Stop Burnout Today Entrepreneurs
Midlife Crisis Paradigm Changing
Intuition for Business Introduction
Midlife Crisis and North Node
3 жыл бұрын
Pranayama Amazing Effects
3 жыл бұрын
Meditation Helps Problem Solving
Midlife Crisis Questioning Deeply
Unhappy and Not Sure Why
4 жыл бұрын
Meditation and Relationships
4 жыл бұрын
Midlife Crisis and Astrology
4 жыл бұрын
7 Reasons for Leaders to Meditate
@russellheyns1846 Күн бұрын
Sounds like the example you gave was person who is an Enneagram 2. Basically people pleasers. What you call spiritual work I would call shame work.
@devonbiker 4 күн бұрын
So it’s a season of great selfishness and stuff everyone else, it’s all about “me”?
@TP-vu3tc 6 күн бұрын
With my wife, it's me, myself, and I. The marriage team player mode is over, im going out tonight without you.
@williams.1980 21 күн бұрын
Speaking of diamonds. This video has a couple.
@summerhill8263 Ай бұрын
Great butterfly analogy! Authenticity! A foreign concept to me that I’ve kept hidden for fear of criticism/rejection from others…Transformation beyond my imagination…Love that concept! Thank you for providing direction and hope…💗
@hijosh84 2 ай бұрын
@BallieBoogs 3 ай бұрын
The reason the midlife crisis is real and will continue to occur is because men are raised to a set of rules to measure themselves by and taught that these rules are the yard stick of societal truth or biblical like be all and end all. Call it whatever. In this set of rules he is sold another person or persons [society's] point of view what success looks like, but other people are mostly reaping the fruits of a dream sold to him as to what life is suppose to be like. Somewhere he wakes up and starts to feel Stage 1. The reason he feels dissatisfaction for no real or apparent reason is because that reason is labeled "no real" by the very people benefiting from him that keeps thinking he needs to fit into their box, he needs to be measured as successful by their yard stick. For decades they have tried to implement and install these societal truths, but in the last 30 years divorce rates and infidelity are on the rise. The awakening has begun, but denial to the corruptness of this system and the disbelief that it's failing are hard to acknowledge by the system, matrix, society's standard or whatever you want to call it. They will blame it on men, words like midlife crisis and try to rationalize it to make them feel safe or box it in some palatable format. It's to late though. Legion, we are many.
@P01234y 3 ай бұрын
I wish I was dead
@jessecrawford1926 4 ай бұрын
P r o m o s m
@Lost8888. 5 ай бұрын
A lot of people won’t do the work initially ..this is a selfish act that blows up families - all core and moral values are lost - deception and lies rule the day - kids get hurt and everything is about self ..Sure some work thru it and it’s not as bad - but what I’m going thru, and some friends have , are leading to divorce, financial ruin, and many regrets later for the mid life crisis person. This process takes years
@Theeagleinstitute 5 ай бұрын
If people practice the right techniques, they can get to the end of a midlife crisis fairly quickly. Sometimes divorce is avoided for healthy reasons. It is interesting that you say that moral values are lost because a midlife crisis that is fully completed.erases karma to the end of the first stage of enlightenment, some go beyond that. I have seen these people have a higher level of morals and handle healthy changes with a higher degree of love than they could do otherwise. As for finically ruin, I have seen many that succeed at midlife crisis that I have trained make more, and have a higher standard of morals at the same time. As for time, I have trained many people that were done their midlife crisis in months, occasionally up to a year and a half. Some people never learn the lesson of the core theme of their personal karma, which is why people have a midlife crisis. The best way to avoid a midlife crisis is to erase your personal karma before the age of 37, where a midlife crisis gets triggered, or to practice the right techniques to erase karma as close as possible to that time. I have seen much less collateral damage when people do that. So you can shorten the time drastically, but it takes the right kind of practices that erase karma.
@kiraleskew7564 5 ай бұрын
Let me know your questions and I will make more videos on it.
@katherinelydon7306 5 ай бұрын
For myself, I’m going to deep dive to heal my abandonment wound….
@Theeagleinstitute 5 ай бұрын
That is a great start. Depending on your age, you might be dealing with midlife crisis as well. Wishing you a speedy healing.
@Krystaldoll282 7 ай бұрын
You make it sound glamorous of some sort. While transforming you are hurting your spouse, your children, destroying a career, finances are out the window. Having affairs etc. All to find your authentic self. But it’s worth it in the end! It seems like self destruction snd anyone in my path in going down with me. All do you can be a better person but the person that you are during a crisis is causing great havoc on those around them. But hey in the end all that matters is me.. I’m now me and I’m better for it. Who cares about the wake of destruction. Lol And those who don’t go through this is somehow missing out and you seem to justify your bad behavior on. So everyone should go through this to experience the authentic self. Guess what many can be authentic to self without going through fire. Your description makes it sound like it’s the only way to get there. Is this how you make yourself feel better about yourself?
@Theeagleinstitute 7 ай бұрын
The people that cause the destruction are the ones that are not handling the inner work very well, or not doing it. In all the people that I have taught to completed their midlife crisis successfully, there was very little or no collateral damage. Marriages stayed together, unless they were abusive. People that are self destructive are typically staying in stages 2 and 3, occasionally getting to stage 4, but running back to stage 2. In every person that I have seen that gets to the end of stage 6, whether I have trained them or they did the right spiritual practices to successfully go through the full 6 stages of a which removes a person’s personal level karma, they have solutions to the core issue that was causing them to act destructive in most cases. Some people misinterpret a person setting appropriate boundaries as causing havoc, and it might be for the people that want to have inappropriate boundaries. People going through a midlife crisis that either increase or take up negative habits (or even positive ones that are obsessive) are avoiding their midlife crisis, and possibly other core issues. Midlife crisis is the first stage of enlightenment, it is erasing or balancing a person’s core personal karma, their core personal blind spot. After that, a person goes through (and either erases or balances) their family karma (2nd stage of enlightenment, at least as far as being karma-free goes), and the next level of enlightenment is ancestral karma to erase or balance. Transforming your midlife crisis into enlightenment, at least the first stage is empowering. For some people, they do feel better about themselves, other people that had personal confidence. It really depends on the North Node that a person is working with in this life. By the way, there are North Nodes where a person’s core transformation is about putting other people’s feelings first, just as there are North Nodes where people are learning to put their own needs first. Balancing karma, or erasing a person’s core karma is about developing the perception and the ability to act in the opposite way of their default blind spot. I am going to make a new video on this.
@lornaelizabeth6290 7 ай бұрын
Thank you. I am 43 two grown up children (I have been facing this since I got 40 - searching for me. I have been on therapy for 3 years now too! It’s been enlightening but very painful. So much shame and suppressed feelings coming to the surface. Massive questions of ‘who am I’ what’s the purpose etc etc. looking at old trauma, wounds, pains etc Thank you.. this gives me hope I am on the right path ❤️
@Theeagleinstitute 7 ай бұрын
Midlife crisis is about erasing your karma, and a therapist can only do that if they are beyond enlightened.
@Theeagleinstitute 7 ай бұрын
I made another video to help explain this.
@DonaldHarrington-vl7zq 7 ай бұрын
She raped me on Christmas and another girl broke my rib and tried to sexually assault me and I had a rape kit test done and it came back positive for injection marks and multiple other people's dna
@natebrown1436 7 ай бұрын
Thank you soooo much for this video. I’m in tears because I thought something was REALLY wrong with me. I have a history of schizophrenia in my family and was worried it was happening to me. But my tears are joyous, because I now understand that I’ve been going through a MLC….Although I just turned 50, I’ve been having these thoughts/feelings for over 5 or 6 years. Im at stage 4 and ready to enter stage 5 with the help and guidance of a therapist!!!! Thanks again🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
@Theeagleinstitute 7 ай бұрын
Midlife crisis is spiritual, so unless your therapist is enlightened, they won’t be much help to go beyond stage 4. All the techniques that get to the end of midlife crisis are specific to erasing your personal karma faster. Only about 1 in 1000 succeed at their midlife crisis without specific spiritual techniques that remove the effects of karmic blind spots.
@veevintage2619 7 ай бұрын
Clarity at last! Female, 46, perimenopause setting in, so many unconformities, regrets and insecurities hitting me left and right… my hair is thinning, my appearance is not as fresh and youthful… I know I have a good solid relationship and yet I find myself questioning whether or not I’d be better off being free (which I know I would regret and that is the battle between logic and change right there!!), and being fucking depressed from dusk till dawn… Glad I watched this video because I was able to Rick every single box and now I at least know it will pass at some point and I am not losing my mind. Thank you!!!
@Theeagleinstitute 7 ай бұрын
It only passes if you do the inner work. Which means techniques that are designed for midlife crisis. Midlife Crisis: How to Succeed at Each Stage
@shillpagajendrapanndeshwar4487 9 ай бұрын
What are the charges?
@Theeagleinstitute 9 ай бұрын
Hi, you can book a complimentary evaluation with me here:
@terrybrown1344 9 ай бұрын
I really need help with that it has a lot to do with that I about my life I was abused as a child and i feel like itcause me to have a learning disorder, as a child I still suffer from it until this day from time to time, and i ended up running the streets and i fond my way in prison on top of everything , iv been out 22 years an im happy im free but live has realy been a struggle I'm 52 years old now and sometimes i fill like my live is over im living off of SSI and it's not enough I just don't know what to do sometimes I feel like I'm drowning
@Theeagleinstitute 9 ай бұрын
Although this sounds like a crisis, it isn't a midlife crisis. I highly recommend getting Louise Hay's Book You Can Heal Your Life, or any of her teachings. It is totally possible to improve your life in ways with higher morals and feel much happier and fulfilled. Midlife crisis is facing the part of yourself that needs to grow and evolve in this life, and when people avoid it, they feel an emptiness that can't be fulfilled until they address their midlife crisis theme (everybody has a midlife crisis them), which if you are curious you can check out on one of my other videos.
@hjbit 9 ай бұрын
My crisis is very bad because I never had a youth!.....I was robbed of all the rights of passage of youth by debilitating social anxiety! and now I'm in a rock bottom depression because it's too late!.....I still have powerful momentum from the goals and dreams of my youth that have hit a brick wall and I don't know where to go from here because I have to reimagine my whole identity!....middle aged me does not fit into these dreams!I don't know who I am or where I belong! 42 may be young if youre kickin back watching your kids grow up or waiting for grandkids or whatever......but for someone whose still as lost as he was at 17 and trying to become capable of having the life I want.......I'm really on the ropes here!
@Theeagleinstitute 9 ай бұрын
First of all, take the pressure off. Many people achieve great things and realize their dreams later in life. Anxiety can also be overcome, with practice, and one of the best things to stop the anxiety cycle in the body is breathing techniques, combined with forgiveness, which is something that many people are not aware of. The next step is to start to look for things where you are doing positive things in your life. It is amazing how quickly positive things can happen by combining these 3 powerful techniques.
@Phoenixrising5 11 ай бұрын
I believe my wife is in a MLC. Out of the blue she said she isn't attracted to me anymore, then she wasn't in love with me she said she was never in love with me and moved out. I should add that she shouted all of these things in my face and monstered at me HARD. Prior to this, we fell asleep every night holding hands and i thought we had a good marriage. Now she is saying she is selling the house and filing for a divorce. She also dyed her hair black, lost 35 lbs, and started buying tons of makeup products and younger clothes. MLC is absolutely cruel to the left behind spouse and the kids. My world has been turned upside down and my kids and I are looking at being homeless. My wife rages at me like she's been possessed. My heart is broken. I would like anyone reading this who might think they're going through a MLC, to please don't throw away your family, they love you...but they were in your path of destruction, you could come out of it someday and realize you've lost everything :(
@Theeagleinstitute 11 ай бұрын
That may or may not be a midlife crisis. Midlife crisis is confusing to many people because they feel inner dissatisfaction which is a call to spiritual growth, and for those that lack self awareness or meditative practices, they look to others to blame and they start doing many things on the exterior to try to find a reason for why they feel dissatisfaction. Blaming others is a typical, but ineffective stage 2 response to midlife crisis. At some point they will run out of things to blame for their dissatisfaction and they will have to face the parts of themselves that they need to grow. The most important part is that you do what you need to do to have a happy and satisfying life even if your heart is hurting over what has happened. I wish you success in healing yourself. There are many practices that can help you to move forward with a wonderful life, such as forgiveness and removing your own core blind spots, which is the purpose of midlife crisis.
@jyoung6671 Жыл бұрын
It's just nice to know I'm not crazy. I got divorced. Became homeless. Grace of God and a friend she got me through it
@Theeagleinstitute 7 ай бұрын
I made a video on this to help explain.
@user-yu6pj5wu6m Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. It has brought a sense of calmness to the unsettling emotions I have been feeling, and I have had no one to speak to about it. I hope to reach the point where I am running freely as I feel incredibly stuck, and it hurts. I am sending love, healing, and fulfillment to all those who are experiencing the same.
@greenjay8096 Жыл бұрын
It jut occurred to me tonight maybe what I'm going hough is a midlife crisis and just hearing this has brought me a lot of relief and hope. Thank you
@armenalexanian Жыл бұрын
Totally on point. Each stage describes what I'm going through. I have more work to do.
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
Thanks, reach out if you want to learn faster ways to move to the end of midlife crisis successfully
@armenalexanian Жыл бұрын
@@Theeagleinstitute Lately I've been looking for good/constructive/healthy examples online and irl. Do you have any before/after videos you could share?
@rhinaherrera1229 Жыл бұрын
My wife left me she said she don't know who she I she is going through that she is not happy anywhere she is can you help me
@Theeagleinstitute 7 ай бұрын
I did another video on midlife crisis and relationships, however what you describe here doesn't sound like midlife crisis.
@titaPas Жыл бұрын
As I wife who’s husband is going through a midlife crisis, it is a nightmare, we are in the middle of a divorce, there’s an affair with a friend who’s much younger than him, abandoned his family. This needs to be said, people romanticize it and it’s horrid.
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
I am not romanticizing a midlife crisis, or people avoiding their inner growth by acting out, and many people act out in creative ways, divorce, affairs, drugs, additions and other forms of destructive behaviour are far too common because the person having the midlife crisis doesn’t have the skills or doesn’t want to do the spiritual work that causes a midlife crisis. Not everybody has an affair during Midlife Crisis, some people do the inner work and recognize that the feelings of dissatisfaction are due to their growth journey, which midlife crisis is a part of. So the question is, what can the parters (i.e. wife/husband/ romantically connected other committed relationships) do? First of all, have good boundaries about what is acceptable, and do your own inner spiritual and healing journey. We are coming into a time where more people are realizing that everything in their life is an opportunity to grow. This is not an excuse for bad behaviour, people that have the inner skills tend not to have affairs, or act out in other ways that are common during midlife crisis. I wish you all the best on your inner journey.
@t-pain3343 10 ай бұрын
Same here. Wife changed appearance, music she listened to, got tattoos, nose ring, cheated on me with a guy, then our 22F daycare worker who now lives with my 2 kids in my old home. It’s a nightmare
@James_Blonde 10 ай бұрын
​@t-pain3343 Sorry to hear that bro. It's not your fault. There's someone out there for you, who is your perfect match. It's just not her.
@James_Blonde 10 ай бұрын
​@t-pain3343 Sorry to hear that bro. It's not your fault. There's someone out there for you, who is your perfect match. It's just not her.
@Theeagleinstitute 7 ай бұрын
I just did another video on this, hope it helps
@gpj5366 Жыл бұрын
Midlife crisis is more powerful and destructive than most people think
@Theeagleinstitute 7 ай бұрын
I just made another video on this
@kyliesavage Жыл бұрын
Please tell me how?
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
You can watch this video to see what works for each stage of a midlife crisis:Midlife Crisis: How to Succeed at Each Stage If that makes sense to you, you can book a call with me here:
@cambridgelanguagecoachzimb6521 Жыл бұрын
I need help please
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
You can book a call with me here, I typically work with entrepreneurs and influencers.
@lizalim7252 Жыл бұрын
I'm going through the same thing. I'm 38 yrs old and I feel so bad that at my age, I feel I haven't achieved anything. I don't have an exciting career, have my own house and still single. I feel afloat in my life. I'm very introverted and it's hard for me to gain friends because I feel I couldn't trust anybody. I try my best to think positive but I still shift to the negative thinking. 💔
@homewithellieb Жыл бұрын
Sending you hugs!!!
@lizalim7252 Жыл бұрын
@@homewithellieb thank you 💔
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
I am so sorry that you feel that way. I think that learning a bit about positive mind would help you a lot because it is a very helpful stage of dealing with midlife crisis, although what you are describing is most likely the beginning of your midlife crisis years. The first level that I teach about midlife crisis is positive mind and how to take responsibility for the past and to forgive yourself so that you can look to the future positively. If you want to do an evaluation with me to see if that is a good next step for you, you can book a call with me here, and have hope because with belief you can manifest much more that you desire:
@Vitalocaa Жыл бұрын
I feel the same way. Your not alone!!
@dr.ransom6243 Жыл бұрын
Oh good. I'm entering stage 5. Almost there
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
Great, how is it going? Do you know the techniques to break through stage 5 and 6?
@charnelleholding1944 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this.....
@tony21cancio Жыл бұрын
And I thought meditation was boring but you speaking bored me more
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
Thanks, I will work on that for future videos
@marymount1133 Жыл бұрын
What you're saying has nothing to do with a midlife crisis!!!
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
Yes it does, the purpose of a midlife crisis is spiritual growth on your core blind spot, whether a person wants to deal with it not, is a sudden matter, and the discontent of a midlife crisis is so that you will start to work on your personal blind spots, aka personal root karma.
@danielholland3521 Жыл бұрын
You called it. I have worked through all stages and feel as if I am halfway through stage 6. I think my job has had a negative effect on me more and in return it slowed down me though the stages.
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
What was your blind spot? How is your success coming though your blind spot? Did you watch my video on your North Node? That is the only way to succeed with your midlife crisis, and for the transformation to be effective.
@annecaroline7281 Жыл бұрын
My husband just left me . O don’t know witch stage he is, and I don’t Know what to wait . Help me please
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
Hi, the best thing that you can do is work on improving your own mental health and your own life. People will only work on their own midlife crisis when they have tried everything and they realize that it doesn't work and that the unhappiness is within them and has nothing to do with other people. I know that isn't likely what you wanted to hear, but it is the think that works. So, start with what you need to do to improve your mental state so that you can be happy regardless of what he does or doesn't do. I know that this may seem hard, but it is possible.
@wednesdayschild3627 Жыл бұрын
My niece is throwing away her job, moving out of state, ruining her marriage, selling all her property..nothing I can do.
@mikefawcett1982 Жыл бұрын
This was really fascinating. My wife is in stage 3. We've had a really successful marraige but now she has a boob job, wants an open relationship. Not sure if she wants to be married anymore. We have so much in common and work as really good team. Love spending time together, support each other emotionally, but now she thinks she has missed out on dating, freedom, being an individual. She has rejected all friends and family from 'old' life. She seems to think this is the growth, but I think she is missing the main problem. She rejects those who love her because she was rejected (emotionally) by both her parent's. She may find another group of friends (and new men) who she enjoys for a time, but those relationships will come to end. I want to help her, I'm the one who knows/loves her the best, but I don't think I can tell her this as it she won't accept it
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
First if all, I am sorry to hear that is happening to you and her, and this is vey common during midlife crisis, the only thing that you can do is to look after yourself and make decisions that respect your boundaries and that are good for you. If you want to learn more about the stages of midlife crisis, and what works at each stage, check out this video: Midlife Crisis: How to Succeed at Each Stage
@mojganhooshmand6632 Жыл бұрын
Does everyone go through midlife crisis at some level, and the 6 stages are always present at anyone's life crisis?
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
Everybody that reaches age 37-40 will have at least Stage 1-2 or midlife crisis if they still have a personal blind spot that needs to be removed. Some people that are below age 37 have already removed their personal blind spot, so they won't have a midlife crisis. If a person has a personal core blind spot at age 37-40, then they will only go through a midlife crisis to the extent that they are willing to work on their core blind spot. Some people never get past Stage 2, some people get to Stage 3 and then go back to Stage 2, some people get to Stage 5, but they aren't practicing the right techniques to succeed, so they struggle with Stage 5 for the rest of their life. There are specific practices that move each person through each stage of midlife crisis faster, but you have to have high ethics to learn them.
@paletobay1017 Жыл бұрын
Me watching this at 18 so I can be ready for some defense
@dianewiegel7136 Жыл бұрын
I believe someone close to me is in the dissactification stage and it is sad to watch. They are making many changes all at once and not sure where it will end up.
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
Here is a longer video in what to do at each stage: Midlife Crisis: How to Succeed at Each Stage, but as for you, trust that going through midlife crisis will help them to develop their blind spot into their strength, if they choose to deal with it. People must allow themselves to get to stage 3, of nice they realize that changing things doesn’t bring satisfaction or relief.
@chriscarlton4863 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, I definitely recognise a lot of this within myself. However I'm stuck on 5, I just don't know what to do to work on myself or what would help...
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
Hi Chris, you can book an evaluation with me here to see what your next best step is:
@shadowman7408 Жыл бұрын
I can buy exercise equipment, I cannot buy something as subjective as "deep inner work" what does it even mean?
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
Great question, inner work is processes and techniques that remove blocks in perceptions that are blocking you from seeing the deeper truth. If you want to develop your ability to know the deeper truth, and you are willing to put in the effort to develop that, then it is worth it to you. So the question is, are you willing to know the deeper truth that you need to know in order to thrive going forward?
@matthewmontague7937 Жыл бұрын
I am 53. Everyone says you will have one of these. I don't get it. My life is pretty good
@sdf4446 Жыл бұрын
@jnsa9454 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for connecting astrology with midlife...more on this!✨
@jaspajones7045 Жыл бұрын
Step 2 is where am I am in….. I am convinced.
@Theeagleinstitute Жыл бұрын
The next step is what will determine whether you make progress or continue to struggle, midlife crisis is about the inner journey to overcome your core personal blind spot, have a look at my longer video on the 6 stages of midlife crisis because I cover which techniques work best for each stage, and the techniques should be specific to midlife crisis
@jaspajones7045 Жыл бұрын
I am going to dive deep into your videos. Thank you so much. Male, 45, believe I am in mid life crisis mode.
@jaspajones7045 Жыл бұрын
Omg glad I found this. I’ll be diving deep.