New Co-Op Mod: CXL | Starcraft II
12 сағат бұрын
@Louis-fs1yf 10 сағат бұрын
Looks like an easy week for tychus karax and swann, pretty sure they're S tier.
@ramaadhie 10 сағат бұрын
believe it or not, i manage to finish this weekly mutation at my 3 attempts. its 25 minutes long because i am not attacking. i am focusing to defend mine and my ally base. i am not taking my expansion zone, coz i don't think i can't defend it. basically i am just fully walled the middle path ways and side to my base with warpgate and bunch of cannon. at the first i am only helping my teammates using the top bar abillity and start helping to clear the shuttle with phoenix when i feel our base are safe. i'm using artanis btw. p.s. teammates should used a specified commander that can fight alone at the start like thycus, fenix, zeratul,stetboy, and kerrigan.
@cometasteroids7761 12 сағат бұрын
Goddamn how many hours did u put into coop alone? Great vid, thanks for mutation showcase
@rustyskeleman 22 сағат бұрын
Is it supposed to be "Special Devilry"?
@user-ti4di1uh2d Күн бұрын
I feel like you’d have much less trouble with this mutation playing defensive commander and just camping at the conduit.
@baumanmarketinggaming Күн бұрын
You don't need vision for deploying science facility or even terrain being explored! Stetmann's healing works the opposite way of how normal medics work! Instead of spending energy on healing, Stetmann gains energy by healing and spends it on creating units, so first thing you need to do is get a hatchery, make 2 pairs of zerglings and set them to attack that hatchery so Stetmann can heal it continuously and make units (hydralisks the best). That way you can create substantial army before moving out without spending any resources, just make sure you are not supply blocked! Expansion can be a bit delayed! I also recommend getting self-repair option for structures & the attack speed in eng. bay before getting healing upgrades!
@user-te8vo6oo7f Күн бұрын
Ты скуф You're a skoof
@Linsquip_ Күн бұрын
Every comment you make toward your team up to 11 minutes are just rude and you seem annoyed at him for even existing. While I understand you may have a friendship at that level you just come off as conceited or overly negative. Not a fun watch.
@JarlDarthM3rlin 2 күн бұрын
Stukov p4 is best
@Danimally 2 күн бұрын
Is there any reason why you don't create air units? Are those units not good? I love to use them, so I would like to understand if there's a point not using them, to improve my game.
@drakZes 2 күн бұрын
IS this a MOD or what are these commanders? I am not familiar with this?
@cbalinefourcba4615 2 күн бұрын
huh? they are one if the oldest official co-op commander tho? one of them is even F2P. Do you mean prestige system or something?
@cbalinefourcba4615 3 күн бұрын
Gotta ask though. Recently I got the "free commander, but lock at level 5" bug so often. I have got it quite a few times in the past, but usually they will go away eventually before long. But this past week, its been like this quite often and won't go away. Does anyone know how to fix or the cause of this? I have all the commanders and all the prestige btw including the 3 free commanders.
@ThisIsntReallyMyRealName 3 күн бұрын
Its the backend. As far as i know there is nothing we can do to fix the issue. The cause is unknown, however apparently “blizzard“ fixes something different every time until it works again. We can only hope they accidently fix it on the long term. With they i mean the few server engeneers that were retired 3 years ago like evryone else but occaisonally come back for maintainance and gamebreaking bugs like this. Also it doesn't happen on all servers at a time for some reason.
@cbalinefourcba4615 2 күн бұрын
@@ThisIsntReallyMyRealName Ah thats unfortunate. It is especially annoying this time so I was hoping there is something we can do ourselves to at least by pass.
@CtG-Games 21 сағат бұрын
Try this: It's not a guarantee, but there is some probability of it working, according to testimony.
@zhongyiqian5176 3 күн бұрын
NA starter commanders still Lv 5
@CtG-Games 21 сағат бұрын
Try this: It's not a guarantee, but there is some probability of it working, according to testimony.
@Biostalker420 3 күн бұрын
My free commanders are all locked at level 5. 5 Years of bug reports.
@cooper-lp9us 3 күн бұрын
would share power in normal missions and in complex mutations. For example. Alarak p3 in normal missions - it is ibma. But with difficult mutators not cool choice. My top universal prestiges for serius mutations: Karax p3. Stetmann p2. Tychus p3. Mengsk p3. Nova p3.
@bryanfresh 4 күн бұрын
Hey Brother, I need help completing the Roach Rampage achievement. I think killing infested in Dead of night doesn't count.
@baumanmarketinggaming 5 күн бұрын
Swann's range is fine, but it's only +1, healing is a big deal! With Regenerative Bio-steel units can actually outheal lurker attacks! For the 2nd game you should have gone to overall CXL launcher to read main improvement to Artanis! He has flying archons which are insane and also every zealot that dies makes 1 dragoon warped at 40% discount! In most cases you wanna mass flying archons so you have plenty of minerals to mass nexus and get more Spear of Adun energy regen!
@allenbocephus 5 күн бұрын
I guess they do kinda resemble tuna fish 😂
@Eloryan 5 күн бұрын
"Bio-Steel's [...] and can regen in combat" yeah cool, that was already the case x) The regen was not blocked because of combat lol
@AlexanderTselovalnikov 5 күн бұрын
Funny experience 😅 I wish I could play as good as CtG does ❤ thanks for the video!
@adalgisounoqualunque9033 5 күн бұрын
Thanks CTG for checking out the mod. If someone is interested, I suggest using the launcher, found by writing "CXL COOP" in the Custom-Arcade section. In the launcher there is the complete list of the commanders' changes and the upcoming ones and the single maps and the preferred enemy comp. Changes for instance that for every zealots that dies, Artanis gets a discount Dragoon, kind of lore accurate. And many more changes who are not listed in the regular commander choice screen before starting the game. There is also the link to the discord where new ideas can be given.
@glenmcgillivray4707 5 күн бұрын
I'm a little sad he didn't realise his power field acts as a teleporter for combat units, or explore the other advantages he had. He got caught up in the Nexus boost and forgot the rest 😅
@tuetenfrog3142 5 күн бұрын
Dead of night
@spookyfoxpl 5 күн бұрын
I love that kind of mutation, because I just can get any commander and just see what happened. I've play this with almost every commander and I gotta say - Tychus, Nova and Zagara are just overpowered like hell. AND! Raynor with 100% more life in bio units also for me is S-tier. H&H also good, but not so much...for me is a A-tier
@quwarq 5 күн бұрын
From Artanis onwards, I skipped no one, but can't remember if the Alarak or Arcturus discussions, one of them got too long for my liking with no new info, so that was a skip forward halfway through to the next commander, NOT because of who they are, but how the conversation was not going anywhere.
@Jedrex899 6 күн бұрын
As for the question about the watchtime (that you asked during H&H) - I usually watch all the commander sections from start to finish, though I usually skip the Rankings part at the end where you adjust commanders in the tier. If in the very final tier list I see some strange arrangement then I check it out to find reasons, but all the commander explanations I find enjoyable to listen to. No need to say it but usually it's more fun when there are 3 of you guys there for different perspectives, no matter if brutation is easy or hard.
@findlaura3543 6 күн бұрын
I watch entire video, don't really have a bias for or against any commander, just wanna hear the insights & strategies overall
@kalorathekau 6 күн бұрын
If I have time, I'll watch the whole video. If I'm tight on time that week, I'll just watch section/s that are most relevant to me that week. Sometimes that'll include H&H, or it might not; depends on the week
@ParallaxSolution 6 күн бұрын
Ran it with stukov P3, very easy mutation. Won handily even with a level 5 artanis ally. Don't be discouraged if your partner is uncapped.
@Jedrex899 6 күн бұрын
As P3 Alarak you can easily clear all the locks + bonus before 12min mark, even with this mutation. The best way to deal with ally going for the bonus is to just get the bonus quickly yourself - usually it leads to much faster win.
@prowpresser896 6 күн бұрын
Zagara felt like S Im a coop noob and I still solod the whole map in 17 mins, her army is too fast for orbital or beam to matter. Also Id say HH section is more interesting than Tychus or Dehaka (both always S since both broken), With HH there is more insight
@rachelkling5619 6 күн бұрын
@chickenrice6606 9 сағат бұрын
not really, every commander got different strong points, in this mutation zagara did good on trade unit
@zhongyiqian5176 6 күн бұрын
Reynor Kerrigan Artanis reset to level 5 what do I do
@jkkim6928 6 күн бұрын
Just wait it out. It could take a couple weeks
@theowlogram888 5 күн бұрын
I had this when I logged in with my Steam account, using a Blizzard password fixed it
@chickenrice6606 5 күн бұрын
send a request to support it will be faster
@CtG-Games 21 сағат бұрын
Try this: It's not a guarantee, but there is some probability of it working, according to testimony.
@hameedrafiee1540 6 күн бұрын
I watch the whole thing including H&H, though I'm usually just curious to see how low they end up in the tier list...
@Louis-fs1yf 6 күн бұрын
Pretty easy mission, if you're under lvl use ur ally to carry u 🤫
@theoverarch6909 6 күн бұрын
I stick around for the whole thing tho i dont really care about h&h
@cooper-lp9us 6 күн бұрын
passed by everyone. And my opinion: Best: Swaun p2, Tychus p2, Mengsk p3, Vorazun p3, Karax p3, Zagara p1, Stetmann p2. Good: Reynor p1, Horners p1, Alarak p3, Stukov p1, Dehaka p3. Norm: Fenix p1, Zeratul p3, Kerrigan p2, Nova p1 Bad: Artanis p3.
@ekspert12340 6 күн бұрын
Super ez , finished in 14mins at the first attempt 😊
@noreal5856 7 күн бұрын
16:34 37:19 1:09:35 I wanna test the game 😅 You'll never see it comiiiiiiiiing 😢
@Matt-rw1qn 7 күн бұрын
What is that extra stat page that comes up on the right side of victory screen? How do you get that?
@cpt-qc 7 күн бұрын
It's called Starcraft Co-op overlay and is available from their github page.
@Kai_Wren 7 күн бұрын
For sure would love to see cam[ppaing play through. Also I have a suggestion for the next challenge - All Random. Scenario: random Brutal+ difficulty with different mutations each time. Commander and masteries deistribution are chosen randomly (Maguro overlay have such feature). Without upfront preparation gameplay should be real test of skills ! :)
@Louis-fs1yf 7 күн бұрын
kinda fun how some players get mad when u farm their minerals with mules, usually games dont last long enough to collect all.
@76c5 7 күн бұрын
i just wondering.... just how do you do that jumping without clicking the map??
@CtG-Games 7 күн бұрын
Camera hotkeys. You can assign spots on the map to hotkeys so you can jump to it whenever you need to look at that spot again. It's very helpful for managing multiple bases, especially in 1v1
@76c5 7 күн бұрын
Is it from F5 to F8?
@Kai_Wren 7 күн бұрын
In one other game I am playing CtG is abbreviation for Constantine the Great! So maybe CtGing means your name is Constantine and you keep being Great! :DDD
@leNNNNik 8 күн бұрын
Should i generally not rush my second base or is it just the case for this map?
@shiinashana4032 8 күн бұрын
zeratul is so strong
@leppergod566 9 күн бұрын
I was wondering if horners units are supposed to change their look to miralas style when you upgrade them or if it is a bug. Personally I prefer the look of horners ships so it saddens me to choose between upgrades and looks.