@buzbom1 4 күн бұрын
4:00 Not only Japan, but our main character is also being reduced the "-1". In my over 50 years of watching the big G in many movies, this one is one of the top 3. A new old school beginning.
@akathebaronreacts 4 күн бұрын
Any others of the more modern Japanese Godzilla movies (anything after 2000 I guess) make it into the top 3? I plan on watching through all of them, even the old classics, but just curious what your other favs are. And yes, good point on how "minus one" also applies to the main character, that's spot on. I didn't really think of it like that until now :)
@djackklingler3 21 күн бұрын
The yellow X is far worse than anything in the movie. X = The letter between L and N.
@jamiemadden2924 28 күн бұрын
Charles Schulz was the creator of Peanuts, not Garfield. And he was a big part of the animated specials
@akathebaronreacts 28 күн бұрын
ah, right right right. I remember watching this, I brought it up but couldn't quite remember for some reason LOL. Thank ya!
@LanceLustHugeTheWarningFan Ай бұрын
With regards to the song being slowed down during the foggy morning scene. Some reactors have questioned the music being like that claiming that if the power goes out it wouldn't go slow like that. I actually had a similar experience. No flying saucer involved. I use box fans to lull me to sleep. The constant sound helps. One night I woke up and all three of my fans were on low. Turned the lights on and tried to turn them on high. They were on high. The lights were all on. I reset the breaker. But they wouldn't run at high speed. I just got back in bed hoping I could get back to sleep. I woke up again and they weren't running at all. The alarm clock was off, too, so I guess the electricity was running low in the neighborhood and then went off. I closed my eyes and hoped I would be able to get back to sleep. It took a while but I finally woke back up to the fans running at high speed. So it does happen.
@LanceLustHugeTheWarningFan Ай бұрын
My interpretation of Nope... I think that Jean Jacket eats electricity. Flying saucer lore claims that when an alien spaceship is nearby, power cycles down and off. As the Star Lasso Experience audience is being eaten, the walls of the digestive tract are pulsing and glowing with light. That makes me believe that whatever the flying saucer is around and the lights and energy disappears, Jean Jacket is eating it. I find it a genius move that in order to see what is happening in an otherwise pitch black environment, we are given the disturbing view of the audience being eaten with pulsing light which allows the scene to be lit. The Gordy's Home scene is necessary to show that Jupe didn't learn anything from the sitcom massacre. It is there to ground the story yet give it gravitas when Jupe's decision to do exactly the same thing he was helping with during his youth instead of learning and understanding what happened when he was a kid. He decides both in his youth and adulthood to do something regretful. But he isn't given long to regret his decisions the second time around. The Star Lasso Experience was being promoted at the beginning of the movie. It was the grand opening when the audience was beamed or sucked up. But Jupe had been sending it horses for the last six months. The first night when you see the lights in the distance and hear Jupe's speech slow down and get distorted. I don't think Jupe expected it to show up that night, but since Ghost was galloping in that direction, Jean Jacket was able to eat that night. During Jupe's show, he's giving small chuckles during his speech. He almost senses that what happened during the Gordy's Home massacre is going to happen again. Maybe not consciously, subconsciously. But every time he gives a chuckle he seems to be blind to what he might already know because of the Gordy's Home event. But it's just under the surface, which is coming out through the small chuckles. He sent his kids to the Haywood's ranch for a prank to tell OJ and Em that he knows about the stolen decoy horse. What kind of person would do that? Instead of simply going to the authorities to get the metal horse back he sends his own children. They could have been killed doing what they did. It shows that Jupe's experience was hindered by what could possibly be considered psychopathy. He went through a lot during the Gordy scene and yet decided to do what he does for both the stolen horse decoy and getting back at OJ and Em, and setting up a show with something he doesn't understand. All he wants is a profit. A lot of folks don't like the runtime of the movie and think Gordy was superfluous. Sure, you can cut that "chimp" scene, but his character arc, or lack thereof, wouldn't be as devastating. The girl who Gordy put the brunt of his rage towards, who happened to be in the audience during The Star Lasso Experience, would have no merit. Peele seems to have wanted as much darkness and experience in these characters that without the "chimp" scene it wouldn't have worked. The fact that Jupe didn't learn anything about their experience and having invited Mary-Joe Elliott to the grand opening, he ends up bringing her back into the trauma. Does Jupe know that those horses are beamed up into a monster's month and belly? He mentioned that they haven't come out to greet him yet, so I'm not sure if he knows that OJs horses are no longer with us? Perhaps he longed to rekindle the tragic past? If the horses didn't return from the alien abduction like humans have claimed to, I think he might clearly know the danger but decides to write it off for a profit. Just like Mary-Joe and he did for the sitcom. It all comes together rather nicely with perfect pacing to me. Another thing. During Gordy's Home many think that the flying saucer played a part but if you remember that the alien eats electricity, and all the soundstage lights were on, it means that has nothing to do with it. The shoe standing on its heel is supposed to resemble a bad miracle and it is the reason Jupe made it out alive. Instead of locking eyes with Gordy, he was staring at it. I absolutely love OJs character. His shut-up demeanor shows that he relates more to his horses than people around him. Some have speculated that he might be autistic. The way he behaved does suggest that. He is probably terrified but doesn't know how to show it. Some people are like that. People who have seen a lot of violence and those who are traumatized can act differently than normal folks tend to. The movie is about spectacle and it is ironic that OJ is very introverted about everything and everyone. He can't express himself like most do with dialogue. By the end he's talking a lot more because he is forced out of his shell. Angel notices Holst, the cinematographer, popping pills, which is supposed to give the impression of a possible illness, which I think is supposed to let the audience know that whatever he's suffering from might be a terminal illness, so going out the way he did was kinda appropriate. That is why he decided to go out trying to film the impossible shot...but the film goes with him. It wouldn't likely make it if it falls from Jean Jacket and crashes to the ground. It would destroy the footage. When OJ doesn't ride up to his sister and have her giddy-up onto the horse, and the fact that the sign OJ and Lucky are just below reads: Out Yonder tells me that OJ and Lucky aren't alive. The end shape of Jean Jacket is supposed to resemble deep sea life, flowers and some say biblically accurate angels. I think that Jean Jacket feeds on electricity. UFOs are said to mess with electricity and I think Peele was a genius in that we see the electricity being shut off whenever the flying saucer is nearby. If you pay attention during the scene when the audience of The Star Lasso Experience are being pulled into the digestive tract, you'll notice pulsing light coming from the insides. Having it feed off electricity makes it so that when the camera is showing what is happening to the audience, it can light the scene. Very disturbing.
@akathebaronreacts Ай бұрын
🖤I just had a similar thing happen with a generator. I was using one because we got hit with a hurricane in my area and had no power. I have a lot of fans on since we can use the generator for most things but not things like that. Anyway, it was running a bit too thin so I decided to only use it for essentials but at one point my fans were doing that exact same thing. All on high but running like they were on low.
@akathebaronreacts Ай бұрын
@@LanceLustHugeTheWarningFan 🖤A lot of great insight here, some stuff I haven't even begun to think of. For instance the electricity, honestly I didn't think too much as to why the power would shut of, but feeding off it makes total sense. And for Jupe doing what he does, being the way he is I mentioned something along the lines of wanting to be in control of a predator because he experience being helpless in the face of one. But yeah, sending kids to do that prank, those chuckles, you may be right. It may have affected him in a totally different way. And saddage on Ghost. I thought he may have been eaten but wasn't sure. Long after I questioned something like "And we still don't know where Ghost is right?" or something like that. Maybe I just didn't want to know :( I absolutely loved OJ too. Didn't think autism may have had anything to do with how he responds emotionally, or with a lack of emotion, but that tracks as a definite possibility. And Angel popping a pill which may mean terminal illness. God I missed so many details. I worry too much sometimes doing these that I'm not "reacting" enough to what I'm watching, try to fill dead air, and often miss stuff like this. Makes sense if the case why he'd be so willing to die for the perfect shot. He was a very eccentric artist. Long story short, I'm ready for a rewatch to really focus on these details. Your breakdown was extremely insightful, I really enjoyed reading it and will make the rewatch that much more enjoyable.
@LanceLustHugeTheWarningFan Ай бұрын
@@akathebaronreacts I accidentally made a mistake in that post. I didn't realize I had the electricity eating at the bottom. When I went to post it, I didn't think I had mentioned it, and completely missed that it was at the end of the post. So, that's why I mentioned it twice. Oops. I understand KZbin's reaction rules. You have to fill the time with commentary. And that does make people miss a lot of details. But some of those details will go missed even if you're watching it without a camera looking on. I've seen Nope over 20 times. Yes, I love the movie that much. Plus, the night scenes are so dark it's very difficult to see with lights shining lighting up your face for the reaction. One lady saw red lights as you could hear Ghost being sucked up and pulled into Jean Jacket and thought they were alien/demon eyes. They were just red lights on poles in the distance. But due to her set-up, she couldn't see that they weren't eyes. The flying saucer, she, or some other reactor, thought was a candy wrapper, if I remember correctly. There are many more details in Nope that I didn't even mention. The radio spot at the beginning mentions hikers being missing for two days. If the nickel that killed OJ's dad was from one of those hikers, that means they were in its belly for two days. That's truly horrific. During the Gordy scene, if you pay attention to the background in the audience seats, you'll see some members of that live audience are still there, hiding. I had seen the movie probably nearly 20 times before I noticed that. But I didn't notice it on my own. I had heard a few reactions mention it. One reactor had the movie zoomed in probably because of copyright. That was the first time I noticed the couple people up in the stands moving while Jupe is hiding from Gordy. After noticing that, I paid closer attention. I had glanced up into the seats during my other watches, but I kept missing it. Then I finally caught the movement and saw the audience members hiding, but moving around. I was very excited when I finally caught that. Another watch, I turned my tv's backlight up and saw that as Jupe is looking up at the offscreen audience being sucked up, just behind him, one member is shown being sucked out of their seat, dragged across the dirt towards him behind his head, and zips straight up. That was upon a view somewhere over 20. I'm sure that there is still many more details that I still haven't noticed. Apparently the cameras being used on set to film Gordy's Home are supposed to look like the costumes the three kids were wearing. There are shots of the flying saucer floating around through the slats in the wooden shed OJ is hiding in. You may have seen that, depending on how brightly lit you had the screen you watched the movie on. But you can see Clover being sucked up through those slats, too. I find that Peele showed so much detail in this movie that you cannot see watching a KZbin reaction. You can't see the decoy horse being slowly vacuumed up, the line of flags floating around it. You can't see the flags as they settle and dangle from the hole through the cloud. You can't see them dangling when Jupe looks at the cloud that the audience mentions. Well, unless, my resolution for my computer is too low to see those details. I've watch every reaction I can find. During each, I have to remember and imagine what it looked like because the resolution during reactions on KZbin is very low. I can't turn it up too high because the buffering becomes constant. But it's interesting to watch reactions and not see those details in the shots. I don't think it's even mentioned in the movie, but I believe that Gordy was a space-chimp. I think he was sent to space within the background of the characters on the tv show. I can't recall where I learned that. In another video reaction, in a thread, someone who knew sign language said that what Gordy gestured was not sign language. Thing is, I'm sure it didn't have to look exactly like what the sign actually was supposed to resemble. There were quite a few in those comments that put laughing emojis when people would talk about Gordy signing: "What happened...family?" I'm pretty sure a space-chimp is going to be taught sign language, and Peele might have decided to have him gesture to resemble it because of the character. If those who know sign language claim that Gordy wasn't signing anything, I'll bet Peele chose to have it that way. Well, enough of my gushing.
@akathebaronreacts Ай бұрын
@@LanceLustHugeTheWarningFan Such incredible detail, both the movie itself and your analysis of it. So much to pick up on after multiple viewings, I love when movies have so many hidden details like that. This one will be viewed multiple times this much I do know. So Get Out and Nope were great, have you seen Us (I believe that's the name of the movie he made next)? I'd like to check that one out as well.
@daquittaclements Ай бұрын
When the dad was giving Chris a tour, remember that he mentioned the grandfather lost the race to Jessie Owens and he "almost got over it." That's why he picked a black guy who was a fast runner and was "practicing" his sprints at night. Also, the deers have some racial meaning. During slavery, Black men were called "bucks" and some slave masters would r@pe them in front of their families to emasculate and control them
@daquittaclements Ай бұрын
I love the Pop Up Video effects lol
@akathebaronreacts Ай бұрын
@@daquittaclements 🖤Thank you! I haven't done them in my more recent uploads but plan on doing them again when I can get my upload schedule back to where it was.
@akathebaronreacts 2 ай бұрын
@vanlifeoasis2921 2 ай бұрын
Rug revenge movie ! tuff man that's tuff !!!
@uffda3937 3 ай бұрын
The Simpsons reference was perfect 😂
@Charles_Bro-son 3 ай бұрын
I mean, a white russian is as caucasian as it gets, no?!
@jaymenjanssens720 3 ай бұрын
Tom Green on Laugh Out Loud Canada winning just saying "Cheese. Sandwich." Great reaction btw
@RomansAlterEgo 3 ай бұрын
You have a new subscriber
@akathebaronreacts 3 ай бұрын
🖤Hell yeah! I appreciate that!
@MY94SUPRA 3 ай бұрын
This movie was great. I noticed a bit of a jump back from you too when Paul pulls his cover and she's right there..lol Most who review this movie do that..That little girl was the daughter of the real life owner of the hotel turned restaurant turned Waldorf Estate of Fear. The owner was also in the movie letting the guests in line in with their reservation. Good job on the review!
@akathebaronreacts 3 ай бұрын
🖤Thank you for the feedback! I've since given the movie a 2nd watch because I really enjoyed it. I plan to react to the next one at some point, I'm told it's worth it.
@Anthonylokison 3 ай бұрын
OMG, you spent so much time trying to figure out if this was really happening or if it was all in Cartmen's head that it took away the enjoyment of watching you react to all the jokes.
@akathebaronreacts 3 ай бұрын
🖤I mean, Cartman does that kind of stuff all the time XD
@Twisted_Logic 4 ай бұрын
Dig the editing! And not even Sam Elliot was sure what exactly his purpose was in this movie. Imo he's there to set a certain tone to the proceedings, like a tall tale told around a campfire. Plus, it's an excuse to work with Sam Elliot, and who wouldn't want to do that?
@akathebaronreacts 4 ай бұрын
🖤Thank you, I appreciate that! Yeah, I was totally there for Sam Elliot being there, even if for most of it I was like "wait, WHY is he narrating the movie?" LOL. Yeah, often with voice over narrations it just sort of "is" but it did give it a little something different, like a "tale around a campfire" feel.
@TetroV75 4 ай бұрын
"Good night, sweet prince" came from Shakespeare's Hamlet
@akathebaronreacts 4 ай бұрын
🖤My uncultured ass is yelling on myself 😂
@TetroV75 4 ай бұрын
The Dude Abides!
@spurgurius 4 ай бұрын
You're A Delight
@akathebaronreacts 4 ай бұрын
@milsturner4life 4 ай бұрын
great video!!
@LegRyansshagwagon 4 ай бұрын
Knowing both movies so well this made me VERY uncomfortable
@TetroV75 4 ай бұрын
It's funny how the main three guys didn't change their names... and it's good to see Conan doing something! 😀
@akathebaronreacts 4 ай бұрын
🖤FOR FREE FULL-LENGTH VERSION OF THIS REACTION, HEAD TO MY PATREON: www.patreon.com/akaTheBARON SORRY FOR THE WATERMARK. NBC Universal was being difficult. I opted to try a watermark to get past the video being blocked instead of editing the video down a 4th time LOL.
@Endlesshadowsxoxo 4 ай бұрын
This was filmed at The Waldorf Estate of Fear in Lehighton Pennsylvania an absolutely wicked haunted attraction! The place is twice as claustrophobic as it seems on film lol
@akathebaronreacts 4 ай бұрын
🖤I would absolutely love to check it out. Either with nothing going on just to see it, or if it was being used as a haunted house for Halloween season.
@Endlesshadowsxoxo 4 ай бұрын
@@akathebaronreacts You definitely should! They have paranormal groups there all the time! But I highly recommend going for Halloween. They have this awesome corn maze and I think before covid they had zombie laser tag. It's truly in the middle of nowhere and it's just a really fun time. 🙃
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
@Dman425 5 ай бұрын
I think you mean role. Not roll
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤Sorry I didn't explain it in enough detail, but I can understand the confusion. What I meant to say was, while on the set of Charlie's Angels, he was having lunch but wasn't very hungry so he only ate a small roll. This is important because Drew Barrymore noticed this and it's what initially started a conversation between these two and the rest is history. Yes... that's what I'll be telling people who notice that I spelled it "roll" XD.
@TetroV75 5 ай бұрын
I'm glad you watched this so I don't have to 😂
@TetroV75 5 ай бұрын
Jeff Goldblum? WTF 😂
@TetroV75 5 ай бұрын
I never did get around to see this one... though I got pulled aside once at the mall to watch some scenes before it came out in theaters
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤NOICE! That inside sneak peak!
@TetroV75 5 ай бұрын
@@akathebaronreacts yeah it was like test marketing by focus group or whatever
@skyrushyesminderaserno1150 5 ай бұрын
That Lemon post credit scene is hilarious!
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤So funny and very satisfying XD
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
@TetroV75 5 ай бұрын
South Park being South Park... based 😂
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤I'm glad they're still going strong. They were trying to get cancelled for a while there, but they snapped out of it I guess XD
@TetroV75 5 ай бұрын
@@akathebaronreacts I maintain my beef with them over their Mormon stuff, but I will say that Trey Parker and Matt Stone will never bend the knee 🫡
@BlueRaven243 5 ай бұрын
The girl that was freaking out..was freaking out. But she's right too. Natalie Portman/Ventrus both had different agendas that they didn't tell the crew
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤I gave this a rewatch less than a week later, I really enjoyed it.
@TetroV75 5 ай бұрын
Really cool popup facts!
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤For legal reasons I have to say I didn't rip off Pop-up Videos 😁
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
@TetroV75 5 ай бұрын
I did, and I wasn't disappointed! 😆
@TetroV75 5 ай бұрын
You got to meet Adrianne Palicki? I'm so jelly, she's amazing 🤩
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
She seemed really nice.
@letheas6175 5 ай бұрын
Yes, there was an online Warhammer game, I think the most influential (but being set inside the ''old world'' of Warhammer) was Warhammer Online, my favourite MMORPG ever, way better than World of Warcraft. Fuck, I've gone on one of my ramblings about this game huh. Don't I sound like a virgin now, thing is, no gay guy can ever be a virgin since we have Grindr & don't have to listen to hours of boring stuff by woman untill we get to the point that's interesting. ANYWAY
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤I've only ever played WoW Classic. I've always been curious about Warhammer, but as I mentioned in the video, regarding the video games at least, there seem to be so many.
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤FOR FREE FULL-LENGTH REACTIONS (Not currenly doing full length reactions to season 26th of South Park), HEAD TO MY PATREON: www.patreon.com/akaTheBARON
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
@freedomgundam95 6 ай бұрын
@matesdemedia8910 6 ай бұрын
Thats not the same cerveza cristal
@techguy943 6 ай бұрын
I don't think people care about the design of the cans or bottles The jingle is just catchy
@matesdemedia8910 6 ай бұрын
@@techguy943 not about the design, is a completely another product from a different country
@Christianmuyhombre 6 ай бұрын
Thia Is a peruan beber. The original Is chilean. It's the sale thing that we saw that coca cola Is canadian
@techguy943 6 ай бұрын
@@matesdemedia8910everyone's more into the jingle rather than the origin of the drink
@mialehergal3211 6 ай бұрын
​@@techguy943es de CHILE la publicidad original y punto ! No peruana
@akathebaronreacts 7 ай бұрын
🖤FOR FREE FULL-LENGTH VERSION OF THIS REACTION HEAD TO MY PATREON (formerly on buymeacoffee): www.patreon.com/akaTheBARON
@akathebaronreacts 7 ай бұрын
🖤FOR FREE FULL-LENGTH VERSION OF THIS REACTION HEAD TO MY PATREON (formerly on buymeacoffee): www.patreon.com/akaTheBARON
@silversnail1413 8 ай бұрын
Great video, kudos for being one of the few on KZbin willing to react to this. You're right about the script, a lot of scenes were improvised and made up on the fly. There were also some gags that Tom Green had come up with during the run of his TV show but couldn't do because they were too extreme. The scene where he wears the elk skin, for example, was inspired by an incident where Tom and his writing partner were driving through British Columbia while working on the show. Tom's writing partner spotted a dead deer on the road and excitedly suggested that they should do a skit on the show where he skins a dead deer and wears its pelt. Tom didn't want to do it because he thought it was too gross and controversial at the time but ended up bringing it back for the movie, where they could at least fake it convincingly instead of him having to actually do it for real.
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤Yikes! I thought I've been getting alerts for new comments. Not the case or would have responded earlier. Ok so a lot of gags were just from stuff they didn't use for the show? That tracks LOL. I loved the Tom Green show. Only saw the MTV version for the most part, but was able to locate some Canadian episodes at one point.
@ladycaruso 8 ай бұрын
Hilarious reaction to this awesome movie! I am SO happy to see that you left in my favorite line of the entire movie, “Porn is bad”. None of the other reaction vids I’ve seen have left it in 😂.
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤Sorry for the late reply. I don't have alerts for new comments set up right I think and see I have a bunch I haven't replied to. Would have replied sooner LOL. But other reactors leave that part out? It's hilarious the way he delivers it XD!
@ladycaruso 5 ай бұрын
@@akathebaronreacts Ha, no worries! Yeah so many left it out, but that one moment had me ROFLMAO. 🤣
@samuelmoulds1016 4 ай бұрын
yeah, mine is, "We're going to play a game: 'Shut Up, Unless You're Me!' "
@akathebaronreacts 4 ай бұрын
@@samuelmoulds1016 🖤"Ok but we're not cheap. We can't do it for less than... $5,000" (she stops writing a check for 10K) XD
@samuelmoulds1016 4 ай бұрын
@@akathebaronreacts yeah, there were SOOOH MANY fantastic lines in this movie! I have been waiting and waiting for the sequel! I hope it doesn't end up like "RED3" !
@user-sx7yt1yo5i 8 ай бұрын
Calling Ryan Gosling a silly goose made me giggle
@666scottypotty 9 ай бұрын
If the thing can only imitate living tissue they should have checked every ones teeth for fillings and dental work.
@akathebaronreacts 5 ай бұрын
🖤Sorry for the late reply. I don't have alerts for new comments set up right I think and see I have a bunch I haven't replied to. Would have replied sooner LOL. But yeah, fillings would have been a dead giveaway, good point. I don't see how it would have known about 'alterations' to the body just by using DNA alone.
@evanirvana500 9 ай бұрын
I love the fun facts you supplied. Usually I do that in comments! I think best actor award goes to jed, the husky/wolf that started the movie. He was so good at his job that apparently other actors avoided him because he was "eerie". How do you train a dog to have those weird expressions that most of the time even before he reveals who he is, even the most dog loving reactor is grtting uneasy. Esp that expression as he watched them bring in the remains of the thing from the norwegian camp. That was very un-dog. And I think basically all the ppl that were assimilated was basically by the same thing. There wasn't multiple things but one that could release an appendage or whatever to get someone else. It has 'Alien' vibes too. Here's a question I ask everyone but have yet to get a response. John carpenter had said he'd be up for making a sequel with the popularity of the movie now and renewed interest. My question is how would you do it 40 years later?
@akathebaronreacts 9 ай бұрын
🖤Yes, the award for Best Good Boy goes to Jed! I loved White Fang as a kid, it was cool to find out this was the same dog. And thank you for the feedback on the random facts. I've only done if for two reactions so far, so I love hearing whether or not people like them to know if to keep doing them. So far seems like people like them. Good question as far as a sequel goes. Since they didn't establish on camera whether or not The Thing was killed, it would likely have had to survive and just be frozen in ice, maybe one of the two DID get assimilated and like they said its goal would be, to go into a hibernating freeze until "rescued." Maybe it's not found for 40 years. However they find it, likely they would think it's a "dead body" I would like them to keep it frozen until they get to their base, hopefully far away from Antarctica to change scenery since this movie, and the prequel were both in an arctic setting. But if they do make a part 2 I hope Carpenter stays true to using practical effects, at least for the most part. Using some modern-day technology can only help if they strictly use it as support. But I like my animatronics and puppets LOL.
@evanirvana500 9 ай бұрын
@akathebaronreacts I loved White Fang too! Also if you ever saw "The Adventures of Natty Gann", whicb also featured our good boy, Jed. It was a 'decent' movie. Jed played a protector of a young girl running away. It has a lot of great close interactions with Jed, who truly was an amazing actor! I had a wolf once years ago, my Lobo was the best animal I ever had. He was a white wolf and had been raised by ppl from birth so he didn't know how to wolf so he couldn't be released. I miss him every day. And I agree with the sequel. I think it would be interesting to have global warming start to melt the ice The Thing might have been frozen in. Oh absolutely, must be practical effects! It's so fun watcbing younger reactors who were raised entirely on cgi with limited practical effects exposure . One even said before watching this movie he wasn't expecting much because it was "just" practical effects, so it wouldn't be as good. He changed his mind fast! It horrified many who were almost puking. It looks too real. Our brains can tell the difference between real and whats cgi, esp when you get close up. It looked real because it was real. Those puppets were in the same space as the actors and no matter how good the actor, theres a diff between seeing them interacting with a green screen to an actual thing. Anyway, great reaction! Pls do add fun facts, they were great. Plus you'll avoid ppl in comments supplying sane facts and repeating continually. Might I suggest some more obscure movies? 2006 "The Pulse", featuring Ian Somerhalder of Vampire Diaries fame and Kristen Bell. Also "Lights Out" which was a great but freaky movie, "The Ring" and "The Grudge".
@KaliU-ix2kf 9 ай бұрын
@Arnoldman-ep9gw 9 ай бұрын
Or did the thing crash
@akathebaronreacts 9 ай бұрын
🖤Possibly. Instead of causing the crash indirectly by wreaking havoc on the ship like it did in the two bases on Earth, it may have seen they were approaching a planet and crashed the ship itself knowing it could live/spread there. I'm curious as to what Carpenter will do to explain the thing further if he does decide on a sequel. If he's not involved tho, I don't want one LOL.