@NotANaiveAmerican 7 минут бұрын
Mainstream media controlled by the Israel lobby has an agenda of creating Islamophobia. They always portray a Muslim mass shooter as a terrorist but a non-Muslim mass shooter always have mental problems.
@bazmohiuddin2882 7 минут бұрын
Rappaport was trying hard to steal Black culture hes the biggest hack
@0zoneTherapyCures 14 минут бұрын
Katie, please change your intro music. Biden's voice is so irritating and now irrelevant.
@lydiavui1029 15 минут бұрын
Is Jake Tapper Jewish?
@sanusiebarrie7225 19 минут бұрын
Great interview thanks 🙏
@NotANaiveAmerican 21 минут бұрын
Thank you. This is the best analysis of the Western mainstream news media I have ever heard.
@NotANaiveAmerican 26 минут бұрын
The mainstream media never forced the government to provide proof of 9/11 official stories. They made sure people believed in the official story.
@NotANaiveAmerican 30 минут бұрын
I realized the criminality of the mainstream news media during the first Gulf War. They brought a girl on the news who said Sadam Hussain forces are killing babies in incubator. After a year, they admitted that girl lied. They are the mouthpiece of the government when it comes to the foreign policy.
@Hiptoys 35 минут бұрын
Boycott BBC cancel any services or don’t watch
@bazmohiuddin2882 37 минут бұрын
shocker a moral degenerate is also a sex offender who would have guessed it
@vatzjr 40 минут бұрын
What's wrong with trans prostitutes?
@arsenal10141014 40 минут бұрын
He was an israeli agent
@chiarayavhnoska966 Сағат бұрын
understanding the 'accusations in a mirror', is a vital resistance tool to narcissistic manipulation and coercive control, individual or collective. it a mixture of splitting and projection, and while it's the main fuel to their relentless gaslighting, if we see it as the beginning and end of their true self, it acts as an effective barrier to being disoriented by their tactics. fascists are stupid, but thy are relentless, so better we become our own human shield to their hysterical need to bend the world to their, most immoral, fantasies of unlimited dominance.
@SeaJay_Oceans Сағат бұрын
The Lands of the middle east are clearly, and obviously, CURSED by evils beyond human understanding... The Wars & Suffering & Death are only symptoms of DEMONIC influences, perhaps dating back to Creation itself, pre-flood Nephilm spirits, The Fallen, wispers from the sands & unspeakable darkness in its caves. Such a wicked area of planet Earth should be Avoided at all costs. ESCAPE & NEVER EVER GO BACK.
@bettyboop-xg6jo Сағат бұрын
Adelsons are despicable people. Rigging casinos, exploiting gamblers and rigging politics. Yuk.
@T.image79 Сағат бұрын
The Colonisers have always accused the colonised of every act of barbarity while acting out the ACTUAL acts out on them. This is why colonised people died in their millions on every single continent Many were literally extinct Ed.
@T.image79 Сағат бұрын
@9:22 Sexual abuse and rape is high in Israeli society in Israeli prisons and in the idf. Israel willingly protects American paedophiles who clearly get time to abuse Palestinians children This is pure projection from this man 9:23 Thore female hostages released by hammas kept on speaking of good treatment so much that Israel started keeping them out of the media
@noexit7089 Сағат бұрын
America should listen to this gentleman
@MichProgNerd Сағат бұрын
Lee Camp said the same thing.
@junovb15 Сағат бұрын
Those journalists who lie and manipulate the fact should be held accountable for their unethical conducts and bias, and they shall not be called as a journalist.
@Alternative-ni5cg Сағат бұрын
Who else to vote for? No democracy left
@sal78623 Сағат бұрын
Kamala Harris propogandist about rape she needs to be charged and all the goons who spout the same schit
@sal78623 Сағат бұрын
ICC are taking Forever what are they scared of
@sal78623 Сағат бұрын
Great guests Katy all on my list of Heroes - and these media outlets so called journalists need to be called out name by name exposed worldwide punished as an example and to compensate Palestinians and open admit their guilt to the slaughter of Palestinians. EVERYONE who has been complicit here in UK BBC GB News Talk Tv are Culprits ITV and C4 aren’t doing enough like they are scared
@sal78623 Сағат бұрын
Great guests Katy all on my list of Heroes - and these media outlets so called journalists need to be called out name by name exposed worldwide punished as an example and to compensate Palestinians and open admit their guilt to the slaughter of Palestinians. EVERYONE who has been complicit here in UK BBC GB News Talk Tv are Culprits ITV and C4 aren’t doing enough like they are scared
@fatinhermiz8729 Сағат бұрын
The Zionists are controlling USA no USA leader put his foot in the White House without their permission.
@bofootball30 2 сағат бұрын
She loses Mich unless she changes. I live here
@amgguy4319 2 сағат бұрын
Zionists got her to lock-in the false R@P€ accusations, and that the whole thing started by the Terrorist Group Hamas on Oct 7th. At her Presidential Debate no less she had to throw that in, yet she absolutely knows both assertions are LIES.
@kieronhatter9036 2 сағат бұрын
Wrong on both sides, it will takes Tolerant Christians yo end this genocide. Both need there heads banging together
@jersey3160 2 сағат бұрын
I fxking h8 that woman Bash.
@fylhuic1853 2 сағат бұрын
beyond shameless and malignant ignorance
@johnellison7146 2 сағат бұрын
Is Trump paying this channel to run stories like this? What's the point in this sort of attack ad posing as an "expose"? Trump is CERTAINLY not gonna do anything positive for the Palestinian people! The only purpose a hit job piece like this serves is to further Trump's election bid for President. No one, other than Harris or Trump, can get elected this cycle. So if you do not vote for Harris, and you vote for Stein or Cornell West, you are effectively casting a vote for Trump. And that's just silly if you actually care about the Palestinians. At least with Harris, we have someone who actually says that the prosecution of the war against the Palestinian people by Israel must follow certain rules of war. The other candidate, Trump, is saying nothing of the sort. Furthermore, if Trump gets reelected he will stack the Supreme Court with even more right-wing justices and roll back ever more of the civil liberties (like the right to choose - and like saying what you want in blog posts like this one) that used to distinguish America from the rest of the world. If Trump gets elected, it will be folks like you whom he will shut down FIRST. Fair warning.
@davidsnoor 3 сағат бұрын
Western Media is complicit in genocide in Palestine due to their total Israeli bias! What has happened to quality JOURNALISM? These journalists need to be re-educated!!
@user-fy4pu8bh4n 3 сағат бұрын
Disgusting criminals those media are psychopaths with no feelings or morals
@0xkillswitch 3 сағат бұрын
I'm not Jewish, but I'm half muslim, one quarter Buddhist, and one quarter catholic. I think I'll convert to Judaism so that I can ensure my minority status. Nothing I've said is true. I've seen a lot of white people use religion to do they can claim minority status--they so badly want to be a minority while being white in America. This is how 90% of people that follow the religion associated with zionism act. It's like, shut up, no one knew what your religion was until you told them. You're not a minority.
@davidatkinson5858 3 сағат бұрын
@TheFaro2011 3 сағат бұрын
As a UK watcher of your show and other independent media, I had no idea who tf "jake tapper" and "dana bash" were. I'd always see clips of them being stupid, and absolutely lying on cable news. I had learnt they're agents of gen0cide BUT today i learnt bash is jew 😆. I don't understand this charge about anti Semiticism when you cannot tell someone is obviously jewish? I just thought a bible belt Christian! It's so disingenuous and the fake calls for anti Semitism actually makes jews unsafe, and anti Semitism whether fake or real keeps Israel's "need" legitimised. Hummus didnt kidnap because they were jews or hate their religion, it's because they're their oppressors!
@flyingfishnet 3 сағат бұрын
Absolutely. This measured, unemotional assessment of our ‘news’ conglomerates provides hard evidence showcasing their criminal modus operandi. If I had my way people like Jake Tapper (if found guilty) would be spending a decade, at least , behind bars.
@boydw1 3 сағат бұрын
I don't think AOC was ever in touch with reality - it's just becoming more obvious now.
@dee8714 4 сағат бұрын
Seeing Dana Bash’s smiling, smirking face makes me want to 🤮
@calliope7479 4 сағат бұрын
They’re both right. I’m sure they are doing good work, but the clip of AOC doesn’t contradict that. You can do good work and also maybe not be building productively towards a tangible third party. Proof is in the pudding.
@paulbattenbough1002 4 сағат бұрын
Wouldn't it be great to see Bana Dash and Take Japper on televised trial for inciting genocide? and to see them meltdown in court at life sentence verdicts handed down to them for their propaganda lies!. Ah sweet fantasies. but there will be a reckoning. Fascism burns brightly but very fast. Turns out the vast majority reject that top of the list, most odious political ideology. The orgy of violence will end and those who fuelled it are on borrowed time, like the nazis of yesterday. A lot of those nazis were killed by angry mobs in a revanchist backlash. the propagandists might feel safe now, but they'd best start preparing for that judgement. the most expensive lawyers in the world won't save them.
@moe3235 4 сағат бұрын
For the algo
@Bisquick 4 сағат бұрын
If one is really into sadomasochism, check out this supplemental Dana Bash/Wolf Blitzer (both former AIPAC reps) segment where they visit Auschwitz memorial and proclaim their supposed (or selective) opposition to genocide* called _"Reporters’ notebook: An intensely personal trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau"_ , filmed mere months before Oct.7th no less. _*unless Israel_
@Bisquick 4 сағат бұрын
1:06:40 - I think Adolf Reed's definition of neoliberalism is unfortunately the most accurate description, simply the defeat of the working class. Actually I'm reminded of his article from like 2014 Nothing Left, _For nearly all the twentieth century there was a dynamic left in the United States grounded in the belief that unrestrained capitalism generated unacceptable social costs. That left crested in influence between 1935 and 1945, when it anchored a coalition centered in the labor movement, most significantly within the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). It was a prominent voice in the Democratic Party of the era, and at the federal level its high point may have come in 1944, when FDR propounded what he called “a second Bill of Rights.” Among these rights, Roosevelt proclaimed, were the right to a “useful and remunerative job,” “adequate medical care,” and “adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.”_ [skipping some history] _Why does this tailing behind an increasingly right-of-center Democratic Party persist in the absence of any apparent payoff? There has nearly always been a qualifying excuse: Republicans control the White House; they control Congress; they’re strong enough to block progressive initiatives even if they don’t control either the executive or the legislative branch. Thus have the faithful been able to take comfort in the circular self-evidence of their conviction. Each undesirable act by a Republican administration is eo ipso evidence that if the Democratic candidate had won, things would have been much better. When Democrats have been in office, the imagined omnipresent threat from the Republican bugbear remains a fatal constraint on action and a pretext for suppressing criticism from the left._ _Exaggerating the differences between Democratic and Republican candidates, moreover, encourages the retrospective sanitizing of previous Democratic candidates and administrations. If only Al Gore had been inaugurated after the 2000 election, the story goes, we might well not have had the September 11 attacks and certainly would not have had the Iraq War - as if it were unimaginable that the Republican reaction to the attacks could have goaded him into precisely such an act. And considering his bellicose stand on Iraq during the 2000 campaign, he well might not have needed goading._ _The stale proclamations of urgency are piled on top of the standard jeremiads about the Supreme Court and Roe v. Wade. The “filibuster-proof Senate majority” was the gimmick that spruced up the 2008 election cycle, conveniently suggesting strategic preparation for large policy initiatives while deferring discussion of what precisely those initiatives might be. It was an ideal diversion that gave wonks, would-be wonks, and people who just watch too much cable-television news something to chatter about and a rhetorical basis for feeling “informed.” It was, however, built on the bogus premise that Democrat = liberal._ [the entire thing is spot-on, especially in retrospect of multiple election cycles, worth a whole read, but skipping to the end...] _The crucial tasks for a committed left in the United States now are to admit that no politically effective force exists and to begin trying to create one. This is a long-term effort, and one that requires grounding in a vibrant labor movement. Labor may be weak or in decline, but that means aiding in its rebuilding is the most serious task for the American left. Pretending some other option exists is worse than useless. There are no magical interventions, shortcuts, or technical fixes. We need to reject the fantasy that some spark will ignite the People to move as a mass. We must create a constituency for a left program - and that cannot occur via MSNBC or blog posts or the New York Times. It requires painstaking organization and building relationships with people outside the Beltway and comfortable leftist groves. Finally, admitting our absolute impotence can be politically liberating; acknowledging that as a left we have no influence on who gets nominated or elected, or what they do in office, should reduce the frenzied self-delusion that rivets attention to the quadrennial, biennial, and now seemingly permanent horse races. It is long past time for us to begin again to approach leftist critique and strategy by determining what our social and governmental priorities should be and focusing our attention on building the kind of popular movement capable of realizing that vision. Obama and his top aides punctuated that fact by making brutally apparent during the 2008 campaign that no criticism from the left would have a place in this regime of Hope and Change. The message could not be clearer._
@maryamsukaynah559 4 сағат бұрын
This is a very important work you guys are doing. Great respect for you guys🤲🙏
@craigmeadows2958 5 сағат бұрын
@musterionsurly 5 сағат бұрын
@Bisquick 5 сағат бұрын
55:38 - I had never seen Rachel prior to Russiagate, holy cow, she's reporting an _actual_ conspiracy and substantiating the argument...
@Char00000 5 сағат бұрын
No its not easier for the green party, but it doesn't feel like they're even trying. They didn't get on the ballot in Arizona in 2020 but the libertarian party was on the ballot.