6 Rules That Are Gone - 2024 PHB
Cast Two Spells A Turn. 2024 5E
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@xiongray 2 сағат бұрын
If I upcast Continual Flame (3rd level or higher), Darkness won't dispel it?
@RulesLawyerDnD Сағат бұрын
RAW, if you upcast it, then no. But casting it as a second level, then yes, it would. - That's never come up in game before. I'm sure it actually has but never thought about that dispelling the magic
@xiongray Сағат бұрын
​@@RulesLawyerDnDI like Continual Flame & Scribe Wizards for the win for making it for free & a higher level in a Spell Scroll.
@RulesLawyerDnD Сағат бұрын
Scribe wizard was amazing
@xiongray 2 сағат бұрын
Could you cast it on a dropped dagger, then pick it up?
@CuiBap2 2 сағат бұрын
@RulesLawyerDnD 2 сағат бұрын
Going to do a video how what the changes to these spells means and how people will probably use them in the future
@xiongray 2 сағат бұрын
@@CuiBap2 I mean, it's a simple workaround & nothing that says it won't work after the cast. It's laughable~
@xiongray 2 сағат бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD Looking forward to it! I like the Verbal Component side note to make up your own & it is great!
@jeremywillis7042 23 сағат бұрын
Using Dex bonus to break ties on initiative never existed in 2014! You have had 10 years to read this…
@RulesLawyerDnD 22 сағат бұрын
Yeah, I know this was something that was in previous editions that rolled over. Those were just examples of what people did because It was easier to do that than do a roll off like the 2014 PHB suggests.
@jeremywillis7042 21 сағат бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD It doesn’t suggest a roll off either, that is an optional rule for ties between an enemy and a player. When players tie they decide who goes first. I think having players go first based on dexterity bonus is stupid. It equates to whoever rolled the lowest goes first…
@RulesLawyerDnD 21 сағат бұрын
Optionally, the DM can have the tied characters and monsters each roll a d20 to determine the order, highest roll going first. That's straight from the 2014 PHB which is their optional suggestion. - I agree I don't like it because it slows the game down.
@jorenthar9186 Күн бұрын
Against one enemy, yeah why not, but as a gish maybe or if warlocks have it
@RulesLawyerDnD Күн бұрын
Warlocks don't get it. I like your reasoning though.
@xiongray 2 күн бұрын
It's really too bad Wizards didn't get to keep that "Modify Spell Feature." IMO, Spell Attacks will always be fun to use. Slap on a Spell Sniper to cast it a little further away & KO foes.
@RulesLawyerDnD 2 күн бұрын
Wizards have more than enough fun tools to play with. Edit - in my opinion.
@xiongray Күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD Not nearly enough. They've the least amount of class features but loads of Spells.
@RulesLawyerDnD Күн бұрын
That's the point of the wizard. The same amount of class features as other classes but they can have all the spells and without even needing to look for those spells will have more known spells then any other class in the game. - edit - Also this leave a big opening for those spells if you pick a lot of ritual spells. Giving them even more access and thus more versatility.
@xiongray Күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD I mean lore-wise with the big Wizards creating their own Spells. We technically can create our own Spells with the DM but the small system Modify Spell has was ambitious ~
@RulesLawyerDnD Күн бұрын
I believe the DMG had a template about creating spells that the DM and players could follow.
@ArchetypeLuna 2 күн бұрын
It was never a strong spell. If you did the math, the damage is not really worth resource investment. With concentration added, it might as well be deleted. Bless is a bigger DPR boost and is a lower level spell. Spiritual Weapon was only perceived as a strong spell, and was an average spell at best. With the nerf, it is a worthless spell because there are far better spells to use that concentration on. Spiritual Weapon best case is a single target deadly encounter. Assuming we max out Wisdom at 8th level for the best case scenario for Spiritual Weapon (normally I would take something to improve concentration). We are going to assume the target being attacked by the deadly encounter has 18 AC at level 1 and 20 AC at 11th level. We are also assuming that the encounter last for 4 arounds, about the average length, and spiritual weapon is casted on round 2 because round 1 is used to cast spells like Spirit Guardians or Bless. We also are going to assume Spiritual Weapon can always reach the enemy. If we calculate the damage spiritual weapon does on average: .55 (assuming we only need a 10 to hit) * 7.5 (average damage on hit with +3) + 0.05 (nat 20 crit chance) * 4.5 = 4.35 DPR. With a +5 mod, it is average 5.45 DPR. Dividing enemy HP by the DPR gives you the amount of rounds it takes to kill the enemy. Taking the inverse it gives the amount of turns we deny the enemy in a certain round. In a four round combat, we will assuming killing an enemy in round 2 denies them turn 3, 4 and 4; killing in round 3 denies round 3 and 4, and so on. So the formula for number of turns denied by spiritual weapon is: 3 * (Spiritual Weapon DPR/Total Enemy HP) + 2 * (Spiritual Weapon DPR/Total Enemy HP) + (Spiritual Weapon DPR/Total Enemy HP) You can then use this with the enemy's target AC and the enemy's chance to hit and their average damage on hit, we can calculate the damage we prevented the party from taking. Using this, you can find that the damage you actually prevent with spiritual weapon is pretty small. You can then compare this to the amount healed by a 2nd level healing word, and it is likely going to be higher than the damage prevented and you should never be using healing word this way. Now imagine using a spell slot for command to deny the target a turn and how much damage that prevents. The 5E version of the spell is fine if your table is lax enough that throwing spell slots into the void is fine (or when playing a death cleric to combine it with the Touch of Death channel divinity). However, in a game where you need to be efficient it is not a good spell to use.
@RulesLawyerDnD 2 күн бұрын
@ArchetypeLuna I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on a couple of points. This spell in 2014 was a strong spell in lower levels that most players stopped using by about 9th level and up. It wasn't perceived as strong it was strong. - I think if you are making a ranged cleric, it's great. Specially since the upcasting has been buffed to 1d8 per slot above 2ed. So a fifth level S.W. would 4d8 a hit on top or whatever action spell you are casting. Pairs well with guiding bolt. (Edit) - you are right about bless being an overall better spell and other concentration spells being better also. - I just don't think it's worthless.
@ArchetypeLuna 2 күн бұрын
​@@RulesLawyerDnD I updated my previous post with some math. The numbers do not show it as a powerful spell at all. A successful command spell will make a bigger impact than Spiritual Weapon, and that is done with the best case scenario, assuming the spell can always reach its target and there only being a single target encounter. Unless the enemy you are fighting is some serious glass cannon, even a 2nd level healing word will heal more than the damage spiritual weapon actually prevents. Also, how is a spell not worthless if there are spells that completely outclass the spell for a lower resource cost? Especially when you take into account concentration. Why use your concentration on Spiritual Weapon when using Bless will kill enemies faster? If we look at the 5th level damage, 4d8 on a single enemy on a successful hit and compare it with Spirit Guardians which is 3d8 on a failed save and half on success in an AoE around you, matching the raw damage on a single target if upcasted to 4th, and surpassing with 5d8 if upcasted to 5th, Spirt Guardians has a clear edge in damage, even when casted at a lower level as half damage on save is more reliable than requiring a hit. So at the base 2nd level, a 1st level Bless is going to be a better use of your concentration and spell slot (not to mention, you can always upcast bless to hit more of your party) and at 3rd level, Spirit Guardians is going to be better. When an at level or lower level spell is always worth using over the spell in question, how is that not indicative of a worthless spell? Mechanically of course; I should state that I am looking at this purely in terms of mechanics, not flavor. To sum things up, the spell was definitely only perceived as strong, even in 5E. The math does not support it the idea of Spiritual Weapon being a strong spell. Saving the spell slot for other spells like Command, which can be upcasted to 2nd to hit another creature, can make a bigger impact when you look at enemy turns or damage prevented, and spells like Spirit Guardians are more worthwhile spell slot uses than it at higher levels. If you do not need to worry about spell slot management then sure, Spiritual Weapon is decent. However, the moment you actually take into account the value of the spell slot, its value plummets.
@RulesLawyerDnD Күн бұрын
- Spiritual Weapon wasn't a powerful spell by itself. It was powerful when combined with other things like Spirit Guardians. That's an amazing combo. Spirit Guardians + Spiritual Weapon + Dodge is still one of the best 2014 combos a cleric at low and some high levels can do. - You are right about Command and 2ed level Healing word being better but the problem thus lies in the fact that those are more costly then a single cast of Spiritual Weapon. Because Spiritual weapon is a single cast that will be on the battle field the whole time unless you roll poorly and drop concentration check. 3-4 rounds of attacks can be more damage then a single 2ed level casting of Healing Word or the usefulness of a single command spell. You would have to cast multiple spells to be higher at that point. That's seems like wasting resources unless you know a long rest is coming up. - Now in 2024 Spiritual Weapon is more to just get a hit in at a distance while you cast other spells, cantrips, or heals. The up cast is nice though. Sometimes Clerics want to be doing some damage and not just healing. This is their way of doing that. Double down on a cantrip for extra damage or a little damage and heal. - Now one thing I will say is that using Spiritual Weapon can be a good distraction spell if used out of combat. 60 ft can be pretty far as long as you can see and you don't have to worry about it taking damage. Plus it could be any weapon. - I find it very difficult for a spell to be worthless. Are there some worthless spells? FOR SURE THERE ARE!! I just don't believe that this is one of them. Spirit Guardians is the superior spell and I will not argue with you on that. It's also a third level spell. Again Bless is going to be a better use of your concentration I don't disagree with that. These spells are better and on average will do better than spiritual weapon in most combats. I still don't believe that this makes spiritual weapon a worthless spell. It's not the optimal spell to cast but also it's not as bad some people think. - These are my 5 reasons why I don't believe it's a worthless spell. 01. Because not many creatures have resistance to FORCE damage. 02. This is magical damage to help bypass Bl,Pier, and Slashing resistance for the early level NPCs or monsters. 03. This could be that extra hit that causes an NPC to lose concentration. 04. The Upcast is nice. A 4th level Spiritual Weapon is doing 3d8+mod a round if it hits. For just a B.A. Action Dodge so you get hit less. 05. Dice can make other spells suck more. Also I know Spiritual Weapon can roll low as well but at least you aren't having to recast it the next turn unless you failed concentration check. - Healing Word can roll low (10 on average if cast at 2ed level) 6-9 hp low, which would make losing a 2ed level spell slot kinda suck. - Command is a save and suck spell. If they save, that sucks because you just wasted a spell slot. Spiritual Weapon misses well then it gets another try next turn. - Spirit Guardians will draw a lot of agro to your cleric that Spiritual Weapon probably won't. - Bless might draw some agro but most likely not. That's just a really solid spell. Unless everyone is rolling 1s because the dice gods hate you and your table.
@ArchetypeLuna Күн бұрын
​@@RulesLawyerDnD If a spell is not powerful by itself, then it isn't proper to call it a powerful spell. In an AoE Situation, Spiritual Weapon's numbers are rather negligible compared to the output that Spirit Guardians is outputting. When you take into account resource expenditure, aka the value of that spell slot Spiritual Weapon is using, you are better off just doing Spiritual Weapon and then dodging on subsequent turns than using Spiritual Weapon. You need something like Death Cleric's Channel Divinity that adds 5 + twice your cleric's level in damage to make Spiritual Weapon be worthwhile. Command and Healing Word are not more costly than Spiritual Weapon. If casted at 2nd level, they cost exactly the same in resource expenditure: a 2nd level spell slot. 3-4 rounds of attacks from Spiritual Weapon is not more useful than a 2nd level healing word or a single command spell. As I stated in my first post, we can calculate how much damage we prevented in an encounter by Spiritual Weapon by taking the inverse of the number of rounds it would take to kill an enemy to determine the number of turns Spiritual Weapon denies said enemy by killing them faster. Then you can use that with the Enemy's Target AC, the enemy's chance to hit, and their average damage per hit to determine how much damage Spiritual Weapon prevented by killing said enemy faster. Unless the enemy is a super glass cannon, both Healing Word and Command prevent more damage to the party than Spiritual Weapon. This is taking into account Spiritual Weapon attacking multiple times throughout the encounter. Most encounters will be 4 rounds or less, so you are only getting 3 rounds of attacks if you are using your first turn casting something like Bless or Spirit Guardians. In 2024, you are better off using your concentration on Bless as the boost to accuracy boosts your party damage more than Spiritual Weapon will add. There are cheaper alternatives than a 2nd level spell slot to create a distraction. Creating a sound coming from a specific point using thaumaturgy is a cantrip, so no cost. Even just throwing a rock to make a sound somewhere else is a far cheaper alternative. Unless the game is lax enough where you can just throw spell slots into the void, spending a 2nd level slot on a distraction is rather expensive. A spell is worthless if there is always a better spell to be casted for the same or less resource expenditure, which is true for spiritual weapon, especially with the concentration requirement. We are looking at pure mechanical effectiveness when determining whether or not a spell is worthless, and if there is always a better use of the resource expended by that spell, then it is a worthless spell because there is no pure mechanical reason to cast it. By saying that Bless is going to be a better use of our concentration, you are supporting this very notion. For a spell to have worth, it needs to be the optimal spell to cast in some situations. Again, this isn't to say you are bad at the game if you use the spell; this is simply looking at the pure mechanical value of a spell to determine if it is a powerful spell or not and whether or not the concentration nerf was needed or superfluous (it was superfluous). Also to your 5 reasons: 1) If your DM is constantly causing Resistances and Immunities to be an issue, to the point where the Force Damage is truly valuable to make Spiritual Weapon the optimal spell to use, and not giving you any other ways of bypassing it or counteracting it, you have other problems in your game, namely how hellish it must be to be a martial character. This requires both radiant, necrotic, and all physical damage types to be resisted or completely ineffective at the very least. Otherwise casting Bless is just going to be better still. 2) See point 1 on how this is hell for martials and is a bigger problem. Also, a number of cleric subclasses get access to Magic Weapon, which may actually be more ideal to concentrate on considering how the output of a martial character should be a decent amount higher than the output of a Spiritual Weapon, especially with a +1 to their rolls. And if Martials get a way to also get around that BPS resistance/immunity, then bless goes back to being top king. 3) So can Bless making a miss from an ally's attack into a hit. Bless is a bigger DPR boost because it is making your allies more accurate, turning some of those misses into hits. An average +2.5 to hit is quite significant. 4) You are better off using Spirit Guardians if you want to employ this strategy. Even at 3rd level, it will be more consistent damage and especially more damage in general if there are multiple enemies due to it being an AoE. 5) You can't use specific rolls as evidence. It is a fallacy to look at edge cases and consider them to be norm. Sure Healing Word could roll low, but it could also roll high; hence why you look at the average. Sure Command could fail several times in a row, but it could also succeed multiple times in a row, so when determining its statistical worth, you multiply the success rate with the enemy's DPR. Spiritual Weapons have attacks in later rounds doesn't mean as much when the math shows that its average impact is lower than spells like Healing Word and Command, and especially against spells like Bless and Spirit Guardian now that concentration is required. Also, aggro is not a thing in D&D. That is all DM determinant and any DM that is playing their enemies intelligently should be targeting fullcasters due to the potential threat of a fullcaster. So Spirit Guardians drawing aggro is not really a reason for Spiritual Weapon, especially with how you call Bless a really solid spell.
@RulesLawyerDnD Күн бұрын
@ArchetypeLuna well if we are talking purely mechanical and combat, then I have to agree with you. - The only way spiritual weapon would even be useful is if you were 3rd or 4th level and were solo fighting. Solo meaning one vs. one, not solo monsters. - or if you are a war priest and can cast it without concentration.
@aaxxeell92 2 күн бұрын
It's easy to understand, on a round everything happens almost simultaneoously during 6 seconds, so the owl comes in distrants trying to claw his face during 3 secs and goes back, just after the owl scratches your face (no real dmg) someone punches you in the face, its harder to react, so you get ataked with advantage
@RulesLawyerDnD 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for that explanation. I hope this helps others understand as well.
@xiongray 2 күн бұрын
Was it War Priest that can cast it now without Concentration? It also is without a Spell Slot since it's from Channel Divinity right?
@RulesLawyerDnD 2 күн бұрын
@xiongray Yes, this is true. At 6th level they can cast it without a spell slot if they expend a channel divinity and it will also not have concentration. If done in this way they would also be able to use their action to cast another spell in the same turn. - side note if cast this way it's always at the lowest level possible which would be 2ed level.
@xiongray 2 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD Is it still worth it (without Concentration) when at its lowest level?
@RulesLawyerDnD 2 күн бұрын
@xiongray I think yes but only depending on the build you make.
@xiongray 3 күн бұрын
Man. One says range Touch while another's range is Self. Judging by the wording of the Spell description, its most likely a Self Spell. Still would use.
@RulesLawyerDnD 3 күн бұрын
Holy Moly I didn't even notice that the range was touch now meaning you can give it to other people now. Mind blowing
@xiongray 5 күн бұрын
So, if you placed it in an open chest, the "Fireball" would be a fire pillar.
@RulesLawyerDnD 5 күн бұрын
Since it doesn't wrap around corners anymore then yes. RAW
@xiongray 5 күн бұрын
They changed a lot about Sleep Spell. Anything immune Exhaustion auto succeeds instead of the Charmed condition. Its a little smaller but should be more effective (Spell Save DC) than relying on rolling dice (5d8).
@RulesLawyerDnD 5 күн бұрын
Easier to use on the VTT then the HP system. Also I knew that about the exhaustion but couldn't fit it into the video.
@ianwallace3192 5 күн бұрын
See, I didn't know this was a d&d thing and thought you were just calling me fat at first.
@RulesLawyerDnD 5 күн бұрын
I'm so confused on how you thought that?
@ianwallace3192 5 күн бұрын
@CuiBap2 5 күн бұрын
Or for fun
@RulesLawyerDnD 5 күн бұрын
@@ianwallace3192 I like you Wallace
@ianwallace3192 5 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD oh, then I'll tell you a story of why my friend won't let me play d&d with him: my friend made me a test campaign. My first ever. I followed an over leveled NPC into a kobold cave and beat up the peeps for the town... However! The kobolds could speak and suddenly I found myself trying to befriend the kobolds with rations and healing the one we just wounded. The knight leading me there wasn't thrilled... But I made it clear it was about finding information. Especially when I tried to stab him and feed him to my new misunderstood friends :D but I made it seem like I stabbed a giant centipede crawling on his armor when I did 0 damage to the man. I used my turns to move out of combat under the guise of "I think I saw something important" and winning on deception. I then left the cave, found a boulder above the entrance, waited for the NPC to come out, and crushed him with the boulder easily. Maybe I married a kobold... Maybe I didn't. Moral of the story is he was a great friend but we don't talk much anymore and that's my only ever game of d&d.
@Richinnameonly 6 күн бұрын
Here I am playing help wrong and letting it be used at distance all the time... I see no reason you would have to be within 5 feet to distract something.
@RulesLawyerDnD 6 күн бұрын
I think that depends on the type of distraction. In combat, things that are closer tend to have more attention focused on them. That's why the Mastermind Rogue has the special ability that allows it to be used at a distance.
@massacremark6782 6 күн бұрын
Counterspell being an ability check on your part rather than a saving throw on their part feels more like "your skill and knowledge of the arcane allows to you know the precise timing and mechanism of their spell and how to break it" and with the Abjuration Wizard having a feature that boosts it, being that they are the abjuration school, makes it feel that the players are more powerful, rather than the enemies just got lucky.
@RulesLawyerDnD 6 күн бұрын
Well this will effect players differently than NPCs. - I like what you're saying. That would have given it a different feel and flavor for sure.
@xiongray 6 күн бұрын
Delay Spell is more like it. Would that allow MM: Quicken Spell or a second Spell with a Spell Slot?
@RulesLawyerDnD 6 күн бұрын
I mean RAW the slot was not expended just the action. Therefore you would be able to use your action to cast the spell again or a different spell. O wow that's going in the long deep dive counterspell video
@xiongray 7 күн бұрын
The ol' 2014 Bonus Action casting clause~ Its golden~
@RulesLawyerDnD 7 күн бұрын
Yeah. I had to check it out. Now that I have it sucks for Sorcerer's but I understand why. Sorcerer's really got shafted quite a bit in comparison to the other full caster classes.
@xiongray 7 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD On the contrary, I believe Sorcerers are going to be having fun. Their renewed Twinned Spell reduced SP cost & new requirements will make them "upcast" earlier than their full caster peers, so long as the upcast can target an additional creature. Heightened reached new heights. Combining Metamagics will be fun.
@RulesLawyerDnD 7 күн бұрын
Agreed fully on that. I'm talking about other things like I wish there was more than one spell that was sorcerer only. Also how did Chaos bolt not make the list?
@xiongray 7 күн бұрын
​@@RulesLawyerDnDTechnically, it still exists, just not "reprinted". Chaos Bolt is completely legal. But Chromatic Orb inherited a lot of it Chaos Bolt.
@RulesLawyerDnD 7 күн бұрын
@@xiongray Yeah. Outside of Meta magic which can be obtained with a feat. There isn't anything that is truly sorcerer only. They redid Chromatic Orb which is basically the new Chaos bolt. Also Chromatic Orb is on my list of upcoming videos.
@xiongray 8 күн бұрын
Melee Spell Attacks & Spells that make Melee Attacks work great too! Rogues' Cunning Strike to Knock Unconscious is good for Ranged Weapons. But I know what you mean, when you drop a creature's HP to 0, you can opt into a KO.
@RulesLawyerDnD 8 күн бұрын
Yes. It's a great distinction that they have made but still little ways around it like you have said.
@tylerwiedenbeck240 8 күн бұрын
A slingshot can.
@RulesLawyerDnD 8 күн бұрын
David and Goliath.
@xiongray 9 күн бұрын
They had Keen Mind & Observant make Study or Search actions as a Bonus Action but Influence didn't get the same treatment. Actor could've been that.
@RulesLawyerDnD 8 күн бұрын
Interesting. I just got access to the new PHB 2024 so I'm going to be going through some content soon. Sorry I also agree the actor fest could have used this.
@xiongray 8 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD You're good. I'm going through the free rule set (2024).
@xezzee 9 күн бұрын
Heard this brakes some spells ... dominated person and tell them to fail the will save and similar ... Comman "Fail" and all following spells that make save rolls caue them to fail? Depends on rules?
@RulesLawyerDnD 9 күн бұрын
I'm curious how this breaks the spells?
@xezzee 9 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD if spell states you have control over something which can roll will save you can order that to fail the will safe and it now can't succeed the will save 😅
@RulesLawyerDnD 7 күн бұрын
@xezzee yeah that's true, but it also doesn't do anything else just fail the save and that's it.
@xiongray 10 күн бұрын
You can now shove willing allies when they willingly fail the STR Save. Pretty good one when they're passing you to trigger your Opportunity Attack (Unarmed: Shove).
@RulesLawyerDnD 10 күн бұрын
@@xiongray yeah this might come up more often than not
@xiongray 12 күн бұрын
Tied to Criminal or Guard background is the Origin Feat: Alert. Boost Initiative & Surprise (benefit or detriment) with Proficiency Bonus & Initiative Swapping. It's a shame how badly it was nerfed but like a double-edged sword, there won't be surprise TPK's anymore.
@RulesLawyerDnD 11 күн бұрын
I have jacked up quite a few parties with surprise 2014. Ouch.
@xiongray 12 күн бұрын
I'm wondering if you could replace the Weapon Attack provided through Weapon Mastery: Nick in the Attack Action. Probably not... probably...
@RulesLawyerDnD 12 күн бұрын
@@xiongray probably not because that weapon has to have the light property and nets don't.
@xiongray 12 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD A little switcheroo
@xiongray 12 күн бұрын
As a DM, I give tied players two options on shared initiative; 1. Decide who takes their turn 1st or 2nd. 2. Take their turns together I took the inspiration from Drake Warden Ranger's Drake Initiative (shares initiative but takes its turn immediately after yours) vs Beast Master Ranger's Companion Initiative (takes its turn on your initiative). It edges into Variant Rule: Side Initiative. I'm thinking of implementing Speed Factor into my games too because that's awesome.
@RulesLawyerDnD 12 күн бұрын
Always love the input. I really hope this helps other DM/GMs out there.
@xiongray 12 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD Same to you for your hard work. I love the idea of Speed Factor, as it really affects the Initiative order, as well as benefitting Dual Wielders with Light Weapons to increase your initiative, which seems to be the Meta direction in 2024. And Heavy Weapons & Spellcasting decreasing your Initiative order (Spellcasting decreases Initiative by Spell level). It's a little more work for the DM, but not by very much, & changes battle pacing just enough.
@RulesLawyerDnD 11 күн бұрын
@xiongray did you ever hear about the old way of rolling initiative every round but you had to tell what action you were going to do first. That determined the amount of dice you rolled for initiative. Also lower numbers went first. (Example: move 1d6. Action to attack 1d6. Cast a spell 2d6. Bonus action 1d6. Bonus action to cast a spell 2d6.) Something like that.
@xiongray 11 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD That sounds oddly like Speed Factor. How old was that initiative?
@RulesLawyerDnD 11 күн бұрын
@xiongray That's was an old first edition rule but they had a UA on it about three years ago.
@geoffreyperrin4347 13 күн бұрын
Can't catapult nets, but it means more people might use it in general. Group of level 4s fighting a bandit captain an a couple bandits, throw a net on the bandit captain, allies after you but before the captain get advantage (assuming failed dex save), and bandit loses one of its attacks as it slashes the net.
@RulesLawyerDnD 13 күн бұрын
@geoffreyperrin4347 fun fun. I always thought nets were great.
@geoffreyperrin4347 13 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD the old problem was there was no way to avoid disadvantage on the attack except sharpshooter and some niche options so most didn't take it
@geoffreyperrin4347 14 күн бұрын
Comparing dex scores and such were never part of the 2014 rules. I think that might have been in a previous edition or people assumed it was the rule. It was always players decide PC ties and DM decides monster ties, and the DM decides PC and monster ties. Was this actually changed?
@RulesLawyerDnD 14 күн бұрын
@geoffreyperrin4347 The change is that now it's for sure the DMs choice by the rules. The rules in 2014 said the DM may decide if the tie is between PC and NPC. Now it's clearly stated that DM has the decision. Not a vague the DM can decide or roll off.
@geoffreyperrin4347 14 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD oh, that's extremely subtle but technically a change.
@RulesLawyerDnD 14 күн бұрын
@geoffreyperrin4347 yeah it's a subtle one. I really want the new one so I can just deep dive into it. But we have to wait
@geoffreyperrin4347 14 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD I basically ran it as "If PCs tie, they choose their order" though they often acted like the dex rule was in play when it wasn't but it was their call so I said nothing. If a monster and PC tied, i let the player go first since the monster's initiative was like a DC and if you match a DC you succeed.
@RulesLawyerDnD 14 күн бұрын
@@geoffreyperrin4347 I did things like who had the higher initiative bonus. But I kinda like your approach
@ComicBookGuy420 14 күн бұрын
Ok so they've made exhaustion more realistic, and taxing on the spell slingers I like it, adds a new angle to hit the players with as a DM
@RulesLawyerDnD 14 күн бұрын
@@ComicBookGuy420 agreed.
@ComicBookGuy420 14 күн бұрын
do you have a link for part 1? The only reason for failing a saving throw, I dunno maybe comedic purposes? Feels unnessecary
@RulesLawyerDnD 14 күн бұрын
@@ComicBookGuy420 kzbin.info/www/bejne/gIqqd5aMf8x0sJI That's the link to part one
@ComicBookGuy420 14 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD sweet thanks Was telling a mate about your channel and I thought the rule changes would be a good intro
@RulesLawyerDnD 14 күн бұрын
@@ComicBookGuy420 Thanks. I'll keep that in mind
@xiongray 15 күн бұрын
I'm going to use it for rerolling d100 Wild Magic Surges.
@RulesLawyerDnD 15 күн бұрын
@@xiongray hahahaha
@xiongray 16 күн бұрын
Can you replace Eldritch Blast's attacks with a Net via the Attack action to cast a cantrip made by a Bladesinger, 2024 Valor Bard, or 2024 Eldritch Knight with a single level dip into Warlock? I would assume you need the Net drawn for each use. Regardless, its how anyone can play Spider-Man without the Web Spell. Willingly failing a Save must've been a house rule because in BG3, Shoving an Ally wasn't always guaranteed. Now, with the changes to opportunity attacks, they removed "hostile" so you can shove passing allies. War Caster would allow you to reaction cast passing allies, preferably with buffs or heals. Hiding NEEDS the facing rule. Otherwise it's technically, if you can see them, they can see you. It also great for detecting hidden enemies.
@RulesLawyerDnD 15 күн бұрын
@xiongray I mean depending on the wording yes. But this is also why whenever I play of game of D&D one of my homebrew rules is that cantrips level with class and not character. - it never made since to me that a 17fighter 3 level warlock can eldritch blast just as good as a 20th level warlock.
@xiongray 15 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD Agreed. They should've kept the Cantrip scaling by Class level instead of Character Level. If not that, at least Spellcaster Level.
@RulesLawyerDnD 15 күн бұрын
@xiongray I still don't like that either. What does a 17 bard 3 level warlock know about eldritch blast that a 20 level or even a 17 level warlock know. They actually took time to use, practice, and become skilled with. - now one level dip and I can blast with the best of them. I don't agree with that.
@xiongray 15 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD That's completely fair. I was going to say, "Magic" but that's akin to having a Doctorates in Marine Biology & expected to also know Astrophysics.
@RulesLawyerDnD 15 күн бұрын
@xiongray I probably sould have said cleric/warlock build
@xiongray 16 күн бұрын
That's rough. I'm going to run it by determining which creatures actually see them. Otherwise it becomes a creature detector; Invisible, Hidden, False Appearance, Foe among us. And like if you can see them, they can see you. It's all kinds of wrong unless there's facing rule. One of my favorite optional rules.
@RulesLawyerDnD 15 күн бұрын
@xiongray if you can see them, you can determine if they can see you. Basically means you and the DM determine if they can see each other. O how I miss facing rules. As 5E is now, when using a grid all creatures Basically have 360 field of vision.
@xiongray 15 күн бұрын
@@RulesLawyerDnD Facing rule actual benefits duel wielding Shields since they only cover your front and Shield arm side. But yeah, when hiding, th DM determines quickly if the target notices them, but yeah, 360⁰ field of vision is stupid.
@RulesLawyerDnD 15 күн бұрын
@@xiongray yeah. Quite so
@ElocNodnarb 16 күн бұрын
I’m really annoyed by the Hide changes. I have a hostage bound and gagged behind me and the next closest enemy is 100 feet away with no line of sight but this wording implies that I wouldn’t be able to successfully hide.
@RulesLawyerDnD 16 күн бұрын
I know right. It's kinda crazy the changes they put on it. Also I guess you'll have to blindfold them now.