I Was Wrong about Wong and Defenders
I was Wrong About Klaw
5 ай бұрын
@Nassinator1 14 сағат бұрын
Very informative!
@bertboxer1 12 күн бұрын
i'd love to see a full 10 man roster with this theme. pool noodle zemo, surfing mordo, grillmaster strucker, bullseye chucking cornhole bags etc.
@antman677 13 күн бұрын
Oh and i totally feel you about painting gaming minis to as high of a standard as you can 😅 I just love moving around really cool looking minis in a game…of course I’d like to do well in my games but the reward of playing with cool minis and other people enjoying them is good enough for me. I actually have the same mindset when doing painting competitions…regardless of how I do, as long as I improved, I’m proud with my work, and it brings others joy then I’m happy regardless of the competition outcome 😊
@antman677 13 күн бұрын
Yooo! I love your Cabal beach party guys…how you thought about engineering the conversions was really clever - I always wondered how you converted them! Regarding judging and competitions…it’s really hard to know how you’ll place even for rubric style competitions. I personally don’t think you can every remove subjectiveness from a judges decision bc art hits everyone differently. Part of our goal of entering a competition is to present our work in the best light possible. If you have an amazing Rembrandt you’ll want to place it on a wall with nice lighting, give it a exquisite frame, and put some nice glass on it. I view mini completions the same way…I’m going to put the mini on a nice plinth that will help to frame and accentuate qualities of my entry as much as possible. The plinth also allows judges to hold your entry and look at it from different angles with less risk of damaging it. This all helps provide the judges more optimal conditions for judging your entry which can only help your chances of placing. None of this will ever be noted in a rubric but I find there are a lot of unstated subconscious factors that can impact judging after doing completions for 10 years. All in all i personally find your entry to be really really great and def something you should be proud of - you might want to make a few tweaks and enter it again next year 🙂
@richardbeaman3143 13 күн бұрын
"I don't understand people"
@shaunkrogulski9619 14 күн бұрын
Great content! While the card sinister traps doesn't place a token it effects the objective token it is applied to. I believe the objective token is the token they are referring to in the forum post.
@Coyote81 14 күн бұрын
You called out my exact playstyle for webwarriors. Although some of the new mdoels makes me thing about change up my list some. Siver Sable and Gwenom.
@KevinPaxson 14 күн бұрын
Commenting for the algorithm. Vince, this is hands down one of the best squads in the game. each one is a treasure.
@VincentCurkov 14 күн бұрын
Thanks kev!
@xanthethird4040 14 күн бұрын
What's the money raft thing done by Jacob to determine stats above replacement? You talked about it at 53:36 or so
@VincentCurkov 14 күн бұрын
There was this $100 draft format where you bud against each other for models. It’s very silly and the draft is really the most fun part.
@TerryTerryBouzu 14 күн бұрын
Nice a Deadpool Wolvie cm, at least YT knows what's up
@VincentCurkov 14 күн бұрын
@wookiemart 14 күн бұрын
I just want to play Hydra without feeling like I'm a gimp to the other affiliations.
@defenstrator4660 14 күн бұрын
Unfortunately they fucked Hydra’s tactics cards. They could have been evil Shield. Instead they have a ton of flavour and no cards.
@jamesdye5695 14 күн бұрын
I have played somewhere upwards of 10 games with Time Gem Namor. I have lost a single one of those games, Namor has KO'd on average 2-3 characters a game. It has felt oppressive.
@VincentCurkov 14 күн бұрын
That’s pretty wild. I’ve had quite the opposite experience with no gem namor.
@jamesdye5695 4 күн бұрын
@@VincentCurkov it was all TTS which seems to either roll hot or cold but nowhere in between any given week; so maybe it was just a hot week. I have played a couple of games since where he has folded like paper, those games didn't feel good.
@CalamitousCactus 15 күн бұрын
Beautifully painted, I would suggest using washes. Develin Mud would help.
@VincentCurkov 15 күн бұрын
God dammit Dan-o! I will never live this down!
@CalamitousCactus 15 күн бұрын
@@VincentCurkov You won't live down misspelling my name either lmao. Love you bud!
@tur13l 15 күн бұрын
The fact that the GAMING pieces they sell have to be not on a gaming thing is shitty to me, its good that I don't even pretend to be good at painting, fast and good enough suits me just fine.
@BinxyBrown 15 күн бұрын
I love it dude, you did so well, I think that you have a few things that look a little flat, like the flippers on summer soldier or the volleyball on Ultron, all the shorts probably could use a few more highlights. I want to call out some stuff you did really well though. The white cloth on red skull really sold to me, you did a great job of catching the defuse highlights that cloth has and working subtle greys into the shadows. The wine bottle and the cooler on Summer Soldier as well as his hair were all amazing.
@VincentCurkov 15 күн бұрын
Thanks man. I definitely agree with you. The flippers could have been painted to have a fake gloss to them that probably would have taken the texture on the model to another level.
@JohnathanHo 15 күн бұрын
Hey Vincent! I stumbled upon your post in Reddit and gave your video a watch. It's always cool to see how other artists approach their pieces and it was nice to see how your piece was put together and your thought process behind the journey leading up to the competition, as well as your take-aways. I've written a longer response (below) that people who don't want to read a wall of text can ignore. So I'm going to keep this first post light, and just give my kudos and express how much I enjoyed seeing your humorous piece in the cabinet. It was a refreshing interpretation from the more dramatic approaches you usually see in competitions like this, and I hope you'll enter again next year! I'm always happy to give feedback/critique so feel free to hit me up through DMs/emails. PS I feel your pain on the NMM. I had the (counts fingers) 10 Ultron drones, Ultron, and Iron Man on my piece so it was a lot of hours just spent working through lighting and then blending. So much blending!
@JohnathanHo 15 күн бұрын
Diorama/model count - I spoke with Dallas who had acknowledged that the Worthy rules as written had not taken into consideration the introduction of grunts. I had actually reached out in advance of beginning work on my piece to get his stance on it and his blessing and effectively, all the figures that would normally go on the grunt base would be treated as one figure (for example, Ultron's drones as in my piece). However I do acknowledge your point. I had 5 official figures (Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Ultron, and Ultron's drones). However, as part of the scenic element of mine, I also incorporated the various drone parts and half-drones that are part of the debris/terrain pieces in the Earth's Mightiest Heroes kit, which does blur the line in "what do these count as since they aren't actually stand alone figurines". Destiny of pieces - Tabletop pieces vs display pieces - Placement (bronze/silver/gold vs trophy) - This is an interesting question and I THINK I understand the intention behind it, even if it may not have necessarily been communicated clearly. I encourage you to take a look at the 2024 winners category (www.atomicmassgames.com/events-path-of-the-worthy-2024-gallery/) and you'll see that there are a few bronze, silver and gold pieces that are just mounted on their gaming bases. Even my own gold/mighty winners from 2023 (Hulkbuster in singles, and the Sentinels for squad) are just gaming pieces that I blue-tacked onto temporary plinths for the contest but are ultimately my tabletop pieces. - My interpretation of the "destiny" of a piece is largely to a piece's function and purpose, and it speaks to both the intent and thought process that goes behind the artistry of it. Gaming pieces tend to be faster painted (not always, but often), and because they're meant for the tabletop, you're painting with that 3-4 foot rule. Higher contrast, you can get away with cheating details or not painting everything to 100% because it's rare that you're going to pick up and inspect every single rivet and detail from 6 inches away. There's a lot of subtlety and nuance that gets lost when you paint for the tabletop, and as gaming pieces, can often feel like a lot of work that goes unappreciated. - When you paint a piece intentionally for a competition, you're going in with a different mindset and a different outcome expectation. You ARE looking to paint every detail to perfection because it's going to be seen/noticed. You can afford to spend more time doing perfect blends, laser sharp highlights, etc. because it's going to matter. - But as an artist as well (and I think this is where the communication may fail, and it's something I've been actively working on as well when people ask me for feedback) is that someone painting for a tabletop may be looking for different kind of advice than someone painting for Golden Demon. Critique for painting competitions are usually because you're looking to compete with the best so pointing out every flaw in order to grow/improve is almost an expectation, where it may not matter as much for someone looking to improve how to paint a figure that's only ever seen from many feet away. But that's just my perspective on that matter. I've only ever really spoken to Dallas, Elizabeth and this year Ben Komets for my critique so I can't speak for anyone else. - To the topic of gaming bases vs bespoke display bases/plinths, this one is to taste. I think it's important to keep in mind that part of the judging criteria for the Path of the Worthy is narrative. How you choose to tell that narrative (and how well it's received) can really vary. You can tell amazing stories in a small amount of space, or just as equally waste a large amount of space and make a piece worse off. That being said, I think moving pieces away from gaming pieces and placing them within a larger space that allows you to increase the interactions between the pieces can only serve to enhance your store telling. It gives you the opportunity and potential to link the figures together in a cohesive narrative, and you're then also creating collective decisions in areas like composition, color palette/balance, cohesive lighting and shadow across all figures as the sit within the narrative you present. As an artist, creating a fixed point in time allows me to tell a story as I envision it, that can often be challenging if your entry is just a collection of 5 separate miniatures (for example, with your entry, the judges can pick each up one individually, reposition/move them around, and they don't necessarily fit together beyond "beach boys", and so your narrative element is a lot weaker). You can make up for it in technical skill, but if the expectation (again at that top level of competition) is that everybody has mastered the technique, it becomes entirely about those intangible elements that will ultimately set you apart from the rest. - Again circling back to that communication point, personally, I don't think that a piece being on a plinth/display base is a must. And to receive bronze, silver, or gold, I think if you're hitting those checkboxes not having a plinth shouldn't disqualify from placing well (again, I got gold and best in category for single and squad last year with gaming pieces, and there were gaming pieces that placed this year). But as you say, if you really want that top slot (best in category/best in show), it's an important artistic decision that has to be considered carefully.
@VincentCurkov 15 күн бұрын
Wow, thank you for posting I've been an admirer of your work since you swept the worthy in its first year. You posting really made my day. I almost didn't post this video because after recording it I felt that I was more negative than I wanted to be and sat on the recording for months but I was encouraged by people that I showed it to to post it. At the time of the recording the gallery hadn't been posted yet (I actually cut a section out asking where the gallery was) and I now see that there are a few non-plinth winners. My recollection of the winners doesn't truly reflect the reality. I'm glad to hear that it isn't preventing pieces from placing. The destiny of the piece discussion that was had with me was disappointing as I was hoping to get quality/actionable feedback on my painting. The decision to put them on gaming bases vs a diorama is a creative and not a technical one and it was disappointing to find out that it was a decision that held me back and not execution. But to your point that a display base opens up story telling opportunities I very much agree. I think in my piece specifically Red Skull's base felt claustrophobic with trying to get all the story elements I wanted in there. If I could do this competition over again I would probably work to create a display board that has slots for the bases so that I can have my cake and eat it too. I will 100% be taking you up on that feedback for my next piece.
@luthelunatic1364 15 күн бұрын
I'm generally a fast painter, so I need to learn to slow down and be patient if I want to enter the worthy. You should be proud these look great!
@VincentCurkov 15 күн бұрын
Thanks so much man! I think it is worth seeing what the best you can do looks like.
@luthelunatic1364 15 күн бұрын
@@VincentCurkov I would love to OG sabes vs OG wolverine. Gotta learn how to start a diorama first
@realZahmet 15 күн бұрын
The Beach Boys looks great! Can you use the same models for the same competition again? Like could you just piff up some of the color on the pants and maybe get a display thing to put em in (even if they are still on game bases)?
@DJDadJoke 15 күн бұрын
Those guys are sick as hell and you should be proud of your beach baddies.
@CriticalHitReviews 15 күн бұрын
For whatever it's worth I agree with you when i have done conversions I like to stick them on a gaming base, the GAME should come first in my opinion. The story of cabal having a "Mandatory fun" day corporate outing is amusing to me and tells a story when they are rudely interrupted by some hero's causing a Barbie movie fight on the beach. Great conversations, and i am jealous of your NMM thanks for the video.
@quincy_md 15 күн бұрын
The nmm is brilliant! Any hints or tricks or tutorials you could advise?
@VincentCurkov 15 күн бұрын
So I have two NMM shorts here on the channel. I learned NMM from a very old white dwarf (364.) If you want to start trying it I would pick something small like a sword. Then find someone who has painted it in NMM and try and copy it.
@petetebond 15 күн бұрын
coooooool. It looks like Gen 13 when Adam Warren draws that collection.
@VincentCurkov 15 күн бұрын
I wasn’t familiar but I’ve now googled it. Thank you!
@papalima2 15 күн бұрын
I'm already looking forward for next year's. I have my plans for mine.
@VincentCurkov 15 күн бұрын
Thanks for pushing me to do this project
@Kosey.WPaints6595 15 күн бұрын
They look great
@VincentCurkov 15 күн бұрын
Thanks Kosey!
@Venport 15 күн бұрын
Beach Cabal, hiding hobby crimes.
@VincentCurkov 15 күн бұрын
Crimes, beach crimes…
@Kaylubdee 19 күн бұрын
Interesting take on the gems. I don't really see any gems played outside of Thanos and Corvus. They are pretty much ignored everywhere else in the game. If they just made Thanos have to pay to use the gems like everyone else, I think Thanos would drop down like 3 tiers of competitiveness and wouldn't be brought anymore. The broken thing isnt the gems, or they would be brought on everyone who could use them. The broken thing is using them for free. As far as powering up the gems for being playable elsewhere in the game. I like most of your adjustments. It is just thematically weird to not be able to teleport yourself with the space gem. I really like the throw on the power gem. I would probably run Power and Mind on Thanos to setup good throws.
@michaelplant3036 20 күн бұрын
with the low threat leader in guardians he may be an excellent splash replacement for CGR. 🫠
@badbirb5698 22 күн бұрын
Super excited for Loki too. Go Forth! on an Asgardian is just amazing, it'll essentially play out like Space Thanos and makes Red Skull 3 a little jealous for the automatic setup / ease of use. Not sure about his durability, I think it's better than we think because he has a large dice pool and big attacks will likely also include some skulls in their attacks - and the best attacks with full rerolls might even show two skulls for a great block. Reminds me of a statted up Red Skull 3 option for Asgard, and that guy has been such a blast. Extra rerolls on defense and dodge is just a cherry.
@mystiqblackcat 22 күн бұрын
I want to try Loki with Mysterio and The Grand Illusion
@VincentCurkov 17 күн бұрын
Yeah. He seems invincible on GI turn.
@HighCouncilStudios 23 күн бұрын
That's going to be a fun time in Asgard. Stack stark armory, doomed prophecy, Freyia's blessing, and limited time only TTCs 4 turns, back to back. I guess im preordering. Surely, something is changing at miniextrava lol.
@VincentCurkov 17 күн бұрын
I’m excited for mini strav. The rumors are all over the place.
@HighCouncilStudios 17 күн бұрын
@@VincentCurkov they sure are dude! Exciting time to be playing. Man, I hope they fix Xavier and some of the other forgotten toys. Think anything makes the Shield 10?
@VincentCurkov 17 күн бұрын
@HighCouncilStudios from the Asgard box? Probably not. If I absolutely had to play a 6 threat Hero Thor might be a thing I reach for. But none of this is particularly exciting for shield.
@HighCouncilStudios 17 күн бұрын
@@VincentCurkov yeah, you're probably still better off with Hulk. how about Sable? I think she'll be fun in my X-Force.
@HighCouncilStudios 23 күн бұрын
Great video! Thor, God of Thunder. Thought of the Zeus/Thor scenes when I heard that lol
@nickjolliff1663 23 күн бұрын
yep, Loki traphouse is on the menu. I actually enjoyed Mind Loki 1 in versions of the list too, but there were better options. This guy is a real one
@VincentCurkov 23 күн бұрын
Yeah I’m so excited.
@shaunkrogulski9619 23 күн бұрын
My first thought when I saw Loki was trap house!!! I am excited to try that out
@VincentCurkov 23 күн бұрын
God me too. Looks like maximum steal your opponents fun.
@tur13l 23 күн бұрын
Loki2, enchantress & scourge seems like a solid base lineup.
@arron1980s 23 күн бұрын
Loki looks great, you mentioned Foes and Mysterio but not The Grand Illusion!
@DJDadJoke 23 күн бұрын
Sif, Mighty Thor, and the tactics cards have leaked too. I'm excited to hear your takes on them. I'm really looking forward to these new Asgard models. I think they're going to pump some fresh blood into the faction.
@kingmarke6940 26 күн бұрын
Very cool, I liked the Power Gem the best. Even if I think throws are a bit strong in the game at the moment. Anyway, great job!
@jaydeneisenbarth8530 28 күн бұрын
I personally want the flexibility of the gems again. It would be cool if you could choose an unbound gem that took a roster slot or a bound gem that didn’t take a slot but was stuck to the character. I think this would make not only black order rosters interesting again, but also make taking multiple bearers of a single gem interesting at the cost of a roster slot. But a player could also just bind a gem to do what we are doing currently if they wanted.
@HighCouncilStudios 28 күн бұрын
Also, is giving magneto a rg 2 place too much to ask for?
@HighCouncilStudios 28 күн бұрын
Change the power cost on reality to pay 0, but 1 time turn.
@tomgallant9253 28 күн бұрын
I love the changes except the power gem...just doesn't seem flavorful enough. I'd prefer a dice addition roll, like 1 power for 1 extra attack or def dice to a max of 2 power for 2 dice, once per turn. Not sure if that's broken based on numbers but a throw is great but just seems off target to me for some reason!
@VincentCurkov 28 күн бұрын
What about the gem design doesn’t hit the flavor for you?
@tomgallant9253 28 күн бұрын
@@VincentCurkov Only the power, the rest I love your changes. But power seems blasting and well attacking. A throw just doesn't IMO seem the right way. Its a personal preference, I think adding dice would be more flavorful then a throw. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a throw I just don't think its "power gem" per say
@CriticalHitReviews 28 күн бұрын
A reasonable compromise for the Time gem would be give it Shang Chi's new card power to just change two dice attacker or defender but limit it to once a round.
@bluepanther0368 28 күн бұрын
Rip Black Order if these changes are put through, solo Thanos ruining it for his team again 🙄
@VincentCurkov 28 күн бұрын
You don’t think a disruption field corvus with mind and power thanos would be strong?
@tur13l 28 күн бұрын
I like your take on the power gem, I thought that it might have been pay 2 to add 1 dice or pay 3 to add 2 dice to an attack roll(as a boring alternative) or simply add 1 dice to all attacks when forming this characters dicepool for attacks. For the Time gem I would maybe consider reroll 2 dice Heimdall style.
@rexim90 28 күн бұрын
Looks good, but putting a power cost on reality gem is a big hit to Corvus and I really don't think Black Order is the problem with reality gem.
@VincentCurkov 28 күн бұрын
I get that. But maybe you play time in him and reality on Thanos now. I think the cost makes it less obviously best on him.
@BinxyBrown 28 күн бұрын
I would make reality disruption field because it can make guns into bubbles. No clue what i would do with time after that, maybe it could cost 1 and still do what it does
@stevenswayze 28 күн бұрын
when you say "just for today I will be acting as the King of Marvel Crisis Protocol" it needs to cut to an intro like Game of Thrones or even CSI:Miami, or even a little Jingle-diddy like the Comic Tropes Channel
@VincentCurkov 28 күн бұрын
Good call. Next episode will have a little more pizazz
@PHPharrity 28 күн бұрын
Would Soul Gem also having Loki's front side +1 SP bubble as well make it strong enough but not too ridicious? Makes it have a +2 swing (+1 for your character and +1 more for thier character) and gives the character holding it a little stronger for wading into the line.
@VincentCurkov 28 күн бұрын
Kind of depends. Definitely way too strong if there is no range. I think the biggest argument against is should we take loki's coolest thing and give it to a bunch of characters?
@PHPharrity 28 күн бұрын
@@VincentCurkov I would suggest the same or maybe only R3 for the ability. Also, I agree but 1) Loki doesnt see much play anyway...yet and 2) this is something that happens with a lot of superpowers in the game already. There are only 3 characters with the ability to use it currently Strange 1 (who probably needs something to make him more playable), Super Giant ummm yeah... and Thanos. I appreciate the discussion and thought experiment.
@bertboxer1 28 күн бұрын
Finished the video, all seem like interesting ideas that could be fun! Something funny in particular is that original dr strange with the time gem can spend to add defense dice, reroll all of his own dice once, and also spend to mess with your opponent’s dice. He becomes a lot more interesting in both keeping himself alive as well as supporting the rest of his team. Is this worth 6 threat? Likely no, but he would be much more of a support piece than he is now
@Kosey.WPaints6595 28 күн бұрын
I like the changes you made. I had some similar thoughts, for the Soul Gem I felt like it should be something like King T’Challa or Ghost Riders innate power where they gain power from damage to allies and for the Time Gem I had imagined something like Heimdal’s All Seeing Eyes but that probably would be broken.
@Kosey.WPaints6595 28 күн бұрын
Thinking about it, in the Marvel movies when we see the time stone used it’s never for combat it’s use for what you could consider scenario play. Dr Strange uses it to bargain with Dormammu, he then uses it to see the outcomes on how they defeat Thanos, and Thanos uses it to bring Vision back to life to get the stone from him. I think the Time stone doing something like Black Panther Chosen of Bask Insight of the ancients super power or the interact party of Heimdalls All Seeing Eyes would be cool