My Madrid Preparty Weekend Review
My Eurovision 2024 Tier List
@ColmMcCann-uo6ci 15 күн бұрын
When Ukraine passed Israel on the scoreboard after their televote was announced and everyone cheering still makes me emotional.
@ColmMcCann-uo6ci Ай бұрын
I have watched hours of youtube clips on dress rehearsal reactions and reactions to Ireland's semi final and final performance and this reaction is the only one to make me emotional. I am an Irish fan (who doesn't love the song) but your reaction is beautiful to watch. Bambi's staging is by far the best staging I have ever seen on the Eurovision stage.
@cookiesandmilkpanda 2 ай бұрын
This song was so robbed 🙁🙁
@DamirŠkoić 3 ай бұрын
Bravo Nemoljupci kako ste dočekali pobjednika moglo vas se nabrojati na prste , zašto ? zato jer on nije pobjenik publike i naroda već uštogljenog žirija koji već godinama ubija eurosong dajući pobjedu nenajboljim pjesmama .
@cathalsheehan9596 4 ай бұрын
Australia in "likely Q" what universe 🤣
@nocturne7371 5 ай бұрын
I would like to give props to Petra, she held the audience up to a standard that with a less respected host could have easaly gotten out of hand.
@citizensallianceaustralia2025 5 ай бұрын
I am sorry you and your friends had such a bad experience in Malmo, but it sounds like you are whinging just because you did not get your way. If you are a member of the media that was in the arena, I hope you did not boo and jeer as those people should never be allowed in a Eurovision arena ever again. ESC Tom has vision during Eden performance and he remained silent, that is a more respectful way to protest. If you are sitting there telling me that being harassed by some media idiots, compares to a 20 year old young women having to think that there maybe a person in the arena with a gun who will kill me, then you have a serious problem in telling unreal threats from genuine ones. The way the delegation was treated I am not surprised that the Israeli media asked what the other contestants thought about Eden's performance. Your attempt to hide your pleasure in the voting did not work. The juries except the two who gave Eden 12 points, should be ashamed of themselves for doing the exact opposite thing that they were introduced to do, actually just vote for the performance. Anyone who thought Eden was not in the top five performances in the final (it is not a grand final because half the points come from a jury final which is a different show, one of the few things the EBU has broken, as the jury should vote for the same performance the public do), then there was something else that made them not vote for that entry. As a Eurovision insider you should be aware of why the Eurovision contest exists, it is a song contest, it is about the music. I would think that despite whatever you think of the situation, if the EBU have allowed Israel to sing, then you suck up your own point of view and embrace the artist. On this issue I personally do not think any country involved in military conflict should be allowed to enter, so I think Ukraine and Israel should not be involved in next year's contest if the situations are not different. But when a decision has been made that is final, unless you are Bambie Thug. Now here we have a women, yes I know pronouns but I am sorry she is a female human, anyway you have a they, who said when she became the Irish entry that if Israel was allowed to perform, she would pull out, well then why was she there? In Croatia we had the situation where the Dora winner said the same thing and she was true to her conviction, but Bambie Thug is so hurt by what is happening away from Malmo that she turned up and performed. The overgrown Greek entry, was such a child that she basically is not worth talking about and Joost might be a great guy but showing disrespect to Eden shows me his real nature when he does not get things his own way (and let me make it clear Europapa was my favorite song this year). Any person, delegation or official who shouted Free Palestine, of course would come under close scrutiny from not only the Israeli delegation and media but also security. On Joost's disqualification I do not know what happened but I can tell you one thing I do know. Sweden has one of the toughest legal systems when it comes to domestic violence, violence against women or harassment of women, they take those crimes extremely seriously just as Julian Assange, so even if he just verbally attacked a female production member he is in serious trouble. If found guilty he will probably just get a fine and be banned from Sweden but while most of us would say he did nothing wrong or he was justified in either shoving or trying to move the producer away, especially after agreeing to not be filmed, the Swedes may look at it differently. I am also surprised at your attitude in this video. I have a sneaking suspicion that you and other Eurovision insiders who think and acted the way that you did this season want the casual Eurovision viewer to stop watching and caring about the contest. I get the feeling that you want Eurovision all to yourselves so you can use it as a loud speaker for every cause and issue that comes along and is trendy. When Dana International won as the first transgender in 1999, everyone embraced her and she became a valued member of the Eurovision family, but it seems now that the contest is more about what can we complain about than what it was created for and that is music. You and the others who think like you better hope that the Big 5 do not start to look at the ratings and decide to withdraw because as with everything Eurovision needs money and without the Big 5 it is dead in the water, and then everyone will only have Melodiefestival and San Remo to watch, shows where the music is what the festivals are all about and, not external issues.
@yarimaevers824 5 ай бұрын
Eurovision fue realmente una mierda de show gracias a Ebu y su director Martin osterdahl que renuncie Esa basura
@Cherlindrea99 5 ай бұрын
The incident happened right after Joost's performance, when he was on his way to the Green Room. He probably acted the way he did in the press conference because someone stepped all over his boundaries that evening and he lost his self control. He was hiding under the flag, didn't have his noice cancelling earbuds in. He looked exhausted and really disappointed. When a journalist asked a question about the safety of other contesters because of Eden being there, he just couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Why not?" probably was asked because he and the other contestants did not feel safe because of the behaviour of the Israeli delegation and the EBU doing nothing about that. It was a bitter hint towards the EBU. The Dutch delegation has complained twice. Second time on friday morning may 10th they put down an official, written complaint towards the EBU about the unsafe atmosphere. A few hours later Joost got suspended. I bet EBU used the incident to distract the attention to Joost Klein. People would be talking about wether he did something aweful or not and nobody would be talking about how EBU failed to keep the contestants safe.
@Róisín_of_the_Hawkeye 5 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for a great report Chris ❤ There were so many brilliant songs this year and Sweden really put on a great show. It's such a shame that the whole event was overshadowed by the absolute shambles it descended into. All of it could have been avoided completely if the right decision had been made before the live shows even kicked off. The EBU certainly have a lot to answer for. On a more positive note, it was lovely to see such adorable friendships bloom between a lot of artists. There are great videos of the greenroom antics and camaraderie between some of the contestants backstage which are truly heartwarming. Dancing and singing along to their fellow contestants songs. Their enthusiastic support for each other. Those videos are like a palate cleanser for a Eurovision year that left a bad taste in everybody's mouth. Thanks again and keep up the good work ❤
@kenethtubes 5 ай бұрын
i agree, asking the other contestants about the israeli entry only is weird and rude and in no way in the spirit of the idea of eurovision. also i saw the video of the dutch dancer being harassed by that bully from israeli press delegation who published some more unfunny taunts, unnecessary provocations. on the other hand, there's also a video of that spanish bloke shouting "free palestine" right at eden standing only a few meters away from her at her rehearsal, misusing his press accreditation to yell at the singer, then playing victim when they take action against him. i hope one day he will find out by himself that eden golan is in no position to free palestine at all. i don't know, maybe if i would have been part of the israel delegation and getting so much open hostility and hatred right in my face from the first minute on, i would have given up much earlier to try to, as you call it, gain some kind of sympathy from those on the ground, at least not those who never left any doubt how unwelcome me and my delegation are in their eyes. that press conference after the semi had it all, hostile and disrespectful fellow contestants, a media guy from poland asking the TARGET of death threats how she thinks about bringing everybody in danger - so we are actually blaming the victim for bringing the danger and not the perpetrator? that"s wrong in so many ways. israel's song wasn't close to my favorites, it was ok but there were many songs i liked more. after watching what the singer was going through i changed my mind and voted for her only. i'm with you regarding the ebu having a mess to clean up and work on their transparency issues. but it's not all on them. there had been kind of unwelcomed participants before, but they were booed, and that's it, maybe in worst case there were withdrawels. the hostility the israeli delegation had to face has no example, from banning-campaigns to subtile and very obvious opposition to their participation after confirmation, open hatred up to death threats. the ebu did not do that, that was the fans, the media, the other delegations, the protesters outside the venue and palestine supporters all over the world. and the latest details about joost read as if he really DID get physical, so it might turn out that the ebu did very well to exclude him. we will see.
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
I see what you’re saying and agree in some respects, but at the same time, did you know Israelis and Palestinians joined together for a march in Malmo on Saturday? Nothing is one way or another. There is no absolute right or wrong. People came together to call for peace on both sides and held hands. That’s the spirit of Eurovision. That’s the spirit of the positive Eurovision fans. As for what you said about the Spanish media member, I agree with you. But I do not agree with the Israeli media in front of him turning round taking videos and pictures of him and posting it on social media for him to be bullied and receive death threats himself (which did happen). Death threats are never ok - no matter who they are directed at. And I vote for songs I love. By voting for a song because you feel sorry for the artist or a response to an artist, that’s political. Two of the main reasons people were unhappy with Eden performing were: 1. It is understood that she is going back to be part of the IDF 2. When rehearsing in her dressing room, she was insulting other acts. I do understand why you voted for her, but that’s exactly why I feel so sad about Eurovision being so political this year. It should be about the songs and performances, not sympathy or politics. All the best to you, hugs and spread the love ❤️
@ibaspelk8826 5 ай бұрын
We heard the whole arena booing and you talk about an Israeli booing? Excuse me this is ridiculous- and why did you cheer for every song but not Israel?
@tillypattiasina9206 5 ай бұрын
because everyone saw behind the scenes how the Israeli delegation behaved there and manipulated everyone and Eden sang shit, and that boo was for the Iraqi delegation and the EBU.
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
Honestly, I didn't cheer for every song. I cheered for Ireland, I cheered for Estonia, Switzerland, Norway, France, Spain, Portugal and Croatia and maybe 2 or 3 more. I was talking about the guy sitting next to me booing Greece, Croatia and Ireland. I did not boo any song. If you think that's ok, fine, but he did apologise to me for his behaviour, so even he recognised it and realised that he was stepping over the line. There was nothing either of us could do for the people some rows in front of us booing. But again, I didn't stoop to their level. He stood up out of his chair and started shouting at them. I told him that that was not conducive to anything. He could have just been the better person and not react, just as I did not react to him booing my own country loudly. If you think that's fine, then ok, no problem. You do you. I find though that now what I'm hearing from people is hate towards me for NOT booing. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? Regardless, I'm sending you peace, love and above all safety to everyone in your neighbourhood, from Israelis, to non-Hamas Palestinians.❤
@ibaspelk8826 5 ай бұрын
@@ESC_ChrisM we are in dire times. And we should not fall into propaganda as Germany did in 1933 - and unfortunately too many already did! This show showed it perfectly. You telling about one guy booing - while we can hear 100s booing Eden. We all heard Thug talking about Eden - how she destroyed the show and made her cry! I grew up with Nazis I cannot believe I see them marching once again and people falling for their propaganda! Btw at the Moment we have many wars in Muslim countries - no one is marching for these dying, displaced, suffering, starving people - ever wondered why? And why it seems appropriate to send death treats to a 21 year old singer?
@ibaspelk8826 5 ай бұрын
You find it is okay to blame a 21 year old girl for the safety of this festival - really! You blame her for the bad atmosphere? Not that when she came in everyone goes silence? Oh Chris! Thug was crying because Eden qualified! She said so in Television! So they didnt want her to be there and this is her fault! I’m disgusted by your words!
@tillypattiasina9206 5 ай бұрын
Eden, whether she is 20 or not, is also partly to blame for this, because she is 20 everyone must feel sorry for her then she should have stayed at home.
@reneevalkenburg2 5 ай бұрын
He did not blame her at all. He was talking about KAN, not Eden.
@ibaspelk8826 5 ай бұрын
@@reneevalkenburg2 Joost? Of course he blamed her!
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
I didn’t blame anyone aside from the EBU. I blamed KAN for their behaviour. I did not once blame Eden. I also do not blame Joost for what he said in the press conference. He simply asked a question. So no, I am not blaming Eden for anything. You are putting words into my mouth.
@in_wino_veritas 5 ай бұрын
No, what the Israeli delegation is doing at this point is propaganda. And I can't speak for what KAN is doing, but I looked at some articles on the Jerusalem Post (which is a propaganda outlet that is worse than Fox News, it's rather on Newsmax territory). And they weren't talking anything about music or the contest and its results, the only thing they did was propping up Eden, discounting criticism of Israel as antisemitism or personal hatred against Eden, and talking smack about people like Bambie Thug (whom they called a controversial singer. What's more controversial than a singer from a country that attacked Ukraine representing a country that is attacking Palestine) and making up rumors and libelous stuff about them and other contestants. Wnd what they're writing outside of Eurovision is high-end propaganda as well. Of course, not every Israeli media outlet is like that, and I'm pretty sure that many Israelis even dislike the Jerusalem Post. No, but Kan should be fined, if not disqualified, for their behavior. And talking something bad about contestants or a song (even if it's rather an opinion than libelous or bullying) as a commentator is wrong because you might influence other people's opinions or people won't vote for it, because they think it's not gonna make it anyway. Plus, harassing someone for their appearance or opinions is even worse than that. Not to mention the fact that they were harassing contestants and other journalists backstage. There should be consequences for that. Not to mention that their song is propaganda itself (yet, the EBU allowed it) and that they came in 2nd with the televote because they made ads everywhere, and bought more sim cards so that they could vote 60 times for Israel, and let embassies vote, etc. Maybe they even bought people for them to vote, just like Azerbaijan did until a decade ago. Yikes. And their jury votes sound sketchy as well. Yes, it also wasn't great that Eden was being booed, but booing Bambie is bad as well. Plus, most people weren't booing Eden personally (unlike Bambie's haters), but the Israeli government and its actions in Gaza. Overall, I think that it wasn't a great idea to let Israel compete. Also, double standards, you're banning Russia for their actions in Ukraine, but not Israel for their actions in Palestine?
@tillypattiasina9206 5 ай бұрын
And to think that Eden is not even Israeli but comes from Russia and both her parents are Russian.
@in_wino_veritas 5 ай бұрын
@@tillypattiasina9206 yes, and she grew up in Russia, participated in the Russian pre-selection for Junior Eurovision 2015, was part of the Russian girl group Cosmo Girls, I think, ehe also participated in Russian X Factor or The Voice or something like that. And she participated in a Russian music festival in annexed Crimea, her parents are from the Soviet Union, lived in Moscow and have businesses who are still tied to Russia. Being Jewish doesn't make her and her family less of a Russian.
@RuddeyBoy90 5 ай бұрын
I am dutch and what I have noticed is that we are not among the list of countries that have expressed their interest in participating next year. Normally we are there right after Eurovision is over.... That says something.
@lamiiiija 5 ай бұрын
They are allowing Israel to still participate but nit Netherland
@lamiiiija 5 ай бұрын
Not in mean way but like…
@mirjamb28 5 ай бұрын
@MicaelaHB03 5 ай бұрын
The perfect Top 4 ♥️ (I wouldn't have particularly put them in that specific order but you already know that 😅)
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
I know, we matched but just in a different order ❤️❤️! Hope you’re doing ok!! I’ll try to do a music based revue tomorrow
@SpudNickleson-im7is 5 ай бұрын
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
Hey everyone. Let me make some things clear.: I am not complaining about Israel's participation in this. I am upset at the atmosphere the Israeli deleegation and KAN in particular created inside the pressroom and the corridors where acts were returning from performing and Kan journalists were doorstepping artists (that was an ongoing theme). I have only witnessed the Israeli delegation broadcaster consistently asking what people thought of Israel's song and doorstepping artists from Saturday 4th onwards. It was basically all KAN and some (but not all) Israeli fan media and accredited journalists from there asking only about the Israeli song. Not one other broadcaster that I witnessed was doing that - asking about their own country's song. The other broadcasters, media, fan media were asking about personal favourites, predictions on who would win, as well as reviews .of the dress rehearsals. The Israeli commentators introduced Ireland's entry, during the first semi fnal,by saying that Bambie did not like Israel - Bambie was calling for a ceasefire, love, peace etc. and did not mention Israel by name at any point. They didnt even criticise the Israel broadcaster or Israel during their media calls. They simply called for a ceasefire. Zero direct reference to Israel. Aaaand KAN also asked viewers to send 'curses their way'. This is entirely unprofessional, against EBU rules - This is why many participants were missing from the final dress rehearsal fan parade, including Bambie, Nemo and Marina Satti (all subject to threats from Israeli broadcasters which then led to death threats to those artists'). I would also like to make clear that at no point did I boo during Israel's performances. Others did, but I won't stoop to that level. The EBU has so much to answer for for this year's debacle. It's the EBU that allowed Israel to participate in the contest this year and they should bear the brunt of the blame for everything. It's the EBU who disqualified Joost without applying the 'innocent until proven guilty' maxim. If you want to direct anger and frustration, it should be towards the EBU and not towards any delegation or artists or even content creators. So many artists (and you can read statements from many, including Ukraine, Ireland, Lithuania, Greece, Spain (broadcaster), France) to see just how much this whole shitshow affected them. Nowary was on the verge of pulling out last minute. To reiterate, this is NOT directed towards Israeli fans - this is towards the broadcaster and certain sections of the israeli media, especially those taking photos and videos without consent, an illegal offence in Sweden. For the Netherlands, we were all gutted about Joost not performing, and we wait to see the full outcome of what actually happened. Until then, all I will say is that I feel that the hypocrisy, given what the Israeli broadcaster was doing throughout the week, does not sit will with me on the information we currently have. Given my own job, I can't say more than that - I can only talk about what I saw there and report on the Malmo atmosphere
@ibaspelk8826 5 ай бұрын
You think thugs behavior was appropriate? In all honesty? Btw there are 130 hostages in Hamas arms - for more then 7 months!!! Nobody- not thug together with a ceasefire chant - thought about calling for their immediate release - which might be a big step toward a ceasefire? No no one does, interesting enough - not one of the demonstrators! Ever wondered why?
@AmericasESC 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience, truly a lot to learn from for next year
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely - many thinks need to be fixed ❤
@Ararechan74 5 ай бұрын
"Oslo is cheap compared to Switzerland" 😢
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
It IS! 😂 - I paid for two nights in a city centre hotel in Oslo for the same price as one night in Zurich. Hotels similarly classed. Food/drink etc, is much of a muchness. I paid 40Eur for a pizza in Copenhagen. In Oslo it's around 15-25 eur. Transport - To go across the bridge to Malmo return is 30Eur. IF you take the local train from Oslo airport to city (same time, but there's no bridge) it's 10Eur return. I was shocked - Copenhagen is crazy expensive. Probably to do with exchange rates, but even stil - Malmo and Oslo are so much cheaper overall. Entry to the Tivoli park in Copenhagen is 20Eur for just wandering around (and all the shops in there and cafes charge a lot too). Zurich is.....well...about the level of Copenhagen.
@Ararechan74 5 ай бұрын
Joost greeting the kids.... Slimane giving bear hug to Joost.... this is the lovely tea I am here for ❤
@GEMINICT 5 ай бұрын
Yes I picked up on these and it is great to hear. I think the results in the end was a fair representation of the performances. Obviously your favorites do not always win and while I do not necessarily get Croatia's song when the results were announced you could see how happy he was for Switzerland's win (seemed a genuinely a nice person). I loved Switzerland's entry because it was clever on so many levels the staging, the song, the strong vocals. I also loved the emotion of Slimane's song. Ukraine's production was epic (and back stage your could see the warmth these two girls had in interviews like on Turquoise carpet with their gifts). The only questionable song of the Top six was the Israeli song, which for me was very generic and totally forgettable (but she did wear a pretty dress). Thank you for posting this video. It was clear you did a lot of thought and reflection in making this video.
@gordanamarijavukovic2424 5 ай бұрын
😅 BL is already on Spotify ahead of Taylor Swift! 1. The number of audience points won by BL is the 5th best result in the history of the ESC. So in 2024, Marko -BL won the largest number of audience votes! Nemo was only 5. 2. It NEVER happened that the jury gave only 2x12 points to the audience winner! Shameful! Despite this, BL was ranked third by the jury! 3. After the performance in the final, BL jumped to 58% on bookmakers. Nemo was, if I'm not mistaken, 5th with 12%. It NEVER happened that there was such a difference between the votes of the audience and the jury! Because the jury was influenced by some lobbies. It has NEVER happened in the history of the ESC that the 5th beat the 1st in the bookmakers who has as much as 58%! Yes, not to mention that BL beat Nema and won the ESC award for best performer! Need more proof that Nemo didn't deserve to win?
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
I'm not getting into this, sorry. I don't think anyone can begrudge nemo the victory. The jury vote would have been much closer (i.e. Nemo lower) if Slimane hadn't messed up his jury performance. It's simple as that. Given the situation this year I think we should congratulate winners and not disparage them. Nemo is a very deserving winner, as would BL if he had won. I'm not rehashing arguments from last year. The one point I will agree with is that the juries need reformed. But with with way this year was, I think it is important that all of us Eurofans congratulate winners, and not disparage them. Sorry, I see that you're angry, but in my eyes Nemo was a very deserving winner. BL won the televote, and would also have been a very deserving winner if he won. I wouldn't be disparaging him just because he beat Nemo and Slimane. I think Nemo deserves so much respect. I think BL deserves so much respect, and I think Slimane , and I think Alyona Alyona and Jerry Heil deserves so much respect. These artists are all incredible in their own ways. And every single one of them would have deserved the win. Switzerland were never out of the top 3 of the odds. They were 2nd until Thursday night. Don't put down other artists just because your favourite didn't win. If you didn't like the song or performance, that's fine, but your opinion doesn't make the winner any less legitimate.
@GEMINICT 5 ай бұрын
You are talking absolute Rubbish. Don't spread mis-information. Remember Norway's Entry in 2019? They won the Televoting with 291 points but Jury gave them only 40 points.
@motherofslavs8761 5 ай бұрын
Zaslužili su jednako kao i Marko, jednako kao i Slimane ili Ukrainke. Najtužnija stvar ove godine je gledati koliko nisko Hrvati idu da potlopaju i izblate Nemo. Sva sreća BL je normalan pa govori lijepe i korektne stvari o protivnicima. I kakve veze imaju kladionice s tim tko zaslužuje pobjedu? Pjesma je lijepa i tehnički zahtjevna, glazba je dobra, scenski natup uzbudljiv sa onim tanjurom...čemu to ponižavanje? Jedino o čemu vaš komentar govori je o Vama. Ništa o Nemo.
@tillypattiasina9206 5 ай бұрын
That's how it should be, a big party and fun together.
@AMC66765 5 ай бұрын
I was enjoying your channel until all this miserable behind the scenes and anti Israel stuff. I just don't want to know all this gossip and rage bating. It's all a game of he said she said rather than just talking about the songs. Not nice and not needed. Will stick with channels who just talk songs, predictions or news, not gossip or political bias.
@Ararechan74 5 ай бұрын
I am enjoying this simply because someone is willing to tell it like it is. Too many people sugar coating the bubble!!!
@Sinivalkoseepra-yz1ke 5 ай бұрын
I am interested to hear people's thoughts and experiences, from different points of view, especially when they have insight to an interesting situation that I don't have. I would be open and interested to hear also the other side of this, to not be so biased, but I haven't yet come accross such videos. It's okay to want to only concentrate to the songs, but must be okay wanting to discuss about experiences as whole also.
@quint_avi 5 ай бұрын
Excellent video, very interesting point of view
@MsGeri1973 5 ай бұрын
What a traumatising experience for everyone. I was about to say Moroccan Oil is Israeli so I imagine alot that was happening, the EBU were turning a blind eye to. Unnfortunately, money talks. A more neutral main sponsor is definitely needed and the EBU need to look very hard at themselves and their lack of taking action. Feel very sorry for Joost. I voted for Nemo, very catchy song which made me smile.
@ESC_Mike 5 ай бұрын
Apparently Moroccan oils contract is up this year? I’d much prefer McDonalds or KFC as a sponsor…… ANY company that would not hold any bias!
@JoyceeX33 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for talking about your experience! I’m wondering in what way Luxembourg’s Tali spoke out against Joost, as I couldn’t find anything about it. Does anyone know?
@esc1074 5 ай бұрын
Apparently Talli said that disqualifying Joost was the best option
@garryd7748 5 ай бұрын
Top 4 was perfect….. the only thing more perfect would have been Ireland in position 5.
@ElfenLied987 5 ай бұрын
Don't rattle that hornet's nest 🙂. You will have the !sreali supports on gloating about finishing in front of us. It's the only 'win' they could manage..
@pleegjepleegje 5 ай бұрын
@omarte7774 5 ай бұрын
@jtb357 5 ай бұрын
About EBU, what in the world happened with them??? They very willingly sold their souls to the sponsor Moroccan Oil and TikTok. This was never what Eurovision was about! They demand to have the contestants followed everywhere all the time. Not respecting personal boundaries! How is that safe? It used to be a celebration but EBU is acting like Fifa, the amount of arrogance is mindblowing. Something clearly has to change. I hope for my country (Netherlands) that we will skip a year, or more. This contest was stressfull and awfull.
@ksica 5 ай бұрын
What are people saying there? Is anyone for taking a break from Eurovision? I don't know dutch and i don't know how to search your news so I'd appreciate s bit of new info :)
@andrekloer 5 ай бұрын
@@ksica De Nederlandse pers rapporteert dat Joost Klein meerdere keren heeft aangegeven niet gefilmd te willen worden op het moment dat hij van het podium afkomt. Het einde van zijn song is namelijk een herbeleving van zijn trauma: het verlies van zijn beide ouders toen hij 12 was. Hij kan het dan niet aan om met pers om te gaan. Maar de cameravrouw, met wie hij hierover al eerder in botsing was gekomen, wilde maar niet naar hem luisteren. Hij heeft vervolgens een dreigende vuist-beweging richting haar camera gemaakt, waar ze erg van schrok. Hierop reageerde Joost met het aanbieden van meerdere excuses, maar de cameravrouw accepteerde die excuses niet en wilde later ook niet met hem in gesprek. Joost heeft overigens de vrouw niet daadwerkelijk aangeraakt. De Nederlandse delegatie vind de diskwalificatie een zwaar overtrokken maatregel en heeft EBU en de vrouw alternatieven aangeboden, waaronder het doen van publiekelijke excuses. De pers wijst er ook dat vóór dit incident, meerdere landen, waaronder Nederland, bij de EBU een klacht hadden ingediend over de onveilige sfeer backstage. De EBU heeft niets met deze klachten gedaan. De EBU stelt dat ze haar beslissing om Joost Klein te diskwalificeren heeft gedaan in overleg met 15 Europese broadcasters.
@ksica 5 ай бұрын
@@andrekloer yes, i know that. I was asking about the mood on competing on Eurovision. Do you want to take a break or continue competing given the mess that happened this year.
@reneevalkenburg2 5 ай бұрын
@@ksica There is not really any talk about next year yet in the Dutch media and talkshows etc. It is still all about finding out what Joost did exactly, how it could have gotten to that, how the process between AVROTROS and the EBU went towards disqualification, if it was just, and what could possibly happen with the criminal case that was filed. There is a lot of confusion and a lot of outrage, but also some critique on the Dutch delegation: did they prepare Joost well enough for the Eurovision circus, and did they give him enough guidance while he was there? There was a pole on one of the larger Dutch news sites on sunday, asking people to vote yes or no to the Netherlands skipping Eurovision next year. Over 80% voted yes. But that was on sunday, when the news was still very fresh.
@tillypattiasina9206 5 ай бұрын
@@ksica I am Dutch and everyone who experienced it there are recovering from the shock because no one could have imagined this drama, I know that the Netherlands Avro Tros and the delegation will not leave it at this, they said that they were also going to file a complaint serve against the camerawoman and the EBU.
@atropatene3596 5 ай бұрын
I'm Dutch and I have young children. I usually don't listen to the songs before the finals, but as of weeks ago my 6 year old used his screentime to play the Europapa video on repeat. Whenever I was walking my kids to school, we'd always pass at least one child randomly singing Europapa. All the children I know love the song. I usually have music playing in my house and whenever kids were over here to play they'd ask me to play Europapa and they'd have dance parties in the house. I don't think children in this country have ever been excited about Eurovision, but Joost did it. When I told my kids on Friday morning that Joost had made it to the finals they were so excited. Then on Saturday I had to tell them he couldn't join the finals after all, because he had been in an argument. My 6 year old cried for an hour and didn't want to eat while my 4 year old just didn't understand. My point is: they didn't just punish Joost. They punished all the children (and adults too) who were so looking forward to this evening because of Joost. Not just in the Netherlands, probably in many other countries too. They should have let him perform and wait for the investigation to be concluded. If it turns out he was in the wrong, he should have been disqualified after the fact. This is what makes it feel so unfair. He was punished before we even knew all the facts. And even if a judge decides there isn't enough proof, he won't be able to perform in that final after the fact. And all of his fans, the next generation of Eurovision fans, have a bad taste in their mouth because of it.
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
I agree with so much of what you've said here. Let's see the outcome and what happened, but in Malmo after it was announced, everyone was on the streets, in the arena, singing EuroPapa. They were sad of course, but we all joined in - check out some of the arena clips - you are not alone - everyone was singing the song (even if our Dutch is a bit rusty) and the downer mood was saved by the fans in Malmo. I really hope the EBU fixes this somehow. Not only Joost, but the double standards and hypocrisy of the EBU
@hiskeplantinga1519 5 ай бұрын
Je haalt me de woorden uit de mond
@motherofslavs8761 5 ай бұрын
Just here to send you some love in this rather hateful comment section. Stay safe and take care!
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. IT is what it is - I had expected it, but I'm relaying the atmosphere, the whole thing and discussions had behind the scenes. In such a situation it's really hard not to be very angry with how the EBU has handled this entire contest. Not just Joost, but the harassment (on both sides) of Eden, and also the harrasment of the israeli broadcast and media. As I said, it't not about what is happening in the world right now. It's about basic human decency that was lacking in Malmo.
@jtb357 5 ай бұрын
Is is nice to hear that story about Joost Klein making it a priority to talk to all the children.
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
That was such a heartwarming moment. At that point (Thursday afternoon), he was showering the kids with love, shaking hands, hugging them and telling them 'You are the Future'. I'm witholding any judgement until we hear more about what actually happened backstage. As it stands now, I stand fully with the Dutch broadcaster.
@jtb357 5 ай бұрын
@@ESC_ChrisM Me too, I thought AVROTROS had seen all the evidence, because apparently there is some. More and more I get the feeling they just trusted him on his word. So, it is a little uncomfortable that we still don't gave all the answers. I hope it won't be bad.
@reneevalkenburg2 5 ай бұрын
@@jtb357 They must have talked to his dancers and Appie and Stuntkabouter as well, they came off stage with him so they must have witnessed it. And propably someone from the Dutch delegation was waiting there for them as well.
@Lera4kalera4ka 5 ай бұрын
Why you want a singer to get boo's????? Why you want it to be broadcast
@Ararechan74 5 ай бұрын
Tons of boos but she still got a huge televote
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
I did not say that. I specifically said I did not boo. I don't think boos are helpful (apart from towards the EBU). I was respectful to the Israeli sitting next to me. He was the one booing Greece and Ireland. I was not booing Israel
@101efam 5 ай бұрын
@ESC_ChrisM that's cause u can keep your emotions in check and that's great and appreciated for real. But you are the exception not the rule, most people apparently can't. And so as most of the anti-Israeli (at least in Esc sense) booed, spoke aginst, tried to boycott etc... most of the pro-Israeli (again, in the context of eurovision) responded with rude behavior against the artists who publicly spoke against Israel tryed to out cheer etc...
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
@@101efam I agree with this. But it wasn’t all boos. Of course the reception wasn’t as great for Eden as it was for the other acts, but I definitely heard a number of loud cheers too, and clapping after the performance- I think perspective is key here. Some parts of the crowd were loud for booing, others loud for cheering. It really depended on where you were/filming from. By far the biggest boo was for Martin Osterdahl. That was pretty much universal no matter whether you cheered for Israel or not.
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
@@101efam also, the disrespect was on Tuesday, Wednesday before Israel even performed. It got worse, no doubt, but already on Tuesday and Wednesday the broadcaster and its journalists were sending out on national Tv those who were ‘anti-Israel’. It seems crazy to me that messages of peace and love led to harassment of artists before Israel even got on stage
@101efam 5 ай бұрын
Ok, I'll try to explain things as I and many other Israelis see them. Yes, people have every right to criticize Israel- that's freedom of speech, and I understand that alot of people are supporting the Palestinian side on the war. Whoever from the Israeli perspective we are fighting a war that we didn't want to wage and yet hundreds of thousands of people are calling for our distraction. So when it comes for eurovision its obviously going to be the point that we will come from. And we will be biased and be looking out for the "hate" aginst us. The only problem is that we didnt have to look alot. Booing at the live performance, tons of artists publicly speaking against Israel's participation, all of the traditional esc content creators voiding Israel's participation in the contest by ignoring the Israeli entry for as much as humanly possible, the entire thing in the press conference after the semifinal. Not to speak about all the protests and hate against Israel in Malmo in general which created very real security concerns for Eden and her team (she needed to get full security from the Israeli equivalent of the FBI) and made her isolated from the entire contest- a feeling that most Israelis felt strongly in regard to the esc. And so with this isolation there was a strong sense of "we are here to win and show them that despite all the attempts to silence us we will crush it" kinda attitude- which led to rude Israeli behavior. To clearfy, violent behavior isnt accepted and the people who cause violence should be treated equally and held accountable for their actions. But if the Israeli entry/delegation would've gotten a basic sense of respect as everyone else got they will be nice and respectful of everyone else- cause guess what we are humans, and we give back the attitude we get. The entire war situation is a whole other topic so fell free to hate the state of israel/IDF all u want but my point is still valid.
@garryd7748 5 ай бұрын
The EBU made a huge mistake allowing your country to participate. Regardless of your view about the war, anyone could have anticipated the entry becoming political. The boos in the crowd, the ridiculous televote for Israel….the general distaste that everyone felt about it all….. This should have been the greatest year! The songs were off the charts (and I’d include Israel in that sentiment) and the artists disturbed better.
@godfrapp_ 5 ай бұрын
@@garryd7748how about you stop presenting your opinions and feelings as universal truths. Yes we heard the boos, but we also heard the cheers of support in the arena, just as loud. Distaste in ”everyone’s” mouth my a…
@Jackx31 5 ай бұрын
Israel was going to sing ‘October rain’ Eurovision was nothing but a platform for Israel to make themselves the victims. To say that it’s everyone else’s fault that the Israeli delegation harassed and bullied other participants is absurd. There’s multiple videos of delegates from Israel provoking other artists or filming without their permission, no other country would be this unprofessional.
@missyfromholland4004 5 ай бұрын
Israel should mature. They used the Eurovision song contest to make political propaganda and it hugly backfired at them. Their act of genocide does not give Israel any respect. It just seperates them from Western countries that respects human lives and democracy. What in their minds made them think they could join what suppose to be a party? People don’t want to party with Israel because of what’s going on. We now have social media, so they can’t control their victim narrative anymore. Old generations might still buy it. The younger generations don’t. #welovejoostklein
@missyfromholland4004 5 ай бұрын
I agree. Israel should mature. They used the Eurovision song contest to make political propaganda and it hugly backfired at them. Their act of genocide does not give Israel any respect. It just seperates them from Western countries that respects human lives and democracy. What in their minds made them think they could join what suppose to be a party? People don’t want to party with Israel because of what’s going on. We now have social media, so they can’t control their victim narrative anymore. Old generations might still buy it. The younger generations don’t. #welovejoostklein
@sebastianniittyvuopio5017 5 ай бұрын
Esc 2024 was a big nazi conference?😮
@sebastianniittyvuopio5017 5 ай бұрын
@DanielMoreno-tw8ll 5 ай бұрын
I was in Malmo too and currently trying to get over the Post Eurovision Depression :) . With that being said I felt incredibly discouraged during the final in Eurovillage seeing how many people that hate this contest and what it stands for tried to destroy it from within by voting blindly for their political preference. The vast majority of the Israel votes came from people that do not like the contest in the first place. I am not making this up, all you have to do is read the comments in the pro israel articles. Also, it was so embarrassing that the israeli vote (both popular and jury) went to a country with a singer of israeli descent. It comes to show how incapable of enjoying a show without making it about ethnicity or politics the israeli public has become. Even in the jury final while sited by Israel fans they showed absolutely no emotions during any other performance. You could see all the other Eurofans dancing and singing to all the songs regardless of their country of origin, but the 3 Israel fans by my side just looked at their phones and missed the whole show instead of enjoying it. It is just really sad to have that kind of victim mentality to the point that you spend thousands of dollars to be miserable and try to make everyone else feel just as miserable.
@missyfromholland4004 5 ай бұрын
Israel should mature. They used the Eurovision song contest to make political propaganda and it hugly backfired at them. Their act of genocide does not give Israel any respect. It just seperates them from Western countries that respects human lives and democracy. What in their minds made them think they could join what suppose to be a party? People don’t want to party with Israel because of what’s going on. We now have social media, so they can’t control their victim narrative anymore. Old generations might still buy it. The younger generations don’t. #itshouldhavebeenaparty #welovejoostklein
@ESC_Mike 5 ай бұрын
Imagine cheating and still not winning 😂😂😂😂😂
@ElfenLied987 5 ай бұрын
@@ESC_Mike LOL - Sooooo true - But at least they finished in front of Ireland . That's a huge win for them :-)
@ksica 5 ай бұрын
This is actually really sad. My fave was Croatia and i voted for them. But instead of being sad he didn't win i spend my time in celebrating that israel didn't win. I think that's how most of the fandom feels. My friend didn't want France to win, she found it boring, but when she saw rai leaked votes she was fine with anyone but israel. And especially when she heard his speach. It's sad.
@tillypattiasina9206 5 ай бұрын
Ik weet zeker dat veel mensen er nu zo over denken.
@Lera4kalera4ka 5 ай бұрын
Yes it must be fun being antiicmitist
@in_wino_veritas 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I also felt like that, although I had too much hope into Europe and Australia, that I didn't think that the public or the juries would let a country win, which is killing tens of thousands of people in a war, plus, who has sent a propaganda tune into this contest. Maybe I have too much faith in humanity.
@ksica 5 ай бұрын
@@in_wino_veritas i thought so too. But this was a good lesson for me. People who don't share my views watch the same content as i do. Actions that i find unexcusable they find just and they'll vote for them to support them. And i think I'd be a hypocrite to complain because that's what we did for ukraine. Israel should have been kicked out like Russia, but you can't kick out a country that's committing genocide as we speak, because they are funding Eurovision. Nor you can kick them out for genocide because western countries are literally funding it. Nothing will change next year, same mess awaits us. Sigh.
@ksica 5 ай бұрын
​@@in_wino_veritas i replied to you and got censored. I won't try to find out what it was. I'll be short. I thought so too but i got a reality check. Nothing will change next year because western countries are currently funding the crime that's happening there, and israel is here to stay. They'll never kick them out because they are also the show's sponsor.
@vulturevulture1426 5 ай бұрын
I don't know what exactly happened between Joost and the camerawoman, so I am going to wait for what the judge says. De Telegraaf (the largest Dutch daily morning newspaper) is writing about what happened the following way: "The woman filed a complaint with the Swedish police a day after the incident. Klein was then interrogated and allegedly admitted that he became violent. According to Aftonbladet , Klein said he was "very stressed" by the many photographers who were too close to him. Klein allegedly became angry, raised his arm and clenched fist, and hit a camera woman. “That should not have happened,” the newspaper quotes Klein." If Joost was violent to the camerawoman, I would hold him responsible for his actions. This is why I am sitting on the fence on this one for the moment.
@-_YouMayFind_- 5 ай бұрын
He did not touch her though, the phone probably, but the police had said that they didn't even know if it was a written threat.... and I was like what did they mean XD. yes he was angry but there is too little information because our media said that the camera woman did film him against the agreement, in the end it doesn't really matter because he got disqualified anyway, so now you can only hope it was justified. He already received the punishment. Aside from that the mistakes that the EBU made in communication but also allowing people in the space that were misbehaving is wrong. Its weird that the EBU will never be held responsible for their mistakes neither the journalists or the people from de delegation bullying artists. Now it seems that only when something happens to someone from the EBU is when you are punished not when something happened to the artists.
@joostvanderwal474 5 ай бұрын
Telegraaf merely relayed what Aftonbladet wrote and they base their stories on "sources present". I wouldn't trust what a rumor outlet writes. They just want clicks.
@vulturevulture1426 5 ай бұрын
@@-_YouMayFind_- I feel ambivalent about this. On one hand, artists are under lots of stress during ESC, and their teams are there for them to help resolve whatever happens. You don''t want anyone to film you, you put a flag over your head and you are good. Or your team members can just cover you from the cameras. I can understand that Joost felt very stressed. On the other hand, that camera woman was at her job (why otherwise she would be there?) and she was told by her management to film everyone from a certain angle she was just doing her job. She deserves safe working conditions. She deserves that people do not hit her or her camera. She deserves that she is not threatened. I think this is the baseline of respect for people doing their very difficult jobs at any events. If Joost cannot manage his emotions, his team should help him or he should not participate, because we are all responsible for our behaviour towards others and no one is entitled to violence, however famous or talented they are.
@jopiez1 5 ай бұрын
@@vulturevulture1426According to the Dutch broadcaster’s response there was an agreement Joost wouldn’t be filmed immediately after the performance. And after repeatedly asking to be left alone he only hit the camera, not the woman. Well, i guess the footage will come out eventually and we’ll see. If not, it would look fishy. Saw a lawyer on tv (not usually interested in petty things, more into defending clients before the ICJ ) who wondered why the Dutch broadcaster hadn’t asked a court to judge, because every punishment has to be proportionate. Even more so when the institute administering the punishment has a monopoly/position of power
@vulturevulture1426 5 ай бұрын
@@jopiez1 I agree that we should wait for the footage and testimonies. If Joost hit the camerawoman or her camera, I agree that the punishment was proportionate, because nobody has a right to physically abuse others. In the civilised society we need to learn to manage our emotions so that we do not become physically violent. Even if we disagree with someone's actions or decisions.
@carolinavanderlande4904 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this insider’s view. You basically confirmed everything I felt about how the EBU handled all the controversy. It was a fail of epic proportions. Sadly it has ruined my love for Eurovision completely, probably forever. I don’t think the Netherlands will compete in the comming years. No serious artist will want to risk their career and reputation for the EBU anymore. The broadcaster will probably not want to spend any money on it again etc etc.All thanks to the staggering hypocracy of the EBU. Sad but true.
@ESC_ChrisM 5 ай бұрын
I feel ya! This was such a shitshow I don’t don’t know if I can do it any more. And it’s also very ugly to see fans, or so called fans, turn on each other because their favourite won or didn’t win.!we should be celebrating an amazing top 4, but instead we are embroiled in this bullshit. Thanks for your comment, and I agree with so much of what you say
@may51973 5 ай бұрын
"Israel offended by everything ashamed of nothing". I'm not an Eurovision fan, this year Eurovision took my attention because the participation of Israel. The complains that politics have nothing to do with Eurovision are a joke. The participation of Israel was per si political. Paid adds to vote for Israel everywhere, a message from Netanyahu himself to the Israeli singer... Israel took the Eurovision as a propaganda mean
@ksica 5 ай бұрын
Many people will agree with me but the vast majority won't. I think that every county that's in war shouldn't be allowed to participate. I don't care who is wrong or right. This is a song not a political contest. I am, like every reasonable person, against israel competing, no country that's committing genocide should be allowed to participate. Duh. BUT. Israel has many supporters who think that what they are doing is just and they voted for them. There's no difference between them and Ukraine. Ukraine won in 2022 because of war, israel got this many points because of war. The only difference is that eurovision audience and artists side with Ukraine but not with Israel. If russia wasn't kicked out of competition their supporters would vote for them too. I didn't like ukraine win in 2022, i didn't like Israel's televote too. But when you allow politics to "compete" this is what we get.
@motherofslavs8761 5 ай бұрын
the wast, wast majority of people who are speaking up, including the artists, are not anti semitic or anti Israel - just pro peace.
@101efam 5 ай бұрын
@motherofslavs8761 Being 'pro peace' is kinda dumb.... it's not understanding the nature of armed conflicts and why do they happen. war is shit and no one would rather lose he's/her's life if there was any other option. And sadly currently there is non. The thing is that so called "peace" can be achieved in different ways. Most Palestinians would like a peace in which all the Jews will leave Israel willingly or by force and a very peaceful Palestinian state will replace Israel (from the river to the sea). Israelis on the other hand are more of a 50-50 about thing, with some that would like to see two states one Jewish and one Palestinian side by side. And others who want to see one Jewish state with the Palestinians leaving willingly or by force. All of these proposals are different kinds of 'peace' and yet very different. Quite Ironically when these peace solutions crush into each other that's when we get a war, with either side can't see a way to get what they want by talking alone. So it's Okey to think that you don't really care who is right and just want the deaths to stop (A very narrow and simple approach in my opinion but OK) but saying that all we want is peace is confusing at best and misleading at worst.
@motherofslavs8761 5 ай бұрын
As a south slavic person I understand what an armed conflict is, as an educated European person I have learned about numerous wars that happend through out our history. And I am still pro peace. Being pro peace does not mean one is out of the loop. Peace is the ultimate goal for most people.
@sucha0000 5 ай бұрын
​@@motherofslavs8761pazi ti lika on nama Balkancima ide drzat predavanja o ratu i miru...🙄
@trao1938 5 ай бұрын
Here's what the big problem was this year, and it's something we won't see a lot of pocasters say out loud, because God forbid they lose subscribers by going against the fold; This year at Eurovision, bullying a contestant was considered fair game. Because we don't approve of what her country is doing, we felt it our obligation to make the two weeks she spent in Malmo as difficult, and as uncomfortable as possible. If she's harassed, threatened, booed, ostracized..too bad. Because we don't like her country, and the most convenient way to show that was by taking out all our aggressions on her. The woman spent two weeks with bodyguards, and fearing for her life. Too bad, we hate her country, so that means she deserved spending those two weeks in absolute torment. Should anyone have stuck up for her, and said, "Hey, we can all agree that what's happening there is vile, but how does antagonizing this woman for 2 weeks help that situation? All this woman did was agree to participate in a song contest." NO WAY, WE SHOULDN'T DARE COME TO HER DEFENSE in any way. Because if anyone of us is seen being nice to her, IT MEANS WE SUPPORT ISRAEL'S WAR. Or at least that's what will BE SAID about us! And there go our FANS AND SUBSCRIBERS! No, no, the POPULAR thing is to go along with what everyone else is doing, and that's to CONTINUE BULLYING HER, while at the same time PREACHING PEACE. See, it's okay to discriminate against someone that hasn't done anything wrong, just because of where they're from. And if EVERYBODY'S doing it, we can escalate the tensions so high that the contest becomes a MISERABLE EXPERIENCE for everyone! And then we'll blame her for that. Here's the reality of the matter..Despite a barrage of complaints, Eurovision/The EBU allowed Eden Golan to participate in the contest. This means that no matter what our opinions are about it, Eden Golan had AS MUCH RIGHT to be there as anyone else. And ANYBODY who found this decision too unbearable to accept could've boycotted the contest, withdrawn from participating in it, and refused to report on it. We all had that option to walk away. But we didn't. Because actually TAKING A STAND against it would not have served our OWN personal interests . All of these outspoken armchair activists may like to see Eden gone, but they like their celebrity, their content creating, and their subscriber/fan base a lot more! When it MATTERED, and when it involved actually personally SACRIFICING something of importance, nobody budged. So all the grandstanding and mischief that went on these past two weeks, all the emblems, body paint, and nail decor antics to show solidarity, all the mockery and disrespect towards Eden as the cameras rolled amounted to nothing more than theatrics to secure GOOD PRESS.. ":Awwe, you painted your nails in a certain design, what a thoughtful and loving person you must be!" "You put a cryptic message on your forehead- God, what a brave and incredible sacrifice that was!" I would've had more respect if one contestant was filmed offering Golan a moment of simple decency and humanity. But then, doing so would've put that person's own reputation on the line once the photo went public, and they'd be condemned and ostracized by the masses as well. Let's hope all these heroic activists continue their righteous rage for a cause so important to them that displaying outright vitriol towards a song contestant seemed warranted. But my guess is that most of them stopped worrying about Gaza the moment Nemo was handed the trophy.
@may51973 5 ай бұрын
That's way she is eager to join the IDF in Gaza
@trao1938 5 ай бұрын
@@may51973 Do you have any idea at all what happened to Israeli men, women and children on October 7th? They were murdered and r**ed by Hamas groups, who launched 3,000 rockets at Israel that day. Over 1,140 dead. Over 130 hostages still not released, and they are still finding their dead, ra**ed bodies today. These were innocent civilians attending a concert, violently murdered, kidnapped, and se***ly assaulted. If this happened in your country, would it surprise you that your citizens would want to retaliate and fight? Some of those murdered and kidnapped were from other countries. Would you still support a country that had done these atrocities to your people? I am not pro-Israel, and I think the genocide that is taking place is horrific. But to claim that one side is 'pro peace' while the other is 'pro-war' is incredibly naive. Of course we don't like it. But we weren't the one's being attacked and massacred that day, either.
@santilic4836 5 ай бұрын
Croatia is the real winner ❤
@uadmin 5 ай бұрын
Can't help remark: kzbin.infoa6i6eiRBkvI
@idan14021 5 ай бұрын
You tried to convince people that Israel should be banned by lying we saw the violence and the booing of you guys, we saw who is the evil. We see the truth. :-)
@uadmin 5 ай бұрын
Israel's accession to the European Union would be a first step towards a solution to the Palestinian conflict and would give the Union a strong foothold in a region that is extremely important for the defense of its vital interests. Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union provides for the accession of European states to the Union. Although Israel is not geographically located in Europe, it belongs to Europe historically and culturally because it is widely believed that the roots of Europe are Judeo-Christian.
@Special-Creature 5 ай бұрын
@@uadminthe roots of Europe are pagan. And „Judeo-Christian“ what? Jews have been terrorized by christians since the existence of Christianity. And the term is mostly used to separate Muslims from Europe, which makes no sense since Islam in Europe has been a thing since over 1000 years with millions of ethnic European Muslims.
@Dennio83 5 ай бұрын
this could turn out to be a pretty important video. thumbs up for the braveness and honesty!