ALLAH or God   Is He the same
2 ай бұрын
Is the Bible reliable
8 ай бұрын
The challenges facing Islam
3 жыл бұрын
Bible on Racism
4 жыл бұрын
What is racism?
4 жыл бұрын
4 жыл бұрын
Who is Muhammad?
5 жыл бұрын
Jesus   Prophet, Messiah, God O0rODZWf1YE
Jesus or Muhammad debate
6 жыл бұрын
@brothersamigrace Күн бұрын
Have not seen anyone explaining this in such depth and so easy to understand as this. May Yahweh, the only True God, The Holy One of Israel bless you and keep you;. The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;. The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace" '. In Jesus' Precious Name. Amen
@planje4740 15 күн бұрын
- само што то нико не зна и то је сав проблем
@planje4740 16 күн бұрын
- дечко мој све да је Куран ма што //посланик не зна што је рај _ . највећа наслада задовољство што зна и спомиње често - је наслада тијела сексом //та стан човјече мало а што је тада блаженество духа //тотално не зна и нигдје никав запис о томе нема - а док то не зна онда не зна ни што је рај _ - сад какав је Куран - што важно ако не зна што је рај ко је могао послати посланика да прича људима финалну задњу закључну објаву за цивилизацију а не зна што је рај //да ли такав неко посланик ити чега може бити _ - а то је већ проблем на духовној разини вјере саме без обзира што пише у ма којој књизи и ко је говори //то су онда већ вјере које никада не могу постићи ни достићи никакво "више духовно просвјетљење" - и зато никада нико и не пише о томе _ - немаш три књиге кроз читаву историју о томе код њих - али ни код којих других //немају релација са тим и тотално и не знају нити то спомињу _ - шта ћемо сад - та ја нећу ништа јер не мислим писати вјере по којим ће се задовољити ниже страсти људи и жена - јер и не треба писати вјеру
@dubbelkastrull Ай бұрын
10:56 bookmark
@FaithandReason79 Ай бұрын
Your videos are very helpful
@FaithandReason79 Ай бұрын
Good work ❤
@bernard88888 Ай бұрын
1:17:02 Muß, Your knowledge is very limited. Have you ever read that what you quoted is taken exactly from the talmudic scriptures of the 5th century?
@bernard88888 Ай бұрын
44:50 Can you sheyk tell as were did you get the information about what language Jesus spoke? Is this debate about The New Testament or the qur'an??? I cannot believe how many deceivers are in islam
@bernard88888 Ай бұрын
40:53 Why lDl0TS never address the points but come out with dahwa narration?
@erafaanroberts6179 Ай бұрын
Pointless discussion 😂😂😂😂😂
@Ian-dq1tl Ай бұрын
Nah half of the claims abt allah are false. Who said allah only communicates in arabic? Allah doesnt love sinners? Where’s the second half to the statement?
@joshuaimoru9933 Ай бұрын
Interesting claim. "If all Qurans were destroyed, 3 seven years can be called upon to recite the Quran..." That is another lie. Do you know that Yasir Quadi, a top Islamic scholar refuted that when Muhammad Hijab asked him this same question. About Islam as a religion of peace. This Islamic debater lies. Infact, there are lot and lot of lies he vomited during this debate. Trying to present Islam in the light is not.
@joshuaimoru9933 Ай бұрын
If Muhammed cursed an orphan girl. He rained curses and abuses on his companions...
@joshuaimoru9933 Ай бұрын
The topic is if the Quran has been changed. But the Islam debater could not stay on topic. Instead of doing that, he went to attack the Bible or went ahead to preaching. He lost the debate outrightly.
@joshuaimoru9933 Ай бұрын
The True God that knows the limitations of His creation right from the time Moses will alway write it down. The first set of God's Laws were written with the Finger of God on a stones for presentation. God will always told His prophets "write these down." This is seen up to the book of Revelation. So why was it that when it comes to Muhammed it changed?
@WaddahAlyemen Ай бұрын
Yes i can read the second part as the first part has wasited ink and un clear parts but still i can read some words here and there. The second part is part of the chapter. Taha: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم طه ما أنزلنا عليك القرآن لتشقى* إلا تذكرة لمن يخشى * تنزيلا ممن خلق الأر ض والسموات العلى* الرحمن على العرش استوى .... I can keep going. It's un dotted arabic, and the font is un common, but it is still readable for arab speakers . What's your point?
@WaddahAlyemen Ай бұрын
You can order them online or you can go to lebanon or come to my table or you can ask Tommy or ask aunty elezabith or you can just take my word. 😂😂 Alhamdulellah the Holy Quran is preserved in our hearts, no force can take it away. I personally memorized quarter of it 7 juzz and the journey is on. 15 million people around the world memorize it by heart ❤️
@joshuaimoru9933 Ай бұрын
Which of the versions did you memorise?
@WaddahAlyemen Ай бұрын
@joshuaimoru9933 NIV 🤣🤣
@joshuaimoru9933 Ай бұрын
@WaddahAlyemen Islam prides itself on Quran's memorisation of a single book, forgetting that the Bible is a collection of books. That is why it is called the Bible, from the word "bibliography." It is a collection of at least 66 books. The book of Psalms alone has 150 chapters compared to 114 chapters of the Quran. So whether it is a Quran with 111, 114, 115, or 116, it chapters are not up to those of Psalms. And I have seen a child of 9 (the age Muhammed consummated marriage with Aisha) recited the whole 150 chapters of the book of Psalms at a standing in a Christian programme in Nigeria. So, that Christians don't pride themselves reciting the Bible doesn't say that people don't memorise it. Look at you and your claim of memorising just a quarter of the Quran, which is just 28.5 chapters, and you want to noise and pride yourself in that? Just accept it that it has all been lies that the standard narrative of Islam that the Quran has not been changed letter for letter, word for word, and jot for jot, has said recently by Yesir Quadhi, your 21st Islamic scholar, "has hole in it." One even said that "the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN), can be termed "lies to children." Can you imagine that? So, if SIN is "lies to children," and the recent debate is whether Muhammed even existed at all in the 7th century as claimed by Muslims, and it was only Muhammed that with his receipt of the Ayaaht, how can anyone claim that the Quran is from True God (YHWH)? The True God, YHWH, who appeared to Moses in the burning 🔥 bush, would later, in order to validate Moses as His Prophet appeared, fo
@joshuaimoru9933 Ай бұрын
...on the account of Moses to the bunch of children of Israel. Same was done to Jesus Christ. What do we have in the case of Muhammed? Only him with a being that never gave his name to Muhammed as Angel Gabriel, but was said to be Angel Gabriel to Muhammed by Kadajat's uncle who was a Christian historian. Muhammed was not a prophet from the True God (YHWH) that all other prophets before him represented. He adopted Allah, a title or name of a pagan God. He was no doubt a Prophet of Allah, but not a prophet of the God (YHWH) of the Jews and the Christians.
@WaddahAlyemen Ай бұрын
@joshuaimoru9933 closed mind is a waste of time, but I'll give it a shot. Allah is the Semitic name of the Creator. If you google the name of God in Aramaic (the original language of Jesus), you'll be surprised to find out that name is Allaha and also in Hebrew is elloheem ( plural of elloh) Also, if you ask any arab Christian, he'll tell that in his arabic Bible, the word Allah means God. Regarding the age of Aisha, that was the norm everywhere not just in Arabia but also worldwide. Once the pubrity is reached and the girl is ready emotionally, she is ready for marriage with the consent of her father. If you look up marriage age in some states in America during the 18th century, you'll find 12 years old. That was the social contract between the people. Now, the social contract among people has shifted towards older ages like 17, 18 as the minimum age for females for marriage, and we all abide to that. But trying to impose that retrospectively is just hypocrisy. Nevertheless, when you see Rebecca age in the Bible when she married Isaac. She was 3 years old. Is this pedophilia?? I'll leave the gudgment to you. Regarding the holy Quran, There are different 13 qiraat all were revealed by Angle Gabriel. Qiraaha or riwaya is a different style of recitation to the same quran. The most famous nowadays are Hafs and warsh. The quran is one quran 114 chapters no more and no less. Christians are lost, and we are here to help those who are looking for the truth. Not the ones with closed minds. Hidaya is from God almighty, not from us.
@gondala Ай бұрын
This is embarassing... I am muslim and really want to know what's the response to Bernie's points. What I find is that, it just retoric and unrelated answers. He didn't refute it, but rather explaining his position or muslims' position and try to convince the audiences to understand his position. For example, he clams that many muslims memorize Quran but actually this is not convincing. If we are talking about now, yes there are many muslims memorize Quran. But in the past, how can muslims memorize Quran when the Quran was not compiled and being ordered in one single book so you know what's the beginning and the end. Sahaba didn't memorize whole Quran because the Quran at that time was still not existed in the form of book. What they memorize was probably some chapters or shorter chapters... that is enough for prayer purposes. You see, memorizing Quran is not mandatory but memorizing some shorter chapters are important because you need to pray everyday, especially for imam. But, in history, it was 1 or 2 imam who lead prayers at the time of prophet. So, if the sahaba memorized Quran then the question is "what purpose and motivation for sahaba to memorize Quran?" Clearly, there is no motivation or purpose for sahaba to memorize whole Quran. But, it is true even average muslims need to memorize surah al ikhlas and an nas for his daily prayers.
@ShakurMatlosa Ай бұрын
Dont be shaken by this man,Prophet left us with the Quran and his traditions.this is an interior affairs that needs clarity between us muslims.
@ShakurMatlosa Ай бұрын
Scholars can clarify your question,how is it that this man believes that copies were burned but doesnt clarify about copies of traditions,where were copies of the traditions of Prophet?and what makes him think the hadith(tradition)he reading are authentic?narrations he is quoting from are weak!we must understand bukhari was a collector of hadith,not the one to scrutinise so it doesnt mean we take any hadeeth from bukhari an consider it authentic.we check the chain of narrators that lead us to Prophet(sawa)
@gondala Ай бұрын
@@ShakurMatlosa I think the category of "weak", "strong", "false", "hasan", or "sahih", it just later invention or developed. I do believe that something happened in the past, and it was widely known. but then, scholars in later generation filtered and made the narrative in order to look good by cover up or accuse or categorize them within some boxes, so that the people won't confuse.
@tinyad7180 Ай бұрын
01:33:35 ... Thinking ... Mich more ... Praying will help for the God to clarify things ... For the humanity ... Hosanna
@tinyad7180 Ай бұрын
01:32:00 since faith is a gift of God ... None can boast for having any .... to boast about ... Adore the God whobis unfathomable ...Hosanna ...
@tinyad7180 Ай бұрын
01:22:40 .... Very interesting ... If quran is from heaven ... Do the words in it have dots in them or not ??? A very intriguing question but one that will falsfy the authenticity of Quran ... Being originated from heaven !!! Hosanna ...
@tinyad7180 Ай бұрын
01:26:00. ... It was very cordial ... Debate ... Both placed own views to the best of their aboilities ... We wish ... Peace will come upon the wholevworld soon ....
@tinyad7180 Ай бұрын
23: 20 ... Conclusion .. Quran has been ... Edited time and again to suit the ambitions of the ruling powers of the day ... right from the beginning ... Itcwas was originally vcooked up ... Later like the icing on the cake ... Fir every year birthday celebration ... The words made by the icing is changed ....
@karenthompson1337 2 ай бұрын
My gosh what a liar the Mohammadan is!! He misquoted 5:13 and disinterpreted it, there is no Golden Rule in Islam , read 48.29 “those who follow him are ruthless to unbelievers, merciful to one another” for starters. There are all sorts of Koran verses saying to slay unbelievers. Tolerant? Hah!! Respectful? Nope. Read the Islamic scriptures.
@nslvip 2 ай бұрын
Mohd being the spirit of truth is truly truly the biggest joke of all time. Anybody with a sane mind would not take you seriously. And no Christian will acknowledge anything serious about the koran so quit lying. You people like to make claims as facts as if people dont see it. Take this seriously pls its not a joke matter. Smh
@BarryPaston 2 ай бұрын
Then your stupid 😂
@samilamine950 2 ай бұрын
So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight-why the bush does not burn up.” 4 When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.” 5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” 6 Then he said, “I am the God of your father,[a] the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God. The Quran 27.7. When Moses said to his family, "I have glimpsed a fire. I will bring you some news from it; or bring you a firebrand, that you may warm yourselves." 27.8. Then, when he reached it, he was called: "Blessed is He who is within the fire, and He who is around it, and glorified be God, Lord of the Worlds. 27.9. O Moses, it is I, God, the Almighty, the Wise. The Quranic text is clear and glorified be God, Lord of the Worlds, in other words O you the listener you’re hearing the fire, the one within(close to) the fire (moses),those(the angels) around the fire, the great call from the bush(the call of GOD in a manner that suits his majesty), Do not think that GOD the almighty is present with his divine being in the place or he ever Incarnates (high above that, he is indeed) even though he called moses from the bush, spoke with him and drew near him in a manner that suits his majesty but without resemblance to the creation or incarnation, unlike the biblical text which does not mention the GLORIFICATION of GOD in respect to that crucial subject at all.
@samilamine950 2 ай бұрын
*EXODUS chapter 4 verses 4 to 6 (And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth your hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto you. And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now your hand into your bosom. and he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.) * This text in the bible contains clear blunder how could we imagine a prophet of GOD using a disease such as leprosy as a miracle to call people to GOD. The Quran (Insert your hand into the opening of your garment; it will come out white, without disease. And draw in your arm close to you [as prevention] from fear, for those are two proofs from your Lord to Pharaoh and his establishment. Indeed, they have been a people defiantly disobedient.) [28:32].
@samilamine950 2 ай бұрын
The pentituch (the five books attributed to Moses) neither mentions satan and the devils (satan’s offspring and soldiers) by name nor does it warn about them and even in the book of genesis it is said that the snake which seduced Eve and not satan; and this absolutely a serious lacking point, on the other hand the Quran and the prophet’s sayings mentions satan and the devils several times and warn about them and also testify that satan and the devils are human beings sworn enemies and foes, furthermore the Quran informed us that the other prophets warned about satan and the devils in their times such as Abraham, moses, joseph, Jacob and Joshua in (12:5, 12:100, 18:63, 28:15, 19:44-45). ADAM (PBUH), THE FIRST MAN ON EARTH, LIVED 5,800 YEARS AGO As per the genealogy of Jesus Christ given in the Bible, from Jesus through Abraham (pbuh) to the first man on earth i.e. Adam (pbuh), Adam appeared on the earth approximately 5800 years ago : i. 1948 years between Adam (pbuh) and Abraham (pbuh) ii. Approximately 1800 years between Abraham (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh). iii. 2000 years from Jesus (pbuh) until today, These figures are further confused by the fact that the Jewish calendar is currently on or about 5800 years old. There is sufficient evidence from archaeological and anthropological sources to suggest that the first human being on earth was present tens of thousands of years ago and not merely 5,800 years ago as is suggested by the Bible. The Qur’an too speaks about Adam (pbuh) as the first man on earth but it does not suggest any date or period of his life on earth even though there are some clues which suggest that the age of humanity is long, unlike the Bible - what the Bible says in this regard is totally incompatible with science. The Quran (Has there not reached you the news of those before you - the people of Noah and 'Aad and Thamud and those after them? No one knows them but GOD. Their messengers brought them clear proofs...) [14:9] (And the people of Noah - when they denied the messengers, we drowned them, and we made them for mankind a sign. And we have prepared for the wrongdoers a painful punishment. And [We destroyed] 'Aad and Thamud and the companions of the well and many generations between them) [25:37-38] Exodus 31:17 & Genesis 2:2 (GOD “rested” and was “refreshed”) GOD does not rest and never rests because he does never get tired and he is all-powerful. The Quran {And indeed we created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days (epochs) and nothing of fatigue touched us*so bear with patience (o Muhammad ) all that they say,..}[50:38-39] According to the Old Testament (genesis) (GOD and the angels went to Abraham, he offered them a calf and they ate it.) GOD does not eat because eating is an animal act and it leads to defecation (going to the loo) more over this is an incarnation ( the myth of a GOD MAN) quality in which GOD is high above And we are not to attribute such qualities to GOD. The same story is mentioned in the Quran but the Quran states that only the angels (taking human appearance) who went to Abraham and yet they did not eat food because angels do not eat and do not drink. 51:24-34, 15:51-60, 29:31-32, 11:69-76. {Say, "Is it other than GOD I should take as a protector, Creator of the heavens and the earth, while it is He who feeds and is not fed?" Say, [O Muhammad], "Indeed, I have been commanded to be the first [among you] who submit [to GOD] and [was commanded], 'Do not ever be of the polytheists.' “} [6:14] Judges 1:19 (so the lord was with Judah and they drove out the inhabitants of the mountains, but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the lowland, because they had chariots of iron.) GOD is able to do all things when he wants something he merely wills it and it comes into being. The Quran {.....verily GOD does what he wills} [22:14] {....verily GOD has power over all things} [2:109]
@samilamine950 2 ай бұрын
• The bible claims in numbers 5(11-31) it says (if a woman commits adultery you would find out the truth if in brief (the priest should take holy water in a vessel, take dust from the floor and put it into the vessel and that is the bitter water and after cursing it, give it to the woman and if the woman has committed adultery, after she drinks it, the curse will enter her body, the stomach will swell, the thigh will rot, and she shall be cursed by the people, if the woman has not committed adultery, she will remain clean and she will bear the seed.) *This text contradicts facts and physical reality; we know for sure that nothing would happen to any adulteress if she drinks that so-called bitter cursed water. The Quran {as for those who accuse their wives, but have no witnesses except themselves, let the testimony of one of them be four testimonies (i.e. testifies four times) by GOD that he is one of those who speak the truth*and the fifth (testimony) (should be) the invoking of the curse of GOD on him if he be of those who tell a lie (against her)*but it shall avert the punishment (of stoning to death) from her, if she bears witness four times by GOD, that he (her husband) is telling a lie*and the fifth (testimony) (should be)the invoking of the wrath of GOD on her if he (her husband) speaks the truth}[24:6-9] (And after that, both husband and wife will be compelled for separation). The Quranic verdict is clear, comprehensible and practical.
@samilamine950 2 ай бұрын
the Qur’an had been sent down in 7 Arabic dialects and the most famous dialect was the quraish dialect, in mecca and the prophet Mohamed صلى الله عليه وسلم made a condition for using the 7 dialects which is not to quarrel and not to differ, the Qur'an was gathered in a form of a book مصحف in the time of abubakr may GOD be pleased with him, in the time of othman may GOD be pleased with him, Islam was spreading and many none arabs became Muslims and some people started to quarrel about the difference of the dialects, when othman was informed, he made a good decision and that's to unify all the Muslims in one dialect, which is the dialect of quraish, knowing that prophet Mohamed صلى الله عليه وسلم is from the tribe of quraish, so all the 10 ways of reading the Qur’an are from the dialect of quraish, like for example ... حفص عن عاصم، ورش عن نافع، الدوري عن الكسائي
@sclsaktrc3311 2 ай бұрын
this is called standart islamic naration by sheik yassir qadhi. after uthman there are another standarizations, fyi. The first canonization: ʿUthmān’s codification The second canonization: Ibn Mujāhid and the seven canonical Readings The third canonization: al-Dānī and al-Shāṭibī The fourth canonization: Ibn al-Jazarī The fifth canonization of al-Azhar’s edition of 1923
@sclsaktrc3311 2 ай бұрын
if you insist its about dialect, check bukhari 4992, abi dawud 1475, an nasai 940. they are all quraish, so its not about dialect, its most likely your prophet a forgetful person.
@samilamine950 2 ай бұрын
@@sclsaktrc3311 unlike the bible the Qur’an was memorized, taught and transmitted orally by prophet Mohamed صلى الله عليه وسلم to his companions during his life time before writing and similarly the Qur’an was memorized, taught and transmitted by the companions of the Prophet Mohamed peace be on him to their followers orally and also by writing and on and on from generation to generation orally before writing until judgment day, and this is the highest level of authentication and trustworthiness. Firstly This is the opinion of those researchers who rely on historical manuscripts but this is not a hard evidence for me, because anyone under any authority could falsify the texts, that's why writing is not enough by itself, the orally transmission by at least 10 people to 10 people has to be alongside with the writing and this is called التواتر in Arabic which is the guarantor of avoiding any falsification of the manuscripts under any authority be it religious or political or both. Secondly we have to examine the content of the manuscripts and the scriptures and if it is really from GOD Almighty then it has to be faultless, free from defects and discrepancies, compatible with commonsense, natural instinct and established scientific and historical facts. So let's be fair, objective and sensical.
@samilamine950 2 ай бұрын
The Qur’an corrects the Bible - Part 1 May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you. This is a simple comparison between the Bible and the Qur’an about the attributes of God and some important issues. I will not miss you, my loved ones in God, with God’s blessing I- attributes of GOD almighty, may He be glorified and exalted : 1-Tiredness : Bible: Exodus 31/17 “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.” Qur’an: Surah Qãf, verse 38 {And We created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and no fatigue has touched Us.} 2- forgetfulness : Bible: Psalm 13/1 “How long, O Lord, will You completely forget me? How long will you hide your face from me? Qur’an: Surah Taha, verse 52 {In a book(of universal decrees): My Lord neither errs nor forgets} 3-sleep : Bible: Psalm 44/23 "I wake up! Why do you ignore me, Lord? I notice! “Do not be rejected forever.” Qur’an: Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 255 {GOD, there is none worthy of worship but Him, the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him} 4-Hearing and responding to prayers : Bible: Book of Habakkuk 1/2 “How long, O Lord, will I call and you will not hear? I cry out to you because of injustice, and you do not save? Quran: Surah Ibrahim, verse 36 {Praise be to God who gave me Ishmael and Isaac in my old age. Indeed, my Lord hears the supplications} Surat Taha verse 7: {And if you say something (bear in mind that)he knows the secret and what's more hidden} 5-Eyesight and seeing : Bible: 2 Kings 19/16 “16 Incline your ear, O Lord, and hear. Open your eyes, O Lord, and see, and hear the words of Sennacherib, whom he has sent to reproach the living God.” Qur’an: Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 18 {Indeed, God knows the unseen (and the secrets) of the heavens and the earth, and God is All-Seeing of what you do} 6-The Promise : Bible: Psalm 89/39 “You have broken the covenant of your servant, you have defiled his crown in the dust.” Quran: Surat Al-Rum, verse 6 {God's Promise: God does not break His promise, but most people do not know} 7-Justice : Bible: Book of Job 19 6 Know then that God has perverted me, and has twisted his ropes around me. 7 Behold, I cry out wrongly, and I am not heard. I pray and there is no judgment. Quran: Surah Yunus, verse 44 {Indeed, God does not wrong people in the slightest, but it is the people who wrong themselves} Surat An-Nisa, verse 40: {Indeed, GOD does not wrong even the weight of an atom, and if it is a good deed, He will multiply it and give from Himself a great reward} 8-Power : Bible: Genesis 32:25-29 "Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until dawn. When he saw that he could not overcome Jacob in this struggle, he struck his hip socket and it was dislocated... Then he said, “Your name will no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have overcome God and people and have prevailed.” Qur’an: Surat Al-Hajj, verse 74 {they(wicked people) haven't respected the right of GOD though GOD is strong almighty} 9-Ressemblance : Bible: Genesis 1:26 God said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness Qur’an: Surah Ash-Shura, verse 11{There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing} II-GOD's teachings : 1-Dealing : Bible: 2 Samuel 22 “26 “With the merciful you will be merciful. With a perfect man you will be perfect. 27 With the pure you will be clean, and with the perverse you will be crooked.” Qur’an: Surah An-Nisa, verse 135 {O you who have believed, be upholders of justice as witnesses to GOD, even if it is against yourselves or the parents and the relatives, whether he be rich or poor, for GOD (is More Merciful to them. And more aware of them), so do not follow desires lest you shouldn't be just. But if you distort(the testimony)or turn away(from witnessing with the truth), then surely GOD is ever aware of what you do.} 2-Usury with a foreigner : Bible: Deuteronomy 23 19 “You shall not lend usury to your brother, interest of money, usury of food, or usury of anything that is lent on usury. 20 To a foreigner you may lend on interest, but to your brother you shall not lend on interest. May the Lord your God bless you in all that you set your hand to in the land where you are entering. To own it. Qur’an: Surah Al-Baqarah, the two verses 276 {Those who consume usury do not stand except as one stands whom Satan causes to be tossed by the touch of him. This is because they said, “Trade is only like usury, and God has made trade lawful and forbade usury, so whoever comes to him an admonition from his Lord and abstains from it, then he will have what he had before, and his affair is up to God. And whoever returns(in making usury lawful), then those are the inmates of the Fire. They will remain therein forever. And God eradicates usury and increases alms, and God does not like every sinful infidel.} Surah Al Imran verse 130 {O you who have believed, do not consume usury (multiplied) many times over, and fear GOD that you may succeed.} Surat Al-Rum verse 39 {And whatever you give usury to raise it in people’s wealth, (but) it does not raise with GOD, and whatever you give (obligatory)charity seeking the pleasure of GOD - it is they whom (their reward will be)multiplied.} 3-Lewdness and obscenity : Bible: Book of Exodus 3 “21 And I will give favor to this people in the eyes of the Egyptians. For when you go, you will not go away empty-handed. 22 Rather, every woman shall ask of her neighbor and of her sojourner in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and of garments, and you shall lay them out upon your sons and your daughters. How much? And you will plunder the Egyptians.” Chapter 12-35 And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses. They asked the Egyptians for articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. Qur’an: Surah Al-A’raf, verse 28 {And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our fathers doing it, and God commanded us to do it.” Say, “Indeed, God does not command indecency. Do you say about God what you do not know?” Surah An-Nahl, verse 90: {God commands justice and goodness and kindness to relatives, and forbids indecency, abomination, and transgression. He exhorts you that you may remember.} 4-Punishing people for the sins of others: Bible: Isaiah 14-21 “Prepare for his children to be killed for the iniquity of their fathers, so that they shall not arise, nor inherit the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.” Qur’an: Surah Al-An’am, verse 164 {Say: shall I seek a Lord other than God, when He is the Lord of all things, and every soul earns only according to its own deed, and no bearer of burdens bears the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return. Where he will Tell you about what you differed.}
@samilamine950 2 ай бұрын
unlike the bible the Qur’an was memorized, taught and transmitted orally by prophet Mohamed صلى الله عليه وسلم to his companions during his life time before writing and similarly the Qur’an was memorized, taught and transmitted by the companions of the Prophet Mohamed peace be on him to their followers orally and also by writing and on and on from generation to generation orally before writing until judgment day, and this is the highest level of authentication and trustworthiness. Firstly This is the opinion of those researchers who rely on historical manuscripts but this is not a hard evidence for me, because anyone under any authority could falsify the texts, that's why writing is not enough by itself, the orally transmission by at least 10 people to 10 people has to be alongside with the writing and this is called التواتر in Arabic which is the guarantor of avoiding any falsification of the manuscripts under any authority be it religious or political or both. Secondly we have to examine the content of the manuscripts and the scriptures and if it is really from GOD Almighty then it has to be faultless, free from defects and discrepancies, compatible with commonsense, natural instinct and established scientific and historical facts. So let's be fair, objective and sensical.
@Hand_some_Lion 2 ай бұрын
what these people are memorizing is actually the 1924 edition, not the original.
@John14.6 2 ай бұрын
Interesting stuff. You should do more videos and share your expertise with us.
@myredeemerliveth5798 2 ай бұрын
Great explanation Sir.
@karenthompson1337 2 ай бұрын
Well said Dr. Powers. ❤✝️
@StephenCowley001 2 ай бұрын
God tempts Abraham and speaks to Satan in the book of Job. Jolly interesting though.
@Lukas__ 2 ай бұрын
God doesnt tempt anyone
@StephenCowley001 2 ай бұрын
@@Lukas__ "And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham..." (Genesis 22.1). It's a mysterious story, but it's there in the text. I mention it as an objection, but also because I've been exploring the story that the Quran was in part the work of Unitarian Christians who communicated homilies to an Arabic-speaking congregation. That would explain some of the commonalities that Dr Powers identifies in the video.
@20july1944 2 ай бұрын
Odd that Moslems both insist we worship the same God AND persecute us!
@abzaman77 4 ай бұрын
So Dr knows he's destroyed. and still defending.. phew...
@Aijan100 6 ай бұрын
Thanks God for the brilliance of the western mind! Knowledge is the best weapon.
@Aijan100 6 ай бұрын
Muslim apologists’ favourite tactic - whataboutism. Islam and its prophet have serious problems. The Muslim scholars and theologians will have to do the impossible to defend their religion.
God Bless! Only one way to Heaven, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, Jesus is Prince of Peace, Jesus said "but whosoever deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father. Matthew 10:33
@nielsbruun8046 Жыл бұрын
Good teachings - thanks
@NationalistCoalition Жыл бұрын
This is how two Men should speak
@dqschannel Жыл бұрын
Did he try to say Muhammad is the Comforter? LMAO
@ephantusnyange5032 Жыл бұрын
This muslim guy is off topic. Talk about Mohamed's life. This is not about christianity.
@nabildk6954 2 жыл бұрын
mr bernie shoulded have at least shown 3 versions of the quran that he clamed and explained how are the diffrent
@kabhikachambala3392 2 жыл бұрын
@Bernie Power You performed very good and you managed Adnan Rashid. No question you had good preparation. You became the victory. Jesus is Loard
@CarlosLGuerrero 3 жыл бұрын
An outstanding study by Dr. Bernie Power.
@iliaschannel3646 3 жыл бұрын
the chairman should give the opportunity to all speakers to answer the same question .. this is why shahir in 1:06:00 answred previous questions plus the current asked question