@lilgreenmomo 3 күн бұрын
I have a pretty bog standard DSH tabby & white, she is so much like a Bengal it's unreal.
@lilybriggs8827 22 күн бұрын
I think my bengal is broken …. He loves licking my ice water and prefers cold meat to mousy temps and he is alwayyyssss drinking water. He also loves to be held And proped up in the camera. I got him a year ago and he’s about 3 now. But he’s a healthy happy boy. Smartest cat I know
@wetbabyyoda Ай бұрын
This modules hahaaa its good yo
@wetbabyyoda Ай бұрын
Hahaaa i cant take my ceral is everywhere my god jesus hahaha
@feik1409 Ай бұрын
Did anyone successfully trained your bengals to use a toilet? Thanks!
@TheMcspreader Ай бұрын
Squirt bottle? Nope. Quite a few bengals actually like it and think it's a fun game.
@TheHuggsterYo 2 ай бұрын
This was a great video! I am in the process of getting 2, and now you have given me cause to really think about what I feed them. I want them the healthiest possible. So, raw it is....!!!
@BadBoyBreeze13 5 ай бұрын
I need a video on the most common health issues they have
@dianewarren7169 5 ай бұрын
Yikes, I dont think I want a Bengal, sounds like my place will be destroyed! 😮
@consciouseye7209 5 ай бұрын
My Bengal eats birds.
@FloozieOne 7 ай бұрын
I had a Bengal for 19 years. She was the sweetest, most devoted and most beautiful cat you have ever seen. I have always had cats but dealing with Shundor (Beauty in Bengali) was a learning experience for us both. Bengals are insatiably curious and will poke their nose into any new thing so you have to be a little careful about what you leave lying around. They also require more stimulation than most domestic breeds so you always need to have toys around and lots of interactive play time. Two caveats to owning a Bengal, (actually they believe they own you); they have very long back legs and are incredible jumpers. Shundor could jump from the floor to the top of my 4 1/2 foot dresser without even thinking about it, then when they get up there they are annoyed that it isn't a nice place to sleep because its too crowded so they will push everything off until they are comfy. Second they are incredibly vocal. They talk all the time! They are really funny since it is fairly easy to see what they are calling about. Food is obvious, but Shundor used to get up on the bed and imperiously demand that it was time for me to come to bed with her because she was sleepy. They also have a kind of continuous chirp or ''ack ack ack" going up and down scales. But, they are loud! If your Bengal wants something it is best to obey immediately. To wrap up, she was the best cat I ever had and I still miss her 15 years after her passing.
@brostopreadingmyprofilenam7753 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much I needed this. I'm getting two female Bengal kittens, and I need all the preparations.
@monikaheron3851 7 ай бұрын
Drop music
@andreawright8258 7 ай бұрын
My Bengal is 10 months old and won’t eat raw meat. Have tried many times. She so fussy…. Need help and advice please
@loriperini771 7 ай бұрын
My fluffy orange cat Roo came home covered in motor oil one day. Luckily he was very calm while my husband and I bathed him with dawn dish soap. I still let him out till a few months ago when we spotted a coyote in our back yard. He wants to go outside but he has 2 indoor playmates, one of them a F3 female bengal, so they do a good job of keeping him entertained inside. I do believe catio's are the only way to go if you can afford it.
@bloodymarvelous4790 7 ай бұрын
Bengals are clearly hard work. She's out of breath the entire video.
@allenthompson3171 8 ай бұрын
my boy eats 5 times day
@monkefoahead 7 ай бұрын
So does mine.greedy 😻
@allenthompson3171 8 ай бұрын
my boy chaised a Sow & cub bear,,, it was really cool. i wish i could video. .
@allenthompson3171 8 ай бұрын
you are the first... my boy lives with me in a 28 camper. thank you.
@sevenpaulperalta929 9 ай бұрын
My Bengals have their own cat door, so they hunt all night and come in for breakfast. I play with them all the time and even my 8 year old plays like a kitten. I think I live in their world, not mine!😢
@drayphoenix117 9 ай бұрын
I like this..
@ashleybellerose7104 10 ай бұрын
Tomorrow im buying my cats meat lol Also can they gave ground beef?
@valeriasanchez927 10 ай бұрын
At what age can the start raw? Also, would human-grade ground meat be ok? I don’t have time to ground the meat myself
@GWAYGWAY1 10 ай бұрын
Best thing is the newish leather sofa, and ignoring the cat post.😊
@Su-jk5ve 10 ай бұрын
What type of exotic vet do you take your bengal cats? I'm having trouble finding exotic vets that are used to dealing with bengal cats
@Su-jk5ve 10 ай бұрын
Uhm I don't know if you know this but that is HIGHLY ineffective with breeds like bengal cats because you can look up videos of cat breeds that PLAY in water without any training involved 7:19. am I hearing this right? It WORKS in moderation given what I said earlier and they're know to LOVE water hence why I said that highly ineffective, 18:35 bro just travel train them and it'll be easier for your cats because bengal cats love adventures and very adventurous, 19:28 that's another thing you should do is socialize them try harness training your to bengals since that'll help them be socialize with other animals
@KyleKlabunde 10 ай бұрын
my bengal is lazy. i dont have issues with him.
@dancor5424 10 ай бұрын
you can buy tuarine by the pound phama grade maybe others too
@deniseg812 10 ай бұрын
What about parasites in raw meat?
@jpanic2 11 ай бұрын
Majority of your video was useful.. but I HIGHLY ADVISE AGAINST Squirt bottles. Your positive reinforcements are a MUCH BETTER approach. since cats are to be treated like babies.. would you squirt your baby girl or baby boy to teach them something?? I definitely wouldn't. Squirting water @ them just gets them to NOT LIKE and instill a type of fear which contributes to their already heighten anxiety. I'm a firm believer of loving all animals in the same fashion of love a baby. Cats are 90% like humans and dogs are 80% like humans. so they are all very intelligent animals and there is no need to have them fear you when all animal owners should try to create a safe home and trusting their owner is something which can easily be broken and hard to gain again,.
@PeytonPlace212 11 ай бұрын
I let my Bengal go outside and I’ve had her for 6 years. She never wonders off or stay outside for very long. She pretty much goes outside to burn off some energy and then she’s back in the house. I only had one scare. 2 years ago I moved and when I let her outside she went missing for the whole weekend and then showed up on the patio. I was so scared I didn’t let her out for awhile but I eventually gave into all the begging.
@jwright9639 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the info!
@brooklynpeltier2237 Жыл бұрын
@Claptonfan Жыл бұрын
Hard to listen to. She ends her sentences with some air, awful sound. But info good.
@EmmelijneNolet Жыл бұрын
You give them a bell collar?…That is not okay! Cats are very sensitive to noise and its Loud for them, especially if they go outside they have to be able to hide and be sneaky, so a bell collar is also not good for that. Bengals are very social as well, it is normal for cats to see other cats. I do not like this video at all to be honest. You should also go every year to the vet and especially if you live in a rural area you can leave them outside. And if you have 2 cats they can outside together. They need a kitty door so if they are scared or there is something they can come in. There are kitty doors with a tag (on the collar) so they can come in but no other cats can enter. You have to let them outside! It is what they need and deserve. No one should decide over any other living animal to deny their freedom. I am soon going to take 2 bengals kittens, first teach them (at a young age) to go out with a leach to discover together and learn them to come back when I call them. Bengals are amazing climbers as well, so if danger is there they can easily climb up. So let them out! Make adaptations to your house, install a kitty door get them gps collars and go to the vet. It is what they deserve. When we go out there are so many dangers as well, and that still is not a reason we never ever go outside. I would also not like a bell in my ears the entire time, so why would you do that to a cat, it is cruel.
@StPeteG8r Жыл бұрын
I just adopted "Binx" a 10 month old Bengal.. along with an Egyptian Mau, I love both breeds so much. They keep me busy but SO entertained. I found this video very helpful, thanks for posting it. ❤
@Constantinus_Apollyon Жыл бұрын
"Bengals eat ALOT, Like TWICE ADAY" I guess you never had a sphynx hahaha 3-4 times per day . Consider yourself lucky
@colinrgage Жыл бұрын
Picking ours up in Friday
@damianshaw4613 Жыл бұрын
He's beautiful ❤️
@FO_Biggles Жыл бұрын
I bought 2 Bengals in 2021. They're GREAT! Everything the influencer says is true!!! Except for breaking things ... they actually seem to have learned to be careful in some places (like my desk). They're fine animals!
@stephenmurphywilson7294 Жыл бұрын
My wife and are looking to get our first cat, a Russian Blue would be nice, and your video has been so helpful in terms of how to think about preparing our home. Thanks.
@remyasmar418 Жыл бұрын
Wow, you have just described a toddler from hell. Do they get any better with age or neutered
@2ndChanceCrafting Жыл бұрын
We have 5 other cats and they free eat from a feeder. I would have to feed him separate from the others. This could work. Great info!
@faunacat-ua Жыл бұрын
Все правильно. Бенгалы - очень энергичные кошки. И очень, очень красивые! Бенгалы, это не кошки-разрушители. Не пугайте людей. Они умные и сообразительные. Если хозяин сумеет обьяснить своему коту, что ТАК делать нельзя, котик его поймет.
@aaamyyy03_ Жыл бұрын
i have bengal cat and she’s not quiet healthy and i’m still taking care of her :( her story is very long my sister adopted her idk where she found it but she’s my cat now🥰💖💖
@kristin8075 Жыл бұрын
The person who sprayed your Bengal should be ashamed of themselves. That’s Animal Cruelty! They could have sprayed him with water if they were trying to get him to go away. I love that you didn’t let this experience change your mind about letting your Bengal’s outside. Cat’s do love the outdoors and it’s so sad to try and keep them inside.
@saraalmansori935 Жыл бұрын
How do you get your cat to stop biting and scratching you??
@plastycznamama Жыл бұрын
So sweet. I also have a Bengal cat. I love this cat breed. I invite you myself to see my George :)
@maryhirsch7170 Жыл бұрын
Not my Bengal, he's very laid back and just the best little boy anyone could want!
@JAMD1871 Жыл бұрын
we have 2 11 week old bengals. bro and sis. so far they are very much asleep lol can't wait to get the ball rolling lololol
@yutorzh7144 Жыл бұрын
The teeth cleaning benefit is only for raw chunks and whole prey. Ground does not clean teeth anymore then pate food cleans teeth. Genetics also play a huge part of oral health. If you have a smash faced cat, their teeth are junk naturally, if you have a proper healthy muzzled cat, the teeth are much better off.