@PDXDiamond Ай бұрын
14:41 yes, this happens, I experience it too
@gcam12000 Ай бұрын
What you’re doing is perfect, to me it’s almost an adoration to Jesus without the Eucharistic host cause you’re meditating him. Catholics have a lot of novenas and devotions, part of it is obedience to the church and Jesus himself. Mother Mary has 15 promises and no doubt you will experience it in your journey. Just keep praying it everyday and you’re in store for a rewarding life.
@thomasporrovecchio2600 Ай бұрын
Glory to Jesus Christ. You are in the prayers of many. I would suggest you ask Our Lady for the humility to surrender to the will of God, and see what happens next. Peace be with you.
@saulcrespo9733 Ай бұрын
You need to go to traditional Latin mass then your altar will be way different. Get rid of the teddy bear and incense. Get real bee wax candles that are blessed by a traditional priest get a sacred heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of our lady and an image of saint Gabriel arcangel. That’s all you need and the kneeler you already got it. Look for the traditional Latin mass don’t go to the novus ordo other wise you will feel like never left your Protestant church
@georgeibrahim7945 2 ай бұрын
Catholic and Orthodox christians do not see veneration of Mary as taking away from honoring God, by venerating Mary, we are recognizing how God's grace, working in her life, was able to so perfectly sanctify her, and create such great good in the world through her. By admiring a piece of artwork, we are not dishonoring the artist.
@jakechambers1739 3 ай бұрын
Welcome Home
@sarahk802 3 ай бұрын
I’m glad I found your channel. I am on this journey as well. 6 months ago I had a conversion experience around Christmas, while listening to a sermon I felt emotionally overcome and suddenly felt I understood mysteries of Christianity. After 20 years of practicing Buddhism and meditation, I am now working on reconciling with God, consecrating to Mary, and following the path of Divine Mercy. I’m still apprehensive though about engaging with a parish.
@user-bs4xv5ws3j 3 ай бұрын
Keep going and welcome home
@Rocknroller795 3 ай бұрын
Through the Rosary Mary brought me home to the Catholic Church, I had been baptized but fell away from the Church for years. The Rosary brought me that peace I had been seeking for so many years.
@carolynpereira2384 4 ай бұрын
I realize this video has been here a year now so im sure you've grown a ton since but I'm just seeing it now and I'm so happy for you. The rosary is such a beautiful and powerful prayer. I love how you pray through the lines of the Our Father. Praying through the prayer lines has been transformative for me as well!
@carolynpereira2384 4 ай бұрын
I will be praying the Rosary for you and your wife!!!
@xxfreshpineapplesxx 4 ай бұрын
I was here for your name change video!! My first video was your Rosary video. I was was excited your were catholic curious then you changed your channel name. I was sad for selfish reasons since I no longer had someone to walk with from the beginning but i never stopped praying for you!! Still praying for you! Since Easter had passed i was curious today so I looked up “Protestant prays the rosary”! So I’m here to let you knew I’m praying for you and your family!!
@michaelmallal9101 5 ай бұрын
Yea it's great.
@mjeezyca 6 ай бұрын
Welcome Home 🙏🏽
@leannewheeler5351 6 ай бұрын
Is your family converting too?
@verdecillo9940 6 ай бұрын
Hmmm, I stumbled upon your videos, and I feel led to make a few comments: First of all, congratulations! As someone whose journey mirrors your own to a great extent, I know how you must be feeling- as a Protestant, it is so exciting to discover the truth and beauty of Christ's original church and embrace Catholicism. With that being said, I simply wish to say this- just move forward with what God is instructing you to do- seriously- just go on and do it! You mention that you are now thoroughly "convinced" and that God has put it both "in your mind" and "on your heart." Well then? What are you waiting for? I listened to what you said about your wife not being convinced and your own desire for you and her to "walk together" on the journey, BUT- God doesn't work that way! God often places convictions on us as individuals- HE has a divine plan for our lives that is according to HIS holy will. We should not allow others' opinions or lack of enthusiasm about our own God-given convictions to become reservations on our part and to cause us to delay our action in carrying out HIS will. (Of course, you know what happened to Jonah when he resisted...) And believe me- I do know what you are going through- I won't tell my whole story in this comment*, but I will say enough so that you understand that I can definitely relate to you: After research and prayer, I voiced my interest in Catholicism at the beginning of this year (I was raised Baptist and all my close family members are either Baptist also or other evangelical Protestants). My mother (who was Pentecostal as a girl and became a hard-core Baptist) was quite critical of my decision. More relevantly, my wife, like yours, also was not initially excited about it- like your wife, I guess she was "supportive enough," but she thought I was being a bit weird and going in a questionable direction regarding my faith. Of course, we had very deep conversations about it and I was open about teaching her everything that I was learning for myself, and doing so made her more supportive but she still wasn't truly positive about it. Then you know what? I bluntly (but politely) told her (and everyone else) that I had made my decision and that I didn't care what she or anyone else thought about it- stating plainly that it was not because I was being contrary or wanted to rebel or any other trivial reason, but because God had brought me to the decision and that I knew it was for my benefit according to HIS plan for me- because it was bringing me into a closer relationship with HIM and was strengthening my faith. Then, I met with a deacon in my parish to begin a fast-track RCIA course and I started going to mass every Sunday. I also started doing the liturgy of the hours and praying a daily rosary. In addition, I became involved in my parish church's activities- I joined a Catholic men's Bible study and attend monthly Catholic events and conferences. In other words, I essentially "became Catholic" at least in mindset and practice (and I will have my confirmation this Easter). After only a few weeks, my wife saw the very evident positive difference it had made in me, and she started expressly asking me what I was learning and went to a conference with me. Then the following week, she joined me at mass and has been going with me ever since. Fast forward a couple weeks later, and now she will be starting a RCIA course soon and will be on the same journey. We men should remember that we are called to be the spiritual leaders of our household- the best type of leadership is by example (not only in our homes and in religious matters, but in any environment and on any subject), so if God speaks to us with a clear calling, we should act on it. Again, I only write all this because you yourself clearly state in the video that you are convinced and that it is on your heart (I wouldn't write any of this if you hadn't said that, because then you might just still be exploring). And I hope my words here don't seem harsh or scolding- indeed, I hope they are comforting and encouraging (again, I used to be in your same situation, so I know what it's like). I realize I am just a random guy on KZbin commenting on your video, but I am also your brother in Christ who just felt guided by our Lord to advise you. That's all. Peace and blessings! *I am very open about myself and love to connect with others whom I can relate to- if you do want to know my full story, feel free to ask and/or send me a private message.
@juandediosjosesaavedra6094 7 ай бұрын
Have you already responded to the question? Have you already officially completed the course? When is part 2?
@ToniTonyTone111 2 ай бұрын
There's no reason to rush. Some people take longer than others especially if one is from another religion; give time for the Holy Spirit to do his work on HIS time. Only God knows when he will be ready to take the next step. 🙏✝️
@juandediosjosesaavedra6094 7 ай бұрын
When is the 2nd part? To understand Consecration to Mary, I take the example of the altar and the Temple. Offerings are consecrated to God by being kept in the Temple or by posing them on the altar (Cf. Mt 23 16-22). Mary is like Jesus' altar: in the reverse of the Miraculous Medal the M of Mary appears as the altar to the Cross or identified with it. Our self-offering to Jesus through Mary is more perfect, because of her unique closeness to Jesus.
@gianne4228 7 ай бұрын
Hello...just bump into your video because I was searching on topics of praying 4 rosaries a day. Welcome to the Catholic family !! I can relate to you on your strange experience with the Bl Mother, because I also seem to have such experience from Her in front of Her statue / picture.... Know that She exist and She is real, and working to bring us to Her Son !!! :) Pls make more vidoes about Her, She will be very happy!!!! May God bless you always through Her and St Joseph.
@angelalong6740 7 ай бұрын
May God continue to bless you 🙏 Welcome to the family 🙏
@aracelynavarro976 7 ай бұрын
The didache bible is incredible! I have it and it’s instrumental in learning about our beautiful Catholic faith. God bless you brother
@ilona1778 8 ай бұрын
Hi Nate, how is it going for you? Are you taking classes?
@juandediosjosesaavedra6094 8 ай бұрын
I wonder if you have read the story of Alphonse Ratisbonne's conversion because of the Miraculous Medal. Is it in that book? It seems so close to your own story, plus he was a Jew. The Catholic Church respects the different sensitivities. Be prudent about trying all the devotions, go rather to the essence of the Catholic Faith. I am a Catholic priest and I am quite reluctant to some devotions, like the consecration to St. Joseph, though I love St. Joseph and pray to him. Like you, i love the devotion to the Sacred Heart. Some things are just opinions or tendencies in the Church, but not the Faith of the Church. Someone who is considering to become a Catholic needs to distinguish the Catholic Faith from theological opinions and popular devotions which are not essential to the Faith and may even be questionable. I pray for you
@juandediosjosesaavedra6094 8 ай бұрын
I am intrigued by the fact that your approach to Catholic Faith seems to happen in your readings or watching Catholic things. Is there any contact with the life of the Church, like attending Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, prayer groups...? Do you have any personal encounters with Catholic people, Priests, nuns, cathechists...? By the way, where do you live now, still in New York State? I am a Spanish friar and priest living now in Orange, New Jersey, Do you have a Facebook account?
@juandediosjosesaavedra6094 8 ай бұрын
The Rosary is a prayer highly recommended by the Saints and the Popes, besides being very instructive and efficacious, but we should not make it an absolute, there are also the Divine Office and other beautiful Catholic prayers: the chaplet of Divine Mercy, the litanies to the Sacred Heart and the Holy Name of Jesus...
@2ndSelf03 8 ай бұрын
Wow, great to hear! I’m a recent convert myself (confirmed in 2022) and come from a Protestant background with Pentecostal roots, Bible school and ministry experience, preaching etc. I went through an extremely similar experience to you. Even held off on becoming Catholic to also walk with my wife to make sure we could hopefully be received into the Church as a family. Would be happy to connect with you if you ever want to chat with someone who went through the same journey (specifically with waiting to be confirmed)!
@juandediosjosesaavedra6094 8 ай бұрын
I would precise that Jesus says about the bread: This is my body, but to the Apostles: Do this in memory of me. The bread he has in his hands becomes his Body, but what the Apostles will do will be in remembrance of Christ. The Eucharist is the Body of Christ; the priests are not Christ, they act, do, in remembrance of Christ.
@jinxme 8 ай бұрын
U need to get it blessed with priest
@jinxme 8 ай бұрын
Best thing about catholic is holy Eucharist... many protestant church copy it but it's never the same reverence n never the same
@mpkropf5062 Ай бұрын
What Protestants copy is actually blasphemy. They only pretend it’s a symbol which is unbiblical
@lloydrich522 8 ай бұрын
Awsome story!🙏 I want her to be my Mother to!
@lloydrich522 8 ай бұрын
thank you for sharing your story it caught my attention 😮 i have a medal but not sure about it, i think once when i had taken it off i felt like i should of not taken it off kinda convicted in a way?
@cantrait7311 8 ай бұрын
All the best to you
9 ай бұрын
Nearly everything is fine and probably will evolve, but please remove that kind of incense from your altar asap. Some of the incense stuff have an occult symbolic etc. attached that you should have at your prayer corner. Try to find a catholic incense burner instead. Maybe the process of finding one also will help you get in contact with a few nice helpful souls.
@janegithinji5880 9 ай бұрын
I recently got a miraculous medal as a gift from a prayer partner. I had never heard about the miraculous medal. My prayer partner tol me that the miraculous medal is very powerful....that the miraculous medal novena has always worked for her. I knew I was going to try it . I did. I have received very many graces. I'm just in love with the miraculous medal....and I feel a deep intimate relationship with the immaculate heart of Mary. It really is powerful. I am praying that my children and my entire family get drawn to God....to love God so so much. I know it will happen. What a joy it will be to see my 2 sons and husband turn to God in complete abandon.
@testimoniodefe 9 ай бұрын
He is truly present in the Eucharist, and even though we are not worthy, we are very privileged to be part of this feast. I recently came back to the church and I'm in love with Jesus in the Eucharist. Also, look up Eucharistic miracles... Beautiful testimonies of His real presence.
@michaelgartman4320 10 ай бұрын
My family and I started going to a low church again regularly about a year ago...I, my wife, my mother in law, my daughter, her husband, and 3 grandkids all live under one roof. Everyone is so excited to be going to church again, and my daughter and her husband are really forming some bonds in small group. I somehow stumbled on Pints with Aquinas and started becoming interested in Catholicism. I would convert tomorrow if it weren't for my family, who are all really happy being nondenominational and against being Catholic. I am going to be as Catholic as I can without converting for now, and pray that God sorts it all out to his will. I am ordering my first rosary today. lol
@kaylynn4750 10 ай бұрын
Nate, I’m so scared to take the leap. So many crazy good things coming my way and because I’ve been committed to it for 4+ years now in ministry and career. It’s majorly upsetting to think that it might all change with this one decision. The friendships, mentorships, mentees of mine, and even work relationships could all change drastically the moment I decide to make the jump. The craziest part is that in the church I attend (a non-denominational Charismatic church), I’ve noticed an emphasis placed on the upkeep of holiness (common to holiness traditions but not to modern non-denominationals). It is fascinating as I see this shift as a rather traditionally Catholic understanding - though the language is slightly different. I do wonder if that’s why I’m so open to Catholicism: because of the belief in miraculous works of God and a looser theology surrounding “Faith Alone.” I can’t unsee it, and I admit that in the past I couldn’t understand exactly what “faith alone” meant outside of nominal faith. What difference did it make if one only had “fire insurance” as opposed to genuine belief? I didn’t know and still don’t. Only God can decide. But I did surmise that anyone who truly “believes” will desire to do what Jesus commanded ultimately. That’s where I’ve staked my claim in the past few years. The more I learn, the less I know, and the more I’m curious about! 😮❤ Much love to you on your journey. The class sounds fun! Do you have a link to it? Edit: just realized you linked it in the description. Thanks!😅
@kaylynn4750 10 ай бұрын
By the way: I love the idea of “participating with grace.”
@BecomingCatholic 10 ай бұрын
Hey! First of all, this is awesome. I’m so excited for you and what God is doing in your life. I would definitely suggest taking that Catechist course, you’ll learn so much, and will sort of pre-catechized yourself before entering the Catholic Church. Take it slow, and pay attention to every detail. I’ve found that the more time I spend at church, the more bitter I become, because all I can see is the theological mistakes and spiritual lack compared to Catholicism. I’m that, I’m also finding myself naturally inclined to believe things I never have before simply because the Church makes a distinction. My devotional life has also become completely Catholic in appearance. So if you find yourself in this type of space, it may be worth making some small steps in the direction of Catholicism. When it’s starts to feel disobedient to God to not convert, you’ll know it’s time.
@DanielWilliams-cp3wx 10 ай бұрын
I'm taking rcia/ocia classes right now, I'm not sure if I'm ready to convert, but I'm leaning in that direction. My spiritual journey has been long Latter-Day Saint, to Pentecostal, to Wiccan, to Methodist, and simply felt like there was something missing, but I do believe that its the real Presence that's missing. Thanks for sharing your journey.
@angelahagemeyer698 10 ай бұрын
When you said you were “tired” of trying to interpret scripture, that really resonated with me. I converted 15 years ago to the Catholic faith and while I am able to articulate many reasons why I converted it never occurred to me to explain it so simply! In my case I was “tired” of being my own pope! I was sick of trying to find “the one church” that “made sense”; once I realized I was never going to find that church in the Protestant world I was so thankful God brought me home to The Church. I am loving listening to your zeal and your newfound love for the Church. Please be cautious and understand that no matter how much you love the Church, you need to live a fully sacramental Catholic life for some time before you are qualified to truly be a catechist. I have been a practicing Catholic for 15 years and I learn something new about our faith nearly everyday. St. Paul says something about milk and meat - you are still drinking milk and not ready for meat yet! It’s wonderful that you want to share and evangelize, so don’t be discouraged by what I am saying. I’m just saying the best is yet to come - the Eucharist and the rest of the sacraments. Learning about it and living it are two different things. You can intellectually understand how to operate a race car, but until you get behind the wheel you don’t have a clue how it will really be to drive that fast. May God bless you! Turn to St. Joseph, he is a wonderful saint to teach you about Jesus and Mary. I will be praying for you.
@BecomingCatholic 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment and support! It’s a privilege to be able to share my journey and be blessing to others! I appreciate the advice, I don’t plan on getting into any kind of formal ministry for a while. Only prepare myself for potential ministry in ways that will be beneficial to me regardless of whether or not I do any kind of ministry in the future. I am very stoked about all I’m learning!
@ilona1778 10 ай бұрын
Nate, I had the same feeling in my catechism course and reading the catechism! It was a spiritual experience, little bit same feeling when reading the Bible. Not the same but similar ❤
@BecomingCatholic 10 ай бұрын
Isn’t that something? It’s pretty incredible how God can do sensational things in intellectual settings.
@dawntrudeau 10 ай бұрын
Nate, I am hoping and praying that Becoming Catholic will grown into a successful ministry for you and your family. I appreciate what you’re doing and sharing with us. Even though I am a cradle Catholic I still have a lot of questions. I am slowly reverting back to the church. Thank you again. 😊
@BecomingCatholic 10 ай бұрын
Thank you! Feel free to throw any questions my way, they might make it into a video!
@dawntrudeau 10 ай бұрын
@@BecomingCatholic Why is it so hard to be accepted into the Catholic Church? I went through baptism, my first confession, my first communion and confirmation as a child. In the Gospels, people were excepted as followers of Jesus and baptized without It being so formal. Catholics believe in original sin, baby’s are born with the original sin. I thought we were born without sin now that Jesus died on the cross for us to take away our sins? Maybe I need to read the catechism lol
@BecomingCatholic 10 ай бұрын
@dawntrudeau I have to preface my answer by saying that I am not a confirmed Catholic, nor am I catechist, so my answer to your question is going to be incomplete or flimsy. With that said, my understanding is that if you’ve already been baptized, confirmed, and received communion, then all that is required of you to enter a state of grace and be in union with the Church is to go to confession. As for comparing the New Testament with the Church, you’ll find that through out Paul’s letters and Acts that confirmation is a normal aspect of Christian tradition. It’s typically referred to as the “laying on of hands.” Baptism was CLEARLY instituted by Christ through as is evidenced throughout the Gospels, and John and Corinthians are absolutely laced with explicit explanations and instructions for the Eucharist. The reason it may look different to you is because you’ve been spending a lot of time in Charismatic/Pentecostal churches and the picture they typically paint when describing the Gospels and Acts is a very grass roots, bare bones, simplistic, hippie-esque picture. In actuality, the houses they met in were owned by the wealthier congregants and the main living quarters was emptied and converted into a standing only sanctuary. (We very early sketches of what these looked like). We also see councils taking place in Acts. Something to remember is that the Church teaches that while Revelation was given to us by God through Jesus Christ, our understanding of it grows as we study and pray and live. So as the Church has grown and the Magisterium has had time to develop doctrines and practices, Baptism, Confirmation, and Communion have evolved in appearance, but their nature has always been the same. In order to become a Christian according the Church, all that’s necessary is to be baptized and believe in Jesus (on oversimplifying but that’s the essence of it). In order to become Catholic, confirmation is necessary because the Church wants to disciple you and make sure you know what they believe before they officially make you one of their own. And they have the authority to do this because the Church is the Body of Christ, and so carries all of Christ’s authority. I hope this helps! Any Catholics or catechists please feel free to correct me where I may have erred!
@dawntrudeau 10 ай бұрын
@@BecomingCatholic yes!! This helps so much. You are very right I am looking from a Charismatic Protestant view because that’s where I’ve been lately. Before that I wasn’t catechized properly. I am going to study my Bible more diligently through the Catholic lens as you explained. I can’t get over how much you know already. Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions I realize you are very busy. 😊
@dawntrudeau 4 ай бұрын
Hi Nate. Just wondering if you’re coming back? Either way.
@mikaelacash3791 10 ай бұрын
It's so good to see you back! Thanks for the update! In regards to what you said about your channel becoming a ministry, I do recommend that when you do decide to become Catholic, you watch Keith Nester's video on something like 'First year of being Catholic'. I forget the exact name of the video. The point, though, is not to jump right in and be doing everything. Take it slow and find where your faith fits into your life.
@BecomingCatholic 10 ай бұрын
Thank you! While I am very much interested and open to the idea, I have no plans to make the channel anything other than what it is now. Im just enjoying learning and growing
@mikaelacash3791 10 ай бұрын
@@BecomingCatholic I wish you all the best and will continue to pray for you 🙏
@aadschram5877 10 ай бұрын
Nate, God works in mysterious ways.
@BecomingCatholic 10 ай бұрын
@dawntrudeau 11 ай бұрын
Hi Nate, is your channel going to post videos regularly? I’m not pushing lol I’m just so excited to see how it’s going! 😁
@BecomingCatholic 10 ай бұрын
Hey Dawn! Thanks for commenting! Somewhat! lol I'm don't have a strong posting schedule YET, but I will be actively working on new content to keep you all updated on my journey!
@dawntrudeau 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for answering😊
@flowergirl3438 11 ай бұрын
If you are feeling that you want to become Catholic, that is because God himself is calling you. The same thing with your wife, if she is warming up to it, God is calling her as well. I am certain that you will reach the fullness of the faith, because once you open the door to Christ he is going to be there, calling you in your heart and in your mind, till you reach the goal. Bless you in your journey.
@flowergirl3438 11 ай бұрын
It's nice to have an altar, a special place to pray and give honor to Jesus. As you grow in the knowledge of God, your altar will change and be more centered on God. A couple items you may want to add now are blessed candles, (Christ is the Light of the world), a small bottle of Holy Water (to bless yourself before praying and it also makes the devil flee), a Rosary which has been blessed by a priest. You don't have to be Catholic to have items blessed, a priest will help you to make your journey to God more fruitful.
@kaylynn4750 11 ай бұрын
So exciting! Our journeys have been side by side for awhile, though I’m not married. Lately I’ve been having Padre Pío “reach out” to me. That’s been a little terrifying as a Protestant, but it’s also so cool! God bless you!
@BecomingCatholic 11 ай бұрын
That is awesome! That’s how I have felt about St. Thomas Aquinas. He seems to be popping up everywhere.
@kaylynn4750 11 ай бұрын
Literally just yesterday I found out that the person who gave me the book Rome Sweet Home works in the Padre Pio building at his job. It's so crazy! @@BecomingCatholic
@kaylynn4750 11 ай бұрын
For some reason, he keeps bringing books into my life and having someone leave a holy card or bring him up when talking to me. @@BecomingCatholic
@saracain5275 11 ай бұрын
So glad you're back. Was concerned, I have thought of you regularly. Have you or your wife read Jesus Shock by Peter Kreeft? It isn't theological but it is apologetic. It is a FANTASTIC book which really expresses the whole picture of what we are to aim at. I highly recommend it. I will continue to pray for your family!
@BecomingCatholic 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for the thoughts and recommendation. I haven’t read that book but I’m sure I will! I’m a big fan of Kreeft.
@DrSheri.teaches 11 ай бұрын
I’m so pleased to watch this video! My husband and I converted in 2020, my youngest son converted last year, and my eldest son just entered RCIA. I have been following you since one of your first videos and I will be praying for you and your family! Please, please pray for my eldest son (who is also named Nate ☺️) and for his marriage, which needs prayer, and his daughters. I look forward to seeing more content from you and following your journey. St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!
@BecomingCatholic 11 ай бұрын
Amen! Thank you for sharing! I will say a Hail Mary for your son and his family.
@Sunshinelaura1 11 ай бұрын
Im so happy to see you back and that you have restarted your journey. My husband and i were married 31 years ago, and he is a cradle Catholic. I was raised Latter Day Saint but left years ago. Last year my husband had a health scare and long story short..i ended up in daily mass. The more i learned about Catholicism the more i loved. We raised all 4 of our children Catholic and i came and went to Mass here and there but i didnt feel it calling me as i do now. (My husband is all good health wise btw). I started RCIA a few weeks ago and am so happy. I just love the Catholic faith. I feel confident that you and your wife will make your way home eventually. Hopefully it doesnt take you 31 years like me. 😂 God Bless you and your sweet family. I will be watching your journey and praying for you. Take care Laura
@BecomingCatholic 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing Laura! That is an awesome story! Haha yeah I don’t expect it to take too long, although right now any amount of time feels like too kick time.