Embodiment Meditation
11 ай бұрын
IFS Polarization Demo
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Meditation - Caring for Caregivers
Fire Drill Meditation
3 жыл бұрын
Parenting Through a Pandemic
4 жыл бұрын
@brookejenkin7463 2 күн бұрын
Robinson Lisa Wilson Robert Garcia Barbara
@SerikPoliasc 3 күн бұрын
Clark Jose Moore Eric Harris Kimberly
@SpenderZebulon-j2t 5 күн бұрын
Lind Cove
@SerikPoliasc 5 күн бұрын
Moore Jessica Williams Thomas Hernandez Anna
@selenac1295 6 күн бұрын
Are there any plans to make an ifs visual parts deck?
@NorrisKen-u1e 7 күн бұрын
Gage Mountains
@HugoSterner-k6y 7 күн бұрын
Kerluke Corners
@Mohisto23 9 күн бұрын
6:39 I have some c-word qualities myself.... But maybe that's just that inner critic talking, darn critic.. 😂
@juniejams3729 10 күн бұрын
I've been doing thos in trauma therapy for several years. I has no idea this was a real thing. I've felt crazy, like I could be making this up unconsciously and hopeless. I relate to DID, but not in the traditional sense. My parts aren't different people, or other grnders. They're all me. They are very different distinct parts of me separated by age. My whole childhood and teen life was trauma filled. I never developed a sense of self and didn't understand why I couldn't "control" myself n a lot of areas. Knowing this is actually a thing is liberating. Thank you.
@jakefeingold1126 14 күн бұрын
Loxodon Gatekeeper
@HardyTheresa-u3m 14 күн бұрын
Lopez Daniel Jones Frank Wilson Patricia
@eh2254 16 күн бұрын
Thank you, Tyrone! For sharing.
@serdenferhatoglu9471 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. It is really helpful. I found out my parts too whşle watching it.
@paulmathews1964 18 күн бұрын
Incredible meditation. Thank you so much for IFS and these meditations. Truly transformational.
@CanadianDrifter777 27 күн бұрын
Excellent interview, thanks. I wonder if Richard saw the Dali Lama French kissing a little boy on camera? I wonder what he thinks of that man now?
@nikiel666 27 күн бұрын
Thank You
@Awakenedkarolina 27 күн бұрын
I am nearly 65 and I’m in the process of getting an autism diagnosis and learning about IFS. I found this to be both a wonderful resource and very validating.
@anamouchette5588 Ай бұрын
It's shamanism.
@dees9478 28 күн бұрын
Damn, your comment makes his already convincing system seem even more convincing. You, my internet friend, need a hug, followed by some parts healing. Lemme guess, you only believe in things that you can prove, and yet you're not of a scientific mind and have to rely on other people for the truth. Truth is that I've healed immensely from Parts work, Jungian analysis, neither of which can be "proven". Good luck in life with that attitude of yours. You'll need all the help you can get.
@anamouchette5588 26 күн бұрын
@@dees9478 it's no secret, Richard Schwartz says it openly in interviews, just type in youtube search "ifs and shamanizm". There are IFS practicioners like Jennifer Farley who are also inti shamanic practices and talk about it. There is no dispute about the fact that it helps, magically.
@dordtrecht5 Ай бұрын
This is probably one of the most profound testimonials. I just found out about Jenna. She’s absolutely remarkable in her explanation. Love this. I’m weeping.
@bensouthall2612 Ай бұрын
I'm glad to see Dick make a differentiatiom here. I see a lot of conflation of IFS and mindfulness, but theyre polar opposites. The goal in mindfulness is to separate, and you do that by getting as close to your parts' experiences as possible, and not identifyingbwith them. The goal in IFS is to go towards your parts and become closer to them, but you do that by having a bit of space so that they're not fronting entirely. You are not just a thought. You are going through hell and it's they who did this to you. "You too shall pass"? Never.
@mikaeldelta Ай бұрын
Genius. Quite influenced by the Focusing healing method and it's techniques.
@khansherani Ай бұрын
Yesterday I sat with my feeling of deep pain in heart, like sadness or grief. I did conscious breathing for couple of hrs, like saying to myself “breathing through” the feeling-while breathing in, “breathing over” the feeling while breathing out. After this process as if I felt more connected to the feeling where feeling started opening up to me. Still, I saw that there is a cocoon over the feeling I asked it to open up the cocoon and tell me what message it has for me And then suddenly sad image of my mother came up. Like in my infantile years, my mother felt lonely depressed and as an infant I absorbed her pain that is still pulsating in me in my psyche as my sad inner child. I talked to that infant and my mother, reassured them, was with them without any judgement and sent lots of love from here in year 2024 to them in year 1977-78. I told them I understand your pain, I am proud of you both and you both are winner as I am proving it as adult self now. I kept engaged to them for around 2 hrs while keeping the breathing-through, breathing-into exercise live again and again. To especially my infant self. I reminded him about how we overcame past hurdles, and how resourceful I am now. Looked like the infant felt relief and smiled, I continued my engagement. Felt little tired, but saw peace within, I felt my feeling is at rest, I did not feel happy more than yesterday since years. Guys IFST is real Feel the feelings and talking to them for reeducating them or reparenting them is real. I was hearing on this since 2019, but was not having that deeper trust in it but slowly when my circumstances pushed me to apply this healing fully, the results were there. Be very intense and compassionate in reaching to these feelings, breathing exercise will help you, and then say to these feelings that it did not hear when it was formed first time......and here you will have the healing.... for me it worked after 30 yrs of puzzle and confusion.... :). By evening that day in years I first time felt my CPTSD inner pain inner sadness is at 0%. And one thing is sure u need a lot of patience, courage and acceptance to the inner pain when you dive in to your feelings. Feelings want you to listen to it, to feel it to get it validated and then to complete with the pressing issue that was there when first time the feeling got created. Your psyche, soul, spirit, nafs is a real entity. May be it is easy for this internal energy form of you to fragment and become many sub-selves, and these sub-selves got stuck in the time. You need to time travel back in time in your meditation having focus on your feeling, talking to them with compassion and then provide their unmet need. Once you do this completion process again and again the feelings come to rest and you get inner peace, joy and happiness, freedom to feel your true self fully and engage in life powerfully. And in all this above process bringing God to your side always helps after even your inner psyche is a created entity, the basic energy form and its creation that only its creator knows very well. Bring this higher power to your side and start your journey
@susaniceland Ай бұрын
@angelinasouren Ай бұрын
Internal family systems sounded like dissociative identity disorder to me. So I looked at the description and discovered it's about something else. (Haven't watched the video and am not going to.)
@Get__StuffDone Ай бұрын
@JoanneJaworski Ай бұрын
As a 14 yr. energy coach, I had an additional thought on the chronic health & grief question @1:44:56. Illness is often precipitated by a shock & trauma and/or where emotions have been stored or lodged in the body until or unless they can be released. This presentation revealed some very helpful nuggets for me personally (as does IFS in general) that combine so well for me with energy knowledge too. IFS parts filled in some missing and very important aspects for me that just would not move out or heal. I am so grateful to have found IFS (and this presentation too)! Thank you, Ann!
@THEShogunBallistic Ай бұрын
I had twelve drinks the other day. I don't like this map it convolutes personal identification and creates an external locus of control by creating "parts" outside of oneself. As a legit exile I can't see separating parts of me into managers, firefighters and exiles. It just seems dissociative. I do agree that those archetypes are excellent for recognizing varying responsibilities - firefighters putting out emotional fires for example. I just don't think this works for "addictive process" or substance use disorder in general.
@2biicoachingformndkarlotto317 Ай бұрын
So my bipolar tendencies are just different parts trying to protect me?
@brendanmead7785 Ай бұрын
I am an autistic male new to IFS wow
@JoanneJaworski Ай бұрын
@tycutner could you share what changes you felt after the session or what has changed for you since doing this? That would be so helpful to know.
@tycutner Ай бұрын
Hello Joanna, this session took place in 2018. Right after the session I had a new relationship with the resistance to work and leisure time. Those parts were kinder to each other similar to a big brother/little brother relationship. In 2021 I had a second session with Dr. Schwartz where I was unburdened from the passing of my mom which happened over 20 years ago. If you google "Ty Cutner IFS" a few podcast will come up as well as the book Freeing Self IFS Beyond the Therapy Room. I contributed a chapter discussing the work I've done with men using IFS. I even turned that chapter into a mini audiobook.
@JoanneJaworski Ай бұрын
@@tycutner thanks so much for your reply! I appreciate hearing the update and the additional info you included. I had to make an addition to this earlier comment, after I listened to your interview on The Robin Smith Show. No matter what the modality is, I like to hear updates of changes if there are any. I appreciated how you talked about the career changes and enhancements after IFS! Great stuff, Ty!
@grateful1947 2 ай бұрын
Excellent. Thank you!
@bethbrown1519 2 ай бұрын
Imagine if all leaders of the world did this very important, transformative work.
@medicinadelsolllcdpc4207 2 ай бұрын
THIS version of IFS actually resonates best for me. Miigwech 😉🪶
@Margaret___d4q 2 ай бұрын
What lies ahead? Exclusive interview with Binance's CEO offers insights into future developments
@marniebable 2 ай бұрын
@dmcdetroit 2 ай бұрын
Are public proceedings available of the talk/seminar?
@ruthanneszenasi4057 2 ай бұрын
Where has this gal been all my life??!? Oh my goodness, this is amazing! "A move toward energy instead of a move away from energy..." I am so TIRED of all the Bible knowledge that has only served to make my spiritualizer part more controlling and critical.
@Judymontel 2 ай бұрын
Deeply moving. Thank you both - Ty for your courage and openess. Dr. Schwartz for your expertise and kindness.
@michellemonet4358 3 ай бұрын
Anyone know the best way to find an IFS practitioner?
@livingmedicineinstitute 3 ай бұрын
Interested in the next, spiritual level of this conversation? We are excited to share on our channel a groundbreaking interview with Dick, with the below description. In this fascinating conversation, Dick discusses for one of the first times the spiritual implications of working with parts of self. In line with many traditions of the ancient world, we appear to have many parts that we are not consciously aware of. Though most of those parts belong to us, and are best integrated and healed, some parts do not. It is these that need to be removed, and their apparent sentient nature shakes up much of what current, scientific psychology is willing to see and accept. No matter what your views, you will be fascinated by Dick’s honest report of his decades of experience working first-hand at the crossroads of psychology and spirituality. Clinical evidence has shown that IFS works, and it is one of the most widely trained psychotherapy interventions today. We cannot, then, easily dismiss Dick’s wealth of clinical experience. The implications of this conversation are immense and only beginning to be understood. Deep gratitude to both Dick and his guides for their willingness and clarity in giving this thirsted-for guidance to the psychedelic provider community.
@liam.4454 3 ай бұрын
WHat do you do if it doesn't work? I've done 7/8 different therapies and they've all made me worse I admit i haven't done ifs but i'm cautious of trying something else
@dirkheeres1265 3 ай бұрын
IFS is definitely one of the most important innovations in clinical psychology of the 21st century
@deldridg 3 ай бұрын
Very interesting and something I wish I had come across many years ago. I'm about to read Dr Schwartz's book and will apply my learnings to my help my own children navigate what is looking to be a very uncertain and tricky future. Cheers from Sydney - Dave
@sarademetry7185 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Ann. These two books have also influenced me, as I connected with them during the pandemic. Thank you for bringing this to IFS
@TacoCat17 4 ай бұрын
ty Jane’s dad from Breaking Bad very informative :)
@MiPo3333 4 ай бұрын
"Collective" legacy burdens as a teen makes so much sense! Thanks for coming up with it!
@123gp1833 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely true.
@SashaMorris-n6n 4 ай бұрын
Spot on Spot on Spot on!! Excellent
@anais269 4 ай бұрын
4:55 I hate meditations with ads half way through...