Lamput - Movie Pond Reviews
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Every Classic Disney Movie Ranked!
Monsters Inc - Movie Pond Reviews
@matthewtartt9422 Күн бұрын
This entire comment section is full of spoiled brats 😂
@adrusk Күн бұрын
why Miguel sounds more like McGill?
@Annonere Күн бұрын
Honestly, the generational trauma message is rarely done right. We, as the audience, are just expected to "forgive" the abusers, even after they have been hurting the protagonist for YEARS. Another example of this is seen in Encanto, when the abuela so controlling and abusive to the entire family because of one incident involving her husband. Granted, that was traumatic for her, but it is no excuse for treating her family like they are trash if they are not perfect/gifted. In the end, we were just expected to let all that slide just because she and the protagonist shared a hug? What message is that telling kids? "It's okay that this person abused you your whole life, because, look, they've redeemed themselves by saying they are sorry, and you need to just love and forgive them, or else you're a bad person!" I can't stand generational trauma story lines. They are done so poorly most of the time, and spread bad messages.
@1MinuteGaming 2 күн бұрын
I hope you're gonna make a video for every season because I loved this
@fofuracebola 2 күн бұрын
This is one of the worst videos I've ever seen, and I don't even care about Coco
@Andrewrock-yw9hn 3 күн бұрын
I can't believe this video's over a year old.... Time Does fly a lot
@Leef853 3 күн бұрын
I think the rarcoon digging thro the trash was a homless ratcoon in the movie. Im not sure i havnt seen it in long time! But he was dressed homless so....
@dr_doritotf2305 4 күн бұрын
There are some flaws with some of these views imo. First of all, being indoctrinated into a state of mind from one person without question is very possible. I point to the experiment where 5 actors and 1 non-actor was placed in a room. Every time a bell rung, the actors stood, and eventually the non actor did as well. Researchers slowly swapped out actors for non actors and eventually it got to the point where no actors were left, but every one was still standing when they heard a bell.
@TheBatIsSpooky6436 4 күн бұрын
This show was a Mixed bag for me, like it was going great until literally the last episode where they just throw everything at you at once, like it felt like as if they rushed it
@TheKarateFox 5 күн бұрын
ah yes a trademark of abusive parents is to do something horrible and act all rosies and sunshine immediattely after
@fishfossils8858 5 күн бұрын
So for your opening point, you gotta understand, this movie is mostly meant to appeal to the hispanic/latino crowd. I think its kind of a bad play, its why i think black panther sucks as a movie, but I’ve been told by many black folks “you’re not black so you don’t get it” its an answer ive just come to accept, despite its many many plot holes. Anyway as a person who grew up with hispanic familia, allow me to explain. Hispanics take their lineage VERY seriously, probably moreso than any other modern society, its why we celebrate Di Day Los Meurtos (this maybe misspelled, I’ve heard it said many times throughout my life, but seen it spelt surprisingly few) most believe the ancestors are always watching, and especially Hispanics will latch onto a matriarch. In this case great great grandma is the matriarch, and grandma is following in her footsteps of hating music. The village understands because they too, probably have weird kinks about certain things connected to their heritage.
@afro025 5 күн бұрын
10:38 he looks like a bear 10:41 think he looks like a dog? 10:45 oh, i was right 10:48 i mean, yeah, they do. dogs don't have ears like that
@MeowHela 6 күн бұрын
In fact you have met with traditional Latin American family values, we do not question the older members of the family and as it is no one replies to grandparents, not because we agreed with what they say because that would make you a "Rude, ungrateful" man. And Elena would be the most affectionate and humble grandmother if she ever admits that she did something wrong because again, we do not question or comment about older family members. This subject drives me mad... I swear to god
@Fulvitin 6 күн бұрын
54:58 “Housey” 💀
@dinglebloopynoop5053 6 күн бұрын
To everyone saying “that just be how Mexican families are” about Elena not showing a fucking hint of remorse for what she did: THAT DOESN’T CHANGE A SINGLE FUCKING THING. It doesn’t matter how typical it is of a culture, or how normalized it is within a family. Elena’s actions are still unforgivably abusive and she doesn’t deserve an ounce of the forgiveness she was given at the end of the movie. She’s a horrible and abusive woman and Miguel has EVERY right to forget about her and leave her behind.
@justarandomperson976 6 күн бұрын
I always saw the message about Coco as talking and not forgetting about your family by generations to come…..but I agree with the other bit tho personally the main issue for me is the family
@wunderwaffen273 7 күн бұрын
@JustStop19 7 күн бұрын
You should write "Collapsing" with the "C". Edit: Oh, it's "Kombat" gag. Okay.
@deliacordero110 7 күн бұрын
okay, so i think a big reason as to why coco is a mixed bag is that they tried to potray Mexican culture from an outsider's perspective. from the snippets of the crew preparing for the movie, you can see a very noticeable lack of actual Mexican people involved. sure, they traveled to México, got to stay and watch día de los muertos traditions, but it's not the same to have someone coming from an actual Mexican family background. because here's the thing. in Mexican culture, not only is family super important, like, IMPORTANT, but also, the matriarchs of the family are the ones to follow. México might be a very misogynistic country, but women are usually the heads of the family. they keep generations together, so it's not as simple as what you're trying to say. what happened to miguel is incredibly abusive, of course. there's no excuse for that. still, not as simple. so yeah. also, side tangent to your questions about ofrendas, in México they absolutely don't work like how they're in the movie lol. ofrendas in general are for the loved ones that are no longer with us. a photo helps, sure, but there's many elements to it, like the favorite foods of the loved one, trinkets they treasured, even pieces of art, books or media they loved. and for people with no families, no living people behind or from other religions, there are kind of like "general" ofrendas, which are ofrendas some people set so everyone returning can have a place to eat, drink and experience the joy of the living once more. even if you think you are forgotten, you're not. so that's a thing the movie certainly got wrong (idk if they did it for the plot or they genuinely didn't research that so yeah).
@carrierose7351 8 күн бұрын
“The most infamous part in this entire movie” Me: That scene where they basically lobotomized Foxy Loxy- “Buck Cluck” Me: Oh yeah that too
@Ndkelebgkfñ 8 күн бұрын
Mexican here, a lot of non-hispanics don't know this but many families have so much toxicity it's honeslty better for the newer generations to go no contact with relatives. Some families have reached the point of no return when it comes to emotional abuse and our culture encourages people to remain victims because "family always comes first". I'm not even talking about the typical "drunk dad beats everyone", I'm talking about families straight up gaslighting someone into going to the US so the dollars they send will sustain the household so they don't have to get jobs. I didn't even see the guitar thing as a "bad lesson" because there's no lesson here, just a thing so common we don't even register it.
@fishmobsmovietv514 8 күн бұрын
@@Ndkelebgkfñ I'm sorry to hear that.
@AlexionGame 8 күн бұрын
Bro you earned my sub the editing is top notch
@fishmobsmovietv514 8 күн бұрын
@@AlexionGame I'll let my editor know. She'll greatly appreciate this. Thank you.
@thefailinganimator8609 8 күн бұрын
This gives “Mabel is a bad person” vibes
@libtardslayer3048 8 күн бұрын
Imma be honest, everything you've said I completely disagree with lol. Like I've watched "Korean Comic" or "Schaffrillas Productions" and I believe they have some good takes on certain things. But you, I'm sorry, everything you say is just so far fetched and strange to me.
@ScrambledAndBenedict 9 күн бұрын
I love this movie to bits, but even I rolled my eyes when I realized the plot was the "everyone in the family is the same except the one kid who is special and unique and in the end they all have to change and learn to love and embrace his specialness" thing that every movie ever seems to do. It makes the family seem less like characters and more like strawmen. I just wish more movies would find ways to create conflicts in functional family settings, where there's differences between the people but they are a family that likes and understands one another. Like how Coraline had Coraline grow up a bit and stop being such a whiny brat while her family lightened up and started spending more time with her. Or Inside Out, where Riley is down because she's been forced to move and her parents understand her plight and want to help but just don't know what to do.
@MrWaSpY-Trn 9 күн бұрын
This aged like fine wine (: 🦍🦖
@YenB_prplka 9 күн бұрын
I'm glad there are people who don't wanna shit on GxK for no reason, we should enjoy Monsterverse and japanese movies equally, not tearing each others throats Thanks for being the sane one
@AtrotiousAnti 10 күн бұрын
Hispanic countries has low IQ scores, especially Mexico, of course they would have high impulsivity
@owobitchfuch321 10 күн бұрын
No country has smarter people just better education you racist fuck coming from a person with an iq over 130 living in south america
@nothingatall162 10 күн бұрын
It's bad and it's the worst Godzilla movie ever
@tricusgames2602 10 күн бұрын
I prefer the book of life
@tr45hc4n6 10 күн бұрын
The book of life is so much better fuck coco
@Picked-man 11 күн бұрын
The worst part is you can definitely tell that there could’ve been a good movie here. It’s very deep deep down there, but it is in there.
@roastedturtlewings 12 күн бұрын
I watched Coco again recently, and all I could think about was how his family was comprised of assholes. I could not for the life of me sympathize with a woman (Imelda) who was mean to everyone In her entire family (And basically everyone in general, really) and basically said that Miguel should die if he plays music. And I realized for the first time how truly awful the guitar smashing scene was. I watched it a couple months before I saw this video, and I am so glad I found this because I thought I was the only one who thought this.
@roastedturtlewings 12 күн бұрын
Omg. FINALLY someone said it. The grandmother lady is a horrible person. I don't like her. Ok. So, you hate music. Why, nobody knows. And you don't want your grandson listening to it. (Which, to be totally honest, is basically a form of torture. Not letting someone listen to music, I mean.) But that doesn't mean you get to HIT PEOPLE that play music anywhere near your house or your family. JUST BECAUSE you want to subject your family to torture, DOESN'T MEAN that NOBODY in the town can listen to music! Music is an essential part of culture! Of COMMUNITY!! Art has existed FAR, FAR longer than your ancient ass, and it will outlive you by billions of years. It is one of the building blocks of society. Society would do JUST FINE without YOU, however. You are trying to take out one of the blocks of culture- an essential piece of people's lives. A way of expressing themselves and their ancestry! You are taking away a piece of people! And you CANNOT police people's lives. You can't just force an entire town to follow your ridiculous rules and expectations, just because a dude left his family. Especially not with violence. Isn't there supposed to be freedom of speech? It says so in your constitution (I am not getting into issues surrounding freedom of speech in Mexico right now). That means you're allowed to go around saying you hate music, but that also means that other people are allowed to play music (I consider music a form of speech). I just always thought that the grandma was a toxic asshole, and I hate toxic assholes.
@alexanderjakubsen2198 13 күн бұрын
Bruh you thought you were supposed to like Alanna at the beginning?
@niamhpreece7548 13 күн бұрын
The guitar smashing scene was less like Ralph and more like triton destroying the grotto or Eleanor burning Meridas bow. They’re all very clear instances of ‘I broke your stuff, I can break you’ but with NONE of the regret they had. The second after Merida leaves her mother digs the bow out of the fire and freaks out at what she’s done which is the only thing that makes it clear she actually gives a damn about her kid, you can see that even though she’s not ready to abandon tradition she DID scare herself by hurting her daughter like that and we believe it when by the end of the movie she’s changed. Even alma realises her mistakes and actively seeks out mirabel in the place that she originally suffered all that trauma to apologise and actively changes for the better. I know many didn’t like it but like…old people are stubborn and sometimes it does take something extreme for them to change. There’s enough groundwork laid that I believe she does care about her family but was misguided by fear and trauma. The window scene where she’s talking to Pedro is a big reason she works, the entire point is to show that she’s not malicious but scared, it along with the more accurate retelling of how they got the gift and her looking completely empty crying sat alone on the floor of the casita holding her children, humanises her Elena never has that, she destroys the thing Miguel loves, he disappears, and when he comes back she’s immediately ready to do it again. She hasn’t had a single moment of not being a vindictive butch the whole movie so I don’t believe her turnaround. All we needed was one scene of her seeing the pain music had caused coco and emelda and an apology to Miguel
@supleh5937 14 күн бұрын
20:22 hey, buddy buddy buddy. It’s a dream, that’s the point
@fatimahanwaar306 14 күн бұрын
at least "Coco" does a better job of teaching children about death meanwhile people in real life constantly use stupid code words like "unalive" "yeeting" "deleting" etc. to censor any mention of it!
@fishmobsmovietv514 14 күн бұрын
@@fatimahanwaar306 unfortunately, KZbin forces them to do that.
@fatimahanwaar306 14 күн бұрын
@@fishmobsmovietv514 which is a problem and these snowflakes are the reason for that
@fatimahanwaar306 12 күн бұрын
@@fishmobsmovietv514 snowflakes say that it's somehow "insensitive" or "cruel" to properly mention death without somehow sugarcoating it
@loganon2216 14 күн бұрын
Wait... She wasn't just meant to be a comically evil conservative figure attempting to keep everything at an oppressive and weirdly discriminatory status quo?
@Ihatenamehandles 9 күн бұрын
@Bigdumbidiotguy 16 күн бұрын
The premise itself makes absolutely no sense
@tylerdavis3 16 күн бұрын
I had to watch this movie for Spanish class one year, I knew it was stupid just didn’t pay attention enough to realize exactly what it was🤣🤣
@monumentforthedead 16 күн бұрын
To be honest, as a latina, growing up in a family where the elders never apologize for anything is pretty common. They would realize they fucked up and try to fix it in other ways, like cooking for you, doing something useful, taking you out to a place you liked, etc. This was their way of apologizing and latino kids usually realize it's a kind of silent "sorry about that" I think it's pretty realistic that Helena never adressed the things she's done, but seeing her cry and afterwards being proud of Miguel when he's singing is her way of apologizing to him
@STUFF955 17 күн бұрын
I think what they could have done istead: show the story at the beginning and add the different family members. Like show one family member have their heart broken after they wrote a love song for someone and got rejected. (Have this be the most of the movie) His parents were the only ones who knew about love of music before everyone else. They would be the support to him and his love for music. So during the part of the rest of the family find out they do more to stop the abuela smashing the guitar. (Same thing happens in the movie, but miguel has his guitar and runs to the offrenda in the house instead) When he gets to the other side (same way in the movie), the family members love music, and we see hector be a part of the family. they tell miguel what actually happened, they give a petal that turns into a guitar pick that can show the family members what happened when he plays a guitar. De la cruse is still a popular musician but doesn't interact with the characters. (I didn't really get the point of miguel going to see de la cruise, and he instantly acts very welcoming to a child he has never met. Also, de la cruise has family as well in this version) he gets to the living world he is transported to the talent show and there he shows everyone what happened through the song remember me. when Miguel looks around, he sees his family looking sincere, and when the show ends, he rushes to them, embracing his family as they apologize for how they treated him and understand how much he loves music. After all of that the family business becomes a place where they make guitars and shoes.
congrats you now know how hispanic families are! They dont apologize, they act on impulse, use family as a guilt trip, hold on to grudges and can and have hurt others to defend their reasoning. I guess were just used to it.
@chelseabradham3889 17 күн бұрын
Both Miguel and the family had to learn the importance of each other. The family needed to learn that they needed to value Miguel and each other for who they were and not put such harsh conditions on it (this is a lesson that would be echoed and better executed in Encanto), and Miguel, who envied De La Cruz, needed to learn that family matters more than fans or even music itself ever could. That's something Hector learned the hard way. I suspect that Emelda enforced her own views about Hector and her own way of dealing with the pain of his disappearance and given the way we know Coco felt about her father and music in general, this most likely led to some tension between the two as Coco became a young woman. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to reintroduce music to Elena and Elena was punished by her grandmother for it, probably pretty harshly. The biggest problem is they left too many blanks for readers to fill in. However, I will also say that there is an element to this that you are missing, at least for the living members of the Rivera family. Which is, sometimes all it takes for a toxic family to realize their own toxicity for what it is, is for the person most often hurt by it, to leave. I had a tense relationship with my own parents. When I finally moved out, I didn't just move out of the house, I went more than 1300 miles away. I drew a boundary that I wasn't going to put up with being belittled and screamed at for no reason anymore. By the time I came home 3 years later, they were almost completely different people. 98% of the BS that made me leave in the first place is not happening anymore, because they know that I won't put up with it and if they love me and want me in their lives they need to cut the crap. I'm wondering if something similar happened to the Rivera family.
@SerpentBornOfficial 17 күн бұрын
Why does she hate music if her mother loves music and remembers her father fondly even though he played music and ran away?
@mr.brightside2665 18 күн бұрын
Bro my Dad abandoned us and my mom has no where near the amount of hate they have for Hector
@jacoblipkestudios7621 18 күн бұрын
Bro using the Burgermeister Meisterburger comparison was a total W!