@WhiteFyre Ай бұрын
Once, I was meditating and I was trying to cleanse myself, ordering any astral parasites to leave. I asked my Awareness to get rid of them, and I received a very peculiar response. My Awareness loved the parasites, it thought they were cute, like little pets. Did not feel threatened by them at all. I was horrified at the idea, but Awareness loved it all. Thoughts?
@WhiteFyre Ай бұрын
I am trying to figure out what we can DO with our Awareness, to change this Dream into something we like better? Where is the POWER of Awareness?
@zeroxox777 Ай бұрын
PS, can a teacher help me observe and understand the nature of my own thinking, the movement of feeling and sensation within me, the phenomena of imagination and non-ordinary experiences, and of silence and of disturbance, of all the phenomena of conscious my life, or does everything a teacher tell you about such phenomena condition and prejudice perception thereby adding to the very problem it purports to solve? Obviously the latter, which is a terrible indictment on absolutely every prominent spiritual teacher alive including most obviously Eckhart Tolle who preaches nothing but 'practicing presence' which has basically been instructed to billions of human beings this past 5,000 years providing a clear demonstrable history of failure as people get conditioned by instruction and knowledge and TRYING TO PRACTICE MEDITATION which is an absurdity, because meditation is simply awareness of what actually is, and there is only ever awareness of what actually is, whether it be world/sensation, or imagination, or thought, or whatever it may be. So how could we ever even begin to require being taught what only ever is, and why would we ever need it today? It is precisely because of spiritual and psychological and intellectual and social authorities that we need to learn the IMPORTANCE of the awareness of what is as opposed to our own intellectual processes, because we have been conditioned by authorities who claim to know, and therefore this has set off the knowledge accumulation tendency of the socially conditioned mind. If we were never told that it is other people who know and you cannot know, which was always a complete fiction obviously, then we would never have become enslaved by their words, practices, instructions and knowledge, and we would never get lost in the conditioning by these things which prevents the undistorted observation of ourselves as we are, distorting what we are by artificial practices designed to 'get somewhere' when awareness of what is is ALWAYS EVER HERE. So see the absolute insanity and absurdity of it all. But I have to say, it is simpler still. All animals and young children ARE Mother Nature, which is to say, instinctual freedom, and the awareness of that life in freedom, and naturally therefore there is health, wholeness, goodness, freedom and joy in animals and children who are not domesticated or conditioned and destroyed by society and social authority. So awareness of what is IS our origin as young children, and most natural to all animals. But to return to this awareness of what is transforms the adult brain and nature directly through observation and understanding what is, and this is so obvious, because we all know that when the brain learns it changes, and the brain controls many of the physiological processes, and the heart and body consciousness also learns through this silent perception of what is and understanding of what is. So ALL BOOKS, ALL TEACHERS, ALL SPIRITUAL PRODUCTIONS ARE MERE ENTERTAINMENT AND DESTRACTION AT BEST. But when knowledge accumulation or the following of an authority are mistaken for this journey of self-understanding through uninfluenced observation, the consequences are clearly spiritually catastrophic, because the truth of what is can never be approached by accumulating knowledge and words of another, or by following another, but obviously, clearly, manifestly is only in the seeing of what is as it is, and only we can ever do that, and no-one can ever teach that. The brain itself has to discover the importance of this awareness of what is and naturally then it starts to observe rather then indulge in it's own operations which it does learn to let go of, because many of them are security seeking processes and therefore it does genuinely need to learn that it is safe to let these go. Remember that the brain is the product of consciousness, a very recent creation compared to consciousness, and cannot be expected to understand the mysterious substrata of all experience. Your brain knows only what you know and have seen, you being the mind and brain of course, and the actual human being. Of course awareness is the only subject which you are, but I don't call that you - it is everything and everyone after all. Anyway, this isn't theory: and I'm no-one special at all. I live on the margins of society. But there is this wordless natural spiritual process that takes over and it helps to be adrift from society, and no-one can own it because it IS you, unlike spiritual knowledge which always belongs to someone else who invariably you need to sacrifice money, time and freedom to without ever finding the freedom they themselves take for granted. I know this sounds controversial but the Buddha said you cannot follow, you must perceive and understand and become a light unto yourself, as did Jiddu Krishnamurti who Tolle has often quoted or discussed who says authority destroys freedom and makes you weak and incapable of discovering the truth which depends on you becoming a light unto yourself. So I would ask you to consider the radical implications of this to the whole spiritual quackery and vampirism of our times with all these teachers with vast audiences saying they know and implying everyone else should merely lap up what they know, as if this leads anywhere good at all. Anyway, everything you say is opinion, but anyone who has given themselves over to the spiritual process rather then set up shop trying to teach and grift see that spiritual teachers are the past, part of the old movement of consciousness, and to not realize this is an absolute tragedy to my mind because the truth will manifest, is manifesting, and it will condemn all spiritual teaching today I am sure, because it only weakens our capacity to become lights unto ourselves as the Earth goes to hell in a handbasket. There is no need for teachers at all when you understand that all authority is violence to a free human being, and unfreedom can never be the root of freedom. So we need to observe and understand our own unfreedom within ourselves, and when we do that, we see that the unfreedom includes all the conditioning by all spiritual knowledge and prescribed practices and attitudes issued by those who think they know, and therefore teach. Such teaching can only create bondage and subservience, and no one can be certain of anything if knowledge is in the hands of a teacher rather then available to the eye and to the mind through uninfluenced observation. Unfreedom includes the impact of your work because the truth of what you are can obviously never be uncovered by following another who distracts you with their irrelevant knowledge and destructive, conditioning practices, which is concrete proof of subversion by a spiritual authority which is spiritual violence. When we were primitive and socially conditioned in an authoritarian society, the authority of someone who loved and understood could help lead these primitive people's out of certain dangers, but if the human being seeks freedom, the teacher immediately denies that by becoming an authority and therefore the source of knowledge when it is only the direct, uninfluenced, unprejudiced perception and understanding of our own lives that illuminates and transforms through understanding. THIS IS NOT DISPUTABLE, IS IT. Will you try and dispute it? SO WHAT IS YOUR TEACHING AND ACTIVITY ACTUALLY FOR? And every spiritual teacher needs to answer this for themselves because they will be convicted for their presumptuous stupidity. The consequences will definitely be eternal. And you can only argue, not see, which is proof of your merely intellectual condition of enthusiasm in gratifying egoistic illusion. There is not a cat in hell's chance I'm wrong so don't even try to argue against it. See the fact or don't see the fact and just wait until it hangs you on it's butchers hook.
@suziepentseris3079 2 ай бұрын
I used to feel phrases like “be in the now” & “be in the present” etc were cliches & a crock. Ever since I became aware of my own beingness & became aware of my true being & realising I am always in the present & don’t move with the finite, I have felt nothing but peace, calm & bliss. It’s so freeing to know what I truly am. Much love ❤
@MOAON_AABE 2 ай бұрын
Pain is where the growth is, and it's because we love our infinite selves that we experience pain in order to grow. ☀️ No different then why people go to the gym. It's painful yes, but it's because you love yourself so you take care of yourself. 💪
@suziepentseris3079 2 ай бұрын
Hey Samuel, Do we know why our thought forms, feelings, emotions etc appear in the first place? I understand & have experienced they appear inside of awareness & are of the same substance, what is their purpose? whether positive or negative… I’d love to know your experience with this. Thankyou so much. You are beautiful. Much love❤
@suziepentseris3079 2 ай бұрын
You are so angelic. I love your teaching. You actually remind me of the look of Jesus. Bless you
@RamSamudrala 2 ай бұрын
It's easy to say but I believe hard to do for many people, to go in and out of focussed and unfocussed awareness. Even now I have thought identification streams that can go on for a few minutes before there is awareness at which point it just stops automatically. Thoughts grab attention and carry me away in a story but once there is awareness, it completely stops when it is noticed for what it is (a thought). Sensations are different (even though I recognise they are also thoughts) but the defocusing you mention can still be done.
@AuntyHoney 2 ай бұрын
Always ‘I’ Only ‘I’ Always Ever Only ‘I’ 🙏💜🙏 Always Here Only Here Always Ever Only Here 🙏💜🙏 Always Now Only Now Always Ever Only Now 🙏💜🙏
@being-happiness 2 ай бұрын
@@AuntyHoney Beautiful 🙏🏼✨💗
@DGD-p6d 2 ай бұрын
So why did I choose to play Someone dumb I don't get it I'm all alone here and why does it seem like other knows more than me why is the human perspective so dumb I think I even sound dumb saying this it makes sense that it can't know itself which I am I think how could it right confused any help would be appreciated
@alpeshpatel8522 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Jacob. I love you. ❤
@alienoverlordsnow1786 3 ай бұрын
@michaelbuhlmann6167 3 ай бұрын
@michaelbuhlmann6167 3 ай бұрын
@MOAON_AABE 3 ай бұрын
Shrooms are ABSOLUTELY the easiest way 😉 all i ever feel and become is LOVE ❣️
@being-happiness 3 ай бұрын
@@MOAON_AABE That’s beautiful and I’ve experienced the same whilst taking shrooms. Yet, my stable contention is that the easiest way to experience peace, happiness and love is simply to be aware of our essential nature, for that experience is not dependent upon shrooms or any stimulus in the entire cosmos. The peace, happiness and love of our true nature is unconditional.
@MOAON_AABE 3 ай бұрын
@@being-happiness 😊 brother I understand you and your message completely, I was just sharing a little humor is all. Absolutely, that's what is so beautiful about what your saying because it's so true. We are beings of love and simply being in the moment with our infinite selves is all that it is needed, no shrooms necessary because there is nothing to achieve because we are already that which we think we seak and isn't it wonderful 😊 I see you and understand you soul brother and I love you ❣️
@being-happiness 3 ай бұрын
@@MOAON_AABE Ha! I didn’t pick up on the humour. I interpreted the comment as a serious statement, hence my serious response. Love you too brother. You are in my heart for this wild psychedelic experience that life always and already is.
@rtizzi 3 ай бұрын
You are now conscious of me observing this video as an experience/expression of consciousness. Is this like entanglement in consciousness-space?
@richardsnyder6413 3 ай бұрын
That’s beautiful, Thank you 🙏
@dancerdiya7677 3 ай бұрын
Thank u so much Samuel for addressing to my question....but let me be honest still not found any convincing answer to my question.... actually I have been trying to stay in am sense but not for long I come out of it...try to be as the witnessing presence as much as I can but still don't feel that joy bliss unconditional love of self...hence my question still remains as to what is the simplest way to realise one's self??
@Natalie-zo5mw 3 ай бұрын
I've spent this whole year striving to be present. Now I realise that I can just be. Thank u for this video, I am so relaxed now ❤
@RyzeQueen 3 ай бұрын
How can the questionnaire help others learn if those who have encountered the truth do not express and share it? Remember, giving is receiving, as unity binds us all. One challenge I face in the nondual realm is the lack of discussion about our interconnectedness and the divine love within us. It is crucial to guide individuals to explore their ego, understand ego dynamics, and then connect with their true essence, aligning with the divine. Dismissing the body as insignificant in the nondual community is a form of denial that I find concerning
@being-happiness 3 ай бұрын
Beautiful insights.
@zive222 3 ай бұрын
master samuel jacob.
@edamons 3 ай бұрын
Hi. I was missing this. Thank you :)
@MartyRabbit 3 ай бұрын
Krishna told Arjuna the easiest way is to put the attention on the Self and leave it there 😂
@viktorianagy7965 3 ай бұрын
You speak about the easiest way continually😂😂😂
@aannggii 3 ай бұрын
Hi I really want to ask a question. I speak spanish, srry for mistakes. My desire is to be a very beautiful woman. I mean physically. Is there any way for this desire to be impersonal? It seems from the ego. My intentions: People like me, attracting people, relationships, friendships, fame, self-esteem, feeling more confident and being better person. What do think? pls answer 🙏🙏💚 thanks for the video ♡
@user-ml7hy 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for rising the gender inquiry, that actually made me so relieved/happy that you brought it to me
@cajuputoil3468 3 ай бұрын
this is straight to the point! thanks Samuel!
@cajuputoil3468 3 ай бұрын
i see Jesus, i Subscribe, i Like 😁
@user-ml7hy 3 ай бұрын
So true
@Naoki-qr6qk 3 ай бұрын
I want to be aware of awareness (The Self)all the time. But I feel like I need to leave The Self in order to interact with world such as writing papers, watching movies, reading book . You seem to be aware of awareness while you are talking Is it possible to be aware of awareness while doing task?? In other word, is it possible to be aware of the subject (awareness )while you are aware of the objects?
@janavey3975 3 ай бұрын
Can Awareness wake up to itself?
@being-happiness 3 ай бұрын
Love to reply to this in a video Jan. Thanks for the great question.
@viktorianagy7965 3 ай бұрын
@paulmartinez3084 3 ай бұрын
Quote :"Awareness is always aware of itself." 2 days ago I said: "In deep sleep I am not aware of myself." You replied : "What is aware that you are not aware of yourself in deep sleep?" I would reply : ''Nothing, there was no awareness in deep sleep. I know that I was not aware only when I wake up."
@being-happiness 3 ай бұрын
Dear Love, Check out this video where I answer this: kzbin.info/www/bejne/hZCmnnVueZZnpsk
@guysweenie 3 ай бұрын
In deep sleep awareness is all there is! Hence in Advaita the only way Awareness described in words/language as Neti Neti- Not This, Not this; as Samuel describes its only description as itself! Awareness is not a physical entity and hence not an object that could be grasped! That quietude experienced in deep sleep is the fullness of blankness filled with awareness, and that is you!
@paulmartinez3084 3 ай бұрын
​ @being-happiness Thank you. I totally agree with your demonstration on a pure mental level. The only thing that exists is consciousness. It is beyond everything. But to be able to refer as "I" as this consciousness is an other topic...
@channel_--- 3 ай бұрын
I cannot follow what your saying explaining the intangible
@RamSamudrala 3 ай бұрын
@16:47 My mind didn't go silent. It went: There is a POV though, sure, the hand, the tree, the window are all one thing but there's a PERSPECTIVE - I am not seeing BEHIND the tree, behind the hand (unless I turn it), etc. There's a point perspective or localisation. If if it is all awareness. why am I not able to see or perceive behind the tree? (But who or what is aware of that thought?) I love the deep sleep analogy though, that makes a lot of sense. So deep sleep is the void? And you can see how the world of form comes about upon waking. We call it waking, but it's actually another form of dreaming. The localisation also takes hold upon waking from deep sleep. That is, as the world of form appears, it appears to center around a body-mind point that becomes the separate self.
@afterawakening072 3 ай бұрын
Good stuff man the comment you read is clearly from a j Krishnamurti fan 😂
@being-happiness 3 ай бұрын
You might be right! It does sound classical Jiddu.
@afterawakening072 3 ай бұрын
following, not following, trying, not trying are all awake there is no actual awareness. It’s simply another word for the illuminated nature of appearance/phenomena.
@afterawakening072 3 ай бұрын
there’s no self to observe nor is there actually awareness
@djjoshb 3 ай бұрын
Am I the only one who tapped the screen a couple of times to check if it froze?
@being-happiness 3 ай бұрын
@FallingRayne 3 ай бұрын
The joy that arises here when you laugh is pure gold 😊
@MartyRabbit 3 ай бұрын
P.S. Samuel, are you aware of Tatwale Baba and Anandamayi Ma? Here is a link to Tatwale Baba's story from one perspective: amritananda-natha-saraswati.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_8.html There are several video clips about Anandamayi Ma on KZbin, she's fascinating. Her name means 'Joy-Permeated Mother'. She was a contemporary of Yogananda, Ramana Maharshi and other beloved yogis of the 20th century.
@MartyRabbit 3 ай бұрын
Yes, deep sleep is the perception that nothing exists. However it is possible to maintain awareness throughout the sleep cycles. This is quite different from the first state. In the second state dreams do not occur but an extremely pleasant state of deep quietness and timelessness is present. One is able to observe the gradual awakening of the body and mind. The body is still paralyzed at the start of this process. As awakening occurs thoughts begin to appear in the mind once more and control of the body slowly returns. This sort of sleep is immensely satisfying, much deeper than normal sleep. There is a dim awareness of the perfectly relaxed body along with the deep bliss of no thought. One can enter this state in two ways. Finding oneself sleepy one can rest the mind in open awareness and observe the sensations of the body and mind falling asleep and awareness will remain present when full sleep comes. Or, one can scan the body from head to toe observing sensations, and awareness can catch the sleep sensations this way. It can take a few months to learn this but what else is one going to do while waiting for sleep? It's well worth the effort since it gives us bonus hours of meditation during time we would otherwise be wasting on the normal sleep cycles. This way, there's just one deep cycle untroubled by the subconscious, which is always waiting to jab one of the devil's pitchforks into our psyche.
@simeondawkins6358 3 ай бұрын
hard to f explain is'nt it lol especially regarding the fact words are all made up and are only scriggly lines lol
@simeondawkins6358 3 ай бұрын
awareness is not something thats watching because there is no watcher only watching, like a dream turned in upon itself illuminating the dream with its own clear light
@MartyRabbit 3 ай бұрын
Examine your statement more closely, Simeon. If there is a watching, there's necessarily a watcher. In fact, all things in creation fall into one of three categories: 1. Perceiver, eternal and unbound. 2. Pathway of perception, the five senses and intuition. 3. Object of perception, anything that is not the Perceiver-thoughts, emotions, sensations, senses, world of forms etc.
@simeondawkins6358 3 ай бұрын
@@MartyRabbit thats what most people assume but no try just looking back at that empty place u wont find a watcher no matter how hard u look its the dream itself thats self lit, no Perceiver, only Perception its one thing
@MartyRabbit 3 ай бұрын
​@@simeondawkins6358I have to say that's hair splitting semantics Simeon. There can't be perception without something to perceive it. I say this with 47 years of practice. Perception is the Perceiver. It's not "the dream" lighting itself.
@RamSamudrala 3 ай бұрын
@@MartyRabbit But if there is perception and perceiver, that is duality.
@MartyRabbit 3 ай бұрын
​@@RamSamudrala nothing wrong with duality, though you completely miss my point. Even after complete awakening is achieved awareness and the world of forms both still exist, though awareness sees itself in everything. Is that duality too?
@simeondawkins6358 3 ай бұрын
the doer for this ego was he first thing to go!
@yucelyalim6946 3 ай бұрын
ridiculously present ❤
@mycaravanwasrobbed-vp9he 3 ай бұрын
Firstly, your initial assertion that awareness is infinite because it lacks an objective quality is an exercise in intellectual futility. If awareness is to be finite, you say, it would need to experience an edge or boundary. Yet, in making this claim, you fail to recognize the circular reasoning and tautological nonsense inherent in your argument. You’re essentially saying, “Awareness is infinite because it is not finite.” This is the epitome of begging the question, a logical fallacy where the conclusion is assumed in the premises. Furthermore, your analogy of awareness to a screen that has no distance from itself is as intellectually stimulating as a toddler's first scribbles. The screen analogy collapses under scrutiny because it doesn’t address the nature of awareness but rather distracts with irrelevant imagery. There is no clarity in your claim; instead, it's an obfuscation designed to sound profound while saying nothing of substance. You argue that because awareness cannot perceive itself from a distance, it must be infinite. This is not only an abuse of logic but also a complete misunderstanding of both phenomenology and metaphysics. The inability of awareness to perceive itself does not automatically equate to infinity. This is akin to saying a fish cannot see water, therefore, water must be infinite. The non-sequitur here is staggering and betrays a profound ignorance of basic philosophical principles. Your assertion that awareness is one and undivided is a regurgitation of non-dualistic thought stripped of any rigorous analysis. The mere repetition of “one awareness, one self” is not an argument; it’s a mantra for those who prefer the comfort of vacuous affirmations over the rigor of intellectual discipline. This notion fails to address the multiplicity of experiences and the empirical reality of individual subjectivity. Moreover, your self-defeating proclamation that language is limited and incapable of describing the infinite is hilariously ironic given your verbose and ultimately meaningless diatribe. If language is so inherently flawed, why then do you attempt to use it to convey your point? This is the rhetorical equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot and then complaining about the pain. You invoke the concept of infinity without any grounding in mathematical or philosophical theory. Infinity is a complex and nuanced concept, not the simplistic notion you bandy about to cloak your lack of substantive argumentation. Quoting the great philosopher David Hume, “The most lively thought is still inferior to the dullest sensation.” Your thoughts here, however lively they may appear to you, are inferior to even the dullest understanding of what infinity truly means. Your final diatribe about being and non-doing is nothing more than a restatement of the obvious cloaked in mystical language. To say “being is being” is a tautology that adds nothing to the conversation. It’s the philosophical equivalent of saying “a rose is a rose,” providing no insight into the nature of being or existence. In conclusion, this transcript is a masterclass in how not to engage in intellectual discourse. Your arguments are riddled with logical fallacies, your understanding of complex concepts is superficial at best, and your prose is an exercise in obfuscation rather than elucidation. You have managed to create a perfect storm of pretentiousness and vacuity, demonstrating neither depth of thought nor clarity of expression. This is not wisdom; it’s word salad, dressed up in the trappings of profundity.
@being-happiness 3 ай бұрын
Interesting point of view. You raise some noteworthy considerations, and offer sound advice as to how to hone and proceed with conveying the experiential understanding originating my words. And certainly it’s clear you have an erudite style of philosophical argumentation. It is beautiful to read. My intention here, in this video, is not to land at an intellectual assertion or conclusion limited solely to the mind’s domain, but rather, to reveal the direct experience in you, in anyone listening, an experience unmediated by the mind, that our essential being is infinite, meaning absolutely unlimited or unbounded, not a relative conception of a countable infinity, or of the theoretically measurable infinities of mathematics. It is my irrefutable experience that our being is absolute infinity, meaning it is the only absolute Reality, or as Spinoza would say, “the only Substance.” How would you, in your language and style, convey such an experience?
@mycaravanwasrobbed-vp9he 3 ай бұрын
@@being-happiness no idea at all man i typed tear this guy to shreds in chatgpt. great response though i'll look out for ur next vid.
@chain8847 3 ай бұрын
Excellent pointing. Much gratitude.
@rajwantneena 3 ай бұрын
Love your sharing, love your laughter it’s so sweet ❤
@danamarie7993 3 ай бұрын
You joy and love is felt. Thank you for taking time to just BE here on KZbin. Source has a great sense of humor. I’d thought I’d find you in a cave in Aranuchala but very grateful you are right here. 🙏🏽🩷
@S.Springy 3 ай бұрын
When you find a venue to dance or listen to music with a friend, count me in!! I see pure peace emanating from your soul❤❤❤