Proving Jesus' Deity ONLY USING THE JW BIBLE
@the_corinthians_twelve_teacher 16 минут бұрын
Amen ❤
@user-fm1ey7oq8p 45 минут бұрын
repent Jesus may come soon
@praiseofhisgrace3178 2 сағат бұрын
YESSSS…!!!! Amen! 🙏❤️‍🔥🙏
@KnightsofGideon 3 сағат бұрын
@Prodigalsreturned 4 сағат бұрын
@letsmakeitmakesense 4 сағат бұрын
@@Prodigalsreturned love you sis!!!!!
@Prodigalsreturned 4 сағат бұрын
@@letsmakeitmakesense love you mostest!!! Thanking God for you this morning 🙏🌄 I would've probably jumped up and went about the day not reading my Proverbs..... But God sent you!! Saying c'mon sis let read together!!! 😭 Made me forget about my sick stomach for awhile. 🙌💯✨🕯️
@letsmakeitmakesense 3 сағат бұрын
@Prodigalsreturned 🥹
@letsmakeitmakesense 3 сағат бұрын
@Prodigalsreturned that's all Glory to Our Father. He is so good!!!!!!
@markjackson5035 10 сағат бұрын
So my friend… you said that this video was for the purpose of showing Jehovah’s Witnesses that Jesus is God -Ok…. first before I deal with the scriptures you referenced we need to get a handle on what’s taking place in revelations and how it’s taking place….. let’s first look at revelations 1:1 and it reads: (NWT) a revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place, and he sent his Angel and presented it and signs through him to his slave John…. There is a few points of interest here that we must understand and that is…. This is a revelation from God that he reveals to Jesus intern Jesus reveals it to an angel, and the angel reveals it to John… so what’s the point here… before I make it, we have to understand the Greek word for revelations… please look up(Strongs 602: and the word means an uncovering or a revealing… so why is that significant right out the gate?… because it’s showing us that Jesus is receives divine knowledge from God that he. didn’t already have … that would not be the case if Jesus was the supreme being because the supreme being is all knowing…… this then proves that Jesus is not all knowing it also proves that the angel is not all knowing and clearly John is not…. That’s the first point of contention….. The second point is and I believe a lot of people overlook this fact, and that is Jehovah Jesus is ever speaking to John directly. How do we know?… because it’s an angel who is delivering this message to John…. Not Jehovah…. Not Jesus and Angel…. That’s the second point that we need to keep close in mind….. So now let’s talk about revelations 1:8: and it reads: I am the alpha and the omega says Jehovah God, the one who is and who was and who is coming the Almighty… you referenced that scripture along with revelations 22:20… That reads.. the one who bears witness of these things yes I am coming quickly. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus…. And you proceeded to say that we as Christians only believe that Jesus is coming and that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is the only one coming…. My friend that is absolutely incorrect….. yes, we believe that Jesus is coming for sure… but we also believe that Jehovah is coming as well. The very context of these verses in chapter 1 tells us this… and that is revelations 1:4,5 : Reeds: (NWT) John to the seven congregations that are in the province of Asia. May you have undeserved kindness, and Peace from the one who is AND WHO WAS AND WHO IS COMING and from the seven spirits that are before the throne verse5… AND FROM JESUS CHRIST the faithful witness the first born from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the Earth…. right here in verse 4 And in inverse 5… clearly shows that God is coming and at the same time draws a distinction in this case of Jesus not coming why did I say that?…. Because verse 4 says, may you have undeserved kindness, and peace from the one who is and who was and who is coming … Distinguishing that statement from verse5 that says and from Jesus Christ…. So yes, we as Jehovah’s Witnesses along with the Bible, believe that God is coming as well…. let’s go back to revelations.1:8 Where are you believe that it’s talking about Jesus as the alpha and the Omega and the one who is coming almighty… this is absolutely impossible that this is speaking about Jesus why…. First remember that it is an angel, who is speaking for God at times and speaking for Jesus at times, but the context gives us insight to who these words are being applied to. I contend that this is not being applied to Jesus inverse.8 …. And this is why…. In revelations. 1:5,6… What do we read and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness the first born from the dead and the rulers of the kings of the Earth to him who loves us and who set us free from our sins by means of his own blood…. Verse here’s the point verse.6 and he made us to be a kingdom and priest to his God and father…. Echoing in my regards what we read in revelations 3:12… and it reads the one who conquers I will make him a pillar in the temple OF MY GOD And he will buy no means go out from it anymore, and I will write upon him the name OF MY GOD and the name of the city OF MY GOD The new Jerusalem that they sent out of heaven from MY GOD And my own new name…. Jesus says here for times that he has a God…. I’m going to take it a step further and go to revelations. 3:14.. and it reads: to the Angel of the congregation in laodicea write these are the things that the Aman says the faithful and true witness THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION BY GOD …. The book of revelations is telling us that Jesus was created pure and simple…. so my friend, in short, we have to understand that this revelation originated with God he then gave it to his son Jesus Christ, and then Jesus gave it to an angel who is speaking for Jehovah times in Jesus at times, but the context of the scriptures tells us who is being spoken of at any given time….. And last, but not least if you believe that, Jesus is God in revelations 1:8 or revelations 22…. if that’s what you believe then tell me who the alpha and omega’s GOD is because in revelations 1:6…. It says Jesus has a God….. this is an edit.:::::: when you pointed out that it says in revelations that God sent his angels, and then you pointed out that Jesus sent his Angels and you said they were the same because of those two statements…. My friend that’s exactly what took place. What do we read in revelations1:1… God sent his angel because he sent him with a revelation/uncovering/revealing to Jesus and Jesus sent his angel with a revelation/uncovering/revealing to the angel…. They absolutely did both participate in that separately from one another………………………. please excuse the grammar flaws. I tremendously apologize…. I’m writing in a little box and just simply trying to get the point across, not grammar….. but for that, I apologize
@aksk5770 11 сағат бұрын
Romans 8:1 NKJ begins "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ " what does it mean to be "in Christ "? Does it mean to be inside of him.? The NWT reads " Those in union with Christ". Is this an unreasonable rendering? A few verses later Rom 8:10 reads "if Christ is in you" could this phrase have the same meaning as the phrase " if you are in the Christ" that is being in union with the Christ as the NWT puts it?
@letsmakeitmakesense 5 сағат бұрын
@aksk5770 my point is though, they are SOOOOOOOOOOO repetitive about saying "we are THE most accurate translation kjv is wrong, niv is wrong, but WE have THE most accurate info" So I'm saying idk what they were thinking with saying that when it doesn't say it... it's not the only time the NWT has changed text VERY subtly
NKJ is NOT the KJV just so you know. NKJ = Garbage. 1611 KJV = GOLD
@aksk5770 12 сағат бұрын
The footnote to Romans 8:9 in the REV bible is helpful understanding these verses The phrase “of God” is a genitive of origin; it is the spirit from God. “spirit of Christ.” This is not a different spirit than the gift of holy spirit from God in the first part of the verse. Rather it is a different name for holy spirit. The genitive “of Christ” places the emphasis in a couple of different ways.e First, since his ascension it has been Jesus Christ who has given the holy spirit, so it is a genitive of origin, “spirit from Christ.” Also, holy spirit allows us to relate to Christ: to better understand the aspects of the Christ and also to be like him. Thus “spirit of Christ” is also a genitive of relation. Second, very accurately, anyone without “spirit of Christ,” i.e., holy spirit, “this one is not his.” A Christian is one who has the seed of God born and sealed within him, and thus is a partaker of the divine nature. A person without holy spirit is not a Christian.
@letsmakeitmakesense 5 сағат бұрын
@aksk5770 I appreciate you explaining everything out. The Spirit of God has been here since day one. Plenty of old testament scripture speaks of God's Spirit being inside someone. And yes, now as believers we all get the gift of the Holy Spirit (God) inside us once we believe Jesus is who He says He is. Salvation is simple. Believe God was manifested in the flesh, lived and walked with us, died for the payment for our sins, rose again, and is coming back for us. That's the Gospel summed up. If anyone twist or reacts any part of the Gospel they are not saved. Period. Jesus /Father/Spirit is the same God. There's only One God. ❤️❤️❤️
@NickHawaii 18 сағат бұрын
About the translation, “in union” captures the meaning fine, I personally prefer more literally translations with notes or brackets around additions, but “in union” conveys the actual meaning accurately. Take a look at John 14:10-11 from the NIV, we read "Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence ofthe works themselves." While the NWT uses the phrase "I am in union with the Father and the Father is in union with me”…Well that's fine too, the question is just what that means, and given the intellectual mileu of John, the general usage of the phrase, and the early reception history, there's nothing there that implies the later homoousian doctrine on which the trinity is based. So I have no issue with the rendering 'in,' or 'in union'. Several trinitarians have said in the past that the text is saying Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Jesus, and that the NWT has added the word "union" there, while most other translations have not. So how can this be addressed? The Greek translated word for "in" or "union" is ἐν. What is interesting, is that the word ἐν is used in other non-trinitarian passages and notice how these same translations render the verse. Ephesians 1:1 ISV we read, "From Paul, who by God's will is an apostle of Christ Jesus--To God's people in Ephesus, who are faithful in their life in union with Christ Jesus:" Ephesians 1:1 GNT we read, "From Paul, who by God's will is an apostle of Christ Jesus--To God's people in Ephesus, who are faithful in their life in union with Christ Jesus:" 1 John 5:20 WNT we read, "And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we know the true One, and are inunion with the true One--that is, we are in union with His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and the Life of the Ages." 1 John 5:20 GNT we read, "We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we know the true God. We live in unionwith the true God--in union with his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and this is eternal life." Obviously, this is just a small sample size of the many other texts that the word "union" has been inserted by other translations, but I believe the evidence is clear. Goodspeed's translation also does a fine job in inserting the word union for ἐν, in a plethora of texts as well. So, if someone feels that a more literal translation is best, well that is their prerogative. However, when Goodspeed's translation incorporated the auxiliary word "union" into these texts over one hundred years ago, and then translated it as "I am in union with the father", I do feel he brought out the correct flavor of the meaning for current English linguistical principles. The only issue I would have is that I think it would have been nice if the reference study NWT Bible had put brackets around the word "union". The truth is several Bible translations will incorporate this auxiliary word to convey the proper meaning, and therefore it shows the original NWT has a sound basis for doing so, and isn't alone in their translation principles. I cannot see why anyone would think the addition of "union" would be an anti-trinitarian theological bias, so it just seems obvious to me that both "in union" and "in" could be used.
@letsmakeitmakesense 18 сағат бұрын
Very detailed. i am noting everything you are saying.. Do you mind if i ask you a few questions? What is spirit then? Like period what is spirit. all spirits. my question includes, God's, ours, evil, etc
@letsmakeitmakesense 18 сағат бұрын
Do we have spirits? or is that to, a figure of speech?
@letsmakeitmakesense 18 сағат бұрын
Do you believe that our physical bodies will be with Christ when we die or is scripture inaccurate about us being spirits with a body? That's where my whole confusion with JW doctrine lies
@NickHawaii 17 сағат бұрын
@@letsmakeitmakesense Hey Kniesha. Yeah it can seem a bit confusing at times. But “spirit” can mean many things depends on context. It can mean persons in heaven who become spirits like God, Jesus and the angels. But it can also mean the impelling force that issues from a person’s figurative heart and causes him to say and do things in a certain way. Like when Paul was irritated by the idols he saw in the Athens in Acts 17:16. “16Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.”-KJV Just one example.
@letsmakeitmakesense 17 сағат бұрын
@NickHawaii so what happens when we died in after that?
@EkaEka-op8vz 22 сағат бұрын
why christianity need soo many bible soo wich one the truth?
@letsmakeitmakesense 22 сағат бұрын
Great question. Christianity doesn't need so many Bibles. I believe that no matter what the Word of God is just ONE. 🙂 I know what you mean though, why are there so many translations, right? Well, i think because people try to simplify words for people. I used the NKJV and have always used it. As long as you are able to do your research, you're able to verify everything with the original documents. What do you believe about God? if you don't mind me asking
@EkaEka-op8vz 22 сағат бұрын
@@letsmakeitmakesense i believe in ONE god, but the trinity talk differently..
@EkaEka-op8vz 22 сағат бұрын
@@letsmakeitmakesense i never get it.. even try so hard to understanding the way church or people explain to me but its always come to "just believe it, because its the way god or religion work" so religion dont want me to use my logic ?
@letsmakeitmakesense 22 сағат бұрын
@@EkaEka-op8vz Wow, yes, what you just said speaks volumes. i've also in the past been told "Don't ask questions, just believe" which our God tells us to examine EVERYTHING. So that's a KEY thing to look for with "imposture Christianity". You can't question, just accept.... SMH.. so so sad... i mean just even look at the comments from the JW on all my videos. they are loud, mean, belittling, wont hear not one word you say and only they are right... doesn't make sense. I say ALL THE TIME, I always think "What if i am wrong? i am the one who would need to change, NOT GOD"
@EkaEka-op8vz 22 сағат бұрын
@@letsmakeitmakesense but the irony is the "Question" still there... even god no need to change, but the "QUESTION" still there.. so its always storm in my brain...
@user-ud1dx3oo2l 23 сағат бұрын
Good afternoon i was a Jehovah's witnesses for 28years i realize that these people don't even know Jehovah or Jesus.
@letsmakeitmakesense 23 сағат бұрын
I agree completely with you!!! They don't know Him. at all. They are zealous for a false gospel and false god. It's really quite sad. They realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly believe that WE are wrong for believing the real Bible and His Words.... What's even sadder is they are spiritually blinded and refuse to hear anyone but the watch tower. 😞
@anniesavedbygrace 23 сағат бұрын
Just as JW teach Michael is Jesus heavenly existence they also teach that the 1st horseman of the Apocalypse is also Jesus Christ. How would we disprove or bring to understanding the identity of the 1st Horseman ?
@letsmakeitmakesense 23 сағат бұрын
EXCELLENTTTTTTTTTT QUESTION. Thank you for asking this. Okay so first thing to notice is WHO is opening the seal. The Lamb opens the seal. and the 1st horse went out conquering and to conquer. So this CANNOT be Jesus. Because these are 2 completely separate people. it says Now i saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, "come and see" and i looked. and behold a white horse and him who sat on it, had a bow and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. We know that this is the Anti-Christ because of other scriptures in the Bible. PLUS look at ALL the other seals. these are not good things happening. And when Jesus comes, WE are coming with him. This rider on the white horse is solo. Would you like me to do a short video explaining this more in detail? VERY GREAT QUESTION 🙂 😁
@anniesavedbygrace 23 сағат бұрын
@@letsmakeitmakesense yes please a video would be awesome thankyou. Its something ive come across often. In JW videos and publications they always show Jesus on the white horse with a bow and arrow yet scripture says he comes with a a JW child it never made sense to me.
@letsmakeitmakesense 23 сағат бұрын
@@anniesavedbygrace Just for you i will 🙂 Thank you so much!! And yes i agree with you. It doesn't make sense to say Jesus is the Anti-Christ because Jesus is not part of the four horsemen.. GREAT QUESTION
@markjackson5035 Күн бұрын
My friend… I am the Jehovah’s Witness that responded to your Michael, the Arcangel video…. would you like for me to respond to this video as well?…
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@@markjackson5035 if you would like to. 😊
@KnightsofGideon Күн бұрын
Loving this series. Romans 8 is my absolute favorite chapter
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@KnightsofGideon aww thank you! I'm enjoying going through this to. Your latest videos are SO good. All of your videos are, but I really am loving seeing yall grow every single time. Great teachers. Holy Spirit filled
@the_corinthians_twelve_teacher Күн бұрын
Romans 8:10 was fire on the explanation🔥
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@@the_corinthians_twelve_teacher thanks sissy! 🫶❤️
@vicdriver501 Күн бұрын
This obviously is a resent video, as the jdub is wearing pants………. But I saw that the jw was using an actual bible! Didn’t they stop all together with using the actual bibles, replacing them with tablets?
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@vicdriver501 very good eye you have! Yes the rules have recently just changed AGAIN from the governing body. They can't ever seem to get their doctrine straight
@kennethgiles-nu9dk Күн бұрын
thank you i am now 100% convinced that the trinity is from the devil
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@kennethgiles-nu9dk well, congratulations to you!!
@ScottJackson. Күн бұрын
The three are one but not one God
@NickHawaii Күн бұрын
When Jehovah God imparts his spirit it is out of him, his personal influence, power and character, always emulating his superlative qualities. No wonder Jesus personifies the spirit when explaining its function as the Paracletos. Jehovah lovingly provides the Spirit through his son and it is thereby imbued with the character of Christ so it is sometimes called Christ’s spirit when it helps God’s Spirit Begotten sons emulate the attitude of Christ (Romans 8:9,15-17 ) so the spirit has a variety of operations and when it works it emulates the personal disposition of the one who gave it. And I already showed Knieshia that God’s spirit is indeed called an “it” in scripture but she just looked the other way. See for examples Numbers 11:17. “And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone.”-KJV
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@NickHawaii yeah, no.. haha. I appreciate the details again, Nick. I really do. But an active force doctrine is a bunch of hoopla. I see how bad the watch tower wants to cover that up.. but truly, there is no way around that the Holy Spirit is a real person. If you don't want to believe that the Holy Spirit is alive and want to blaspheme the Spirit, I won't stop you. Have plenty of proof specifically for the Holy Spirit. But I have a feeling, no matter what is being told to you, you won't listen...(flea theory) I truly care about yall and want you all to see the True God for who He really is. But most people don't want to hear the truth. Even when they have enough evidence in their direct line of sight.
@ScottJackson. Күн бұрын
@@letsmakeitmakesense personal force because it is from a person the father
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@ScottJackson. forgive me... I'm saying this 100000% from an honest heart. That makes absolutely no sense at all.. The Holy Spirit is clearly seen performing actual actions, thoughts, words, etc. And whatever in the world an "active force" is, is seriously downgrading to God... very much so... it doesn't even make any at all.. that whole thing is completely made up by the watch tower society.
@ScottJackson. Күн бұрын
@@letsmakeitmakesense made the earth by his power Jeremiah 10:12 KJV
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@ScottJackson. right... He is the Most Powerful and only Powerful God ever. Yes God is Powerful. ...I'm not sure what youre getting at? I'm so sorry I'm really trying to understand but I don't know what that has to do with you guys calling God's Spirit "an active force"....🤔💭
@reabetswemontshioa1460 Күн бұрын
i am a jw and finding my own way out and what makes me connect to your channel is how sympathatic you are.a lot of people think just they need to make an "aha got you"others are ex jw speaking from hurt.i am a jw whose entire family is as much as i have always questioned and never connected with certain teachings like this i was mostly happy because they are not bad people but i do believe there is so much cleanse that needs to happen
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@reabetswemontshioa1460 They are completely human just like us ❤️ so that's why I know how gullable and ignorant we ALL can and have been in our lives. We all once were something... it's takes people walking us through consistently to get out of our own way sometimes. I just want them to know I care and will help. But I won't ever force someone to listen who doesn't want to hear the truth. That's my #1 rule I have. If I can see that someone won't even give me a chance to present my side after I have heard their side, and are stubborn in their heart, I pause and help the person that does accept the help. Life can be difficult sometimes Lol 😆 thank God that He sees me and still loves me, because sometimes I struggle to explain what I am trying to say
@praiseofhisgrace3178 Күн бұрын
Great!!!! This was one of the light-bulb scriptures that I’ve discovered too, God’s Spirit=Christ’s Spirit=Holy Spirt. So well explained and demonstrated! Well done Knieshia! 🙏👍👏🤗
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@@praiseofhisgrace3178 Chaba!! Thank you!! 😊 to me, this one is pretty simple to see all 3 persons of the Godhead working. I love scripture. It never fails to prove our God
@praiseofhisgrace3178 Күн бұрын
Amen!🙏 beautifully explained and so clear! And that’s why scripture calls this the “riches of the glory of this mystery: Christ in you…” by his Spirit, that is God’s ! Greatest mystery and treasure in this world ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🙏 love the Word!!!! Fantastic job! 👏🙌👏👍
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@praiseofhisgrace3178 ammmmmmennnnnnnnn!!!!! YES CHABA!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU MY FRIEND!! beautifully said.
@mamajan99 23 сағат бұрын
God’s Spirit=Christ’s Spirit=Holy Spirit=Christian's Spirit? Are Christ's followers God too if they have God's Spirit in them? Be careful. "Eisegesis easily lends itself to error, as the would-be interpreter attempts to align the text with his own preconceived notions."
@letsmakeitmakesense 23 сағат бұрын
@mamajan99 nope. Were not God. But we do have God's Spirit in us. We'll, we do... it's an honor that God is gracious enough to send us The Comforter. He is alive. GOD IS SPIRIT AND WE MUST WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH! ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️📖🕊📖🕊📖😏
@-Godsgrace Күн бұрын
Thank you for this teaching. Must say I was now aware of this
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@@-Godsgrace thank you for watching 💓🙏✝️
@vusimngomezulu2500 Күн бұрын
Which church are preaching the gospel of the kingdom around the world to all nations as Jesus Christ said? Matthew 10:16, 24:14, 28:19-20, Mark 13:10, if not only only only the Jehovah's witnesses..
@vusimngomezulu2500 Күн бұрын
​@@letsmakeitmakesenseWhich church are preaching the gospel of the kingdom around the world to all nations as Jesus Christ said? Matthew 10:16, 24:14, 28:19-20, Mark 13:10, if not only only only the Jehovah's witnesses..
@-Godsgrace Күн бұрын
She is too sweet, God bless her and her attitude 😅😊❤
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@-Godsgrace lol THANK YOU! Hahaha she is so funny. I absolutely love my daughter. She's soooo extra!! Lolololol
@-Godsgrace Күн бұрын
They are normalizing what is not normal
@-Godsgrace Күн бұрын
Glory to God and the life with Jesus 🙏❤️
@letsmakeitmakesense 17 сағат бұрын
@sherrelshepard4590 Күн бұрын
I feel the same way you do: if they only knew how true this is. Gods heart always shows. Be blessed
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@sherrelshepard4590 GOD BLESS YOU!!! You said it so well, if they only knew... it's so simple with our God. We are the ones that complicate things. Not the Lord. ❤️
@NickHawaii Күн бұрын
Let’s take a look at these 2 texts Knieshia shared with us. Rev 21:23 reads:
“And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God illuminated it, and its lamp was the Lamb.”

Then Rev 22:5: “Also, night will be no more, and they have no need of lamplight or sunlight, for Jehovah God will shed light upon them, and they will rule as kings forever and ever.”

Remember Hebrews 1:3? He (Jesus) is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact representation of his very being,” So Rev 21 tells us in heaven, there is no moon or sun for light, but “light” comes from the “Glory of God,” and the Lamb. Then according to Hebrews, Jesus is the “reflection” of God’s Glory. So naturally Rev 22:5 identifies Jehovah himself as the ultimate source of the “light” that the anointed use to rule.” Jesus simply reflects it. In addition, we see 2 Samuel 21:17 calls David the “lamp of Israel” please note: “At once A·bishʹai the son of Ze·ruʹiah came to his aid and struck the Phi·lisʹtine down and put him to death. At that time the men of David swore this oath to him: “You must not go out with us to battle anymore! You must not extinguish the lamp of Israel!” Solomon was called the “lamp” as well at 1 Kings 11:36: “To his son I will give one tribe, so that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city that I have chosen for myself as the place to put my name.”
@jenniferjohns5966 Күн бұрын
Thank you so much for all of your videos! I love your channel and a new subscriber. They are so helpful. Keep them coming girl, when you can! ❤
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@jenniferjohns5966 thank you so much for the support!! I'm trying to improve in each video. I appreciate anyone's patience with me LOL. But the message is the thing I truly want to get out. Our God is Good and He truly loves us. Beyond what we give Him credit for 😔😔😔 Thank you so much for subbing! What a blessing! God bless ya sister 🙏 🙌 ❤️
@gabrielgarcia-ms8sg Күн бұрын
They don’t like people check the internet only their disgusting website.
@debbieroberts9216 Күн бұрын
Well done!
@letsmakeitmakesense Күн бұрын
@debbieroberts9216 thank you 😊 🙏 💓
@StartUpThree Күн бұрын
Great study! It's always insightful to compare translations.
@knieshiacupp5326 Күн бұрын
Thanks Gary!! God bless you brother ❤
@charlespacheco7705 7 сағат бұрын
Yes must have sincere decernmet, the doctrine is Hog wash. Beware of the false doctrine. It's a crippling cult Very deceptive ALL spirits are Important. Keep your HOG WASH. YOUR FALSE DOCTRINE IS CHALLENGED
@Kjs3vw Күн бұрын
Beautiful ❤❤
@trinny881 Күн бұрын
Hello! Jesus is the son of the highest Luke 1;32 KJV he is not God
@trinny881 Күн бұрын
Hello! Praise JAH! Psalm 68;4 KJV and his name alone is the most high Psalm 83;18 KJV
@trinny881 Күн бұрын
Hello! God Almighty Exodus 6;3 KJV
@rachaelfutch7525 Күн бұрын
Where is the lie
@TierraLynn Күн бұрын
Crazy how even Christians can’t agree on what their Bible teaches.
@letsmakeitmakesense 5 сағат бұрын
Christians do. Just because someone says they're a Christian doesn't mean they are.
@TierraLynn 4 сағат бұрын
@@letsmakeitmakesenseChristians cannot agree with one another, that is why there are thousands of sects.
@arneedlund8512 2 күн бұрын
How can ppl not be emo? WE HAVE LIFE IN JESUS ❤
@AngelCastroOffical 2 күн бұрын
Praise God 🙏
@KnightsofGideon 2 күн бұрын
Our Life is hidden in Christ Jesus Colossians 3:3 KJV For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
@gelapearson7051 2 күн бұрын
I would rather live life for Him and find out He doesn't exist than NOT live in His ways to find out He DOES exist and loose out on my chance to live in His kingdom in my house he has made for me, and see thier faces if that is something that can be done! He has done so much for me and kept me protected! Even from things I did/could not see!
@derek2557 2 күн бұрын
I am a disassociated JW. I pioneered from 1976 until 2021. Your point of view was something I came upon over and over again. Of course the 2013 translation can be used to counter your belief. The main problem we all have today, is that every Christian religion emanated from the Roman Catholics. It is extremely, highly likely, that the true version of Christianity has never been taught outide of the Roman empire of Jesus and the disciples day! Jesus claimed he was the son of God. Paul, apparently made it clear at Romans 10:13 that all those calling on the name of Jesus will be saved, but that on it's own is quite a bald statement. When Jesus himself said, whilse talking to the Samaritan woman at the well, that God is looking for those who worship him with spirit and truth, so more is involved that a quick gloss over of Paul's words. All Bibles today, with the exception of the translations made by the watchtower, and the 2001 Bible translation have been translated by translators who believe in the trinity, and or in conjunction with paymasters who believe in the trinity and have commissioned the Bible to support their beliefs, not the truth! Consider the following. I have quoted other Bibles, but these scriptures can be found in the 2013 translation. 1. Jews when in a covenant relationship with our heavenly Father, did not and were not taught that God was part of a trinity. 2. Jesus did not teach that he was part of a trinity. Wikipedia says “Neither the word “Trinity” nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Hebrew Scriptures: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4).23 Oct 2023 3. At NO time did he consider himself equal to his Father. “Do not be afraid and anxious, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”. - Luke 12:32, Amplified Bible. If Jesus was equal to God, or was God, would it not have been simpler to say ‘I am giving you the Kingdom’? “Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, *I go unto the Father: for **my Father is greater than I”. - John 14:28 - King James Bible. Note John 14:28 above, Jesus *went to his Father, if Jesus were God, why would he need to go anywhere to see his Father, he would have been afterall, his own Father, would he not? Jesus acknowledged that his **Father was greater than him. BUT, supposedly, in a trinity all three members are pronounced to be equal. “Keep this mental attitude in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing inGod’s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should beequal to God.” Now look at the same scripture from a trinity teaching Bible. “Philipians 2:5&6 - New World Translation. Philippians 2:5-6 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality … Note how easy it is for false religion to twist the meaning of a scripture? With the evidence presnted above, we can see how cautious we must be. We MUST have God’s Holy Spirit to help decipher such. If we are diligently searching the Bible for the truth of God’s word. his spirit IS with us, and will help us. He, we are told in John 4:24 “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” If you are truly trying to do that, he will open the meaning of the Bible for you. That is what Jesus disciples did for the Jews and Gentiles who truly wanted to know God! 4. The trinity was not taught until between the third and fourth century; although there were rumblings about it earlier from a few people. “The first defence of the doctrine of the Trinity was by Tertullian, who was born around 150-160 AD, explicitly “defined” the Trinity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and defended his theology against Praxeas, although he noted that the majority of the believers in his day found issue with his doctrine. - Wikipedia. So, if anyone should know the truth about this, surely that anyone is Jesus, and Jesus DID NOT teach a trinity. All these arguments and false teachings began, only after the disciples had died, as predicted by Luke “25 Now I know that none of you among whom I have preached the kingdom of God will see my face again. 26Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27For I did not shrink back from declaring to you the whole will of God. 28Therefore keep watch over yourselves and the entire flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of the Lord and of God, which He purchased with His own blood. 29For I know this, that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30Even from your own number, men will rise up and distort the truth to draw away disciples after them. 31Therefore be alert and remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears. Luke 20:25-31. - Majority Standard Bible. The disciples had been personally taught by Jesus. They were a guard on the purity of Jesus word and teachings. It was only after their death’s that false teachings commenced, just as Luke warned. “Keep this mental attitude in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in God’s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.” Philipians 2:5&6 - New World Translation.
@thevladfather 2 күн бұрын
Praise God!!!
@Prodigalsreturned 4 сағат бұрын
My brotherrrrrr ❤❤❤❤
@Ironwrung 2 күн бұрын
Jesus is not archangel Michael, his cosmic identity is a son in the order of MIchael. Michael is actually a title, not a name. He is known as Christ Michael, not archangel Michael. Check out the Urantia Papers
@eloiseramsey9276 2 күн бұрын
If you don't agree with them it frightens most of them because they know all they know is what's according to their religion not the Bible.
@letsmakeitmakesense 2 күн бұрын
@@eloiseramsey9276 amen. Sad.. but true
@eloiseramsey9276 2 күн бұрын
One thing I've learned is no matter how right you are, you can still be wrong. He that has an ear will understand.
@letsmakeitmakesense 2 күн бұрын
@eloiseramsey9276 amen, we all can and have and will be wrong about many many things in life. It take a REAL ONE to admit. Which is something I'm seeing and hearing less and less of.
@eloiseramsey9276 2 күн бұрын
I like talking to jws because iron sharpens iron.
@lalo2641 2 күн бұрын
I have the whole enchilada 😂
@TacoBell.-nx9db 2 күн бұрын