Loss of Power | BIONICLE Deep Dive
Just Enjoying The View
2 жыл бұрын
@MatiNuva1724 15 сағат бұрын
1:28 unless You travel with Hahli underwater. Then You'll start feeling concerned about Your own safety.
@kevin-2.1 4 күн бұрын
Wait, so doesn’t that mean that the mask of Jaller (the hau) survive the flood? And I do think a bit of lhikan is still in that mask.
@kevin-2.1 5 күн бұрын
I do love the character depth in Bionicle, good video dude.
@Yolligraphone 5 күн бұрын
The saddest thing about Bionicle is that collecting it will only get more expensive. I wish I'd rediscovered it ten years ago when sets were still fairly cheap and I had a bit of disposable income. Then again, I also wish I'd bought bitcoin ten years ago.
@kevin-2.1 5 күн бұрын
Let G1 Bionicle come back & let it have a series of its own!
@estelagarcia4861 6 күн бұрын
9:53 911💀💀
@scorpiothk307 8 күн бұрын
Another minor detail you didn't include: Matoran/Toa of Earth prefer to live underground; Reidak is claustrophobic
@Temjin747X 11 күн бұрын
I don’t suppose that if the Element of Light had a Principle, it’ll be a culmination of the 3 Virtues (Unity, Duty & Destiny) and it’s enemy would naturally be Darkness (Shadow). So if anyone has an idea of what would the Principle be and what kind of Skill would it grant, I’m all ears.
@dominicanderson9492 11 күн бұрын
How insane do you have to be to bring your sexual perversion to a childrens theme?
@hewkiithetiscytofficialcha8903 6 күн бұрын
*sips water* Don't mind me, I'm just taking a break from your bad faith saltiness. Hey pal? Do your research before calling something a "perversion". This isn't even being rude, this is just a genuine piece of advice.
@dominicanderson9492 6 күн бұрын
@@hewkiithetiscytofficialcha8903 the video is trying to say that their is trans and non binary interpretation in a childrens toy. Again the only perversion is this person corrupting an innocent toy line and making it about sexual ideology. It's creepy and gross
@dominicanderson9492 6 күн бұрын
@@hewkiithetiscytofficialcha8903 there is no need to make a children's toy sexual. It's creepy and gross
@hewkiithetiscytofficialcha8903 6 күн бұрын
⁠@@dominicanderson9492 you're really starting to sound like a broken record, you really are. And your use of "sexual" in this context just *really* reeks of bad faith. you just want attention and you can't convince me otherwise. Get all of this through your thick skull. You can't just say some hateful-sounding stuff and expect literally nothing to happen ("Respect opinions??? 'Communities have good sides'????? What do you mean by any of that????" <- accurate representation of you)
@dominicanderson9492 6 күн бұрын
@@hewkiithetiscytofficialcha8903 lol hateful for telling the truth? Their is no reason to bring up your confused or imaginary sexual identity. Or maybe this person realized that their belief isn't real so they turn to an imaginary story to continue their insanity.
@17jacoyne 12 күн бұрын
when i was younger i use to think takadox and vamprah where female because back then i thought Bionicle characters that were blue were female (except for when they weren't) looking back i now actually wish those two were girls (mainly takadox) more than ever because of the lackluster female representation in Bionicle.....especially in Bionicle's rogue's gallery! -idc if it isn't PC to misgender fictional characters i still wanna headcanon takadox as a she/her-
@anakinskywalker6598 16 күн бұрын
Another great deep dive! Keep up the great work and keep the legend alive!😁
@cowboybarbaryn1302 22 күн бұрын
Sitting next to Mata Nui is the only good option here, idk who that other guy in the row is but
@mitchellbambam5926 25 күн бұрын
Vezon is also unlike Gali. Gali vouches for teamwork, and Vezok couldn’t truly be the opposite otherwise the Piraka wouldn’t be a standard team of 6. Vezon leaves the entire team in less than 5 minutes, and tries to kill them all later.
@Dal-user 25 күн бұрын
Yo yo pirakkaaa
@kevin-2.1 25 күн бұрын
I wanted to see the full mutated Ussal crab, but I guess one can dream.
@kevin-2.1 25 күн бұрын
Great summary about meaning of why losing your powers important.
@kevin-2.1 26 күн бұрын
When I first read the title of this video, I was like surprise. But before I watch it, I started to think and maybe he wasn’t so bad? I love how you breakdown his character and that you mentioned that he was part of the Bionicle version of suicide squad. I do also think at Vezon should have his own show, for when he’s traveling through the Multiverse. And having takanuva tag along with him, now that would be a good idea. Nice video dude.
@drabbit4382 27 күн бұрын
Just found your channel yesterday and have been binge watching since. Love your stuff, brother! Hope you're gonna keep doing things!
@AdamGołębiewski-v1s 27 күн бұрын
It just had two heroic bearers.
@dreadpiraterobin8379 28 күн бұрын
3:28 I'm glad you brought that up, in Tale of the Toa there's a scene where Tahu's being pinched by scorpions and it always drove me crazy because I just thought of them as mechanical.
@mitchellbambam5926 Ай бұрын
Nuparu was a lot like Takua. A very strange and outlandish individual. Unlike Takua, Nuparu seemed to lack the leadership, heroics, and will for adventure that were needed to be a Toa. Nuparu didn’t really have those Toa-like qualities until the Bohrok arc. After being saved, he began to take charge and found the will to fight. In a way, Whenua was right. His right and left hand Matoran ended up saving the life and inspiring a future Toa.
@Lupinemancer87 Ай бұрын
Something I just thought about when listening to this. When Takua used the Toa Stones to summon the Toa Mata, he was supposedly exposed to the energy inside them, so why was he not turned into a Toa himself?
@richardjulien1329 Ай бұрын
Matoro 😢
@kevin-2.1 Ай бұрын
I feel like Botar should of done more in the story.
@postmary4333 Ай бұрын
My question is who is mad enough to fly this plane
@postmary4333 Ай бұрын
Vezon, vezon Is mad enough to fly this plane
@Lupinemancer87 Ай бұрын
Bionicle will never die. It was live forever in our hearts.
@sebastianthomsen2225 Ай бұрын
@TheAutobotPower Ай бұрын
It was kinda shocking discovering Bionicle was a robotic version of Osmosis Jones but re-watching movies and commercial re-contextualized everything and all made sense
@RainstormCheetah Ай бұрын
I personally think I like best the idea that the Matoran of Mata Nui developed the principles themselves, derived from their surroundings during the thousand years under Makuta's rule - I feel like that does most justice to the distinctive Matoran cultures and personalities that we saw on Mata Nui, but felt like got lost in later years, to let them have come up with it themselves -, but I can't deny that it's really interesting the way that they play into each of the Hordika's respective experiences. Maybe the two aren't contradictory, maybe the Turaga lent their own insights to the Matoran, while giving room for them to decide themselves on what to do with them, which gave rise to the principles system. Absolutely fascinating video! I especially like the explanation behind the final Kolhii match's symbolism; I'd always heard that we got that just because Lego's non-violence rules wouldn't allow for a proper final battle, but after watching this I realise that does absolutely no credit to the level of symbolism going on there. Like you say, it's such a shame that none of that comes through clearly in the movie; I know the point of MoL was that it was written as something of a reward for kids who were already deep in the lore, so that they could have the satisfaction of understanding all the references that a casual viewer wouldn't get; but I think that may have been too much of a deep cut even for most of them!
@JakesFavorites Ай бұрын
The problem with Takua on a 10 hour flight is he doesn't have ten hours worth of stories, I'd have to provide a sizeable chunk of lore to keep him sane and he'll probably try talking about sports. Everyone's saying 7 is the best but Akhmou is the number 1 candidate for stealing my luggage. Don't know if Pohatu is worth that. And of course if I were stuck between Roodaka and Sidorak she'd evil-flirt with me and cuck him the whole time. It would not be a good experience.
@frankunodostres473 Ай бұрын
pretty easy for me it's between 5 and 8. 5 would be really funny and I (as the all-knowing guy who knows their future and past) could help them. it would be a therapy session for vhisola tbh. and 8 is probably the most interesting because of the different types of wisdom you'd get to hear.
@quantumblur_3145 Ай бұрын
2:57 clearly, he's once _again_ forgotten he can fly, because he's currently seated on a plane
@heyheyitsjae2475 Ай бұрын
7:58 If this was Ahkmou and Onewa, it would be so much worse. As is... it's doable. Personally I'd go for 7 or 12
@estelagarcia4861 Ай бұрын
I want a part two of this
@Brother-of-Darkness-94 Ай бұрын
My favorites is the 2nd row and the 12th row, because of Krekka, and Mata Nui
@SpacklerStudios Ай бұрын
I'd be perfectly fine sitting by Mata Nui, but I seriously cannot stand being near something like a Klakk. Maybe he'll use his mask to shut the thing up, I dunno. Seat 12 is my choice due to that
@carvedearth5676 Ай бұрын
Definitely 1, 7, or 6 for me. 5 is tempting but possibly the WORST seat ever
@mechanwhal6590 Ай бұрын
What’s so bad about 5? True, you’re within striking distance from a guy who can age you thousands of years in seconds, but apart from that the most you’ll have to worry about is a little girl beefing with her teacher. Oh, and a scammer.
@Jpteryx Ай бұрын
Seat 1: the problem isn't Gorast, it's getting to and from your seat without passing through Voporak's aura (which will kill Gorast before the plane has taken off (which would probably lead to a Voporak/Gorast battle very quickly so actually don't sit anywhere near seat 1)) Seat 2: Krekka will NOT respect your personal space. Seats 3, 5: See Seat 1 Seat 4: Kurahk angers Tahu, Tahu loses it, you might die Seat 6: It's the rows in front of and behind you you need to worry about. I think Roodaka and Sidorak would consider you beneath your notice. Seats 7, 9, 11: Best not to sit within reach of Karzahni. However, there will be a powerful heroic being next to you so it's not as bad as it could be. 7 is the best of these since Pohatu would be happy to give you access to the aisle. Seats 8, 10: Do NOT sit within reach of the Zivon. (I'm not going to bother wondering how it fits in a seat.) Seat 12: Maybe the safest. Yes the Zivon is there but you have Kopaka and Mata Nui between you and it. Yes the Klakk is in the same row but the noise would still be painful from seat 1 anyway. Just bring earplugs.
@gideonhorwitz9434 Ай бұрын
My favorite part of the arch is the ending the Toa Metru imbued with the strength and power guardians and they willingly give up (and their youth) to become guides and leaders. Their predecessors failed ,brought down by infighting betrayal greed and assassination Makuta had corrupted everything to the core so it shows the wisdom of Toa Likan his choice of new Toa showing a great strength and virtue. When the time came Vakama and team were willing surrender their elemental power to save the Matoran giving them a future.
@Finthesharkguy Ай бұрын
And little did we all know! But Tren Krom was actually piloting this hellhole of a plane! (Also I want a second version of this with more characters. Axonn and Brutaka (the still evil/pre-mutated Brutaka), Nidiki and Toa Likhan, Vakama Hordika and Matau Hordika, that one Janitor Visorak and Keetongu, Ancient and The Shadowed One, Carapar and Takadox, Hydraxon and Defilak, Metus and Ackar, Kiina and Berix, Krika and the Earth element lord, Toa Helryix and Icarax, Avak and Hakann, Vezon and Vezok, Gadunka and Lesovik, The Exo-Toa and Maxilos. I really wish Essenger would make a sequel lol)
@Finthesharkguy Ай бұрын
@@quantumblur_3145 ty
@Anton-de5vu Ай бұрын
Honestly roodaka and sidorak doesn’t seem All that bad, from what we’ve seen of them they’re both relatively civil in casual situations. It would just be insufferable trying to speak to either of them because one would constantly be interrupting and one-upping the other
@badger273 Ай бұрын
Honestly I'd probably go with 2. I feel like with Lhikan's help we could probably get on Krekka's good side. He seems like he doesn't have much personal investment in his villainous activities, and was mostly being bossed around by Nidhiki who was being bossed around by Teridax. I could see him being a brute-with-a-heart-of-gold-type who would even help me if Tahu got a little too heated in the next row Plus it's an isle seat
@khris1645 Ай бұрын
How did Zivon's Kaiju-ass even fit in the plane.
@heartlessnobody1143 Ай бұрын
Theres like, 3 Animals in here, not including akhmou
@lukestarkiller1470 Ай бұрын
This is probably the most thought provoking Bionicle meme ever conceived. I’d agree 7 is definitely the best spot for entertainment value, but you still have some amount of risk while sitting next to Ahkmou, even if it’s just a small risk. He might try to give you an infected koli ball or something, which would just absolutely ruin your whole flight. So I think that the safest place on the plane would probably actually be 12. If you bring some ear plugs to deal with the klakk then the only real threat would be Vultraz staring at you across the isle. But if he tries anything you’ve got Matoro, Kopaka, and Mata Nui right there to protect you. And you’ve got easy access to the bathroom which is a nice bonus. So you’d be very safe but you wouldn’t be able to hear anything so you can’t really expect to have any solid entertainment or understandable conversations for the whole 10 hours, but you’d at least survive the trip in good health.
@lordgzstg6181 Ай бұрын
Probably 7. As it seems more safe. You have pohatu next to you and nokama above you. Ahkmau may be sketchy but he wont try anything with two toa nearby. Same for 12. The rest seem like murders waiting to happen.
@Tgr4152 Ай бұрын
Great meme
@fernandoorozco5968 Ай бұрын
number 7
@sammykat2hb Ай бұрын
I think 2 is surprisingly manageable, the only problem being that Gorast might be able to reach you if you leave your seat. 7 is also not that bad. The worst I can see Akhmou doing is stealing your phone charger. It won't matter anyway if Tahu goes nova, of course 😅