@martongergely757 Күн бұрын
"bethesda vs obsidian" uses interplay game
@farcy3insanitymeme 2 күн бұрын
It's so sad about Autumn since seriously he's not doing anything wrong after we've taken out EDEN. He and the Brotherhood have the same goal. It's only that the brotherhood's nice streak ended 10 years later when Maxon took over and just made it a worse version of the Enclave. (The prydwyn is literally a reference to an Enclave airship mod for fallout 3)
@Pakotugudugudugudugudugudugu 4 күн бұрын
I am in charge here I AM THE ENCLAVE
@spas6433 6 күн бұрын
Fallout 1 had totally different writers to NV fyi, so it should be Interplay vs Obsidian vs Bethesda.
@revival_of_the_canned_justice 9 күн бұрын
>Bethesda vs Obsidian in the title >First clip is Fallout 1 You can't make this shit up, you just can't, I already knew Obshitdian fanboys were desperate for throwing shit at Bethesda but not this much, I already know that Obsidian Entertainment is (supposedly) made up of part of the original Fallout staff, but does that mean that Fallout 1 was made by the same guys at Obsidian? No Edit: Ever heard of cognitive dissonance? That's what happened to Colonel Autumn, that's why he said "I am the Enclave!", in the same way that happened to The Master in FO1, except The Master was a bit more calmed (did you even played FO1?) Edit 2: You can see here that Lanius is bland af, all he does is saying dark edgy shit
@fancy-payne 18 сағат бұрын
>use green text on youtube And? New Vegas is still made by key members who worked at Interplay/Black Isle Studio. Like Josh Sawyer, Chris Avellone, Fergus Urquhant and etc. So, I don't really get your point here.
@revival_of_the_canned_justice 18 сағат бұрын
@@fancy-payne I wasn't even talking about New Vegas, go cope somewhere else
@fancy-payne 15 сағат бұрын
​@@revival_of_the_canned_justice Why did you say Obsidian are not the original team, then? I still don't get your point, brainlet.
@RobloxBallsGaming69 9 күн бұрын
not just obsidian and bethesda also interplay fix the title
@flavivsaetivs5738 10 күн бұрын
Also Obsidian: "No one's dick is that long, not even long dick Johnson, who had a long dick. Thus the name" Also obsidian: karma is worthless apart from keeping one (1) companion Both companies have good and bad stuff, i loved new vegas, I'm loving 4, why must we, as fans of the same saga, hate each other?
@blazingbattlehawk9626 10 күн бұрын
I think the core difference between how the two companoes approach the falliut world is that Obsidion views it as a new world built on top of the old while Bethesda sees it as just another chapter in war. I think it would more so fall somewhere in between
@itsmebeter3538 10 күн бұрын
fallout 3 and 4 feel to me like generic pulp and the others (not tactics or bos) are more like vonnegut or phillip k dick
@aZakthatAttacks 11 күн бұрын
OG Fallout's(especially FNV's)Dialogue: Deep and Poetic Bethesda Fallout's Dialogue: Like a damn toddler made it in comparison but decent on its own. Especially with Fallout 4's one track responses.
@wmv8996 11 күн бұрын
Obsidian had more winnie the pooh. Definitely a win.
@calamitycruz4614 11 күн бұрын
this comparison is enough proof that the fallout series are straight up trash its bethesda lame and boring writing all over the show
@irrelevant7782 11 күн бұрын
Fallout 3 and 4's writing makes you feel like everybody in the game has 1 point in INT.
@gethk.gelior4214 11 күн бұрын
What actually reminded more of the Nuclear Option's Father final speech was…well, the following. "May there be a Tartarus for you…bleak, unending……"
@noriyakigumble3011 12 күн бұрын
I love how despite Fallout being about what we believe, our ideologies, and the societies we make; almost all the classic villains are reasonable to varying degrees (the master, Dick Richardson, Lanius) having people of strong convictions who are willing to elaborate on their beliefs or even possibly CHANGE is far more convincing than the cartoonish zealots of Bethesda fallout.
@kawaleriaszatana9242 12 күн бұрын
now it takes Bethesda to make one tree in their ultra res graphics same ammount of time it took obsidian to make a whole storyline
@nessxsavior 12 күн бұрын
“Calm is what you have to be when people look to you, and it’s all you can be when things are out of your hands.” - Colonel James Hsu
@takikarin2330 12 күн бұрын
Fo1 (Obsidian): Enriching dialogue Fo2 (Obsidian): Enriching dialogue with some pop culture Fo3 (Bethesda): MC is literally lowtiergod FoNV (Bethesda*[only the engine] + Obsidian): Enriching dialogue + philosophy and taxes Fo4 (Bethesda): 3 different ways to say Yes and 1 designated sarcastic button The less bethesda tampers with fallout the better the lore gets The more bethesda tampers with fallout the better the engine
@BasedHorrigan 14 күн бұрын
Fallout 1 is Interplay no? Misleading title
@Boggletrop 16 күн бұрын
6 years old, I know. Just wanna say that, even though Bethesda isn't that creative with dialogue in their more recent fallout games, Obsidian didn't actually take any part in making fallout 1 (Interplay did, they also made fallout 2)
@this_is_ca 17 күн бұрын
You could show a single line of dialogue from either the master, Ulysses, or Joshua Graham & it’d still have more depth than Fallout 3 & 4, lol
@ColonelEagle 19 күн бұрын
"It does not matter, victory shall be ours, it shall be swift, and it will be honest, purchased with blood." Goes harder than any line in Fallout 4.
@dougthedonkey1805 Ай бұрын
The Master conversation: “I am steadfast in my beliefs and will explain to you how I feel” - this is morally wrong “No it isn’t. I believe the ends justify the means” - but you failed to consider something which renders your plan futile, thus meaning your means have been without an end to justify them “Holy shit you’re right, I can’t believe I’ve done all this” President Eden conversation: “I am steadfast in my beliefs and will explain to you how I feel” - this is morally wrong, kys “Damn you’re right, gotta kms now lol”
@Seanhmattson Ай бұрын
In my mind, Lanius retreated and killed FO4 before it happened
@stanislavlaurik8424 2 ай бұрын
The bad writing is why I stopped playing Bethesda games at all. Sad. But the quality is terrible, unbearable.
@freerbx793 2 ай бұрын
Didnt know there was another organic example of the bungee good tree for tree bad phenomenon
@TruetoCaesar 6 ай бұрын
Emil pagliarulo must answer for his crimes towards storytelling
@handsomeT-zf8to 6 ай бұрын
If Obsidian did Fallout 4, they would - add the option to wipe out Nuka World with either 4 factions - add the option to convince Maxson or Preston Garvey to keep the Insitute Intact and only destroy the synth production areas (since the Insitute can provide clean food and water) - add the option to convince Desdemona to give up (side with Institute) or leave the hideout and save the Minutemen (side with Brotherhood). - add some dialogue that if you side with the Insittute, you will stop Synth Productions and instead help the Commonwealth.
@benjaminmclaren8782 6 ай бұрын
People complain about walking simulators, where there is no choice but to walk to the next story beat. I think it is even worse when there is a useless choice. If I don't want to do a quest, then don't force me to do it anyways. If it's a main quest, then don't give me the option to refuse. It is very simple logic.
@bobo577 6 ай бұрын
I aM tHe EnClAvE.
@cyansuy3062 7 ай бұрын
"Why are you doing this obviously horrible thing?" Bethesda: "You wouldn't understand, so I'm not explaining" Obsidian: "You don't understand? Allow me to explain..." *proceeds to give you a quick lesson in political philosophy* "Stop, what you're doing is a bad idea" Bethesda: "Ok, I'll stop." Obsidian: "Convince me, or pray that your skills in a fight will save you when your words could not." *proceeds to have lengthy back and forth* On one side, you have writers who care about what the players experience, on the other, you have someone who's there for the paycheck.
@martytheturtle8323 7 ай бұрын
I like how Lanius describes you as a man who wears the insignia of the NCR at the beginning. But, at the end after talking to him, he calls you 'The Man of the West". First describing you as a nobody but after speaking to you for a short period of time he describes you as a man on his level since Lanius is "The Man of the East". he's showing respect without actually saying it. It's very subtle but good
@boglurker2043 9 ай бұрын
its because bethesda dont hire actual writers. they just give the role to random people in their office, and it shows.
@Nix-Man 9 ай бұрын
Bethesda hates what they dont understand. Or more specifically, they hate what they THINK their playerbase doesnt understand.
@therealevilmudbug 9 ай бұрын
Lets be real Obsidian covered up Lanius's face so he didnt look silly in the 2010 graphics because they actually cared about the final moments of their game
@systemreb00ted 9 ай бұрын
Fallout 1, 2 and NV are honestly the best Fallout Games in terms of story (and gameplay, at least in some ways.)
@Zarmdthecoolest 11 күн бұрын
Some would say the best games. Period.
@stahl1624 11 күн бұрын
Keep talking, I'm almost there
@ILikeTheThingsIDo 9 ай бұрын
Honestly think hiding Lanius' face behind a mask is a good idea. It lets the pretty good voice acting do the work and doesn't rely on Bethesda's frankly still bad facial animation.
@quinnwhiteley1096 9 ай бұрын
Mark O'Green, who wrote the dialogue for fallout 1, never worked at obsidian. Doesnt mean bethesda has good writing, but using the master as an example of obsidian's writing is wrong
@HKIHNDKNSI 2 ай бұрын
obsidian still does emotions and storytelling better
@nscoby9311 9 ай бұрын
More reason we should get New Vegas 2 or at least New Vegas Remastered.
@AncelDeLambert 9 ай бұрын
A lot of this is direction, not just the writing Bethesda just doesn't give a shit about fully half of the game
@xak4072 9 ай бұрын
I havent watched the video yet but if I had to guess obsidian dialogues are better
@abumuslimal-asiani2066 9 ай бұрын
fallout 3 be like : good power armor guys vs bad power armor guys
@nicbahtin4774 9 ай бұрын
Bethesda quests are almost entirely written by Todds lover. No matter how much bad his writing is he is untouchable.
@analothor 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this
@surplusking2425 9 ай бұрын
Join the 'Unity'.....this aged like fine whiskey
@pb19111 9 ай бұрын
Bethesda will be busy with TES 6 and Starfield updates for years. They should let Obsidian make another Fallout game in the meantime.
@bryanscruggs7566 9 ай бұрын
Intrerplay, not Obsidian
@RainbowEssence-c3w 9 ай бұрын
Dear god even all these years later that THING makes me feel nauseous, and I never even played the original Fallout 1 or 2! Seriously even by today's standards that thing is on a whole nother level of creepy and disturbing!
@domino_201 9 ай бұрын
Ranked from best to worst: The Master Legate Lanius Colonel Autumn Father
@Youtubeacc1776 9 ай бұрын
Im a noob to the fallout series played new vegas first then fallout 3 2nd and now i started playing fallout 4 and its like a whole different game i dont understand why change the graphics and everything dont fix something that ant broken. So far i like the storyline about the main character being a time traveler but the gameplay makes the game feel unplayable.