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Hugh Ross - Total Eclipse 2024
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George Haraksin - Total Eclipse 2024
God is Pure and Holy
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@YECBIB Күн бұрын
@daveandrews9634 Күн бұрын
It’s very likely light (since it’s a longitudinal wave) is being perpendicularly stretched by gravitational fields as it travels through space simulating an expanding universe. We already know light is affected by gravity longitudinally by the fact that gravitational red shift exists. Why not laterally also.
@wuwu6384 Күн бұрын
we have to know the Hebrew way of writing literature to be able to have the correct exegesis.
@susanfromthemountains1754 Күн бұрын
Please, look at Luke 3:38. Adam is said to be "the son of God" in the genealogy list referenced by Luke in his gospel. This means the "son of God" was understood prior to the flood to mean " those born of Adam who was " the son of God" (Luke 3:38) ... Adams sons who were worshippers and sacrificing with holy hearts to God, as Abel had done therefore were " the sons of God" ( sons of Adam). And God replaced a worshipper, Abel with Seth. We see Enosh was born to Seth and then men began to call upon the name of the Lord. (Genesis 4:26) I believe scripture does show us that "sons of God" means this group that began seeking the Lord. Remember how it was before Pentecost how the righteous, if he begins to live unrighteously will be unrighteous. And the unrighteous, if he begins to live righteous will be righteous. And then at the cross, God said he has placed > all < under sin so He can have mercy on all. So therefore that saying: there's none righteous, no not one, came to fruition at the cross. Condemnation for all except for those who believe on His Son, Jesus Christ, and THEY will be the ones to be called the sons/children of God. Those who receive the Kingdom as a child. So I do believe the account of "sons of God" is about men, those who had been born of Adam ( who was "the son of God", ) Because also God says exactly who He's angry with in the account of the pre- flood time. Not with heavenly angels, is He angry with, but with man. Genesis 6:6. Man is a sinner. From the beginning sin entered the world through one man. Then sin spread to all men. The flood happened on account of men's sin, imaginations and sexual sins and warring nature. Mens imaginations were awful and warranted annihilation. Their deeds also. Both sexual and warring with each other. That's what is happening to today. The very men who proclaim to be born again and leading as an example are falling, into sexual sins, and pornography is rampant like never before and the warring going on and imaginations and evil doings are again going to bring the wrath of God upon this earth. God told us judgement begins with " the house of God" ( God's sons/ children). The sins of men not, angels, is cursing this earth as it has always done so. Men can not pass the blame onto angels. No no no. That's something bad that people are imagining too in these last days. Imagining that prior to the flood, angels, not themselves- not man- but passing the blame to angels of darkness, or giants or hybrids or etc... no way ...God's clear who he is disappointed He made. It's "man". So make no mistake, everyone who is reading this: God is not judging this cursed earth for any reason other than man himself. "Men" ..must please.... Confess all sins, repent, and cry out to be saved from this cursed generation and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be able to stand in front of Jesus on the day of Judgement. Again, no where do angels confess, repent or believe.... No where is God mad at angels... In fact He has always used Satan to test a man for what's in his heart. Like he also tested Jesus in the wilderness using Satan. So please men of the earth.... time is so short. Confess, repent, believe, worship God live and walk in His Spirit. Get out of sexual sins, and warring with one another and seek "holiness and peace" with all men. Of which without these no one will see God. Remember a Scripture tells us clearly, God has always been watching men. But He sent Jesus to saves men. ( Men women, children). Watch your life everyone. You can know for sure that God is watching it.
@joevi2593 Күн бұрын
Sasquatch are nephilim.
@gianlucagatto6074 2 күн бұрын
the existence of dark matter is not disputed? ahahah the standard model is better than a clown show
@hughross131 2 күн бұрын
We see the gravitational effects of dark matter everywhere in the universe. It also explains why the universe measures to have a flat geometry. If it were not for 90% of our galaxy's mass being composed of dark matter, our galaxy would lack the spiral structure symmetry and stability essential for advanced life. For details and documentation, see Designed to the Core.
@Richard-lg2lz 2 күн бұрын
More invented idiocity about things that can never been proven one way or the others like the big Bang and all the other theories
@gmac6503 2 күн бұрын
That's NOT why modern scholars reject Daniel as the author! People, buy John J Collins or Carol Newsom's commentary on Daniel and learn from true scholars. Thank you.
@paulengle9207 2 күн бұрын
James Webb telescope has discovered mature galaxies that are nearly as old as the current calculations of the age of the big bang. Also some observed galaxies are apparently much older than the 13 billion years ago assumption of the big bang. This is clearly throwing major assumptions in physics into question. In this paper they have stated that these stars very close to the massive black hole are much older than expected. Is that really valid in light of the controversies in astrophysics revealed by James Webb telescope? Our understanding of God's creation has charged significantly even over the recent past and the complexity of Creation is vast.
@ronaldkemp3952 2 күн бұрын
It's an assumption that the closer to a supermassive black hole that the concentration of dark matter would be greater. Yet the velocity and trajectories of stars near the supermassive black hole can be explained by the laws of motion and general relativity if the supermassive black hole weighs around 4 million solar masses. Thus there's no extra motion occurring to the stars to be blamed on dark matter. This implies there is less dark matter close to supermassive black holes than there is near stars and satellite galaxies orbiting furthest from the supermassive black hole. Example, our solar system was determined to be around 26,000 light years from the barycenter of the galaxy's mass and according to the temperature variations in the CMB is orbiting the center of the galaxy at around 530,000 mi/h. According to the estimated mass of the galaxy, 100 billion solar masses and the mass of our solar system being 1 solar mass it should have an orbital velocity around 86,000 mi/h, not 530,000 mi/h. This equates to a discrepancy or sigma in it's orbital velocity of around 450,000 mi/h. Thus the allusive dark matter was proposed to explain this unexpected extra motion. The motion of stars near the black hole can be explained by theory and laws. It's the motion of stars furthest from the black hole that can't be explained. We also know the brightness of a star is influenced by EM fields and energy. We know for a fact that the center of the Milky Way produces extremely high energy EM fields "light" as noted by Radio, X-ray, gamma ray and infrared telescopes. The core of Milky Way produces extremely strong electromagnetic fields. Take the star V383 Monocerotis as an example. In the Hubble data when the star exploded in 2002 all the background stars were dim, some were invisible to the Hubble telescope. As the energy from the star expanded outward from the exploding star, the brightness of background stars increased greatly. Indicating the energy produced by the explosion is what magnified and increased their brightness. As the energy wave expanded stars in the background which were invisible, suddenly became visible. Indicating the energy from the explosion is what caused the increase in their brightness, similar to the lensing effect of light. Thus I believe it is not dark matter annihilations causing the increased brightness of stars, but the high energy EM fields. The evidence indicates there is no dark matter in the center of the Milky Way near the supermassive black hole. That's why a dark matter halo surrounding the galaxy was proposed. It was supposed to explain why bodies furthest from the core of galaxies are being influenced. Observations are fact. What's causing the extra motion of stars and satellite galaxies is speculative. Just like the increased brightness of stars near the supermassive black hole is speculative. It's not proof of dark matter. I'm not convinced.
@hughross131 2 күн бұрын
You missed the point of the paper. It is not that these stars possess excess velocities (they are too close to the supermassive black hole for that to be a factor). Rather, it is that they possess extra luminosities.
@user-rm8wc1mv3u 2 күн бұрын
I was praying in the Spirit one morning and I realized if God never had a beginning; What must be up there? All around us?
@user-gr3oo5ux9x 2 күн бұрын
Sorry,no particles exist.we dream it ,make it all up.unreal dreamers in an unreal dream.thete is no physical universe
@cleopatra5682 Күн бұрын
Interesting.. What’s your theory please? Thanks
@v8infinity8 2 күн бұрын
Awesome. Thanks Dear Brother in Christ.
@charlesprabakar 3 күн бұрын
Good to hear a theory where "dark matter particle sourcing the illumination of stars in alignment with biblical worldview! Turns out we as a firm have one such theory where all stars being sourced by the photons that are formed by the creation and annihilation of positron and electron from QVF - thus producing photons (including all 137 particles) moment by moment in perfect alignment with Bible! See below our new particle physics theory below Speaking of which, how about I provide some latest research on this topic by correctly interpreting/translating Hebrew roots correctly ( as affirmed by Heiser as well) 1. Treat Gen 1:1-1:3 as one sentence by putting a when in front , as affirmed by a Hebrew scholar of Heiser 2. Translate the phrase “Spirit of God hovering over water” as “Spirit of God hovering over fluid” For example, when we put the “when” in front of Gen 1:1, then spirit of God Himself is who is manifesting as vacuum fluctuations ( QVF) in super fluidity state (Gen 1:2. For example, when we here understand the correct translation of Hebrew roots(ham-mā-yim (הַמָּֽיִם) vs hassa-mā-yim (השמים ) 1. ham-mā-yim (הַמָּֽיִם) = Quantum heavens or vacuum fluctuations ( QVF) in super fluidity state (Gen 1:2) 2. hassa-mā-yim (השמים ) -> classical heavens/universe (Gen 1:1) This way, God didn’t create everything from nothing, but created everything from Himself or Sovereignty of God/Consciousness of God in quantum blueprint format only without space or time. In other words, everyone of us already existed as “conscious beings” within this quantum Sovereignty of God/Consciousness of God in blueprint format( as alluded by Paul in NT as well)  in other words, in our TOE’s view, the whole classical universe is its own observer where all stars and galaxies collapse gravitationally moment by moment at a particle level using our CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism of TOE In other words, our CPT(α,Φ) function of TOE started this auto-collapsing/landing/toggling each particle from CFT into the next lattice of AdS, the moment God said “let there be light” So from that point, this simultaneous toggle/shift is what gives us the feeling to human observers that these CFT/AdS dualities are orbiting smoothly like the frames of Muybridge’s Horse in Motion. Similarly this model aligns perfectly with this very same Jests explanation of “Cyclically being born again and again ” made to Nicodemus - which in my humble opinion, the Church has not grasped it fully yet! For example The Greek root word at literary/classical Greek is ἄνωθεν another “from above.” Jesus used it because Nicodemus was a Hellenistic classical Greek aware Jewish scholar The word is formed from ἄνω “above” + -θεν, a suffix denoting origin of motion from a locality, hence “pull from above.” Most modern science use this root to explain circular cyclical motion like planetary motion Similarly , ἄνωθεν also mean “dynamic again and again” as explained in this article. Similarly the Greek word for “abide” is μένω, which means to remain to continue to exist again and again by cycling again and again using the perfect righteousness of Jesus In other words, our own deprived righteousness cycle will continue to be chaotic until we replace it with the perfect righteousness of Jesus using imputation/infusion! This is why Matin Luther thundered in his famous reformation pitch with his famous reformation formula - Simul Justus Et Peccator What a scientifically accurate prophetic formula from Luther! True prophet indeed! This means we are simultaneously both righteous and unrighteous, in the sense, only when we get entangled with Jesus by putting our attention of faith we are righteous! This in my humble opinion has not been understood correctly until today even by reformers. This is why I am of the view that we need another integrated reformation - facebook.com/100001066782860/posts/6830620413650117/?d=n&mibextid=qC1gEa This brings up another question! Does that mean “ being born again and again“ is equivalent to “being dead and alive simultaneously like the Schrodinger’s famous cat experiment formula and our toggle theory? Well, with all the pun aside, kind of yes, in the sense, when we carefully connect the dots of all of Paul’s core theology of “dying to flesh and getting resurrected with His righteousness on a moment by moment on a daily basis (Romans 7:18, Romans 8, Col 3:5, 1 Cor 15:31, 1 Peter 2:24, 1:23)! This is why, God’s WORD has to incarnate as CHRIST’s FLESH and BLOOD, so that we all can get entangled with His perfect righteousness This is why ascension of Jesus occurred in FLESH and BLOOD ( aka universe’s matter that got created from light) so that we can get entangled with Jesus using a scientifically accurate uni part quantum entanglement process ( when we put our attention on Him by faith), wherein our body can get scientifically entangled with the same particles of Jesus’s FLESH and BLOOD, that ascended 2000 years ago and seated on right hand of God as we speak This is why Jesus also instituted the sacraments of symbolically eating/drinking His body and blood symbolizing the quantum entanglement process - which we as an apologetics ministry use as an explanation, when atheists/agnostics/including friends from other worldviews question this act of eating/drinking His body and blood as barbaric! This way everything fits perfectly! However we as larger church continue to miss these 100% scripturally accurate doctrinal nuances from Jesus and Paul and Luther’s scientific accurate prophetic reformation formula - which brings me to our natural laws driven integrated “simul Justus sovereign realism” view of theology, as Natural laws ( aka sovereignty of God) has been written on the human heart at creation as part of the image of God (Rom. 1:19-32; 2:12-16; cf. Acts 28:4; see WCF/2LC19:1-2). In other words, this explanation resolves everything (including measurement problem)!and to understand our model see below For example. our wave function of a particle ( say electron) is a CPT(α,Φ) function operated wave function that is designed to evolve within the coordinate system of Rieman sphere using Riemann Zeta function (including its corresponding Fourier /Mobius transformations in the projected plane), in such a way that the electric field of each dipole gets rotated as nπ cycles (using Euler’s identity eiπ ) before getting rotated by their magnetic field (by 90 degrees) so that their combined least action (A which we call as collapse when it crosses the origin of complex plane ) - which then starts flowing along the eigen-valued nodes of Ramanujan’s graph including 10 such dualities as explained in this article(www.linkedin.com/pulse/summary-our-firms-10yrs-toe-work-wa-request-world-form-prabakar-k25sc/?trackingId=3oeFnfoaRT61kGCCQ7VNNQ%3D%3D) In other words, our TOE is a CPT(α,Φ) function operated cosmic  dance, where α ends up splitting the frequencies of QVF as 137 dipoles ( aka elementary particles including electrons quarks etc) using Riemann Zeta function( including its corresponding Fourier/Mobius transformations), in such a way that the electric field of each dipole gets rotated as nπ cycles (using Euler’s identity eiπ ) before getting rotated by their magnetic field (by 90 degrees) so that their combined least action (A) can be twisted to flow along the eigen-valued nodes of Ramanujan graph, using the 2/3:1/3 rule of α (ratioed by its flip sided golden ratio Φ)! Stated otherwise, this idea of embedding CPT function within our TOE with 10+ META DUALITIES of the Langsland/Banach-Tarski/Russell paradox of our SOE/TOE engine is what differentiates our approach!
@charlesprabakar 3 күн бұрын
Similarly, how about I expand its scope to the productivity challenge in the business dimension that has been developed by the very same TOE principles(& synthesized as 1 sentence below and in exhibit) -- Every Maslow’s holacracial(1) economic need is a direct/indirect manifestation of QE caused Scripture/Griffith’s human condition/depravity model problem(2) only -- that is solved using the Principle of least action & its new insight(3) driven Fine-structure-constant(FSC) caused Attention factor (4) driven FSC/GT/Nash Equilibrium(5) based reality accurate S-economics model(6) caused Friedman’s Attention-Pluck(7) -- that is followed by an Solow’s TFP-expansion( 8 ), before it being executed by “sovereign-to-choose with collaboration without coercion(9)” motto, driven Next-Gen capitalism called Sovereign/Conscious Sustainalism(10). as explainer in this summary (www.linkedin.com/pulse/summary-our-firms-10yrs-toe-work-wa-request-world-form-prabakar-k25sc/?trackingId=3oeFnfoaRT61kGCCQ7VNNQ%3D%3D) Similarly I had poetized it in this week blog using Keats' Endymion genre in 5 parts((titled, "A thing of alphic (α) beauty is a joy forever", below & exhibit), similar to how i had poetized it using Keats' Ode On a Grecian Urn genre, a while ago by weaving in all the key doctrines of sovereignty and salvation in this poem as well 1. The Genesis A thing of alphic (α) beauty is a joy forever! Its loveliness increases; it will never, Pass into nothingness; but still will fluctuate As a quantum quiet for us, and will simul-caste Fully ready to be birthed as a formless void By hovering over its harmless poid Filled with e-fields, sliced as 137 dipoles of zeta Right angled with m-fields, rotated as e^inπ cycles of quanta Outputted as least action, fluxed as eigen-valued-golden ratioed(ϕ) Ramajujan graphical dualities of geo-mata All by the "let there be light" operator of CPT(α,ϕ)-TOE-mata 2. The Blueprint Therefore, on every morrow, we wreathe, A flowery zeta being bloomed again and again Despite its wavered collapse, we breathe, All wavery humans, being born again & again Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways With noble natures of the glorious gain Birthed from our search: yes, in spite of all bays Zeta’s beauty cleansing away the pave With His Spirit of cosmic costume hovering over the panoramic plume. 3. The Roadmap As CPT(α,ϕ) starts rolling its (Solomonic) dices Humans old and young, following their aces Like the lilies of the valleys, Lock-stepped with their Saronic roses That for themselves overtly unaware 'Gainst their deprived realities ; their mid forest fires, And such too is their (quantum) entangled depravities The nature’s design for the mortally deprived, Ten such (depraved) dualities that we have heard or read: And yet an endless fountain of gracious gravity awaits to save Pouring unto us from His mountainous wave! 4. The Solution Nor do we could gaze His Grace As there existed a chasm to cleave Like the veil of the holy of holies Where the logos resided as glory of glories Chasing us till we become His own Unto His souls, as His own crown Heralding us from the wilderness: With a helmet of salvation, simul-ed with justus Thro' a greenery path, that we can chisel Easily onward, through its thorns and thistles 5 The Great Commission with three missions Therefore, w'ill proclaim it all as Endymion's 3 great commissioning factors of activity First, save people’s depravity with productivity By alpha-fying Solow's TFP as an attention TFP Resulting in with a quantum leap of productivity; Second, save planet’s depravity with sustainability By kingdomizing next-gen capitalism as a purpose scored-ism Resulting in with a quantum accuracy of sustainability; Third, reform both people and planet with an integrated reformationism By alpha-fying Luther's one such Simul Justus Realism Resulting in with a TOE-tinged golden next-Genism Welcome complementary POVs
@ansleyrubarb8672 3 күн бұрын
...To me it is amazing that over a very period of Time, man's knowledge has grown exponentially in relation to measurable Time of our entire Cosmos. Not only this but being born as babies, with gifts & talents, but devoid of learned knowledge, how man has grown leaps & bounds of knowledge & understanding. To add to my revelational observations, each & every person has different fingerprints. I think we need to prepare for even Greater knowledge as Time moves forward Another observation, Time/Space moves as a Turbulent Flow with Vortices & Eddie's, resulting in the fact that we may know where we are, the rate of speed toward our planned destination, but we may never arrive as planned, due to the Vortices & Eddie's in Turbulent Flow generated by others & their decisions. The mere distances within our Cosmos & the fact that we are in the Hands of our Heavenly FATHER speaks volumes. One last item. The Big Bang was not an explosion. It was the result of GOD taking a small portion of Heaven, creating GOD'S Garden, Earth, which would support life for Man. A place where we can accumulate & grow in knowledge, understanding, & appreciation for our Heavenly FATHER, respectfully, Chuck...captivus brevis...you tube...Blessings my Brothers & Sisters...
@hughross131 2 күн бұрын
Daniel 12:4
@textandtelescope8199 3 күн бұрын
What is going to be the relationship of the two?
@hughross131 3 күн бұрын
I assume you are referring to the two News of the Day videos I posted on dark matter. It remains to be determined just how much of a fraction, if any, primordial black moles comprise of dark matter. The stars near our galaxy's supermassive black hole may provide the answer.
@eytansuchard8640 3 күн бұрын
If massive stars are positively charged then the electrostatic repulsion must slow down their nuclear fusion. This is one explanation that should not be skipped.
@eytansuchard8640 3 күн бұрын
Another problem is that the formation of stars can be from already used material with high metallicity.
@hughross131 3 күн бұрын
The massive stars may not be positively charged.
@eytansuchard8640 3 күн бұрын
@@hughross131 They are according to several papers. See "Astronomers Finally Have Important Details on What The Centre of Our Galaxy Looks Like SPACE, 11 July 2020, By EVAN GOUGH, UNIVERSE TODA".
@eytansuchard8640 3 күн бұрын
Here is the quotation: "There's an enormous amount of hydrogen near the center of the Milky Way. That hydrogen is ionized by the energy from the galactic center. As an ionized gas, it's had its electrons stripped away." .
@hughross131 2 күн бұрын
@@eytansuchard8640 Certainly. Ionized hydrogen clouds are seen everywhere within most galaxies. However, for nearly all stars the number of positively charged particles approximately equals the number of negatively charged particles.
@textandtelescope8199 3 күн бұрын
Whoops! I got it from your previous video! Great work - fascinating!
@textandtelescope8199 3 күн бұрын
I just watched a video on this within the last few days. I think it was Dr. Becky Smethurst. She quoted a paper but not sure it was this paper. Just found the paper - Elba Alonso-Monslave and David Kaiser's Primordial Black Holes with QCD Color Charge.
@hughross131 3 күн бұрын
I posted a News of the Day video on this paper 5 days ago (June 20, 2024) on the Reasons to Believe KZbin channel.
@ji8044 3 күн бұрын
Another fine video.
@mikejurney9102 3 күн бұрын
I don't think you will have discovered dark matter particles, but you'd discover that dark matter is made of particles. To discover dark matter particles, you'd have to be able to describe their properties, like how much mass does each particle have, or what the spin of each particle has, or how much energy is released by the annihilation of two dark matter particle, etc.
@hughross131 3 күн бұрын
Yes, the paper presents evidence for dark matter particles and the decay/annihilation of such particles. It will take observations of 100+ stars, ideally 1000+ stars, within a light year of our galaxy's supermassive black hole to actually discern the nature of the dark matter particles and the nature of the decay of such particles. The good news is that the Keck telescopes and the Very Large Telescope have the capability of detecting and observing a hundred such stars and soon to come on line 30-meter optical telescopes have the capability of detecting and observing 1000+ such stars.
@silviasuchonova9949 3 күн бұрын
Thank you Dr. Ross for the fascinating news.
@chorgzent.3978 4 күн бұрын
Much Love Hugh found u from chuckie missler
@keithwood6459 4 күн бұрын
Thanks, Hugh. Very interesting. Is the dark matter expected to be concentrated toward the center of the galaxy, or distributed more widely throughout the galaxy? Also, dark matter has been posited to account for the difference between the expected rotation of galaxies, versus what is observed (among other things). Will this discovery, if it holds up, account for such things as galaxy rotation and other quandaries? Also, why is there a belief that dark mater particles would necessarily annihilate each other when we don't even know what they are? And why would their annihilation produce electromagnetic radiation?
@hughross131 3 күн бұрын
Yes, astronomers expect dark matter to be concentrated toward the centers of galaxies and especially in the vicinity of supermassive black holes. Astronomers already know that dark matter accounts for the observed rotation rates of stars in the outskirts of galaxies. Dark matter particle decay/annihilation is not a given, but if it occurs there is a likelihood that it would result in electromagnetic radiation.
@ronaldkemp3952 2 күн бұрын
@@hughross131 If it was annihilated through collisions and produced EM radiation then it would be detectable everywhere, but it is not. The reason why it's called dark matter is because it can't be detected.
@hughross131 2 күн бұрын
@@ronaldkemp3952 Dark matter cannot be easily detected. The produced EM radiation is very weak and hence very difficult for astronomers to detect: difficult but not impossible.
@mattd7650 4 күн бұрын
Found something, not necessarily dark matter. Beyond a shadow of doubt? I mean, we’ve not directly detected even a single particle. We don’t know how something we’ve never tested will interact with Stars. Granted I’m not an astronomer, but this seems about as far fetched as aliens from another planet, perhaps more.
@keyman6689 3 күн бұрын
He's saying that if the hypothesis in this paper is true, and there's more research done to back it up and confirm it, then you could say beyond a shadow of a doubt it's true. At this point, we've discovered evidence that dark matter particles possibly exist. Now, it's time for scientists to test that theory.
@hughross131 3 күн бұрын
@@keyman6689 The strength of the paper is that they presented observational evidence for what they propose and suggested straightforward follow up observations that could confirm what they propose. We need not wait long.
@jamesstanton1916 4 күн бұрын
Why are dark matter particles annihilated (?like antimatter?) and can the light from the annihilation give any clues as to the nature of the particles?
@hughross131 3 күн бұрын
The decay/annihilation time of dark matter particles, if they exist, is not known. However, electromagnetic radiation from dark matter decay/annihilation can give some clues as to the nature of dark matter particles and their decay characteristics.
@melissabill1640 4 күн бұрын
How is a planet that far away from the sun habitable? (the 10th planet found supposedly in our solar system)
@MutsPub 4 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@shawns0762 4 күн бұрын
The fundamental phenomenon of dilation explains dark matter/galaxy rotation curves. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's the phenomenon behind the phrase "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". A 2 axis graph illustrates its squared nature, dilation increases at an exponential rate the closer you get to the speed of light. A time dilation graph illustrates the same phenomenon, it's not just time that gets dilated. Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. This includes the centers of very high mass stars and the overwhelming majority of galaxy centers. It can be inferred mathematically that the mass at the center of our own galaxy is dilated. This means that there is no valid XYZ coordinate we can attribute to it, you can't point your finger at something that is smeared through spacetime. More precisely, everywhere you point is equally valid. In other words that mass is all around us. Dilation does not occur in galaxies with low mass centers because they do not have enough mass to achieve relativistic velocities. It has been confirmed in 6 very low mass galaxies including NGC 1052-DF2 and DF4 to have no dark matter, in other words they have normal rotation rates. All binary stars have normal rotation rates for the same reason.
@kenfaulds8818 4 күн бұрын
Great upload ✝️✡️✝️👍
@user-es4rm4ts5t 3 күн бұрын
Ew keep that satanic symbol away from the cross!
@kenfaulds8818 3 күн бұрын
@user-es4rm4ts5t Rubbish. You would not have the CROSS without that symbol. That symbol is in fact the shield of David. God chose the cross to save the whole world. Jews first,then the gentle. Furthermore. In the millennium Christ is going to sit on the throne of David and rule the whole world with a rod of iron.
@user-es4rm4ts5t 3 күн бұрын
@kenfaulds8818 uh that symbol has nothing to do with the cross OR king David. Might wanna search the star of remphan bud
@kenfaulds8818 3 күн бұрын
@user-es4rm4ts5t To the early christians, the first being Jews (Peter James &John etc) the top triangle was held up by the seven lamp menorah; the light of God. And, the lower triangle held up the Pisces ( the fish symbol) like the one I use. Do you say the fish symbol is satanic as well???
@user-es4rm4ts5t 3 күн бұрын
@kenfaulds8818 😑 there is no star of David in the Bible. The star of remphan is though and it's satanic. You've been deceived. Or do you study the Talmud?
@pierreabbat6157 4 күн бұрын
I don't see how observations of the S stars constitute discovery of a dark matter particle. When they found the Higgs boson, what they found was an excess of events involving 125 GeV/c² particles; they knew what a Higgs boson would decay into, but other particles could have similar decay products. For dark matter particles, we have several theories, and this star observation proves only that the dark matter particle, if concentrated in the core of a star near a supermassive black hole, can annihilate and produce photons. Photons produced in a star's core bounce around many times before they emerge, so we can't tell how energetic they were when produced.
@hughross131 4 күн бұрын
You are correct that the observations do not reveal much in the way of specific details about dark matter particles, only that they exist and undergo decay. Future observations have the potential of telling us the density and population of dark matter particles.
@wmayo44 4 күн бұрын
What a tremendous update, and very sensical. We look forward to the 3 tests (though the 3rd one has been look at already to a point). Thank you so much!!!
@rockovanzetti3803 4 күн бұрын
No, earth is flat.
@dukeone224 5 күн бұрын
God created plants on the 3rd day and then created light on the 4th day. If each day is millions of years the plants created on the third day would've died waiting for sunlight to be created millions of years later on the 4th day. You are so wrong Hugh Ross. God is fully capable of creating in 24 hour days.
@dukeone224 5 күн бұрын
Hugh Ross is so wrong! Millions of year "days" are not separated by morning and evening! God is perfectly capable of creating in 24 hour days!
@rrnonya5472 5 күн бұрын
Dr Lane Craig said it best in the video "The Fine-Tuning of the Universe" ..appealing to something that CAN'T BE *detected / *observed / *measured / or even proved* isn't science... The very thing that atheists mock believers for...
@kenfaulds8818 5 күн бұрын
Great talk. Yes. We have to read the book of Job ( Psalms and others) with Genesis to get a comprehensive understanding of God's Creation event. Thank you again Hugh Ross. Shalom.
@shailamoon8396 6 күн бұрын
This is Shaila down here in Augusta GA. I love RTB. I’m originally from Portland OR which is quite liberal, but grew up in church. It was originally, hard to reconcile the popular beliefs with my Christian upbringing and beliefs. Now, am unshakable in my faith in Christ and the Word of God. I stumbled upon Hugh Ross one day while searching Christian videos and that lead me to RTB. I’m grateful to God for His revelations!
@user-rc4do8tx8e 6 күн бұрын
Omg just read what happens day 1 don't skip to day 3.. luminaries were formed day 1
@user-rc4do8tx8e 6 күн бұрын
This man skips day one.. the sun was created 1st day place in its place 4th day so wrong Bible still correct 😊
@ronaldkemp3952 6 күн бұрын
Actually, dark matter and dark energy are mere placeholders, wildcard variables used to try and explain the motion and trajectory of stars and galaxies when the laws of motion and theory of gravity cannot. We cannot prove their existence, only infer something is causing massive bodies to move too fast, having unexpected trajectories to the point where the laws of motion and theory of gravity can explain. This doesn't indicate the dark mysterious things are real. It just indicates our limited understanding on the motion and trajectory of stars and galaxies. I came up with a solution that not only explains what's causing gravity but also explains and accurately predicts the motion and trajectories of stars and galaxies pinned on dark matter and dark energy without having to evoke these wildcard variables. I explained everything in the 6 books series I published before the JWST was launched. In the first paperback book titled *SECRET UNIVERSE : GRAVITY by RON KEMP* I explained the reason why small mass is attracted to large mass and why stars and galaxies slowly accelerate over time via ion propulsion at a constant rate of 0.00000482 in/s (0.0000122 cm/s). This comes out to an acceleration of a 1 mi/h (1.61 km/h) increase in velocity every 10,000 years. Thus making the prediction that the motion of dark matter is a perfect 10,000 : 1 ratio between age and this motion pinned on dark matter. It not only explains the motion and trajectory of our solar system but also explains the motion and trajectory of our Milky Way galaxy heading towards what's called "the great attractor". One equation and AP theory explains everything. To put this theory to the test, on page 48 of the paperback book GRAVITY I made the wild prediction "The JWST, James Webb Space Telescope will discover old, fully grown galaxies as far as the telescope can see, further than 13.8 billion light-years away." Astronomers found old, fully grown galaxies, some larger than our own Milky Way but further than a light distance of 13.8 billion light years away. The prediction was spot on. Astronomers are now referring to them as the impossible early galaxy problem and some call them universe breakers. I however was the only theorist to accurately predict them in publications prior to the launch of the JWST. Indicating my AP theory is correct. I wrote how when old massive galaxies are discovered by the JWST they would become the mother of all paradoxes because they would contradict the big bang theory, age of the universe, rapid cosmic inflation, CMB forming just 380 million years after the big bang, speed of light, 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics, general relativity's look-back time, dark matter, Hubble law, and the evolutionary cosmological model of the universe. Hence old galaxies at the edge of the observable universe would become the mother of all paradoxes. One person corrected me saying the JWST did not find galaxies further than 13.8 billion light years away. I beg to differ. In 2023 the JWST discovered the galaxy called F200DB-045. It has an unconfirmed redshift of z=20.4. If we do the math to determine it's actual light distance we first have to determine it's velocity. To do that we multiply it's redshift of 20.4 times the speed of light, 299,792 km/s and we get a velocity of 6,115,766 km/s. To determine it's distance we divide it's velocity by the Hubble constant of 73.4 km/s per megaparsec. 6,115,766 km/s divided by 73.4 km/s equals 83,321 megaparsecs. A megaparsec is 3,260,000 light years. So now we multiply 83,321 megaparsecs by 3,260,000 light years and we get a light distance of 271,626,460,000 light years. Thus the galaxy F200DB-045 is further than 271 billion light years away from us. Indicating I was right. The JWST did indeed find old, fully grown galaxies further than 13.8 billion light years away. I was right. This distant galaxy is empirical evidence supporting my AP theory and more.
@hughross131 6 күн бұрын
We do have indisputable evidence of the gravitational effects arising from dark matter. We know how much dark matter exists and where it resides. It is the composition of dark matter that is a mystery.
@ronaldkemp3952 6 күн бұрын
​@@hughross131 Hello Dr. Ross. Thank-you for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate you. If dark matter cannot be measured directly then what makes it any different than say Aether because it too can't be measured directly? What if someone like me came up with a formula that accurately predicts the motion of both stars and galaxies without having to infer something like dark matter that can't be measured directly or shows up in experiments? I came up with a slow but constant acceleration that explains the motion and peculiar trajectory of our sun pinned on dark matter. The same equation also explains the rapid motion and trajectory pinned on the great attractor, which currently nobody can measure enough mass near our galaxy to explain it's rapid motion. The theory also explains why the planets and other small bodies in our solar system are not affected by dark matter. According to the laws of motion all mass falls at the same rate in a vacuum regardless of weight, or density. If dark matter's only influence on matter was through gravity, then it should affect planets and other small bodies equally, at the same rate at the sun, but more seeing how the planets would be closer to the dark matter halo. Yet planets, moons and other small bodies in our solar system are not affected by dark matter. The theory also explains why stars and satellite galaxies orbiting their host galaxy extremely far from the barycenter of mass can't reach an escape velocity, even though some are traveling faster than a million mi/h. Would you like to hear more? I call the theory Accelerated Propulsion theory. It equates to a slow but constant acceleration that occurs only to stars and galaxies because they spew a constant solar wind, which then causes stars and galaxies to act like ion engines, slowly being propelled at a rate of 0.00000482 in/s (0.0000122 cm/s) or a 1 mi/h (1.61 km/h) increase in velocity every 10,000 years. Basically, the older the star or galaxy is the more momentum they will have built up in their lifetime. In turn this explains why diffuse galaxies and young S-type stars don't appear to be affected by dark matter. To test, simply take the estimated age of a star or galaxy and divide it by 10,000 years to get this motion pinned on dark matter. Example. The Milky Way galaxy is estimated to be 13.7 billion years old. 13.7 billion divided by 10,000 equals an accumulated velocity of 1,370,000 mi/h. That's the motion astronomers claim is caused by the great attractor. Our solar system is roughly 4.5 billion years old. 4.5 billion divided by 10,000 equals an accumulated velocity of 450,000 mi/h on top of the motion produced by gravity of 86,000 mi/h. Adding the two together we get an overall velocity of 536,000 mi/h. This is extremely close to the orbital velocity our solar system. I studied the age and velocity of 6 satellite galaxies and discovered they too have the same 10,000 to 1 ratios between their age and accumulated velocity. This is something that should be considered before jumping to conclusions that there are things in the universe like Aether and dark matter which coincidentally can't be measured because they don't decay, don't absorb, reflect or radiate EM fields, "light", as if they don't really exist. I published a book earlier this year titled DARK MATTER IS DEAD by RON KEMP explaining everything.
@EQPaunders 7 күн бұрын
Wow, to talk about AI and its implications without addressing the umbrella of capitalism shows the lack of depth in this discussion.
@EQPaunders 7 күн бұрын
Biological compatibale. Forced sterilizations were due to weeding out crime, feeble mindedness and poverty. Sickness was later a priority due to accessing the gnome.
@kbrad1267 7 күн бұрын
The origin of life has to come from nothing that's what the word origin means it's beginning before anything existed yeah yeah science can manipulate Adams because they already exists cells because they're already exists ,amoebas because they exist, bacteria because it already exists, gases because they already exist and even time itself because it already exists ,now when God created life he did it out of nothing because none of them things existed yet...he spoke everything into existence it also means them things that the scientists are using in the labs.
@kbrad1267 7 күн бұрын
Science is not trying to create life in the lab thats impossible. because they're using things that's already existe to create life.. so they're trying to manipulate what already exists to figure out how it begin.... that science is backwards . God says there was (nothing) or the heat created all things out of nothing so you say the origin of life he created out of nothing there were no laws of nature there was no nature there was no time there was no dust particles there were no Adams there were no sales like you said there was nothing. but he spoke all into existence. 😊 if they were trying to create life in a lab play need to start with nothing like God did . So natural selection is not in the Bible as an explanation of how God created things because natural selection indicates there's something that's already in existence that is evolving into the creation we have today...
@kbrad1267 7 күн бұрын
My gosh anybody with half a brain can see that nature is not evolving or getting better and better But devolving from its original design that God called good and perfect. Until sin when his creation started coming apart just like the Bible says things started to die started to degrade exactly what the Bible teaches. Originally everything was living longer. Was stronger,was bigger. And even smarter..than they are today . And God predicted they would become too wise in their own eyes towards the end of his creation full of pride and arrogant and egotistical . the Bible says being wise in their own eyes became fools... . No bad science like an evolution of creation an origin of life is invented by Satan to pull you away from God and his truth.
@kbrad1267 7 күн бұрын
Christians should not believe Christians like this that's trying to prove God's creation by scientific methods of humans wisdom, knowledge and ability....because they're beginning in the wrong place , that creation came out of the laws of nature like the laws existed before God created anything..... well God created nature and the laws that are held in his creation (nature )at the same time together neither one of them existed until God said let there be…. And buy them laws yes it would have took billions of years. But nothing existed including time itself or the laws or nature or even anything existed. Because God says he created all things out of nothing..... until God made them all by speaking them All into existence fully formed as they exist today except for microevolution were life or nature changed or adapted to the changes or to say the devolving how is the original creation because sin and corruption entered into it .
@Brendanbassman 7 күн бұрын
Wow! I'm blown away by his intelligence.
@wntu4 7 күн бұрын
Absolute proof humans and dinosaurs NEVER co-existed: Cave and other forms of ancient art. No dinosaurs to be found in any of it.
@everettwalker9141 8 күн бұрын
Im just a dumb redneck but i have several questions . Scientist say the universe has been expanding ever since the big bang. They say it is 93 billion light years in diameter. They say they dont know where the center of the universe is nor where the earth is in relation to that center . If we are on the edge of the universe then to see the center we would have to look back 45 billion years. But if the universe is expanding then wouldn't the first stars be on the edge ? How can they look in some direction 13.5 billion years and say those are the stars that formed 200 million years after the big bang?
@hughross131 5 күн бұрын
All matter and energy expands away from the infinitesimally small volume that existed at the cosmic creation event at exactly the same rate. Everything is on the cosmic surface of the universe. Therefore, nothing is at the center. Analogy: since all the cities on Earth are on Earth's surface, none of them are at Earth's center. The universe's present-day diameter is about 93 billion light years, but the universe astronomers see through their telescopes is the universe of the past. The universe of the past is much smaller than the universe of the present owing to cosmic expansion.