@bearfreeman7604 Күн бұрын
"What a blessing to see other meteorologists actually researching before regurgitating. I was asked to write about climate and the IPCC report straight out of college for a Hawaii news station. When I looked up the authors of the IPCC, I was disgusted to find out most of them were politicians and business people trying to make a name for themselves with personal websites having nothing to do with emergency management or weather. I only looked them up because I could not believe how false everything was thatI was I was reading. I ended up getting fired after sharing too many facts. I'm not with two national entities that I really feel good with. It's great not to be censored and be surrounded by people who look deeper instead of taking everything at face value".
@billystutz55 Күн бұрын
It’s funny that I searched for Prager U and this was the first video that popped up. No agenda here 😂
@johnfaulkner4007 2 күн бұрын
The CO2 emissions per capita in 2022 were about 15 tons. I would think cities would be less because of density.
@bearfreeman7604 2 күн бұрын
My comment exposing the lies in this video and the UNs 'hockey stick' has disappeared, just as the MWP etc disappeared from the hockey stick. Let's try to get them back..... theoutdoorphonestore.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Battle-of-the-Graphs-Mann-vs-Ball.jpg
@ThomasSmith-os4zc 3 күн бұрын
Plants breathe Carbon Dioxide and exhale Oxygen. They are lying to us. The Planet is greening.
@charleslittleton9367 3 күн бұрын
There is no climate crisis.
@notme4494 3 күн бұрын
@retbeart 5 күн бұрын
It’s completely foolish to think that humans are the main cause of climate change. If we’re to be cautious of the ideological motivations behind climate narratives, I’m more alarmed by the degrowth fanatics and anti capitalists who push climate hysteria and the ‘solutions’ we must enforce, top-down. If the US were to completely halt all CO2 production (which isn’t even a pollutant) it wouldn’t even make a dent in the climate projections.
@Detonator007 6 күн бұрын
That’s because FPL is I. The governors back pocket, FU Desantas
@jimmybrad156 6 күн бұрын
Woke alert! Turn on your exhaust fan.
@fedsmadegoodmade9070 7 күн бұрын
Stop your BS. You’ve just moved traffic elsewhere. You’re not showing it because you know plenty of people don’t use their brains, are brainwashed, and are just followers. The parallel roads are insanely congested because of this stupid choice. Stop manipulating people. We will always need cars, that’s the truth. Everyone should do their best to use bicycles or walk whenever they can. I agree 100%. But when you built your cities or when you needed a car, you used it and it was nice. Now you all pretend to spit on cars, yet those who tell me we don’t need cars are the ones using them the most. Hypocrites! I want to see all these “yes, let’s go green” idiots without food or goods because a vehicle didn’t bring it to the supermarket. They will be the first to cry for help. People, enough is enough. Stop saying nonsense. We’ve had 20 years of stupidity. Please open your eyes and see reality! For 20 years, most people have been pretending not to see. Now stop! Use bicycles as much as you can, yes, but enough BS about this. Instead, teach people to drive better: 1. Inflate tires properly. 2. Build elevated bridges at red lights to prevent stopping. 3. Use your brains while driving. 4. If there’s a red light 200 meters ahead, don’t accelerate. Focus when driving because cars anlre enoneered to do much better than how many are using them… like much much better in terms of gas saving, safety, longevity, general cost etc. THINK and study this and you will Learn and apply a lot! Let’s all work toward better and cleaner engines, but stop blaming engines 100% when they’re driven by low-brained people. Don’t you get drained from all the stupidity you’re watching, believing, and commenting on? They closed this road, and the parallel road is triple the traffic jam. It’s worse than ever!
@marycollins8215 7 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@mygaggs1 8 күн бұрын
Whois funding this video!
@charlessmith1144 10 күн бұрын
Ragers has it correct.
@blkmskpvd 11 күн бұрын
Of all the vehicles to cite in regard to the SUV loophole, the Expedition is a weird one since it’s a high clearance, body on frame, 5000lb, 4wd, can tow twice its weight and its built on the F150 platform. How is an expedition not a truck? There are dozens of other unibody crossover SUV models that exploit the standard with no off-road capability.
@roberttoegel8304 11 күн бұрын
What a pile of propaganda. First, they never tell you what an actual dangerous level is. The WHO lowered their "level" by a certain amount but never said why they picked that level. Methane us a greenhouse gas but I bet your local natural pond burbs out more methane than all the stoves in the neighborhood. Stoves produce NO2 because they burn natural gas cleanly with a high temperature flame. Same with your car. If it wasn't that clean, there would be more CO produced which is worse. The link to asthma is tenuous at best considering all the other factors in the environment. Might be more of a correlation than a cause and effect. All this sounds more like "scare tactics" than hard science.
@Twindragon-tu1wd 12 күн бұрын
Because the USA is now the United corporations of SCamerica and the people are fucocked . ❤😂🎉
@johnflores1723 12 күн бұрын
You lost me at WHO.
@ce3547 12 күн бұрын
The ubiquitous use of cycling as a mode of travel in the Netherlands has an ugly side: cyclist fatalists outnumber road deaths for any other mode. In 2022 alone, 291 cyclists died in the Netherlands, more than motorists or those who walked. Cyclist deaths represented 40 percent of the 737 road fatalities.Jan 8, 2024
@johannwolf1 14 күн бұрын
You mean NATO's war in Ukraine. Please.
@arerbacnitsua 14 күн бұрын
@2:42 doesn't that look like Albert Eisenstein?
@barbiedesoto7054 15 күн бұрын
I’m in Paris right now and it’s a huge difference from 10 years ago. There is so little traffic. And most of it in the congested areas are work trucks, buses and delivery trucks. The boulevards have much shorter crossing distances. Tons of bike parking now. It’s just amazing and much more pleasant and quieter.
@zeke5491 15 күн бұрын
Today’s trucks are ridiculous
@PartyIfIWantTo 17 күн бұрын
I’m sold. Ty so much. Who knew that boredom could lead me to this. Now I know.! Going get for both homes and my RV
@thereasonableconsumer 18 күн бұрын
Having options is the idea the U.S.A. was built on. If everyone used the solar water heater units, it would become a monopoly, and the prices for the units would skyrocket. That's why more Americans aren't using these.
@kelliefernald449 19 күн бұрын
The best selling car when fuel economy standards was the 18 foot long v8, rwd Chevy caprice. Currently the best selling car is the 18 foot long v8 F150. If people actually wanted small cars they would buy them, but they are buying essentially the same thing they have always wanted.
@khunlucie 19 күн бұрын
This is NOT utopia, this is reality. Your title is wrong. (I'm Dutch). Please use the right words.
@stringzar 20 күн бұрын
tldr; America is a ponzi scheme, and although there are great cars for $10k(Toyota Hilux Champ, BYD Seagull), just like there are great $50k houses...you'll never be allowed to buy them as that would only benefit the poorest 60%
@RosskillbaneC 20 күн бұрын
Them gas ones are so dangerous haha
@Simplebutgreat2 20 күн бұрын
Did you use a picture of Albert Einstein as Clarence Kemp?
@leptir7110 22 күн бұрын
@Fester_ 23 күн бұрын
Crap. You started with UFO stuff, repeating earlier comments. You should have got on with it. Down.
@conservativeview7233 24 күн бұрын
How much are you getting from Soros, Gates and multiple other billionaires. Really this is minimum to counter your dis and miss information
@muskett4108 26 күн бұрын
And how many millions fund the political alarmist climate dictate? So often paid from the government state with tax payers money. Heck, the biggest growth industry is fuelled by climate alarmism, and there is a right old merry go round for those that jump on it. A most obvious example is the disconnect between NASA public message and their actual data. Their statements suggest we should be alarmed, but 20 years of the best data yet doesn't show anything much to be alarmed about. Even the IPCC has diluted their original alarmist message. There is Climate Change, but nothing we shouldn't easily deal with. Certainly doesn't warrant keeping the poor poor by denying them cheap energy. What of Al Gore's doom prophesy of 20 years ago has come true?
@lwkleiner3208 27 күн бұрын
Nobody talks about the incredible benefits of CO2 and the harm that is created by our decarbonization program. CO2 is a plant fertilizer. As a result each acre of land is more productive while needing less water. Satellite images show that the earth is greening as a result of more CO2. The transition to all electric is an environmental catastrophe when you think about all the metric tons of earth that has to moved to harvest the critical metals including copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt, iron rare earth metals, etc. Just one wind turbine requires 600 to 1000 tons of concrete, 165 tons of steel, 3 tons of copper per megawatt of installed capacity, 1300 pounds of rare earth metal. Of course, these numbers can be a little lower or much higher for high megawatt turbines. A better way to calculate is by each megawatt of capacity. Other significant metals are zinc, manganese, chromium, molybdenum. Then there are the metals required to connect them into the grid. The operational lifetime is only 20 to 30 years. However where all this mining happens are areas that are highly polluted. Then one Tesla model S EV requires 62.6 kg of lithium, besides other metals. In the US alone, there are 2.4 million EVs and many more in China. The propaganda is working so well because skeptical scientists get no funding. Just search “the benefits of CO2” and you will be amazed how scammed most people are. Below 150 ppm, life isn’t possible. CO2 is not the lever that causes climate change. Climate change has always been with us and there are many factors that take a long time to list all of them. One big one are the Milankowitch cycles that cause ice ages. Because the level of CO2 lags by decades increases in atmospheric temperature, it can’t be the cause of climate warming. The reason is that most CO2 is dissolved in the ocean and when ocean temperatures rise, CO2 is released. Don’t believe all this propaganda. Just be a good steward and don’t pollute. Leave this planet in better shape by planting trees and be grateful.
@jamesthornton9399 27 күн бұрын
People all over the workd want what Europe Has. This has brought us to where global warming will accelerate the temp rise. Also people every where want to make more people. They all want the same thing. I can not see how we as a Species will survive an other 500 years.
@arthurvrielink3229 29 күн бұрын
Clean power, Nope. You create a weakspot in the earthcrust. Layers after layers have secured the crust, with bringing water in it you will weakening the crust and can causing a devestating effect on the planet. If you put water straight in, it can go into a fisher and this could reach even magma in the depth. So with it you will create weaknesses and even earthquakes. The well should be having a coating to secure water to move into the deap or into fishers.
@leptir7110 29 күн бұрын
@leptir7110 29 күн бұрын
@georgiaoldbiker Ай бұрын
Ever turn on electric stove/oven and have that toxic metal smell. We should ban immediately!! The world is full of too many dumb people who think they are smart.
@georgiaoldbiker Ай бұрын
Science has found breathing air will cause you to die.
@georgiaoldbiker Ай бұрын
Never heard of anybody getting sick from use of a gas stove or dying for gas stove and I am 65. This is another fake science from the deranged leftist.
@mjoelnir1899 Ай бұрын
The areas were you find permeable rock, water and heat are more common than talked about here. We are very far from exhausting those areas. Going to enhanced geothermal systems opens up nearly the whole world for geothermal power plants. It is actually strange how little geothermal energy is used for producing electricity, space heating and industrial applications. It produces energy 24/7/365, is inexpensive to run, costs far less to build compared to nuclear and is that abounded, it could provide all the primary energy needs of the USA for example.
@mtamech535 Ай бұрын
Was this channel made by Big Wind and Big Solar? It's not hard to make a propaganda video. This is a propaganda video as well. The truth is that it is impossible to pull off the tom foolery that is the green agenda without first turning the world into a 3rd world country. Do you know the environmental waste that comes from mining batteries. A whopping ton of rare earth metals are needed for EACH wind turbine, along with 500,000 TONS of concrete (FOR EACH ONE). Big Green DOESN'T work and steals billions of dollars from the tax coffers to give us less reliable energy from companies that oftentimes go belly up.
@ambergimbel Ай бұрын
Ummm agriculture transportation is one of the top producers of CO2. NYC's food transportation is the highest in the country. Mid-sized cities are far more sustainable than large cities for this reason. I used to work in NYC and it was full of trash, everyone eats at restaurants, and the businesses' recycling services are scarce, if any. All but one friend moved away from NYC to cleaner mid-sized cities like Miami, Denver, San Diego, and parts of Wisconsin and Minnesota.
@adrienbeauduin6307 Ай бұрын
I always hated Paris but last time I went, a friend gave me his bike and it was amazing. I still hate Paris, but transport is now great!
@GiacomoMilazzo Ай бұрын
Being a recent video is very strange that no mention has been made to the real revolution in geothermal: the deep and everywhere millimetric wavelength drilling by Quaise Energy. That's really seems the future.
@symbioticape Ай бұрын
I won't trust a word the WHO says
@gregderuiter583 Ай бұрын
It’s not propaganda it’s the truth !! There is no historical evidence at all of a leading correlation between atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature. Without it, the AGW theory simply falls apart, as 'climate change' is just a new-fangled term for global warming. 'Climate change' became the term to use when there was no warming at all between 1998 and 2016, despite ever increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere. After the strong El Nino of recent years we are now in a multi years-long 'pause' in temperature rise, even though CO2 concentration continues to rise inexorably. There are no trends at all in extreme weather events including hurricanes and floods, fire burn acreage is at one of its lowest points since records began, and sea level has been rising at a constant 2mm/year for the last 8,000 years - prior to that, between 15,000 years ago and 8,000 years ago it rose 110m after the end of the last ice age. So, there is no 'climate crisis' and 'climate scientists' (actually just modellers, and look at the mess they've made of things recently) have never got any predictions right. We can no more "tackle climate change" than we can turn back the tides - temperatures have gone up and down throughout history, irrespective of CO2 levels. So we must start seriously questioning the 'climate crisis' nonsense being peddled by our government - it will bankrupt us and bring unprecedented restrictions on our freedom of choice and way of life - for no benefit at all.
@ratelslangen Ай бұрын
You missed that cities and suburbs in the Netherlands are cut up into sections or made really windy, similar to us suburbs, except for walking and cycling, which have quick acces and even dedicated through fares, which means it the distance traveled by bike is way shorter than for cars, which really helps the bike win out for short to medium sized trips. Its not just traffic calming, its actively discourcouraging rat running and preventing car from taking the most direct route, and forcing them onto dedicated ring roads, which means for short distances even for a rally driver with empty streets, its quicker to go by bike than by car.