@OrganizationXIII 8 минут бұрын
What’s your ethnicity?
@OrganizationXIII 10 минут бұрын
Can you make a KZbin video talking about why you chose to leave the USA ? 🇺🇸 Can you talk about whether you prefer living in Europe or the USA and why ? Can you talk about the culture differences between the USA and Europe ? Can you talk about why you chose to live in Spain instead of any other country in Europe ? I’m thinking about leaving the USA as well ! I’m thinking about going to Europe . I think your videos could help me out . What was the Process for you like moving to Europe ? The USA has a terrible work life balance. The cost of living is insane and we don’t have universal healthcare like Europe . And the modern western women . Oh boy don’t even get me started ! I think I’ll find my wife over seas ! I need a traditional women .
@barrylyndon5084 4 күн бұрын
As a Spaniard, I always wash my hands after going to the bathroom in a restaurant. Although sometimes there is no paper to dry, it's true ;)
@carmenperez4602 4 күн бұрын
Tu comentario sobre el lavado de manos cuando usamos el baño. Lo que dices chica es. MENTIRA. Yo lavo las manos antes y después de usar el baño y como yo muchas personas.🤨
@pepiluci75 4 күн бұрын
Wow i always wash my hand after bathroom and i am from Spain
@eduardogillazaro 4 күн бұрын
Así es el Rico Primer Mundo de €Spaña.
@liambyrne5285 5 күн бұрын
An English speaker can learn Spanish in 3 months but you must be staying with a Spanish speaker and the Spanish speaker spend 15 hours a day giving you easy Spanish 100 days is 1500 hours , so now you know
@ThuyKieuTuyetXuan 8 күн бұрын
I’d like to share with you what’s personally worked best for me so far as a language learner. The app I like to use is called Immersive Translate. It’s a browser extension that supports over 100+ languages. I use it to watch my shows and movies on Netflix every day, and this has been a great way for me to improve my language skills.
@AngelRodriguez-zs9bi 9 күн бұрын
¿latinos? ¿qué latinos? NUNCA ha existido latinoamérica, ni existe ni podrá existir ... fuera de los delirios leyendanegristas PORQUE: 1.- latino fue un fenómeno exclusivo y limitado a la Europa mediterránea. Únicamente fueron latinos ROMA y los pueblos EUROPEOS que: - conquistó. - romanizó e integró en el imperio romano - hablaron latín. - generaron lenguas romances. Es decir, los únicos latinos que existieron fueron las actuales: Italia, Rumanía, Moldavia, Francia, Bélgica, España y Portugal. Punto. No hubo y mucho menos hay otros latinos. 2.- decir latinoamerica es: a) una falsedad obvia y b) un oxímoron, o era latino o era americano, ambos es imposible de toda imposibilidad, 3.- latinos y americanos siempre estuvieron alejados, muy, muy alejados, en el espacio y en el tiempo: - vivieron en diferentes continentes separados por miles de kilómetros de oceáno desconocido. - son de distintas épocas históricas separadas por muchos siglos. Los latinos, DESAPARECIERON, para siempre, en la Edad Antigua, hace más de 1.500 años. Los americanos, surgen, mucho después, en la Edad Moderna, más de MIL años tras haber desaparecido el último latino. 4.- Por eso en América: - nunca se habló latín. - no fue conquistada ni romanizada por latinos. - no fue integrada en el imperio latino. - no disfrutó de la cultura latina. - no usó el derecho latino - no adoró dioses latinos: júpiter, marte, juno - no tuvo gobernador/emperador latino. - no generó una sola lengua romance. - no hubo, no puede haber, una sola ruina ni un solo resto latino, esos que tanto abundan en Europa mediterránea: villas, acueductos, termas, puentes, minas, puertos, salinas, teatros, estatuas, circos, arcos de triunfo, templos, calzadas, murallas, armas, herramientas, cerámicas, mosaicos, etc. etc. etc. Son HISPANOAMERICANOS de HISPANOAMÉRICA PORQUE: 1.- fueron españoles, no latinos, los que - descubren América, - la hispanizan, no la romanizan, - la integran en el imperio hispano, no latino y - la españolizan, no latinizan. - dejan su fe cristiana, no la pagana politeista latina. 2.- fueron españoles, no latinos, los que comparten siglos de historia común con los americanos y juntos derraman sangre en empresas comunes. 3.- fueron americanos los que se volvieron españoles, no latinos, durante siglos. 4.- fueron españoles, no latinos, los que se MEZCLAN, para siempre con los americanos.
@carlosmiguel6845 10 күн бұрын
hay una cosa que no se han dado cuenta, en España nadie lleva armas.
@ThuyKieuTuyetXuan 11 күн бұрын
With our busy schedules, not all of us might have the time for language learning, but by combining my entertainment time with my language learning time, I’ve been able to make time for learning Vietnamese. The way I’m able to do this is through Immersive Translate. It’s a browser extension that supports over 100+ languages. I use it to watch Netflix every day, which has really helped me improve my language skills.
@poladesierodesieropola6975 12 күн бұрын
No se donde ni en que bares habrán estado estos dos pero por supuesto que tienen jabón y agua caliente, a lo mejor no en todos hay agua caliente pero jabón en casi todos, y si no queda por que se termino o algún cretino se lo llevo, solo tenéis que pedirlo, me vais a decir que en los EEUU los baños son templos de la limpieza y la pulcritud, cuando abres la puerta de tu local lo haces en perfecto estado luego depende de quien haga uso de ellos asi lo encontraran los que vengan después pero no es la culpa ni de los Españoles ni de su cultura, choque cultural limpiarse el culo, me temo que estos choques tienen mas que ver con la higiene la educación, "vaya dos patas pa un banco"
@Answersonapostcard 12 күн бұрын
You should go to Latin America if think that personal space is not really a thing in Spain... If I lived in Spain I would have to up my game and dress a lot better than I do in the UK. Fashion is a big thing in Spain.
@A13JMC 12 күн бұрын
How is Em. doing, with french? It's a slow process. Try the 5 minute method. Whatever hobby or interest. Even exercise, say to yourself, I am going to read, or exercise a minimum if 5 minutes a day, for 5 or 6 days a week. See how that goes. If it goes longer great! And record by writing down in a journal, your start and finish time, and what you did. Try that!
@A13JMC 13 күн бұрын
Salut, Em. Quoi de neuf? Understand differences between A demain, A tout A l'heure, and A la prochaine? Basic, but a little tricky. Au revoir.
@pilarmunozfernandez8253 13 күн бұрын
Madre mia! cuantas tonterías hay que escuchar de gente que mira la paja en el ojo ajeno y no mira la suya propia...cuantas mentiras que no son ciertas, como si vinieran de un país que comen como cerdos y no se lavan las manos casi nunca y las servilletas brillan por su ausencia... índice de criminalidad por las nubes cantidad de indigentes la sanidad de vergüenza...y por no hablar de la américa profunda donde hay una incultura sorprendente...sigo?
@turistiandocondanilo 14 күн бұрын
Buenos días saludos ya me suscribí al canal buen contenido.
@emlanguages 14 күн бұрын
Welcome! Gracias por el comentario ☺️
@randomguy6556 15 күн бұрын
The only problem I have personally as, in my opinion, is that capitalist stuff. Now I agree that if you wanna be a communist it's fine, but I do look at you differently and smirk if you ever come up to me offering a business idea to make profits.
@huliohuliohamijo 15 күн бұрын
The reason for the kids in bars thing, or playgrounds in bar areas, is because in Spain (and generally in mediterranean cultures), eating and drinking outside is usually seeing as a communal thing. People go there with their families to meet their friends, people know each other, they eat together, they drink together and they talk. It is a community. If you see it that way, there is not reason to exclude the children, because they are also part of the community. There they can play with friends, while being near their parents, uncles, cousins, family friends, and whoever else is there. If people want to go to places that are not family friendly, they can also do that, but most bars in Spain are for families.
@jaumepiquebernaus1853 8 күн бұрын
Buena explicación . As a child ( i'm 62) in my region at the merienda time , we use to eat an bread slide with olive oil and sugar or the same but with red wine sugar and a litle bit of chocolate. 😊
@carlosrihi4172 16 күн бұрын
Me da rabia cuando los estadounidenses se llaman americanos o a EEUU lo llaman América. América es muchísimo más que Estados Unidos
@uscaritus 7 күн бұрын
Eso es pq se trata de una contracción del nombre del país. Si se llama Estados Unidos de América entonces lo contraen a "Americanos". Es así pq no existe un gentilicio en inglés propio de los habitantes de USA y eso que han habido intentos por buscar uno que los defina de forma exclusiva. Usar "estadounidense" nos puede parecer más certero pero tpco sería exclusivo pq los mexicanos tb son estadounidenses ya que el nombre oficial de México es Estados Unidos Mexicanos.
@A13JMC 18 күн бұрын
Em, but learning french is the big issue!
@MFSBart 18 күн бұрын
Muchas de las cosas que decís no son ciertas, o estáis exagerando mucho, por lo menos tenemos la suerte de ir tranquilos por la calle sin que en cualquier momento no nos saquen una pistola de algún bolsillo, y prefiero un niño en un bar que sosteniendo un arma que ha encontrado en el cajón de su padre
@pepiluci75 4 күн бұрын
No hay que ofenderse tanto hombre, si están en España es porque hay muchas cosas que les gustan, sólo están hablando de lo que les causó un poco de shock al llegar, no me parecen críticas, sólo constataciones....
@MFSBart 4 күн бұрын
@@pepiluci75 perdona? Quién ofende a quién? Ellos están ofendiendo con sus comentarios yo he dicho bastantes verdades, exagero? Claro, igual que ellos, a que no gusta?
@pepiluci75 4 күн бұрын
@@MFSBart se ofenden sólo los ofendiditos
@israelmeneses2874 19 күн бұрын
Wow 👌 👏 😍
@neiss2 19 күн бұрын
I've never understood all the hype with Mercadona, I've been there once and the variety of food and the quality of the fresh food is not what I'm used to. Maybe it's because I live in a village in the outskirts north of Barcelona and I shop at the village market and in another local supermarket chain (Sorli). But if you want to go to an outstanding supermarket in terms of quality and variety, you should try to go to El Corte Inglés supermarket (both the regular and the Club del Gourmet).
@huliohuliohamijo 15 күн бұрын
Local supermarkets in villages, towns or small cities almost always have better quality products than big chains in cities. Big difference in quality, usually. People like Mercadona because it is not too expensive, the quality is fine, and I think they also have a reputation for treating their employees better than other chains, so people support it (at least that is what I have been told). El Corte Inglés is higher quality yes, not only for food, but in general. And it used to be even higher quality than it is now, the quality has gone down in the last 15 years to some extent, although it is still better than most other places. It is also more expensive, though.
@Caambrinus 9 күн бұрын
Mercadona is a good, solid supermarket - mid range. Only shop for food at El Corte Inglés if you're made of money. Carrefour (the French chain) is very good.
@terrapinalive6192 19 күн бұрын
A lot of platitudes and some false statements
@YoYo-xt3qp 19 күн бұрын
You’re soooo beautiful
@angelmartinezmorcillo4706 20 күн бұрын
Practicante todos los baños tienen dispensador de jabón y secamamos puede haver excepciones pero lo normal es que haya jabón y papel si se acaba el papel mal asunto
@A13JMC 21 күн бұрын
We do want to get past See Spot run. Run Run Run. Adults can elevate their game. But we all need to start simple!😊 Let's bring our language learning to the next level!
@A13JMC 21 күн бұрын
And for you retirees out there, learn a new language. No excuse now!
@A13JMC 21 күн бұрын
Piggyback a desired habit with a must do habit. Makes sense to me Em!
@A13JMC 21 күн бұрын
A life skill drummed into people from grade school: uses spare time wisely! That applies to adulthood folks!
@josemanueld5413 21 күн бұрын
I don't know in which restaurants or other public places you've been but in Spain people do wash their hands after using the bathroom
@piedadsaiz 10 күн бұрын
Most people don’t. I’ m also from Spain
@Antonio-fm4md 10 күн бұрын
​@@piedadsaiz Well maybe it happend in really poor areas or neighborhoods. I seldom see people who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Same for Restaurants or bars without soap gel, it must be a very filthy place for filthy people. Also from Spain
@piedadsaiz 10 күн бұрын
@@Antonio-fm4md Lo siento, pero me reafirmo. Fíjate muy bien a partir de ahora y, estoy seguro, me darás la razón...y no es una cosa de la que me sienta orgulloso como Español. Habiendo vivido en el extranjero muchos años es una de esas cosas que mas me llamó la atención desde hace mucho tiempo
@albertomartin7576 6 күн бұрын
Yo también vivo en España hace 53 años, la gente en general se lava las manos. Yaya tontería.
@A13JMC 21 күн бұрын
High sounding words such as motivation and goal, are part of the skeleton of language learning. What adds meat to the bones? For motivation I have joined the Sutton Heritage Historical Society, and the Potton Heritage Association. Those are predominately french speaking areas. Francophone speakers. Plus I have ancestors that lived and died in those areas. One person was in the American Revolution. I can now interact with french speakers who are also bilingual. The motivation element now has substance by way of an ancestral link. Motivation locked down. What I am suggesting then, is establishing a network through historical societies that can also help with my language learning! Goals to be discussed in another message.
@A13JMC 21 күн бұрын
The first few steps may be the most critical and take the longest to establish a study routine once the goal and motivation are nailed down. A minimum goal of A1 fluency over one year could be a baseline goal. The thing is that adults working plus those who have families are out of the daily routine of study like high school or college, and that grind is remembered as drudgery, and have gotten out of that habit. If people get sick that will throw them off. Learn French to achieve A1 level in 1 year. Motivation could be that ancestors lived in a french speaking area. Motivation plus goal over 1 year nailed down. What resources to use, and how to divide time up among reading, writing, listening, and speaking, which needs to be applied on a daily basis is the real problem. Also cementing the information for long term retrieval for spontaneous responses as a 1st language is the ultimate challenge, and that is true fluency. How does one practice interacting with the target language if there are no native speakers around? I will respond in future messages.
@A13JMC 21 күн бұрын
Em, I think you are getting too deep for beginners.
@A13JMC 21 күн бұрын
My favorite Em. How's the french thing going? It's been awhile!
@clg31292 22 күн бұрын
Dos Estadounidenses típicos, uffff (insufribles).
@pepiluci75 4 күн бұрын
Pues a mí me parecen majos
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
Em, I like listening to songs in french sung by Vicky Leandros. L'Amour est bleu and others.
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
I recommended 2 picture language books. French in 10 minutes a day, and the Oxford picture dictionary book.
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
Bonjour, mon ami.
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
Reading, writing, listening, speaking. Does a study session contain all 4 elements? Should it?
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
Personally. I like putting a french book under my pillow at bedtime. !
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
Fortunately I can adjust the playback speed.
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
Laying a foundation for french language learning, I have recently become a member of 2 french Canadian Historical societies, and will have an opportunity to write messages in french, Sutton and Potton!
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
I would put some honey in the tea too Em.
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
Feb, now May. How's it going Em?
@A13JMC 22 күн бұрын
Em, French has been slow, but I am a member of the Sutton Heritage Historical Society, and the Potton Heritage Association. Both are predominately french speaking. Francophones, therefore I need to learn the language. I recently bought the Oxford Picture Dictionary, for English/french by Norma Shapiro, and Jayme Adelson-Goldstein. Check it out. Bought it from Barnes and Noble.
@Iamnobody88884 23 күн бұрын
My brothers fiance has one and that really says it all. She’s a judgemental narcissistic fraud