The "They All Hate Us" Fallacy
@enacausmembrane 2 күн бұрын
We want a collab between I4E and Dr William Barylo
@RobertDufour-u3b 2 күн бұрын
Already happened!
@enacausmembrane 2 күн бұрын
@@RobertDufour-u3b drop the link
@Islam4Europeans 2 күн бұрын
@enacausmembrane 2 күн бұрын
When will Br. Robert Dufour become Dr Robert Dufour? and btw, is Robert's ancestors from France?
@aar8808 2 күн бұрын
The website is down.
@Islam4Europeans 2 күн бұрын
Working fine here.
@seraphx26 2 күн бұрын
@@Islam4Europeans I get a message saying it is blocked in America.
@RobertDufour-u3b 2 күн бұрын
@@seraphx26Ha! That’s how you know you’re getting to them
@ukasxm8245 2 күн бұрын
Salam Brother, I think you should react to Yasir Qadhi's new talk on German Muslims, I think there is a lot of information there that touches upon your views.
@seraphx26 2 күн бұрын
I'd like to talk to you about this as a European man myself is there any way to contact you?
@Islam4Europeans 2 күн бұрын
For sure, you can reach me at the email [email protected]
@aar8808 2 күн бұрын
You should do consultation service/courses for optimizing dawah towards White Westerners. List their triggers etc. Or even those who think about marrying across race/culture, or already in mixed marriages, sensitive areas, warnings etc.
@Abu_Sulahfaah 3 күн бұрын
Very interesting, ma sha Allah!
@seraphx26 5 күн бұрын
From what I've read the lifestyle of a practicing Muslim is incompatible with Western life, praying 5 times a day for example and having to make wudu is simply unrealistic for most work places in America, the facilities aren't there for it, you often don't have a private room that you can pray in it just isn't feasible. So people feel like well I want to revert, but I don't want to displease Allah because I am unable to do all of these things correctly, for example I work evenings at work some days, the way my hours fall I would have three prayers to accommodate within that time, so I'd have to do wudu three times which takes 10-15 minutes by itself, then the =prayer another 10-15 minutes and then because I am doing all of this in a hurry it isn't even feeling sincere it's more like a check list I am running through.
@Islam4Europeans 2 күн бұрын
Prayer in Western workplaces are challenging but not totally unfeasible. Come to work with wudu. Prayer itself only takes 5 minutes and they give two 15 minute breaks in a work shift. Whatever time is lost from going to Friday prayer you can make up the lost time at the end of your shift. There are laws in place against discrimination based on religion. It’s still a challenge but far easier than places like China or Japan.
@seraphx26 22 сағат бұрын
@@Islam4Europeans My workplace gives half an hour for lunch and one ten minute break, in practice it isn't feasible and even though there are laws against discrimination, the line is blurry as to what constitutes discrimination, there is also the fact that your boss may decide to cut you loose under some other pretense if he doesn't feel like accommodating your religion, and most people would actually agree with the boss in America.
@Islam4Europeans 8 сағат бұрын
@@seraphx26 Well do what you can, pray when you are able, if you feel like you're going to lose your job, make the intention with Allah that you will find a better job with a more flexible time schedule but continue to work there so you can support yourself and not end up on the street. What field are you in if you don't mind me asking.
@markov.2467 7 күн бұрын
I think Daniel did a good job as a debater. He's not the best daee, but all the nonsense Woods is saying is taking his people from one darkness to another and it needed to be refuted.
@Islam4Europeans 7 күн бұрын
You can’t refute darkness with another darkness (cultural Marxism). Even Keith noted that Daniel’s arguments aren’t coming from an Islamic framework. Few Orthodox scholars support mass immigration to non/Muslim lands, unless you’re there to give Dawah. And most of the things Daniel was railing against Keith was against anyway. If this is a W I hate to see what an L is.
@markov.2467 5 күн бұрын
​@@Islam4Europeans I agree Daniel was arguing from a logical perspective and in that sense, considering arguments and provided data to back them up, it was a W. Was it the best Dawah? No, but I didn't expect this was the best setting for Dawah in the first place. It wasn't a disservice to Islam either. It was one perspective and a try to debunk cultural Marxism, and anyone is free to keep giving true dawah to Keith.
@aar8808 7 күн бұрын
I would like to hear KnowledgeNorth's take on the accusation that Islam is globalist or means open borders or that I have to vote for such. (sheikh Assim al Hakeem said you don't have go be for open borders to be a good Muslim)
@theultimateassasin 7 күн бұрын
What the hell is this? Different video to the audio.....
@aar8808 7 күн бұрын
They are commenting, the background is just video of the debate. They only turn it on sometimes.
@Islam4Europeans 7 күн бұрын
There was a problem with the video in the 1st half due to techno difficulties, but brother AR was able to add the debate. The chat in the top right is pretty telling of how it went though.
@Ricemancan 8 күн бұрын
Am I missing something? Do you not realize that significant portions of non muslim culture is in direct opposition to islam? Here are some easy examples. Cuisine: pork, wine used in cooking, drinking wine or beer at specific cultural moments Dress: the hijab is viewed by many as something foreign. Revealing much of the body is now part of the culture for both men and women. Beach culture, beach voleyball. Zina: dating culture and modern notions of love and mariage are now deeply embedded in the western culture. Finance: Taking loans on interest is viewed as normal and an integral part of society. Culture is much more than just people ancestral dress and cuisine. I dont want to just go on a rant here, but I think over focus on our individual cultures is sapping momentum and keeping muslims from progression in their deen at best. At worst, it is a means for haram elements to become normalized in the ummah. و السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
@Islam4Europeans 8 күн бұрын
Wa alaikum Salam Wa rahmatullah Wa barakatuhu. In the Shari’ah the aspects of one’s culture that are halal are supposed to be kept and the haram aspects should be discarded. European / American cuisine can be made halal; just substitute pork for some other meat and don’t use alcohol. The clothing; converts can wear the traditional clothing of their ancestors when it was more modest; even if it is for Eid and Jumuah prayer. Sports and games; there’s nothing wrong with darts, basketball , hockey , etc. The culture of the Arabs before Islam was just as degenerate if not more in certain aspects. A woman would have sex with multiple men and a shaman would determine who the father was, people would dance around the kaba’ah naked, female infants were buried alive. wine was drunk in large amounts etc etc. That didn’t stop the Prophet (saws) from delivering his message. But The halal aspects of the Urf were kept after they converted to Islam.
@SphereofHistoricalfacts 8 күн бұрын
How does your non Muslim culture benefit you in anyway😂
@silenceisgolden3238 7 күн бұрын
This. So much this! People don’t realise that the reason Islam is invincible and a perfect example for all time is because it is the Divine Truth delivered to The Prophet (PBUH) into the very heart of evil. Meaning evil was manifest in the very laws, customs, and behaviour of Quraysh. The state of forgetfulness was such that the Divine Spirit (the Ruh/soul/our connection to the Almighty SWT) that fathers would willingly bury their living daughters alive desensitised to their pain. These were not ordinary times or people. These were greedy men that wanted only sons.
@halo_1232 8 күн бұрын
we christians should go to mecca to propagate christianity4arabs, persians, egyptians, pakistanis. let them know the truth of gods love
@kellyschneider629 8 күн бұрын
@lucienwolf9345 8 күн бұрын
Jews in the US were the group most against the Iraq war and the Iraq war was not just some "neocon" splurge to kill a bunch of Muslims thats a very stupid way to look at it. Even as Muslims you guys should be against Saddam (rotting in hell as we speak) he killed a bunch of people and the same neocons who advocated the war against him (and they were not the only ones nor the people who made the final call anyways) also advocated saving the Bosnian Muslims from BASED european Serbs that the RW love so much
@TavozFischer 9 күн бұрын
tldr bro
@aar8808 9 күн бұрын
KnowledgeNorth is knowledgeable. How many Muslims would support a Boer-Emirate expanding? Only those not affected by Marxism.
@seraphx26 9 күн бұрын
It's a mistake to only think of Europe with these considerations, no matter what you may hear liberal minded Americans say many of us White European Americans here have the same valid concerns, we have a slightly different circumstance do to being a colonial power but that is more relevant to what you are saying here in all honesty because many Whites already have had to leave larger population centers due to the consequences of forced diversity that such dreadful urban environments create. Beyond that while we all know that there are many different European ethnic groups one thing that has changed in the modern right is that we have started thinking racially instead of just ethnically as the colonies and European countries link up and support each other, this secondary identity does not replace or diminish the primary but it allows us to see each other as extended family for the purpose of surviving and thriving in the future. Anti-white sentiment does not have borders it is all over the West and as such so is the proper reaction to it.
@seraphx26 9 күн бұрын
A lot of us who are European rejected Christianity because we don't believe in race communism, to be more blunt we don't want to mix/marry with non-Europeans and so one problem with Islam is that it shares this same universalist blending of all humanity, that is one reason I do not see it ever taking off with us Westerners. We grew up in a world hearing race doesn't matter, it's not real etc and we've come to realize that it just isn't true, it is real it does matter and no amount of scripture or hand waving is going to change that. So about the only way I could even see Islam making inroads into Europe is if it's presented similarly to the way Ethnic parishes are in Orthodox Christianity, very similar to the Ottoman Empire's millet system. Granted I'm not a Muslim so feel free to take what I say with a grain of salt, but I definitely side with Keith over Daniel even though I've watched videos from both.
@Islam4Europeans 9 күн бұрын
Actually your first paragraph statement about Islam advocating for total mass miscegenation is not true. There is a concept in Islam called Kafa’ah where a marriage candidate should be “similar” in terms of lineage, culture, profession, status, geographical distance etc. Interracial marriage is halal but it is recommended to marry your “match” in Islam. I would argue that the more Europeans hate on Islam in and of itself, the more likely White converts will be able to marry each other and have families. To quote my one White convert friend when I asked him why he didn’t want to marry another White convert, he said “I have enough Islamophobes up my @$$” This sentiment is far less among African Americans, and Islam has not affected their demographic situation whatsoever. In fact they still have a higher TFR than White Americans.
@Islam4Europeans 9 күн бұрын
Sorry “less likely they’ll be able to marry other White converts.”
@seraphx26 8 күн бұрын
@@Islam4Europeans I'm not suggesting anyone to hate on Islam but I don't see it making major inroads in Europe and I don't think it would work for long, it would eventually be over intellectualized, secularized, and once completely hollowed out it would look just like Christianity does today, most white people are nominal Christians today because they don't want to follow rules and grew up in a secular culture of great excess. As far as Africans in America they are regressing in population because the abortions > TFR it's the Latino population that is growing fastest in America.
@moniquemargie1 11 күн бұрын
Our conversations can also be about the things we have in common. Also, it can be good to point out that people from Latin America, Europe, and North America come from all types of races. When you said "Islam from Europeans," I think you meant "all people regardless of skin color." However, people tend to think it is just white people, and these are two different issues.
@WhiteMuslimWoman 20 күн бұрын
It isn’t productive for younger people or anyone who has to work to get their bills paid, in this political climate,to live out loud on the internet. I would also like to point out that these same Imams do not plaster videos of their daughters or wives on the internet.
@Revolutionary1449 20 күн бұрын
Daniel is wrong
@enacausmembrane 20 күн бұрын
I'm gonna say it, US Americans are not European. Take it or leave it. No matter how white their skin may be. The american culture is now so different from their european ancestors, it would be extremely illogical to call white americans european. US Americans are that, mixed 'MURICANS, and they are happy about that already. I personally think Rob could've picked a better name, cuz' currently this channel sounds like some weird alt right movement, which it is not.
@WhiteMuslimWoman 20 күн бұрын
What do you suggest calling who are of white indigenous European descent ? All the different Europeans have different cultures. Most White Americans are hybrid European mixed.
@enacausmembrane 20 күн бұрын
As a revert in the subcontinent, as sad as it is to say, rob is right, the reaction you get as brown revert is good, but not nearly to the level of when a white or (western) black reverts. I don't like this colonized mentality, but Alhamduilillah it is slowly fading away with Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
@user-ph4ip3se1n 19 күн бұрын
I saw your comments on AMAU's channel. Nice to see another Salafi brother. May Allah keep us firm.
@siegfriiied 20 күн бұрын
i agree with your assessment, this debate sounds terrible even conceptually. the internet dawah scene is borderline upsetting sometimes and converts like sneako shouldn't be platformed imo.
@sunset2.00 21 күн бұрын
I like the vids but they should be blur the identity of the person
@moa3810 21 күн бұрын
Wise advice
@aar8808 21 күн бұрын
Maybe comment on Dr Umar's apostasy?
@Islam4Europeans 21 күн бұрын
Yes I want to get an African American brother to interview for that
@aar8808 21 күн бұрын
Fresh takes as always. We born have blind spots.
@Islam4Europeans 21 күн бұрын
So do we converts lol
@savedbygracethankful 22 күн бұрын
Why don't you ask these so called caliphates, imam and sheikah to help their ummah more, why dont you ask Hamas to support the people of Gaza/Palestine oh because they do not care about you even if you are muslims shiite jihadost terrorist will kill you even if you are muslims be aware they do not care this os why they are not helping their own people in Gaza right now, go google who is the current military and government official authority in Gaza/Palestine today? It is Hamas, an Islamic jihadist extremest international criminal terrorist organization, Hamas overthrew the government and military power in Gaza years ago then has the nerve to cry ita Israel fualt oh its America fault anyone but me yeah right asl Hamas to stop the violence and help their own people they run Gaza why so who.are the Palestinians goin to turn to for help if literal islamic terrorists took over their country? Yall dont get it do you Hamas is the gov and military power in Gaza now by force just like Islam always does they take and take and give nothing but lies that will lead you straight to hell. Wake up stop sleep walking people Jesus is risen, He is Lord or Hosts, He is coming back, be ready.
@WhiteMuslimWoman 22 күн бұрын
The reason to promote dawa to non Muslims is to improve their lives by giving them the right guidance. I want more white Muslims to become Muslim because it will help them and also help white people. I view white people as my brothers and sisters who would be greatly helped by finding Islam, as long as they do not adopt larping as a foreign person in their own land. The white Muslims need to create their own dawa organizations for white people.
@sunset2.00 23 күн бұрын
Ansars had great status because they helped the reverts in bad conditions.l for the sake of God
@kkinggt 23 күн бұрын
Everyone needs the support, we can't give up on converts temporarily to focus on others, everyone needs to pull their fair share, which they don't that's why these types of questions even come up.
@oliverdcross101 23 күн бұрын
Daniel is an ethnic narcissist who resents white people
@PrinceKumar-n5r7t 23 күн бұрын
Damn, you really are rare gem. Instead of conversing with you, Daniel blocked you? Why!? That's stupid.
@Islam4Europeans 23 күн бұрын
Thanks bro, honestly he’s got a short fuse and I was conversing with him on Twitter when he was still there
@umidazimi3706 24 күн бұрын
Wignats are intolerable.
@kregorovillupo3625 25 күн бұрын
You know? <tongue click> You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click>You know? <tongue click> You are a pain to listen, and there's no gain too in doing that. Stop rambling incoherently, try using a script. Could be, you know, I can than understand, you know, what you're, you know, saying without, you know, having the sensation of, you know, building a puzzle.
@user-cg4xn3ww9u 23 күн бұрын
Fair criticism tbh, lol
@AmazonFinds.1k 25 күн бұрын
What headset are you using?
@Islam4Europeans 25 күн бұрын
Razer, Blackshark V2 Pro
@KifahA 25 күн бұрын
you have autism go to a doctor
@skipper-q1s 25 күн бұрын
This is off-topic, but I'm interested in your thoughts about Albania's "Muslim Vatican" plan. Have you heard about it?
@Islam4Europeans 25 күн бұрын
Never heard of it but sounds interesting. I'll look into it insha Allah.
@skipper-q1s 25 күн бұрын
@@Islam4Europeans It's pretty controversial even among Muslims considering it'll be run by the Bektashi order. In fact, many Albanian Muslims see this as an attempt to exacerbate the Sunni-Shia divisions by their Catholic prime minister. But there are also some who argue that this could be a model for European Muslim city-states. It's definitely an interesting proposal.
@skipper-q1s 25 күн бұрын
@@Islam4Europeans It might be a cool video idea to take a deep-dive and compare the pros and cons.
@user-cg4xn3ww9u 23 күн бұрын
@@skipper-q1s Those skeptical Albanian Muslims are right, you should not support Bektashis
@BurjiMamluk 22 күн бұрын
@@skipper-q1s I'm being generous when I say that Bektashis have a problematic Aqidah. They are a stark contrast to the great muhaddith, the late (Athari) Imam Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him.
@zak992 25 күн бұрын
Brother you really don`t like daniel with all his faults real or imagined, personally I find his arguments too confrontational and not conducive to showing the beauty of Islam and its prime goal of fostering a solid relationship with our Creator to who we are accountable, race and identity politics are incidental to most of practicing / devout muslims, their vision, focus and values are far more sublime
@Islam4Europeans 25 күн бұрын
It's not that I don't like Daniel. I just don't think he's the right man for the job of presenting Islam to Westerners, and he's doing far more harm than good overall. This affects the whole Ummah negatively. If I didn't care I wouldn't say anything
@skipper-q1s 25 күн бұрын
There's a middle ground somewhere. Daniel is a good speaker that can help Muslims feel less submissive or apologetic to many of the modern Western ideologies which go against Islam... but maybe others should approach the non-Muslims. Also he shouldn't talk about aqidah (which he's been doing a lot). It's best to stick to your area of expertise.
@KifahA 25 күн бұрын
@@Islam4Europeans nobody wants your islam, the quran says Jesus is God
@hz1056 25 күн бұрын
@@skipper-q1s I’d agree it’s best to speak to your area of expertise. And that’s a great way to put it, I no longer feel like I should be on the defensive with the arguments he’s put forth and am never on the defensive like I was for 20+ years. Now their presuppositions have to be qualified.
@Harrison10Miles 7 күн бұрын
​@@Islam4Europeans I believe Daniel is highly beneficial for Muslims who regularly engage with modern lifestyles, particularly those living in the West. However, with the internet spreading Western ideologies far beyond Europe, even Muslims in distant regions, especially those with frequent internet access, are affected. Unfortunately, social media is not a private space. Even if your content targets Muslims, non-Muslims will inevitably come across it, and many may react negatively. As with most things, there are both positive and negative aspects, and the overall impact remains open to debate.
@DaggerSecurity 26 күн бұрын
To be clear, its not all Europeans who brought death, colonialism, genocides and devastation to the rest of the world. Rather, It was the western European Christians almost exclusively. And no other form of slavery was as brutal and systemic as the European's enslavement of Africans. Finally, any technological advancements in the colonies could have been made without all the aforementioned oppressions. Other than that everything you said was spot on 100%
@farang-y2o 26 күн бұрын
It's not so simple. Even in Western Europe, there are exceptions. Take the Irish, who were justifiably angry at English overlordship. Or the several local languages of France that have practically died out due to French nationalism.
@farang-y2o 26 күн бұрын
@@H3ll0W0rld1 L comment. He's mostly right. India already had factories for proto-missiles (courtesy of Tipu Sultan) before British usurpation. Had it not been for allied Indian powers (Marathas, Nizams), Tipu could've won.
@user-cg4xn3ww9u 23 күн бұрын
@@farang-y2o Maybe in the short-run, but unless all of India united and industrialized, he would've eventually lost
@KaskadianKhan 26 күн бұрын
You and the brothers from your telegram group have always kind of had it out brother Daniel. I think he could be engaging anyone in a debate about anything and you would critique him.
@hz1056 26 күн бұрын
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Brother Daniel H has been one of the few brothers who got equipped me with the information and knowledge and critiques against liberalism that no one else has. One of the main reasons I came back to Islam after being slowly beat down with arguments against Islam. These other guys just talk but never get out there and put themselves out there. I don’t agree with all things Daniel does. I do think he could be a little more “ softer” with his words when not debating. But regardless me and many others have directly benefited from his debates and videos. There weren’t many people on 3-4 years ago really making arguments against Liberalism and secularism. The knowledgeable people back then were not interested in tackling these issues.
@KaskadianKhan 25 күн бұрын
@@hz1056 exactly. Well said. I don’t agree with everything DH says or does. But he’s been a benefit to people - especially western Muslims - who encounter liberalism every day.
@hz1056 25 күн бұрын
@@KaskadianKhan I’ve noticed that the more knowledgeable scholars don’t seem to care too mcuh about what goes on in the west and seem to think it’s not worth peoples time. But if you don’t live here in the west and see what we deal with daily and how we have been brainwashed to accept certain value, you cannot say it’s a waste of time. I’ve been able to even equip some of my actual brothers and even muslim brothers with good arguments against these ideaologies due to Brother Daniel’s videos. Not everyone has the time and frankly the intellect to actually come up with arguments. And many don’t have the intellect and time to actually watch these debates and then disseminate arguments against liberalism.
@anasazmi3084 26 күн бұрын
Wait, he's a white muslim? Looks more like a bhai jaan to me.
@wudafek8561 26 күн бұрын
He’s Iranian
@jasonatreides2542 26 күн бұрын
I never saw him before either. He looks Pakistani. What is his name?
@Islam4Europeans 26 күн бұрын
Daniel Haqiqatjou is Persian
@jasonatreides2542 26 күн бұрын
@@Islam4Europeans I mean yourself. You look Pakistani. What is your good name?
@yrysf777 26 күн бұрын
@@Islam4Europeans the guy in the video is not Daniel Haqiqatjou
@abonniertallepaddy7609 26 күн бұрын
Thats stuff is between you and Daniel, i do not know him enough to make conclusions about his character. Though i can see myself that the current forces that be tend to give rise to offputting personalities at least in the public sphere. Maybe you could reach out to Keith for a debate?
@KaskadianKhan 27 күн бұрын
Was this made with AI?
@Islam4Europeans 26 күн бұрын
@miAIFI 28 күн бұрын
What happened to your website brother? Was trying to find an article I read on it only to arrive at a dead link
@user-ph4ip3se1n 21 күн бұрын
The website is working as of right now, I guess it was down for some maintenance earlier
@A.Bane28 29 күн бұрын
Islam for muslims leave everyone else alone.