Explaining Anxiety to Kids
28 күн бұрын
@1111fairy 2 ай бұрын
What do you mean by “not accommodating their anxiety”? That doesn’t make sense to me in light of you saying their main problem is anxiety and “their battery of tolerance”. Also arent choices/rewards a type of manipulation?
@isabelnin1892 2 ай бұрын
I believe she means it during the process of building tolerance. Something like that: 1st you do an anxiety "detox". So do only accommodations, no pressure at all, so the person can regulate and get out of the constant stress zone and feel calmer and more comfortable around you and close people. Once the person has achieved this "relaxed zone", you can build a collaborative plan, probably better with the therapist and parents involved somehow, to let the PDA person experience dosed challenges (so in this stage not accomodate all the anxiety, but let the person experience it in a moderate/low level). With this, the goal is that the person can develop better coping skills and be more functional. It just needs to me done in a "natural" way, not forced, in a more "go with the flow" style. If the PDA person can feel like they are being able to navigate through small steps it can be very rewarding and make a very positive impact on their behaviour.
@isabelnin1892 2 ай бұрын
About the choices/rewards it can definitely come across manipulative but I think it will depend in which mind state the person is and how you present them. If you are able to internalize a non-expectative/non-demanding type of comunication and behaviour you will probably be succesfull with this aproach. It's more about feeling comfortable around eachother
@daudali4808 2 ай бұрын
Excellent episode!
@lucid_747 3 ай бұрын
It is wrong to view this behavior as wrong. It is natural for humans not to comply with slavery.
@meganbuzzanca896 3 ай бұрын
Would you say all this is true for special needs and especially PDA kiddos? Is her anxiety all my fault? She shouldn’t have a 504? The teacher shouldn’t be giving her more options to lessen demands which are working to get her to complete classwork and lowering school refusal?
@bradyshannon8452 4 ай бұрын
"Pathological" demand avoidance. A pathology is a disease. I think people who waste the most valuable resource, time, on things they hate are the sick ones. .. I have to yell at myself to do work to survive. Thing is, I never stop thinking about my interests, they are in my head while I slave away...
@salugi5986 4 ай бұрын
Mhh interesting..now have to take my benzos
@8daboom8 4 ай бұрын
How would a parent assist with maladaptive coping skills in young teen with PDA when positive suggestions are met with animosity and further break down? From what I see and deal with, there is a step inbetween that we really need to focus on how to accomplish this. The desire for autonomy can reject input.
@kaycullen8707 5 ай бұрын
@gg06287 5 ай бұрын
@kareym.3115 5 ай бұрын
My son desperately needs an evaluation but even looking at the Pda America website I can't seem to find anyone in my area. I am a hundred percent positive he is Pda with an extensive difficult school history and in home behaviors that were simply baffling until I found at peace parents.
@annmel4319 3 ай бұрын
I'm in the same boat 💯
@reazer2081 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Caroline! Such precious and valuable content shared in youtube for free! You explained it very well, hope your channel grows more ❤
@yanamarte4542 5 ай бұрын
As adult PDAers my best friend and I, in our sixties, well we were initially going to be lovers perhaps but immediatelly we both shirked from the intolerable demands inherent. Neither of us will submit to the control the other one needs to exert over every aspect of our relationship. So we live in our separate territories with an exclusion zone in the middle. We actually see each other two times a year because fixing a meeting between us comes across to both as an intolerable hyper emotion, either him or myself end up cancelling most of the attempts. Creativity is needed to maintain in time our mutual love and affection, built on absolute respect for each other's radical autonomy. A very difficult path to walk to try and stick together when we both are fiercely independent, but because we are mature adults and we value having a friend at this stage in our life, we are allowing ourselves to build and maintain a terribly impossible relationship based on 'an emotional connection at a distance'. All of it is yielding important knowledge and at the same time it is exhausting. But the connection remains strong since six years ago when we met, and I don't think at this point we can live without each other. I feel it is ok to have an eccentric relationship and everybody considers us a couple except ourselves ha ha ha Thanks a lot Dr Buzanko, it is nice to see oneself understood. Bless, Yana.
@keithharrison5268 5 ай бұрын
Good Evening. I am 66 years old and realise that Asperger’s did not fit but PDA does. I had covid bad and had to spend a week in hospital. Since then have been falling which it has been a lifelong problem. I now feel like I am only safe in bed and feel like I am in freeze response. It is usually fight or flight. I know you are dealing with children or teens. I just wondered what you thought. My husband is depressed, my daughter shouts at me and my son has hardly any contact with me. I can’t explain PDA to them. Can you help me what to do.? Regards. Many Thanks. Gillian
@tracygillen1557 6 ай бұрын
Is exposure therapy ever used with this?
@tracygillen1557 6 ай бұрын
You nailed it in every area! Thank you
@moldovan2035 4 ай бұрын
Yea to the PDA definition and characteristics; the “treatment” part is questionable and worrisome; you CANNOT make neurodivergent people into neurotypical; that’s pure bias
@tracygillen1557 6 ай бұрын
Great informative video. So comprehensive. This is so difficult to navigate.
@ytbmomhealing 6 ай бұрын
Looking for information that correlates PDA and adoption and early childhood trauma (the complex ptsd developmental trauma.) seems pervasive that adoptees are diagnosed with “RAD” but basically it makes more sense to look at the demand avoidance as stemming from anxiety. Especially because anxiety for adoptees is sooooo high.
@lord-lala 6 ай бұрын
01:48 it's a sub category? Of autism? Or is it a subcategory of autism?
@realityisbest8963 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for acknowledging thid. This was completely unaddressed in my childhood and I kept mine a secret. It sucked because my own parents were emotionally immature and would tease and bully me. I was always terrified of other females hearing me pee in public. I'm older now and I've had enough. Paruresis recovery is working. CBT therapy and graduated exposure helps too. ❤
@dus10dnd 6 ай бұрын
The biggest issue with all of this... you keep saying "children" and "child". Children grow up to become adults if they live long enough. While it can be annoying for parents and induces more anxiety due to the negative responses received... it can be horrendous as an adult when you don't work out a way in life that you can exist with PDA and have some sense of peace and achievement. That isn't ever going to be "fixed" due to any intervention in childhood.
@mountaingirl2222 6 ай бұрын
Yes! I totally agree with you! I am an autistic female adult with PDA and I wish that people would address not just children, but adults as well!
@lord-lala 6 ай бұрын
True, but learning how to reduce demands for our children reduces nervous system activation and helps them avoid burnout and PTSD. That will then help them get to adulthood.
@dus10dnd 6 ай бұрын
@@lord-lala No, it won't. The demands are very different as a child and an adult. Also, a child is having a hard time understanding what is going on and making sense of things. The child finds some way to comply just to get by and that doesn't address actual demands or the anxiety or compulsion. Speaking as an actually autistic and PDA person.
@zoeynorman6563 7 ай бұрын
this was great thank you! Do you have specific recommendations for autistic adults with PDA? My husband is very high functioning autistic, has a good job and makes it to work but the PDA can come up sometimes and be challenging.
@corneliusprentjie-maker6715 7 ай бұрын
Sistemic family view...
@LaughingLead 7 ай бұрын
Thank You for this!!!
@tabithagreen4102 7 ай бұрын
As someone who has a minor in psychology and counseling and a bachelors in special education I believe I have children on the spectrum. I have had referrals from the pediatrician but have had a difficult time being seen by a professional due to the high volume of patients. We haven’t had any official testing but definitely have conditions impacting home and school life. I feel like I have no resources for help but cannot deny that I’m seeing all kinds of signs and symptoms. As far as PDA, we have been researching it for years and believed it to be a version of ASD. Unfortunately, we have no one in our area that I can find that can help us. We experience everything in your video and yes it is validating. I am too exhausted to be experiencing a normal family dynamic while also researching and finding solutions from my college knowledge base. I am pioneering it along with you.
@moldovan2035 4 ай бұрын
Just make sure you are accessing autistic researchers of autism; non-autistic researchers have a relatively high level of bias as they are not capable of experiencing this differently abled state. For example, if you hear them use words like “condition” or “disorder,” you can tell right away that they are not autistic. Autistic people would never consider themselves “disordered.”
@corneliusprentjie-maker6715 7 ай бұрын
So many comments haha. Not an easy phase... depending cultural expectations...
@corneliusprentjie-maker6715 8 ай бұрын
I played with an at child and it was way more productive to teach him orientation in(pseudo) low-fear situations... he felt way more orientated in the world.
@joygwin6673 8 ай бұрын
Good information. thank u
@jaimedavis122 8 ай бұрын
There is SO much filler and unnecessary verbiage in here like “you know” that it’s almost unlistenable for anyone with ASD. Plus “kiddos” UGH.
@yanamarte4542 5 ай бұрын
Personally I loved it! I disregarded the form and went to the core of what was said. But PDA is one of my restricted interests so my motivation to listen is high.
@calicualli 9 ай бұрын
I'm autistic and a researcher working at a Cal Poly. Autistic practitioners also call it "Personal Demand for Autonomy". I think this all comes through a pathological lens and that's a mistake. We autistic researchers are beginning to prove that most of our stress is caused by the rigidity of non-autistic folx. For example, their insistance on being able to lie, manipulate, and cheat.
@joygwin6673 8 ай бұрын
some kids prefer to live on the street. homeless without expectations
@lord-lala 6 ай бұрын
Babies don't become demand avoidant because of NT society. They are trying to calm their jangled nerves. Societal expectations exacerbates it but doesn't cause it if it was there from birth.
@madgepickles 9 ай бұрын
I'm a PDA adult, please research me. Hlp pls lol
@winterroses2020 9 ай бұрын
Do you have advice for when a child refuses to watch video modeling?
@lisaterry9217 9 ай бұрын
Have heard PDA called Perceived Demand Avoidance. Have had this especially when it came to school work or sometimes with family planned events and maintaining finances. Anything in my life can become a Perceived Demand and then comes the Avoidance portion. Even reading a book I bought that I had a huge excitement and there it sits because it turns into a Demand. Why??? It's awful to have to live this way. Then comes the horrible anxiety that hangs over me and the failure that's felt.
@jenniferchilders4323 8 ай бұрын
You are definitely not alone ...I share the same experience all day everyday it seems
@yanamarte4542 5 ай бұрын
My friend Lisa you might evolve in time to be patient with yourself. It's ok that a book rests on a shelf unread for even a long while, one day you will have the impulse to read it, no problem there. Everything can wait until the exact time comes that one finally does it. I'm sure you've got other important things to do in the meantime. It's a question of allowing diversifiication of activities, why not... Best, Yana
@jenniferchilders4323 9 ай бұрын
As an AUADHD with PDA Id prefer to be Pathological rather than Pervasive
@andreacook2416 9 ай бұрын
This sounds utterly impossible. Do everything, anything, or nothing…they will take it as a demand.
@janetostergaard598 9 ай бұрын
I agree it seems super difficult. I think that as a late diagnosed autistic person who is trying to navigate this with my son the thing that is helping me is to remember how much harder it is for them as a child and not having any context or experience and even less control of their environment. Having that empathy I feels helps me.
@brandihillcom 8 ай бұрын
@@janetostergaard598how do you feel when you envision your future? I recently started caring for a 19 year old with this and he has never been able to have the opportunity to build upon his life experiences because of these symptoms. He can’t go out and get a job and learn how the world works. So when I think “poor baby he just doesn’t know how the world works” I then get more depressed knowing he will never change because he can’t get out and experience the world.
@janetostergaard598 8 ай бұрын
@@brandihillcom I suggest reading the book The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids. It talks a lot about shifting your own views so that you are able to help yourself and the child recognize their accomplishments. Even if they may not seem like a big deal you have to view it through the lens of where they are coming from and then you can recognize growth. I know for my own kid it doesn't ever seem like he makes the connections of cause and effect based on where I am but if I look at where he is and what he has done I glow with pride knowing what he has overcome. My child is also gifted, so to the world he is lazy or uncaring or without direction because they don't see the inner struggle. They just think he is smart so why isn't he doing this thing that he is perfectly capable of. I as his mother know that is not the case at all. I see when he has these moments where he is so stressed because of demands that he either lashes out (verbally or physically), shuts down completely and will sleep for 18-20 hours straight, or just starts crying. He can't express what is going on for him. That fight, flight, fawn has completely taken over all of his mental capacity and he needs to reset. It doesn't necessarily happen quickly. I try to reduce these triggers at home.
@LaughingLead 7 ай бұрын
@@brandihillcomI struggle with this. My parents never understand and try to force me to be “normal”
@gymnasticlife1788 7 ай бұрын
​@@brandihillcomhave u been able to try any occupational therapy..? Our occupational therapist is the one who finally recognized it in my 16 year old. Also At Peace Parenting is a great resource. Wish you the best!
@HappyHoney41 9 ай бұрын
Personal Demand Autonomy. Wanting to control your own existence and behavior.
@lilacspring2556 9 ай бұрын
This is amazing ❤
@halleyhebertrealtor 9 ай бұрын
My 6 year old has autism and PDA is the only thing that 100% describes his behaviors. We are on our 10th major referral at school and 3rd out of school suspension. He is in 1st grade in a full time gifted class with only 6 kids in the classroom. Myself along with the entire team at his school are at a lost as to how to cope and help him with his behaviors in a school setting. Where are you located? PDA ABSOLUTELY needs to be more educated to everyone.
@dr.carolinebuzanko 9 ай бұрын
You're right - we need so much more widespread understanding to support these kiddos (and protect their self-esteem)! I am in Calgary, Canada.
@saintxio 8 ай бұрын
Omg my kid is exactly in this situation as well and same age 😳
@yanamarte4542 5 ай бұрын
I'd like to point out, weren't gifted people always difficult? They were well known for that! Isaac Newton for example, he was difficult to deal with. But he gave a lot to the world. I think gifted people just have more extreme talents and more extreme character flaws. It is all more intense with them. But they are valuable members of their communities.
@HigoIndico Ай бұрын
​@@yanamarte4542 PDA is not a "character flaw".
@jessicas9955 10 ай бұрын
Mental health professionals can be and often are guilty of biases. Im not trying to be negative or trolling- I think it's important to not assume every therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, Healthcare provider in general is empathetic and good at their job. A lot of power and control focused people enter these fields. Seeking help can be traumatic because of these types of people being a vulnerable person/family "help" when they finally reach out for help.
@jessicas9955 10 ай бұрын
Also want to say thank you for the information. Demand avoidance is so difficult to navigate and accommodate. I experience it and I am still sometimes feeling offended and thinking just do the thing! With my son who is exhibiting pda reactions daily now that he's entered school and demands in his life are suddenly numerous. I hate how chronically difficult this is going to make his life (I know attitudes and understanding improvement will make his experience better than mine has been. But still very scared for the things he'll face or miss out on) hate how others will often miss out on knowing him and how kind and curious and funny he is because he can lash out or argue relentlessly to avoid anything but not in a predictable way.
@dr.carolinebuzanko 9 ай бұрын
I definitely agree, it's an unfortunate truth. And the same with other adults who work with children as well, such as educators... These students need lots of warm, caring, non-judgmental people in all aspects of their lives.
@moldovan2035 4 ай бұрын
Why “unfortunate”? It is really confusing how you use qualifiers. As an autistic person and proud PDA-er, I don’t see this as a problem. On the one hand, you call this a “uber-power” and on the other hand, you want to “treat” it. I am really worried when you speak about webinars and how you propagate such borderline gaslighting. If you want to help others, join autistic groups and organizations led by autists and start to truly understand from the inside out. After a while, you’ll realize that a more complex and humane approach is needed. Or better yet, you’ll realize that “changing” us is an erroneous idea.
@argusfleibeit1165 10 ай бұрын
Can we not call them "kiddos"-- so annoying.
@dr.carolinebuzanko 9 ай бұрын
I know I am likely opening a huge can of worms here, but curious as to what makes it annoying? I will do my best - I am always open to feedback! - but "kiddos" has admittedly been part of my vocabulary for almost 30 years now as an affectionate way to refer to children. It is also part of my way of being with the families I work with (i.e., not some stuffy overly clinical expert who knows what's best for children and their families). Nonetheless, I want to be culturally responsive, so definitely open to specific feedback!
@argusfleibeit1165 9 ай бұрын
@@dr.carolinebuzanko Maybe it doesn't bother other people. Using it three or four times in one video is just grating. I noticed it at first with my cousin who worked with autistic children. Just sounds like kind of cloying "special ed" talk, like it's too risky to talk about them like they're "regular" kids or children. I don't think I'd like it if adults talked about me that way. I don't like "doggo" either, or if a vet kept saying "kitties" instead of cats.
@Aurelyn 9 ай бұрын
Kiddos are part of a nutritious breakfast 🥣
@buhboon 9 ай бұрын
@@argusfleibeit1165 Right. Why not just call them kids, or children? I don't know if I've ever heard a professional of any kind use "kiddo" to describe a non-disabled child.
@CosmicHoneyMotherShip 9 ай бұрын
Take a shot every time someone says or types kiddos!
@ShrinkRai 10 ай бұрын
My daughter's is so severe that you can make her fight for the opposite of what she wants by demanding she do what she wanted to do. It's been like this since she was born. She was literally like this as a baby. I used to say, "She's an infant and already wants to be treated like an adult." She didnt want to be held, she wanted me to *hold her like she was walking* untill she could actually walk. Then, she never wanted "up" What is the difference between ODD and PDA?
@dr.carolinebuzanko 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment! I personally would never diagnose a child with ODD - there is usually WAY more going on for them. That label is never helpful anyway and I find adults start working with a lot of bias, even unintentionally. We know both are behavioural disorders. Based on the DSM’s (the diagnostic bible professionals often use to diagnose things) definition of ODD, we see it as persistent patterns of angry or irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behaviour, or vindictiveness. Common symptoms include frequent loss of temper, defiance toward authority figures, and a proclivity for spiteful behaviour. Treatment usually involves a variety of things that would include behaviour therapy and parent training. PDA isn’t recognized in the DSM and is often considered a sub-type of autism. For these children, they often want to do good but they have an overwhelming need to resist everyday demands and expectations, leading to high levels of anxiety. Here it’s more management than treatment per se, where we adapt our communication styles to reduce the perceived demands and minimize anxiety. Any therapeutic support is very individualized (vs. pretty standard treatment for ODD). They both certainly have challenges with regulating emotions and so we might see lots of anxiety, temper outbursts, mood swings. Both are definitely associated with anxiety. ODD seems more situational though, where PDA is more pervasive and is really linked to an intolerance of uncertainty or even just the perception of demands. When we look at key differences: • ODD is more a standalone diagnosis (but often seen with ADHD), and PDA is part of autism. • ODD focuses on oppositionality towards authority figures, with defiance and vindictiveness. PDA centres around an avoidance of everyday demands.
@JungleEd17 6 ай бұрын
My dad is like this. It's the only way I can beat him in chess.
@lord-lala 6 ай бұрын
I could usually only get my child to do things using reverse psychology. If she thought I didn't want her to, she would rush to do it. If the food was on my plate, or apparently intended for someone else, she'd eat it. But she got wise to it as she got older and even the playful games became a demand.
@moldovan2035 4 ай бұрын
You’re dealing with neurodivergence; research it;
@SDesi706 11 ай бұрын
A very helpful resource. Thank you.
@dr.carolinebuzanko 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! Glad it was helpful.
@SDesi706 11 ай бұрын
This is a fantastic overview. Thanks so much.
@moldovan2035 4 ай бұрын
This is an okay-ish overview in the first part, until she starts talking about changing “kiddos” to not “miss out” on neurotypical stuff. Autistic individuals simply do not feel the need to do neurotypical things, for the most part. They are not missing out on this stuff. This researcher needs to RESARCH more before they continue to propagate neurotypical perspectives on gullible and exhausted parents.
@daphniefarkas5703 11 ай бұрын
What kind of therapy would best help PDA kids? Would CBT be a good fit?
@dr.carolinebuzanko 9 ай бұрын
With PDA, anxiety really drives the avoidance of demands, such as anxiety about meeting expectations or losing control. This anxiety is pervasive so we want to ensure that any therapeutic approach targets that anxiety. We initially want to modify how we communicate demands and expectations. Along with parental training and family therapy (which is an essential part of the treatment plan!), we would want to look at incorporating: • Adapted Communication. At least initially, we absolutely need to modify how demands are communicated to reduce the perception of demands and build success/momentum. • Low-arousal Approaches. Over aroused kids = emotional outbursts. Because we want to encourage adaptive behaviour, we want to keep the emotional arousal low. • I LOVE Ross Green, so using Collaborative Approaches. Methods like the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) model emphasize identifying unmet expectations and solving problems collaboratively. Now, for CBT, yes, it can be helpful to address the underlying anxiety. The components of things like distress tolerance and mindfulness are important. HOWEVER, traditional CBT might be too structured. Therefore, we need to ensure we are modifying it to meet the child’s needs adequately. So, using things from above like reducing perceived demands and framing activities as choices (which a good therapist should be doing anyway). We need to be flexible for the child’s needs.
@jokulls 11 ай бұрын
Great video 😀
@dr.carolinebuzanko 9 ай бұрын
@kovacsjony4606 11 ай бұрын
i have a problem like this: when im at the doctor. im hi on anxiaty. when she takes be blood pressure. my blood presure is high too
@camogrrl 11 ай бұрын
I’m a fan. Hello from New Zealand!
@moldovan2035 4 ай бұрын
With caution though
@chicag0cubs777 Жыл бұрын
This is Great advice Dr. Caroline . Your advice is Great. you are very smart and intelligent. But sometimes seeking someone's attention can lead to negative consequences. When I was 7 years old I was always trying to get my Fathers attention. But my Father kept ignoring me. One day I decided to stand up to my Father and confront him. I said to my Father. What the HELL are you Doing ! My Father did give me his attention and a SPANKING. smiles
@lucavalentino2863 Жыл бұрын
What you are saying, for me, is utterly valuable in understanding how fear and anxiety are produced and maintained. Thank you! However, your facial expressions, reinforced by wide-eyed movements towards the camera, in themselves are anxiety producing. If you are not aware of these, please become aware. My response is to turn off the visuals so that I am able to focus on your excellent content.
@FoursWithin Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the physical presentation is overly dramatic.
@estecanalespro Жыл бұрын
This is incredible. Keep the solid work and thank you!!
@morskipaskenny Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Dr. Buzanko, the tics you went over describe my tics down to a T; I am 20 and my tics have become extremely strong over the years and this reassures me that I can work on reducing them :) Do you have any tips on how to think about the tics to avoid myself from performing them to reduce my "inner anxiety"? It's very mentally draining to have to control myself for each compulsion to avoid the tic, so I think changing my paradigms might be the key :)