@Hades69099 29 күн бұрын
13:04 batman and robin was a lot better than I expected when I sat down and watched it, it was very straight forward, just a ton of action sequences through interesting sets. It was a movie that didn't waste time,
@DJ-ps3st 2 ай бұрын
Thomas Jane can come back and voice Frank Castle
@DJ-ps3st 2 ай бұрын
Insomniac games can make a punisher game rated m
@RedOutlaw1911 4 ай бұрын
I really want a punisher game more then anything than a daredevil game.
@mrjakelong 4 ай бұрын
TheHawkDiesel date with destiny is my favorite teen titans episode please comment to me in respond
@Kaden10 4 ай бұрын
Max payne music is spot on for Mr. Freeze.
@kiumemungala 4 ай бұрын
Mr. Freeze is my all-time favourite Batman villain. I really want him to be the main antagonist in the sequel. I’d love to see an iteration of the BTAS iteration. Even if he was slightly more sinister I’d still like it. If they actually pull it off and do everything right, it’ll be my personal favourite Batman movie.
@broomracingromain 5 ай бұрын
like this suit mix wit hscren crush and for sue fo construction an dstolen by mr freeze and suing liquid nitrogen mr freeze using liek no country for old men na d maybe not tmpertatue ebut liek oteh robnnlie perosn mention g with ????
@StarTheWishMaster 6 ай бұрын
Teen titans go is a crime against humanity. HOW DID WE GO FROM THE GOAT TOO A MANCHILD?
@TonyBDZ1133 6 ай бұрын
Nothing will ever disappoint me more than Arkham Knights best should have been a masterpiece open world RPG Batman come on how did they mess that up
@turtleanton6539 6 ай бұрын
Idiots 😅😅
@AmNiceGuy 6 ай бұрын
So fucking real about retrospectives. I love seeing behind the scenes and love for the games but it’s so frustrating because so many don’t even give games the chance before bashing it
@puffpuffpassmako 7 ай бұрын
Features I would love is Open World with a Slum District, City, Suburbs, and Industrial District Interrogations need to return. When fighting enemies, you can interrogate specific enemies to unlock side mission locations and collectibles Side Activities. Imagine if during free roam you can stop drug busts, dismantle sex trafficking rings, destroy arms caches, and stop random muggings/assaults Morality system: The game will have a meter that judges how you play. The game will let you be merciful or sadistic towards criminals. Leaving them alive after interrogations will increase public perception of Punisher and get the law off your back/civilians will help you with info, but sparing criminals will have very little upgrade point handouts. Or go all out punisher and leave no criminal alive, with public perception being negative and the police actively searching for you, BUT you're rewarded with more upgrade points the more brutal you are Battle Van. Punisher will have his trademark van to get around, and no I will not have it like the batmobile segments. The van will only be for transport and hold your weapons you got through looting enemies or story progression Be its own thing. I love the comic storylines, but an original story would be a refreshing take on the character Villains. Punisher has some evil and downright disturbing rogues. Having Ma Gnucci, Jigsaw, Russian, Bushwacker and Baracuda would be amazing Wanted System: Your actions, like GTA, will affect the law's response. Massacring criminals will give you notoriety and police will start searching for you. The ways to get your wanted level down are: Hide in one of your many safe houses, tear down wanted posters, phone in Micro to hack into the database and wipe your record (can only be used once, then a cooldown will start) Micro: Micro will be your best ally. He's got all the upgrades and weapons and you can even pay him for special favors such as lower your wanted level or summon drones to assist you in combat. Micro will have access to the "Black Market" where you can buy Costumes, Weapons, Armor, medkits, and Battle Van customization. Micro will even give you discounts and occasional free items (in exchange for helping him with favors) Punishment Mode: With every enemy you down, Punisher will have a skull meter that fills up. Once full, Punishment Mode can be used. When activated, Frank will go into a PTSD, rage driven frenzy. He will become invincible and drop the weapons he's currently holding. He will then massacre any enemy you go near with his bare hands until the meter drains Combat: Like GTA, shooting will be the main focus, however Frank will also have knives, clubs and his barehands to fight utilizing his marine background. One Shot Environmental takedowns will be here as well (grabbing bear bottles and stabbing enemies, mashing enemy heads into car doors kingpin style, throwing enemies into electrical fences, burning enemies faces on hot surfaces etc) Stealth: Frank will be able to go in quietly. However unlike Batman, he is loud and his takedowns will alert nearby enemies. So stealth will not be encouraged much, but will be an option Romances and Relationships: Punisher has always been a loner, but doesn't mean he can't have casual flings or socialize. There will be a handful of female npcs frank can romance. IE, stop a girl from being assaulted at a bar and she and frank will hit it off. She'll have a few "date" side missions, which could add a humorous side to Frank since he's so quiet and not known for his social skills. Also, the morality system will tie into this. If a dateable npc sees you be too violent or your morality is too low, she'll be petrified of you and permanently cut you off Mini activities. Bars will be open for frank to drink, darts and play pool. He can also go to the shooting range for practice (the owner of the range could be an old marine he used to tour with)
@appleboss9742 2 ай бұрын
Bro this is amazing. That morality system is my favorite part you mentioned, it's kinda like the Infamous moral system
@Saulbreadman 7 ай бұрын
Gotham knights wasn't terrible but it wasn't good either. It was just a fun turn your brsin off and hit things kinds game. I enjoyed my 20 hour playthrough but have no incentive to ever play again.
@senormarston 7 ай бұрын
Loving your content, dude. Not only because of the information but the way you transmit it. pretty honest style
@glazzy4826 7 ай бұрын
Comparing Gotham Knights to Avengers and Kill the Justice League is crazy. It's more similar to Arkham Origins if anything, an experimental spinoff made by a different studio, the same studio for both of those games in this case
@shadowaccount 7 ай бұрын
Good video dude.
@travishunstable5283 7 ай бұрын
I actually enjoyed Gotham knights its biggest mistake was being too short with not enough villains
@Razyel2340 7 ай бұрын
Ngl I thought Gotham Knights was fine. I just wish the combat and movement didn’t feel so slow compared to Arkham.
@hoovybeast0594 7 ай бұрын
Was a good video until the AI art. Like you can't criticise anything, then use AI art, that's like shooting from a glass house imo. It's your video tho
@chrisj320ac3 7 ай бұрын
They were made for money, not for people.
@NomadH02 7 ай бұрын
Never will I ever play a purely MCU marvel game. That oversaturated shit is killing itself and giving marvel itself a bad name at this point
@huntertomblin1946 7 ай бұрын
Bundles of sticks
@carlosnataniel3801 7 ай бұрын
Suicide squad was a concept nobody wanted with it’s potential to be a good game squandered by sweet baby inc
@KnucklestheEcidna 7 ай бұрын
To appease the investors more then anything now.
@yujunkonarukami 7 ай бұрын
I remember seeing this film on Netflix and I remember thinking that this was the best super hero movie I had ever seen unfortunately I forgot what it was called so I couldn't see it again until I found this video.... thanks alot.
@spaztec8285 7 ай бұрын
My brother who loves batman and spiderman so much he'll endure through anything with them in it no matter how much it pisses him off
@senormarston 7 ай бұрын
I hope the trend of these kind of games end soon; I miss the XBox 360 days where many quality AAA games were released
@A_Nameless_Ghoul3301 7 ай бұрын
I actually enjoyed the story of the Avengers. It wasn’t anything original, but it was pretty good from start to finish. Kamala was a great protagonist and her coming of age story was a great way of having her be our eyes into the world. It seems like Crystal Dynamics nailed the storytelling, but was forced to add the live service elements which completely ruined the game.
@JoshJr98 7 ай бұрын
I actually liked Gotham knights, especiallly compared to the other games here. It’s not Arkham but I found some fun in it
@jeremyrivera7079 7 ай бұрын
The "live service" comes from the corporations. And the mid stories come from writers who want to please "modern audiences" by being as dull, inoffensive, and cookie cutter as possible
@SirShadeyy 7 ай бұрын
Gotham Knights was fun to run around in with friends, that’s about it
@tonybamalaboni3868 7 ай бұрын
"And it didn't take a retrospective for me to appreciate it either" subbed
@habibuabdullahi5866 7 ай бұрын
great work you have a bright youtube career ahead of you bro
@thamimajozi9827 7 ай бұрын
Like for Hogwarts Legacy, WB really did eveybody dirty. Instead of just adding more content like Quidditch into to the game they decide to create a whole new game. I don't think they understand that yes people got Hogwarts but they also brought it as a f.u to all the woke people against J.K Rowling. Like I highly doubt people will buy that Quidditch game rather just mod it into Hogwarts Legacy.
@lukeschmidt7136 7 ай бұрын
“A good question; for another time.”
@ParisPK 7 ай бұрын
If you guys want a really good superhero team based game, I highly recommend Guardians of the Galaxy, it is so so good
@chriswilliams8159 7 ай бұрын
The answer is these games weren't made for fans/gamers but for Consumers, the ones who'll take anything without asking a single question, and are willing to pay shit ton for it. At least that's what their respective studios and/or their parent companies thought.
@Dustemikkel_Rev 7 ай бұрын
I'm actually playing Gotham Knights at the moment, and I find myself ... enjoying it. The fact I expected it to be bad may factor in, but I'm having fun nevertheless. I did also play Avengers and I did not enjoy it at all. Gotham Knights was a way more enjoyable experience to me. A bit grindy and repetitive yes, but I'm having fun dagnabbit! As for Suicide Squad, it just doesn't appeal to me at all. But to each their own. Why I enjoy Gotham Knights is a mystery to me, but ... I do.
@stevecavalle 7 ай бұрын
For Money
@NomadMonkey396 7 ай бұрын
It's simple really, combine the success with Fortnite and other live service games with superheroes. The problem is that people are tired of superhero movies and devs think they can attract them with video games. Hopefully this is the end of superhero live service games.
@Webwalkerz 7 ай бұрын
One is worse heavily than the others Right ssktjl
@haydenlee3293 7 ай бұрын
Executives, next question
@maxhocks2006 7 ай бұрын
They were made for destiny/fortnite players. Not cuz they wanted to make a great game with a great story, but because they wanted infinite money
@loselot6044 7 ай бұрын
As my personal opinion as someone who tried all 3, I felt like Avengers was fun... for the first 2 hrs. Gotham Knights was fun. It was no Batman Arkham, but it was fun. I couldn't stand Suicide Squad it's so mean spirited for no reason. Keep in mind that I bought all of these on sale after the game came out
@ihatevnecks7015 7 ай бұрын
Gotham Knights isn't a live service game though? It has no season pass or ongoing DLC content, it doesn't sell anything via mtx, it doesn't even require a connection.. It's a literal single player narrative game, a one-and-done release, with optional co-op. That's it. If you don't like the game then great, but instead of asking your watchers to explain why they like it, why don't you explain how it fits in a rant about live service games?
@returnofthejoe2285 7 ай бұрын
What about thunderbolts kill the avengers?
@CallMeGreggles 7 ай бұрын
And then you get “those” people who just say “well it made billions of dollars so you’re wrong” like bruh
@davidcase8635 7 ай бұрын
The Joker haunts Batman as well.