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The Basic Aerodynamic of a Kite
@Johow Күн бұрын
Sorry - but launching with the chicken loop in one hand?!? I consider this unsafe. You can’t really steer the kite and if it develops power, you can not hold ich with your hands. I would rather be connected, tell you helper to not let go of the kite until you give the go. Depower a lot before the launch to be safe. The other tipps… okay.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Күн бұрын
It seems there was a misunderstanding, which might have been due to how I explained things-my apologies! Just to clarify, I didn't mean to suggest that you should launch your kite while holding the CL. I completely agree with what you said. What I meant was that you should hold the CL in your hand while you search for the proper launching position. Once you're in the correct position and everything is ready, you can then attach the CL to your harness and proceed with launching your kite. For a more detailed explanation, feel free to check out my tutorial: 'Launching and Landing the Kite with an Assistant.
@maelfloch Күн бұрын
Hi Petar, I think that your launching technique is by far the safest. You absolutely don't need to touch the bar nor connecting the CL to find the right spot in the wind window to launch your kite, you just need to stop walking upwind when the kite stops flapping and before it starts pushing the assistant. Then you can launch your kite with only one finger using the floater. If you hold the bar to find that launching spot you are just loading your back lines for no reason, it can also change the angle of attack of the kite and make you think your kite is at the right spot even though it's not. So many things can go wrong in that case. Of course this my opinion and I would be happy if someone could prove me wrong. Thank you for your videos Petar, you are a hell of an instructor ! 🙌
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Күн бұрын
well said. Thank you for your support
@marshrandie4531 Күн бұрын
Tous les pratiquants devraient revoir cette vidéo tous les 6 mois. Un peu rapide par moment mais les images et le commentaire sont très explicites. Bravo
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Күн бұрын
Merci Beaucoup
@Chris14321 Күн бұрын
Thank you!!!
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏻
@yes.daniel 2 күн бұрын
@JoshatHomeOffice 2 күн бұрын
On the topic of getting into launch position, my key piece of advice is to fly the kite at 3 or 9 for a second when the assistant lets go of the kite. Most people simply fly the kite straight up. If you hold the kite briefly at the launch position, you know immediately if something is wrong. If the kite goes up, and you weren't doing it, you've got a problem that probably needs the QR let go.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
also good :)
@KiteboardingStPetersburg 2 күн бұрын
You also take clips from my video out of context such as "connect chicken loop on the harness while kite is in the beach position" however before that I explain how to position yourself properly through a specific visual reference that works. And the second thing you say that is dangerous is "holding the bar while searching for launch position" - the alternative to this is to not hold the bar and to experience tension then you would need to be too far into the wind window. I was literally out kiteboarding in a hurricane yesterday and I promise you your method would have got someone severely injured. It may work for you but it is not the "safest" method.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
Thank you once again for taking the time to comment on my video - it's truly appreciated! I also want to thank you for sharing your insights and suggestions. Could you kindly walk us through the safest steps for launching the kite? It seems that the method in your tutorial may not be the safest option, based on recent feedback. Additionally, I’m curious to know if you’ve had the opportunity to try the launch method I mentioned, or if your comments are based on a different perspective without having tested it personally?
@claudianreyn4529 2 күн бұрын
It's actually simple. You have to be ready to release in any situation. You see the kite rolls over on the beach or the assistant do something stupid, you release before the kite going up in the window. You have to anticipate and release before it's too late!!! Don't learn kiting from youtubers! Pay for a professional course. Holding the chicken loop is stupid! Who the hell is doing that? One what planet have you learned it? Never do that. Hook your kite and have the hands all the time on the bar and watch what the kite is doing. Release in dangerous situations. "If there is way too much power"?? Is that your question? Well in that case a lot of things went wrong already and you should not be in that situation anyway! A lot of bad advices on a video that tries to prevent bad advices. 👎
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
Dear Claudian, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share some thoughts and seek your insight on a matter related to kitesurfing safety. It's worth noting that a significant percentage of kitesurfing accidents-about 90%-occur during the launching phase. You mentioned that people generally do not hold the Chicken Loop in their hand while searching for the proper launching position. However, many seem to stay connected and hold the bar, which raises the question: could this be why accidents still occur so frequently? You provided excellent advice about releasing the kite before it's too late. Unfortunately, in practice, many kitesurfers, especially those with more experience, seem to hesitate to use the Quick Release. There's a tendency among "advanced" kitesurfers to think that safety systems are primarily for beginners, believing they can manage situations simply by holding onto the bar-something I’ve been guilty of myself in the past. Kitesurfing is indeed an extreme sport, and it’s crucial to always follow the safest possible practices. With that in mind, could you please explain further why it's important never to hold onto the Chicken Loop while searching for your launching position? I’m looking forward to your thoughts and advice. Best regards Petar
@Nilz4FR 2 күн бұрын
Well said!
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏻
@Stepanhuge 2 күн бұрын
Nice video!! !thanks!, will be nice to have the full explanations links in the description.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
Thank you, check the links below in the comments 🙌🏼
@Goemonsnc 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Petar, very useful video
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it 🙏🏻🙌🏼
@glennocean1586 2 күн бұрын
So... why did you make this video, again?? What are you trying to say, do, or achieve here??
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
Hehe, not much to say, just wanted to mention that even if there isn't a surf shop nearby to buy proper kitesurf gloves, there’s a very cheap alternative. I wasn’t aware of it for a long time, but someone mentioned it in the comments of one of my videos, so I had to test it out for myself :)
@evansmith8541 2 күн бұрын
Pretty bad video bro. Lots of nitpicking for content🤷‍♂️
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
Hello Evan, I’m sorry to hear that my video didn’t resonate with you in the same way it does with me. These may seem like small details, but in my experience, they can make a significant difference. I’ve seen this firsthand and know others who have had similar experiences. Promoting unsafe techniques online is something I find concerning, as it's putting the entire kitesurfing community at risk.
@KiteboardingStPetersburg 2 күн бұрын
@@kitesurfexperiencebypetar na you take other peoples videos out of context with quick clips and post it as your own with a catchy title for clicks and views. Pretty cheap and low approach in my opinion as well.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
@@KiteboardingStPetersburg Fortunately, your face isn't visible. My primary aim is to make kitesurfing a safer sport and to help prevent the promotion of dangerous techniques that could lead to serious injuries or worse. I've personally witnessed the consequences, and I want to ensure that others are protected from similar risks.
@frankyfrench5279 2 күн бұрын
Excellent Movie, agree on all. One to add which is very bad and common habbit. After landing kite by assistant, directly unhook your chicken loop when landed, never stay at beach hooked in, helper may set go, or kite may not be secured, you may get ripped whilst not even paying attention....
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
Exactly, I’m talking about it in my full Tutorial about “Launching and Landing the kite with an assistant”.
@stokakrishna 2 күн бұрын
Unhook and immediately walk towards the kite to kill any tension in lines. I've seen so many times people blanidnh kite and still keeping tension in lines
@KiteboardingStPetersburg 2 күн бұрын
Yeah the first 10 seconds of this "dangerous kite launch" is me and I was interested to see the recommendation here.. im pretty open minded but "holding the loop" while walking into the wind to "find" tension is F***ing stupid. what if the person is slightly too close to the kite and because of that needs to walk further into the wind window to find tension but at that point the kite is far too deep. yeah... na.. please dont use me in your videos and I wont go through your videos and use yours in mine on what not to do
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to comment on my video. You mentioned that holding the Chicken Loop while finding the launching position is "stupid" because of the potential risk if someone walks too far upwind of the wind window. I address this concern in more detail in my full tutorial, "Launching the Kite with an Assistant." I value your feedback and would love for you to continue engaging with my videos, especially to point out any potential safety issues. Additionally, I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on what safer alternatives might be. I'm always open to learning and improving so that together, we can make kitesurfing as safe as possible and help reduce accidents. Thanks again for your input!
@Votre-o9d 2 күн бұрын
Actually it is the safest way possible- just holding onto your chicken loop without being hooked in while finding your proper launch position. Being hooked in to your chicken loop while doing this is rather stupid and dangerous.
@KiteboardingStPetersburg 2 күн бұрын
@@kitesurfexperiencebypetar that’s just one example. Another is walking to find tension. How much tension should one feel before they hook in? Does that tension change based on conditions? Kite? Lot of subjective points
@JoshatHomeOffice 2 күн бұрын
If you can't hold the kite by the chicken loop, you're not in the right position. Instructors regularly switch the kite between themselves and students. This is because the kite is correctly trimmed and at the edge of the wind window producing minimum pull. Same principle applies during launching.
@KiteboardingStPetersburg 2 күн бұрын
@@JoshatHomeOffice yes as an instructor this is obvious but as a beginner they may not know or understand the "tension" needed. This is subjective language and some people are stronger than others so Im sure you can visualize some strong guy trying to hold down more tension while hooking in meanwhile the kites bending over the person assissting because hes too far upwind. Or vice versa, what if too little tension and the kite backstalls on the beach?
@Vladishit_Putler 3 күн бұрын
sorry, but if you launch a kite on strong winds by HOLDING the chicken loop with one hand, you will NEVER have enough arm strength to pull it on your belt! Instead, by simply launching with one hand ready on the safety, 100% of those accidents in the video would have been prevented. Additionally, having to plug the chicken loop to the belt with one hand, while the kite is ALREADY flying, seems to be an even more dangerous action, as now you have no control over kite steering.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 3 күн бұрын
Hehe, sorry for miss understanding 😅 you are right, you definitely DO NOT want to launch your kite without connecting the CL on you harness previously. You can find the full explanation on how to safely launch the kite in my previous tutorial.
@Vladishit_Putler 2 күн бұрын
@@kitesurfexperiencebypetar maybe the most valuable tip that nobody has mentioned so far, is to always connect the safety line BEFORE connecting the CL (and not the other way around!), this way, even if the wind suddenly picks up the kite from the ground, your safety line (being attached to your belt) will flag out the kite. I see most people first attaching the CL and THEN the safety line, the problem with that is that if the kite picks up, it will either launch you in the air OR (if you pull the safety) you will lose the kite entirely (as the safety line is not yet connected to you)
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 2 күн бұрын
@@Vladishit_Putler I agree with you once again. In my tutorial, I believe I mentioned connecting the Safety Leash to the safety line first, and then, once you find the launch position, attaching the Chicken Loop to your harness. We should always follow the safest steps.
@JoshatHomeOffice 2 күн бұрын
I didn't read that into the point of this part of the video. It seemed fairly clear that this is referring to not connecting the CL until you're in position to launch. I personally prefer that people connect the CL before the kite starts powering up, as most people I see doing it this was get focused looking at the CL while the kite is powering up. They look up and see the kite doing something they didn't expect. However, with the CL attached, the only thing that should be being touched is the QR. People seem to think they need to hold the bar so stop the lines tangling, but they automatically free up once you get a little tension in them.
@aaronjones4883 Күн бұрын
He quite literally, flat out said, "Do not connect your chicken loop onto your harness UNTIL EVERYTHING IS READY TO LAUNCH".
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 3 күн бұрын
Here are the full explanations about each Topic: Launching the kite with an assistant Self Launching Basic Self Landing Advance Self Landing kzbin.info7yFNnVTltwQ?si=sNVw8ilepKo87wYi Recover The Chicken Loop Self Rescue Untangling The Lines
@tatianapavlovic7134 5 күн бұрын
@oliverlennard 6 күн бұрын
Hi Petar Do you have a video on what to do when two kiters cross lines in the water. Has not happened to me but I see it happening from time to time. And I don’t know the steps to deal with such a situation.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 6 күн бұрын
Hey Oliver, yes I have the episode. Tangling with another kiter is a very complex thing on what is the best to do. But on my episode you can see the basic steps and things to consider to do in different situations. Tangled Kites - The NIGHTMARE?
@aleksei1248 6 күн бұрын
Thank you, Petar, for one more useful video! Short, precise, and to the point. A question from newbie: a spot with off-shore wind and no rescue is 100% no go? I have not tried self-rescue upwind yet 😅
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for your support 🙏🏻 Yes, off shore winds are not safe to practice Kitesurfing. In case you kite in an off shore spot and you have to perform self rescue because you are too far from the shore to swim, use the kite as a small boat and hopefully someone will see you and come to help.
@luismanuelariaslamarche1514 9 күн бұрын
@medogandcatadventure 9 күн бұрын
@IlyesIlyes-bc4xz 10 күн бұрын
@artemisspiretou2284 11 күн бұрын
Sounds amazing, wish you an incredible time and unforgettable experiences. Thank you so much for your amazing work on here👍🙏🏻😎🥰
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 5 күн бұрын
@@artemisspiretou2284 thank you for your support 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@artemisspiretou2284 11 күн бұрын
Phenomenal work, best videos on kitesurfing ever, saving loves for sure
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 5 күн бұрын
@@artemisspiretou2284 Thank you so much 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@JogiJacob 12 күн бұрын
Nice tips and tricks, thanks for educating the community ❤
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 5 күн бұрын
@@JogiJacob thank you 🙏🏻
@theosju2048 18 күн бұрын
Hey, is that beach in Croatia=)? can you tell me where it is?
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 13 күн бұрын
There are just some clips from Croatia, mostly it is recorded in Greece, Naxos 🙌🏼
20 күн бұрын
I was watching the video and at 1:15 I realised I know the sand. I rewinded 5s and knew it was Lefkada.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 13 күн бұрын
Exactly 😉
@giuliozucchi 20 күн бұрын
I have both the harness and the shoulder mounts.. IMO the harness waist mount footage is noticeably more stable even with the longer (2 piece) bar ... also on various videos on KZbin it looks to me that the shoulder mount is a little more shaky, but the shoulder mount is easier to put on and take off for sure... both mounts are very good...
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 13 күн бұрын
Agree 🙌🏼
@tiagofurupa2610 21 күн бұрын
Great! What gear are you using? Board size?
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 13 күн бұрын
15m Reach 2024 with Atmos 136
@Thomas_oshoba 21 күн бұрын
Hi Peter it’s Thomas, I miss being there you make it look so cool, I want to come back. Keep the hard work Peter, and say hi to jade for me.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 13 күн бұрын
Hey Thomas, thank you, hope to see you soon on the water 🙏🏻🙌🏼
@Cloves-rx9pt 21 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot for your very well done video. It was essential to help me to trim my bar.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 13 күн бұрын
Great to hear that my video helped you out 🙏🏻🙌🏼
@belledetector 24 күн бұрын
Great review
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 23 күн бұрын
Thank you :))
@homemade1661 25 күн бұрын
Great video, small important details very well explained👍🤘
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 23 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it
@jyk4 27 күн бұрын
washing is useless.. Sea water does nothing to the kite if it dries up. I have never washed my kites during the last 10+ years and I see no damage. You forgot the most important thing what destroys the kite fastest than anything: Self launching. It will wear the leading edge when it drifts on the beach/stones/anything sharp, even hard ice will wear it out fast.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 25 күн бұрын
yess very good points :))
@dionysisntreou271 28 күн бұрын
Awesome!!! Where is this spot?
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 28 күн бұрын
In Dominican Republic, Las Terrenas 🤗
@powerlooper9121 Ай бұрын
Great info! I'm building my own waist harness mount - on the waist harness that I invented for myself.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar 26 күн бұрын
Nice :)
@Eggile Ай бұрын
I just got the normal Navigator bar. I now know for sure: this is not gonna prevent me from getting good ;-)
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
Definitely, both bars are great 🙌🏼
@TheMiracleshine Ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for this amazing video! It has been years over my self rescue lesson and luckly I never had to self rescue. But I noticed that I barely remember the process. This video helped me a lot to remember. Also I should say this is the best self rescue video on KZbin! Thanx a lot! ❤️
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
Thank you so much, I’m glad to hear that this is the best Self Rescue video on KZbin 🙏🏻
@antoniocross5956 Ай бұрын
If you want to spin fast, check out how it’s done in jumps in gymnastics. Best technique on the world
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
Yes I was trying to look at it, but looks like the gymnastics guys don’t use the board on their feet so the technique is a bit different.
@alexr3831 Ай бұрын
Great safety video and explanatory rules all around it.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏻
@alexr3831 Ай бұрын
Hi, Thank you for your exciting and explanatory video about kite self-rescue procedures.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
Thank you, I’m glad you find it useful 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@michelelarosa3735 Ай бұрын
beautiful! I would like to go there in the last week of September. do you recommend it?
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
Hmmm, I’m not sure how it might look in September, but probably there is still some chance of wind 🙏🏻
@upwindstockholm961 Ай бұрын
Really good tutorial! 👍
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
thank you very much 🙏
@inventsc Ай бұрын
Don’t walk between the lines . This nearly killed me wha]en the kite took off and re powered . The lines caught a round by body and I hit a wall.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
exactly, always keep all the lines downwind of you as mentioned in my episode. Glad to hear that you are still alive 🙏
@karinliran Ай бұрын
halo from israel, this very good!
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@Eggile Ай бұрын
Good one! Nice shots in style, as always.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
thank you 🙏
@LuigiRolli-t3d Ай бұрын
Hola I've seen many of your videos, but what I liked the most is this one, especially the scenes in the garden... amazing😂. I thank you for everything you have taught me. I hope to meet again soon. Saludame Madame.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
ohh yess, your garden 🤗
@kcm624 Ай бұрын
Now I know.. Ended up with my kite twisted in big waves far off shore and so far downwind where no one could see me. Do not kite far away from the beach and far away from other people!!
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
good point 🙏
@steviepowerr Ай бұрын
This is a great video. After kiting for a few years I've seen some serious accidents and there even have been some deaths in my area. The thing they all have in common is that this was on land and either during launching or landing. There are many slight variations on the things that are explained here that are still safe, I for example check the lines and put the chicken loop on a little earlier when walking upwind. I do this because the other person might let go sooner and is likely to be holding a kite. The one thing not mentioned in the video however is that if someone is grabbing your kite to land, then once they have the kite you shouldn't just let go of the bar but take a step forward as well. It will remove tension on all lines and allow the helper to put the kite down flat.
@kitesurfexperiencebypetar Ай бұрын
Sure, here's a corrected version: Yes, it’s true. I didn’t mention walking towards your kite to reduce the tension and make it easier for the assistant to land your kite. I did mention that you should always walk towards your kite to ensure it is well secured or, in some cases, to take your kite if the assistant decides to hold it in a smile position. Thank you, I will mention it in one of my next videos 🙏🏻🙌🏼