Have I FAILED at Warhammer?
21 сағат бұрын
These Models WILL SURPRISE You!
28 күн бұрын
Warhammer is a BAD HOBBY (for me)
@PigGibbon 44 минут бұрын
Okay, so Gaslands 40k, that’s just GorkaMorka. Which is wonderful, best GW games. You should play. And if you’re into rules writing, definitely redo it for any faction and call it death race.
@joshuaadams181 Сағат бұрын
So here’s a quick report, after watching this video I decided to throw caution to the wind and have a slam up with my group this evening using a lot of the concepts shared here. Was it balanced?Not at all. But we had some good old fashioned fun and just fielded the most random lists based on pure flavor. Awesome. Here’s what we did Battle size 1000 points 3 players * 3 barrels spread out in the mid field represented objectives worth 5 points each. Infantry only can claim them and carry them, worth 5 points at the top of each players turn * 5 summoning pools placed around the table, held by OC: when an infantry unit from your army is destroyed it can be reset up at a summoning pool you control * Volcano: in the center of battlefield on top of the mid field summoning pool. (I used a cool piece of mountain terrain)Top of every turn throw a scatter die and use a flamer template, any models caught within the template take a strength 12 attack that deals d3 mortals What a cool blast and broke us out of our meta chasing habits. Weirdly the game felt much faster even with the additional player and extra rules and some strange interactions came up that required quick house ruling. Definitely will be adding more random scenarios to our games
@MrGad1 2 сағат бұрын
my insane homebrew is we bust out the 3rd edition rules and play with that
@lordcommissarspartan 2 сағат бұрын
Capture the Flag in 40k sounds very interesting. Would probably want to dial it down to a 1k or *maybe* 1.5k list, rather than a full 2k. Putting an objective marker, called the "Flag Stand", in the dead center of each deployment in Hammer and Anvil deployment; this marker will be the "Flag Stand". Only Battle Line and Infantry can pick up the Flag, and while carrying the Flag, they cannot enter transports, and only weapons with Assault or Pistol can be fired while carrying. If your unit carrying the flag dies, the Flag is dropped until the end of your next turn where it will be returned to the opponent's "Flag Stand" at the start of that next turn. Picking up the Flag requires a Mission Action, where a unit cannot be used to fire or charge that turn, and that must be declared at the start of the turn. This action can be taken at *Any Point* after the Command Phase ends. You cannot Claim the enemy's flag if your flag is not in your deployment zone, but you can take it and carry it there. Carry the enemy flag to your Flag Stand objective for 1 VP. First to 3VP wins. Respawning units will be placed down at the end of the Command Phase within the Deployment Zone. If a unit has Scout, they may make a Scout Move on respawn before the start of the Movement Phase. (Yes, this does mean that respawned units cannot receive Guardsman Orders, or any other army equivalent rule, on their first turn being Respawned.) Units with Deep Strike can only Deep Strike on their "First Life", so you can't drop a full blob of scions into the opponent's backline on round 4 *and* 5. Lists are limited to 1 Superheavy per list and 3 Vehicles/Walkers/Monsters per list. Knights are prevented from being your army, but souping them into an allied army is fully acceptable so long as they follow the previous rule. Units *are* allowed to charge while carrying the flag, and while carrying the flag, increase the number of attacks the Flag Carrier has by 1 on their primary melee profile. The model carrying the flag is designated as a Character in the unit, called the Flag Carrier. The Flag Carrier is generally assumed to either be the Sergeant Equivalent, or an attached Leader. If the Flag Carrier dies due to Precision, the unit may pick the flag back up on the next turn, following the same rule as stated before. If an Attached leader is carrying the flag, they will continue to carry it if the attached unit dies. Returning to the deployment zone with a leader that had their unit destroyed, restores that unit to them at the end of the Command Phase, in the same manner as all other Respawns are handled. Units that are fully destroyed that had attached leaders, and in the event the leaders are destroyed before the opportunity to respawn the unit in the deployment zone, a respawned unit will have their leaders attached when brought out of Strategic Reserves, as if the full unit were placed there originally. The previous statement on Deep Strike is still in play here. Army Rules and Abilities that grant the ability to return a unit into Strategic Reserve at will ignore the limitation on Deep Strike. Transports that began the game with units on board can be put into Strategic Reserve on death, but if the unit they carried is not destroyed as well, they cannot be respawned until that unit is destroyed. That sound good? Sounds good to me
@HaseOster 4 сағат бұрын
I've been making Necromunda rules for my 40k - a la Shadow War Armageddon. A lot of fun.
@Jessforprez 4 сағат бұрын
So you know fashion bombardments from 3 kingdoms? What if you could do that in 40K stuff like dropping in dreadnoughts or bombing runs!
@maxawsometheguy2870 4 сағат бұрын
Each year layer buys a 24 pack the board starts with no terrain players must make terrain from empty beer cans
@steele2015 4 сағат бұрын
One thing that my old playgroup used to do was a "2v2" mode when we had nothing to do in the morning and could spend 5 hours on a game and mess around. It worked as follows: You are put on a team with the army most likely to ally with you. This normally ended up with me, the GSC player, and the Nids player on a team against Imperium and/or Aeldari. You and your team take turns together and gain points together, but CP are generated separately and you both have a win condition set by whoever wasnt currently playing. So, for my Gene Stealers, it would be something like keep your Gene Stealer alive, or make sure that no more than 20% of the Tyranids die, something thematic for your army. If you fail this win con, you lose evem if you beat the other team in points. The most memorable game I ever had during this was me on CDM and my teamate on Daemons, against Sisters and Grey Knights. The Grey Knight player had the win con "Orders from Greyfax" wich was to make sure that Celestine dies before round 3, but she was also acting as a bulwark of sorts against my buddies Daemons. The Grey Knights player, thinking that she could handle what was left of my Iron Warriors and the horde of Khornate maniacs, decided to take down Celestine with her baby carrier (Celestine was kind of on her last legs, because the Daemons player was focusing her hard) right before our turn. This allowed us to sweep in to their flank and take two objectivs from them, all the while our Sisters player was fucking RAGING, the Grey Knights player was slowly realizing how bad of an idea this was, and both me and the Daemons player were fucking dying laughing.
@harleyjay338 6 сағат бұрын
me and my friends are having alot of fun with boarding actions! giving us reasons to make new 500pt armies , its a refreshing change
@kikolokopo_toys 7 сағат бұрын
I thought of a tournament where people choose which edition rules to use and listbuilding goes the same way. So you can have a good 10th ed army vs a good 9th army or mid 8th ed army with a bad 10th army
@artnickles5095 7 сағат бұрын
"Drive a truck into them and see what happens..." WHY ARE YOU NOT PLAYING ORKS?!
@2dola 8 сағат бұрын
TDM sounds like an absolute blast if i'm honest, and the Thanos thing could work if you have a solid gaming group.
@Skritz-mt9zb 8 сағат бұрын
Thanos snap sounds like it would work best thematically with Boarding Action and represent the ship moving through the warp but the Gellar Field is fucked. Suddenly time and space doesn't work normally. Because fighting inside a ship while it is INSIDE THE WARP is inherently a horrible idea. Hence why it should totally happen.
@jakejohnson9552 10 сағат бұрын
Switch the Thanos snap to a single d6, and that sounds kinda interesting. (A 6 just wouldn’t show up)
@captainflapjax7240 10 сағат бұрын
Honestly, these sound really fun!!! We hate victory points around here so team deathmatch sounds great!
@neosclones 11 сағат бұрын
I’ve had the idea of a Warhammer narrative campaign with DnD elements like role play and NPCs for a while. Or hell just Warhammer DnD
@tomm9067 9 сағат бұрын
Ive actually had this idea where my players (also 40k players) paint and build up a space marine from a random faction a sort of combined arms kill team and our 40k games would influence the campaign and vice versa but that needs a LOT of work
@jonlueckenotte1673 11 сағат бұрын
i ifreaking love it
@magicalawnmower4764 11 сағат бұрын
that intro made me freak out because i thought centurions got sent to legends 😭
@CorporalCargopants1749 11 сағат бұрын
Idea for Deathmatch: each Unit killed gives you the amount of points it costs, highest score by the end wins
@pontiusporcius8430 11 сағат бұрын
I've often added usuable artillery and explosive cover in Kill team. Nothing has blown up yet, but I live in hope.
@pontiusporcius8430 11 сағат бұрын
I'd love to try a game like space crusade for the newer model range and lore for 40k. So, I am trawling for the old space crusade rules to make a set to play it.
@strigoi_guhlqueen8355 11 сағат бұрын
Here is a fun idea. This works with any number of players, but is most fun with more. Everyone picks and deploys an army as normal and you play the first round as normal. But from the 2nd round onward you get one of the armys on the table at random. And so on and so forth. This gets hillrarious especially when alliances shift each turn.
@Incogneto_mode 11 сағат бұрын
Some of the stuff you said sounds like Halo Flashpoint. Play Halo Flashpoint please. Me and my friend demoed it early and It was so fun.
@MrSteelface96 12 сағат бұрын
First"!! :D
@CesarTheKingVA 12 сағат бұрын
I mean, I would love to run a Trazyn army, where the warlord is Trazyn (obviously) and the list is pure chaos using units from any and all factions (except maybe chaos)
@sonicwingnut 12 сағат бұрын
At SumpCon recently they apparently had a massive Mad Max style car chase going on that went across everyone else's boards, so basically some people are playing Necromunda and suddenly a load of vehicles come charging across their board causing absolute chaos.
@heraldofthemetalgods2620 12 сағат бұрын
i can fix her
@wrightrj03yt 12 сағат бұрын
Regular 40k but you draw playing cards instead of rolling dice. 2s and 3s are equivalent to 1 on the dice, 4s and 5s equivalent to 2 on the dice... Queens and kings are equivalent to "regular" 6s and aces trigger keywords like ie lethal hits and dev wounds. Would make the distribution of outcome less variable and more predictable... But maybe less fun as a result?
@ArcanoSilverwind 12 сағат бұрын
Since comments are meant for opinions... These are all bad ideas mate lmao. Good vid idea though
@martind5565 12 сағат бұрын
I recently moved to OPR, I got bored of the constant rules updates that were hidden behind a paywall and I like the idea of just using any minis and the datasheet not changed based on the fact they want to sell models.
@nicholasevans3994 12 сағат бұрын
9:27 This is just a glimpse into the depths of his twisted mind… I love it🤣
@meanestgreen3320 13 сағат бұрын
Yo. A 1000 point game with respawning units on objectives you control would be sick, but vehicles and characters don't respawn
@mr_maplefugu8367 13 сағат бұрын
I feel like a better name for the 'Thanos Snap' could be the 'Trazyn Troll' and the idea would be that Trazyn himself showed up, stole some of your shit, and then deployed them in a completely different engagement he had just wandered into Hell, this can even narratively allow you to add additional models from other armies or even justify slapping down an entire horus heresy battalion onto the field in the middle of the fight like how he did on Cadia
@martinconway8174 13 сағат бұрын
The true Chaos experience
@redecterthomsonshadowascen5177 13 сағат бұрын
Ah yes team deatchmatch, because knights in Eternal Carnage(6000+ points) weren't enough of a menace already
@doncoyote68 13 сағат бұрын
play one page rules but the less angry version compress your homebrews to 1 page and play one page rules + one page homebrew
@gawkthimm6030 13 сағат бұрын
capture the flag, team-death-match and others such inspirations sound interesting
@crosslayment2542 13 сағат бұрын
I love the thanos snap thing Just imagine a knight appearing in the middle of your next game
@Deathtrap9983 10 сағат бұрын
Imagine a titan though too lol
@mansad143 13 сағат бұрын
These ideas aren't good... THERE GREAT!!!! I would love join a warp event where we do a bunch of these for max randomness.
@Demortixx 13 сағат бұрын
Terraria music
@prupuponcio 14 сағат бұрын
One time I started coming up with a basic system for just rough porting in scatter dice and templates into 10th edition. It was pretty fun to conceptualize at least
@SpaceDikon 14 сағат бұрын
Just a tib a gundam [mobile suit] without its head is a knight/titan
@chid2196 14 сағат бұрын
wait they didn't actually send centurions to legends right?
@PaulIsBadAtStuff 14 сағат бұрын
No not yet fortunately. If they do I will fight James Workshop
@chid2196 14 сағат бұрын
@PaulIsBadAtStuff thank goodness, those are the only models that remotely make me want to get into space marines, I'd throw hands if they disappeared.
@tacoman7918 14 сағат бұрын
I fear you now
@RafeLaet 14 сағат бұрын
Wait, Horus heresy has different rules? I thought it was just different minis. Does ot have alternating turns, because that's what I hate the most about 40k.
@PaulIsBadAtStuff 14 сағат бұрын
I don't know to be honest, I think it's a lot more like earlier editions of 40k
@RafeLaet 14 сағат бұрын
So I just "read"both Horus Heresy and Age of Sigmar turn rules and both act like 40k. You command every unit in your army and then the enemy does the same. The difference is that at Horus heresy even if you're not the active player you can react to the active player action. So basically you can do stuff at the enemy turn, but not as good as the active player. And at Age of Sigmar you can do special actions that cost command points at any turn, it doesn't matter if you're the one moving your minis or the one that's reacting to your enemy actions. I think I prefer the AOS idea, but GW should try to adapt switching turns to its games, like OPR does. P.S. yes Horus Heresy has a lot of explosion rules from old 40k. And less phases on your turn, just move, shoot and melee!
@jamesedwards8175 14 сағат бұрын
I actually have thought of the idea of "you can shoot it if it's in range" - 2+ games are played right next to each other so the mats are touching. Each player plays their own game, but the range of things can cross over the mat lines. Your friend 2 games over is having trouble with a dug-in unit? Your Basilisk can fire on them from your table. You need some points for No Prisoners but nothing is in range on your game? Charge over and slaughter those back line objective holders. It's kind of a spin on Apocalypse, but with more chaos.
@Fibsin 15 сағат бұрын
Thanos snap sounds amazing, could be a good time travel narrative in crusade or something.
@unheardtuna1998 15 сағат бұрын
Honestly the lose half your army sounds fun with them not coming back so you build your 2k list for a 1k game and you don’t know what in your list you get to actually use. Sounds fun for making the list and potentially even playing with a group where each game what you can play with is a little different
@DumbCup 15 сағат бұрын
Hehehehhehe funny Britis man go bbrrrrr
@crsmith6226 15 сағат бұрын
The fire tornado seems most fun, you could also theme it as a stray round from an orbital battle.
@PaulIsBadAtStuff 15 сағат бұрын
That makes me think of another idea where an orbital laser is chasing you and if you stay still for too long you get blasted lmao
@crsmith6226 14 сағат бұрын
@@PaulIsBadAtStuff I was thinking that at the end of each player’s turn they roll the scatter dice for the death laser. They can choose to spend a cp to reroll the scatter dice (including distance), if it would go off the board you reflect the scatter dice instead (opposite direction it points). Also each model under the blast marker takes a Str 8 Ap -2 Dmg 1 hit, the player who has their models under the blast marker (or were under it at any point when it moved) has their opponent roll the wound roll and then they roll the save. If it hits a vehicle it does 2d3 of those hits.