@SeanDSarcasm 13 күн бұрын
Your overflow pipes are to large is what is happening
@retrofitter 14 күн бұрын
If you put the rectifier at the power house you can reduce the power loss in the cable. If I understand correctly the rectifier only draws current from 2 phases at any one time. If you send DC over the cable you can use all 3 conductors at the same time. This will help with the minimum input voltage if the inverter. Further more if you put a filter capacitor across the line at the powerhouse it will boost the voltage higher again. Don't do this if you are near the rated current output of the turbine though as it generates more heat in the coils.
@kletusbobby7029 Ай бұрын
At the 11:30 min point you say the water is going under/around the wooden dam. I would have put a short length of pipe there with a bung on the lower end. This will keep the dam dry and allow you to seal it better, also you will be able to drain the lake to work on the dam in the future, also you can drain out the sediment form the lake if necessary.
@manvsland Ай бұрын
Totally. I should have done a little more research into how to build a small dam but I just went for it! I think next time I need to do any big maintenance on the thing I will for sure add in a pipe underneath for all those reasons - thanks!
@ktmrider7592 Ай бұрын
. If you would use a coanda screen with your first intake you had it would solve most of your issues. You have to build for the flood , not normal flow.
@manvsland Ай бұрын
That's great advice, I have always just built for the regular flow! The coanda screen looks like it would definitely solve most of my issues, nifty little thing. I'm just having fun building but if it gets too cumbersome I for sure have that in my back pocket...thanks!
@KevIsOffGrid Ай бұрын
Nicely done, however like you already said, it needs a bigger overflow, or a taller dam. Probably also needs rock in key places to control erosion.
@manvsland Ай бұрын
Thanks - haha yes, always room for improvement! The rocks to control erosion is a good idea...
@Rangband1 Ай бұрын
Overflow should shoot water farther from the dam, dropping it so close risks eroding at the base. Keep at it, I’ve got a system that’s been going since 2008 myself. Only one 5/16” nozzle at 58psi around 400watts. Fed with a 2” pipe. I feel like you should be getting more than 500watts with 140psi and a pipe that size.
@manvsland Ай бұрын
@@Rangband1 Right? I have ordered some different nozzle sizes to play around with and hopefully generate more power. I'm generating all I need for now but if I'm ever looking to maximize the system it wouod be nice to see what's it's capable of! Congrats on your system! Sounds simple :) If you have any videos please share, I'm always curious to see what other people are doing!
@Rangband1 Ай бұрын
@@manvslandno videos yet but I plan to record some before I switch my system to a coanda style intake.
I think a great addition to your dam would have been a 6" Drain at the bottom. like under the dam have a pipe bypassing everything with a 90 pointing up. Then you add a pipe to the 90 the is not glued that controls the water level. then when you want to drain the dam you just yank the pipe out and the water level will stay low to a bottom mounted drain allowing silt to be removed and maintained. If you need a picture, I could draw you one, but this is how full sized dams do it. it might be called a "Glory Hole"
@manvsland Ай бұрын
I actually followed that 100% and it is a really really good idea! Next time I need to do some serious maintenance I will certainly add that pipe. Thanks for the great idea!
@@manvsland Can you share with me where in the world this is? I am curious is all. Also, do you not live there year round? If you did live year round, you could move the batteries into the cabin since it is safe to do so and they would stay warm I have thought of many passive ways to warm batteries, one way it put put them in a closet with a fridge as they shed enough heat to prevent freezing when running.
@manvsland Ай бұрын
I live in the Selkirk Mountains in BC, Canada! This is my primary residence however I work away in the backcountry, often 2-4 weeks at a time. It definitely adds a layer of complexity as wood heat is my only source right now so unless I'm home, my cabin freezes. I just drain the water when I leave. The whole idea behind this was to be able to have a diversion load hooked up to a heater that would use the excess power to run while I was away, I'm just not quite there yet...
@@manvsland Oh wow, I am in the Okanagan of BC myself. You could get a mini split heat pump to keep things warm during the winter if you wanted. Maybe add a little solar to your setup to harvest from a second source. Does your water flow year round?
welcome back
@manvsland Ай бұрын
Hahaha your username 🤣
@TRS-Tech Ай бұрын
Dont forget, even if you use a smaller nozzle and only get 250W coming in thats 250W 24/7 and i would not have thought you were a massive user. I would monitor what your actually using before you worry 🙂 I would go down a size on the main nozzle and keep the second one the same. Then you can just run one all the time and the second in the summer. You dont need to worry about the batteries getting cold as long as you dont charge them cold. Most lithium batteries of that type have a low temperature cut off. Check the manual for your batteries.
@manvsland Ай бұрын
Yea, I'm slowly understanding more and more! Luckily I'm not a very large power consumer and I still think I can make it work! Thanks for the reassurance about the batteries :)
@TRS-Tech Ай бұрын
Stores all over the United States today anounced a national black PVC tape shortage. Manufacturers are rushing to catch up and tell this reporter that they have no idea as to the cause !!! 😅
@manvsland Ай бұрын
Haha busted!
@TRS-Tech Ай бұрын
It looks lovely and a great install. The only th8ng you may want to check is fireproofing and clearance around the inverter in the manual. I cant see what type of breaker your using but some on them need the + and the - to work, may be worth checking that. Hope that helps ... Great job 👍
@manvsland Ай бұрын
Yes, I'm unfortunately too close to the right wall for the proper fire clearance but I was limited with the small space...good catch!
@TRS-Tech Ай бұрын
@@manvsland well considering that's all made of wood if I lived there I would install a smoke alarm in that cupboard at the very least, maybe an automatic fire extinguisher, Amazon sell them I believe. Just take some precautions 👍
@Roeland54 2 ай бұрын
it looks like your inverter is not very efficient. 150w self consumption is quite a lot. I think other inverters do much better.
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
I agree with you. Ultimately I should have done my own research and ordered what I thought was right for me. Instead, I explained what I wanted to someone and they ordered everything and I didn't end up with exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately, it's far too expensive to replace anything so I'm just doing the best I can with I have!
@physiologie_saine 2 ай бұрын
1) Thank you for your honest review on the situation, it helps more people than you might think :) 2) You may want to see if you can grap a second type of batteries, like the american NATRON with salt and prussian blue. They can handle lower temperature ! Easier to from the US hopefully, but kind of new (it may be hard to get some). Also, a BMS should be used as the active voltage range is different from Lead & Lithium batteries. 3) Keep your optimism, nothing will stop you !
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
Yes, a battery that could handle lower temperatures would be nice. I'm as careful as I can be with mine but right now it's hard for them not to freeze! At least I don't have to use them when they're frozen but perhaps I'll look into what you suggested. Thanks!
@MrPizzaman09 2 ай бұрын
So other than working on the flow, I wonder if there is any other optimization with what you have. What's the potential power of the water (height and flow rate)? Some sort of finer adjustment on the nozzles for the low flow conditions seems like it would be worth it. Did you also have some solar attached to your system?
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
I don't have any solar yet. I don't get a lot of sun in the winter - hence the hydro - but if this is going to be the norm moving forward, I'll for sure have to loo into it!
@Mr.Engineer. 2 ай бұрын
You need to go upstream and find a secondary source you can divert into your stream :) If you build a huge dam you can store enough water during the summer to run the whole winter, but of course this is not feasible as a DIY'er :/
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
Wouldn't that be nice though! Believe me, I'm really racking my brain now about what to do...I did the math and if I buried a 1.5 Million Gallon water tank I'd be all set ;)
@Mr.Engineer. 2 ай бұрын
@@manvsland Then you should start now, one shovel scoop at a time, maybe you get halfways before you die of old age 😆 You mix metric and imperial, are you a Canadian?
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
@@Mr.Engineer. Haha I am! Canadian...not going to start digging!!!
@KevIsOffGrid 2 ай бұрын
Adjustable nozzle is what you need, they are like a screw a wedge into a cone type.
@Roeland54 2 ай бұрын
Yes it is called a Spear Valve nozzle. You can find some videos about it on youtube.
@KevIsOffGrid 2 ай бұрын
@@Roeland54 I was trying to think of the name, yes Spear valve is what I'm suggesting. I'd put one on the main nozzle, adjust to use 90% of the water. If fully open then open nozzle #2 and turn it down to again use 90% of the water.
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
Oh cool, I've never heard of a Spear Valve - I will absolutely look into that. Maybe right now! Thanks for the tip
@jimbobarooney2861 2 ай бұрын
The bypass is a great idea
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
Thanks! Yea thankfully I had that foresight as it's the only reason the water in the 3" pipe doesn't freeze and I can keep running water to my place during the winter...
@kletusbobby7029 2 ай бұрын
I agree with you, while you have low water flow, change the first nozzle size so it runs consistently on 1 nozzle while still maintaining some water overflow. In a few months when the water flow increases fit the second nozzle with the biggest size that produces the most power yet still maintains some water overflow. Ideally you might want to fit a third nozzle. The first one sized small-for low water flow. The second nozzle should be sized to increase the power output from the first nozzle, only when water is available. The third one sized large-for high water flow.
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
Exactly! And I just received a whole box of new nozzles I'm excited to go try out :D I'll keep you posted as to how it all turns out!
@pdzh 2 ай бұрын
Have you thought about getting everything wifi connected? That way you could track it all remotely
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
Yea, it was actually pretty straight forward to set up! I use the SolarPower App and it seems to work quite well.
@pdzh 2 ай бұрын
What state are you in? I always wanted to build something like this.
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
I'm in Canada! If you have the time and energy, it's a super rewarding project with a lot of rollercoasters in it. I hope your able to try it if you want and share your experiences - I'd love to get some ideas from what other people are doing too...
@pdzh 2 ай бұрын
@@manvsland I agree. Even if I can get 100 watt 24/7 it's already a win for me.
@pdzh 2 ай бұрын
@annaomalley1203 2 ай бұрын
Amazing job Ryan! Thank you!
@pdzh 2 ай бұрын
@markmacleod6971 3 ай бұрын
You need a load on that generator or it could spin itself out of control and destroy your bearings or blow it to pieces if it spins too fast.
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Yea I only had it running unloaded to make sure that the specs for the inverter and the rest of the electronics would match the potential output. It always has a load on it now :) Thanks!
@markmacleod6971 3 ай бұрын
Make that bushing thinner. just sand it down a bit . put teflan tape on all the connections and you should be good to go.
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
That's a great idea actually. Should be easy enough to sand down eh...Thanks!
@energiap2p 3 ай бұрын
Bears don't like fences 😂
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Haha so cute, but so destructive!
@samuelgilbert9734 3 ай бұрын
Also, if you exceed the maximum rated voltage, the voltage can overcome the insulation on the windings and short out some coils in the alternator which will lead to overheating and poor performance. Ultimately, it will completely ruin your alternator.
@manvsland 2 ай бұрын
Yes, great advice. Fortunately I was just doing this to find out what the maximum unloaded circuit was so it was only for a short time. I was instucted by the guy who made it to do so but your right, now i always turn my inverter on before I turn on the hydro to keep the rpm's in check! Thanks
@samuelgilbert9734 3 ай бұрын
You really shouldn't run your turbine without any load on it and full flow; you will likely exceed its maximum rated speed. I suggest designing some kind of pit or sump in which the turbine housing sits. That way, you are likely to catch any water coming from leaks on top of the turbine discharge.
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Yes, I only ran it unloaded as the guy who helped me design the system wanted to know the output to help for the specs for programming the inverter. Now there is always a load on it. And the whole floor of the powerhouse has about 2ft of gravel to act as a drainage pit if the turbine discharge leaks. Ideally, it doesn't!
@samuelgilbert9734 3 ай бұрын
9:46 you opened your valve pretty quickly! You have about half of your barrel flowing down your penstock all at once and more water flowing in. That means about a hundred litres of water rushing down your penstock to your powerhouse. I don't know what is the height difference, but you basically have a 100 kg battering ram of water going downhill. It might cause a significant pressure spike and some serious damage!
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Good call - I actually filmed the pressure gauge in the powerhouse once while I turned the water on at the barrel to see what it did. I didn't see any spike in the pressure when I watched the video but I think the penstock is so long (900m/3000ft) there is pretty significant friction as it flows down. Thanks for the concern though, I certainly don't think of them all! Cheers
@sNEAKYnIGHTmUPPET 4 ай бұрын
Any chance you can give an update on the cabin setup? How are they batteries working? what are you running on it? What did you end up using for a Dump load? What would you do differently? Updates man!!! I subbed for updates! and give us some detail, not a 30 second vid. How has it changed how you use the cabin? are you full time? Charging in winter, how are you keeping the batteries warm? a mini split for ac in the summer and some heat in the winter? electric hot water heater? I too am off grid entirely but with solar not hydro.
@Mr.Engineer. 4 ай бұрын
I am with you that updates is of interest, going to build my own hydro myself. But the creator make them as he choose, be glad you get any videos at all. It is on his free time and he makes them as he wants, with your attitude the number of videos will only go down as it kills motivation to create and share anything ...
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Hey! Thanks for the kick in the butt, I'll keep working on some updates for sure. The first update is that the system was down all winter so I had no power, no internet, no lights...which means no videos :( Haha I have it back up and running now and lots of footage from the winter so I'll put it together soon and start rolling them out again. Glad you're interested!
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, I appreciate your understanding that it all takes time. Lucky I enjoy it and your comments encourage me to keep going! Cheers
@KevIsOffGrid 4 ай бұрын
Should be a bit stronger, good work.
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
So far so good, I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I have a feeling this will not be the final form of the intake!
@SpencerLAPower 4 ай бұрын
Wow ! Now. If i just could someone that worked half as hard as you down here. That was an amazing amount of work and determination.❤Awesome job!
@SpencerLAPower 4 ай бұрын
Hard work Pays off brother😊
@SpencerLAPower 4 ай бұрын
Great job man.Glad to see you got it all going didn't know you had a youtube channel. Great job!😊
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Haha thanks Spencer! Still figuring things out, glad you found it :)
@winterburan 4 ай бұрын
Question, but when the batteries are charged what keeps the turbine slowed down? The turbine would find itself without an electrical load, it would spin freely at very high speed, generating high voltages and stressing the bearings unnecessarily, this thing is fine for a few minutes to make a video like the previous ones, in the long run it would break down, and it is not the correct way to work , there are two solutions or a constant electrical load derivation, perhaps using a small reliable electric heater without fans for heating, which is the best solution given that it also protects the downstream electronics or shuts off the water when the batteries are full . Ciao
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Yes, everything you said makes a lot of sense and I don't have the answer. I've been trying to figure out how to install a diversion/dump load for that exact reason but the EG4 6000ex inverter has turned out to be a giant pain in the butt in regards to a dump load! I will definitely make a video once I figure it out but for now I unfortunately have no answer....
@memyself3693 5 ай бұрын
I know its belated but CONGRATS !! And from the little of the framing i saw Sir you are a master craftsman!!
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Bahaha well thanks! I'd say I'm pretty far from master but I'm certainly learning lots every step of the way!
@memyself3693 5 ай бұрын
Plastic gotten into drinking side yet 🙄 Following series looking forward to you guys hooking up inverter 😅
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Lucky there was a filter in the Pressure Reducing Valve that kept all the plastic out! My water stopped working at some point and it took me a while to figure out what was going on but when I checked the PRV it was clogged right up! Silly mistake cost a lot of headache I tell ya...
@robjohnston8632 5 ай бұрын
What a great system you designed and built. That was a lot of hard work and I am sure it will pay off. If you do a summary video, I would like to see how you pre designed your system and what you ended up using as a dump load and how that was wired into the EG4. I am sure you have seen in your manual that LifePO4 batteries can not be charged below freezing so you may want a dump load heater in your power shed. Great work, you should be very happy with what you built…
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! Dang, the dump load with the EG4 is a bit of a sore spot! I haven't been able to figure anything out but I'm currently ordering parts to try a new tactic. I'll be sure to keep you updated with how all that is going. As far as an overvieew video, my system is up and running again so I would be happy to do that along with a 'design' segment. Great idea, stay tuned!
@tyriddell4004 5 ай бұрын
You need poly in your intake or a pool liner. Then rock lots of shielding rocks to prevent erosion otherwise it'll blow out.
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Gosh, the intake has been tough! I found it too challenging to keep this style of intake so I redesigned the whole thing. Let me know what you think or if you have any ways I could improve the new one, your ideasd are great! Thanks
@physiologie_saine 5 ай бұрын
@physiologie_saine @physiologie_saine il y a 0 seconde Hey man ! I'm working as a solar panel installer, and I'm amazed by the potential of hydro. That should be the first "go to" for any off grid house. You actually did something truly amazing ! Well done, thanks A LOT for showing us all the different parts, especially the "bad ones" which are part of the experience ! Greetings from Switzerland
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Wow, thanks for those kind words :) Yes, it has been wuite a journey, always trying to improve little things. I'll make sure to keep you posted as I learn more and dial the system in. I think I should get a just as a solar installer just to learn more about the whole industry! Haha...
@travisroyer7113 5 ай бұрын
I just installed a similar hydro in Nicaragua for my sister’s family, some suggestions for you to consider. The inverter/charge controller you are using has a minimum MPPT of 120V. (Depending on which windings your hydro PMA has) your max power could be a lower voltage than that, watching the video. I see it stays at 120V which makes me think it would find more power at a lower voltage. One simple way to check this out is to check your Voltage at free spin with no load connected, between 1/3 to 1/2 of that voltage is your max power. Hopefully, you can get the thing working again and figure your freezing problems out! Looking forward to seeing more of your video updates.
@manvsland 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for your response! Yes I'm not very well versed on the inner workings of my inverter. It's been off all winter but hopefully I'll be able to fire it up again soon! My highest unloaded free spin output was 214 VDC. You're thinking if I can lower the voltage of the MPPT my wattage would continue to rise? Did I follow that right?
@travisroyer7113 5 ай бұрын
Yes sir, your free spin voltage is going to be directly related to whatever your psi is while the Hydro is running. So if you put bigger nozzles on, (which I suspect would get you more potential watts) your working PSI will drop, then your free spin and max power point voltage will get even lower. For example, I used a midnite classic 250 on my project and it is finding the Max Power Point around 205V which if I remember correctly is around 43% of free spin 475V. so in your case if free spin is 214V 43% of that would be 92V. That alone would probably get you an extra 150W with your current nozzles. but remember, if you put bigger nozzles on your potential watts will be greater, but the Max power point will be even further away (with the inverter/charge controller having a minimum of 120V MPPT) So it’s likely you will not see any power increase. (if my assumptions are correct) hopefully this makes sense.
@manvsland 5 ай бұрын
Ok, yea i think that makes sense. I'll have to look into it a bit more. I did order a box of different size nozzels that I'm looking forward to playing with! Stay tuned for that, I'd be interested in your feedback after you see how the different nozzel sizes affect the flow rate/psi/ and max wattage... thanks again!
@waylonhartwell 6 ай бұрын
I would add a sediment filter back in the turbine house for the water going towards the cabin just to collect any small particles that make it all the way into the system to avoid clogging up the fine screens that are in the aerators untaps and your hot water heater and shower head along with the toilet fill nozzle
@manvsland 6 ай бұрын
Great idea. There is a filter on the pressure reducing valve but I'm not sure it's small enough to catch the tiny particles... thanks!
@user-vu1dj1ek1z 6 ай бұрын
Was that plastic in the nozzels or was that teflon tape?
@manvsland 6 ай бұрын
Plastic! Unfortunately it's from when I drilled the holes in the shoet piece of pvc pipe in the blue barrel at the intake. Those pieces went all the way down the penstock!
@kletusbobby7029 7 ай бұрын
Search "Coanda Screen" I made my own cheap version; it has been working well for about 3 years now. As for the air in the blue drum, if the intake is near the top the air won't get into the penstock. Additionally, you could put a shield around the start of the penstock to direct sediment away from the penstock.
@kletusbobby7029 7 ай бұрын
Your rectifier may get too hot even with the heat sink you have. Also, the inverter room will get warm or hot in summer, you may need a cooling fan to cool the room.
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
Yes, I finally have the system up and running again and it's like 35 degrees in the inverter room. I'll be installing a vent into the inside of my cabin shortly. It should blow cool air from my cabin in the summer and warm air in the winter to help keep the temp in that box more regulated. Thanks!
@riigel 7 ай бұрын
i'll never get tired watching micro hydro videos
@manvsland 7 ай бұрын
haha well I hope to keep you entertained for a long time! Thanks for watching!
@riigel 7 ай бұрын
hahah what a surprise 😂
@manvsland 7 ай бұрын
oops :)
@bartdepauw1156 7 ай бұрын
Calculation is easy. You have 2 bat's 5000Wh each, so about 10000Wh. 10000Wh/500W=20h to have the bat's charged from 0 to 100%. Additional, you have 1kWh each 2 hours, so about 12 kWh each day. Depending your use, a house needs about 8kWh a day. So your batteries will be most of the time between 80% and 100%. Any update video after 2 months ?
@manvsland 7 ай бұрын
Thanks! Yes, I'm still getting footage. Not to give too much away but I've had a rough beginning of the winter and don't have power at my house so I can't use my laptop! But I'll be sure to make the videos as soon as I can :)
@Shorts_only10 7 ай бұрын
You need air vent for air lock in top of penstock 😊 that will help remove air from pipe
@manvsland 7 ай бұрын
Yes, I sure do! I was thinking if I put in a 'T' right after the ball valve in the wooden box with a piece of pipe coming to the top of the box it would allow air to escape while the pipe filled. I don't think the suction of the micro hydro would be strong enough to pull any air down into the pipe...
@1943L 8 ай бұрын
Nice to see the learning curve as you try different things out. Looks like it could be a great hydro project.
@manvsland 8 ай бұрын
Yes, it still feels like the learning is just beginning!! Haha thanks
@daviddavids2884 8 ай бұрын
thoughts. large system - if compactness is desired, a large-ish turgo turbine could be used. system plumbing, throughout, should be as efficient as possible. there should be no ninety-degree bends immediately upstream of the turbine jets. at the split for the jets, the plumbing to each jet should be Sized to carry 1/2 (or whatever value) of the total flow. d
@manvsland 3 ай бұрын
I'm not sure I have room in my little underground powerhouse not to have any 90 bends. I agree it would be ideas to have nice sweeping curves but alas...thanks for the ideas though, I'll continue to try to make improvements!