@user-rz2mn9yl3b 3 күн бұрын
Sir i have searched everywhere and can't find anywhere on how to separate the channels (Sii) in Pixinsight or am i just missing something. Any help would be great i have Parkinson's and don't get out much so i use astrophotography to help keep the mind working. You have a great content very informative and easy to understand.
@emuhead 4 күн бұрын
Any chance someone could just bullet point what we are doing different here.. and whats the benefit over our usual methods?
@waareagle3691 6 күн бұрын
You know you've spent just a little too much time in PixInsight when you start wearing your shirt inside-out 😉. Nice video though... I'm definitely going to be trying out the selective color tool.
@kevinburke8608 7 күн бұрын
Cool scope. I used a C9.25 HD. Now I'm curious if SCTs could be made in the f5 range. That diameter at f5 is awesome. I would seriously consider something like this if I didn't have the SCT first. I do like how SCTs are enclosed, but it isn't a breaking point. I was surprised at being that heavy at only 1" bigger than I use.
@AdamBlock 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for reviewing the content and making the excellent video Ryan! I am really happy you mentioned that just as important as the "steps" are for this particular workflow- showing the processes and scripts that many viewers haven't seen or used proficiently are also super valuable to demonstrate. And yes, there are a few more related items on the horizon that will continue to make it easier for people to work with narrowband data in PixInsight. Stay tuned...
@larryfine4719 8 күн бұрын
I tried it this week on the Lagoon/Trifid nebula - was a game changer for me. I use GHS a lot more than Adam does, and I made the SII more orange (mid 30's I think) than yellow as the yellow dominates a bit too much otherwise. Oh, and an Opacity setting of around 0.8. What I really loved more than anything was the GAME script that created a mask to stop bright sections from blowing out during the stretch.
@darkrangersinc 8 күн бұрын
@@larryfine4719 I saw someone else on Instagram do it with the lagoon it was pretty much mostly just yellow and orange with a little bit of blue in the center. I thought it looked pretty good. I like traditional SHO and RGB for Lagoon as well, both look good. Saturation at .800 made it even brighter on the first go which is why I went to .700 a mask would be pretty necessary for the lagoon nebula, also try a range mask it’s pretty easy because you can target just the highlights and it’s only one step. You can make it soft without having to do extra steps, the California is not nearly as bright if anything choosing a darker orange might be the trick but I had a lot of red from the HOO since the Ha was strong and didn’t want to have it just be all orange.
@carvrodrigo 8 күн бұрын
great follow up my friend!
@darkrangersinc 8 күн бұрын
Thank your sir!
@NevadaDesertSkies 8 күн бұрын
When the NBColorMapper script first came out there were a few prominent astro-imagers going crazy with it by colorizing all three channels and combining them into these garish looking images. This is a much more tame version of that but this too shall pass.
@darkrangersinc 8 күн бұрын
Yeah, that’s what I was kind of saying at the end we’ll see a big push of the style images for a few months, I think people that are newer to NB and don’t like traditional pallets because they can be challenging at first, but eventually learn to embrace them and the more expansive colors you can create with RGB vs ditching green but still a fun tool for those who want another way to process certain targets. I’ll likely forever prefer SHO and LRGB the most. We saw this with Forax a few years ago and when the NB normalizing script came of everyone with a dual nb color filter was posting yellow/blue false Hubble images for 6 months.
@nikaxstrophotography 8 күн бұрын
The beauty of how you show things and how Adam does it is obvious, less waffle and straight to the point. Thanks for doing this Ryan and for Adam's genius
@darkrangersinc 8 күн бұрын
Thanks as always for the kind words, I felt the need to do an intro so people knew it was a bit of a collaboration and the context for me doing it. But after that, I figured it could be done in 15 minutes, which is what that portion took, and I didn’t really cut anything. I even showed fixing the stretch on the S2 data so that’s really about how long the whole process actually takes
@nikaxstrophotography 8 күн бұрын
@@darkrangersinc I will be testing my askar O3S2 filter next clear night and combine with the Optlong L-Ultimate and see what happens.
@darkrangersinc 8 күн бұрын
@@nikaxstrophotography since you use APP, you can just do extract HA (mono) to get the Sii from that filter. I just do Extract Ha and Oiii - mono, with the first filter and then he said he was going to add an S2. I don’t know if he has because I haven’t used color with that program in a while, but if he hasn’t extract HA, he said would do the same thing because it’s just targeting the red channel. I think it’s a much cleaner and more monochrome looking data set, than using PI and separating the channels
@nikaxstrophotography 8 күн бұрын
@@darkrangersinc Thanks I'll try it out next clear (if ever) night
@johnadastra1754 8 күн бұрын
Nice! The main point is these latest tools will allow us to stay within PixInsight and not have to go to Photoshop :).
@lavers_1 9 күн бұрын
wow, thank you! I never understood this for a second night out on the same target.
@mjsweeps 9 күн бұрын
Awesome video Ryan! That picture at the end is absolutely amazing with those colors combined! Thank You for everything you do!!
@darkrangersinc 9 күн бұрын
@@mjsweeps cool glad you liked it! It’s kind of hard to judge with a brand new pallet of whether you’re doing it “right” or not. Whatever than means 😉
@darkrangersinc 9 күн бұрын
Join our growing Community for additional help and support including 1 on 1 time if needed! www.patreon.com/DarkRangersInc? Support the channel and a company that supports astrophotography for all gear related purchases Agena Astro has the best prices and fastest (free) shipping times ! agenaastro.com/?rfsn=7545037.59bc8b
@starpartyguy5605 11 күн бұрын
I use Powerpole connectors, with compatible power hubs. The hubs use blade fuses, easily picked up from Amazon or a hardware store. One goes on the tube and one goes on a shelf under the mount just for the G11. It’s rated 30 amps
@starpartyguy5605 11 күн бұрын
My G11 is 23 years old. Upgraded to Gemini 2. Upgraded the RA worm with a one piece worm from Ovision, and put a One piece worm from Losmandy on the Dec axis. Also added the RA extension kit. .6 arc sec rms when guiding
@darkrangersinc 9 күн бұрын
@@starpartyguy5605 yeah it’s a great quality mount and they are retroactively upgradable which I love. I also think that G 11 tripod is probably one of the best I’ve ever seen. It’s insanely sturdy and compact still
@jesusbilbao 11 күн бұрын
Do I understand that all the downloads are being done into the Eagle ?. The Remote Desktop on your Mac ?.
@darkrangersinc 9 күн бұрын
@@jesusbilbao yeah you have to download everything to the computer. That’s actually going on the rig. If you go to my website, I have all the links that you need on the Nina page.
@TheOfficialProtostar 14 күн бұрын
Do you think that the quadband performed well because the 1600mc has an ir/uv cut built in also and that (im guessing) is cutting a lot of the extra IR in the top end of that quadband?
@darkrangersinc 13 күн бұрын
I used a 2600, but the near IR band wasn’t really the difference maker for me. It was the better placement of the 3 bands in the visible range. So even with a built in IR cut it will still give a more natural look that the triband
@medicineman4040 15 күн бұрын
5F ?? That must be the new AM5N since it can handle colder temps? IMHO this scope begs for a permanent pier/observatory set up....me (maybe wrong) thinking any bumps along the way during set up can't help the overall collimation. Not a scope for my age/weight bearing capacity (or my original AM5's capacity) but it is a beautiful optic and thumbs up to Sharpstar for continuing to improve the overall design and functionality.
@darkrangersinc 13 күн бұрын
It actually failed in warmer temps ironically and yes it needs a stronger moth I’ve since swapped out the AM5 for 3 stronger mounts all with 50-66lbs of capacity and it does much better. The point was the AM5 couldn’t really handle the 41lb optic even though they claim 44. After that episode came out they did put in a firmware update to give slower slewing as kind of a bandaid. But in my opinion, if you claim 44 pounds the amount should be able to operate at full speed with a scope under that weight 🤷🏻‍♂️
@medicineman4040 13 күн бұрын
@@darkrangersinc Like so many companies, over promise and under deliver. The heaviest scope I'll ever put on the AM5 is the 107APO; heck I can barely lift it up at my age. I can't imagine a 41 pounder :)
@michaelnixon6672 16 күн бұрын
Brian, I have the plus,asi120mm, asi678mc and ASI EAF. Your tutorial was very instructive for me to eliminate $700 worth of equipment and focus on my current setup. Thank you for your attention to details and amateur experience.
@darkrangersinc 13 күн бұрын
Glad it helped! (Ryan btw 😉)
@rond4152 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for the tutorial! There are quite a few videos out there on how to process the HA/OIII and SI/OIII data. Most offer different approaches, but I like your method the best so far - much easier and logical. I've been using the SV220 HA/OIII with the Askar C2 SI/OIII with pretty good results so far. What's your philosophy on "time on target" for each filter?
@Chiclets1 23 күн бұрын
Meh, you should have showed the stretch. But whatever.
@darkrangersinc 23 күн бұрын
@@Chiclets1 if I show it and explain it at the same time, it has another 10+ minutes if people want to see it I’ve probably explained GHS and five different episodes by now. People don’t even watch something 20 minutes much less 30 🤷🏻‍♂️
@old_photons 24 күн бұрын
Peaking around, I don't think I see a follow up on this scope Ryan - did I miss it? More of a down-the-road item for me but comparing focal length / focal ratio with SCT/Reducer - this has some promise for me... Thanks in advance, Dave
@darkrangersinc 24 күн бұрын
@@old_photons I compared the data in my HOO part 2 processing tutorial to the SVX140T showing the difference between an APO and Reflector and shared some thoughts on the differences. If you follow me on Instagram Instagram, there’s also more images posted from the scope as well. To be honest once I got the StellarVue even though it’s just shy of 1000mm instead of 1300mm I didn’t really use the SCA a ton more but I did several more images that I did post if you want to check it out. I’ve always been a bigger fan of refractors over reflectors, but overall it’s a solid scope, I’ll likely use it for Galaxy season each year and that’s about it. Since doing the review I had 4 more scopes come and Galaxy season passed so given I provided more images to compare and my thoughts in comparing the data it felt sufficient for now. Perhaps I can include a follow up conversation in my next Q&A. Having a better mount makes a big difference and once you get it dialed in it’s a solid performer though if you’re looking at one. But I would get an SVX 152 if you need 12-1300mm personally.
@woody5109 25 күн бұрын
Incredible results, what do all these programs cost and what kind of PC do you run?
@darkrangersinc 8 күн бұрын
@@woody5109 thanks! For this image I just used Pixinsight and Photoshop, Pixinsight was $260 when I bought it and the Lightroom/Photoshop bundle is $9.99 but that also includes cloud space. The nice thing about Lightroom is you can use it on your phone so when I’m done on my computer and I transferred it to my phone to post a social media, I’ll usually fine-tune the tiff file in Lightroom and then I can also export it from there in whatever format I want so if I want to keep it as a tiff I can if I want to make a lower quality JPEG for social media as well as minor adjustments. I guess I did also use topaz denoise at the end, I think that was $50 as a one time purchase. I don’t think it’s available anymore by itself. I purchased the noise and sharpening tool separately now I think they just sell it as a bundle of their photo AI, which is more expensive. But you can also just use Noisexterminator. However for color noise specifically I think topaz is better.
@darkrangersinc 8 күн бұрын
@@woody5109 I use an M2 Max Mac, works great for me only 64mb of ram and I can easily have Final Cut Pro open with 4k video and edit in both programs all at the same time.
@jesusbilbao 25 күн бұрын
Hi Ryan. I have tried doing this but WBPP will not integrate the images. I have asked PI forum gurus and they tell me WBPP will not do it. In my case maybe because they were two different scopes and cameras. Any thoughts ?.
@darkrangersinc 25 күн бұрын
@@jesusbilbao likely the camera difference. The pixel size might be the bigger issue. I did this one on accident, but I’ve done it since and I’ve got it to work with even bigger gaps and focal length like 200mm. Did they say why in the forums or was a camera combination being different the reason?
@jesusbilbao 25 күн бұрын
Last response after other attempts was “WBPP will not group together files with initial different dimensions. What you can do however is use all the registered files and integrate them manually”.
@darkrangersinc 23 күн бұрын
@@jesusbilbao it’s likely the pixel dimensions though which goes back to the sensor size. It will work with the same camera. I’ve done it repeatedly. I think the problem is you have two different sensors. Although this doesn’t seem to be true because I’ve shot the same target with two different cameras that had the same sensor but slightly different dimensions and it still worked. The OGMA 26M and ZWO 2600MM have the 571 sensor but slightly different dimensions and it still stacked together. Having said that they are pretty close together so it’s only about 10 pixels in each dimension.
@jesusbilbao 22 күн бұрын
@@darkrangersinc I finally tried to do this manually (not with WBPP). I did get it to integrate the 2 sets of data but the result obviously shows a pixel problem confirming what you indicate.
@phillipjensen4362 26 күн бұрын
thank you! good to know about the customer services. I'll just stay with old trusty i have.
@HoratioPamela-d6q 26 күн бұрын
Taylor Gary Brown Barbara Williams Melissa
@Neanderthal75 26 күн бұрын
Well, if you see my avatar, that greenish-something, is actually Melotte 15 (heart of the heart nebula) and there were arguments and questions about it- "why is it green" among the rest of the astrophotography crowd. They told me "if you google that image then it's not green". Well, I said, you can google a lot of things and find purple trees and rainbow dogs too. The majority of picture of it is taken in either RGB or HOO and not SHO. This is what my camera gave me, in SHO- Hydrogen is green. And just because the majority is doing it, that doesn't mean that's the right thing.
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@Neanderthal75 yeah that’s why I wanted to spend some time on expectations because I think some people choose a pallet wear green should be dominant and then spend the whole time trying to get rid of it lol The heart nebula in general is very difficult because there are very concentrated regions of all three gases, but core is mostly green around the fine details where some S2 is mixed in. You see more influence around the outside of the heart that’s where you get all those other colors.
@ridetheliger4176 26 күн бұрын
Very informative, thank you!
@nikaxstrophotography 26 күн бұрын
That last image with more data is definitely a winner thanks for the tutorial
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@nikaxstrophotography Thank you, I am still trying to get folks to work within the constraints of what their data can actually handle and show that it’s easy to push it well beyond. I thought the idea of showing one with the reasonable amount of time (18 hours) vs close to 30 and show the value of adding more time would be helpful.
@afd33 26 күн бұрын
Now if only photoshop wasn't a subscription maybe I'd get it. As for Seti's scripts, ADBE has been working great for me. I've been bouncing between that and Pixinsight's gradient correction that they added a couple updates ago.
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@afd33 I guess it all depends on how you look at it. It was about a $350 program and that didn’t cover updates so every couple years you felt like you needed to purchase it again so just paying 120 bucks a year and getting Lightroom as well as all the updates isn’t too bad for my opinion. You also get access to it on different devices like my iPad and iPhone, and some cloud storage. It’s annoying to keep getting all these micro purchases but in this case vs thier old model I don’t mind it. Compared to Pixinsight, where you get free updates for life it’s obviously not nearly as good of a deal but people still complain about the $260. I wanted to stick with options that you could do in both programs for this one. That’s why I didn’t get into camera raw and the sliders too much. I’ve shown that, but I wanted to stick to things that you could do in both. I’ve been using gradient correction as well I’ll have to try SETIs. If I run flats, I usually don’t need to do either though because it will degrade some of the quality of your image sometimes so just be careful and make sure that you really need it because sometimes I’ve noticed no matter how good the program is it takes away some of the good signal.
@anthonygraham6449 27 күн бұрын
Nice ! 😊
@NOVA8264 27 күн бұрын
Very nice video as well as timely since I’m working on this target now.
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@NOVA8264 perfect timing!
@jimwaters304 27 күн бұрын
This is a good video. It covers good information and addressed some processing issues that I have been having with the NarrowbandNormalization script and general SHO processing. Thanks for taking the time making this video.
@darkrangersinc 23 күн бұрын
@@jimwaters304 glad it helped. Let me know if there’s anything else you guys need help with.
@jesuschrist2284 27 күн бұрын
Its not easy being green
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@jesuschrist2284 haha green acceptance is key 😉. That’s why I wanted to spend some time covering off on why you should have some green in an SHO image. Don’t pick a pallet that puts the strongest color at green and then most of your time trying to eliminate it!
@jesuschrist2284 26 күн бұрын
@@darkrangersinc excellent advice :)
@gregerianne3880 27 күн бұрын
I noticed that the kink in the grayscale curve carried over into PS, but it looked like the magenta splotch at the top of the image was somewhat hidden due to how dark the image was. Is there a way to reduce a kink like that in PS, similar to what you'd do in GHS in PI?
@darkrangersinc 27 күн бұрын
The curves are very easy to manipulate in Photoshop. You can choose them by color and bring them down that way you could also use the hue and saturation adjustment layer. I always use the histogram as a guide and never prioritize it over the look. It’s a good way to know if you’re in the right ballpark but as long as I’m getting the look that I’m after I don’t worry about it too much.
@darkrangersinc 27 күн бұрын
Support the channel and a company that supports astrophotography for all gear related purchases Agena Astro has the best prices and fastest (free) shipping times ! agenaastro.com/?rfsn=7545037.59bc8b
@StephenRyan1983 27 күн бұрын
I know you don't really get into plugs but I'll do one more and say that folks should really become a Patreon. For full transparency, I was the community member that Ryan was talking about at the beginning about my greens. The fact that he went out of his way explaining and making this tutorial speaks wonders. It's a great community!
@TheAstrocast 28 күн бұрын
Great video! I'm trying to see if these guys willi sponsor an episode of the show as i'd like to review one of these. I've been chasing "the easiest ultra portable" tracker for as long as i've been in to AP. I've got a skyguider pro and a SA GTI, i'm not a big fan of the skyguider pro (probably should play with it more..just hate the way the counter weights work. maybe i'll set it up to use like this instead) and my GTI is used with the 135 setup. I would love something like this for widefield MW shots. I wonder if it could hold my R5 and RF L 2.8 24-70....hmmm. Oh and by the way, it's "stopping down" a lens when you go from 2.8 to 3.5, for example. Great way to sharpen up stars for sure!
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@TheAstrocast i’m sure they will. They just sent me some more accessories. I need to film part two but wanted to do it from a dark skies site. I brought it all to Mexico where I was the last couple weeks, but couldn’t convince anybody to skip a nice meal and night nightlife to go sit in the middle of nowhere with me 😂. I will say overall, it’s pretty limited in terms of what it can do. You definitely need a sturdy tripod and ideally very little wind but if you don’t have super high expectations and take it for what it is, it’s a nice add-on if you have a camera and lens laying around for a dark sky trip
@TheAstrocast 26 күн бұрын
@@darkrangersinc can't wait to at least give it a shot. I just love the quirkyness of these kinds of setups and it's fun to challenge yourself and see how nice of a shot you can get. I definitely would have skipped that meal, but I'm on the east coast!
@miguelmorales9667 29 күн бұрын
I'm seeing a very profitable class action law suit possibly happening to this company.
@jimwaters304 Ай бұрын
Good video. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.
@deepskydaddy Ай бұрын
This tutorial is killer. Thank you! Working through my data now, but had an issue with my sulfur. My hypothesis is that there were high clouds that are difficult to see in the subs and made my final image look deepfried. Hoping this process will fix things!
@erikarmas9008 Ай бұрын
Hi, I purchased the mastering-photoshop-for-astrophotography- in January and the only way I can watch it is through the link from the pathreon with the iPad. Not from the app pathreon or from any other device, when I try is like I have not purchased ir
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@erikarmas9008 if you can send me an email to the one in the bio, I can try to get some help on this. You should be able to watch it from any device!
@peterdmatthews7427 Ай бұрын
I have the Redcat 71 and love it. I've been looking at this scope and I hope they polish it before releasing it. Currently backorder. Great video. Thanks very much.
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@peterdmatthews7427 they actually reached out to me and asked if I wanted to review another scope and said they respected my honesty which was a good sign but then after a couple months of checking in, it never came to fruition so I don’t know if a second version would have been better, but if you’re not using a full frame camera, it should be fine either way. the reason I was tough on that is because it’s pretty expensive for the size and more and more people are using frame cameras so I wanted to really put it to the test
@miguelmorales9667 Ай бұрын
You should do a video about cable management and find a couple of good places to purchase quality custom length usb and power cables. 👍 Starfront?
@Si-fp2ij Ай бұрын
This looks like a must Adam Thanks for all your hard work Cheers Simon
@michaelkohl2250 Ай бұрын
The quadband needs a camera without a uv/ir cut
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@michaelkohl2250 only if you’re concerned with that bandpass, I still like the placement of the RGB band passes more than any other filter of its kind. I wasn’t really concerned with the NIR data. The real difference is the location of the other 3 bandpasses. I see this comment every so often and while there is a specific pass for that data it’s not really what makes this filter game changer in my opinion
@jimwaters304 Ай бұрын
Great video with useful information.
@starman6092 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the tip on the 2 processes. I updated my M31 from last year and the result was amazing. Gave it the "pop" that the core was missing.
@Astrofotografie Ай бұрын
''The Perfect All Around Premium Astrograph?'' Takahashi entered the chat 🤐
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@Astrofotografie yeah hence the “?” There are plenty of other options that could make a better case. Personally I love the performance and value from Stellarvue as well. The title was more inspired by their claims that it’s a purpose built premium astrograph.
@MichaelCory-xf9mr Ай бұрын
Excellent tip! I gave it a like and subscribe.
@ricardoabh3242 Ай бұрын
You take RAW photos right, you need to convert to tiff? Just starting my setup lol, not yet 1 photo.. Nikon Zf + SW Adventure GTI + NIKKOR Z 180-600MM F/5.6-6.3 VR + ZWO TC40 Carbon Fibre Tripod + ZWO ASI220MM Mini with (IR pass)
@darkrangersinc 26 күн бұрын
@@ricardoabh3242 always shoot in RAW yeah. Pixinsight can stack the files as is no need to convert.
@ricardoabh3242 25 күн бұрын
@@darkrangersinc very cool, now I was playing with HLG RAW, this maybe not uprooted… tbd