Watching the video on 2025. Watching this before heading to Duolingo 😂
@Home-O-ApathyКүн бұрын
Post more lol
@plantsmgee2 күн бұрын
Boknorsk and Nynorsk have something in common with Tiberian Sanskrit; they don't necessarily have the spoken words represented in the way they are written?
@UlfErlingsson2 күн бұрын
At 6:20 the pronunciation in type 1a is consistently backwards compared to the written English meaning. The first "anden" is 'the spirit' and the second "anden" is 'the duck', etc. They are all pronounced backwards in the video.
@hoptonn3 күн бұрын
7:55 as a Dane from Copenhagen with family in other parts of the country who speak other dialects, I would say that there are still a lot of dialects like sønderjysk that I can’t understand
@spacelemur79553 күн бұрын
Uh, check your pronunciation of Uppsala.
@anderslevenskog47324 күн бұрын
Jag har aldrig hört något annat begrepp än akut och grav accent. Sätta siffror på dem förvirrar bara. I med hembygd (skaraborg) är för övrigt grav accent mycket mer förekommande än i den dialekt som förekommer i klippet.
@Mantramurtim4 күн бұрын
@Mantramurtim4 күн бұрын
Jag växte upp i östra Värmland och skiljer på "kärna" med frontalt sj ljud och "stjärna" med lateralt, men min exfru från Karlstad och hennes dotter hade frontalt sj-ljud på bägge!
@Mantramurtim5 күн бұрын
Tomten gick på tomten 😂
@jusu89615 күн бұрын
This is how we mock swedish(im finnish) I thought everybody knew this.
@kristofferjohansson37685 күн бұрын
My parents have 2 8mm films named “Tomten” and “Tomten”. One is a christmas recording and the other from when they built our house. Always a surprise when we loaded either in the projector.
@thecooldolphin4706 күн бұрын
oh wow 6 years ago this must be from 2014 oh god
@johnatspray6 күн бұрын
4:30 is basically a Swede trolling you 😂 It’s like super hard for anyone who isn’t a native Swede.
@RadioNul7 күн бұрын
In Skåne they just add extra vowels
@STOPLIKEBEGGARS10112 күн бұрын
"And" is usually a mallard, since common domestic ducks are called "anka".
@STOPLIKEBEGGARS10112 күн бұрын
I'm Swedish and I never learned about this in school. As an adult I started wondering how there's a difference between anden (the mallard) and anden (the spirit/genie) but they're pronounced the same. I couldn't put my finger on it and did some research and found out. I also realized that's how I can hear that some people on radio and podcasts are immigrants even though they didn't have an accent and pronounced everything correctly. They didn't get the pitch right, and that gave this little inkling that something was off with their Swedish. I understand that it's hard to learn since I didn't really get it myself despite using it since learning to speak.
@plexusGD12 күн бұрын
I'm from Bulgaria and this applies here too! Very good video, it is truly sad that this situation is becoming increasingly more common in European languages.
@Riickastleey13 күн бұрын
I believe in Nynorsk supremacy🧎🏻♂️
@MarioFreuend15 күн бұрын
I didn't notice you made a video 8 months ago lol.
@franbokskogtillfjall15 күн бұрын
Bra gjort!
@themagiccookie261416 күн бұрын
This is pretty easy if left alone, but language never stops at one word each time you speak XD
@FolloweroftheWayTruthandLife16 күн бұрын
Look up Gleasons map.
@thehighwayman7816 күн бұрын
Dags för en reunion! Sverige, Norge, Finland, Danmark.
4:29 native speaker here. That stuff right there. If you start messing up the accent 1 and 2 thingy people won’t understand what you are saying. Haha.
@Tips-lk4nf18 күн бұрын
I like how you have the Estonia flag on the thumbnail but don't even mention Estonia 😢
@MinimaTheWarrior18 күн бұрын
Holy shit im swedish and never knew this
@perjohanaxell986218 күн бұрын
Väldigt pedagogiskt både första och andra genomgången. Önskar jag hade haft tillgång till detta när jag försökte vara sfi lärare. Också kul att upptäcka hur små variationer får klickar olika. När du visar 2b känner jag direkt att det är "rätt" eftersom det är mina hemtrakter.
@notsuspicious704318 күн бұрын
Ahh why is accent 1 so hard for be i up the pitch automatically??
@emappingvb412319 күн бұрын
Happy new year.🎉
@sarahisme70720 күн бұрын
Thank you!!! ❤❤❤ This was so helpful. Concise explanations with clear examples. I’m going to come back and watch this several times
@wizmizz20 күн бұрын
ananas is one of those words where you really hear the difference in accent
@spaceguy20_1221 күн бұрын
the fact we literally named our accents “accent 1” and “accent 2” like it was a phone shortcut
@schofres21 күн бұрын
I've tried to explain this so many times using curves of the tone but never understood the rules to this. Stort tack!
@hhyukhyhhg21 күн бұрын
We also have the same thing in danish. But in addition to the tonal emphasis, we also use "stød" (glottal stops) to differentiate. The word "Anden" can mean both "The duck", and "Another" depending on these things. Also the word for dog, "hund", and she, "hun", sounds very similar to non-danish speakers. The only difference being the glottal stop at the end of "hund". It can lead to some pretty funny misunderstandings when communicating with people trying to learn the language 🤣
@robustjonas22 күн бұрын
as a swede, I had no idea this was an actual thing, I just kinda new already.
@birgir339922 күн бұрын
are you swedish?
@Leugim01022 күн бұрын
lord have mercy
@nicklasveva22 күн бұрын
Jag anser personligen att rikssvenska är den renaste. Men bara om man tar bort all slang och förkortningar. T.ex. så känner jag många som säger "durr" istället för "dörr". Själv så säger jag ofta inte "jag" utan bara "ja" eller "jah". Det känns ju ganska sjävlklart att de flesta dialekterna inte kommer i närheten det originella uttalet. Norrländska har en speciell ton som helt klart förvränger originella uttalet. Skånska är helt klart fel, eftersom de är influerade av danskan. Dalmasar överdriver alla toner. Göteborgare har för hårda R och leker med tonerna för mycket. Jag tror att de kan vara lite influerade av norskan. Såklart tänker man ju att man själv har renaste dialekten... Jag är från Stockholm, men jag förstår också att vi förvränger språket förjävligt mycket. Jag ska inte säga att rikssvenska är den renaste bara för att vi bor i huvudstaden. Men vi får också tänka på att man klart och tydligt kan få stockholmare att uttala alla ord som det står i boken. En skåning kan inte det. De lägger till en massa bokstäver och läten. T.ex. "ordbok" uttalas mer som "eoRRdbjok". Vissa norrlänningar skulle uttala "ordboken" som "ordbokn" och modifierar R:et lite grann. Men om jag skulle vara tvungen att välja en dialekt som är närmst "riktig" svenska skulle jag säga att Uppsala tar vinsten. De är snäppet mindre förgiftade av slangifiering och ortensvenska.
@ralph12d23 күн бұрын
I'm native Swedish speaker myself and hardly recognize any of this, usually you understand similar spelling words like "duck" and "spirit" by context not pronunciation. I don't think any Swedish words will sound unrecognizable if the accent is a bit different, might even be a nice sounding thing. To speak "impressively" just get the messed up grammar almost right.
@guycalabrese404023 күн бұрын
Really primitive language... Without context lot's of words are off because there is no way telling how to pronounce them. The example in the video is just one of many confusing words. Another fun example is "banan" - depending on context it means eiither "banana" or "track" (like f i racing track). Stupid. There are many other words like this.
@roysigurdkarlsbakk384223 күн бұрын
This is more or less exactly the same as in Eastern Norwegian. Western Norwegian is a lot different, some dialects even have more tones. Northern Norwegian (from Nordland and up, basically) doesn't have tones.
@digerman324 күн бұрын
vad är det här för skit bryter reglerna efter en liten stund och säjer fel ett stort minus för det här
@Carloshache24 күн бұрын
Detta är ju knappast lätt för svenskar heller. Varje gång skådespelare som inte är från Skåne ska föreställa skåningar i film eller TV så blir det i princip ALLTID fel med tonaccenten / ordaccenten. Oftast gör de missar de oregelbundna exemplen som du beskriver och särskilt de felaktigt uttalade ortnamnen (Hörby" t.ex. uttalas inte med den vanliga skånska tonaccenten) blir extra pinsamma och tar ut en ur illusionen. Men tonaccenten / ordaccenten kan också skilja sig starkt i olika delar av Skåne. Som skåning kan det också lätt bli fel. När man kommer till Stockholm och börjar tala om t.ex. "Årsta" med sin skånska ordaccent så förstår inte stockholmarna alls vilken ort som syftas på. Lägg in ett skånskt skorrande R-ljud så blir det ännu mer exotiskt.
@mrdr953424 күн бұрын
"kvinner"... jag tror du glömde "'ätter" ;)
@dahSweep24 күн бұрын
Varför tittar jag på detta.
@Stelphy87624 күн бұрын
9:23 the mutually intelligable is like this: norwegian understands swedish and danish easily. danish understand norwegian more easily. and swedish understand norwegian easily but have a hard time with danish.
@Stelphy87624 күн бұрын
english is not distantly related to danish. danish is the germanic basis of english if you remove all the french and latin.