@DeshapriyaGunasekara 28 күн бұрын
I'm sri lankan high school student I love Archaeology over and over agai.So I want to be an Archaeologist since my childhood.How I do that? Please tell me anyone What are the special things should I do for be an Archaeologist?Like some exams or cources.pleazzzzzzz😌😌😌
@LilyCloud-g2r 3 ай бұрын
😅i really want to be an archaeologist 😅 from childhood 😢idk maybe 🤔
@tajhill-f5c 4 ай бұрын
if anyone could tell me what subjects that i need to focus on to be and archaeologist can u pls tell me?
@Tenguriatarun09 4 ай бұрын
I have a coin u give me information about this coin pls
@rochellepierce5994 5 ай бұрын
I'm early in my journey to become an archaeologist and people always ask me "well is there any money in that?" I want to TOUCH history. I want to find it and figure it out. I want to share and educate others about it. I want to get hands on, I want to discover and tell the stories of our past to the those who will help form our future. Money is nice, but being able to do that, that is something that will make me happy. I've already spent two decades of my life doing things I didn't want to, taking care of others, neglecting to care for myself. Life is short. Do what makes you happy.
@adrianparra4442 8 ай бұрын
I'm an archaeologist now.
@Free_Rif 6 ай бұрын
How are the Job perspectives?
@martingutierrez9717 8 ай бұрын
I watch jackie chan adventures when i was little and thinking i should become a archeologists
@HumaSadiq-mh7wz 8 ай бұрын
Can anyone help me..which books I need, to know how to explore archaeological sites?
@SandraCecchini-cd6pd 9 ай бұрын
caswas2ed svdsgfdsddddd
@bizimikimizenedenir 11 ай бұрын
i will study geology but i'm really interested in archaeology, maybe i can apply my geology knowledge to archaeology
@JulieLarisa Жыл бұрын
That is why I married an Archaeologist because the older I get the more my husband will love me.
@lilithlives Жыл бұрын
I just recently finished a Cultural Resources Management (CRM) Archaeology Field Technician school ($5000) and am having a difficult time landing a position. I also have a bachelors in Anthropology. Any suggestions?
@Mr.Spinosaurus Жыл бұрын
I'm from Uk i will not give up on my dream job as how hard it is and how much i get paid for it idc about the money its my dream job and i follow it until i die.
@StarsTogether Жыл бұрын
Drawn to this subject's depth? A book with parallel depth could captivate you further. "The Silent Bridge: Echoes of the Unspoken Past" by Emma Wick
@PixelPioneer176 Жыл бұрын
Finding this material enlightening? A kindred-theme book could further illuminate. "The Silent Bridge: Echoes of the Unspoken Past" by Emma Wick
@Yikkoofficial Жыл бұрын
I have a degree in Anthropology but it’s definitely not an easy career to get into. This video romanticizes it, which I understand, but it’s been a real hassle getting a job with this degree & I studied for over a decade 😢 Hoping I can one day put my degree to use…
@shinra8947 Жыл бұрын
What field are you enrolled in?
@Israel-IS-Socialism Жыл бұрын
The biggest corruption as part of archaeological research is Egyptology’s interpretive way of dissecting what they have found all the type of rituals that would take place are now being bought back in a way that completely contradicts the betterment of humanity and its principles when those values helped cause the damnation of Egypt itself. Cleopatra was a woman who had sex slaves I want to become an Archaeologist just to find the understanding and knowledge of history And since I don’t plan on having a family I’m willing to take on what I must. Patience is a must and that also requires a reasonable amount of energy. But there are people who have powers that are indeed “the unseen”
@JayaLakshmi-tm5vn Жыл бұрын
Any kerala students?
@samuelbillman7792 Жыл бұрын
My biggest question is, how often do you travel to a sight and how often do you get to go home? I am really interested in the major but I am afraid of losing touch with my family.
@Spectrum_Ark Жыл бұрын
I am just small to becone a archaeologist but.I promise the readers who are reading i will become the best archeologist and a treasure hunter. ONE DAY YOU WILL HEAR DREAM discoverd a new civilization.
@kam9305 Жыл бұрын
I would love to work in south America to uncover the hidden civilizations that haven't been founded yet
@odetoclear Жыл бұрын
i've wanted to be an archeologist since i was 8, after reading about ötzi the iceman in a donald duck magazine. 10 years later i'm very much struggling with school, since i had to quit temporarily for medical reasons so i've missed a lot. i tried to go to school again recently but quit again pretty soon, i just haven't got everything sorted out yet. _but_ by complete chance i saw my biology teacher, who struck up a conversation with me. she said how she missed me in her class, i told her why i quit etc. i then explained i wanted to be an archeologist and what paths i'd need to take to get there. and she told me that she knew i could do it, that she could see i was definitely smart enough by the way i answered test questions. that after 12 years of teaching she could see what a student could (for sure) achieve. and it just meant so so much to me. people around me, including family, have said to just do something 'easier' and give up on my dream. but her saying that legitimately almost made me tear up. i know i've got a long way to go, but i'm gonna get there!!
@heetjani7573 Жыл бұрын
sir i want to be an archeologiest and while watching this video i am feeling something crazy i just cannot sit in my chair i want to be an archeologiest as soon as possiable
@Weiine 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly nearly cried at this video when they mentioned anyone from any background can do this, everyone discouraged me because of me doing art as my college diploma but I’ve been accepted into my top choice in archaeology at uni. Hoping I get accepted fully cos this is my dream
@heetjani7573 Жыл бұрын
bro arts is the best stream you see in science everyone is trying to be an engieneer and doctor so the will probably sit in office doin some random crap same in commerce but if you select arts yo can prove your skill to world
@SaturnWhiskey Жыл бұрын
I hope everything works out
@Yikkoofficial Жыл бұрын
Please, reconsider other options. I have many degrees in Anthropology and it’s been really hard getting a job. I’m working somewhere retail because of how bad it is. Please, consider another option before committing
@Lunamoon__8 2 жыл бұрын
This is definately an option for me when I’m older!
@Sameer.966 2 жыл бұрын
Plz Help Me…🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Can Somebody Tell Me That if I Became An Archaeologist So, Can i Research The Sites By My Own Desire too…? Or The Department i would be Working for will sent Me…, Please Tell Me Somebody…
@samuellopes4628 2 жыл бұрын
Porque há um só Deus, e um só Mediador entre Deus e os homens, Jesus Cristo homem. (1 Timótio 2.5) Logo, Jesus, como sendo o nosso advogado, pode interceder por nossas causas e mais ninguém. (1 João 2.1) Aquém foi dado todo o poder no céu e na Terra. (Mateus 28.5) O Pai é aquele que ouve as nossas orações, e é o que recebe a nossa adoração. (Lucas 4.8.) Jesus é o que intercede ao Pai por nossas orações, em (Lucas 22.32) vemos que Jesus intercedeu a Deus por Pedro, para que a fé dele não desfalecesse. O Espírito Santo é o que nos ajuda a orar e nos confortar. (João 14.16) a ninguém mais foi dado esse poder. Logo, a trindade, o Pai, o Filho e o Espirito tem seu papel na redenção do ser humano, os três são onisciente: que sabe o presente, o passado e o futuro, nossos pensamentos de agora e os que ainda nem ao menos pensamos, onipresente: pois está em todas as partes ao mesmo tempo, onipotente: tem todo o poder. Esses três atributos são exclusivos de um só Deus, e não há outro deus que tenha esse poder. Com estes três não é necessário que exista outra pessoa intercedendo, pelo contrário, dizer que alguém que já morreu intercede a Deus por nós significa que você está tirando a posição que é de Jesus. Se ele é advogado, logo não pode dar sua posição a mais ninguém e ser humano não tem os mesmos atributos de um Deus, que foi dito anteriormente. Durante o período em que a igreja católica segurava a bíblia para que as pessoas não pudessem lê-la, ficou muito fácil introduzir ensinamentos contrários a palavra de Deus, porque a palavra dos padres e papas estava acima da própria bíblia. O argumento de que as pessoas na época não podiam entender a palavra de Deus e por isso as pessoas não podiam tê-la, não convence, o ser humano foi dotado de capacidade, a verdade nua e crua é que se eles soubessem que não podiam fazer tantas coisas, não contribuiriam com seu dinheiro para causas vãs e alimentar os bolsos dos papas e padres. Mas o que dizer sobre os dias de hoje, a palavra pode ser lida gratuitamente em vários sites na internet graças a Deus que usou Martinho Lutero, a verdade sobre as escrituras podem enfim ser revelada, porém as tradições eclesiásticas ainda persistem e as pessoas permanecem segas. Amados! Não vejo aqui julgar a conduta nem jogar pedras, mas a verdade pode ser vista com mais clareza hoje e ainda assim não o é. Rezar para quem já faleceu como: Maria, João, Pedro e muitos outros, tira o Pai, o Filho e o Espírito Santo das suas posições, nenhum ser humano na face desta Terra é digno de assentar a direita de Jesus e nem a esquerda sem que ele mesmo diga que pode. Orar e se prostrar na frente de imagens de escultura, feitas pelos homens é idolatria e um pecado contra Deus, mesmo que seja a figura de uma pessoa querida por todos, está errado. Comecem a rever esses erros e fujam da idolatria. Ao Senhor teu Deus adorarás, e só a Ele darás culto. (Lucas 4.8) pois o pecado não vem com cara de pecado, ele é atraente e logo as pessoas caem porque acreditam que não existe erro nas suas obras, é o que o diabo faz, ele sabe que um cristão não vai adorar a imagem de um demônio, então ele vai usar a imagem de alguém que seja querido por todos, assim a pessoa não se dá conta e cai no pecado de idolatria “rezar para maria posso, porque ela é a mãe de Jesus”. “pedir a S. Pedro isso e aquilo eu posso, ele foi discípulo de Jesus” cuidado com a estratégia do inimigo. Ele tentou Jesus no deserto com coisas agradáveis, não com coisas que ruins, o pecado vem com aparecia, e neste casos pode vir em forma de idolatria de uma forma que todos podem achar que não tem nada a ver. Não se reverencia pessoas que já morreram! Não se ora para pessoas que já morreram! Não se ora para anjos de Deus! Somente a Deus.
@johnclark1612 2 жыл бұрын
Id like to be an archeologist but I don't want to be a mainstream liar. The way they operate is by carbondating a turd near a 50 thousand year old structure and tell everyone bull corn about the age, tho, 30 generations of turds are beneath that big turd lie that's weaved to the masses. Becoming an archeologist is like becoming narcissist academic gay cult member.
@TeachHeart 2 жыл бұрын
This is the job I want to do if I ever get rich enough to not need money😂
@ironmanfire4944 2 жыл бұрын
hello i want to ask permission to take some clips from this video for my college assignment 🙏🏻
@NoOneTwoTrust 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve only seen people being berried, not fair
@moe_lester9801 2 жыл бұрын
I wanna run away from boulders and fight nazis archeology rock
@angelamadrid50 2 жыл бұрын
My 10 year old wants to become an archeologist. Can anyone give me advice on how I can involve her in activities that taps into archeology? She has this passion for Natives in America & she said “she would like to find their artifacts & give them back to them.” I don’t know if that’s possible, but that’s what her goal is & I admire her for that. Now, I understand why my child since preschool & to this day she enjoys digging & finding things. My mommy brain just realized that right now lol wow!
@BornofIron 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry this is a late reply, I'm studying it at my college right now. Some states offer archaeology days where even kids can get involved and learn more about the profession. The events CAN be a little kiddish but it's in good, culturally sensitive fun. Looking at the one California hosted from last year, but it mostly focused on our indigenous populations, so you're probably in luck. They aren't just stuff the state runs either, it's actually more often tied to THE Archaeological Institute of America, so you'll know it's not some bogus means to stimulate anything short than just an educational experience. A really fun thing that my dad wanted to try (but never did) was to simulate an excavation. You can grab a few pieces of flint, cheap arrowheads, or anything other manmade, find a local place (even if it's in your backyard, or off a hiking trail, bury it give it some time, and then take your little one out to simulate the dig. Not everything found will be this amazing instance of discovery, so (for the lack of better verbiage) littering your little site with broken pieces of pottery, things that simualte Olduwan technology, will mimic the trends in the profession. Obviously there's not much on the chemistry aspect or dating, but it gets your kid active, and to think critically (even at an early age) if this is something they are interested in. Obviously don't be bringing a shovel to a national park, but you get the point. Make-do sifters, trowels, brushes, are all cheap to get and with a little creativity you can find an easy means to recreate it. One thing to deeply consider to is, have your kid explore all aspects of Anthropology. Achaeology is actually very broad but is a subdisipline to Anthro. Best of luck and I hope this reaches to you well.
@301.makenna 2 жыл бұрын
I wanna be a archaeologist because I love ancient things. Especially Ancient Egypt. And archaeology is cool overall. Like I can discover things from thousands of years ago
@shinigami_melody 2 жыл бұрын
I want to be an archaeologist because I'm very interested in the career and, I am still quite young so I have more chances to study for it more.
@Humantry50billion 2 жыл бұрын
Ever sense I was 6 I have loved history. But only recently did I realize that I can do something with it. I go to archeology camp this summer and couldn't be happier
@CA-qx1mv 2 жыл бұрын
For those interested in Archaeology, I have some tips: you need to make sure you're an outdoors/roughing it type of person. I started volunteering/working in high school for the YCC (youth conservation corps), we would build trails with picks and shovels, haul rocks to build rock walls, dig urban gardens, honestly very similar tools and work ethics you use in Archaeology. You work in remote areas generally. I then started mentoring with a Cultural Resource Management (CRM) firm in high school. From there, I got my undergrad in Archaeology and at the same time worked in the same firm's lab while taking classes. You are required to take a field school before getting a secure job in Archaeology, so I did a two week field school in Belize...and then did three other field schools after that. Local field schools are cheaper compared to exotic ones. I decided to go for my Master's in Archaeology, and through that decided I was ready to be an archaeologist for the federal government compared to working in academics/museums (think stereotype Archaeology, what you see in this video), or working in CRM work/private companies, which account for a good 60% of jobs in Archaeology. Fields related to Archaeology include cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, museum studies, and also hard sciences such as geology, geography and ecology. Technology expertise that's used in Archaeology includes GIS/mapping software, photogrammetry, ground penetrating radar, drones, radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology, and a whole lot more. Hope this helps, Feel free to message me if you have any questions. :)
@alva4565 2 жыл бұрын
Your comment is a godsend, thank you :) /A young woman trying to figure out what to make of her future
@Piccolo_Re 2 жыл бұрын
Could you get into assisting in archeological projects by having a Geography degree then? My school doesn’t have archeology degree and I don’t want to go for a master’s or doctorate needed for archeology, but I like being outside part of the time and inside part of the time.
@someshittomakeyouhappy Жыл бұрын
Im currently working on getting enrolled in college but I was wondering if you would have any idea on ways to gain more knowledge and experience in the meantime. Thanks and best of luck with your archaeology work 😊
@lilgingy75 Жыл бұрын
@@someshittomakeyouhappy with your age you might be able to find internships which will get you a step in the right path most colleges offer internship opportunities with whichever degree/course you want. it isn't the best info but i hope you take it as it is!
@nidhrocks3668 6 ай бұрын
Can I pursue it taking ba or I have to take science only?
@believemeimeverywhere9623 3 жыл бұрын
In my case i want to become an archeologists but my grades doesn't cooperate well 😔😂
@margaretsvosklitsatelnymznacom 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a russian high school student, and to be an archaeologist was my dreamsince my childhood. I read hundreds of books about ancient Egypt, Greece and etc. I was told that it's not possible for me to become one, because in Russia it's a very badly paid job, so I forgot about this idea for a number of years. I didn't study history in school, because I thought I wouldn't need that. One day, I was cleaning up my room and I found my favourite book about Egypt from my childhood. I spent the entire evening reading the book later that day. I realised, I don't want ANY other job than this. Now I'm studying history as hard as I can from the beginning and I hope I'll be successfully passing the exams this May. Then, I will have some time in 10th and 11th grades before going to the Uni. But as I mentioned earlier, in russia it's a poor paid job (492 dollars per month), so I'm planning to study abroad. I've been studying English language since 4th grade, and it's obvious I'm not perfect at it, so it'll be challenging for me. But now I know, I'm NOT going to give up this time. I'm NOT going to give up on my dreams. If this is your dream job too - please don't give up. No matter how hard it would be to become one. I'll leave it here as a promise to my future self!
@allllreut 2 жыл бұрын
Ооо, я тоже из России и меня невероятно увлекает эта профессия! у тебя все получится
@margaretsvosklitsatelnymznacom 2 жыл бұрын
@@allllreut спасибо огромное!
@DMp-xp6mj 2 жыл бұрын
It's a badly paid job everywhere for the education you have, but if you love it by all means go for it
@cristog7246 2 жыл бұрын
Don't give up. I always wanted to be a archeologis. I'm a bricklayer but I don't enjoy it.
@altosh7 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 25.I will start this year in university to study History and Archaeology :)
@peculiarpig 3 жыл бұрын
good schools in the US for archeology programs?
@axerxes3981 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, I khow you work outside and conditions can be on the primitive side.... I watch TV. What about the academics, costs, etc.?? Ax
@velenceikatalin1704 3 жыл бұрын
im really thinking about changing my studies and switching to archeology (im studying SNE now)
@shoreangler3383 3 жыл бұрын
I've only found information that leads to academia programs. I have zero interest in learning what other believe they know, first hand. I need training on recording and excavating. That's the problem I've run into. To learn that, I have to go pay 1000s of $$ to enter some program, where some professor depends on my continuing to pay, in order for the privilege of being allowed into the community. If you have a suggestion, on who may provide excavating training, I'm very interested. Responsible documentation is important......but if it proves to difficult, it will be a nonsubject when we gear up for the job to excavate historical items.
@habibabayer9114 3 жыл бұрын
Assalam.O.Aliakum I wanted to be an archaeologist.. it's my dream but I don't know how to start actually I'm doing Bachelor's in Commerce but I really want an admission in an archeology department... I'm from Karachi
@brittanyhayes1043 3 жыл бұрын
I want to do both Paleontology and Archaeology, be a historian on the side, and also draw out my findings. But I cant do math very well which is the down side.
@seradin8029 3 жыл бұрын
How do you convince your parents that this is a good idea when they refuse to believe that I'm cut out for something like this?
@baljinderkumarofficial 3 жыл бұрын
I want research on ezypt history as an archaeologist
@miltoncivil 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing archaeology
@goosted2577 3 жыл бұрын
I just want to become Nathan Drake
@goosted2577 3 жыл бұрын
Nathan drake inspired me into this type of stuff. Thanks Nate.
@ethereal_ocean 3 жыл бұрын
Lara croft for me these two are the best gaming duo if you put them together :)