best books and favourite books, changed my thinking entirely and I started thinking of my books in terms of that a lot when I consider if a book is in like a top books of the year. Sorry felt bad that I didn't credit someone's impact/involvement.
@hannahlosttheplot 8 күн бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 oh, bless you! Off to check out her channel!
@jillybeanh67 13 күн бұрын
Expectations, had expected employees and poor thing higher and in the top 10. Although I have read neither... Yet For me I have a top 2 for the first half of the year, minor detail and the blue book of Nebo. Saying that I've read 2 in August that I also loved, but that will be saved for the best books for the year
@hannahlosttheplot 13 күн бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 I was honestly surprised by this too! I adored Minor Detail too ♥️
@anneroy4560 14 күн бұрын
I like short stories ... precise pieces of work & good to have a slender volume of them in ones handbag as you never know when you might have a few minutes to read. Aside from reviews for some periodicals it was the only form my favourite writer Katherine Mansfield used.
@anneroy4560 14 күн бұрын
Long Days Journey Into Night - complete film with the great Katharine Hepburn, Ralph Richardson - kzbin.info/www/bejne/rJ7EpJqIn7Cti7s
@anneroy4560 14 күн бұрын
I do not think the number of books means anything ... one cannot compare Bleak House (a fairly substantial size wise novel) with a graphic 'novel' which is more like a comic book.
@anneroy4560 14 күн бұрын
The only Atwood novel I like is her first one ... The Edible Woman published in 1969. I have always liked her short stories but not her later novels ... not sure why ... perhaps felt too middle aged for me ...
@anneroy4560 14 күн бұрын
Lolly Willowes - Sylvia Townsend Warner was the first choice when The Book Of The Month Club started in the states back in 1926.
@anneroy4560 14 күн бұрын
The Mill On The Floss complete text - www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/6688/pg6688-images.html
@anneroy4560 14 күн бұрын
Is London the greenest city in Europe? In its study, NerdWallet focused on Europe's 30 most populated cities and counted how many green spaces and parks each has. London came out comfortably on top, with 3,000 such green spots. The Royal Parks are home to an astonishing variety of wildlife. Roaming red deer and pipistrelle bats in Richmond Park. Kingfishers and skylarks in Bushy Park. Reed warblers in St. James Park.
@anneroy4560 14 күн бұрын
hullo, I have just found you here ... I live in Cambridge & know/knew Ali Smith who also has a place here. She & her female partner lived on the same street as we did back when her career was coming into the light. What is slightly odd, but not really since this is Cambridge, we know the science fiction author Colin Greenland & his darling of years Susanna Clarke author of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. I read Mayflies & came this close (index & thumb very near) to crying ...
@backtoreads 16 күн бұрын
I just bought a copy of headshot!! im super excited to get to it
@hannahlosttheplot 16 күн бұрын
@@backtoreads it's such a good concept! Let me know your thoughts when you've read it!
@bethmw28 16 күн бұрын
Is the new life the one that starts on the train? 👀👀 If so, I read that first chapter because Simon Savidge told me to 😂 I've been meaning to keep reading ever since but my library/borrowbox never has it and I'm trying not to buy books right now... (we'll ignore the yellow Rebecca purchase of dreams...)
@bethmw28 16 күн бұрын
Just also checked borrowbox for glorious exploits and they still don't have that either 😑
@hannahlosttheplot 16 күн бұрын
@@bethmw28 yea, that's the one! I really recommend if you do come across it via the library. (I concur, Rebecca didn't count as a Standard Book Purchase, she's too special)
@elisanorth7150 22 күн бұрын
Love Tin man so much!! I hope you enjoy it…
@bethmw28 23 күн бұрын
Right I'm doing it, I'm cleaning out my borrowbox accounts... your digital video made me want to do it but now I actually have the time right this second... or as soon as the kettle's boiled at least 😂
@bethmw28 23 күн бұрын
Oh no... there's more than I thought 😂😂😂
@hannahlosttheplot 23 күн бұрын
@@bethmw28 omg buddy I am so proud of you, you got this 💪💪
@bethmw28 23 күн бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot quick pass over my lists and I've got doreen from 777 (quite a satisfying number though...) down to 453. Time to do some research 😂😂
@hannahlosttheplot 23 күн бұрын
@@bethmw28 oh that's very impressive!
@BookishAdventuresInWellbeing 24 күн бұрын
I’ve just read Neon Roses and There, There too. Loved Neon Roses. I think I agree with you about There, There. I also lost track of motivations. I also really struggled with the dialogue which ended up being quite distracting. I thought it was better than average in the end. Really liked what it was doing and saying just struggled a little with the delivery but think that was a me problem 🤷🏻‍♀️
@hannahlosttheplot 23 күн бұрын
@@BookishAdventuresInWellbeing sounds like we're in a similar place with There, There! It's a book I'll always recommend despite not being a favourite of mine, because I can see that it's excellent.
@SkillSpencer 25 күн бұрын
Aww i like it again. Nice hair ❤
@mekiiiiiiiiii 26 күн бұрын
Oh my gosh I do the exact same things with my Thalia wishlist (Thalia is the German equivalent to Barns & Nobel) 😹 I’ve saved over 600 books I’m interested in in some extend. Sometimes I’m just intrigued by the cover. Every time they have discount on English books I’m so overwhelmed and don’t know which books I REALLY want to read. Maybe I have to create a spreadsheet as well. 🙈
@hannahlosttheplot 25 күн бұрын
@@mekiiiiiiiiii I've now used the spreadsheet three times to pick my next audio or ebook and I can confirm it is revolutionary 😅
@mekiiiiiiiiii 24 күн бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot ahhh so nice to hear! I’ve started mine a few days ago and I love it already 😹
@mekiiiiiiiiii 27 күн бұрын
I‘m so glad I found your channel! Can’t wait to binge all your videos thehe ✨
@hannahlosttheplot 25 күн бұрын
@@mekiiiiiiiiii welcome 🥰🥰
@lester___pepper Ай бұрын
only stumbled upon your channel this week and wow if this is not the most relatable video ever - definitely feeling inspired to clean up my digital tbr!
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@lester___pepper I am at once thrilled and also sorry for you that you also suffer from this affliction. Keep me posted with how it goes 🤠
@vacantlots Ай бұрын
I'd play book roulette. Get them in spreadsheet run a raffle prize winning number and read that book next.
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@vacantlots ah yes, when in doubt, leave it to chance!
@jillybeanh67 Ай бұрын
I have a kindle (because I'm stuck in their eco system a bit wish I wasn't but most of my ebooks are on there) but have recently been gifted a kobo (at my request) I really like the kobo. My library uses Libby on overdrive which means I can read them on the kobo...which I LOVE and is one of the reasons why I wanted it (that and removing myself from Amazon) I really like it so far and am happy to have switched however there are loads of ebook readers, criminolly has a range of reviews for them so would recommend having a look.
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@jillybeanh67 oh that's really good to know, thanks! I've been eyeing up Kobo but I'm not committing yet so I'll check out their reviews!
@jillybeanh67 Ай бұрын
​@@hannahlosttheplotalso - I'm sort of a systems librarian (a bit lower in grade and not by name) some service providers do have ways in which libraries can feedback changes they would like to see if you're friendly enough with your library to leave feedback and they have a route to borrowbox feedback...it might also have a feedback mechanism in the app so you could feedback directly too ... Just a thought
@soulfreedom8447 Ай бұрын
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@soulfreedom8447 the fomo gets me every time.
@soulfreedom8447 Ай бұрын
I have a similar problem... it's a case of too much choice
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
Yup, I want the choice but I can't be trusted with the choice
@soulfreedom8447 Ай бұрын
How about Charlotte Molloy's system? Read 10 % of a book and continue with the ones that grab you.
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
That's a good idea! At least for the shorter ones 😅
@bethmw28 Ай бұрын
This is going to make me want to go through my borrowbox chaotic list again isn't it....
@bethmw28 Ай бұрын
I've just checked and I've got around 300 audiobooks saved across the various places I listen to them... which feels very doable after your number 😂 it helps that at the end of last year I heavily culled my borrowbox list and got about 200 off there 🙈🙈
@bethmw28 Ай бұрын
Oh God I still haven't got round to watching Ripley... your book to screen videos often act as a reminder for me to actually watch the damn thing so I guess I need to get on that! 😂😂
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
Sorry x
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
​@@bethmw28 this does make me feel a lot better though, at least I'm not alone 😂 Do you find that you're still able to work out what you're in the mood to listen to? Or do you get overwhelmed by the choice?
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
​@@bethmw28😂😂 same.
@bethmw28 Ай бұрын
The worst pain I've ever had was when I had a kidney infection so I have big sympathy for you and hope that it doesn't spread for you as I'm watching 🤞🤞🤞
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@bethmw28 sorry to hear that but thank you! magic antibiotics did their thing, although it's still lingering a little. 🤞🤞
@joy_ofbooks Ай бұрын
Really enjoyed your vlog and would love to see more, whatever your weeks look like. I really hope you’re feeling much better now.
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@joy_ofbooks much better, thank you! 🥰 That's good to hear because I'm about to start filming one 😅
@SkillSpencer Ай бұрын
Oh no. The hair. You lost you're OG subscriber til it grows back😢
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@SkillSpencer lol
@SkillSpencer Ай бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot 😁
@elisanorth7150 Ай бұрын
Thanks for all the recommendations, I really enjoy your content! The Offing by Benjamin Myers I thought was amazing if you havnt read it yet!
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@elisanorth7150 thank you! I haven't got to The Offing yet but it's on my list 🥰
@ameliareads589 Ай бұрын
I had the opposite experience with Girl, Woman, Other and Mr.Loverman. I agree with you on that not all the characters in GWO were really necessary, but it was such a bunch of interesting stories, that I didn't care. Can't recommend anything else by Evaristo unfortunately, because I also still have to read more by her.
@ameliareads589 Ай бұрын
I was very much disappointed by 10 minutes. I really wanted to love this book, because I really like the author and the things she stands up against and the way she fights for human rights and against discrimination of any sort. But this book was just too shallow and superficial imo. Everything just seemed to happen accidentally, the plot didn't really make sense. In the first part all the glimpses are too short and no part of the story really stands on solid ground. And the second part showed even more a lack of deep characterisation of the protagonists and the incoherence of the story.
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@ameliareads589 I'm inclined to agree on all counts (although possibly not as emphatically 😂) - I think I'm putting her in the group of "people I like but whose work isn't for me"
@bethmw28 Ай бұрын
Have you read either How High We Go in the Dark or Homegoing? It would be really interesting to know your thoughts on those because they're similar to girl, woman, other in the interconnected short story way and they're the way i got more into short stories. I own Blonde Roots by Evaristo and i really need to get round to that after also loving gwo and mr loverman!
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@bethmw28 oh no, I haven't read either! It reminded me a bit of Hotel World by Ali Smith which is interconnected short stories but it's Ali so I loved it anyway. I'll definitely see if my library has either and give them a go!
@jessnoble6403 Ай бұрын
I second Homegoing, an all time favourite for me
@rebeccafarren Ай бұрын
I'm so pleased you enjoyed Mrs S! It was in my top 10 books of last year, but I was so worried that you weren't going to like it because for one Jen Campbell DNFd it, but also, Penance and Study for Obedience were also in my top 10 of last year and you had less success with those, and I kind of group them together as the strange, women-centred, literary ones haha! I'm excited to read Spoilt Creatures by Amy Twigg in August, as I think it's going to meet my unnerving hot lesbian summer literary needs for this year!
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@rebeccafarren ohh I'm glad I didn't let you down a third time! Funnily enough it was the sentence construction and writing style that bothered me most in both of those two books too 😂 Always here for the themes they're exploring, just every so often I just don't get along with a narrative voice. Really glad I persevered with Mrs S though!
@bethmw28 Ай бұрын
I need to read more ann patchett, I read The Dutch House last month and it also surprised me with how much i loved her writing and the characters!
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
Oh, nice! I've heard great things about that one. I have Bel Canto on my shelf which from what I can gather is VERY different in tone to Tom Lake, so it'll be interesting to see how that compares!
@bethmw28 Ай бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot bel canto has just come in as an audiobook at my library so that might be on this month's list!
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@bethmw28 oooh let me know how you find it and I might bump it up my tbr 😂
@rebeccafarren Ай бұрын
Hannah, I love watching you, a person who doesn't rank and rate books, getting stressed trying to rank and score books!!! I don't know why you do it to yourself, but it's very funny!! I thought that Poor Things and I Who Have Never Known Men would've been higher! I've only read 12 books so far this year but I have quite an eclectic top 5: Ruby Hastings Writes Her Own Story by Rachel Charlton-Dailey Hiding Him by Adam Hattan Adventures Across Space and Time: A Doctor Who Reader edited by Paul Booth, Matt Hills, Joy Piedmont and Tansy Rayner-Roberts Dallergut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee Keedie by Elle McNicoll I'm hoping to read a lot more in the second half of the year and I read across most genres so I bet there'll be a few more literary picks in my top 10 by the end of the year!
@hannahlosttheplot Ай бұрын
@@rebeccafarren I know I know, I can't decide if it's a fun experiment to get me out of my comfort zone, or if I'm actually just torturing myself?? I know, I was slightly surprised too. I think some of the more quiet books have snuck up on me this year. Ok, this is an incredibly eclectic mix of books, most of which I've never heard of but will definitely be looking into. I've heard great things about Elle McNicoll!
@rebeccafarren Ай бұрын
@@hannahlosttheplot Yesss, I think everyone should read A Kind of Spark and Keedie, even if you're not a middle grade reader usually, as the autistic rep for women and girls is so fantastic!
@loulelou 2 ай бұрын
Yes, very surprised! I thought Michel Faber and I Who Have Never Known Men would rank in the top 5s! I need to think about my own top books now~
@hannahlosttheplot 2 ай бұрын
@@loulelou ME TOO. Honestly I don't trust myself at all 😂
@thebookmagpie 2 ай бұрын
On e-readers - I've had a few Kobos and Kindles and I can definitely recommend the Kobo Clara BW. It connects natively to Overdrive and you can load books from Borrowbox via your PC (this is not the most straightforward process though - I hate that so many UK libraries are so married to Borrowbox because Libby/Overdrive is far superior).
@maggiemincey1516 2 ай бұрын
boulder sounds right up my alley! also i’ve never read any ali smith, and you’ve inspired me to get started 🎉
@hannahlosttheplot 2 ай бұрын
@@maggiemincey1516 ohhhh she's wonderful ♥️How To Be Both is probably my favourite of hers that I've read so far!